The Wingham Advance Times, 1924-04-24, Page 4A1:hhYiIE
Punlolled at
Wingharn, Ontario'
• £very, Thursda;r iViorntn0
'A. O. SMXTI'1,'Editor and 1?roprieto1.
H• B. Elliott, Associate Editor
6ubeeriptiof ratea4: -,-. OneYear.
WO; i311tiionthi, 41»Qti iu adwanCe•
AdYertising Fater ou appiUPatlan. ` :
Adv¢rtieeinenta without apeciffa d$«
fractious will be inserted until forint),
sad cpargeai accordingly.
Changes or contract advertise..
c enta be in Bee office by noon. P .on.
Wellington Mutt1al Firs
Insurance Co.
14' tabiisiled 1840
Head -Office, .Guelph
Risks takenon all classesof meat-
once at reasonable rates.
Office In Chisholm Block
366 Phone 198'
iQA R. .Eou ht and.
�lflctury. arid: Other-- Bonds, t1
"Office -Mayor Block, Wtngharo
fiio4tey to Loan at Lowest Pani.
Wingham Ontario
DRs G. 11a ROSS:
Graduate Roya' Dailey* of Dental
Graduate University or Toronto
Faculty of Dentistry
Special attention paid to diseases of
Women and Children, having taken
pc �tgraduate work In Surgery, Bac-
teriology and Scientific Medicine.
Office:: in •the •Kerr Residence, between
the Queen's Hotel n;:d the Baptist
Ali business given careful attention.
• Phone. 54. ' P.O. Box. 113
bt. C. R
Dr. o
M.R.C.S. (Eng).
(Dr., Chisholm's old stand)
The most delicious blend procurable.
PIS ;ha 4' �NN'�"i'iswN� ytwa+
:en hearts Co nma�
"When 'Warta coin}nand,
Prone mindg. the ,fa9est eottnaetlings d part."
dead in lila tracks and *tared at her,
aitrlitly:< f eeziate& . Ho jabbed
:4411eely 'at hes insocure eye-glassos,
- shook off Arden lie's hund-
14Irs Egan came` on down the steps
to the terrace, but, midway she halted
, suddenly, and a queer a spirersion fir t-
ted,aeross her• face: Was it fear?
"fire we going, to Meet mwnee r"
Alice inquired':• The sight of Mrs.
„Egan always filled her . with instinC
tine distract. She wanted to get away.
"Wait a minute" said Hugo. "I
know that lady, uniesa I'm very much
"Ii don't think so," the doctor put in
,uneasily. "Come; let's go. You mastn t
CHAPTER XV.—(Cont'd,) deyne's profession he had learned' to stare like that. It's not nice."
i" you'rewise for be very much on his guard. Over puch, The quietly stern note oaf authority
If quite sure it's as`he Ardeyneepower 's s win un -
you to go out Alice repeated which men wasaslike great as thhatld ofa fife or plesmoteasantupsenseonHofugothe fearamiliarth, aHe al
dubiously. : "What does' the dodtor death. Indeed, Ardeyne-or his kind most obeyed it, Then he straightened'
sa —could and did sentence one to a. himself up and .shook off the hand
living death; l again. •
"This is my Uncle John," :Alice said. "Leave me. alone," he exclaimed
"And this is Philip Ardeyne, Uncle i peevishly. "I daresay I may speak to
John—the Mian I'm 'going' to marry" alady if I have once had the pleasure
- ��N, � . � thought I was frc,.. is y Hugoy ':acknowledged the q
•, solemn) of her acquaintance. How do you do,
introduction and the two men shook Mrs• Egan. Perhaps you don't re -
hands. member me?"
"I haven't seen him for two days,"
Htaeo `replied with a touch of annoy-
ance. "And do I have to, aslc per-
mission? Or is this an asylum?,, I
'in door lock-
ed?, In my' hospital we didn't' have,
lady nurses—' •
"Oh, please don't think---"
"No, my dear; •it's .a11 right. 'Your
"I'm"sorry to hear ,you've been ill," (To be continuedi)'
Ardeyne said. a ter now,
poor old fa your p Oh th k Much better
has hada hard timeof it lately
poor old Uncle Jahn „"Better I hope?"
' . 'YOU Yee, an :,you.• .
, My niece and L are going down to 'STARCHING HLNTS.
mast forgive him .if :hes peevish.' choose mea new hat
•f prevention is worth a
"ma I. come along. the doetor
An ounce o
back d The wood is produced There was a doctor I h d t pound of cure when it co
my oor. t at That Place—
comes to the
I d earl' in the wood Cross, leis name was—decent enough, asked matter of sticking to irons Put a
The cleansing season for the y
house has come. hem ,and '.: ; sudden , pi imness His. manne it . dissolve
as Well as for the di a ail of potatoes, wash t don't bepeevish or there ll be no an pie rat ' talon
e to have i ,
in some form should be g P theyreceive , n . only be likened to that. of a .her s sticky irons .will no, longer try
Greens s bring them . in..; Then tart for, you at.dmner. And then I d Pau ht child. confronted by a nurse- and°t y g
once a day; better. tons with, g Y Otheri]
eaten at least P portion
hten u Not.worth it to lose onesgarments.
• ents
their•PaY; I usually wear a. g p,
as a ..,maid or other guardian whom he .both yon patience andsoil your arm
twice—cooked for droner and keep a, number of of apple, tart. So if you no-, +� u1 be Save the• water •from boiling rice
.pockets• in which' 1 k p ,•Pli .:res, sets and: fears, •That. wank! d ,• ; , .,
Occa- p
n or supper. tics are ehavi grouty, ust. nae me ,, d:•m d flit ,aticies of
salad for luncheo PP 11 slips of paper money.; b Here Y, .I g ver. kmd :of . our .he murmurs and use it to starch a y
d Mals P P P..-.• o `e• .y Y ,,
maybe adds "and a .nudge aril 'sa : Uncle • John.-, no t th
sronally cooked.spmach W e•are ver .:busy -farmers, b Y, ,,, •reply to Arde nes question, fine, sheer texture, It. gives Jua e
Y ,.
n Ill -
ed u e ee ash,
A d,
m on t ut
c ea then b v les b
1 .d o "need f '
to the morning omelet, or r .from:the trine our •"childTen:ware,amal Y P ,., . Alice was on .pins and
' `ma' be served.• ... right degree o stiffness to 'voiles -an
us e). ers and com- straighten nrp in two deka. Come ori, l she :worried, unnecessarily. Hugo said :or andies which -arm so .often. spoiled.
asparag Y tots we have .made.., ., „ , r 'll •. roud-L It sen
the; e 8 ,
my. deo , I be P . thin that was in e the richest to nothinf3,: did no _ g
Sp;Hach and carrots ate anions of them We have tried in thelaundry-process bybecoming
P an out-withuah :a chaining dangh, .. His szlerice
1 d g least out of the way II
d at once, a Basket •
box; andy . I, should sa Now John Balis r c ul'
an pie n Y chap. He used to say: 'Naw, Smarle' her uncles
the hurry. off to the garden, P Y — I ,Alice was surprised' at ' small
piece of paraffin into the starch,.
tirll !, 1024.
.� ter eve
A p1eafeisiitt:
alt a*file:
benelII as
Good *or
teethe •broad)
etnel a»tQei�tRlon.
ne*zt• c"9 ar
-taste better.
.: The King's Waste -Paper
Graduate a Lnivirsity of Toronto.
Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate o': the
Ontario, College of Physicians and
Office. Entrance:
D et. C
Dr. �Iar �r
Genstar Practitioner
Graduate University .of Toronto►'
Faculty Of Medicine. •
Office—Josephine 'St., two:door south
of Brunswick Hotel.
'Telephones= -Office 281. Residence 151
Osteophatic Physician
of adl: vegetables in iron; though' •_an -„make them feel that they are business
• • ter. • : seemed ,unnatural.: He answered nicely: too stiff.—A. C. H.
beets and most n. •: f-tho: „
other vegetables
les Bots, artn- and, on active Part o 'Daughter? Alice exclaimed, half :t.
P n l , . when spoken' to, but rarely advanced'
other vegetables ;contain limited quan-eat or anization called "home.: We amused, half dismayed. 'rk of his rows and .never . once
fir g rima s:, .. - .....
titles' of it make their. work attractive, and.en- "Niece, I should say. Dear me, of did he forget that he was Uncle John'
and onions arebelieve—for niece,not m they of Jean Cama .
Cabbage, cauliflower coura a them to make course—you re Amy Y , Baliss,” the bro Y
rich in sill fiat 'and .phosphorus, and g do love to :act a part. daughter: Don't tell your mother• I
k children P .
Privately, Alice was 'also worrying
salts but said that. She'd be ,awful cross. Why, a great deal about, her mother, but did
o supplies off-aline�
not only P e ahem o
asparagusy P 'I scarcely ever s nd
the kidne`s. together and 'lay John Balms,never was, married. Hew i 'the subject f`
Y to play, we work ,togs 'play
Supply: some of the 'needed protein g th' Il t • 'd f' 1 'them to could he be, poor fellow? He died
when he was ten years old. But don't
Nifnerd's Liniment Heals Cuts.
This . Resurrection rre ion ofthe o
Son of
Man and the Son of God—Christ our
brother—is the sublime proof of the
Immortality of Man.
In H.M. Stationery Office at Prince's
Street, "Westminster, is a certain
strong -room, to which only a few high
officials . have . access Iti is commonly
known as 'the.' King's'; Waste -paper
,Basket:; • r
-Her are'stored in eealed sacks,
each marked `aAbspiutely. Clolifadentiai,"'
all sorts of discarded State documents
to': which extia'secrec attaches.
w Y s
Every year about this time the
"paper, basket" is emptied, the sack's
being taken, with, th•e, seals stiil in
tact. to a destructor, into which
0 o . they
e n
are, dumped one by one by an official,
not like brie' u su pec or ; • •• - • �
g P, All good men love right
fear of sfarting.Uncle John off on his • g gh self...'
toe er. ns ea . o caving
in other forms besides meat and your di'" in the sand ale, I;take them to trail of raiibling and somewhat! can
e: The dro the. at.:either.'dalousreminiscence Finally, after :the
g Ptell °your mother ; I said' that. family will, feel far more comfortable the garden with hi. •.y P She s so touchy about little things.'1 hat was purchased and they"had' re-
-arid much more like working. ' Do not, b" ns d t t "f d d hat h' hotel found that
however, construe this to mean that
meat' must be totally eliminated front
the diet; but:1'et it appear in . the
lighter forms now. Spiced meats are
seldom seen on our tables, yet they are
pre-eminently . warm ••weather dishes.
Their , there are appetizing meat
But the salads which contain the
meat elements should appear most fre-
quently; they will, lighten the work
of the cook •as well as the stomach. work and look at thein. Then we each still delicate. She began to.feel sorry +early—long before I was up.
Cheese may be, served as' a meat sub -composed a story and told about those for him and annoyed with. herself for Hugo was staring •vacantly towards
stitute; a plentiful •supply of it grated pictures. Even the youngest child disliking him. Poor, •fussy, foolish' the mountains. Perhaps in imaging-
little man. tion he was on Monte Nero.
gid .added. ta. French salasi a villi learned to describe the•. most ,minutesal He trotted alongbeside her, grasp : "She's gone to Hector Gaunt," he
ave an ordinary lettuce salad a suffi- object, and I tried to' have him use ..
g Y� i
Me at her arm no`w and again - to said slowly. "Like in the old '-days
cient quantity of the protein' elements good English. Those pictures remain -I steady himself, 'until she took, him poor Jean, poor Jean!" Then.
for this season. . ed' on the wall all spring and summer, firmly by the elbow. His movements he pulled' himself together smartly.
A most complete salad may be made and when the oldest one started' to were as. uncertain as those of, a me -",I, beg your pardon, what were • we.
by ,poaching eggs until they are hard,school this year . the teacher marveled chanical doll. talking about? Let's walk a little way
trimming and arranging them in •.at the ,way' he could handle' his words.' aWe 'shall • have great adventures, along the. Lower Corniehe. Perhaps
nests of lettuce leaves; dotting' over;''Don't :mind , if;;I sometimes ` cab,: you
the whole asurrounding
of mayors -; ---
my daughter, but VII be very careful CHAPTER XVI.
naise .and surrounding with beet L ?+ fr . ', not to 'when your, mother's ' about.: I
pickle. "' �^' l never had a daughter. She But before. Hugo's suggestion' that
�y proper dau aSan, Remo
r ' :: `was another man's child , Blit' hush- .'. hey should walk towards
the regular shine when fruit nowis tio 86 1 ixi., the hope of meeting'` Mrs. Camay
regular diet.Rhubarb is to not a word: of that, not a':word! could be put into action- a curious im-
be had in Most places very early. Try
it in omelets, salads, fritters, dump-
lings,. puddings, shortcakes acid bet-
Pineapples have splendid tonic pro-
perties.: When mayonnaise: is used, on.
this or: any other fruit salad,'leave
out the mustard '• and use lemon 'in
stead of vinegar"; omit the::; pepper and
add a little sugar: I have found it
best never to use' a boiled dressing
with a fruit salad, as the milk and
vinegar do not'form _a healthful. com-
bination with the acids in the fruits.
If you have no tendency to rheu-
matism. eat all the strawberries .you
can as soon as they come into the
markets, for their acids and 'salts
carry to the body fresh vitality.
Eat little or no pastry. Replace the
a little P rY P
winter pie with , simple puddings.
Though hot breads have a certain
place in the winter diet,; they should A
be laid aside now,•
ea , corn, an pq a oes or me, an believe we're quite ready. Oh, my turnedto the' andla
thus learn to:count. ' I eyes, here's my hat. Now shall we Mrs. Camay was not •yet back, her
Last spring was wet and rainy, go . down into the town; and select a anxiety' got the better of her.
and we were at our wits' end for en-' new hat for me? This one's rather old.) I do wish I knew where mother
tertainment. I had 'a pile of old I've had it for about 'sixteen years. is," she said, trying to speak for Ai -
magazines with fancy covers. The What do you, think of that? The only deyne's benefit alone. -
children cut the covers off, I made' hat• I've got, too. Hugo dashed a hand at his eye
them some flour paste, and we paper- one," Alice agreed. • g Has .rid^ settled them: e outitarily:
Perha s it' is time to get a new I lasses a
• your mother gone some-
ed one side of the:kitchen wall. It was: plain enough •to, her now; that where?" the' doctor asked. This per -
We put them : on a nice: light side) poor Uncle John was not quite right haps explained how Hugo Sinarle hap
over the kitchen, table, where:I could in his head. Of `course, he'd had an pened to be at'large.
wash dishes and do lots of my other; illness and one could see that,he was I "Yes;. she must have started ever so
UR. • A. PAR
Alf Diseases Treated.
Office adjoining -residence next
SAnglican Church. on Centre Street.
Open .every day except Monday and
Wednesday afternoons.
Osteopathy . - -Electricity
Phone 272
Fully:Qualifled Graduate,.
;Drugless Practice being in absolute
accord with the Laws of Nature gives
the ;:very best result that may he ob-
tained in any case.
burr —10 - 12 afn.,g2 - 5and 7 - 8 p.m,
'Phone 191.
you and I," lie chattered brightly we'Il meet her."
R. D. H. licINNES
Qualified Graduate
Adjustments given for • diseases of
all kinds, speCialiae in dealing • v itb
children, Lady attendant. Night earn
responded to.
Office on Scott SL, Wingham, Ont.:
tin ls.buee of the late Jas' Walker
Phone 1550; •
tlimes, Office: 106:
Residence: 224.
alotar F./gulag/eat
WI?1GHA.1V3 OI TA.lt7i1
Ha! I believe I know where your mo-
ther's happened. caught gone. She's gone up to see c'• pp p
Hector Gaunt. That's it. A .fine fel-deyne and, more particularly, Alice
low; Gaimt—but mad.`.Mad as a hat 'unawares.
ter. Ahvays was. What do you think Carrie Egan strolled out of the ho -
he did once? Married a ' 'irl when' awe .tel, short -skirted, sleeveless,; bare-
headed, smoking a cigarette, in an ab -
a wasn'tmadness.I don't '' h t surdly long holder. Her coffee -colored
frock composed y, ,
cnow w a _. chiefl as it •seemed
you'd call It. They, should' have put .'
» of tiers„ of silk fringe; very nearly
him in That Place --not me. her brown skin: A scarlet
. ,. ?„ •matched :
unt . lice
w Mr. Ga ,A
Did you kno ribbon was. tied . around her, head, and
asked. (What was the'.abserd; little fastened on the' top with all• eccentric
mail trying to tell: her?) tial bow. She looked like a stage_pica
Know hitn?. We did •a voyage ar' ninny or •psuedo-Hawaiian Maiden
gether once. I was always one for A"rdeyne's hart sank into his'; boots
adventure. Ask your .=another. •• Ro-
mance and he , ..thin Iiiigo Smarle's'
and adventure Yes, yes, -those attention' from` the starling ,appari-
were wonderful .days. ; Oh, neither of
us knew your mother then: I'd''have Ilan, but it was a little he
:' stopped had • seen. Mrs.' Egan, ` and he stopped
done anytlimg forgood old Gaunt.'In=
could not have maintained Ic is a pure and
its unchallenged position. in wholesome sweet
—delicious and
Canadian '1%omes if ii were economical.
not the best. The best is not
too good for your table. - At all dealers—
in 2-5-10 and
Ask for' Crown Brand. 20 Ib. tins.
deed, I did do one thing for 'him"that,;.
he's not likely to forget—or"your
mother,;' either. But you must stop
me talking. I talk too. much, doh't I?"
How to stop him? Alice: attached no
serious meaning to his babble, but she
SMART MIDDY .DRESS WITH becaarie more and more, uneasy. Her.
COLLAR AND TIE IN ONE, is name and ,Hector Grunt's
Grown people should drink at least) mother's m
( ran gave her an'
two quarts of water' a� day,-.:hildren •4686.. Plaided,g>ngham is here com- constant}.y, . reaux g
n their earlyteens three • pints, and bined with white. Indian Head. This eavesdropping aeasat on.', She had al-
i P ,
smaller ones in - ro' ortio . is'a good model for wool repp, and for ways felt;$the,,,presence, of mystery in
the P P n her mothers life—in lier'own ife. too
serge,:also for linen and pongee. —and Uncle: John, was, stirring things,
The Pattern is cut iii 4... Sizes.:, 6, 8, . too Well. , i
PUT THE OIL. CAN. TO WORK. 10 and 12 :years. • A,10, -;year size re-' up .`: ou ever know my Earlier?"
Don't insultyour sewing -machine quires 3' yards of 36 -inch material.' Didy .
q she asked, as they emerged :from the
oil can by using it only on the rare To make as illustrated requires' 13 net - - ' • . '
s when the :machine itselfof plain material ;find 21/a of ' The question had no. ulterior motive i
occas on yards 1 ' •' oY%'tile: sub-. �
Heeds its lubricating attention. I plaid material -36 inches wide.' ' It was merely to, get hini
The chances are that your sewing -f Pattern mailed to any address on. ject of her. mother and" Mr. Gaunt.
i chuckled wisely:
machine oil can is even now anxious' receipt of.15c in silver, by the Wilson Hugo c thee.?'' he repeated.
to show you what it can do. Get it Publishing Co., 73 West Adelaide St,
"Well, well, well! Now that's Bard to
out of its dark and dismal drawer Toronto. Allovr two weeks for receipt swer "
arid use it on the hinges' of your
squeaky doors. A drop or two of its"
soothing substance will silence that'
Door locks, like all other machinery,
require oil to operate sndeessfully, .arid
yet who ever thing of atteirding to
this? No member of the housebeildl
need take upon himself this additional)
duty if you will simply let your oiI
can put 'a drop of oil on the door key
once in a while. The key -will attend
to the matter of oiling the look and
will keep it in first rate condition.
"Surely, boys! I will take a load of
wood and a peek of potatoes this fine
alany :times last summer this was
the greeting I , gave to my five and
three-year-old sons as ,they carne to
We want YOUR Cream, We pay
highest price, Wo supply :cans.
Make daily rattans. To obtain
best results write now for cans to
of 'pattern; a1" ,He •died so long ago," Alice Said'
Send 15c .in silver for our up -to- wistfully.
date SP �ring and Summer 192. Book' "Died? Yes; of - course he died.
of 'Fashions.
Dye or Tint Worn, Faded
Things New for '1 15 Cents.
Don't wonder :whether you can dye
or tint suecessfuliy, becauso perfect
home dyeing fe guaranteed with "Dia-
;Hund Eyes" even it you have never
dyed before. Druggists have all con
ors. Directions i;ii each. package.
The good in which you let others
share becemes, thereby, the. better.
There is no worse evil thin n bad
Nwolnaa and ;nothing has ever been
produced' better+ than a geed one.
Miiiard's Liniment for baiidruf4
Shortly: after I bought this hat I'm
wearing.: That was wheti yourfather
died. They buried him alive," •
Alice started, her expression hor-
"Oh, no—no! What an't I .saying?
That wasn't your father. Another fel-
lowaltogether. Only a joke, my dear.
Take it as a joke."
,Alice had been brought up to show
respect to her. elders. Otherwise she
niight have reminded' Uncle John that
his joking was in bad taste. But all
at once there was a change in his
manner and he became studiously
quiet. He had been letting himself
go under the impression that his
audience lacked sufficient nature in-
telligence to piece together these grim,
witticisms, but -now he pulled himself"
together with something like a, jerk.
Dr. Ardeyne;was in the verandah
waiting for Alice, and several other
peo'ale were sitting about.
The doctor hurried forward, arid
poor 'If igo quailed under his quietly
surprised glance: Hugo's memory was
good enough when he diose it 1 be SO.
to knew, for instance, that not in
any circumstances vras he to give it
away that lie and Philie Ardeyne had
ever • met before- With m n a Ar -1
I B -RE THE'S''rVYitih ti
t'hi sClass""St4t
' - WEAR THE BBOT 7NA7' srsei :IYEs.
CONTOSAIS TO Emir MOV HENT°OG , yot3t edor,-c
a waver DVNDA9 .T. TOMOW74 CAN.
INV.E1�T:. g• i
'gine 'or mit of Iq,e loons araotedsbyr nae t* � .
Bursts. Fortudes isle beenmiqld fro st b•
ideas:. "Patent. Protected& ;boo8ist on; agquest..
HAROL:Q `G,�t`i Hi '!M*N 8i ICO',
��A'ftllf�l�YS„. OTTAWA CANADA
. S
aeio t
at the..Low,est Cost. per Mile
Iii automobile se a productive factor in
- greater
tx a ."ti edtati btlsiae/e :fia
thin � any invention
.other.. cin �e i By
Value �
shorteningdistances iiisd :time, :the automo-
er acid, ,seller together more
hilts, , a� 8$ S
tilieltlY ConVinientlY and,eaonenateally than
any iitlie! means other of .Iran ortatlon.
Sns �.
autonaebile has .litereseed• man's earning
Continuous daily.service
n-.plt�opwesert �riEvcdmu1#acati rAtIothe
t orlledt,Ptnroe-
widen this efilaeit,: omnctat oa at a lower
price per mile than does—any ether car built.
dations only proves, the complete depend -
1t .. 's in'na' of. this, practical Car.
S�.lt i�y.';�d to %. 'p
In appearance Chevrolet ,does, credit to any
business house or: prbfessioi al•'or private per-
son. In appointments and' equipment it 15 as
complete- ail. the most discriminating • owner .
could wish.
Chearalet- i6 an investment that will pay good
dividends. Investignte. .
Asa About The:G,il2.d.C. Peferred Paymezit Plata
r catn4laitd d iOrtattosi. Chevrc►let� otar Company',
.. ...... ' of .nada,, LLglniited
osliatva; Ontc+ria
Dealers acid Ser�eire: Stations
L vt r� ,x•bere.
Ne rids;• �aiwxx� 2%fo rers,ai
to poOtilart fritoy,cat so iecksihr
said *lib,suclvli iie"piial'. {•
Atcde /o/and WoMmAnsh o•f,ock 4Yfeacc
.',T EN/VW' HARP Waris &TORT
TISSUE .fro. 16-^-',