HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-04-10, Page 1TaaS171 saanage---*-t=esertthre_sarsa--trassa._,-, ' Single Copi'as; Five Cents. ' „ rf t•I n • . ,- • ..."1.1arl • ' EVERYBODY'S COLUMN AUTO HOSIERY KNITTER:a-Ise class condition, Apply at The Ad - vane. , AUCTION SALE -Horses, Cattle- . Pigs and Implements at Lot 41, Con. tt, East Wawa.nosh on Thurs- day, April 17. No reserve. Thos. 4 Shoebottona, Prop., Jas. Taylor, Auct. a ,BABY CHICKS FOR SALE -Big, Strong., Healthy, Baby Chickfront selected heavy laying pure bred to lay Poultry, S. C. White•Leghorns $15,00 per hundred, Barred Rocks, .$18.00 per hundred. F.O.B, White- church. Ararrite for prices on eggs for hatching, from above also S. C. Black Minorcas. Inspection invited and aatiafaction gaeranteed. Plsone or write. Duncan Kennedy, •White- • church, Ont. .- , BABY CHICKS -d. A. C. sine,le • comb white-Leghorns and Barred . Rocks likrice 15c each, orders book- ed now for May and June. Mrs. Geo, Da Fortune at Jno, W. For- tune, ll' . R. 1, Winghana, WroXeter. - „ phone/No. 612 ring 8, • CAR OF POTATOES WANTED - T, Fells. a. , FOUND -Lady's broach in front of • Wingbam Methodist Church. Ap- ply to Misa Elston, Minnie St. FOUND -Ladies Wrist watch. Ap- • ply at Advance. ' ,FOR SALE ---Baby buggy, as good as new. Apply at The Advance. FOR SALE -Two Registered Short- horn 131.111%,one twelve months, the ' „ other three erears..- Apply to J. J. Kerra phone 22-613, route 3, Wing- , l'Iam. 1 , FOR SALE OR LEASE -Good frame house 'with. stable and hen - house, aboutats acres of good gran. i • Town Plot: Apply, to Advance. ,FOR SALE -1923 Ford Sedan, as good as new. Apply The Advance. 1 :FOR SALE -zoo Cedar Posts con- 1 taining anchor brace and corner i posts, ,A.pply.to James Penny R. R. ( 1, Delgrave, phone 42-621, between i ' 6 and 8 o'clock evenings. ( z FOR SALE -Splendid building lot, t corner Boland St. and, Catherine t Ave. A -snap to the first buyer. 1 V. R. VanNorman, Real Estate t Dealer. . € t FOR RENT -Pasture for • a limited. munber of town cows. $8.00 for c season. Apply to Thos. Forbes. s, FOR SALE -Residence on Victoria St,' cheap for quick sale. Apply to 1 V. R. VanNorrnan, Real Estate Dealer. • ' FOR SALE -A 1913 -model Ford Touring car Az Mechanical con- dition. Good tires. For 'quick f sale cheap. Apply to Geo. Cottle, Whitechurch. Phone 6-6ts. • FOR SALE -8 cboice. Barred Rock Hens. 0. A. C, bred to lay. En- P quire at the. Advance. • t FPR RENT -A farm on Lot 3, con. 2, Morris. For further particulars, .. apply on the premises. 1` C FOR SALE -Two first class incu- bators will be sold at less than half s price. Apply to A. Buttery, Scott 1 ,FOR SALE -a six H. P. Gas Engine .a and Saw aod Chopper. Bargain A for em.ick sale. Apply to Jos. Kars math, Glenannan, a la 'HOUSE TO RENT -Eight 'room • cottage, brick and frame, water and light. Apply to J. W. Dodd, Insur- g ance Agent, - li LOST -Two letter box keys, one had d along brass chain. attached and the p othera cord. Inforatation will be v :rewarded. • Robt Beattie, a MANURE FOR SALE -Fresh or 11 well rotted heavy manure delivered no. 'at $soo per load. Robt. Beattie. o ii PASTURE. TO RENT -Tenders will be received up to April to, for the c pasture rights duaing the corning summer on primerty owned by An- gus Syndicate. Abner. Cosens, In- Y • surance and•Real Estate, tr1 A PROPERTIES FOR SALE -Splen- st „did two • storey frame dwellings, th good garage and all conveniences. D ^-Eleven acres of good liaid; batik 'Ll' Vern and brick house just outside al the corporation. .Also other houses ". and lots. P. McConnell, Real Es- ft tate and Auctioneer. • tc in TENDERS -AVM be received•by the w undersigned up to the a2th day of w April instant at 6 p. m. for the rent to of the pasture rights Of the Golf th Club grotincls for the' season. Lbw- a est, or no tender necessarily " ac- cepted. J. W: McKibbon, Pres. F4 TO RENX-On Diagonal Road, a 6 it( room cottage, garden. Apply to H. ta - • J. Jobb.•• gs in WANTED -A cow, iteslt or coming to in soma. 1-folstein preferred, Chas. Campbell, Belgrave, 'Phone 24-624- , ge - WANTED ---A young girl wants posi- su tion aa hoese maid. For Particulars rh apply tas Phone 35.49, ar WANTED -Two married men with W cars to represent sales organization oa of recognized standing. Opportnni- gr ty for right man. Addteaa Cecil L. in1 Wismer, care of Times or soe Erie ar St., Stratford, giving references. wi FIRST MAYOR• OF WINGIIAM Benjamin Willson Dies in Vancouver ' On Sunday last, IVIr. J. A. Morton, received, telegram, from his son Mr. M. W, Morton Vancouver, B. C. in- forming him that Mr. Benj. Willson, a 'former respected resident Of Wing - ham had died suddenly in that city. Mr. 'Willson, who was born In Lon- don Township, came to Winghain in the early seventies and for a time en- gaged in mercantile business, Soon afterwards he established, a *private bank here which he conducted for some years, when he was appointed manager of the Bank of Hainilton here. and, he continued in the employ of that bank until the end. , -- Daea:seriiiai a' • most highly es- teemed man of a kindly disposition •and probably did more for the ad- vancement of the town of Wingham than any other citizen ever did, He built the residence later owzied by Robert Knox and kept a large lawn and boulevards which has since been sold to the Government arid where now 'stands the Wingham. 'Post Of- fice. His father -the late Crowell Wilt- on ex -M. P, for North Middlesex was one of the men who had a great deal to do with the erection of the resent St Peels Church. The late Benjamin Wilson was reeve of Tern- erry in 1872 and 1873 before Wing - lam was incorporated as a village nd continued to be the first reeve of he village in 1874aaarallagjoury _years In 1879 Wing -ham was Incorporated s a town and Benjamin 'Willson was honored by being elected the 'first Mayor. He was a past master of Wingham badge A. F. SE A. M. and a Past Z of the Chapter, Mr. WilS on's first wife was a aughter of the late Se'xtus Kent and he predeceased him some year ago. Two sons survive viz: Crowell and obert both living in British Colima - la. His second wife was the widow f the:late Da-vid Glass of London. Everyone whom have heard men - ion the late Benjamin Wilson have ad nothing but the very 'kindest •ords to say of hirtao. A former May- r of Wingham, related to us a story f how one day his father was quite 1 and he was a mere laid and a bill f upward of $em had.' to be paid nd there Was no money in the bank, ut Mr.' Willson heard of the boy's rouble and signed a note below the ad's name telling him to take it to he bank and he thought they would Lye him the money. Needless to say my did.- ,How few men will he hon- uch tale being related by som.eone red after they have gone by smile ho has since grown to manhood and dho has too held high honors. Veai- your works will follow you. PEOPLE COMING AND GOING Mr. John McCracken visited with iends in London this week. • Mr. •SV. Scott Heim of Detroit, ia isiting with his wife and little son. Miss Annie Pullen has accepted .a osition as bookkeeper in Harriston• Mr., J. Hirst made a business trip Torbnto and Montreal this week. Mrs. A. Lavelle Taylor of London, visiting her sisters the Misses Mc- rackin. Miss E. P. Scott of Wroxeter school aff visited over the week-ehd. at J. Fells. • Miss Nfa.rgaret Black of Ripley is • present visiting her cousin V1rs. thttr Angus of town, Mr. and Mrs, Jefferson of Forclwich pent the week -end at the home of r. and Mrs. T. I-1. Gibson. Mrs. (Dr.) Geddes and Miss Mar- aret spent a day last week at the ome of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McGee, Mr. V. R. VanNorinan, real estate aler, disposed of the Lawlor pro- rty on Minnie St., to Mrs. Margaret ilson. , Mr, and Mrs. Alex, VanAlstyne ave decided to stay in town and ave moved into their house on Scott . and have rented their place atShe netion to Albert VanAlstyrie, hurch 'Union Debate -' The Rev, D, T. L. MeKerroll of mtoria Church, Toronto', will speak • St. Andrew's Church next Sabbath nil 13th. Mr. McKerroll is an able eaker, 1 -le will speak in defence of e Presbyterian Church. The Rev, r, Gordon Ex -Principal of Queen's niveraity (Unionist) in strongly dis- proving of this coercive union, said 'he union that I long for and pray r, and for which I am willitr/ even wait a little longer, is ,one that • the hearts of brethren, and that uld leaire no ground. for resentment uld enable our Preabyteriati church • make still further contribution to e welfare of our co/Autry and to the vaneementnf the Kingdom of God." eling Like a Millionaire • The editor of the Advaece-Thnes is w. a rich mart for he has received ough the Attalla no 1s than three nuitte German marks worth 160,00 arks each. It is said that before 14 these pieces of paper were each, rth 05,000, Now dear reader don't excited we will still need your $.0o sscription to keep us from g-oin to e, poor house, as this little fottune :hied tett years late, the marks me rth about se in Canadian currency, hen the German mark is back toits value, (if it ever mimes back) our eat great grandchildren will be fill - our shoes and neither ye editor any of you who are reacting thia I be where they use nsoney, ONT, THURSI..)AY,' APRIL iintt "1934 Tax Rate Struck, Wingham Rate- payers Will, Pay 47 Mills on Dollar The Wingham council held, a len- gthy session on Monday evening. l'he big item of -busiaeas was the striking of the tax rate, Considerable time was talaen up in 'trying to ,pair the estimates and not finish at the end of 1024 with an overdraft. It was a hopeless task to try and reduce the rate for the paved atreets have to be paid for and 4S- mills had to be added this year for to pieet pavement debentures alone. The rate was fin- ally struck at 47 mills on motion of Councillors Mitchell and Wilkinson. They are made up as follows: -High School 4 mills,- Public School 9 mills, County 3 mills and town 31 mills. The estimates are as folows: , • Receipts Licenses$ 550 00 St. Watering 247 18 Cemetery 1600 oo Rents 450 oo Fines 50 oo Poll Tax Sanitary Tax' Percentage on Taxes Railway Tax Arrears Taxes 1923 Weight Scale Fees Dg Tax Miscellaneous Expenditure Overdraft from 1923 Expenses elections 250 co Salaries Allowances 3220 00 that institution. His mother is inbact LOCAL AND GENERAL ITEMS Replenish your Linen Stock at King Bros. You save on all lines of Men's and Boys' Wear at Isard's Alteration Sale Second Hand Cook Stove with Reservoir and Oil Heater. Thomp- son & echanan, Hardware. • Mt, 'rbomas Kew is hiving a, green- house built at the south east corner of his fine residence on Frances St. Mrs. Goy has sold her home on Victoria St. to Mr. George Shrigley, Mita Goy has rented rooms over the Mooney's tin shop. • -j. R. Ball will be in Wingharn on Saturday, April 19th., at A. S. Mc - Gee's store for the purpose c,:rf paint- ing and densonstitating hand painted SHOT „AT WATERLOO Eight Year Old BOY SbOt by Youtilr, Of Seventeen, Walter Disney, eight-year-old son of Mr, and Mrs, Norman Disney, John Street, Waterloo, -was shot through the stomach, on Thursday aud. died before he reached the Hospital, by a bullet- fired. froni a re- volver •in the hands of Mclean I3oards man, aged sz, also of Waterloo, liv- ing at 19a King Street South, • Boardniaa claims that the shoot-, ing vvas an accident. The Disney boy, with eight-year-old Ed. Cross, were playing, and they went into the garage of the latterts father on John Street,. where it is alleged, the Cross lad and Disney, who was standing in the doorway, were shown the gun, and in exhibiting it, Boardman pulled the trigger, the shot grazing Croas's hand and entering the stomach of Dis- ney. Boardman, it is stated, dropped tlfe 1 -evolver, picked. up- the stricken lad and earried him across the street to his father's door -step, and then de- parted. Meaewhile, the Cross young- ster, frightened, had run home. Chief 175 oo trays. • , 925 oo of Police McEllistrurn got the Cross Shipments of hogs fr�m Huron Mai-ch,lad; and searched the pool rooms, fin - 30 00 County during the week of• 73 44 28th to April 3rd were, Wingham r56; ally ruundiug up 33°ardmail, who was 654 88 Belgrave 129, Bluevale 82 and Wroxe- /75 00 ter 82. 250000 0000 sythe wish to thank their friends ,for ware that there was a cartridge in the 'The family of the late Mrs, For - 500 a game of pool. He claim- ed that he had his father's revolver, and that he only intended to frighten the little boys, and that he was una- $ 5630 50 $ 746 59 kindness and sympathy extended to chamber. Meanwhile Dr. Wellman had been called, and the youngster was rush- ed to the Kitchener and Waterloo Hospital, but died before • reaching them during the illness of their be- loyed mother and at the time of her death. ., Having completed my course at the Academy of Music Toronto wish to announce- to the public that state following the, tragedy. Crown I will resume my class in Piano and Attorney D, S. Bowlby ordered an in - Theory. after the Easter vacation. quest and meantime Boardman is in a Miss B, M. Gordon. Waterloo cell. Mr. Wm.C, Sproatt, Kippen, an- Mr. Norman. Disney is a Wingham flounces the engagement; of his daugh- boy, a son of Mrs. Disney, who is ter Agnes to John A. Allen, son. of now living in Waterloo, and many old Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Allen, Wingham friends will extend sympathy. Onto the marriage to take place quiet- ly in Toronto .A.pril 57. Mrs. James McGee and family wish to publitly express their thanks and gratitude for the kindness and sym- have decided to commence Soo 00. pathy extended to them durtng their nesday afternoon half ho 3306 92 recent bereavement in the toss of a Wednesday, May 7th and . goo 00 lasting. husband.and father. throughout the season. Printing postage'etc., a000 oo -Insurance, Heat Light 1.300 oo Fire Water and St. Lighting_ 6450 50 Law Costs sso oo Streets 3000 oo Grants (Hospital, Band etc.) 1400 oo Pub School Bd (9 mills) 10386 oo Deb S. F. Interest s' 2/50 oo Deb. SF Principal levy ... so69 22 Instalment debentures .. . .... 13255 88 Cemetery r600 op Board of Health 175 oo Sanitary 1400 oo High School Bc.1 (4 mills) 4624‘roo Public Library Board County Rate (3 mills) Miscellaneous Diatount on taxes • Goo oo Clerk and Bailiff' 48 00 Refund on taxes 25 oci Repairs Town Hall 400 oo Bal, con. wiring Town Hall-561 39 Telephone 350 oo Bank interest" Loans ..... Boo oo Wednesday Half Holidays . , The Business Men of Wingham, the Wed- lidays on continue • $ 59868 so Receipts $ 5630 50 • Mitts . • $ 54238 oo Councillor Wilkinson reported that the band committee had engaged a bandmaster,. a Mr. Badin, who was highly reccornended and he had secur- ed employment with the Aero Cushion Tire Co. The Auditors report of the band was presented and ,we -reprint a copy of same here: Auditor's 'Report for the period. from May ist., 1923, to March 8,1924: Receipts Outside engagements $ 149 Po Local -engagements • 209 oo Town Grant ...... ... a_ .. . -...„ 262 50 Donations 40 Treas. error in deposit ' 2 50 • $ 623 4o Bal. on hand May it., 5923 '$ 238 98 Stainer's Crucifixion will be given Th La te Doro thy C urrie e by St. Paula Anglican Choir on Wed- nesday Evening, April t6th, Service The Angel of • death called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Currie at 8 o'clock, Silver collection. Sol, loists, tenor Mr, Templeman, bari- tone, Mr. Doherty of Clinton, so- prano, Miss Sarah McLean. Mr. and Mrs. John Davison will celebave the 4oth anniveraary of their wedding at their homer on Leopold St., on Wednesday, 'April /6th. Their of East Wa.wanosh on Thursday af- ternoon, April 3rd., and took from their midst their second daughter Dorothy. She was just blossoming into young -womanhood being only sixteen years' and six months old. Dorothy .was of a quiet lovable diss, son Mr. Walter Davison sent them a position and will be much missed in beautiful cushion from his home in her home circle and amongst her the West as a remembrance, Adam Brown, ex -postmaster of. Hamilton, and chum of Wingham's lively .young man, John Quirk, cele- brated his' 98th birthday on Thursday, These two old friends correspond with each other and have done so for many years. Both are active and both write a firm hand. Mr. Quirk has passed his gast milestone. , companions. She had been ailing for about two years but it was just about three months ago her illness became serious, and all that medical skill and loving care could do, was of no avail. and the dear young life slipped away from loved ones and home into the "Great Beyond" On Saturday afternoon a large mini- ber of relations and friends gathered to show a last token of love and re - The London Chamber of Com- spect. Beautiful flowers breathed out in their fragrance, loving sympathy to the loved ones left behind. Rev. (Dr.) Perrie had charge of the ser- vice. The pall bearers were six cousins of the deceased: -Messrs, Jas. H., Bert, George and Harold Currie, Ar- thur Wilson atid George Tervit jr. To .the bereaved parents, brothers a,rid sisters, we extend our heartfelt sympathy. "Friend after friend departs; Who hath not lost a friend? There is no union here of hearts That finds not here an, end; • Were this frail world our only rest, Living or dying, none were blest. There is a world above Where parting is unknown; A whole eternity of love Formed for the good alone; And faith beholds the dying here Translated to that happier sphere." merce is planing a "trade expansion trip by auto through Western On- tario this •suinmer. The itinerary would include Clinton, Goderich, Seaforth, Blyth, Wingham, Lucknow, Kincardine, Port Elgin. Southamp- ton Paisley, Walkerton' Listowel' Milverton, Stratford and St. Marys, $ 862 38 Rev. Mr. Mitchell and family have gone from Rothsay to Tillsonhurg. They were the recipients of sevevral tokeils showing- esteem in Which they were held. by the members of the Presbyterian churches at Rottsay and Cotswold. Mr, E. J. Mitchell* of Wingham is a brother of the pastor referred to. New, Cheek Flannels, for Pleated Skirts, 'Wrap -Around Skirts, Suits, etc. at King Bros. St Andrew's Church, Wingham, was fille.d with people on Sunda -y ev- e ti t th R D• Disbursements Bandmaster sal -and ,don -.$ 75 oo Bandmaster en. and exp, ' 12 so Audit . 3 oo i Re. to nstruns.ents 9 42 Janitor -' 5 oo Insurance - 4 26 Rent Members for services 266 65 Car Hire' 42 25 Per, Adv.'Staraps, Light Fuel • and flowers - 29 17 . $ 496 35 Bal as shown by books and Bank pass book 366 03 Less Err in dep. dee Treas. . .. 2 50 , Balance $ 363 53 $ 623 40 2 50 Receipts for the period Leas error in deposit ' $ 620 90 Disbursements for the period $ 496 35 Excess rec. ovisr di s 124 55 I hereby certiftr that the above is a true statement of receipts and ex- penditures, as shown by the books of the Treasurer, for the period from May sat, 1923 tO March 8th., 5924, Wingham, Ont. March 12th., g924. Jas. Ed. Cove, Auditor, Statement of engagements for the period from May 1st,' 5923 to _March 8tia, 5924. Teeswater Garden Party ,......$ 20 00 Local Engagements Roman Catholic Parade ..._L...$ 12 oo Agric. Soc. Gardea Party so 00 Anglican Church garden patty so ora Paid Services Outside Engagements St. Helens Unveiling Mem0045 c Mo ite f 40 00 Teeswater Pall Fair , 44 oo $ $9oo. $ 52900 Local Engagetnents sympathy extended to them dazing their recent sad bereavement, ng o tear e ev. 0. U, . Mc'- Gregory speak in favor of church un- ion. The service lasted until to . Hear McQuim Sisters big musical, in. Parish Hall, under auspices of the Dramatic Club. One night only, Fri- day April 25th, Admission soc. clock, The reverend gentlemen is on able speaker and handled his -sub- ject with a master hand. While in town. Mr. McGregor stayed at the home of Ma and Mrs, Geo. Spotton. Mrs- SPotton being a devoted mem- ber of his congregation ''soine few years ago. j. A. McCausland's lead on the Church Union question is no truer than on the prohibition question, His An advertisement for the Macarttey Milking Machine arrived too late for publication this week. Watch for their anottneetneeat next week. Robt. Beattie, local agent. The W. M. S. of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church will hold their Easter Thank Offering on April s6th opinioxt of the merits of union was at 3 p, at The topic for the after - not asked nor was the committee noon will be taken by Mrs. Petrie room the place to air it. It entitled "More About Dr. MeRlay of Form - to vote on it he had that privilege, sat/ (A good program is expected, but his speech before the Private We "hope all the ladies of the congre- Bills Committee was, entirely out of gation will be present. order. Indeed, most of the discus - Formaldehyde -More and more shin was wide of the mark, each year has Formaldehyde demon - There -is something wrong with the strated its effectiveness as a pre - system if it is true, as it is stated, that of $13,000,000 spent by the Sol- ventative of smut in grain and year by year its sales are increasing. Our diers' Civil Re-establishment $6,000,- stock is guaranteed full standard 40 eioo was paid in salaries, $3,000,000reliable., Mitchell's iit administration and only $4,000a000 ppearn Drug asetota'anda, actually went to help the soldiers. An interesting time was spent by When the people of Canada pay out the members of the A, Y. P. A. at the their taxes to assist in the reestab- last regular meeting' of the Associa- lishment its civil life of the soldiers tion, for the present season' in the the idea is to actually assist the sol- idainesta, not to eteate fat jobs for civil- Parish Hall on Monday evening, Af- ter the opening service the pro- gramme was given by Misses Bessie Mr, and Mrs. David Currie and Abell, Mary johoston, Dorothy Snell family wish to thank all their meat: ail Messra. A. M. Forbes and Bert friends anti, "lgilbors for klaidess a."(1 Abell. A short 'sketch on "Bliss Car- men" was contributed by Miss Aileen Kenaerly and the Rector gave a talk ' New Sweaters, sleeve or sleeveless on the "Revision, of the Canadian in all the itewest Shades and Styles. Prayer Book," Bach marobet was Now shoving' at Xing 13ros. splendid and eejoyed by the audience, July 2, dom. day sports eoin $ 65 oo fully 12, Huron Cly .,„.. 65 00 L. 0, L. Decoration. ........ -a, 12 oo Continued on page four Subscriptions $a.eo pox pow. ,Annouvamonalontioisni ??4f • traL SWF* atennicnownbunion # g ak Season Is - i A Kodak or Brownie will help yoa N s enjoy thia wonderful Spring Season NI A Complete line of Kaglaks and Brownie Cameras from $2.15 are al- ways in stoela , • ere' SPECIAL -You will be allowed the full Price you paid for your. box Brownie on an exchange for a "Ko- dak" or "Folding Brownie" • sis Faa, .1•4. 2A Brownie $3.65 • We carri'tbe "Eastman Film" E in sizes to fit any Camera. Fro4 Eastman is the best film made -aaa- We develop Films We Print Pictures We Make Enlargements Our Every Day Cut Prices Save You Money. 414 1, Witsaham. Ont. 11111611 11 ta 111 g Sti.re Ober 2==e-aataatt.../..eg. Sopa, IA Phone 53 II 118111E111E111E111 111E111 111111111,4111 llll1111111/111111111 ll1lfllI IIJ St. Paul's Church Notes ' April /3. Palm Sunday. sa a, na-Mattins. 2.30 p. m. -Bible Class and Sunday School. 7.00 p. m. -Evensong. • Friday, April asth., 8 p. m. -Lenten Service, illustrated address, "The Travail of the Soul." Holy Week -Service each evening, except Tuesday. Wednesday evening, The sacred cantata "The Crucifixion." Remember -A welcoine awaits you at St. Pauls Church: All seats free. Epworth League Officers The Epworth League of the Wing - ham Methodist Church was reorgan- ized on Monday evening, April 7, and the following are the officers elected for the coming term: Pres. -Mr. George Taylor: 1st vice -Pres. -Mr. Arthur Field. 2nd vice-pres.--Miss Blanche Ben- nett and Sunday Schoo/ Class, 3rd vice-pres.--Miss Luella Hopper, 4th vice-pres.-Mr. W. MeCool. 5th vice-pres.--Miss Hazel Brandon Secretary -Miss Ada Corbett. Treasurer -Mr, W. Finch. Pianist -Miss Nettie Christie. Asst. Pianist ---Miss Marjorie Gib- son. Postal Head Succumbs Died in Bluevale There passed away in Bluevale on Friday, April 4th., Margaret Spence, relict of the late James Henderaon, in her 62nd year. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon from the aesidence of her nephew, Mr. Robert McKinnon, Bluevale Road. Inter- ment took place in. Vlsingham eetne- tery. Join 'the Golf Club The Golf Club is getting fairly welt under way and the boys hope to be in the game by the 24t15 of May. Those desirous of joining would do well to get in touch with either j. W. licKibbort or Dr. Ross. The Mem- bership fee will be $so for residents, 5 for ladies and non-residents and 5 for all under 20 years of age. • • Died in Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. j. J. Moffat of Ttirn, berry are in Hamilton, where they were called to attend the funeral of the late Francis McBride. Mr. Mc- Bride was a highly esteemed old gen- tlemen well-known to many of our readers, as he made his home with his daughter, Mrs, Moffat, for some time. He fell and broke his hip a few days ago and the accident proved fatal, He was in his 84th year. Duncan j. McLean, London, dis- trict postal superintendent, died on Friday, April 4th. He was well- known in Winghain and was a cousin. of Mrs. W. 3. Howson of town. Deceased was born at Puslineh, On- tario, 61 years ago and entered the civil service as a railway mail clerk in 5883. In 5952 he was transferred from this position to the staff of the London district as travelling inspec- tor. Later he became assistant in- spector in charge of the re -organized service and last year became the dis- trict postal superintendent, which position he held at 'the thne of his death. Mrs. Albert Willits Passes There passed away at Mosslank, Sask. on Thursday, March 27th., Mrs. Mary Willits mother of Mr. Jacob Willits of Howiek. Deceased was 73 year' of age; her husband predeceas- ed her about,twenty years ago. About thirteen years ago Mrs. Willits went West with her sons, Ni -man, Alfred and Grerdon. Other members of the family who survive are: -Mrs. J. 'E, Deporest pf Saskatchewan, Mrs, Sam- uel -Willis, Mrs. Robert Forsythe, Misses Alberta arid Eva all of Lon- don. The youngest daughter Cassie, died in the West about a week ago. Alin) ste r Fpot IN THE ------ ,e1 ar Latest and Choicest Styles Your Easter Costume will find its most exquisite finishing touch in a pair of 9 ,-eer s es ashions latest word in _Spring Oxfords and Strap Slippers --the newest ideasin lasts and pat- terns, expressed in the highest quality Footwear. You will find them all at ThIIOostir) sHOE STORE - • 'S S.a.s a•S•