The Wingham Advance Times, 1924-04-17, Page 7"t`71/
Prieersday, April 17; 1924.
Field .Secretary Edgar T. Jones lids
jaiest returned from ii , a visit to souse at
our far north Troops and it is thought
. our brother Scouts>;leaders and friend's
will be fntereeted in learning how
Scooting is shaping in these compara-
tively isolated places.
He first wishes to remove the usual,:
ly accepted idea that up there, it is
the'"Pr•ozeu North." It L a wonderful
country of splendid farme, forestsoet
the finest 'timber,' minesof gold, 'sil
ver, copper, etc, a veritable "flowing
with milk and .honey" land, ready to
receive• a barge influx of people, and
undoubtedly possessing a great future.
Scouting has ',gotten ' a, firm grip
there and is ready for all -future ex-
tension and demand. •
In I-Iaileybury ,the ravages ofthe
fire are still seen' and'felt. Scouts
have labored, under great difficulties
since, h,aefing lost uniform, records,'
their meeting place, in. fact every-
thing but their "will to conquer." They
are out for real Scouting along the
well-known. lines.. of. woodcraft, .came-
,- •ing, 'etc., and much more will be heard
of them.
Among the Gold.
It is a ,long run thence to Timmins;_
-of gold farce, for herewe have the
largest gold mine .en the world. 'Our
representative arrived two hours late
on aceount • oI' engine breakdown, but
was not in the 'town thr e minutes --
before he was made to feel perfectly
"at home",by receiving the• familiar
Scouts salute, a reminder always of
our threefold promise. After meeting,
the Troop it was felt Timmins': has
every reason to be proud of this group'
of future•eitizens possessing hearts of .:
gold. Plans were laid for. further 'ex
tension of Scouting here.,,
The Pulp Town.
Found our Scoutmaster at Iroquois
Falle . unfortunately ill; •but splendid,
meeting arranged with about fiftyboys;
by Frank Bliss,-AS.M., and late; of
One` week; previously the troop had
the privilege of seeing the whole pro-
cess of paper making from the logs
tieing felled,transported,' cut up,
\crujshed, and manufactured into news-
- print.
Monteith, Matheson, and Elk Lake
were each' visited and public meetings
conducted: One, little fellow at the
latter place was caught talking in his
sleep at :night; saying, "Grandpa, I
know what the Cub's salute is, it's.
With the two fingers, like this," Evi-
dently 'the Sunday afternoon meeting
with Stouts' and Cuba made an im-
pression on him. There is the pro_
mise of: good Cubbing all round.
Mention should also be ,made of the
excellent progress beim " made i in
Scouting in :Th•ornloe, •Charlton, . Co -
bait, Giroux Lake,•as well asp the' pros -
pests' at New Liskeard, Englehart, and
North Cobalt.
A real climax to.; this northern tour
wa,s reached at North Bay, when'some
fifty Scouts warmed their toes at the
Council fire for an hour with Mr.
Jones supervising the stoking. This
wee followed ••by 'Father and Son bail
suet with the 1Wayoreand elite of the
town' present. Interesting speeches
were • given; 'new Committee elected,
the annual report prestented, clueing
which period the guest of the evening..
had perform "Scouts Paoe" to the'
railway station, preoeded by Scouts
transporting his .gripe, which "good
turn" enabled him to"just breathlessly
scramble on the train not one minute.
too soon.
Trio• *rip covered over one thousand
3nilee, and sixteen Troops and Packs
wave looked 'up and encouraged. The
arterthath•of.thought is that the North
es a great country for Scouting, activi
ties, particularly along lines of Wood
craft., and readers will rejoice to know
the boys with their ' leaders are. as
keen as our 'soutliern brothera, and•de-'
termined to snake the best of what op-
portunities .aae
pportunities:as'e theirs. Wouldn't it 'be
fine for Scouting if some of � our south-
ern Troops linked on with one up
North and exchanged ideas, lettere,
and confidences Heidelne tens 'would
be ;laid 'Co facilitate sucli a plan.
One -Roomed House.
Tile old jest about the. Irishman who,
• if he wonted to go from the kitchen, in-
to the na,rlor of his humble home, "just
stayed where he was," le being trans-
lated into reality.
A Berlin'arcliitect has efected IA the
euburbe four novel houses, the object
tieing to economize' space.
In 1 etifrty• ;each ahouse merely. eon-
sists of one lfirge room at the end. of
Milch is an 'arrangonient Similar to a
etrcalor moving stage.
Tee ie divided info three-eeetiofie,
one containing the essentials of a,kit-
:lien, another tele essentials of 'a bed-
room, and the third, those of 'a- reoep-
boil. -room. Thus, for example, in 3t .
moment the kitcbcn can be transform-
ed into a reception room or the latter
interna' bedroom.
Tile public appeeirs'to view the idea
with some doubt; ter despite the sliort-
ago of, hd'es only one Of tliese new
e ills obtained a tenant.
lie loath. 110 need o:f property who.
knows riot how to spend it.
The ; liy'iroc i to hes the took at in
ti ci bishop and the hears of.a miller;
1:ing who fights' lis people
ligI ts 'hiltlsel±
Making wash dt•, y`, pleasant
just use Rinso where
you used to' use bar
soap—f'or soaking,
boiling, or in your
washing, machine.
"THE: hardest part of wash -day,
rubbing, rubbing, rubbing, has
given way to the new method of
soaking the clothes clean withRinso.
This wonderful new soap gently
loosens the dirt and a thorough
rinsing : leaves things white and
glistening as you never could get
them before.
Only spots where the dirt is ground -
in,„ such as neck bands, cuff edges,
and the like need a light rubbing,
and a little dry Rinso rubbed- on
these spots quickly makes the dirt
Rinso is sold by all grocers
and :department stores
Shop Winslow Wit.
Americans are. well-known as a na-.
tion of advertising experts. "1 look down in the Mouth, and am
This ingenious paradox, which: is dis-
played prominently outside a dentist's
consulting -room,' is only one of many
witty and curious trade -signs.
On a bootmaker's window, for ex-
ample, is found the pointed question:
"Don't you wish you were in. my
shoes?" while:'outsdde a -builder's es-
tablishment is inscribed: "I send in-
nocent men to the 'scaffoled.' "
Witty, too, is this frank announce
ment, which graces a solicitor's office
in a provincial town: "1 study the lave
—and the. profits," But the under-
taker who, stated: "There are no com-
plaints from my' customers," had ; ap-
parently mistaken his vocation.
Do Not Use Harsh Purgatives.-»°
A Tannic is All You ]Need,
Not sick—but not feeling quite well,
That is the way most people feel; in
the spring. Basily tired, appetite
fickle, .sometimes headaches and, a
feeling oil depresiston. Pimples or
eruptions'niay appear on the skin, or
there may be twinges of rheumatism
or neuralgia, Any of these indicate
that the blood is out of order -that the
indoor' life ofwinter has left its mark
upon you and niay easily develop into
more serious trouble,
Do not dose yourself with purgatives,.
as many people do, in the hope' that
You can Ant your blood right. Purga-
tives gallop < through the system `;and
weakeninstead of giving strength..
Any doctor will tell you that this is
true. What you need in the spring is
a tonic that will enrich'' the, blood and
build up the nerves. Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, do this speedily, safely and
surely. Every dose of this medicine,
helps to enrich the blood, which clears'
the skin, strengthens the appetite and
makes tired, depressed men, women
and children bright, active and strong,
Mr. Henry R. Robinson, Cruickshank,
Sask., says:—"My blood was ' out of
order and I was nervous and .run
down. I;got a supply of`Dr. .Williame'
Pink Pills and.after taking tlfem •for
a while they fully restored my health.
I am now feeling fine and have no hesi-
tation in recommending these pills to
all who are feeling unwell:'
You can get these pills through any
dealer in.medicine, or by mail, at 50
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine ;Co., Brockvillee, Ont.
First Newspaper "Gazette."
The first newspaper printed from
type was: called "The Gazette" and was
published in Bavaria . in 1457.
Careful research made in recent
years in the study of dietetics has
Shown the great importance ; to the
human systeen of purity and 'uniform
quality in foods. It is a. great blessing'
that today so many delicious foods, as
well ai tea and coffee can be procured
in tins and sealed metal packages,.
•"SALADA" Tea was one of the first
pure food products to becomewidely
popular in Canada. The flavour -pre-
serving aluminum package keeps the
tea fresh and delicious.. :Skilful blend-
ing .maintains the quality absolutely
Keep Minard's Liniment In the house.
Canada's lowest priced uIity closed car.
On the farm, in town, everywhere the
most itaseful motor car on wheels. A gen-
�, and utility and family car in
Both seats remove. Taking out -the back
seat the whole rear compartment prop
vides aniple space for groceries, milk tains;
produce, grain—anything. Seats adjust-
able for tall and short people. .'•Com.
modious tr'tmk at rear.
Doors front and rear—eliminate seat
climbing. Upholstery' washable—long
wearing. The usual Overlandeconomy
and dependability is built, into the new
high 'puNiered Overland motor. See the
]Plenty oP roorn foie 4517011•' T,''a{ri t-trtzelsnitlfi. b,a'eto., itltY.eloortt Brent
ieody--the ideal Marin- latddm l oasilttlirotsxi9rear eltautiatate iies.(
[family ear. door.
Wi11. s -Ove rkartel Sales ' Co, Li'mie
PLEAD OF.P.rcr, AND P.tCTOP.271,3 OAONTO, C.4N4»4i'
Branches: Toronto I fez areal • Wiruiipeg Regina
';.re eac ^:efee atleell'tr' n.s..'rel • s1, h. "ea et .._w
'Fele 'ete
No, 434
Bend a Watch
ro. 9..,
Pia, 2,
This is 'not an infallible' trick.
To some folksit is tactre ccely pus-
zlizig but 'to others, it presents, no
illusion at all. However, . in every.
party there are two pr three' per-
sons wino find it perplexing, SP it
is worth knowing,
A watch'Is heldas in Pigure 1.
The ,finger tips; are brought close
together. (Fig. 2), and then re-
turned to the position of Figure 1.
This is repeated, the hands acting
just as if the' watch was being,
To many people, the optical i1-
lusion _is perfect; the watch ap-
pearing just as if it were bent and
straightened. As has been said,
other folks 'ere unable to see .any-;
thing'. of an illusive nature in it.
(clip thts pelt and paste it, with
nfh.rr of the series. in a scrapbook.)
Rewriting tihe , Bible.
The most wonderful manuscript
Bible in the world is owned by a Mr.
Russell, of Montreal. With infinite.
patience he carried" out this great work
withhis own hand.
Mr. 'Russell, who is a Presbyterian,.
said that his main object in attempting.
spch a task was to leave some unfor-
gettable and tangible memorial of him-
self for his family.
• The work, which is wonderfully done
in a style of half writing and• hall
printing, was perormed at odd Mo-
ments of spare time, and took twenty-
two years to complete!
The New Testament takes '`up 471
pages, withdouble columns on each
page, andwas written without a single
error or omission. In`;aii, there' are
1,987 pages. '
Among the 'distinctive features of
this wonderful book are the title -pages,
which are exquisitely illuminated, the
delicate penthanship; .and the hand-
some morocco. binding. The weight of.
;the Bible is about eighteen pounds, and
it contains an autograph of the Prince
of: Wales, who sh•owe,d great interest
in it when he was: in MomtreaI.
The Spring Is, a time of anxiety to
mothers who have little ones in the
home. , .Conditions make it necessary
to keep the baby indoors. He is often
confined to overheated, badly venti-
lated rooms and catches' colds -which
rack his whole system. To guard
against this, a box of Baby's Oyy'n Tab-
lets should be; kept in the House and
an occasional'dose given the baby to
keep his stomach and bowels working
regularly. This will prevent colds,
constipation pr colic and keep baby
well. The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
box front. The Dr. Willfame' Medicine
Co., Brobkvifile, Ont.
Remit by Dominion Express Money
Order. If lost or stolen yon get your.
money back.
To, Change Leap -Year
p -Year Day?.
This year may be the last February
leap day. The International Fixed
Calendar League hopes to- persuade
the league of nations to enforce an inti
ternational change, which would put
intoeffect the league's four-week
months and would transfer leap day to
June 29.
Ask for Minard'e and tare no other.
Here is a simple p method e hqd of cleaning
a saucepan in which milk has been
boiled. After pouring out the boiling
milk, replace the lid before the steam
has time to escape, and.' allow the
saucepan to cool. Then pet the pan
in cold watee to soak. , It can be clean-
ed quickly' and easily.
Refreshes Tired Eyes
Write Murine Co,,Chicago,forEYcCareBook
Easy Now to Lose
a Pound a Day.
—20 this delightful, sifselo nay, No drugs, no
dangerous thyroids, no Anel:-nrcah'tns ozerotses, do
mooagina write far free Bnmul. or Alerandor's'
Boatman( Vitnminea. Ai;2;xdi0)13 t 7 4a10R4roli
t S, 484 Bohan lndg:, Toronto, Out, .
Bad Breath
"Sad breath le a elan of decayed
teeth, foul stomach oe uholean::
bowels." ' If your teeth are good,
look to your digestive organs et
once, Get Seigel's Curative
Syrup at druggists. 15 to 30
drops after metals, clean up your
food 'passage and stbp the bad
breath odor, foo not buy substi-
tutes, Get, the genuine.
Next tithe try the f. riest g ade--
He who goes out'te huiit•deer some-
a carded wool; sample, enough light
, g g t
comforter; one dollar. 'Woollen Mills,
Georgetown, Ont,
£100,000 for Wembley:
The Empire Exhibition and Stadium
at Wembley Park have been assessed
at £100,000 for local rating purposes,
-Unless 'you see the "Bayer Cross" on
package or on tablets you are not get-
ting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved
safe by millions and prescribed by -
phyesecians over twenty-three years for
Colds Headache
Toothache Lumbago
Neuritis • Rheumatism
Neuralgia Pain, Pain
Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
.only. 'Each unbroken package con-
tains proven directions. Bandy boxes
of twelve tablets cost few oents. Drug-
gists also sell battles of •24 and 100.
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of
M'onoaceticacideste' of Salicylicacid.
While it Ls well known that Aspirin
means Bayer Manufaoture, to assist
the public against imitations, the Tab-
lets • of Bayer Company will be stamped
With their general trade mark, the
"Bayer Cross."
A Soothing. Effective. Penetrating Oft
that has brought' prompt relief to hun-
dreds suffering Froin catarrbel deafness,
head noises, discharging orltabinis ears.:
Just rub -it heel: of the ears and insert in
nostrils.' For Sado Everywhere, 51.25. •
I. -detesting descripiire fodder'
.tient upon retpaeed
A.0, Lconerd„Inc.70 5111. Ave., Newyork
M nard's soothes anti healt
strained ligements and sore
Keep Your riands Sof
and Mite With Colima
The daily use of the Soap, with
occasional touches of the Ointment,
is very effective for keeping the
hands soft and smooth. For red,
rough or sore bands: On retiring
batheinhotwd^ter and Cuticura Soap,
dry, and rub In Cuticula Ointment.
Soap25e. Oiatmeot2saadSOe. Takum25c. Sold
throughout theDominion. CanadianDepot:
Lyman.. Limited, 344 St. Pail St., W. Montreal.
"CntlCUra Soap shave, without amtr4emoomoommout
- f
Tells How Lydia E.Pix'Akham's
Vegetable Compound
Restored Her Health
River Desert, true, --” I used to have a
severe pain in iffy Side. 1 would be un-
able to walk fast and could not stand
for any length of time to do illy ironing
or -washing, but.1 would have to lie
down toet relief from the pain. .I
had this for about two years, then a '
friend told me to try Lydia E. Pink.
ham's Vegetable Compound as shehaci
had good results. I certainly got goo
resells frons it, too, as the last tinge -
had a sore side was last May anal have
not had it since. I am also glad of
having ;g+ooid nursing for my baby, and
I think It; is your irtedicine that helped
me in this way."—Mrs. 1.,. V. i"ilunGlr,
Biver Desert, Quebec.
If you;rresuitering from the tortures
of a displacement, irregularities, back-. '
ache, headaches, nervonelless, or a pailt
inomPoundthe side you should lose no time its
trying Lydia, Pinkham's Vegstablh
Lydia n. Pinkhalti's lirivate :'en.C-,
Book upon r` Ailments Peculiar to C 'e-
imen"will be sent you free upon tee nest, •
Write for it to the Lydia 1. Isin.chant
Medhelne Co., Coboui' Ontario. This
Book contains trainable ail eot;mntcou that
every woman should know, u
{SCUP' Ne,