HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-04-03, Page 8Winchester
• —the Topcoat
A breezy, informal coat, as
• English as Piccadilly itself.
Tailored in a genuine Vene-
tian Covert, and War -
ran.ted Shower Proof . The
cut is a loose -fitting, slip-on
• stylet and yoke and sleeve
• are • lined with fine quality.
lustrous silkette.
•Madein two shades --Fawn
and Twilight Blue. A good-
looking, long
wearing coat $27 50
at only .
and Mrs, Robert Muir left on
Friday for •Toronto where they will
spend few daye. •
MrS- Fred Johnston-Jehnston of 'Whighain,
has been a recent visitor at the Berne
of Mr. and. •Mrs. Arthur Lincoln.
Miss Mar' Eadie has spent the past
two weeks with her sister Mrs. Clias.
Miss Mary Harris of WrOxeter
spent last week with Mrs, Richard
Mise A nine 11 fetcalfe, who has been
working near Holyrood for sometime
has returned home,
Mr. Arinstrong of Brampton vis -
ed recently with his daughter, Mrs.
Chester Dunkin, ,
Mr. R, J. Scott of Belgrave called
at the home of Mr. asd Mrg, Robt.
Altkens recently. ,
TiltIS is Your C:of)raorturiity to Bury
ncing at Special Prices"
ycn..1 have not received Price List call at oui'
storeand got one.
Thompson & Buchanan Ilarditvaro
Miss dna Lincoln visited nay
ii71111F, 1;7
Thursday, April t904
" 1 r ,• • ,•, •
• .... Agents for Canadian and Arnertcan Fence ,
last week: with. Mrsie Chas. Cathers ' ,• .
rfhere was .no ,service in Eadies'
Church on Sunday owing to the un-
favourable condition of the roads,
Miss Bertha Marshall spent last
week with friends in Wiagham.
The March 'meeting of the "Gien-
annan Literary Society" was held on
Friday night March 28th,, in the
school. • The _President Robert Muir,
jroccupied the chair, after the min-
utes of the meeting were read by the
Secretary Alvin Smith. The following
PrOgram was given *Welt consisted
of an opening chorus, recitations
reading, duet and violin selections by
• Clifford Boyd. The main feature of
the evening- was a,debate "Resolved
that Co-operation is more beneficial
to the farmers, than legislation, the
affirmative was ,taken by Gordon Mul-
vey and Edna. Lincoln, while the nega-
tive was upheld- by Reuben Appleby,
and Wilfred Murchison, both sides
brought out some splendid Doints,
after close consideration on the part
Of the Judges, the decision was given
in favour of the negative. A humor-
ous prophet's address was read by
Harold Weir, also the Journal by
Janies Hardie were enjoyed. by every-
one. The meeting closed by singing
"God Saye the
A suit,that's .worth •seeing.
• All Wool, of course, and
tailored on the:most up -to-,
date lines. Made in a blue
wool worsted, with. fine hair-
line strip -es. A form -fitting,
two -button, single-breasted
model, with soft :roll notch
tonne in. See thevalue of the
BZVERLEY ,29 cfk
for yourself.. ctigl .trU
ansa & Co.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Gardner of Maple
Grove and Mr. -W.J. Nixon of St. Au-
gustine spent an,;•evenin.g last week
with • the Misses,. Cliftons ,of near
Mr. Alex. Hackett of Belfast spent
Friday' last with his Bro. Thomas of
Maple Grove.
Miss Margaret Webster of Zion en-
tertained a few of her girl friends last
Friday afternoon. •
Mr., John Champion of Fordyce who
has spent the last few 'weeks with Zion
and LuCknow friends, returned to
Toronto this week to finish his course
in the Hemphill School.
Mr. -Bill :Nixon of I Maple Grove,
spent Sunday with Mr. Charles Rob-
inson of St. Augustine. •
Mr. Will'Helm and Mr. Sam' Gib-
son who have been engaged - cutting
wood for the Gardner Bros. are fin-
ishing the winter's cut at Me. Sam.
Reids of the Lucknow Boundary
West. , ' •
Mr. John Little of Courey's Corner
spent Saturday with•Mr. Albert Heim
of Zion.
Mr. Robert Webster of the Grove
held a very euccessful Sale last Fri-
day. afternoon, . although the roads
were bad the crowd was large and
both stock and. implements brought a
fair price. Elliott Miller auctioneer
seems to be able to keep the crowd
in good humor and keep the- biddi•ng
lively.. •
The Maple Grove Dramatic Society
who presented the play "Safety, First"
in Zion Orange Hall last Friday ev-
ening are worthy of praise for the
• able • and well rendered --manner in
which they presented the play. The
roads' being nearly impassable.the
crowd was very' small. The proceeds
amounted to - $23.00. We all hope
When the roads are improved to see
it -presented. again 1n the• ne4ituture. •
Council met to -day in the Township
Hall, Gorrie, pursuant to adjourn-
ment, All members present, the
Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last
regular, meeting and meeting to con-
sider the- Cather's _Municipal Drain
report, were read and on motion of
Taylor and Gamble were adopted.
Moved by Leonard and. Hubbard that
Engineer Edgar be given an exten-
tion of six months to complete Bol-
ton Municipal, Drain. Carried.
Moved by Gamble and Taylor that
Engineer Edgar be paid $5.bo per day
for his services as Engineer. Car'ried.
Moved by Hubbard and.' Leonard
that the following • accts. be paid:—
Municipal World Drainage Supplies,
$8.66; WM. J. Spotton, Expenses to
Toronto re -grant $12.00; E. B. Nash,
evening. Reeve Milne ',resided. Tlie
pa.veng of the • streets was debated
thoroughly, with the result, that the
large number present were in favor
of giving•the Couneif a mandate to
pioceed with the work. The work
will be disposed *of by tender.- The
lowest one not rieces'sarily aceepted,
Listowel Banner has about a col-
umn of matter pertainingeto the "raw
deal" ,given their .hockey boys by the
ext cutive of, the North 'Wellington,
Hockey League and particularly Rube
Horning the chairman of the sub-
committee. • „
The following the clipping from
the Listowel. paperi
Listowel's hockey team has Made
part pay as Assessor $3o.00; Thos. a very creditable showing this seas_
Grant, opening winter roads $10-°°; on, and the fans are proud of their
B. D. HYslop, opening winter roads
$1o.00; Edw. Galbraith, damages to rrecord, but there is a feeling of some-
I-Iastie, lamb /ficiets of the Northern Hockey Lea -
bitter resentment against certain of -
horse $25.00; Milton
killed by dogs $5.00; f. Armstrong, gee over the way in which the ser -
opening winter roa.cfs $11.8o; Earld '
Is has been. allowed to terminate.
According to., the London Free
Press, New Hainherg is announced in
strong headlines as champions for
1924, and Listowel, competitors in the
final, were represented as laing
default •
It is the strong contention locally
that Listowel did not default to New
Ha.mburg, but simply refused to play,
their home game on London ice when
the N. H. L. executive broke faith af-
. .
Denny, uncollected taxes $c). ,
Earld- Denny, excise stamps and ex-
penses as Collector • $'15.00; Earld
Denny, .collector bal., orr 'Salary' $45.00
R. • Wallace, opening *inter' roads
$6.56; C. Sin:1m o ns, opening winter
roads $8.06;' T. Montgomery, opening
winter roads $12.oe; Sturton Ashton,
opening winter, rciads ;$4.00; A. E.
Gallaher, opening 'winter roads $15.00;
C Maxwell opening •:evinter roads
$13.00; Wrn. J. Roberts bal. on print- ter giving' assurance that this privilege
The work of repairing the fire dam-
aged section of Brunet's Methodist
Church is now in progress. Repairs
to the roof are now almost completed
and the interior of the ,church will be
changed and remodelled into a more
modern style„ new seats and an ele-
vated floor being among the improve-
At the annual Pat home" of Wes-
tern Star Lodge, I.O.O.F., held in the
heclgeroom, a pleasant evening was
spent by a large company of ladies
and. gentlemen. The principal feature
of the gathering was the presentation
of a veteran's jewel to D. M. Scott
for 25. yearsmembership. The even-
ing was, spent in games and conclud-
ed with a bountiful lunch providect by
the ladies.
A pleasant evening was spent rec-
ently at the home of D. C. and Mrs.
Ross by the officers and friends of the
East Huron Agricultural Society, the
object of which was to present Alex-
ander Stewart, who is the honorary
president of the society, with a 4fine
upholstered chair and Ms. Stewart
with a lovely boquet of roses. Mr,
Stewart, who is in his 8oth year, has
been one of the mainstays of Brussels
fair for a great many years,
William Hill, of Blyth, met with an
accident in the Ament factory here on
Tuesday last by which he, lost the
greater part of two fingers.
By John Moir, Bridge of Fetigh, Ban -
chary, -Aberdeenhire,
Wbe is my Shepherd; weel I ken,
The Lord Himself is He;
He lea0 me whair the girse is green
Art' burniee queeis that be.
Aft times I fain astray wed gang,
An' wann'r far awa";
He fins me oot, He pits me richt,
An' brings me hame an'a.
Tho' I pass through the *gruesome
Fin' I kenlie is near;
His muckle crook will me defen',
Sae 1 hae noeht to fear.
Ilk comfort whille a sheep could need
His thochful,•care provides,
:rho, wolves an' dogs may prowl aboot
In safety me He hides,
ing . contract 1923, $150Q; David
Greer, Howick's share, work on \V.
and H. bdy.; $15.31. , •
Moved by Taylor and Gamble that
this Council adjourn to meet in Ford-
on the third Wednesday in All.
Carried, •
C. E. Walker, Clerk.
Syrup making is the order of the
day now in the burg. • ,
Mr. Ressell MeIntosh returned to
his home in the West Thursday last.
Mr. George Edwards is in Toronto.
this week looking for 'a job for the
Mrs. Henry Woods had visitors fast
week from Fordwich.
Mr. Percy King has movecrtb his
new home which he rented -from, Mr.
David Dane.
Mr. Ted Newton had a.dance for his
friends and neighbors last Friday ev-
• Mr, Tom Ellis has been in the burg
cutting wood last week.
Mrs. Brown from Fordwich is Vise
iting her son Robert Browne.
, . .
• Mr. Andrew Proctor of Centralia,
is visiting with friends here.
Sproat Whaley has gone to visit
.friends near New York.'
Mr. Harry McCla.nnagan has pur-
chased., a milking machine. Harry
believes' in milking two cows at the
one time. • .
Mrs. Robertson and little son left
for their home in the West after
spending a few months 'with her par-,
customary to the past, would e be
Locally, -responsibility for the al-
leged ,unfairness, is attributed to
Rettbe Horning, of Palmerston, chair-
man of, the sub. committee, who, ac-
cording to reports here, gave positive
assurance that the game would be
played in Listowel, and afterwards,
without consulting the teams con-
cerned, or certain members of his
committee took upon himself the au-
thority to engage the London .arena.,
It was. pointed out further that the
president, Dr. Lorne Robertson,. of
Stratford, in telephone conversation
with the vice-president, B. L. I-1.'33am-
1 ford of Listowel,stated that the locals
cbuld be reasonably :sure of,:having
' their request granted and that it
would be gale to announce in the fo-
cal papers that the game would be
played on Monday in Listowel.
The idea of playing in London, so
the boys have it here, was to make
more for the League, but in this re-
spect the scheme was a decided fizzle,
and the exhibition match which took
place between Woodetock and New
Hamburg, when Listowel declined to -
make a third trip to London, proved
a costly experiment.
Horning-, according to an article
in the Free Press claimed that there
was an inch of water of the Listo-
wel ice. If correctly, reported, this
statement of Horning' was pure fab-
rication, The ice, we are assured,
hah"been•Iin ;worse condition than on
Monday, -when •Teeagne hockey was
played this winter. ••
The objection locally.to playing at
London was not only because the rul-
ing was an -uncalled for 'departure
His guidness and,'His ' mercy baith
Nadoot will bide wi' WC
While faulded on the fields o' time ,
Qr. o' eternity.
Council met on March 25th with all
the members present. Minutes of
la8t meeting were read and approved
• The following appointments were
then made for the present year:
Pathmasters—J. B. Tierney, Wes
Kechnie, J. Doerr, R. J. MeGee, 'W•
Anderson, j. Johnson, N. paieter'sou,
3. Vincent, R. G. McGowan, W. S.
McGowan, W. Fear, J. Dingwell,, R.
Wilson,,W, Walden, W. J. Rodgene.A.
Campbell, J. N. Campbell,. M. Mason,
Thos. Noble, 3'. .E. Ellis, 3, T. COultes,
Wm. Blair, A. McDoWell, 11/. IVIc-
Dowell,'Fred Cook, Wm Rath, P. Me -
'Lean, San.- Cook, T. H. ffaYlor,' Sam
Jordan, W. j. Cole, Jas. • Scott, E.
Stapleton, G: Cunningham, 3. Mc -
Berney, R. Henry, Jos McBurney, P.
Gibbons, 0. G. Anderson, W. Shoe -
bottom, J. T. Irwin, Sam McBurney,
W, Reid, J. H. Currie, A. Patterson,
G.' Johnston, H. Perdue, J. Elliott,
Geo. Kerr, •J., C. 'Currie, A. Cottlter,
F. Davidson, 3, Falconer, W. J.' Pur -
don, D. Kennedy, H. McGee, S. Mc-
Burney, A. Bruce, C. Campbell, 12): C.
Chaim4y, J. J. McGee and Geo. Wal-
Poundkeepers—J. Hoare, F. Mar-
shall, J. C. Stolz, E. Taylor, G'. Cunn-
bighorn, A. Pattison, H. McGee, T.
Robinson, H. Campbell, J. Cocheane
d And.Currie
Fenceviewers—W. J. Parks, R. J.
McGee, R. C. McGowan,' Sam Mc -
Barney, R. Shiell and A. Robertson.
Sheep Valuators—J.-Caldwell, J. C.
Stolz, W.. G. Reid and J. J. Kerr.
Four applications evere received for
the office of Collector. •
James H. Yotmg, Con. si, was the
choice of the Council for this office.
The last meeting of the Literary
Society for this season, will be held in
• the • Foresters' Hall on Friday even-
ing, April 4th. Address will be giv-
den, by Rev. C. Tate and Rev. T. C.
Wilkinson, Good music, instrumen-
tal and vocal will make a first class
The VVorriatt's Institute will hold
their regulaernotithly meeting, Thurs-
day, April toth„ at the home of Mrs.
• County Life will lee takeb
•.,eharge of by Mrs,, Aitken and 14rs.
•Wilkinson will give: a paper on
men d the Bible." Roll all, some
striking. rementbraitte of .otir
0niTtiesdaiNtar, 5, MiN 1Vtitetleit
• ' Secrtary fOt the W. M. $,, gay.e.
•'ple.nIsdaddres§ oh, her work; In
'1Vtrm. trnest Geddes
•tiadted 'b1w isteh. autigul sole, A. sibto
tied on :tkcn tip
from pievious custom, t,
ents Mr. and Mrs. I-Ialliday. . but iwas felt
Mrs. Dr. Stewart and Mrs. S. Mc- unfair -that the fans, who hav,e been
Gee of Wingham spent an afternoon supporting the tern ..ill ‘season, should
in the village bast week calling on old be deprived of seeing this important
friends'• game. The one special to London
\Arra. Dunbar shipped a car of hogs took approximately $600 out of town
' and the Listowel players see rio reas-
'on why they should •be playing for
TORY CORNERS the benefit of the London arena when
the Listowel arena isn't paid for.
Mr, Thomas Ellis of Gorrie has Had the final game ,been played in
been in the burg cutting wood. Listowel, as should have been the
Mr. Haskin's sale was a grand suc-
privilege, a bumper crowd would
cess and everything sold Well. have been assured, and the Listowel
Mr. John Wylie 8old, a driver to his players were going out determined
. .
brother last week.
Mr. Stewart Finlay purchased a ('-°'`''7111-
Not only has the League lost fi-
fine horse from Robert Hay, ,
nantially, but New Hamburg, through
Mr. E. Newton on the 52 line gave
per out in gooct faith, their moral ob-
"If 'you want to live in the kind of a
That's the kind of a town you like,.
You flon't'have to slip your clothes M,
And start oh a long, long hike.
You'll only find what you're tart be-
ritir there's nothing that's really stew
It's a knoelt at yourself i yott knock
Vor it isn't your town, it's you,
Real towns are not wade by met,:
everyoria works, and nobody shitka
test sottleb6dy else gets ahead;
ecu raise a town froth the dead.
• •
failure of the League officials to car -
a dance to his neighbors in his new
ligation to the local team, has been
Mr. George Edwards is he the city
of Toronto this week on business,
Mrs. George Dane received the sad
news of the death of her cousin Mrs.
Richard Arinstroeg ,aftet only a few
hours illness.
A meeting will be held, on'WedneS-
day 'evening le the Presbypriati.
Church to,reorganize' the boy scouts.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell spent ov-
er 8unday with friends at ,Waterdown.
4 public meeting of the ratepayers
was held, in. Community Hall Friday
deprived Of the honour of winning the
championship. To be awarded the'
trophy iti the face of this unfairness, al
will be little satisfaction to them. •
There are charges locally of gen-re.
eral laxity in the management of N. Mo,
H. L. affairs this season, with inticli
resultant dissatisfaction, and a some- LI
what stormy session. is anticipated
when the executive next gets to-
On ....... . Saturday
. •
" '1• 11.. • •
c ,41
• ;.P:at 100 Lea -the t•
ine shoe of each pair is noW being shown in North
•Window withsize ticket attaChecl.'
• 'The Leading Shoe Store of Huron COntity.
-Phone 129. • • ' , Winghani,':Ont.
Moved by Mr. Coultes -sec'd by Mr.
Stalker that :the Reeve and Collector
be authorized to sign and submit to;
the Minister of Public Works andl
Highways of Ontario the petition of
the Corporation of the Tp. 'of East
Wawanosh showing that during the'
year 5923, there had been expended on
the township roads the sum-. of
$3798.52 and requesting the statutory
grant on that amount as provided by
the- Ontario HighWays Act and .
Amendments thereto, Carried. ' •
I Council adjourned to meet again on
'Tuesday, May 27th as a Court of Re- •
vision on the AsseSsrnent roll and or-
dinary township business. •
' A. Porterfield, Clerk.
figillitillilliiilliffilatill1111111111111241111111EZIKENNENVIENIUISSEMEINICEIIIIIM111111,1111111111 1111
You will,find all clepartnlents.of our store stociced with 1.
the:season s latest styles and materials. -
- ,•
Ladies and Children's
• ,
Dresses Coats
Skirts •
Here lie the remains of Fercival
drovete his car with a girl in his
Lies slumbering here one lAlliant
He heard the bell, but had no brake.
Beneath this stone lies William,
lice on the hil, he had no chains,
#1. . •
I 1/VANTED .11
2 Cars'eotatps,11,_.!
toad Thws.,Fri..
aiid Saturday of this i
Week. 90c per bag.
11- •C
A' I
111.111 111
• 1316uses
Skirts, Etc.
%-•-e•-•-•:N •
tIere lies the body of William Jay,
He died maintaining his right of way.
Ben never would be pa§sed,
bragged his cat's tridnranee,
He passed six eats with backward
wifO has Its insurailLe,
Reefer S • ,
Middies- .
Dress' Accessories
GauntletSill< Gloves
Long Silk ,Gloves
ShortSilk Gloves
Easter Neckwear
Silk flosier
• Silk Scarfs
e suggestthat you make your Selections as early
possible. The stocks are now at their best and
very often delay brings disappointthent.
. I I
171110.1.110'lliiiii',111101011011111101111001111/011,111,11111, .',1111,1111HttlitilHillitta111,1111111011101111ill ,"„
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• I • I • ; , ..• I. ,
.„.• , ,,„ • , •-• ,
• 11 .1.•