The Wingham Advance Times, 1924-04-17, Page 4',11 • 1•',4.
.•°•111'fis''' 1",,,ffif•
1 t't • 4,1 Olaf f• 'ff'f., I of,
dfdl ff f, • ff riff, i '11
‘. 'h1441
; 41.
have been appointed i'rixe.u.sive
Distributors in this district for the
1924 Season for the famous
a si will c* lirry c m lete stilleiC\
, *
Let us book your order now for delivery .
in April or May. We will guarantee
our present prices for Spring delivery if
you place your order at once.
Ames Holden Tires need no recommendation from us. All'
you need do is to
6 'r6
hain Tire
E TH.'
dig Tire S o
4 '1,
TIM ON POLLYTICKS out wid thim Grits bike it did wid the
sea . kind hearter fellah who allowed the
To the Ecfifir av the A vance-loanes •carnel •to git his nose into the tint.
Deer Suia--- a Ye know the slitary, how the camel
Sliure, wasut 1 dist afther tellin came along wid a harrud hick yaii att
ye what thint wttd be ptillin aff asked if he moight pet put. his nose
if *8 &dill: git the shart av thim? into the inart'S tint to git it warrurn.
Here, be takin a few cints aff the tar- The zian bein aisy consinted, an pal--
1ff here an there, so that it won't ty soon the camel had his whole ugly
hurrnt anny- av theer frinds ix Que- head an neck insoide, an befoor long
he; they hey got the whole buneh av this whole body, htunps an all. Then
U. F O's wid thirn. (Mebby I shad he tut: possesshun an shtarted
bear called thim Progressives, as that rough house tumuli the man outsoi e.
is the name they go by in. Ottawa, an Shmall rnatther whether ye take the
stonall blame to thin' if they don't illifant shtory arr the wan about the
loike to be called U. F O's undher camel, tings don't look too safe fer
prisint condishuas.) It musht be a the Grits at the prisint toirne.
grate soight intoirly to see Mishter Shpakin av the tarrif itsilf I didn't
MacKenzie King, an Mishter Robb, notish army change in. the dooties, on
art all the resht av the Grit cabinet sich niciaaarieg av loife as tay an to-
roidin the Progressivey illifant be ray- backy. 'Tis plain that Mishter Robb
son av faydin him a few bags ay pay- tinks he knows it all hirnsilf arr he
nuts, widRunny Malcolm an Sir wud hey takin cad Tim's advoice
Lamer Gouin tellin the baste which about thim tings. Crutches hey been
way to go; an Mishter McMaster an put on the free Iisht, but unless me
Mishter Crerar axt Mishter Forke, ani ould back gits wurse than it has ivir
Jawn Kites and Billy Bleak proddia ' been yit, the sauce will be no binjfit to
hint wid sharp shticks to make him,ine. The sales tax has been minced
run fashter, not to minshun all the l from six pur cint to foive to make it
ahmall byes av the Grit parthy faydin aisier figgeria fer Billy Fraser an the
him moore paynuts. Shure, the illi- resht av thim harrud wurrukin Gov-
fant is a willin baste an a slitronge ernmittt min. No Change is praavmis-
wan, avaise in soma respickts, but avided in the dooty on shoes, be rayson
no .inse at all, at all in others. If he av the fact that there do be too manny
has a droiver who kin manage him- min rnakin thim down in Quebec, iv-
eoight he -will do a lot av wurrale, but lirywan av thim ready to put the boots
if tings don't plaze him he is loikely' to the Grits if they disliturbed tings.
ro run amuck an shmash up the who'lel The shmall reduckshun onefarrune
circus. ixpict thim Grits will hevaimplemints will be nayther here nor
theer awn thrubbles befoor they git Ithere wid respict to the proice av
troo wid this wan. thirn, though mebby the takin aff ay
But to change the mitty fer, as mei the sales tax may make some differ,
dawter-in-law, who used to be a an rneb'by it won't. The success av a
school taycher, wud say, it may turn ifarramer depinds on the weather an
Tor Barris and Outbuildings
it has zw equal
write t.,0 Head Office, Montreal or Free !Booklet
in 11,m-
Our Prices are Right. Our Work is the. 'A e L
/11W Gu•arantee Evevything We Sell.
RP. 21111t.0111A.anat.
— We S II
ectric Ra ge
offatt Electric r ages
Hydro Lamps
. •
how harrud 1i wurruks an on how
Mech seernmon sine he has, xnoore
than eu the tariff.
It Makes the shmoile td link how
we lieu got the Grits up a tree at.
lasht. If the farrumers become eabore
corrtinted an shtop gruniblin it -will be
a soign av betther toinees in the coun-
they an we will give the cridit to the
markets on account av Europe settlin
down, arr settlin up, an- if teazles get
weather an good crape an betther
wurse we will blame it on the new
Annyway it only proves what I said
befoor that a Progressive is only a
Grit wid long boots on an who shaves
Yours till nixt -wake,
• Timothy Hay.
Sealed Tenders addressed to the un-
dersigned and endorsed "Tender for
dredging, Goderich, Ontario", will be
received until 12 o'clock noon, Thurs.:-
day, April 17, 1924, for dredging re-
quired at Goderich, Ontario.
Tenders will not be considered un
less made on the' forms supplied by
Department and according to condi-
tions set forth therein.
Combined specification and form of
tender can be obtained on application
to the undersigned, also at the offices
of the District Engineers, Equity
Building, Toronto, Royal Bank Build-
ing, London, and at the Post Office,
Goderich, Ont. Tenders must in-
clude the towing of the plant to and
from the work. —
The dredges and other plant 'which
are intended to be used on the work
shall have been duty registered in
Canada at the time of the filing of the
tender with. the Department, or shall
have been built in Canada after the
filing of the tender.
Each tender must be accompanied
by an accepted cheque on a chartered
bank, payable to the order of the
Minister of Public Works, for 5 p. c.
Iof the contract price, but no cheque
to -be for less than fifteen hundred
dollars. War Loan Bonds of the Do-
minion will also be accepted as se-
curity, or war bonds and -cheques if
required to make up an odd amount.
By order,
Department of Public Works,
Ottawa, April 9,, 1924.
Recollections of the Past Taken
From Winghaw Papera
The firm of Vasbinder & Rodwell,
general mechanists mid repairers of
Victoria street has been dissolved and
Mr. Rodwell is moving to a farm
near Norwich The business here
will be • continued by Mr. Vasliuder
and Mr, W, G. Paton wlio have form-
ed a partnership,
Ou ,Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock
at the Wingharn R. •C. Church, Miss
Margaret Bradley, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs, 'Wm, Bradley of Vittoria St.
was married to Mr, George Haller, of
Pr( s ton.
Messrs, Walker & Clegg are making
necessary arrangements to commence
work on their new factory building at
as early a date as possible. Building
material is being purchased, The new
factory will be built on the corner
west of the present factory building
and the house now occupied by Mr,
Palmer Morden will be moved so as
to give more room for the new build-
ing. The firm has this week pur-
chased Mr. Harry Brown's property
which is opposite their premises.
This week Mr. A. McKenzie, of
Culross takes charge of the Teeswat-
er News, having purchased the plant
and business from Mr. W. Colwell.
Mr. C. A. Campbell local manager
for the Bell Telephone Co, has dur-
ing the past month added four new
telephones, as follows:—IVIr. • C. G.
Vanstorte's house, No, 95; Mr. J. A,
Cline's house, No. 97; Mr. R. Clegg's
hoese, No. 94 and, one for Miss E.
King, professional nurse in Lower
Wingharn, No. 93. this makes a total
of 107 telephones now in use in
Winghain, which is one ' for every
twenty-one people in the town. .
The store recently occupied by Mr.
R. A. Douglas as' a drug store has
been leased by Mr. W. J. Greer, and
wall be used as a boot arid shoe store.
Extensive alterations will be made in
the premises and the store will be es-
pecially fitted up for booand shoes..
The G. N. W. telegraph office will
likely remain in the old stand as a
largely signed petition has been for -
Warded oe 1'11(4 •eompany asking that
Mr. Greek he aPPeinted the local
The Wing -ham Bowling Club was re -
organized for 1904 at a meeting 1104
on Friday last in the Council Cham-
ber. The following are the officers
chosen:—Pres. ]Jr. A. J. Irwin; vice -
Tres, IJ, T. Hepburn; sec,-treas. A. M.
Hotpoint Apph noes
. am
CrwOr Blodc
lf,;(•• , •
Presbyterian church in Teeswater
voted on union on Sunday. Out of a
congregation of 46o. 105 voted for
and a52 against
Alexander MacDonald an old resi-
dent of the 4th con. of Calross, died
at his home in Teeswater on Wednes-
day morning His son Anthony who
was recently hurt in the lime plant is
still in a critical condition.
A. M. Babb who was inspector at
the :Building of the new school has
taken legal action against the school
board to secure payment for a am-
ber of tools stolen from the building
while in eourse of erection.
Rev, Mr. Perrie left for Hamilton,
Monday morning where he intends
spendiug a few days,
Mn and Mrs. Harry Town of Wing -
ham spent the week -end with the for-
zner*e parents here.
Mr. Neil White who is working in
lEiruseels spent over Sunday at his
home here.
Mr. Jack Brown of Toronto visited
last week with friends in. town.
Mr. and Mts. 'ram Eloperaft spent
Sunday -with Mends et
Mrs. Geo. Gibson left on Monday
for Edmonton With her daughter
where slit intends melting' her home.
Died in Georgia
The -village state has changed a pile,
Or so it seems tone
It's different in stook and style
From what it used to be;
The cracker barrel's vanished now,
There's nothing left around, I vow,
To tempt your appetite.
There is no place for us to sit
That used to haunt that store,
Our wisdom and our native wit
Aren't heard there any more:
The place is all spick-and-span.
And citified and smart,
It's simply broken up the clan
And cracked each loafer's heart.
I -know it's making money fast,
Since it has changed its ways;
It never made much in the past— '
But those were good old days!
It was the meeting place, the hub, -
In the glad time of yore;
It was the forum and the dub—
And now—it's just a store!
--Knoxville Express.
C.C. M. CliV61-01a
A new shipment of
Cleveland Bicycles
For Spring
A full stock of Bicycle
Baby Carriages ReTirect
' Bring us your
Job o,f Repairing for Spring
Second Hand Wheels Gen-
erally in Stock
Machine and Repair Shop
Friends. It's your relations* who
think well of you when you settle
down and your creditors when you
settle up.
The chief difference between a wea-
ther prophet and a pessimist is in tie
A great deal of trouble in this world
could be overcome of we'd laugh in-
stead of swear at it.
A clock passes the time by keeping
its hands busy, you might try doing
the same.
—0 --
Somehow, dear, since we parted,
The gun leas ceased to shin;
The world is dark and gloomy,
Since last I called you mine.
And yet somehow I wondee,
If you are quite to blame,
'Cause ever since I left you,
We've had a spell of rain.
• e —0—
Babe, Ruth says he reduces his
weight by wearing easpenders, They
'also aid in his support.
Correct this sentence: It's a beauti-
ful neckla.ce, said. she, but I'd love yon
just as much if you never gave me
Photographer: Watch and you'll
see a pretty little dicky -bird come out.
Modern Child: Oh, don't be an egg
expose your plate and let's get this
Mr.. Fall's middle name, it seems is
Bacon. Sounds plausible.
A sock on the foot is worth two in
the eye.
After readiag in the paper about a
man who got arrested in London. foe -
cussing a show, a Whighara man was
heard to remark that he. had seen
that same show. '-
Wedding Rings, Diamond
Rings and Marriage L.
cence Information
111 1111111111101111111111181111111181315111118111 11 1111111X
Fine Residence
- Sale
A two storey 'brick dwelling,
well situated and with modern
conveniences WW be sold at a
Don't think much ,of the girl
Fixes the petals
Shecounts you out,
Our idea of the original optirnift;
The guy who went fishing on the Ark
when there were only two worm a-
Anticipating tomorrow and regrett-
ing yesterday are poor ways of spend-
ing our time today.
Have you ever stopped to think,
that it is easier not to offend than it
is to make a.rnends?
By L.Caesar, Provincial'Entomologist
Do not spray at all unless you are
going to try to do it well. It will
not pay.
2 You cannot rnake a success of ap-
ple growing without good_ spraying.
3 You cannot spray well, without a
good outfit which will give you plen-
ty of pressure. So overhaul the old
spray machine at once, or if it is not
satisfactory buy a new one with plans
ty of power. ,
4 Get a. spray calendar from your
Agricultural Representative or from
Mr. P. W. Hodgetts, Director Fruit
Branch, ' Toronto, or Professor L.
Caesar, Ca A. C, Guelph. Tack it up
in the spray shed where it will al-
ways be available.
5 Use only the spray materials re-
commended in the spray calendar.
6 Do not spray when it happens to
be convenient but spray at the times -
the spray calendar says. The time
of spraying is a vast importance and
the times given in the spray calendar
are based on years of study.
7 Omit none of the first three re-
gular sprays, some years the ,first is
the most important, some the second
and souse the third, Each spray
helps bamake the next more effective
and each must * be given to insure
clean fruit.
8 Mclntosh and Snow trees should
receive a fourth application. Read
what the spray calendar recommends
under "Extra. sprays and remarks"
and he graded by it.
9 You will not control San Jose
scale on large trees, twenty-five years
Id e ti less you first prune
o 0 MOr n
them heavily and scrape the loose
bark off with a hoe. Then see that
every particle of the bark is wet -with
the liquid; a mere mist or a light
spray will not hill the iesect, Use
lime sulphur rtto 7 of water, prefer-
ably jest as the buds are bursting.
to For scab and codling moth cover
reasonable pricer This is a bar- 112 over every leaf. Scab attacks the
FL- *n. N. both side g of every fruit and alto co-
* it leaves too and is often washed from
through the teem, To insure this go
in, if necessary, underneath the tree
and spray the part beyoud, the trunk
first, then step back 'to the outside
and spray the remaining part. Do
this front both sides. Remember that'
it is the centre or shaded part of the
tree where scab naturally is worst and
poor sprayers nearly always miss this
side though they often cover the sun-
ny or outer side all right.
12 A tower, even with a spray gun,
is a great help. Often it will suffice
to stand on the tank, A railing or
support on it removes the danger of
13 Do not use large opeuings the
discs of either nozzles or spray guns
unless you have 225 pounds pressure
or more. They are wasteful, make it
difficult to maintain high Pressure,
and give too coarse a spray
14 In many cases work will be done
with. a rod and three angle disc noz-
zles easier then with gun. In any case
use some system in spraying so that
you will make sure everything is be-
ing covered in a methodical way.
15 Have a handy place to fill the
liursday, April x7tha X9e4
tank. Teo minutes should be long
enough for any tank.
16 Do not eta]) spraying becanse 'aaas
rain threatens. Go right on until the
rain has well begun. It is rain and'
armisture which cause scab putbreaks.
17 Do not stick to an eight or ten ,
hour day when spraying, but make "
every effort to get it done as soon as
possible without sacrificing thorough-
ness, If the second spray is not fin-
ished before, the blossoms open, omit,
itFhieledp,oisou. and go oil until it is, fin -
18 Wash one the tank and PurnP'
clean water through the machine and,
nozzles at the close of each clay,
19 Rcmetnber spraying gives heal-
thy foliage and is a great factor me
producing anntutl crops as well as,
giving clean fruit, Even trees that
are not bearing should be sprayed to
keep thein healthy,
zo Get a new spray calendar each,
year, '
21 When in difficulty consult your.
Agricultural Representative or write ,
to Professor L, Caesar, 0, A. C.,,
Guelph, or W. A. Ross, Vineland,.
..tS'el." TV0.01140, '
Make Your Trip More Eujoyable by a
efreshi g Night on Lake Erie
(Your rail ticket is good on the boats)
Thousands of west bound travelers say they wouldn't have missed that cool,
comfortable night on one of our fine steamers. A good bed inc clean stateroom,
a long sound sleep and an appetizing breakfast in the morning,
Daily, May 1st to November 15th \ - •
Leave Buffalo - 9:00 Easfern .1" Leaye Cleveland - 9:00 P.M.
Arrive Cleveland 7180 AM. J ;Standard Time 1, &wife -Buffalo 7;30 A.M.
Connections for Cedar Point, Put -in -Bay, Toledo. Detroit and other points. Ask
your ticket agent or tourist aseuey for ticket via C 13 Line. New Tourist Auto-
mobile Rate -810.00,
The Great Ship
Set:Leaks -Length,
500 feet; Breadth, 98
feet 6 inthes.
Send for free sectional puzzle chart of the
Great Ship "Seeaudbee ' and 52 -nage booklet.
The Cleveland and Buffalo Transit Co.
Cleveland, Ohio
Fare $5.50
• .
Cartney Junior
WI Why milk the old way when you can milk in a more sanitary way
,...-= at a great saving of labor and time. Any boy or girl 12 or 13 years LE .•
L'Il of age can .use this machine. It eliminates all milking drudgery with i" -
Wil your head under the warm cow two hours twice daily during the He'
,, hot, weather. There is an estimate , of 200,000 cows being rnilked 4-•
g• with this machine in Ontario to -day. ',I. i-
The only successfuthand power machine —
now in use.
Abner cons -
rtiuralikee and Red g,fltat0.•
11111111111111111111111111101011111111111111111110411111111 o
them to the fruit tt require
from 7 to 13 gallons fot each tree
twenty-five years old or upwards, not
just a or 3 galloes.
it Be sere the spray reaches right I ni
Come in some evening and let us demonstrate to you
at our stables.
Mall all!
Mal 3111 I 1111 ISM
If You Have Cream to Sell.
, .
Bring it here,, where correct test
is guaranteed.,_
Market price paid in cash daily.
If you are a satisfied patron tell others, if not, tell us.
The United Farmers Co -Op. Co. Ltd.
- Ontario
Wed, and Thur. April 16 and 17
"Fro t Page Stole?
A Comedy Drama of Political Life in a small town.
Fri. and Sat. April t8 and xg
.1' 3
Betty Compton and Conroy Tearite
-- IN —
A shimmering, stirring romance in a setting Of silks and satins
Special Mon,, Tues„ Wed., April 21, 22 and 23.
Adapted from the famous novel and play by Sir Hall Celtic.
The story of a mati who had. to choose between his cleVetion no re-
ligion and an overpovvering potation for London's famous stage
beauty is the most thrilling dramatic love &nine the world hes
ever known
1:,riees x50 and 350