HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-03-27, Page 7• 't e..;11:1,7 Ir.F1,11711i115,.,4,-,,q,• • ;see s Thtu•sday, March 27, ii)24 1NGUA1 ADVAIICE.TIXt A Newly l',-.)euvereicl Tune. , 1 • saying about the l;ittle One hatf Of the world ituovms Of how the other halt ItSee is es true in rillisical matters as in others, and an amosint oonarrha` tion of. it eccurred a, feW meuthiii ago. A famous foreign viollaist and com- peser, who had been 'visiting the B11.- tes iSil Islfrequently during a period. of tsventy years or so, was walldng in the streets a moburgh When he heard a boy, who ,evidently 'as uncul- tured and unlearned, whistling a tune that was obviously a folksong. This, thought the artist, was a real dis- lanlac Save Life CANADA'S BAKING SCi a s w Ottaa La Canada's first institute a baiting will he formally (Veiled this year at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Ontario, The establishment of this school Is as a result of the scarcity of coinpetent bakers ki the • Dominion, and at the recent conven- tion of the Bread and Cake IVIakers' Mrs. Varalo Tells of Recovery From Complication of Trou.. bles — Gives Tanlac Full -r; s., ,„_. eeeriseerseseee eeresee-s---essee-seesesees.-------- see el sliltares;:t.; ;se ' , ,A Proieetive Periwig:, •- "Treat 'ern rna,;,,l0" seems, to have beep the Motto that guided Mr. W.'D, M. Bell in his dealings with the Xara,- nrojanS Of ,Africa. The -way to be ,suc- cessful with the wild tribesmen, as he me ad I bad given up hopes of ever points out in the Country Life, is to *regaining my health. • get the UPPer hand at the first brush. "But Taulac helped me the very Therefore When several insolent f el - first day 1 took it, and now after uSing 'Owe tried to prevent him from water, seve11. bottles ray health and strength, ing his animas he acted 'on that rule. Credit. are as fine as can be, and everyone 1 I seized a cutting -edged club from a remarks bow well I look. I eat heerta i by-starnler, he says, sprang over to one 'That 1 am ally° and in good bealtb, ly, my feed digests Just PeefectlY, mirlof the obstruetors and dealt him the to -day I Can ttribute to 'waling but, nerves are steady, 1 sleep scund, my hardest blots,' oil the head I peseiblY ,Aseeeiaiime members Id thd soaletY 1 coverY, and giving the boy a subStan- Tahl'ao," Is the reillarhahle Gtaterrient ear ne er r u n t. o IV as on s imen e an pledged subscriptions totalling :1110,000 tial tip,' he Made him repeat the tune recently made by Mrs, Eva- Varalo, 233 like Play. Really, the way the treat- I flew to pieces, and the pative turned restored me to perfect health , on me and smiled. I had hit his shock - towards .the founding ',of a baking till ho himself had fixed it in his mind. CuMberland St., Ottawa, Ontario, Can- Mont •seems almost miraculous. Tanlac is 1 absorbing periwig of hair and plaster. school. It is e.Lsb the intention of the Retaraiag to his hotel he arranged it ada• • Association, should the seheel prove as a Piece for irbolin or piano, and his For two long years 1 suffered ter- simply grand." ed mud. 1-migh-t as Well have struck Tarlac is for 'sale by all good drug- tu a fully inflated antomobile tire! ueeest1-11, to raise -all atitli'tl°nal 'Tina 1:1,1',,:laa:denntewsesnett'roiusniiclist,coovtlelle.7.pallenrds reiebsiLinfer°1nneirlyldpiugseesetsi°sn, ' sticetTpsiteisPeantei°an,s: gists. Accept no substitute. Over 40 It was rather a setback; the only for the securing of a new building to ' be devoted exelusively to the training of future bakers. then' it turned out that the tune was palpitation. of the ; heart, almost con - the "Londond•erry Air," which, for tinuous sick lie.atlaches and shortness many years pa,st, had been one of the , of breath, until life seemed 'a burden to meet popular both as a ,s,o,reg and as a million bottles sold. Take Tanlac Vegetable Pills. good effeet was that everyone except myself reared with laughter. But then, when even I began to see the humor The progress which has been made of it I spotted n mischievous fellow in the baking industry slime the be- _ the,me 'or bigger svorks! And the violinist did n,ot know it! Surnames and Their Origin calmly jabbin-g his spear throuila our 'ginning of the twentieth oentury -has water -proof ground eheet. That would beedm so ra,pid that the old-fashioned not de! I drew my pistel. Now those baker has given way to the coIleg,e- trained man, who is not only versed BRKN OETH fl natives were then at a most dangerous - In the -art of bakieg, but also has a FEALstage of ignorance regarding firearms;they firmly believed that all they had wide knowledge of the ingredients to do to avoid being struca by the bill - which enter into the manufacture of let was to duck when they saw the bakery products, bu;sinese organize- smoke. Therefore when I co-vered tion and maeagement, markets,' etc. them no one moved; they were wait - The old-style coal -Sleeted oven has ing for the smoke. When they heard been superseded by the modern gas or the vicieue bang of the little weapon electricity oven, capabhs of baking a and saw no smoke the laugh was on thousand or more loaves of bread them and especially an the fellow who daily. Bread is now hermetically had been so busy on my ground sheet; wrapped in paper and evelything pos- for with a ridiculous air of surprised sible is done to safeguard the health injury he IIIXNW stood looking at a half - of the public. severed and completelyspoilt spear in • After An Attack of Influenza— Health Now Restored. "1 am mrriting to tell you what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for me," says Mrs': J. H. Oulton, Firdale, Man "A few years ago I was in a bad- SAVILLE, • 'TABOR Variation—Sayville. , Variation—Taber. Racial Origin — Norman-FrenCh and Source --An occupation, or an Inn sign, English. - This family name may be a develop? Source—A locality or e given 'name. ment either of the. word "tabourer" ' . (sornetinies "tabu:see') or "tabur." . 1 the given inetanee it is not pos- You'd probably laugh to -day if you sible to tell 'without genealogioal re- •should'run across email a tanally name . , search whether this family name is de- as "Basedrummer," but this is virtual: - rived from a place name or a given ly .the meaning of the name of Tabor. The "tabur" of the medieval period was a drum. The "taburer" was the man who beat the de -um, and. there were- Many of them, for thepe .Werd many traveling orchestras in those slays, with their reed instruments, their six -stringed viols • and their drums - In many instancesi however, keepers and shopkeepers, in that em- riod -when it -Was useless to hang let- tered signs abeve their doors, ,owing 'to the inability 'of most ,of the Population to read, used to identify their inns and chops with pictorial signs, s,e,izin,g up- on any subject or combination of sub- ject§ for illustration, in order to dis- tinguisib. his plaoe from those of his neighbors. It was =dual that the dram sh.ould often be used for such an illustration, and it was quite common to shorten such a name as "William at the Tabur" into simply "William Ta- bor." le rundown condition, so much so that name., The chances are, ho-wever, that r was subject to Sainting spells which would leave me in such a condition in the majority of cases. this particular family name is the d,eveloement of a that, I could hardly go about. Then I 1 o It Is met with quitelrequently in the medieval English records. as "de Se - vele" and "de Sayville," and -under cir- cumstances, thist leave little doubt, as condition. I was constantly taking to its being born by personeges in the doctor's raedicine, but as it did not Specialized Training Advisable. his -hand. Thee the natives began to All this, of course, has resulted in a edge nervously away. keen demand for bakers with 'speciel training. The old method ot appren- was stricken with influenza, which was epid,emic at that time, and this still further weakened me, and throughout the whole winter I remained thiS YOU CANNOT JUDGE ticeship is gradually giving way to BY APPEARANCE. specialized - training In schools de- voted to baking and kindred subjects. Perhaps the greatest progress in this connection has beet made in Great Britain and the United States. There are now tour full-time schools for baker e in Eagland and one in Scot- land, and there is a prospect that an- other establishment may be set up in Birmingham. In addition thee are six centres where, evening classes are ' held, mainly in'confectionery. In the United States there are s,everal first- class schools devoted to this work, all supported and encouraged by the vari- ous national baking associations,. In 1921, there were in Canada, ac- cording to the Bureau of Statistics,, 1,658 bread and other bakery estab- lishments. The eapitai invested amounted -to • ;23,551,215, -while the value of production, was $51,367,917. The value of materials used tatalle,d $29,202,936. The numbea• of, employees engagea in this industry was 9,773, and salaries and wages paid totalled $11,290,553. In addition, produotion in the biscuit and, confectionery industry, which includ,es ,such products as buns, • pies, cakespu,ddinge,' ice cream, etc., anieunted to $43,758,014, meldng • a gillAnd -total "foe the two induetries ol $98,125,931. '•It will be seen from the above fig- ures that the baking industry in Cana- da is One ofimportance, and the es- taellshment of the institute of baking at Guelph will undoubtedly result in ` much benefit. The industry is grew-. ing at a rapid rate, and, as it expands, there will -be a demand for trained MEM, hi C. , it s expeot ed th e new school will in a large measure supple. Ringing the Birds. The ringing a birds so that their migrations may be traced haS awaken- ed interest M many countries, and the extent of the p•nactice may be judged by some facts which have just 'bean isef enaleshed. The Rossiter Observatory, ia East Freesia gave out, between 1903 and 1919, as many as 123,569 rings, and also marke-d 7,778 birds. Of these 2,011 were found again. ' I-Ieligoland dealt with 14,1.72 birds, and of these 492 were Calight and sent •back. Hungary wet less successful. From 25,621 birde marked and sent torth Hungary received only 492 back. in Englaria 46,823 bieda, were record- • ed as marked and let lo,ote in five years, with rosti,ltS that were regarded as quite satisfactory. Jitpan, the United States, and Northern AlrIca are busy with experiments whinh may throw a steady light at last on the eula- jest 01 bird migration. Gifts of the Nations, 4Spain has recently made Geese Md - La in a 'present Of a model of the Santa Maria, the ship 1.11 WhiCh Columbus sailed to America, and the gift recalls others given at various times by one 'country 10 ,antother. Everybody has heard of the fainous Liberty Statile in New Yo,rk. This was presented to America by France in 1884. Some years ago the Eirench o;vei-a- meat presented a Sevres Vase to the British MuSeurn, It is a magnificent speciiiia, and very valuable. ' Ancient weapOns, sueh as guns, swords, and ee on, -ere feirar firemen se,ein to help me, my mother advised Inc to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I got a couple of boxes to start on. When these were done 1 seemed to feel an linprovement and I got a fur- ther supply to continue the treatinent. I took in all abmit a dozen boxes, and by that time I was in the best of health and had gaine,d 1.11 'aeig-ht. 1VIY faith in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is now unbounded, and I keep a supply on hand and take them occasionally if I am- not feeling quite welL I often- reoemneend them to others, and cannot praise them enough for restoring my health:. • Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are useful in all cases where the blood is thin and watery as their mission is to build up and purify the blood. That is why they give new strength and vigor after an attack of influenza, and it is also the reason why they are beneficial in USI'VOUS disorderA, neuralgia, rheu- matism and that condition generally described as all run down," You can get the pills' from your druggist, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Breckville, Ont. - He Picked a Professor to ; Win the War. General Fedh was almost unknown in ngland betere'he beenmeegeneral- iesithe of the allied forces.. Not untie atter 1918 aid 'the editors of Who's Seririce of William the Conqueror or bis successorz. But there is some doubt as to the • place referred to. It would be going too far to say that it did not mean the modern. city of Sevlhie, tho-ugh this would appear unlikely. On the other hand, it is conceivable that it could have coineefrom the place in Belgium called Serville. Yet the letter. "r" is not to be found in the earths_ forms of the surname, and though possible, it is not likely that it was injeeted at a later period into the narne of the town. had his even opinion of Foca. Speak- ing on July 29, 1908, he staid: "They refuse to believe me, and we sleep under a false secunety, tor I do not hesitate to affirm that we shall have a .frightful war in Europe, and that England and France will have the h.arcleist eeperience of their existefice. They will in feet see defeat very near, but tla,e war will finally be won by the genius 01 a French general named Fer- dinand Foch, peofeseer at the inelitary school at Paris," Thus 'almost exa;otly ,six years be- fore the war Lord. Roberts preajoteel precisely what would happen in the war when it came. That in itself was a memorable feet. But that he should thus have marked ant a professor and a le,ctupei; in the itah,ocils,, who was a second lieutenant in 1874, between which time and 1908 he had had. no opportunity of ,proving his military LTHY CHILDREN ALWAYS SLEEP WELL The healthy child sleeps well and during its waking hours is never cross but always happy and laughing. it is olny the sickly childthatis cross and peevish. Mothers, if your children do not ,sleep well; if they are cress and crY a' great deal, give them Baby's Own Tablets and they will soon be well and happy _again. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels, sweeten the stom- ach, banisla constipation, colic and in- digestion. and promote healthful sleep. They are absolutely guaranteed free from opiates and may be given to the new-born babe with perfect safety. The new sales tax will not increase ., Who include him among the thousand,s abilities by conimanding times ac- 111 the price of Baby's Own Tabletsas of notable men and women. But. there tions 01 any imPartanceif indeed he , the company pays the tax. You can ,.was- oee Englishman ae lease who had seen any aotion at all, and that he still obtain the Tablets through any Years, before the war understood his should hat% marked him as the man medicine dealer at 25. oents a box, or remarkable qualities. In Celebrities Who was to • lead the allied cause to by mail, post paid, from the Dr. Wil - Mr. °mileage Kernah,an pays tribute to the prescience -of Lord Roberts, the "man Who know." Lord Roberts, writes Mr. Kernahani was net may a great soldier but aide a keen. observer and shrewd judge of &exacter: he took a man's measure vicary, is surely one of the most re - realisable exasaples of preecience in all history. sii_o_eisees; His Hearing Restored: • The invisible ear drum invented by ;wholly uninfluenced by -what SVOS or A. 0. Leonard, which is a miniature was not written or said of the m,an. He tn.egaphone, fitting inside the ear en- tirely' out of sight, is restoring the hearing of hundreds of people in New York city. Mr. Leonard invented this drum to relieve himself of deafness -and head noises, and it does this so successfully that no one could tell he is a deaf man. It is effective when deafnesdais caused by catarrh or by perforated or wholly destroyed natural Lift Off — 1‘.TO 'Dahl! to drums. A request for information A. 0. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth avenue New York cite, will be given a prompt replY, ' advt --4,------s Life weak', be frightfully dull with- out obstacles to overcome. We can get about anything In this world if we go after it All we have to do is to lseep our hand,s, our minds, and our sense of humor Werking. Opportunitk isn't just around the. corner—but-it's around •the next earner too—and around the cOrner after that! And, too, if you ehould happen to live where there are n•o corners,—well, it's there 0_,----...., just th cam1) e.—. A. Pad.dock. '..."*"." -.........._ is., -t,,, Doesn't hurt one bit! Drop a little Cleanliness renders us agreeable to "Freezaue" en an a,chlug corn, in. others, and is an excellent preserve- stantly that men slope htirting, then tive of health.—Addison. shortly you 1111 21 right off with fingers. Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Preeeon.e" for a few emits, Mifdcient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, gine trete elle Country to another, or corn estyseen the toes, and the foot That which le known aa "Qtleall beth's pocket pistol" wee a gilt to Great Britain. from the Netherland,s, IL wa8 oast as longn as 1544. Though one g,rain fills not the sack, it helps. ; There w,as a man arid all his life he had worlsed in a shipyard. Ile had a ; baby to be ehristened, and for a week ha d 't IHe was w s eep nights. _ s o for fear the minister woUld hurt the' baby Whei he hit it With the bottle, What' conies from the heart goes to the heart. -- calluses, without soreness or levitation. Ask for Minerdes and triko no other, tifeloktrogaMinantrztnillnftm..Mdad=tilfdaht • ameneestesiersetiaterdeveetaigeteseessieseteeeetweicalithetedessiteeveseigenbilast,wleeasesas , ' , ' ' • liame' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The World's Tallest Man? One of the tallest men alive to -day, possibly the tallest, is Armand Bren- ner, who hails from the aura Moun- tains. He is 7fi. 64,in ixi heeght, and his stretch from finger-tip to finger-tip is dose on 814., while, as his boots are 17iiin. long, his patronage is eagerly sought by the bootmakera, in his lo- oality. Bronner was born in 1890, and only ceased to grow when, he was thirty years of age. It is a remarkable fact that he only weighed 4ia1b, when born. Ills great height Is not shared by any other member of his family, the tallest being 5ft. 9in. Unlike most giants, who outgrow their isitrength, Bronuir is exceedingly strong, and can carry a weight of near- ly halt a ton with ease. HIS heath is excellent, and so is, his appetite. Ile eats little meat, but consumes a huge quantity of vegetaalea Food and clothiug umesearily cast him about twice what an ordinary man svoulci have to pay, and his tailor, -vvhe fitting him, requires a step -ladder to reach his shoulders,. At present this giant is( touring Eurepe, and hopes shortly to visit England. When sending money by mail use Dominion Express 'Motley Orders. Safer than sending bills. Among the Strange birds, beasts, and fish discovered in Brazil are vam- pire bats, fiat fish with a poison spike in their tails, and vultures which make noises very like dogs barking. Evers; time you crowd into the Menlory what yeti do not expect it to retain, you weaken its powera, and you lose your authority to eounnand itO Services. - "If a man's religion brings him no fresh revelation, no sense of discovery, it is nigh passing away." Ho not • eat between meals. You may overwork your stomach. 1<,eep Mioartrs I.:10114ot in the house. It is impossible to tell the quality of tea by the appearance of the leaf. A rough, coarse, unevenly rolled tea may taste much better in the cup than a closely railed, well tipped tea that LOOKS much finer. The only way to be sure' of getting tea of reliable quality is to buy a tea like "SALADA," whose goodness and purity are guar- anteed. The Horne of History. No. 10 Downing Street bee been the official residence of British Prime Miniete,rs for nearly tw-o hundred years. It is we,11 called "the ,centre of the British Empire," for many fateful decistions have been made within its wails. Few people are aware that Downing Street is naaneid after a man named Gawps Downing, who went te America at the age of fifteen„ afterwards re- turning and entering Parliament. He became a baronet, and was a great favorite et Charles II, who gave him the land in Whitehall upou which he built the famous ettreet. Sir Robert Walpole was the finst Prime Minister to occupy No. 10. This was in 1731, mid since that time most of his successors, 'have lived there. •.A`Nr, ' 13 FOUR TIMES SEALED othrolAvo oftgolavedawaorr procif,argerp,der..6, rolubr (hunksureliper showinA frem.e ,and 'ir4de writ, ne /crow foa 4 (The heal', D ttirlifficE CUT 0 SA20 TVG 6 CO to bring you the full richness and mellow sweetness of this— "Tobacco of lity" •Inanufectured by iMPERIALTOE>ACCO CO. OF CANADA LIMED I pluck an acorn from the green- sward and hold it to my ear; end this Is what it says to me: "By and by lete birds w11 come and nest in me. BY and by I will furnish shade for the cat- tle. By and by I will peovide warmth the birde, will °operand neat in me. By and by I will be shelter from the storm to those who have gone under the roof. By and by I -win be the ;strong ribs of the great vess,e,ls, and the tempest will beat against me in vain while I carry man across the Atlantic." "0 foolish little acorn, welt thou be all this?" I ask. And the aoorn answers "Yes; God. and L"—Lyman Abaott, D.D. Beware of Imitationsi is the quickest and best relief for pains in the back and the many other indications of kidney trouble. Sold for 50 years. Satiefaotion in every. bottle. At your druggist, or direct from WARNER'S SAFE REMEDIES CO. Toronto f3 al cue' Care -worn, nerve -exhausted women need Bitro-Phosphate, a pure organic eihosphate dispensid by druggists; that New York and Paris physicians pre- scribe to Increase weight and,strength and to revive youthfui looks and feel- ings. Price -$1 per pkge. Arrow Chemical Co., 25 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont. svnniassla. FEET SORE? Rub every night with Minarda It relieves inflammation, sodthes and heals. Unless you see the aame "Bayer Cross" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer As- pirin proved safe by millions and pre- scribed by physicians over tweutee three years for Cords Headache. ' Toothache Lumbago . Neuritis Rh eumatism Neuralgia, Pain, Pain Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken package con- tains proven directions. Randy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug- gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Caefada) of Bayer lefatiufaeture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. While it is well known that Aspirin Means Bayer. Manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tale I - lets of Bayer Company will be stamp- , y ed with their general trade mart, the "Bayer Cross." A redwood tree cut recently in northern California. scaled about a quarter of a million feet of lumber. • It was seventy feet in circumference and three hundred feet high, and two men worked seven days to fell it. He who builds according to every inan's advice will have a crooked house' Clas,sified Advertisements 1[47 OOLGROWERS—COTTS AND Y Rejects accepted, for limited time only. Apply Georgetown Woollen Mills, Georgetown, Ontario. pOR SALE—FANNING MILL A wire and zinc screening, all sizes. For prices, write J. A. Graham, 291 Langlois Ave., Windsor, Ont. Use EYESURIN 41,LIAITELTED AY SUN,W/ND,,DUST&CINDERS /RECOMMENDED & SOLD BY DRUGGISTS °PIT -CLOTS. warm Zea Mg= 7,YI4 snap 000 Milt,C. Co. cx,..003/S./4 ECZEMA IN LiIkSH ON HANDS Fingers Cracked. Lost Sleep. Cutic a Heals. "Eczema began with a rash on my hands and 1 could -not put nay hands in water. It grew worse every day and my hands and fingers all cracked which made them covered with eruptions. 1 lost sleep with the itching. "The trouble lasted three months before r heard of Cuticura Soap .and Ointment, and after using three cakes of Cuticura Soap and two and a half boxes a Cuticura Ointment the eczema was healed." (Signed) Miss Eva E. Belliveau, 338 Highdeld St., Moncton, Neva Brunswick. Fax every purpose of the toilet and bath Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum are wonderfully good. Sample Smell Free by Mall. Address: nymaus,/ire• t -d, Sdd St Raul St, W., Montreal." 80111 eVell• where. Soap Me. Ointment 25 and 50c. 'Talcum 25e. FM-Cuticura Sos.p shaves without mug., How to Prevent Biliousness Doctors warn against remedies containing powerful drugs and alcohol. "The Extract of Roots, long known as Mother SeIgela Curative Syria), has no dope Or strong ingredients; it chases away indigestion, biliousness and constipation. Can be had at any drug store." Get the genuine at your druggist. Many people do not realize that the :roost exhausting of all work is housework and the ewe of•children. iVlauy aWOrklatt tv„ ho should,. be M. the prime of life finds her strength gene, her nerves unstrung and is -weak, worn out and run down ridth pale, thin, wirtei7 blood from tho strain of housework. In smili oases, what you need is sorne- hing to int more iron into v, our blond. usated rou eoutatee Iroa lake the ircet itt spinach, lent le aid apples, ;tied like the iron in your blood. You will be astonished at how eolith bettor you feel often m even a felr nays. - ley taking lquxated Lon for two weeks, and you will sec tolor tome bitek to your lips and chemist, you svill not be so easily upset by trifles, feed beigt of all, you will find that you have now strength and energy and eedurance far year deity tallke, At all good draggisti, UNG DAUGHTER MADE WELL Mother Tells ilotv. Her Daughter Suffered and Was Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Vancouver, B. 0.—" Mut daughter is ti young girl who has been: having severe pains and weak and dizzy feelings for some time and had lost her appetite. Through an older daughter who had heard of a woman who was taking i for the same trouble, we Were told o Lydia E Pinkhara's Vegetable Corn. pound. My daughter has been taking it for several Months and is quite aU right now. It has done all it was represented ...to do and we have told a number of friends about it. 1 am never without a bottle of it in the house, for 1 myself take it for that weak, tired, worn-out feeling which sometimes comes to us all. find, 11 18 building me up and I strongly recommend 11 10 women Who are suffet. ing as 1 and my daughter have."—Mrso J. MCDONALD, 2947 261h Ave. Easto Vancouver, B. C. From the age of twelve a girl needs all the care a thoughtful mother can. give/ Many a wain= has suffered years of pain and misery—tha victim of thqught. lessness or ignorance of the mother who Should have guided her during this tine. she complains of headaches, pale in the back and lower limbs, or if you 'Melee a slowness of thought, nervou8. noss or irritability on th' part a your daughter, Make life easier for her. Lydia E. rinkhain's Vegetable Cont pound is espeeially adapteol for such gottditione ISSU5 • • „ , „.