The Wingham Advance Times, 1924-05-01, Page 7• '.;".:a,;;;
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Thillaffaaa,l'illea lailea IIVINGHAM, Al),VAN(aR-TIMEdi
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Jack Miper Vallaryellideor Semite,
Jack Meter, the Klan -rale bird rasa
was the first speaker the, llth Border
Citiee (Windsor) Traophad M cennec-
tion with its "Bird Month" Paogrararne..
Mr. Miter talked M, the bead' .oa the
necessity of couseraing • theirhealth
and energy,so that ;they emelt' be able
to 'Mae their share of the stress of
business in the future, . ;Speakingof
hie birds, he told how he had thous-
' atadsa aterend hhue; all . coming . to
visit Ilan and to be fed.Fitts' busliels
cif .corn each da a are fed to..thests 'visit -
e. one, eaplaiired Mr. Miner:, He 'urged
bead' to prate -et the:bade, and a°
their stare towards ,Censereation ,of
bird life.
invite .Calef Scout to, Belleville.
At the of Mayor Mikel,
the, .l3elleyille Troop .if3 arranging•
to have aapa.trol ot,pielred Stouts hike
from'Belleville to Ottenaa:to present .to
• His Eaeellency, Baron Byes , of Yim.y,
Chief Stout for Cnada an invitation
to attend the. Dnited Empire; Loyalist
• celebration to be held in Belleville
next June.• .•
Leaaue.of Nations and the Scauts.
The •Aeseinialy of the Lag-ue &f Nes
-• tione %recently 'padded the final reading
of the tollawing resolution regardbia
the Boy •Scout and 'Carl Guile
"Consioleaing that the Interioational
Boy Scout and Girl Guide Moyemerits,
which arothota closer relatteneand a
better understanding batvreeti the.
mager generations of all nations, is,
rendering very real and valuable ear-
vicee in the cause of peace;
•Thai it would he desirable to afford
• all passible' aseistanee to the 'Boy
• Scouts 'leternatiOital.-13.1ireate and that
ite registered national Associations
shouldarebeive aid and support . for
their international task; •
"Invites-. the • GOVernments of the'
League to give favorable consideration
• asareaa-rds traeel by waters and pass-• '
port and •cestoms regulations, to the
• ,
question of 'facilities 'which they can
provide ter gratipe of I3oy Scotts and
• Girl Guides belonging to a registered•
national Bey Scouts'As,so'ciati•ort of any
State "Member of the League and tra-
velling trent the territory of
State ,Member." •
TorontoTraining Course Ends. •
The- Toronto Winter Gillwell Train-
ing Course clesed on Mouday evening,
° Apell 1.4th, 'the sPeCial prtigramme be -
witnessed by a large gathering of
esefficers and; friends of Scouting in
"aCaaronto and District. The men at-
tending the course under the Dominion
• aarap Chief, Mr. Rodney C. Wood and
Executive Secretary E. O'Callaghan,
put on a splendid demonstration Of a
• "Parettas Night" progranime, replete'
• with itestruation periods, physical
• training games, sign drills; and mirth-
piavokring games, cal of which were
enjoyed both by the participants and.
the audience.
• At the close of the evening,. Wolf
Cub Senior Sleet Lloyd George at the
66th Toronto Troop, who had acted as
• one of the boy orderlies; ot the course,
presented Dominion Camp' Chief Wood
• with a fine walking stick on behalf of
the men on the course.
Inventor of the Teddy -Bear.
Leipzig has. . many spots that are
venerated for their association, from
Auei•baeli's Keller to the dirty little
• tavern where Schumann sat and wrote
•• desperate begging-lettersi 'and the etna
ductor's seat in the Gewandhairs which
• Nikiscialavers •still regard as sabred
• to an uhdyirig inerma7 4 '
„ • „ „ •
• The diiildren la a whole generation
alight well. pay special tribute to a pic-
ture that'only conies to Leipzig at fair -
time,. whenspecial collections of all
those:animals, that have succeeded the
T,eddy-becir-are. ranged , in parade for
the buyers of shops and bazaars all
over the world to make their sale°.
•• • This is the portrait of .Margarete
Steiff, a simple, elderly 'Garman
' svornan, who was, a dressmaker .In a
'little village, cripple,' fond of her
work and fond of other people's chia
About the year 1888 she. used the
of some thick stuff to make
toy for, seine little neighbor. • This'
was, the drat Teddy -bear: Other chit
dret. wanted something .of the eame
•.kirta„ -rad got thein, and the dr,ess-
, maker's hrotlier saw the possibilities
of bears' and started a house' industry.
They were not "Teddies" until
Presiderit Roosevelt shot grizzlies, and
the, American to importers in 1904
recognized the unlimited peasibilitiere
. • that lay before the first anee brought
as sampies, to Leipzig.
Two thousand people were employed
at the height of 'the Teddy -bear% Pop-
elaritaaa• To-tirte the arm that still
bears the dressinaker's name is recog,
sized as theaaloneer 'of the niost life!
• Ilk's; of all that squeaks and grunts in
the showrooms of the toy industry,
and, even it Germany's bad. tittles can
give work •te a thousand haride.
Tile Reason.
laistrese---"Ho*is it, Bria,g-et, I saw
•you treating Your young man to ma
'cake and pie: last night?"
Soriratit---•13eltase 01 thought ye was
7isly ape, mum,"
•• 444•4444444,40.44:4444441441.
Sleep is more important than toed.
and the choicest of Red Rose e,as is the.
.t4 I
Provincial Elogni•Cif .
Zdideleton will be glad to RIISWer questioneaa Public Health, allala •
• etre through tills -column. Addeeil • Rattails °Radial.
Crescent. Toronto.
• Orglinary Fiore throat is now regaid-
ed by many scientific.. men as a dis-
tinctly infectious disease, and people
catch sore throat fromt other people:
Keeping this in mind, it is well for
those who are nursing a case of sore
throat to wear a faee mesitaor to see
that the-ps,tient wears one. This mask
should be made of atleast five la'yeas
of truttercloth or some other „rather
closely woven, washable fabric. It
should be changed often enough that
the one in nee may always be kept dry,
' The usual arocedtire for disinfection
should be adopted. All clothes, hand-
kerchiefs and towels used by the pa-
tient should at once be sterilized, by,
boiling. All cups plates spoons and
forks usedebaatira sick person should
also be sterilized.
ed to •core In waves. In the stun:met
months tliereWere DO •cages, 'hat an
Outbreak obterrea early ar Oc,telser,
• Thaaa Ware:iaaurtg daacnic'hOtweon,
October PM, and NoVeMber 2ist.
artralliate6;i1Pst`erriteed,u'Ishutitl 'tplieeZiwihester
none Iregi Decesnher 9th Jo JallnarY
t Ord.
wa.s further noticed that what
the nurses • were regrouped and POW
roommates were aseignod, ,ontbroak,
of sore throat oectirred.• The ' study
alus:esplitiobwieed thatwere whaennotgiterdls towb:orciwoemr:,th
'ey shortly developed sore
teh:at,kieis wee eerried the germ of
• These outbreaks were not explained
by any peculiarity of , the Weather,
tenrperature, sunshine or finnildity.
Nor was there a history of exposure
to wet or chilling to explain
• People get 'sore throat through in-
fection with streptococci and usually
in a. very short space 'of time, . The
iefeetion is spread; by. drinichre tram
the same cups, using the same towels,
I coming in contact with carriers; aveh
as results from these. carriers breath-
ing, coughing' or sneeiing in your face.
.There • is one, point to remember;
hoWever,..' 'One' rarely cateltig , the '
ease directly ',:•p-ois'oii. who is
siok. Id l 0116rany contracted by-
etaaing,inte close contacts ,aetally in a
eroerdeola franc .arith'.. *hate Who aro.
acarriO's;" viz.,people:Wife are Well
themselves but who carry'in'tLeir nose
or thibet":#1e,')ciiI4: of .stsiit0000i or
germs' that cause -Ciadinsay• .
For mete 'Oran ti• yeiat,'‘a studyOf
this ubIet w made 'en a • groUP of
Johni• Hopkins University.
It was that' nurses ,,beearne• sick
after ;theseien 'hour:or-more
"crowded nto, closed roc)rns •engaged in
active taiking, laughing and 'cough-
A reniarkableteature of- this ,steda
On nurees'wes that sote; rads seems
Soaking takes the
• , place of rubbing
JUSTby soaking the clothes in the suds
of this new soap,dirt is gently loosened
and dissolved.
Even the dirt that is ground in at neck-
• bands and cuff -edges yields to a light
rubbing with dry Rinso. Not a thread
is weakened: The mild Rinso suds work
• thoroughly through and through the
clothes without injury to a Single fabric.• _
Rinso is made by the makers of llux. For the family
wash it is as wonderful as Lux is for fine things.
All grocers and department stores:sell Rigs°. .
A Condition.- Toilowink -Indtior
Confinement of Winter.
; There are very few people who do
'not need a 'tonic at this season of the
year. e The reason for this i that
whether in the torte; the office or the
factory, , people have been. living
thriaighout the long wintermonthsin
an atmosphere more ar less vitiated,
and as e abalat find themselves notaip
to their sinarnentinielealth. Through
the long, months of Winter your blood
has been- groWing tin- and poor. • Closer.
'confinement end. lack of .exerelee'hav'e.
used it up and exhausted it. You are
not as entagetic. as yet dotild wieli.
Your .work tires you and perhaps your
digestion 'Is none' to 'geed, Tour nerve
mayabeahaky and year appetite
All there things point to poverty of
the 'blood.' 'It is 'is acienifficefaet that
if the blood °Cale strongest is. tested
in the pring there is tear' of it and it
is aocirer* than 'it 'etas in • SeateMbeir.
The spring medicines of ouregrand-
mothera-asalphue and -molaseare; ealta
and the like—recognized; th-e•neeessity•
'for aid at this seaon, but were anlin-
scietififip attempts to cleansretire blood.
Modern Medical science. has found a
better way. Dr..Williama Pink Bill8.
make new, rich bleed' tit the first dose
and at every dose afterwards. Thus
they strengthen every cirgan of the
body arid:gate new vitality to the Jaded
system. Here is proof. • Miss 'Clara
Cheslock, High- Falls, Que., says
was inai much run-down condition and
my bleoawas thin and. poor., I. must
thank you for the .good they did •me.
never enjoyed better health. than I
have since I' took them."
You can get thesepills through- ana
dealer' in.atedicite, or by mail at 60
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont,'
By 'Plane to the Pole. -
The schoolboy who avasPunished by
his teacher for saying that tire, mag-
netic Pole was the North Pole had
Amore imagination than the master
gave him credit for. Once again it is
calling, this time to the adventurous
heart of Captain.Roald A.naundi'en, the
Norwegian explorer, whosbeat Captain
Scott in the race.for the South Pole.
Plats .. for the project (which was
almost turned down 'ix months ago)'
are now la MIL:preparation,.
The most interesting feature Is that
the intrepid expiorer urposes 'to- fly
over the Pole Man aeroplane. He will
drift by ship as far north as possible
and then, begin his flight. It is not
generally remembered that Captain
Amundsen is the explorer who actu-
ally trained polar bears to pull sleighs.
Irish. ,
• "What do youmean by bringing me
an.odd Pair.of boots?" demanded the
enraged master,displaying one black
boot and ate brown.
"Indade, sorr," said the new Irish
" 'tis a quare thing. But the
cpiarest thing is, there's another pair
down below justlike them."
Asa for MInard'e and teen no other.
4•1110.9- =mama
S Or
Equal to the best Cane.
6dCr wn Bra di" "Lily White"
The Standard or Syrup. A White Syrtip like Roney.
• ‘'L.ssies" •
Equal to the best Molasses. •
I 111 iiinnoss
,The ges„toi'ed' PriPer
A sheet of cigarette, paper is
torn to bits and rolled Jana tiny
ball.This is 'breathed, upon 'in the
nuI manner 'cif the Magician and
is unrolled. The torn,pitees have
—seemingly—joined to make .an
unratallated,' sheat or paper. The
spectators inispect that a' duplicate
piece of paper is used. but an ex-
amination of the magician's bands
failsntn,diaeleeethe hiding place of
the bits of paper.
The , cigarette paper is held be-
tween alai fonellager and thumb of
thetrickster's right hand, hiding
tlee "daPaicate piece, rolled into' a
smell • ball. When the bits are
made into a ball, the exchange can
eadita• be elude. The: dualicete
Patrea•.'itsaeld abeweet the thumb
• and second finger tips; or if may
be attdden In the 'crevice' 'at the
base et the forefinger. When the
• duplicate Is about half unrolled, the
magician_ takes the duplicate piece
in his lett hand and moistens his
right fizigertips With his lips. That
, .
givehim an. opportunity to slip
the little wad of paper _into his
• mouth where It remaineltiddene
(P/ip this out and prate a. with
other ol the @erica ln'a scrapbook.)
No other medicine givei as great
satisfaction to mothers as does Baby's
Own Tablets. These' Tibleter. are
eqeally good for theafewborn babe or
the growing child and are absChitely
safe. They cannot possibly dorharmaaa
alwayd good. The Tablets mild
but thorough laxative -which aeghlate
the bowels and teireeten -the atamach
and thus relieve baby of any of the
minor ills of •childhood'such as consti-
pation, indige.stion, colds, -della etc.
Concerning them Mrs. Arthur Fallon,
St. Sylvestre, Que, arrites:—"Baby's.
Own Tablets have beet OVA:id:area
benefit to my baby who was suffering
from constipation and indigeetion. I
always 'keep the Tablets on hand and
would advise all mothers t� do' like-
svaeo' TheTamdsaresoId by di -
eine dealers or by mail at '25 Cent a
box from --The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Broekville, Ont.
Trying Him Out. "
A little boy had just returned from
a painful interview with the minister,
to whom he had said, • in reply to a
question, that there were one hundred
commandments. Meeting another lad
on the way to the minister's he asked:
"An' if he asks ye how m'ony com-
mandments there are, what will ye
."Say?" replied the other boy. "Why,
ten, of
"Ten? YcoureseW"ull try him wi' ten? I
tried him wi' a hundred and ho wasna
Thirty-two years ago the now famous
"SALADA" Tea was placed on the
•market in metal packages. "SALADA"
was the pioneer package tea in Cana-
da: Immediately its superior flavor
end purity ivon for it a great popu-
larity that. has been growing ever
since.' It is still a little different and
a little bettex than ordinary tea.
• The Ma- in Part.
''Are you sure ybu have shown nae
all the principal parts of this car?"
asked the fair prospective purchaser.
"Yes, madam, all the main ones,"
replied the dealer,
"Well, then, where is the deprecia-
tion? Toni told me that was one of
the biggest things about a car,"
It is always safe • to send Dominion
Express Money Orders.
• Covering it Up.
Ethel was sitting on the sofa, with a
friend, On her knee was her little
niece. The door leading to the next
room, which was full of people, was
wide open. The people in the outer
room heard this:
"Kiss me, too, Aunt Ethel."
"Certainly, dear; but don't say
awe; say awieea 'two' is not gram-
!Seep Minaret's Liniment In the house,
• "Your husband is suffering," said
the doctor, "from syncopated heart."
• Much impressed. the pair returned
home and consulted the dictiotary.
When they read: "Syncopated—mov-
ing quickly from bar to bar," their
•already high opinion of the doctor be-
came a matter of awe.
If God bolts the door do not, get
through the window.
Vow gyes
OUR EliTYtotp ts..00eo
astitaiiiade total tail Olailaittlikaraittiat
ar17,77,17Tingrel.y: ,
- the Y2 ib
•always fresh
nets, essensaeleses,,a's
• The Village Pump;
it's feeling rather worried with the
up-to-dateness roused;
It finds it Isnotmoving with the
It Sit& and frowns and Mutters on ,its
little' grasay mound, ,
Out there 'beneath the 'sycamores
and- Ilmes.'
"The way that pedals carry on is fit to
nialcenne juirap;
I'm glad i ant Old-faahioned,".sayi the
• little aillage. amnia. "
They're britaing in the water to the
h6teg6s it the row;
hear they're thinning gas, electric
' • light; ' •
When 1 was young folks ran with pails
ana budkets to and fro-,•
And used a lamp and candle after
, night.
It's all for alterations now and. change
. in one, big lunia;
"I can't abide such neesense," cried
. the little -village pump.
And so frowns and grumbies all the
•-simmer time comes flittinga
And old and youag it -wander up the
For Gran'fer brings his paper there
and Granny brings her knitting, -
While 'lovers help tlie lasses pump
• again. .
And as it watches them it smiles, the
• little village pump;
It whispers to its daisy ehums, a
snowy friendly clump,
"I fear my heart and temper were
affected by the cold; ,
Dear human nature 's just as nice as
in the cloys of old."
Beware of Imitations!
Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on
package or on tablets you are not get-
ting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved
safe by millions and prescribed by
physicians over twenty-three years for
Colde Headache
Toothache Lumbago
Neuritis Rheumatism
Neuralgia Pain, Pain
Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
only. Each unbroken package con-
tains proven directions. Handy boxeS
of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug-
gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100.
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid..
While it is well known that Aspirin
Means Bayer Manufacture, to aseist
the public against imitations, the Tab-
lets of Bayer Company will be stamped
with their general trade mark, the
"Bayer Cross."
Minard's penetrates to the root
of the trouble and eases pain.
The universal remedy.
The Warning,
A stranger who was very deaf en-
tered a little Highland church. He
seated himself In a front pew, and
from a capacious pocket took an ear
trumpet. This he placed upon hie
knee; waiting use for it when the ser-
vice began.
An elder of the kirk who had never
seen an ear trumpet before watched
the stranger with grave suspicion.
When the minister entered, the
deaf man lifted the trumpet from his
knee. Before he could get it any
higher he felt a tap on the shoulder,
and heard the indignant voice of the
elder: "One toot an' ye're oat!"
Microscopic examination of dirt and
dust upon the clothing of suspects is
a new way French police have of de-
tecting crime.
C:kissified Advertisements
carded wool; sample, enough light
comforter; one dollar. Woollen Mills,
Georgetown, Ont.
Miss Eva Roddick
Tells How Cuticura
Healed Eczema
"My trouble began with an itch-
ing and burning of the skin and
then eczema broke
out on my hands in
a sash. It got so try-
ing on -my nerves
that I scratched it,
1 wbich caused watery,
sore eruptions. It
was very painful to
put my hands in
water, and hard for me to do my
work. I also lost tny rest at night
because of the irritation.
"I began using Cuticura Soap and
Ointment and they helped me, and
after using almost two cakes of Cu-
ticura Soap and two boxes of Cuti-
cura Ointment I was completely
healed." (Signed) Miss Eva Rod-,
dick, Falle,igh Lake, Nova Scotia.
Daily use of Cuticura Soap, Oint-
ment and Talcum helps to prevent
skin troubles.
Sample Each Free by Mill. Address Canadian
Depot.: " Ontleara, F. 0. Box 2616, Montreal.'
Price. Soap 25.. ointment Mend 20e. Talcum Mc.
mar- Try our new Shaving Stick.
11 s,
Recommends Lydia E. Prnk
he lea+ Vegetable Compound
to Other Mothers
Hemford, N. I am the mother
of four children and I was so weak after
my last baby came that I could not do,
stny work and suffered for months until
a friend induced me to try Lydia E.
4Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound. Since
taking the Vegetable Compound my
Weakness has left mid and the pain in
rny: back has gone. I tell all my friends
Who axe troubled with female weaknesa
to take Lydia E. Pinkhatas Vegetable
Compound, for I think it is the best,
medicine ever sold. You may a-dvertitte
my letter, "—Mrs. GtonGE I. CaoUS4
Bamford, N. S.
My First Child
Olen Allen, Alabama.— "1 have been
greatly benefited by taking Lydia E.
Pinkharnal Vegetable Compound for
bearing -down feelings and pains. I was
troubled in this way for nearly four
years following the birth of my first
and at times could hardly stand on,
my feet. A neighbor reconueeeded the•
Vegetable Compound to Me efter I had;
taken doctor's meditines without much
benefit. It has relieved my painand
glees me strength. I recommend it and
give you permission to use iny testi-
onta1letter."—mts. Itt& Rs Glen
Allen, Alabama,
Women who eater shotad write to the
Lydia E.Pinkhate Medicine Co,, 0,01)0111f e,
Ontario, for a free eopy of Lydia
?inkhorn's Private Text -look upon
Ailments Peculiar to Women,"
188US, No. 10,-44,