HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-04-03, Page 7ilteday, ,AtrXik' 8, k9241e
finer tea and more of it 1'
Provincial 'board of Health, Ontario
Gr. Middleton will boglad to answer •que"stiona on Public Health mats
tens through this column. Address hire at S adina House, SPadlas
Crescent, Toronto.
While the Canadian National Exhi- • give any definite :.information, because
bition was. infull swing last Fall, "a there are no available statistics'on:the
very interesting stranger; had a talk subject, and besides, it, would be diffi-
cult to associate the one with the other
~with me in; the Provincial Board of as cause and effect. However I' ob-.
Health's exhibit in the Government tanned the opinion of a prominent 'pliy-
building. He was an Englishman, sician who was especially interested
well educated and well read, who was in the subject of cancer, and he gave
in Toronto paying a visit to his son. his opinionas follows; -First: There
This man asked me if we had . any is considerable difference of opinion
pamphlets on cancer, and although he that cancer has in reality increased,
was not a doctor said he was rands but even if it were so it would' be int-
interested le finding out all the lat- possible to attribute this to any one
est ideas about the cause; treatment, factor . since the cause of cancer is
etc., of this great scourge of mankind. unknown. : Second: Ithas been sug-
I told him that the origin of cancer gested that the alleged increase of
was still unknown, but there were cancer, has coincided with intensive
many scientists to -day who were be- production by .machineey, . commonly
ginning to : feel that our present cus- associated, as it is, with a cornpara-
toni:: of eating foods not .in their na- tively sedentary life of the operators.
tural states had something to do with Third: One n•` ht hazard such an -
the cause of stomach and intestinal other suggestion gg as the poisoning of
'cancers. Prolonged 'irritation of the the air of cities by carbon monoxide
bowels due to constipation or to fumes from the exhaust of motors
gastro-intestinal stasis may have a with its deterioration or lowering of
tendency to cause -malignancy, while health, Fourth: The "wearing out"
me thinkers hold" to the opinion that of our body cells `due to the greater
maybe brought b of ght about to some intensity of modern life inducing a
extent at least by the toxins resulting much earlier pre -serine state which
from the gastro-intestinal stasis being we know is conducive to malignant
absorbed into the blood. Of course disease. Fifth: Notwithstanding that
there is much difference of opinion on serums .and vaccines have been used
these points, but consideration of them for more than thirty years, no single
will not do any harm, from whatever case has been reported associating
angle they are viewed. their use with cancer. Sixth,: Colay,'s
This visitor to the Fair had a sug- Fluid, as you know, has been used for
gestion and an inquiry of bis own t� at least thirty Years :for tho treatment
offer. Hee-wondered if the increased of sarcoma.
use of serums and vaccines hypoderm- So it would seem as far as our
ically had anything to do with. the present knowledge goes' that "serum
supposed increase of cancer in' late inoculation is not associated In any
years. On thispoint I was unable to way with the cause of cancer.
Baby's "teething time is a time of
worry and anxiety to most mothers.
The little ones become cross; peevish;
their littlestomach becomes deranged -
and constipation and colic sets in. To
x?>ake the teething•period easy on baby
dread of uncertainty,'' the fear of ridi-
cule if they should fall, hesitation to
assume unaccustomed responsibility,
to take the .:-ri k
s ofstarting out 'for
pulling lin
stakes and 'risk-
ing everything on the chance of
ceeding --prevents them from acting
on their belief that there is something.
better in them. So they hang on "to
e stomach and bowels must ho kept their jobs, hang on year in and year
out, every year thinking that the next
sweet and 'regular. This can be done year they will surely start out for
by the me of Baby's Own Tablets— themselves~ but. the years go on and
the ideal laxative ter little ones. The
Tablets are a sure relate. for all the
minor ailments of childhood " such as
constipation, colic, indigestion,- colds
and simple fevers. They always do
good -never'. harm. The Tabiete are
sold by medicine' dealers or by mad' at
25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont.
"There's Something Better
in Me."
A year ago an employee in an ordin-
ary position in a,large concern said to
himself, "There's something better in
nee than this, and I'm going to get it to`
work for mei He didn't wait for his
resolve to -Weaken or his enthusiasm
to grow cool, and although a wife and
to' children were dependent upon hint WHERE THE BEST TEA
•threw up his job then and there and
Muted out for himself, To -day this
men -is doing: splendidly in a beeiness The tea plant flotcrishes beet on the.
of his own, all because he had the well drained side of a mountain in a
faith to act on the belief that there country' where there is plenty of moil
was something better in hire than he tore and a wnrm sun. Certain parts of
had been called upon to use in his de- Ceylon, India and Java are ideal tor'
pendent position as au ordinary em- the growing of delicious tea, hence
ptcyee. from these countries come the finest
Thousands of bright, ambitious cin- varieties. "SALADA" is a blend of the
ployees know perfectly well that there cboicest qualities grown, in these; the
is something .better in them than they three most famous tea -growing count
are using, but doubts and fears, the 1 tries in the world, '
before they realize It they are in the
clutch of a habit which, • day by day,
grows stronger and stronger until they
find It practically impossible to break
just think this over, and see If it
isn't true in your -own case.. If you
feel that there's something bigger and
better in you than you have been us-
ing; if you feel that you have not yet
done the beet thdng possible to you,
why don't you have a heart to heart
talk with yourself and see what is
holding you back? Why don't you
find it? Don't wait until it is too late.
Now is the time to find and bring out
the larger man or woman within that
is clamoring for expression, -0. S.
Why the Saby Bellowed.
Wolf: Cub --"Man, 'I think the baby
swallowed that little bell. Shell I
shake ber and see?"
lst Harniiton"Has Good Game.
A g•anie in rnap reading and drawing
topped the programme at a recent
meeting of the :;rack.. 1st Hamilton
Troop, and was followed by a game
in wench discs were arranged on
squared paper. rat the latter game the
boys were given two seconds to look
at the arraargenient of the discs,, after
which each patrol went Tack to its
own wrier and tried to place 'Mintier
dices in the same ceder on other
squares, Tn this the Ravens and the
Owls tied.
WiNcnAm A )VANC)-TangEs.
Ailing `PeopleMade Stgolrig
} 10r. Wiiljalms' Pink Pills.
':Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do one
A Strenuous Task:
Customer ---"Sixty cents seems very
bigh for eggs. Haven't you any cheap-
er ones?"
Scout Poultry Farmer -"No, ma'am,
I'm sorry I haven't. You see it's very
expensive producing them. One egg
is a whole day's work for a hen."
Scouts in Safety Work,
The ' Boy Scouts are . co-operating
with the Ontario Satety League in ac-
cident prevention work. A recent in-
stance is their activity in broadcast-
ing a Safety League warning about
the danger people, and particularly
Children, were exposing themselves to
in dlimbing out on the great dee hum-
mocks formed along the shores of the
Great Lakes this winter. .A t some
Points Shouts with lariat rapes patrol-
led the shores where these formations
were particularly attractive td the
As He Understood.
Patrol Leader --"Heat 'expands and
cold contracts.•Give ine an example."
Tenderfoot—"ln summer the days
are very long; while in whiter they
What Scouting Is.
.Baden-Powell says: "Scouting is a
game in which elder brothers can give
their younger brothers healthy en-
vironment and encourage them to
healthy- activities such as will help to
develop citizenship,
"Its strongest appear is through
Nature Study and Woodcraft. It deals
with the individual and not with the
company.- It raises intellectual as well
asporal, ly
physical or purely moral
qualities. At first it used to aim for
these ends -now by experience it is
known that where properly handled,.
it gains them."
Recruit -"The Scoutmaster says I
am to get'$nay uniform from you.".
Quartermaster -"Sure, Buddy. How
will you have it -too large or too
Two Cradle Songs.
Some of the greatest poets have not
disdained to write lullabies. Here are
two cradle -songs, the first by Sir Wal-
ter Scott, the second by Lord Tenny-
Oh, hush, thee, my babie, thy sire was
a knight,
Thy mother a lady, both lovely and
Tbe woods and the glens, from the
towers which we. see,
They all are belonging, dear babie, to
Oh, fear not the bugle, though loudly
It calls but thb"warders that guard thy
Their bows. would be bended, their
blades would be red, •
Bre the Step of ah foeman drew near to
thy bed.
-Oh, hush thee, my babie, the time, soon
will come •
Whenthy sleep shall he 'broken by
trumpet and drum;
Then hush thee, my darling, take rest
while you may,
For strife comes with manhood, and
waking with day.
Sweet and low, swept and 1&w,
Wind of the western sea,
Low, low, breathe and blow;
. ~Bind et the western sea!
Over the rolling waters go,
Come from the dying. moon, and blow,
Blow hire again to me; •
While my little one, while iffy pretty
one, sleeps.
Sleep and rest, sleep and rest,
Father will comae to thee. seen;
Rest, rest, on mother's breast,
•i'nther will come to thee soon;
Father will cone to his • bthe. in the
Silver sails all out of the. west
Under' the silver inoon;
•Sleep, my little one; sleep my pretty
one, sleep.
"Boy, is this tb.e field en which the
great battle was toilgbt?" asked the
"No, sir; that be at the top of the
LUNCH COUNTER CARS ON NATIONAL, hill," replied the native :boy,
Lunen co -enter cars *which will Care for the needs of passengers in the
colon t, fir -sit cars of the Mean line trains, who do not desire
s t class and tourist
tcr use tho regular during tatre, have been placed in service between 'Winnipeg
and Toronto 1i , the Conadiau National ftaiiways. The suggestion of the
me earsmade `htr Waiter Matt, Gen+rtal ktnesger of'
r,1 count. -z was road by ,
ieiillxig1espiatt and Pitrior• Cars axul of Hotels,
Dear, dear!" exclaimed the tourist;
"that' must be a Mite away. Why
didn't they fight it in this field?"
I suppose lsecantse this 'ere bold be-
ioegs to Farrier Sol -metal. ,J'i[e newer
would land his field' for anything, not
even -tor the village sports,"
tblag, and do it well. They build up
the blood, increasing the number of
red corpuscles. As this is done the
blood, becomes a richer red and is able
to carre• more oxygen, the great sup-
porter of human: life, &s the blood im-
proves in quality the tissues of the
body are better' nourished and the
functions of the body are better per-
formed. This Is the reason Dr. Wil-
liams' Palk Pills, have been so sue-
cessful inthe treatment of diseases
dale to poor, thin blood;; and it is .also
the reason why they are so succeseftl
in building up, strength after• fevere.
and acute diseases. Among those' who
have used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
with great advantage is Mrs. Helena
B. Taylor, Hanover, Ont., who says:
"Not long, ago I was critically ill., The
trouble started with anaemia and a
run-down system, and ended with
pleurisy, I was confined to my bed
for three months and "throe, doctors
wore in attendance at different times;
My life was despairen of, and I was
practically living on doctors' medicine,
because I could not eat My friends
did not expect me to recover. During
my girlhood Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
had brought me through a severe at-
tack of anaemia, and my mother urged
that I should try them. again. The
doctor could not understand why we
wanted to try these pills, but we de=
aided to do so. After taking six boxes
a decided change was taking.place. I
was -actually getting hungry and anxi-
ou:s to live. After using twelve :'boxes
a mdracle was .worked. I' could walk
and felt my strength coming back, and
people on all sides 'were pelting what
was helping me, and we were not slow
intelling them it was, Dr. • Williams'
Pink Pine. With my health fully re-
stored through the use of these pills
I ani a shriking example of what this
wonderful medicine can do, and now I
never see a pale or Moldy -looking girl
or woman that I do not feel like going
up to her -and asking why she does not
take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills."
You can get these pills through any
dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50
cents a box from The lir. 6triltianrts'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
The Cost of Touchiness.
There are employees who are al-
ways complaining of their slow ad-
vance. They can't see why they do
not get ahead . as others do. •.. They
probably be surprised to know
that an unfortunate disposition is
keeping them back. I have known 'of
a number of instances where em-
ployees have either been discharged
or kept from promotion because of
their touchiness, or extreme sensitive-
ness, their resentment of any criticism
or faultfinding.
Employees who can't "stand the
gaff" don't stand a very good chance
of advancement. Those who fie, into
a rage or show offense at every little
reflection on their work are never like-
ly to get very far.
As .a matter of fact employers are
afraid of a hair-trigger temper which
goes off at the slightest provocation.
They know that it doesn't go with a
cool, level head, and sound judgment,
and these are the things they are look-
ing for. The lack of amiability has
stood' in the way- of advancement at
many an employee who has wondered
why he has not gotten ahead more
rapidly. -0. S. Marden.
He Wondered.
Bi]1 Sparrow—"Great Scott, I'd like
to see the bird that eats those wornml"
Hearthside Hint.
It' you stir an open. fire in a grate
and bring fresh coats to the front, it
gives out ,a warmer glow. It is the
same way .with tkie sun, says- C. 0.
Abbot, in charge of the astrophysical
laboratory of the Smithsoninu Institu-
tion. The so-called sun spots are pro-
duced by a stirring of the son's outer
layer-. By comparing measurement. of
'solar radiation with photographs of the
suis he has found that there' is an in-
crease in heat radiated' by the sur. on
the .same day that suis. spots form,
grow or are, brought into view on the
visible disk of the son by rotation.
When ordering goods by mail send
a Dorrrinion. Express Molloy Order.
es -
Vacuum Street Cleaner..
Dustless street '.weeping has been
aecomplfsbed in a Western city where
a tack shaped machine cleans one
hundred blocks a day. it •operates lay
gasoline and hag ode inan to drive it.
Revolving brooms loosen the dirt, a
vaeuuin inlet dra'Ivs therefuse•into
eoniainers built in the machine.
There are 8,114 dairy- factories in
Canada. The value of thejsl•criur!ts in
placed at 111,924.017.
,Ask for tAiisard'e and trio .tro ot11a.�
Ro, Ma IuF ix
Remove the royal flush in dia-
monds from a pack of earde and
tuck them ander your belt at the
rear, ' Give the remaining cards
(do not suggest that the peek is
not complete), to a spectator and
ask hint to shuffle them. Then hold
thorn behind your back.
Ask a spectator to mention
which color he prefers. If he says
"red" ask him which suit he pre
fern. IT he says "diamonds" you
aro ready for the rest of the trick.
However, it he says "black," yott
will have to say:
"Then that leaves the red cards°
for the trick. Which of the red
suits, hearts, or diamonds, do you
prefer?" If he says "diamonds"
you are ready for the rest of the
trick: if he says "hearts,"' you
will say: "Then that leaves the
diamonds for the trick." You will
observe that the spectator really
has no ehotce—although If the
thing is done in a snappy manner
he will not suspect this.
While -you have been talking
you have taken the royal; flush
from under your belt and put'
them on the top of the pack. ` Mk
the spectator what hand, if he
were playing poker, he would
most like to have. The answer In-'
variably will be "The royal flush,
of course."
As he speaks, hand him the five
cards yon had hidden with the
"Well, here it is!"
'Salty this out and paste dt, with
ether of thr arrirs, in a scrapbook.}
'Miss lalillionbucks — ':But you are
Cholly. Redcent—"But if you marry
me I'll have a hundred dollars at least.
1 have a bet of that amount you'll mar-
ry me."
Keep Minard's Liniment In the house.
The Vanishing White.
"I'm afraid there: will soon be no
white people in Europe.
"You'rs joking—why?"
"Because all those wlio haven't
turned Red are decidedly blue."
Little green spruces
Are counting on their fingers,
On a million fingers
Gemmed with early def
All their fragrant Haas
Blessed joy that lingers
lime inter time,
Summer , me
w ,
The whole year through.
Breathe a million praises,
Little green chortle!
Shake your spicy thankfulness
Through. the golden aids
Eve -living phrases
Echo In and o'er us,
Telling us our blessedness,
Urging us to prayer.
-Abbie Farwell Brown,
Love does not always want to
please, sometimes it wants to hurt.
The enemies of life are pettiness,
narrowness and selfishness.
The greatest known depth of the Reader Takes Newer
sea is said to be 82,08$ ft., about 40
miles north of one of the Philippine
Islands. At this point the ocean bot-
tom would be about eleven and a half
miles lower than the top of Mount
In ourselves 'we suffer for the sins
we commit; in our communities we
suffer for the sins we permit.
If you- will not give up you cannot
be beaten.:
Beware of Imitations!
Maltase you neo the Same "Bayer
Cross" ora package or on tablets you
are not getting the genuine Bayer AS-
pirin proved safe by millions and pre-
scribed by physicians oyer twenty-
three years for
Colds l•leadacha
Toothache Lumbago
Neuritis Rheumatism
Neuralgia Pain, Palo
Accept "Bayer Tablettl of Aspirin"
only. Eaeb unbroken package con-
talus proven directions. ]Randy boxes
of twelve tablets 'cost few cents. Drug-
gists also tell bottles; of 24 and 100.
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
in Canada) of Bayer 1Flanttfactere of
1V1onoaeetldaeidester of Salicyllcaeid,
While it is areal known that Aspirin
means Bayer Itlitnnfactere, to assist
thepublic against imitations, the Tab-
lets of Mayer Company will be stamp -
with their general trade marl., the
"Dellea. Grote."
Form of Iron eels
Years Younger
"Six weeks ago leave a special •offer in
the paper telling how thousands of peo-
ple grow- old in looks and energy long
before they are really old in years, be-
cause, ae examinations by physicians
have shown, an enormous •number of
people do not have enough iron in their
blood. T have been taking Nuxated•
Iron far • two weeks: the results are
simply astounding. The roses have.
come back in my lips and cheeks, and
I can consciously say that I feel ten
years younger."
The above is a .typical hypothetical
case showing the results that have
been achieved by a great many people
Slime we started this "satisfaction pa,
money 'back" offer on Nuxated Iron.
We will make you the same guarantee.
If, after taking the two weeks' treat-
ment of Nuxated Iran, you do not feel
and look .years younger,: we will
promptly refund your money.
Call at once for a bottle vaf Nuxated
Iron at any good drug store.
How ' o Purify
the hod
"Fifteen to thirty drops of Ex-
tract of Root, commonly oalied
Mother'Seigel's Curative Syrup,
may be taken In water with
meals and at bedtime, for Indi-
gestion, constipation and bad
blood. Persistence in tie treat•
ment will give permanent relief
in nearly every case." Get tho
genuine at your druggist.
M inard's oases iiitiamrue.tion,
soothes arid heals cuts grid
The Dizzy Whirl.
We commend to the natural philoso-
phers this original view of a common
phenomenon. It was found in the ex-
amination paper of a youthful Bel/elm-
-who was ambitious of being admitter
to the upper class in high school:
"The earth revolves on its own axis
three hundred and sixty-five times in
twenty-four hours. This rapid motion
through space causes its sides to per-
epire; this moisture Is called dew.•"
aura , l A r ', ell'tfsernent
- Rejects accepted for linrite
time only. Apply Georgetown Woollen
Mills, Georgetown, Ontario,
Keeps EYES
Clear, Bright g cold 13eatEtdfuY
WrlteMtsrineCo Chico fnrEycCcrcBoek
Heal sib Tr ;
Ilii bent
If you are troubled with pimples,
blackheads, redness, -roughness,.
itching and burning, which disfig-
ure your complexion and skin, Cuti-
cure Soap and Ointment will do
much to help you. Always include
the Cuticura Talcum in your toilet
saap2Sc. Olntmout25and50c. Tateum2Sc:• Sold
throughout theDominion. CanadianDepot:
1. ane, Limited, 9.95 St. Peal St., W. Montreal.
Cuticura Soap shaves wit out ,aux
I Was Greatly enefited her
Taking Lydia E. Pinkhaa»:1i's
Vegetable Compound
Sydenham, Ont. —"/ took your
medicine before my baby was born,and
it was a great help to me as I was very
poorly until I had started to take it.
just felt as though I was tired out all
he time and would have weak, faint
spells. Mynerveswould bother meun-
til I could get little rest, night or day.
I was told by a friend to take Lydia E .
Pinitha.rn's Vegetable Comiround, and 1 .
only. took a few bottles and it helped me
wonderfully. `C would reeomnt nd it to
any woman. I am doing what Jf can to
recommend this good medicine. 1r will
lend that little book you sent me to any
one lean help. You can with the great-
est or pleasure use my name in regard to
the Vegetable Compound if it will help
others take it.” ---Mrs. ILiUtvVir M1LLt'
GANT, Syderabam, Ont.
It is remarkable how many eases have
been reported similar to this one. Many
women aro poorly at sueh timesand get
into a weakened,. run-down condition,
When it is essential to the mother, as
well as the child, that her strength bo
kept up.
Lydi?inkham'aaVe table Coin -
found is air .excellent tonic for the
pother at this time. It is
from iredaraI rots and herbs ad dies
not eontai filmy harmful 'drugs.'It Maybe
taken an'safety°b the nursing mother
ISSUE rio. 13---'24,