HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-04-24, Page 2s91a4y, .F1.p'fl 'a :t. 4 Last Wednesday evening ,station IC - DKA. presented a program especially 'for the benefit. of Spanish speaking countries, All announcements were measle In both Spanish and. English wile allmusk was of Spanish char-` acter. One would almost imagine they were listening to a station CKAC at Montreal is probably the only sta- tion in the world which regularly broadcasts and uses two languages. All announcements are made from this station in both French and English, With the approach of the president jal elections ire the United States, the -nit is becoming congested with the, usual type of spell -binding speech: Some of the sepakers are very clever. .m..a.W,.,v...,.,., W:I1' OHA.le ADVA1 lfis SAI3 Aki L - a Gee QUTSl.9t_, Vettette. w 1 RE -Pee -tea( Meet One certainly hears' a great number' '+af new jokes: Good jokes seem to The the: approach of radio sets in come close together in the speech of use is demonstarted by a news item q g p the average office seeker in the which' a pPeared in the papers recent - States, ly. It was stated that when the fire - `r Join the This Week Thrifty Throng We sell for less because we buy for less. .And ;wp-buy for less because we buy for over a Million people a week -passing the big savings along with every purchase we make to you. Join the thrifty throng this week. Shop at the DOMIINION STORE near you. Articles only to be obtained at the Dominion Stores and noted for their high quality. RZCHMELLO COFFEE ?e -1b. tin (Will make your breakfast better) RICHIvIELLO PURE BREAK- FAST COCOA, -Ib.. tin - • 33c D.S,L.,, WRAPPED BREADii (Full 24 -oz. loaf", 2 for _15c D.S.L. CORN sen FLAKES, 3 Pitts, -a 21c 'AYLMER AYLMER BRAND AYLMER SWEET .. -teen. 2 Mins STANDARD PEAS r AYLMER C -OLDEN ear No. 4, 2 tins - -; BANTAM CORN _ MAYFIELD BRAND BACON, : Machine Sliced,; ib. - - WHITE BEANS, (Hand Picked), 4 lbs. FIG JAM BISCUITS 13Clb. - - - - MAPLE SUGAR, _ c Cake - GA .R, PORK and. BEANS, No. 2 tins -1 •-. MAPLE SYRUP, Pure Quebec, No. 10 tin - W-••4•°""." 5-1b. Pail CROWN BEEHIVE41c CORN.: SYRUP - ^ MacLAREN'S JELLY 25c POWDERS, 3 pkts. MAPLE LEAF 1 le MATCHES, .. box 1111 it CLARK'S PORK and BEANS, 'No. 3 tins CLARK'S POTTED MEATS, 3 tins SO2 lbs. -AP FLAKES - DOMESTIC SHORTENING No. '3 fin - KRAFT or ROYAL CROWN LOAF CHEESE, lb. 39 PICNIC HAMS (Small ani1meaty) lb. I9c -24c ..25c .25c _49c There are numerous blends of Tea for sale to -day, but for gnslity, the Dominion Stores' Tea stands out in front. It is economidal, ,too. Buy a pound to -day and prove it. SPECIAL BLEND SELECT BLEND vq9e� (Red bag) = - -taA5 (Blue bag) ..- - = / J_ GOLDEN TIP RICHMELLOTEA err e(a b e a - � >� (Yellow bag) - ®! c is When Painting choose Scarfe's --not only beautifies .but safeguards your home from wear and weather. Scarfe & Co., Limited 4 Ilesd office and,yaetoxy ;3rantford,'Ont. menarrived on the scene of a fire in an apartment house in a large Ameri- can city, it was found necessary to cut down twenty-four aerials on the roof, before the fire fighting appara- tus could be used effectively. With the approach of spring, an im- pression: is abroad that radio appara- tus is rendered useless bystatic dis- turbance. Nothing could be more er- ronous. While static is worse in the sutnrner than inwinter, yet there are a good many evenings when recep- Even during the winter there are nue tion is ideal' even 3.n the hot weather. merous occasions when static is very bad. Unless a storm is approaching }radio, reception keeps up very well ev- en in the hot weather, but the dis- tance over which reliable reception may be carried on, is considerably cut down, Station WGY-380 Meters General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Wednesday, April' 23 Silent Night. Thursday, April 24 6,3o p. m. -Dinner music by Ro'nian- o's orchestra,' New Kenmore .Hotel, Albany, N. Y. 7.45 P. m. -Program by the vocal pupils of John Lloyd A few Moments with New Books LI. Hopkins, assist- ant librarian, General Electric Com- pany, Part I -Mezzo-soprano, "0 Lovely Night," Irene Peat; Mrs: Burt Newkirk, accompanist. Soprano solo, with, flute obligato, "Lo, Hear the Gentle Lark," Mrs. L, Fudge, Bari- tone solo, "Harlequin," R. J. Hannan, Soprano solo, "Home Song", Bertha Lloyd. Bass -baritone' solo, "The Two Tannhauser•,„ Vincent H. Percy, or - Giants" (in Russian), Ilia Isliamoff, gantst.• KDKA (326) Pittsburgh, Pa. Wednesday., April 23 9.45 a. m. -Union live stook market Dale, Mrs. Burt .1... Newkirk. Con- reports from the studio of the."Na- tralto solo, "The Enchantress," Gla- tional :Stockman. and Farmer." dys Robinson. Sopdano solo, "Where 11.55 a. m. -Arlington tinxe signals. the Abana Flows," Doris Schaller, 12 a. m. -Weather forecast. United Address,. "The Plattsburg Training States bureau of market reports from Caine)," Dr. Charles H. Johnson, se- the studio of the "National. Stockman cretary of State Board of Charities. and Farmer." - Part Iz A Cycle of the Old English 12,r5 p. in.. -Noon concert. Dance Tunes. "Flora's Holiday," Lane 6.15 p. m. -Dinner concert by the Wilson, Chorus, "Come All Ye ,Lads Pittsburgh Athletic Association or - and Lassies," Trop Pupils' chorus.' chestra, Gregorio Scalzo, conductor, Soprano solo," Shepdresses, Pretty I 7.e5 p, m, -Garden talk. Lassies," Mrs. Duncan Kaye, Tenor 7.30 p, m. -Address by Dr: Thomas solo, "Tell Me, Channing Creature," S. Baker, president of Carnegie Insti Ernest Grey. unaccompanied quartet, tate of Technology, ' "Gentle Dawn," Mrs. Duncan Kaye,' 7:40 p. m. -"National Stockman and. Gertrude B. Hopp, Frank Reynolds, Farrier" market reports. R.J. Hannan. Chorus, "The Country 8 p. in. -Literary program, inter Dance," TroyP upils' :chbrus. Control spersed with music, arranged by Mar to solo, "Maidens, Beware Ye," Jessie jory Stewart, including a discussion of Mister, Bass solo, "Sound, Argurnent" the life of Willa Cather, and a review John Rexford. Chorus "The Comma.' of her book, "The Song of the Lark." tion of Love," Troy Pupils' chorus. . 8.30 ii, m. -Special feature. ' .Friday, April 25 9.55 p. m. -Arlington time signals. 6,30 p. m. -Children's program. Weather forecast. °• 7,3s p. m. -Health talk, N. Y. state Thursday,.April 24 department of health. 9.45 a. me -Union live stock market 7.45 P. m. -Comedy, "Stich a Little reports from the studio of the "Na- Queen,' NaQueen," presented by special araange- tional Stockman and Farmer." anent with Mr, Channing Pollock, au- ` 11.55.a. m. --Arlington time signals.;; thor of "The Fool," Instrumental zz m. -Weather forecast. United selection,"Gavotte," WGY orchestra:. States bureau of market reports from Comedy, "Such a Little Queen,". WG the studio of the "National Stockman Y Players. The persons (in the order and Farmer.". in which they appear), Mary, Helen 12.15 p. n?. -Concert. ' Campbell, Baron Cosaco, prime min- 6.15 p. in. -Dinner concert by the ister.. of Herzogovina, Charles S. ICDKA Little Sympthony orchestra, Baurnes, Anna Victoria, queen of Her- Victor Sandek, conductor. zogovinaa, -Rosanne Greene Nathaniel 7.15 p. m: -"In the White .Douse," Quigg, Frank Oliver; Robert Trainor, prepared by "The Decorator." Edward E. St. .Louis, Adolph Lau-? 730 p. mi. -"Thoroughbred Dogs," .man, Jerome Lovenheim, Elizabeth by Frank H; Dole. Lauran, Lola Sommers, Stephen. IV I7.40 p. m. -"National Stockman and !king of Bosnia, Edward- 'H. Smith, Farmer"'market• reports. Cora. Fitzgerald Estelle Rogers ,Mar- I 8 p, it. -"Influence of Tick Eradica ' garet Donelly, Margery Bayles, Har- tion of the Nation's Livestock Indus- , ry Sherman, John Loftus; A Messen-- try," by Dr. W. T. Conway, inspector, ger, Burton Anthony; General Myrza bureau of .animal industry.`• Maurice G. Randall; an ice nnan, a • 8.10 p. m. -"Economic Dairy Pro porter, a butler and two workmen. duction," by Prof. Andrew Boreland, 'Mate, the present. Act -I The kitch- • Pennsylvania State College. en of a flat in St. Nicholas avenue, 8.20 p. an. -"Taking .Care: of the Ba- Tuesday, May 12. Tnst'rumental se -,by Chicks," by L. W. Steelman, pouf- ' lection, "Eastern Dance," orchestra, try specialist, Pennsylvania State Col- ' Act II-.1he office of Lauinan. & Son lege. • inlower Broadway. Thursday, June eel 8.30 p, m. -Concert by KDKA Lit- " instrumental selection "English Dance tle Symphony orchestra, Victor San orchestra. Act III -The parlor of dek, conductor; assisted by Chrisine the flat in. St: Nicholas avenue, Tues-' Miller Laces, "soprano, and E. L. Mal- ' day al-`day July i4. Instrumental selection atero, tenor. Program: Selection by "Entr' Acte," orchestra, Act IV -The 1 orchestra; Overture "Miniature," from porch of the Laurnan hone at Irving- the Ballet Suite "Nutcracker" by ton -on -Hudson, Wednesday July' 15. Tsehalkowsl i; "La Chansan de Louis- , Instrumental selection ";April Mess- ette," Dinet;' waltz, "Sleeping Beauty age,' Tscliaikowski; quartet from "Rigolet- I 10.30 p. m, -Musical program byti," Verdi; "Persian March," Strauss; the' Blue Bird Dance orchestra. Fo,:lgroup of popular numbers, "When trot, "When Dixie Stars are Playing; Bedelia : Does the Grecian Dance"; Peek -a -Boo" fox trot, "Somebody Mobile Blues"; "Hungarian Rhapso- Stole My Gal"; fox trot ""Maid .of dy, No. x," Liszt. Soprano solo, Mandalay," waltz, "Misty Moon" fox."Winds of the. South,'"' with orchestra, trot, "Red Hot Blues''; fox trot, and other selections. Baritone selec- "Sunshine of Mine" fox trot, "If You tions will be annottneed by radio - Don't Stop Pickin' on Mamma phone. (Mamma's Gonna Get a New Dad)" 9.3o p. ire -Arlington time signals. waltz, `,Why Don't My Dreams Come Weather forecast. True" fox trot, "After the Storm," 11.30 p, m. --•Concert. Saturday, April 26 Friday,. April 25 9.3o p. tn,: Daance music by Tio- wH° : 1 LFT BA5' " \B� �Uc G'( Peet 1-ri." HERB 1.;. Y�i H ERZ-: , CAN 1-1 A'r r3W0 1U00Y aa. W T lt8 E IENt 'r a talk by Frank Frey, assistant trews- urcr of the Union Trust Company;. a talk' by D. C. Wills, chairman of the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, and a talk. by Mrs. W. W. Miler of the Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs. Atix o'clock on the same evening radio fans will be entertained with an- other organ recital by Vincent . H. Percy, from the Cleveland Public Au- ditorium. ' The Musical progratiz, in . detail for that evening is as. follows; Prize song from "The Mastersing- ers," Quincy Porter, violin; conversa- tions of the beauty and the beast Dorothy Suite",0 ramGoose f "MotherX Foster, piano; "Molly on the Shore", Dorothy Foster, piano; "Hear ye, -Is- rael," .from s-rael,"-.from The Elijah, Bessie Welk- er Anderson, soprano; menuetto, from L'Arlesienne" Suite No. 1, Quincy Porter,. violin; "Dawn," "Rosebude", "The Joy. of' Spring," The Federation Chorus, (Mrs. Zoe Long Fonts con ducting; Mrs. J. E. Hikes at the 'pi- ano) ; Solveig's song from Peer Gynt Suite No. 2, ,Dorothy Foster, .piano;. "The Nightingale," "The Pilot," "Le- gacies" Bessie Welker Anderson, so- prano; "Ninon," "The Music of Spring" "Night and Day," the Feder- ation Chorus,. "Liebesfreud," "Even- song," "Pilgrim's Song of Hope," group of old time favorites: "Flow Gently, Sweet Afton," "In the Gloam- ing" "Juanita". "Love's Old Sweet Song," "Pilgrim's " Chorus" from "Tannhauser," "Chinese Serenale," "The Lost Chord," ."Traumerel," "Humoreske, "Grand March from Soprano solo, "The Valley of Laugh- ter," Mrs: John Madsen. Tenor solo, "Ah, Moon of My Delight," W. E. Scott. Soprano solo, "Over Hill Over "Des Sultanes," Daniels; Serenade "By Moonlight," Rollinson; "King of Spain Reviewing His Troops," Faerie overture "Clenent's Mascot," Kelson; Waltz, "Espanole Santiago," Corbin; Serenade ` "Maria Mari" DiCapua; "Dance of the Bayaders," Rubenstein; Cornet solo, "Carry Me Back' to Old Virginny," Bland "Oriental Patrol, In Cairo," Von Blore, ` 7.15 P. in. -Sunday school lesson for April 27 presented by Dr. R. L. Lan - 7,3o p. m. -News bulletins. 7.40 P. m. -"National Stockman and Farmer" market reports. 8 p. m. -Radio Boy Scout meeting. tre. :x --Fou 8 5 p m. e n 8,3o p. in. -Concert by Westing- house Employes' band, T. J. Vastine, conductor, assisted by Eleanor March soprano, and . Jack Smalley, baritone, Program: Selections by band.: Over- ture "Zampa", .Herold; Paraphrase "My Grandfather's Clock," "Atnsden; "Three Spanish Dances," Mosekbet.- ski; Serenade "Beneath Thy Window, Di Capua; "A Medley of Southern Plantation Songs," .Hayes; Serenade "D `` Autrefors," Silvertri Oriental. Dance "Echoes from the Harem," Hughes;. "Largo", - Handel; Spanish Serenade "Vision of Madrid," Holmes "Dance of the Hour," Ponehielli", So- 9.45 a. tn.-Union live stock market maims orchestra, New Kenmore Ho- reports from the studio of the Na," tel, Albany, N, Y. tiotial Stockman and. Farmer." tx,55 a. m, ---Arlington time signals. Statioti WJAZ-390 Meters 12 a, nig--•Weather forcast, 'Hutted Utiiott Trust Co., States bureau of market reports from Cleveland, O. the studio of the "National Stockinet Thursday, April ee and Farmer." 8 p. nn,; The Union. 'Trust Cotnpany 12.x5 p. in. --Concert. will present the music department of - 6.t5 p. ni:,---Dinner concert by the Cleveland Federation of Women's Westinghouse band, T. J, Vastine, Clubs in a program which will include conductor: Prograin: Selections by. some of the Music Memory numbers the band; 'Port Arthur," Seitz; Dance prano solos: "Swallows," Cowen; "A, May Morning," Denze; "Song of Spring," 1Vein Little Bit o' idh ger; "A Honey," .Carr ie Jacobs Bond. Bari- tone solos: Friend of Mine," Bari- Saun- tlerson; "Marquita," Schertzinger; "Thanks Be to God", Dickson; "Pur- er Soul," Gould. 9,55 p, `no. -Arlington time signals. Weather forecast. •ALWAYS REMEMBER To keep fit. To shut fear and worry out of your life, To be loyal to others. To hold your reputation as sacred, To be honest and fair in all :your iTo dealings, To keep your standards high, To To cherish your friendship. To be reliable and trustworthy. To cultivate good habits. To To, avoid forming bad habits. To save something for a rainy day, To deny yourself injuriousindulg- To ences. To _minimize • your difficulties and To magnify your blessings, To learn everything possible about your• business. To To make every day a red-letter day in To To To To To u; To To ,Oixtrittg MADE IS CANADA your life. be always improving something ethi ng somewhere, always betteriegy ur best, V,, have a worthy aim and live up to it, act, -live and work in the even - present moment. make the most of your time, tab,' ent and opportunities. be tolerant of others and their weaknesses, be mindful of others' interests and not always thinking ..of self, avoid evil companions and to keep in an ambition -arousing atmos- phere close. the door to an unhappy past d' start life anew, In e e int tr lovean.way v Lyth g and. let jealousy and hatred' go out of your put blife,ty eauintonevery day -beau- tiful thoughts, beautiful deeds, beautiful work, be self-reliant arid ready to as- sume responsibility, take. 'time for study and self_in- provement, no 'matter what age,, learn to enjoy things owning them, ur without Look for the v Society Brand label in the inside ,pocket. erfe t S A man's wardrobe is not complete' without a blue serge suit: always dressy; always in good taste- if astesif correctly cut from the right fabric. Salt's Majestic Serge is that kind and readily lends itself to the correct hand tailoring of Society Brand. It is undoubtedly the finest of British Berges and will wear exceptionally well. Gua.ranteed. fast dye.. The dignity and smartness of Salt's Majestic Serge makes it appropriate for men of ail ages. Exclusive Agents for Salt's Majestic Serge, Unusual value at Melte $42.50 LTD. ,H.wingham • On i e eet