HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-05-01, Page 2yi A J Hl i,i�l�l hl 1. tt • M 77.0.4 1(9e4 W. XNGJ AM A.DVAIi OE TxM? "$ r{ia, 111,i1M..•q• n y-rq »Wrytn e�lvyr"HII •Pq 1• UM Radio 'fans are now accustomed to -glee ordinary disturbances such as diose .ernanatiisg from violet -ray .nsachihes, X-rays and other types of high frc •oueacy apparatus. A rather novel dis- turbance was createdIn St.. Louis ,orae time ago and the cause has just been discovered•:'In one section of the city radio apparatus absolutely refused to work: No cause could be Found for this although a great deal of i.nvestigatiouwas carried on. Wheri etofe excavation was being done re- ticently near an underground high ten - cable the head of a pick was dis- covered and investigation showed that it had been. driven through the insul- ation of the Cable and left there, Af- ter it was removed, it was suddenly found that radio 'sets could again ain be g operated successfully in that district. reports Weather V rts were frequently � e 1.o q Y sent out 'last week from broadcasting stations for the benefit of the balloon- !oi�i<ntr �Jn oek mbe SWINrG o ib 1924 eV INT''. FCATURe SSERvica, I ists who were aloft participating in their animal race, The information generally described ib the weather condi- tions hi the higher altitudes, Our old' friend station WWJ at Spend Your 'orae ":Where It o • The Farthest s Will � '� • We sell the fat of the land at mighty lean,p" rices, The shelves and counters of our 300 stores are filled with quality food- stuffs -but our ` prices are light. Shop at your nearest. DOMINION. STORE and, prove it. Our Own Bakery is equipped to produce the finest bakery products in Canada, Our Cake being particularly delightful, WRAPPED BREAD CHERRY CAKE 29C (full ls/ -Ib:-loaf) _ l�C (worth 50c db.), ib.. 2 for VALENCIA CAKE �CJELfY ROLLS 5CIb. - - - -G4, 2 - _ SOVEREIGN BRAND SALMSOCKEYE 94 ON, 1 -ib, tin SOVEREIGN BRAND SOCKEYE 20 SALMON, §a -Mb. tin SHIRRIFF'S PURE' . ORANGE MARMALADEna C 4 -Ib, tin - _ SHTRRIFF'S PURE ORANGE MARMALADE 4)7. 1-1b. jar - 8 WALRUS BRAND COHOE SALMON, 2SC aa -lb. tin,' 2 for :- - CROSSED FISH SARDINES (in olive oil or 37C tomato sauce), 2 for SHIRRIFF'S JELLY POWDERS (All flavors), 3 pkts. GUI; RASPBERRY or STRAWBERRY r� JAM, 4 -ib. Glass Jar t 9C. 15-0z. SEEDED and SEEDLESS 29C RAISINS, 2 pkts. FRESH MILLED ROLLED OATSto 6 lbs. - -. TOY PAIL PEANUT BUTTER 25c EVAPORATED APRICOTS (small, G5C but meaty), 2. lbs. -25c WATER GLASS 14c PURE QUEBEC MAPLE SYRUP No. 10 tin - L.99 MAPLE SUGAR Cake - MACHINE -SLICED BACON, lb. RICHMELLO. TEA, lb. - - _10c _29c 79c The following items are your Spring SOAP CHIPS 2a�C 2 for - MOP STICKS each - _2c GOOD, STRONG re. C BROOMS, 4 -string CLOOTHES LINES C particularly appropriate for Housecleaning. GRIP -.RITE CLOTHES PINS i C Pkt. - - - _ ALL LAUNDRY SOAPS -C 10 bars - LUX (For fine laundering), WE SELL 4 � i �� SA TJ, FY ibt5; ll Detroit is now on the air with a brand new transmitter, The station was closed down for two days while the change was made, The new ma- chine isthe very latestand there are only five others like it now in opera- tion. Station WWJ was the first ra- dio broadcasting station inthe world, to be installed and operated ' by a newspaper. The old station was ,op- erated over. 3000 hours and'4, during that time 6o large vacuum tubes were used up and replaced: ,Station KDKA--326 Meters Westinghouse Electric Pittsburgh, Pa. Wednesday, 'April' 3o 5.3o p• in. -Dinner concert by the Pittsburgh Athletic Association Or- chestra, Gregorio Scalzo,,director. , p. m. - :Baseball 'scores; concert continued. 6.3o p. m: -`'The Gingerbread Man will play a Prank." 6.45 p, m, -Feature. 7 p . m. -Baseball scores. 7.o5 p. m. -One act play presented by the, Dramatic League of Pitts- burgh. 7,30 p. m, -Feature and 7.40 P. m, -National Stockman Farmer market reports,. 8 p..m.-Concert arranged by the K. of C. P to m.Arling ton time signals. Wee- Cher forecast. Thursday, Thursday, May xst 5.30 p, m.--a-Dinner concert by the KDKA Little Symphony Orchestra, Victor Saudek, conductor. 6 p, in. -Baseball scores. 6.30 p. m. -Program arranged by the National Stockman and Farmer, i i mcludi.ng the market reports. 1 8 p. m. -Concert arranged by ) Chauncey Parsons through the court- esy of the Rosenbaum Company. to p, m. -Arlington time signals. Weather forecast. Baseball scores. 10.39 p. m: -Special concert. Friday, May 2 5.3o p. m. -Organ recital by Paul Fleeger, from the Cameo Motion Pic- ture Theatre, Pittsburgh, Pa, 6 p. in. -"The- Queen of Hearts, she baked some Tarts." 6.45 p. m -News' bulletins. 7 p. m. -Baseball scores. 7.05 p. m. -Radio Boy Scout meet- ing. 7.40 p. m. -National Stockman and Farmer market reports. 8 la m. -Special features. io p. in. -Arlington time' signals Helen CaaPbell, LadY Parchester,. Tyler; ler; : Miss Wyatt, Lola J Y, Sommers • Lady Lucy Dorenham, Es - g telle, Rogers; Lady Alethea Frobisher, Rosaline Greene, Time: The present, Act 1 -An anteroom to •a ballroom. Instrumental selection, "Tres Jolie," orchestra. ' • Act TI -A drawing room: Instru- mental selection, "Parisien Boulevard" orchestra, Act III -A' library. Instrumental. selection, "Muna,n'1ere Dance;" orches- tra. Act IV -A ,drawing room, Instru- mental selection, "Under Southern Slues, orchestra, Friday; May .212:1 5.30 p. m. -Children's programa 7.35 P• in. -Health , It talk New York' state. department of health. 7.40 P. m. -Baseball results.. 7:45 P. m. -Musical prograrn. Piano solos,' (a) "Dance Caprice," (b). Spring Dance,' 011ie. G. Yettru. So- prano solos, o-prano"solos, by Florence Palmer, Vio- lin solo, "Larghetto," Mrs:, Peter Sch- midt, 011ie G. Yettru, accompanist: Tenor solos (in German), (a) "In Grolle Nicht," (b) "Mai Nacht," (c) "Du' hist wie eine Blume, Walter Reales Violin Solo, "Clair de Lune" Mrs. Peter Schmidt Soprano solo,. by Florence Palmer, Violin solo, "Pa- vane," Mrs. Peter Schmidt. Soprano solo, by Florence Palmer. Violin solo "Chansona d'Arrnour," Mrs. Peter Schmidt; piano solo, "Sposalizio, Ol- lie G. Yettru_ (Late Program) 10.30 p. m. -Musical program. Piano solo, "Clair de Lune," 011ie. G. Yettu. Contralto solo;, "Berceuse," Theresia Balberich. Talk, "First Care of Baby Chicks," United States de- partment of agriculture. Instrumental selection, "Serenade, WGY Orches- tra Contralto solo ,"Danny Boy," The resia Berberich. Instrumentaal selec- tion," "Fireside Tales," orchestra. Pi- ano solo, iano'solo, "Romance," 011ie G. Y-ettru. Contralto solo, "A Little Bit o' ,Bon ey," Theresia Berberich. Instrumental' selection, '`Novelette," orchestra. Con- tralto solo, "My' Ain Folk," Theresia Berberich. Instrumental selection, "Romany Nights,'' orchestra. Saturday, May 3rd. 9.3o p. m• -Dance music by Ro- mano's Orchestra, New Kenmore Ho- tel, Albany, N. Y. Station KYW-536 Meters • Westinghouse Electric Chicago, Til Weather forcast. Baseball scores. Thursday, May xst. Saturday, May 3 11 8 to 8,30 p. m. -Dinner concert 5.3o P. m. -Dinner concert by the broadcast from the Congress Hotel, Chicago. 8 to 8.io-Joska DeBabary's or- chestra playing in the Louis XVI room. 8.10 to 8.2o Paul" Wahiteman's Cele Collegians, under the personal direc- tion of A. Vincent, Gauthier, playing in the Pompeiian room. 8.20 to 8.3o-Joslca DeBabary,s or- chestra playing in the Louis XVI room 8.35 to 8.45 p. m. -Sport talk furn- ished by Leo Fisher of the Chicago "Evening American" staff. 8.45 to 8.55 p. m. -Talk on "Fi- nance and Markets," by Mr, T. Hava- na, evne, who writes for the Chicago "Ev- ening ,American" under the name of ! Argus.- 9 to 9.20 p. m: "Twenty Minutes of Good Reading," by Rev. C. J. Pernin, S. J. head of department' of English, Loyola University, Chicago, 9.20 to 9.5o p. m. -Edison Symphony. Orchestra concert at Orchestra hall, Morgan L. Eastman, conductor. x, "Swedish. Coronation March" Sven- dsen; 2,"Humoreske" Dvorak; 3, Vocal slist to be announced; 4, "Ro- bespierre" •Overture. 9.50 to , 50.20 p..m,-From Edison ° Becussi; Pilgrim chorus from "Tann- studio, Sandy Meeks; Harry Carl hatrser," Wagner; clarinet solo, Third Geske, pianist; (a) "Fantasia No. i". Varie,' Thornton; excerpts from Car- Mozart; (b) "Hungarian Na. ll." Mc- !men c- inen;` Biset; an Oriental scene, "The Dowell Harry Cat -.l Geske; (a) "Loci Westinghouse Band, T. J. Vastine, conductor. Program: Selections by the band: March "The Man Among Men," Filmore; "A Shriner's.Frolic,' "The Skibberceu Sheik"; Traany; Ro- mance, "Day Dreams," . Rollinson; Cornet Duett "Call of the Sea,' Smith, Excerpts from Princess of In- dia," King; "Awakening of Spring," Bach; Overture, "Poet and Peasant," Suppe; Waltz "Queen -of the Flowers" 'Holmes; The Brownies Ballet,", Cos- by; Spanish Patarol; " Lspagoie," Des- pages. 6 p. m..1 -Baseball scores: Concert continued. 6.3o p. m. ---"The Knave of Hearts, iHe Stole Some Tarts." 6.45 P. m. -"Last Minute Helps to `Teachers of Adult and Secondary Classes," by Carman Carver Johnson, ' teacher of the Men's Bible class, of i the United Brethren Church, Wilkins - burg. When Painting choose Scarfe's -not only beautifies but safeguards your home from wear and weather. Scale Sc Co., Limited Head ()face and r'aetery '. l3ruatford, opt. Mai 7 p, m. -Baseball Scores. 8 p. m.-Concertby the Westing- house Band, '1'. J. Vastine, conductor, and assisting soloist, Ernest C. Shultz baritone, , Program -Selections by the band:. Overture, "Morning, Moon and Night'' Suppe, waltz, "Tesoro Mio," brated Collegians, tinder" the personal Vincent Gauthier, , Play - in in'the Pom eiiai7 room. gP • 8.20 to $.3o-Joslca DeBabary's or- chestra chestra playing in the Louis XVI room. m. -Musical program: 'to 8 P. i p g 9 9S Anne Meek, soprano; J. S. leck,, ac- companist; Isadore T. Mishkin, bari- tone; ari tone; Sallie Menkes, accompanist; Ari- ing Shaeffer, banjo; Kathryn Gordon, pianist, t, (a) .Soprano solos, selected Anne Meek; 2, (b) "Southern Pas- time Shaeffer; (b), "On to. Victory" Ayling Shaeffer; 3, (a). "It is Enough From Elijah" Mendelssohn;: (b,) "Ser- enade" Schubert, Isadore T, Mishkin; 4, "Valse Brilliante Chopin, Kathryn Gordon; 5, Soprano , solos, selected, Anne Meck; 6, (a) "Old Black Joe" (with variations)' Shaeffer; (b) Guitar solo; selecter, Arling Shaeffer; 7, (a) "Di Provenza Il Mar," from "Il Tra- viata" Verdi; (b) Toreadore song weeks' contest for personal cleanliness from "Carmen" Bizet, Isadore T. A boy and, a girl won the prizes. That; Mishkin; 8; (a,) "Shepherds Hey" little boy will surely, never pollute Grainger; (b) "Liebestraum" Liszt. his fingers with the foul marks -of 10.05 p.m. -Program will be an- nicotine from the use of cigarettes as nounced by radiophone. so many boys are doing these days. - The boys, and girls too, in some'cas- es who keep WAWANOSH their hands perfectly Mr.. and . Mrs.John Campbell and 'clean are well worthy of commenda - : p M r, and j41rs, Norman Brandon- and HTS APOLOGY Mrs, Bran- Oat, one Of the. Highland pass family of St. Marys, . also M s, ,the ,sailor in',charge"of 'k e . steamerss � don- incl. Miss Hazel'Brandon of ea , assen • luggage was.'; having °a hod Wughaiiz spent Sunday with.Mr, and passengers'. g Mrs. Wilfred Reid. time. One eld;" lady especially so a ' • . Mr. and Mrs. Elrsha Walker and needlessly .woi•ried thesernari that at i n exasperation +:he • gave,her a d the* funeral of Mis. length a P 'Searle s to'' to erieho, WesleySearle of Blyth on Thursday.'" cordial invitation go7, `Born -To Mr. and Mrs, JaiJam- The indignant gold dap e stalked to James J ieson on Friday April.25, a daughter. Miss McLaughlin of Norval return- ed to her school on Saturday. Mr.. Joe Thompson of Detroit is spending his holidays with relatives ile these parts. the captain and breathed. forth threats about headquarters knowing. ancl'so on. The captain, advised the saitor, for his' own good, to apolo- gize, After some: - per'suasio17 the 'Highlander sidled up.' to the aggriev- ed.passenger, and, looking "sheepish- Keep Them Clean ly;at her, said in his imperfect Eng - • Ex -Mayor Malcolm . of Listowel V,„.Are you the old lady .that was told, gave a wrist watch as a prize to -each to go to Jericho... of the two pupils in the senior' sec-) `Yes,' she replied. ': ,.., and class of'the town, public schoo1. "Well," witha gulp, "the . _ , who were the winners in an eight- says, you needn't." daughter of Aylmer spent the holi- tion: It's enough to turn a clean per - days with his parents Mr. and . Mrs, son's stoina¢h to look at the filthy Chas. Campbell. yellow fingers BLUEVALE' captain The annual meeting of the Bluevale branch of the Women's Institute: will be held on Thursday afternoon, May 15th., at the home of Mrs. C. H. niss. .The change of date from •tie` 8th., should be noted by members. The annual election of, officers will take place. Trout Season ll of manya boy and The open season for speckled trout young main these days. Let's start a does not open until May x5th this campaign for clean hands in Wing- year, whereas it has been May rata' ham. It closes on Sept. 15thas usual. Mr. Joe Chamney visited, for a few days last week with friends in' Toron- to. Dance of Bagdad," Langloy; serenade, :"An Autumn Romance,' King; cornet solo, '`Like a Flower so Fair," Wat- son; entre act, "Idle ,Moments," Roll - 50n.. IC) p, in, -Arlington time signals, , Weather forecast. Baseball scores. Station WGY-•--380 Meters lseneral Electric Co: Schenectady, N. Y. Thursday, May xst. 5 li, In. -Produce and stock market quotations; news bulletins; "' baseball results. 5.3o p. tn.--Dinner.` music by Ro- nieno's Orchestra, New Keninore Ho- playing in the Poinpitan -room. tel, Albatiy, N. Y. 8.20 to 7.3o--Joslca DeBabary's" or - 7 40 p, m, -Baseball results. ehestra playing in the Louis XVI don Bridge" Robinson; (b) Your Garden of My Heart" Verdi, Sandy. Meeks; (a) "Capriccisso" Schutt; (b) "En .AutOinrne" Ivioszkowski, Harry" Carl 'Geske; (a) "Somehow I Know Shaffer; (b) "Let Me Call Yon Sweet- heart" Friedmann, Sandy Meeks. Fridaay, Maay arid. 7 tb 7.30 p, in. -Dinner concert broadcast from the Congress Hotel, Chicago. 8 to 8.to-Joska' Debabary's orches- tra playing in the Louis XVI room. 8.10 to 7yzo-Paul Whitetnan's Cele- brated Collegians, under the personal direction of A. Vincent Gauthier, 7.45 p, sir. -Radio ' drama, "The Walls of Jericho," by Alfred Stone, presented by WGY Players, "A Few Motnettts with New Books," William rncobs librarian of the General room, ' 9.2o to 9.45 p. "m. -Program furnish- ed by the American Farm Bureau Federation, m. to 3.3o a. m. -Midnight re - 1♦ 1 e c t r i c ' C o iii p a ny. Instru , vue.' This is a Chicago "Evening; mental selection, "The Marine Band," American" Westinghouse feature, and> W. G. Y. Orchestra; Drama "The is broadcast from KYW's studio in Walls of Jericho," by Alfred Sutro. the Hearst building. Program will be The. cast -Jack Probisher, Edward H. announced by radiophone. saturt'la"y, May 3rd" Smith; Hankey Bannister, Frank Oh. ver; The Marquis of Stevenson, Mau- rice G. Randall; Lord Drayton, John • Loftus; Harry Dallas Edward E. St Louis: 'Bertram Hanlnaord, Charles S ' Battmes; The Hon.' � tilfritl, Prrritoit,, reroute" Love.rihciin; Lady 'VJesterby,' 8 to 8.30 p. rn..--Dinner concert broadcast from the 'Congress Hotel, Chicago. S ro 8.to -Joska DeBabttry's orelics. tra playing in the Louis XVI rooma 8.110 to 13,20--,ratil fhiternan's Cele oreie#g iiranb Qliuttic. Look for the label in the inside pocket MADE •IN ,CANADA art tvvo button suits atasa.,, youngmen � l_ You young men know what you want. Many of you wouldn't wear anything but a two - button coat But you want the best -that's why we offer Society Brand.` They are always correctly cut. ,'There's nothing finer to be had.. In a variety of choice all.- wool British and Domestic fabrics -powder blues, .greys, stripes, plaids. Prices from $30 to $40 Salt's Majestic Serge,' a rich and becoming 'blue, is particularly favoured by the well- dressed man. Tailored by Society Brand and sold here exclusively, `Unusual value at $42..50 ANNA & CO., L- Wingham Ontario