HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-04-24, Page 1Single CoPiec, Five Cent
Ante, Victim Known
in North
Milton. D. ; Jermyn; Regina traveler
for the Iaaternatioual Harvester Co;,
wiio was killed when; pinnedbeneath
lsis automobile north of Caron, Sask.,
•on Tuesday, was well known in
Northern Saskatchewan. From Sep-
tember, 19141 to September, 1917, he
served with the Royal North West
Mounted `Police at 73attleford,Lloyd-
minster, Indian, Heacl and Regina.
He was ..with the 'Regina city police
-until March 1920, Mr, Jermyn was
born at Wingham, Ont„ 38 years ago.
`Horticultural ,Society Premiums
The 'premiums for .the Wingham
Horticultural Society will be paid to
members upon application to Mr. J.
M. Graham at the greenhouse. Each
member must, present their receipt
-coupon and number to Mr. Graham
or if not a member and wishing to
join the Horticultural Society pay to
Mr,.'Graham: your fee and he . will
give you receipt for same:' 'There are
450 Rose Bushes of about 35 differ-
ent kinds; Each member is entitled
• to 2 rosebushes and memberships on-
ly cost a dollar.
r•'AUCON SALE --Furniture a d
Household 'Effects at the home hof
Arthur Angus 'in Pleasant Valley,
an Saturday, April 26th at 2 o'clock
See bills. Wm. Guest, Prop,, T. R.
Bennett, Auct;
APPLICATIONS—Will be received
to Friday,' April 25th., .1924, for
position of Caretaker of Wingham
Public School. Salary $600 ann-
ually. 'W. T. Booth, Secy.-Treas,F
;'AUCTION SALE—At lot 33, con. 2,
Culross on Friday., May 2nd., con-
sisting of 8 cows,;young cattle, pigs
and full .line -of :.implements,. J, Pur-
vis, Auct., W. ' F. Morris, Prop.
Advance -Times.
.BABY CHICKS—O. A. C. single
comb : white Leghorns and Barred
Rocks Price 15e each, orders book-
-ed now for, May and- June. Mrs.
Geo. D. Fortune at Jno. W. For-
tune, R. R. 1, Wingham, Wroxeter
phone No. 61 -ring 8.
H. Bosman, Bluevale,
Methodist Sunday School Shows
Marked Progress During Year
The annual Sunday'School meeting
of the Methodist Church was held in
the board room Tuesday evening
last. Reports were presented frena
all the departments, The Secretary
reported an enrollment of 320 and an
average attendance for the year of 221,
an average increase of 26. This was
the more interesting in view of the in-
creases for the past three years. In
1921 the average was 165, in 1922, 185,
in 1923 average 195,' and in 1924, aver-
age 221,
The treasurer reported net receipts
of $897.34.' The givings to missions
totalled $293.00 an, increase of $43,00.
The average' givings per Sunday were
nearly $2o per Sunday.
The, Librarian presented a splendid
report. During the past. year •a new
Library room had been built, many
new books purchased, and a; new sys-
tem inaugurated: The average nutn-
her' of - books taken from the library
per Sunday was 86 as compared with
45 last year. '
At the conclusion of the reports
many important resolutions were
passed: Among the others were these
to 'hold "Go to Sunday School - Day,
Sunday, May Fath." and to use the
programme prepared by the Ontario
Sunday School Association. This is
Mother's ..Sunday as well, and,we are
hoping to make the service 'a great
success. To change .,the hour of Sun-
day School, from 2.30 p. m, to .Io a,
m.,,rth e'same to run from the 3rd Sun-
day in June to the end of August. To
hold a mother's. •and daughter's as
well as a father's and son's banquet
in September. It was also.. decided
to make $300.00 the Missionary ob-
•jective for the coning year,
All the officers and teachers were
re-elected for the coming year.
A splendid, spirit of good will and
harmony exist and the outlook. for the
coming year is most hopeful. Too
much credit cannot be given to 'the
superintendent " for the tact, energy
and enterprise displayed.
-55th Wedding Anniversary
Mr.M ausl. Mrs. Stranforg of Buffalo,
motored over and spent Good Friday
with Mrs. Stranford's. parents, Mr.
and Mrs. F. H. Roderus, who celebrat-
ed the 53th anniversary- of their wed-
edding on that day. It was also' the
weddinganniversary of Mr. and Mrs:
cEIvMENT- We are .; unloading a Stranforg. Many friends will con-
fresh. car of 1st class :cementto=day gratulate this splendid old couple on
Get our prices; they are the lowest: their, attaining the 55th anniversary
The Wingham Salt Co. • of wedded life and .-wish that they
long be spared to each.: other in health
and .happiness.
.FOR '.SALE --A number of young
calves.' Phone 7-6oiy Wroxeter.
Alex. Caseniore.
..FARMERS—Now is the time to
store your eggs. We are' now stor-
ing a large quantity for the farmers
of: this district. Come in aiad bring'
your eggs and let us talk over, the
Egg Circle Proposition: United
Farmers Co -Operative Co, . .
FOR SALE OR RENT—About 4 ac-
res of _choice 'land. adjoining. Wing -
ham .(low taxes) large orchard,
:small comfortable house, excellent
spot for inarket gardening and poul-
try :raising. Easy Terms. Apply
Harvey Nivins, 'Box 113, Wingham,
frame house with stable and hen
house, about 2 acres of good grain.
Town Plot. Apply to Francis D.
TOR SAILE-Hup Roadster and Ford
touring with starter; It will pay
,you to see B. J. Beninger at once.
TOR SALE -Comfortable House and
Lot in the village of Belgrave. Ap-
• ply for further particulars to Rev.
Austin L. Budge, 39 Cliffe Ave.
,FOR SALE—A quantity of choice
Red Clover Seed. Apply to Alex.
T. Ross, .Route 4, Wingham.
FOR "SALE—Seed Peas at $1,5o per
bushel. Apply to Robt. Johnston,
Route. 2, Wingham. Phone i2-602.
iFOR. SALE—A white wicker balay
carriage with storm curtain also a
push: cart bods good as new. Apply
to Mrs. E. A. Renwick, Leopold St.,
FOR SALE—Sow in; pig, also one
dry cow. Apply to John R ,Adair.
Route 1, Wingham.
FOR SALE -Cow and `'calf. Apply
to. H. A. McCall, Route 3, Wing-
LOST—About two weeks ago a la-
dies wrist watch, with blackribbon
band, reward for same. Apply : at.
Advance Office.
PASTURE—Will be able to 'pasture
a few' cattle for grassing. Apply to
David Totten, Glenannon.
TO RENT --Brick House w ithall
convenience, Apply 'to 5. Morton,
Phone 15-624
TO RENT -On Diagonal Road, a 6
room cottage, garden. Apply to H.
J,: Jobb.
TENDERS—Will be received by the
Clerk, W. R. Cruikshank, for the
Tile Part of the Fortune Drain in
the Township of Turnberry up till
April 28th., 1924.
WARNING ---Parties dumping'refuse
n ate street r. high-
wayof any kind a y �.
wa. in Wing burr will be prosecut-
ed by order of street committee,
T. Veils, Chairman,
Dr. Thomas G. Holmes Dies
Funeral services for Dr. Thomas G.
Hohnes, a retired Captain in the Unit-
ed States. Army, 'who died at his
home in Detroit on Apr. 16. Dr. Holm-
es who is survived by his widow Mrs.
M. Holmes, a son, Dr, Alfred W.
Holmes, and two daughters, Mrs. A.
S. Watson and Miss Estelle Holmes,
was . born in' Holinesville, „Huron
County, Ontario, in 1847. He 'receiv-
ed his education at Victoria College,
Cobourg, and later graduated in medi-
cine and surgery from Bellevue, Col-
lege, New York City. He did grad-
raduate work later at McGill University,
Montreal. At one time Dr. Holmes
was city physidian in New York, and
later •lie had. charge: of the Nursery
and Child's Hospital on Staten Island.
He. came'"to Detroit 32 years ago:
Dr. Holmes served in both the
Spanish-American and . World Wars.
He • was:•air. uncle of Mr. Dudley Hol-
mes of Wingham and practised medi-
cine for a time in Clinton. ,
Easter Openings
The Spring Tersn„of the Wingham
Business College begins Tuesday,
April 22nd, and a new class will also
be formed Monday, April 28th, Our
Graduate Stenographers are beginn-
ing at' salaries larger than those of
public 'school teachers, and many of
our experienced stenographers are
drawing twice as much. Those who
cannot enter college will have the col-
lege brought to them by Home Study
Courses. Y6u may begin any day. and
instruction is individual.
Our latest finale testimonial comes
from a young. man ..who was earning
$2,75 per day before and is now earn-
ing $3,000 per year and travelling ex-
penses with a Toronto Wholesale.
What we have done for others we
can do for you, if you will only begin.
now by -correspondence and enter col-
lege .'later if you d,esire. Affiliated
with the Canada : Business College
(College & Spadina), Toronto, Write.
today for particulars.
Removal of Coal Office
After April the 17th we will occupy
jointly office with Mr; J. W, Dodd in
his Real Estate and' Insurance "office
in Dr. Stewart's Block. •
From our new place of business we
extend to you the same courtesy as
shown you an the past, and we will en
cleavor to give your enquiries and or-
ders our most careful attention.
We now' offer you for spring or
summer deliveries our High Grade
Lehigh and Lachawanna Coal, We
do not use the term High Grade sim-
ply as a matter of advertisement, nor
as a point of sale only, they ate
High Grade Coals of he very best
quality. The analysis and tests,”of
same which may, be seen at our of-
fice for the asking, At the present
time we are itt a position to make im-
mediate or early deliveries, On all
sizes including Egg Stove, Not and
Extra Large sized Egg,
R. 3. Cantelon, Co. Note—Office
Phone now, 24o1
Many Easter Holiday Visitors
Both To and From Wingham
Mr, Shapiro spent Good Friday in
Mr. Roy Manuel spent the holiday
Mrs. Nichol and daughter Dorothy
of London are spending a week with.
the former's sister Mrs, D. L. Dins -
in Toronto: ley, r
Mr. W. A. Galbraith visited with Dr, and Mrs: Fox, Miss Vesta and
friends in Toronto. ie
accompanied by Miss Marjor-
ie Preston, motored to London last
Mr.' Win Ililirnan of Stratford was week,
a holiday visitor here. Mr, and Mrs. Writ, Wahl and baby
Mr. Norman Butcher spent Easter Gwendolyn of. Stratford, visited on
with friends in Toronto. Sunday with. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey
Miss Nesbitt is spending the Eas ?\ Ivens,
ter holidays at Palmerston. Mr. and Mrs, R. H. Llo rd and chil-
Mr, George Cruikshank of Guelph, dren spent Easter with Mrs. Lloyd's
is home for the summer, parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bosnian,
Mn Jack Radford spent` Good Fri-
day at.his home in Fordwich. • Mr. and Mrs: A. F. Homuth visited
their son F. F. ldonauth over the
Easter 'holidays at the Rexall Store,
Miss Blanche Irwin spent 'the holi-
day at her home in Belmore.
Mr. Harry Saunders spent the
week -end at: his home in Toronto.;
Miss Doris, Walker visited with
friends in Toronto over the holiday.
Mr, D, R. McIntosh of Lucknow,
was a visitor to town this week.
Mr. and—Mrs, W. H. Gurney spent
the holiday with friends at Acton.
„Miss Lettie Fox spent the holiday
with her parents at Whitechurch.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. West spent the
holidays with relatives in Chatham.
Mr. and' Mrs. J. 'H. McKay and
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miller and famil-
ies motored to Moorefield and spent
Easter with relatives.
• Miss Margaret Henderson of To-
ronto spen€ the holidays with her ran-
ther Mrs. Wm, Henderson and with
her. and Mrs. ,Harvey Nivins.
Mr. S. Halliday of Deroit, Mich,,
spent the Easter - holidays with his
parents hi town. We were pleased to
see Stan. around town again.
Miss Phromie Grenache• spent the Miss Myrtle Bennett of Lions Head
week -end at her home in Teeswater. and Miss Elda Bennett of. Stratford.
Normal, spent the. week with their
his home in Alliston over the holiday. ,parents Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bennett,
Mr. and Mrs. Huge Berry Bruce- Mr• Robt. Cunningham who has
field,- spent Sunday- with friends here. been a respected citizen of town for
an.daughtersseveral years left last week for Owen
Mrs, T„ R. `Bennett d Sound where he has secured a posi-
spent Monday with friends in Luck- tion.
r..ow. Mrs. F. A. Start returne
Mr.: and Mrs. Harry, Dore of Sarniad to her
Y home in Detroit on Saturday. She
are the guests of the formers parents VMS accompanied home by her mother
here; Mrs.J Imlay ohn` Iwho will visit with
Miss Nellie Walters of. London is her.
visiting *at her home ori Diagonal Councillor
Road.Samuel Bennett, wife and
Misses Marion and Ethel Simpson ed to Wingham after spendingthe
are spending the Easter holidays inl l
Toronto. past three months in sunny' Galiforn
Miss Florence Deitrick, Riversdale Mrs. Robt, Breen's. many friends
is the'' guest of her sister Mrs. L. are pleased to see her at her home
Benninger. ` again on Patrick St., after spending
Mr, R.:A. Hutcheson_ . left' this week the winter with 'relatives
x ves in Grand.
for Toronto where he will spend the Rapids, Mich.
summer, Mrs. Wilfred. Fry and son Jimmie,
Mrs. Shapiro andsons Morrie and who have. been visiting friends here,
Harry are spending Easter week in left on Monday for a short `visit in
Detroit. London, prior to going, to their new
i home in Detroit.
Mrs. Will Boyd of Windsor, is
spending a few weeks _with Mrs. D. Mrs. (Dr,) A. Brown and daugh-
J. Boyd. - .ter Ruth. accompanied by her moth,-
Mrs. Boyd and little granddaughter' ter, Mrs. F. `Colvin of Teeswater, left
Marion Gilmour, visited with friends
in Teeswater.
,IYirs. F. A. Parker and Patricia are
spending Easter at the former's home
in'Toronto. Place spent a couple of days last week
it Sarnia,1
Mrs. McLean, and daughter Uldeen v visiting with Mr. and Mrs:
McLean, li with A. G. Mathewson of the Customs De -
of Toronto spent the holidays'
friends ii4r to"wr1"° partment, a' friend and chum of his
Miss, Margaret Page of the 'U,F.O.
office spent the Easter holidays at
her home in Gorrie.
+i ndman of Mr. Lloyd's
llrss E. Hy y
office spent the week -end with her
parn�pts in Gorrie.
Mi•. and Mrs. Hanna and fancily of
Minnie St. spent the week -end with
friends in Toronto.
and Mrs. A. C. Cameron of To-
Mr. Stanley Hutchinson visited'at
daughter, IiLiss B1anChe .have return -
last week for their new home at Lions
Head, where.' Dr. Brown has been
practising for the past few months.
Mr. *GavinWilson W so of Evergreen
boyhood days, who has not been en-
joying the best. of health for : some
M'r. Roy Mundy motored to Sarnia
last week to bring home his mother,
wife and daughter who have been vis-
iting with, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hanrnore,
formerly of Wingham„ Mr. Basil
Mundy :also went down to bring
home his_ car which he had on ;his
trip' to Florida.
ronto are spending a week with ' Town Clerk W. A. Galbraith and
friends in town. his sister Miss Alba, spent a few Eas-
Miss Lizzie John 'of Port' Colborne, ter holidays at the home of their bio-
is'.spending the Easter holidays with ther, Mr. Frank Galbraith iii Toronto.
her mother in town.. 1 Frank is in, the art studio business
. Miss Agnes Hins'mau of the Queens acid is doing a hustling business. He
g and his partner have landed.? the con
Hotel is spending a week with her I tract' for the illustrating of the next
friends in WRterloo.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Robinson mot- Eaton Catalogue.
ored' to London 'arid spent Holidays EASTER VISITORS IN TOWN
at their parental homes.
Mr. Mey of ,Sebring'ville, spent the
Easter holidays at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. F. H. Roderus.
Mrs. Hilton Ogden, and two' . chil-
dren from near Granton visited at
Mr. W. J. Currie's last week.
Mr. Wilfred McVittie of the Bank
of Commerce staff is spending his va-
cation at Mr: J. J. Kerr's.
`Miss Bertha McGee is spending the
Easter holidays in ,Toronto with her
aunt, Mrs, K, R. Howard,
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Henry and chil-
dren' motored to Orangeville, ,where
they spent Easter with relatives.
Misses D. Pollen and M. Fleuty,
were guests of Mrs. Hugh, F. Berry
at Brucefield on Good Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jackson and
son of town spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. W. Irwin, Delmore.
Mr. Norman Graham and son, Ar-
nold of Toronto, visited with `Mr. and
Miss Graham over the holidays.
.Mrs. W. Claire Adams, of Hamil-
ton, nee "Gwendolyn Jackson," and
son are visiting friends in town.
Misses Evelyn attd Mabolle Angus
of Toronto, spent Easter with their
'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Angus.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Black have
moved to Victoria street the home
formerly occupied by Mr. G. Baker
Miss Annie Currie of Hamilton,
spent two weeks at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Currie,
Miss Versa ' Woods of Grimsby is
visiting at the home of her "grandmo-
ther , Mrs. T. L, Jobb, Diagona oad,
Mr. and :Mrs. W. E. IVIahoot and
family of Kincardine spent the week-
end at the hone of Mr. J, M. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. John McGee of Bel -
grave are visiting with their sons, R.
Stewart McGee and Harry F. McGee.
Miss Agnes; Williamson, Hanover.
Miss Uldeen McLean, Toronto. -
Miss Viola Adams, Hamilton.
Mr. Winford Morden,, St. Thomas.
Mr. ;Ear.1 Johns, Toronto.
Miss Viola Isard, Toronto.
Miss Christie. Robertson, Blenheim,
Mr. Phil Dyer, Orangeville.
Mr, Howard Grey, Niagara Falls,
Miss Nellie Clark, London. •
Mr. Clifford Robertson, Stratford,
Miss llelen Wilson, Guelph.
Miss Agnes Walker from Toronto.
Mr. Wilfred Arscotf, from Guelph.
Miss Margaret Piper, Toronto. •r
Mr. Gordon Bisbee, St. Thomas.
Miss Ada Maines, Hamilton,
Miss'' Thelma Sanderson, Hamilton.
Miss Annie Pullets, Harriston.
Miss Ella Dobie, ,Toronto. .
Mr: Js,Ltitton, Normal School, Lon-
Mr. and rs; Geo. McEwen, Gode-
Misses Rose and Harriett Williams,
Miss'Addie Proctor, Normal School
London, •
Mr. and Mrs. •Dudley Holmes, jr.,
Miss Mabel Armstrong, Normal
School, Stratford.
Misses Mary and. Margaret Robert-
son of Toronto.
Miss Marie Livingstone, 'Normal
School, Stratford, •
Mr, and Mrs. Lindsay Mitchell,
and children: of Hamilton,
Miss Marion Allen, Weston and
Mr, lames .Allen, from Huron College
Dance in Council Chamber, on Fri-
day evening, April 25th, 1 ryfogle's
Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Broome and
y have moved to Holyrood where
hehas engaged with Ackert Bros, for
the season. �•:
Miss Clara Hummell and Mrs. Ray-
mond Dailey of Toronto, came home
to attend the funeral of their brother,
George Chester Walker,
Editor` J. L. Kerr of the Clinton
New Era and Editor Anderson of the
Palinerston Spectator ,were fraternal
callers at our sanctum on Saturday.
Don't forget Euchre and Old Time
Dance and quilt drawing, Wednesday
night, April 23rd,, at R. C. Church
basensent, .Everybody .welcome, lunch
served. Admission 5o cents.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Balcer have
moved to the building formerly
known as the Times Office. Mr, Ba-
ker has also moved the Doininion Ex-
press office to this building:
' Mr. and Mrs. George Walker desire
to -publicly thank' their friends 'and
neighbors for sympathy and kindness
extended to them during the illness
and death of their son, George Chest-
er Walker,
Mr; Amos Tipling attended ameet-
ing of the directors of the Lion Meade
Rubber Co. in Hull on Friday and on
Saturday a meeting of the directors
of the Canadian Marche -wan Gold Min-
ing Limited in Toronto.•
Mr. Wm. Robertson, r blacksmith,
and Mr. W. H. Gurney, glove manu-
facturer, have each bought new Mo-
del F Star. Sedans from Mr. B. J.
Beninger. Mr. Cleo Beninger, of
-Teeswater has also purchased a Star
Officer Phippen is roundingupa
hunch of young fellows whcuoff
lights' and did other depradationwhile
a religious meeting was going on in
the Mooney Block on Sunday night.
It's pretty. dangerous work boys and
yoti may find yourself in wrong if
the like occurs again.
Many friends of Mass Sadie B.
Davidson will be pleased, to learn that;
she has fully recuperated after ten
weeks' rest at her home on Maple St:
She returned to Toronto on Monday
to resume her work as accountant for
The Leo Feist, _Ltd., Music Publish-
The regular monthly meeting of
the Wingham branch of the Women's
Institute will be held on Thursday,
afternoon,' April 24th at :3 o'clock in
the Council Chamber. At the close
of the busiuess meeting Rev. Dr.
Periie will address the meeting. The
directors in charge will be Mesdames
Stewart and Olver.
McQuinn Sisters Big Musical Con-
cert Co., Parish Hall, Wingham one
night only, Friday April 25th. This
company of artists come highly re-
commended to the Dramatic Commit-
tee of Wingham from Owen Sound
Orillia, Barrie, Meaford, North Bay,
etc. The, press is loud in its praise
in giving the McQuinn Sisters il90
p. c. a strickly refined concert with
clean wit and music and song. See
them. Remember one night only,
Friday April 25th. '
Play and Dance •
A play and dance will be given en-
titled "Bashful Mr. Robbs in Bel-
.grave Hall on Tuesday evening, April
29th., at 8.3o' sharp, by the Dramatic
Club of S. S. No. 7, East Wawanosh.
Admission 35c , and 2oc. Dancing
from 11 p. in. to 3 a. no., Music sup-
plied by the Lucknow Melody Four.
Lunch will be served Characters:—
Katherine Henderson,. a young wife,
Lena Chamney;.Frederick Henderson;
her husband, Athol Bruce; .Mrs. Wig-
gins, the landlady, Mrs. A. Bruce;
Obadiah Stump, a fresh country pro-
duct, Cecil Cliansney; Frances Whit-
taker,_ an athletic girl, Viola Jamie-
son; Rosalie Otis, a society bud, Ethel
Cummins Mr: Robert Bobbs, the
bashful one, John Boyle; Jean Gra-
ham, a Delaware peach,' Annie Robin-
son; Marston Bobbs, anything but
bashful, Clarence 'Chimney; Celesta
Vandel•pool, of the Movies, Isabel Mc-
Laughlin; Julie, french maid, Mar-
garet Cunnington.
Body of Ross Carter Found
The charred remains of Ross Car-
ter, a Greenock' Township young man,
22 years of age, who lost his life in
the fire which destroyed the home of
Joseph G, Carter,' the township reeve
near the village . of Greenock last
Wednesday afternoon, were taken
from the ruins late that night and re-
moved to the residence of Mrs. Mont-
gomery, near by, from which place
the funeral was held, with services at
the Baptist Church, Greenock, and in-
terment in Walkerton Cemetery. Mr.
and Mrs. Carter, parents of the vic-
tim, who are almost prostrated with
grief are staying at the home of Mrs.
Montgomery, while other tnetiibers of
the family are staying at the homes
of John L. White and John Allace,
two neighbors. Telegrams of sym-
pathy have been received from mem-
bers of the Bruce County Council, on
which board Mr, Carter has served as
Greenock representative for tyre past,
two years, as well as from many
friends in all parts of Ontario. The
tragic occurrence'was a severe shock
to residents of that locality and of
Greenock Township, where Mr. Car-
ter served 'as Councillor for six years
and as Reeve for two years, and also
throughout the entire district, where
he is • well known as -an auctioneer;
He carie to Greenock from Guelph nt
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Gone to Cayuga ,
Mr L. S. e
Benin r hasgone t
Beninger o
Cayuga where he has -accepted a po-
sition as manager of a large Cream-
ery. Mrs. Beninger and son Jack,
will leave for Cayuga about the first
of the month. They have rented
their home on Francis St., to Mr.
Bert Harris, traveller . for Perrin's
This Is Your Paper
We wish to again remind our read-
eaders that The Advance -Times is your
paper, and to urge you to send us in
the news. This week has been one of
our hardest weeks to gather news,
and it should have been,, one of our
best, for doubtless many of you have
had relatives visiting- at your homes
over the Easter vacation. Will you
not all send usthe news. Just phone
345 and we will do the rest. „Thank
Wingham Girl Weds.
The home of Mr. and Mrs, T. W.
Huntley, 47 Fernwood. Park Ave,
Toronto, was the scene of a : very
pretty wedding Saturday, April
the nineteenth, when jean Luella,
third daughter of 1VIr. John Armour,
f tnerl . in ham wasunitedin
or y .of W g ,.
marriage' to. Mr. William J. Irwin of
St. Catharines, Opt* The .bride who
was given away by her 'father, was
prettily gowned in powder, blue crepe
romaine with grey shoes and stock-
ings. She was attended by Miss Sa-
dye Dickson, teacher of Welland, who
wore pearl grey beaded georgette.
The groom was assisted by Mr.
Frank Oaks of Guelph,' Ont.' After
the ceremony, performed by Rey. J.
A. Cranston •of Kew Beach Presby-
terian Church, a dainty luncheon was
served. The happy couple left later
for a brief wedding. trip after' which
they will reside in Guelph, Ont.
Phone 53 kg
III®IIl�118111108111 111E111 ra[I'"E 11 11 In
Methodist Church News
roa. in.—Prayer and Praise Service.
11. a, m.—Morning Worship, sub-
ject. "Ontario's Greatest Problem"
7 p. m.—Evening. Service, subject,
"Dr. Egerton Ryerson and the Strug-
truggle for Religions Liberty". "Should
the State Rule the Church."
P. S.—Don't forget the "Go to
Sunday School Day Sunday, May 11.
Last Year's Roil Adopted
A few ratepayers have been en-
ciuir,ing as to how Wingham'sassess-
ment will be trade this year.. The
council have adopted the- 1923 assess-
ment and' the assessment .will be
-made about the end of Septemberfor
the 1925.assessment 'This change
was made necessary because of the
extension of time for payment of tax-
es from June 15 to Dec. 15th, in or-
der to give ratepayers the advantage
of the interest usually paid to the
bank on borrowed money up till the
time the taxes would commence com-
ing in at the end of the year.
Armstrong---Isard g p —Isard Nu ials
{ A uiet weddingtook place in Sher
bourne .Stree Methodist Church, To-
ronto, last " hursday afternoon whei
Clara Mary,daughterof Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. S. Isard, 'was united in marriage
to Dr: Harold George Armstrong,
son of the late Mr. and. Mrs. Thos. E.
Armstrong of Brampton. The cere-
lmony was performed by the Rev.
;Chas. Bishop in the presence of ins -
mediate relatives and friends. ' The
bride was given away by her father
and wore .a gown of black and white
embroidered in ehemille, ' with bon
quet of Ophelia 'roses and lily of the.
'valley, After the ceremony Dr. and
Mrs. Armstrong left for New York
!and Atlantic City and on their return,
!will reside -in Port Credit.
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F'rut Shoes® til `' Il'I1ate'riTer your 1,refer-
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ther and Shoemaking go into them
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