HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-03-27, Page 6ut: Your lst Prize $559555 (£12,000), 2nd Prize. 13,88$ (£3,Oo0) 3rd •Prize $4,555 (A1,000) :and 2000 other cash prizes from, prize fund of $i33,1198 ( £30,000)• donated by B o v r' i 1 Limited. Con etitors arraugemenus of the Potters meet reach L. ondon Eu len i (address iven on'tidket-foldelpostage 40) o�or beiore 30tli April, 1924 . , Send your donation with Coupon properly filled out to any one of the following: I enclose a detuttlon of $ , ... , , ... ... . .... . ......... . ..:.. Veterans' Assooiation of: Greet Brlteln, 2785Park Ave,"Montreal. Great War Veteran* Asoc ia#ton, CltrxenPpetiatsionsendOnme eCick.e,t.-F.. l , Tericlwteilt-FboeldserxfLorr Bevover�ri] �.;7o.20teriv.0e obn s Building, Ottawa. Name lifull. i, M... ,';, . • . +. , .. , .:.. , .... .Artily and Navy Veterans in Canada, 121 • plshop. Street, Kon#real, (I;,Ms: or.is#j lielperiel Veterarie In Canada, 700 Maill Tubeiculous Veterans' Atso ciat i, o n,Roomr Add 06 ' .. ,. .......< ...,,... ...Stroet,' lnnip0g. 47,tttlz n Solidity, Ottmi>v , ' •ohOSES MAiDl'i .81St. .:. i 9 2°•4 2.24. Ticket NI FOR THE Veterans' Associations' Bovril Poster Competition which closes 31st MARCH, 1924, and while : helping the Veterans you may N Make Cheques tnd Metes/ es Or ters tiY Veteeansy ah-1bsoc1ation,, to1'ru Poster ' COb ip0titidn. f. ;7:179 WINGI-tA' ►i" ADVANCE-TIiVI S. Yl l�f irG Illnieliehet int -, ABM, Rota l I*r ery ThortWee 14Iornlnnq . SMITH, Editor anal 1?troprietor. 8,; Elliott; Associate Editor lOni iierlptioe Tette. --- Otteyear, ,oO: eie month*, ;1.00 in advance Advertising rates on appilcatian. Advertieemente without speciAo dx 8ietlonswin ke inserted until forbid end, charged accordingly. Changes for contract Advertise. ,nieiits. be in the office by noon. lama baa, ` BJSINESS CARDS Wellington Mutual Firm Insurance Co. retablished 1840 Head Office. Guelph Risks taken on all- classes of insur- ance at reasonable rates. ABNi6I COSENS. Agent. W inghate J. W. DODD • Office in Chisholm Block FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE P.Q. Box 366 Phone 198 8 WINGZAM DUDLEY HOLES BARRISTER,, SOLiCiTOR. ETC'. Victory and Other Bonds. Bought and Sold. Office—Mayor Block, Wingham R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates. • WINGHAM ursday( arch 27, 1924, iirt I,'' Tr 1r, —AM THE WO1 5T IS YET TO Ca • J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, Etc. Wingham Ontario DR. G. H. ROSS uradaate Roya' College of Dent!! star.? vine Graduate University. of 'Toronto Faculty of Dentistry OFFICE. OVER H. E ISPRD'9 STORE W. R. HAMBLY B.SO., M.D., C.M. Bpeciai attention paid to diseases of Women` and Children, having taken p( itgraduate work in Surgery, Baa terlology and Scientific Medicine Office In the Kerr Residence, between :the Queen's Hotet sed ".the Baptist Church. All business given careful' attention. Phone 54. P.O. Box 113 Dr Robt CR . M.R.C.S. (Eng). L.R.C.P. (Lend). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOivi (Dr. Chisholm'a old stande. and DR Sei�AR T O �• Graduate ot enivlifasity of. Termite. Faculty of Med)ciee; Licentiate o. the Ontario ` College of Physicians and (Burgeons. Office Entrance: OFFICE IN CHISHOLM BLOCK JOSEPHINE STREET PHONE 23 r.Margaret aet Calder er General Practitioner Graduate University of Toronto. Faculty of Medicine. Ip i,ce--Josephine St., two doors south of Brunswick Hotel. Telephones -Office 281. Residence 161 'Osteophatic. Physician DR. . P. A. PARKER R OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN .. All Diseases Treated. Office adjoiningresidence next rA,nglican Church on Centre Street. Open every day except Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Osteopathy' Electricity Phone 272 DRUGLESS PHYSICIANS 1 Dr.. A FOX CHIROPRACTOR Office Hours: 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.in,• :Wednesday Afternoons by Appoint- ment only. Telepone 191. D. 11. McI NES CHIROPRACTOR allfl'ed Qu Qradt(a#e Adjttstments • given fbr diseases of. u(11 ; lands, 'specialize In dealing with txhildren lady attendant. Night calls ,esponded to. iieot ;.i a oro t ..0 t S „ 'U4ringham Ont. tin ttlulie of the late Sas Walker), .. • 'Phone -150. • littinos, Orae; 106, 1tesidetide; 224. A KBIT 3 Y,f AAS.,, T+"IIRNITVRE I7J'rI.A.LI R and e VTNORAX4 C.T dor TL pie'tirieitt ri.N ClII44 M„, FF r .. Oil TAftto • SOW -LEGGED WHEELS, One of the very surest way to scrub out your automobile tires in record timeis to permit your wheels to get out of alignment. There area number of conditions which will tend to throw a wheel gut of line; and the great trouble is that the driver sits where he cannot see his wheels when the car is in motion and so may not realize just what the trouble is until much damage has been done. If a motor -driven vehicle. is run up 'against a curb so that the immovable stone construction is con- siderable, somthing has to give, and that something is naturally the part which holds the wheel in place. Care- less driving over rough roads deeply indented with ruts is also liable to throw a sudden strain on to some rod or bearing that will wrench a wheel outo f dine. A driver should realize this and be particular to drive care- fully, not permitting one wheel to drop into a rut suddenly, but, if pos- sible, to steer the vehicle so that all four wheels will have a fairly smooth or level surface to pass over, or one or two wheels will take the change of surface necessary very gradually. Sometimes a slight accident, or a sudden strain caused by the force of a heavy blow or impact, or the careless rounding of curves, or descending steep, rough hills at a high speed will bend an axle, knuckle or steering rod. When demountable rims are used precaution must be taken to see that the rims are put on perfectly straight, for if they are carelessly placed the tire must take unnecessary diagonal grindand wear. INCREASING LIFE OF SPRINGS. If you would increase the- life of the springs on your car, take them apart at least' once a year sand place -” graphite between the leaves. This will keep them flexible and will afford the car the protection for' which the springs were designed, instead of them getting rusty and stiffening' very perceptibly. r ELIMINATION OF VIBRATION LENGTHENS LIFE 09' CAR ' The number of forms of vibration on a motor car are legion. Some of them can be eliminated; others can only be lessened; `most of them are unplgasant and some are destructive. 1 If vibration ' could be eliminated en- tirely, the. car's life would be consider- ably lengthened. To dream of such a thing, however, would be like chasing rainbows; interesting perhaps, but with no chance of success. The (Mect, then, of both the designer and the user is to geep unnecessary vibrations on the blacklist. KEEP BATTERY. UPRIGHT. Always keep the battery in a ver- tical position in taking it out or re- placing it in the sar. Sediment may be in the bottom of the jars, and tip- ping,i:hem may cause it to get between the places and short-circuit them. TIRE SPREADERS .OF WOOD. Tire spreaders cap be made of vari- ous sizes to meet the demands of the tire repair shop. For this purpose wood will serve best, maple being pre- ferred. These shouldbe about ten inches long, three inches wide and one inch thick. The step-down for various tire sizes man be made to any length that may be found convenient for the work. Airplanes Should be Equipped With Radio Sets. The army aerial world tour will be attempted without the use of radio ex- cerpt on the last leg, across the Atlan- tic' from Huil, England, due to the con- servation of weight, the chief of the army air service has announced. Radio experts andsome fliers be- lieve that this is an unfortunate de- cision, since through the use of radio in connection with aviation greater as- surance of successful fiighte and the safety of pilots has resulted generally. But the projectors of the flight do not consider radio essential. Weather conditions; orders'. and emergency craps can be reoeived im- mediately by pilots • on radio equipped craft, and they in turn can send mes- sages as to progress', ' position and changes in routes, as well as requests for assistance, posdtion reports and de - aired information. One plane, it is now planned, will be equipped with a transmitter and 'a.re- ceiver set at Hull, England,.. but what would happen if that plane •should crash. is not announced. The radio telegraph n i grap tra smt,tt ng self is a 200. watt nonsynchronous rotary spark with a plane to ground range of about a hundred miles. The antenna will be a singleweighted trailing wire, mad thewhole suet will weigh approximate- ly 100 pounds. Six hundred metres will be the wave used. A superheteroyne receiving set will also be carried- in the communication plane, but no radio oomplass. The transmitting set is capa'ble of beiing transferred to another.plane if neoes'- sary. Spares and some replecesnent apparatus will be carried across the Atlantie. Brook Troul for Sale Brook trout fry (salmo fontinalls) spawned .from wild trout, guaranteed healthy - and vigorous. For April delivery. 56 Per thousand. F.O.B., Shelburne. No ordem accepted for less than 5,000. Walynaton Brook Trout Hatchery. Horning's l+nns,. nufrorin County, Ontario. Shelburne station. z C. e. Strother, proprietor. $15.00 Buus this Griffith Team Outfit. ($16 wort of Fort William) Com rialn0 Giant Repo Trace Giant n Yoke Repos, -.Herpes, Hama Straps, PIaw Pads, Belly Banda ands and BRlete, Complete for 2 Horaoa CAN' you beat it( Tbo wbolo bush' d nese and of a team badmen at a omy1 pActuala erviier, malted havelprreeeeet beyond eucstlon that rope wears every bit ad well ag leather. Farman overt' - where aro Anding the Griffith Team Outfit a great boon, in tho nine of the steadily increasing price of leather. •' Order nut Otani, to -day, Pride 516 (or stn Root of ort Wiolio 4tl. •Grimth'a Glint Rope Traoo oar, per set offour,. 'villi heel •chemo, 4 (or $0.00 Won Of 71'ort winlam). Griffith,* Giant Yoko limpae, to replan& feather pelt drape, ' price complete with snaps and tlidoa, 11,50 per pair 11' otor dealer en t au ply11a u) a uer If write Oot booklet.Y + r se' Waterloo'. 8t. sect ord, dot, Invocation. Rarely, rarely cornea thou, Spirit of delight! Wherefore hast thou left me now Many a day and night? Many a weary night and clay 'Tis since thou art fled away. How shall ever one like me Win thee back again? With the joyous and the free Thou wilt scoff at pain. Spirit false! thou hast forgot- All but those who need thee not. I love snow and all the forms Of the radiant frost; I lave waves, and winds, and 'storms, Eveythfng almost Which is Nature's., and may be Untainted by man's misery. I love tranquil solitude, And such moiety As is' quiet, wise and good; Between thee and me What differenoe? but thou dost :pos- sess, The thing's i -seek, not lone then] less. I' love Love—though he has wings, And like light can .flee, But above all other things, Spirit, I love thee— Thou are love and life!. 0 come!• Make once more my heart they home! —Percy Byisshe Shelley. "He Refused to Quit." On the campus of one of the large universities in 'the Middle West of the United States a monument has 'beet' set in honor of one of the students who died fighting in France. On it is this simple but appealing inscription: "He played on the scrub three years; he refused to quit." Day after day the boy—Hanson. was his name—went out and played with the "scrubs" to help .the "varsity." Then came the summons* to play a "sterner game en the fields of France, and he took his plane. On the battlefield he exhibited the earns fidelity as on the football field. One day his officer celled for volun- teers for a hazardous bit of scouting. Hanson went out with the party but he never returned. And to -day that little inscription en the monumient re- oalls to . the hurrying students the story of a man who refused to quit. "He refused • to quit!" What finer tribute can be given to any man?. When Jesus- named for .his disciples those qualities which he regarded as most essential in a Christian disciple he put at the head of the Iist steadi- ness; and heclosed his discourse with these solemn words ' that carry the same sense, "No man, having put kis hand to the plough and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." Broad 'Hint. `r4� eg- ee 4r d d • SAFE C4,- 0 t2 ,r 7. Prevention • of Losses Among Chicks By S. W. Knipe Recent figures show •that there are only about 55 chicks raised out of every 100 hatched, and this is on farms where there exists a better aver- age of poultry conditions,. Many poultry raisers try to reduce their loss by "doctoring", sick and weakly chicks.' They lose sight of the fact that for the previous 9 or 10.in nths the stock these chicks were raised from had -not the care and attention necessary to produce sturdy chickens, and so care of breeding stock results .in chicks' hatched with weak constitutions, un- able to live under ordinary farm con- ditions. A strong, • vigorous chicken, with 'good brooding system, clean and proper feeding, should be easily raised to •maturity. The greatest loss is ow- ing to lack of vitality; which may be caused by poor 'parent stock, poor care of eggs. before :they are set, or poor incubation. On farms, where the fowl are allowed to forage for them- selves most of theyear, there are many mistakes made in breeding, the fault often being due to both male and female. The males, often late hatched, lack vigor and are small in size. Be. cause such birds give a high percent- age of fertility in eggs does by no meths warrant the assumption that the chick's hatched will -be < sturdy. Good hens are almost as important' as good males. For best results it is not wise 'to mate the 'entire .flock, better pick out only the best females and mate them to the best males procur- able. u roe r- able. Never mate cockerels and pul- lets. Never use hens which have been sick and out of condition. Bowel trou- ble and diarrhoea are sometimes ,caused by infection of the eggs,.there- fore the nedessity of not breeding from any birds thus infected. The best of eggs inay be ruined' by faulty incuba- tion, not only artificial, but when broody hen is used.. If the hen is -flighty she should not be used. Nests should be in a place easly accessible, where water and food are conveniently obtained. Incubator chicks are gist as strong as hen hatched if they are properly hatched.. . Too high or too low a temperature, not enough fresh air, and wrong ]moisture conditions, are the most common 'faults of weak chicks from artificial incubation. Do away with these causes and you hatch good, vigorous, healthy chicks. Good incubators are usually obtained by poultry raisers,' yet a great number of these peoplemake the "penny wise" and pound foolish" mistake of thinking they can make a brooder at home quite good enough to brood the small .num- ber of chicks they raise. Too often these home-made brooders do not keep the proper temperature nor supply the ventilation necessary. Again, if the. brooding system is too entail for num- ber of chickens hatched there is apt to be "crowding," causing loss through. suffocation, Coops without doors for hen -hatched chicks often result in chilling the little birds, Chills usually bring along bowel tro•uble.' The close confinement of baby chicks is often Claimed to cause leg -weakness, something which rarely- Is seen in chicks which are allowed on outside run, ever for a few minutes, after they are about a week old. ' Of course, in gtor myor wet weather this is impos- sable, therefore for such occasions keep' sand or fine litter oai the floor. Feed grain in dry litter to induce ex- ercise. Keep brooder house well 'vele dieted. Supply green feed such as sprolttecl oats, lettuce, green alfalfa or. clover cuttings,. No matter how brooded the chickens must be kept free from vermin, must be kept dry, must have plenty of exer- cise, and small birds Should not be allowed to run with half-grown ones, as the little chaps (don't have a chance to get the proper amount of food if compelled to fight with tnitch larger binds for it. 'Keep your baby chicks growing every minute] till they ins, tare, which can bus d'on•o by proper feeding. Improper feeding Is feeding to sdon and without Waking ,chi* For hours they had been together on. her front porch]. The moon Cash its tender gleam down on the young and., handsome couple who slant a,trangely far apart, , Tie sighed. She sighed'.. Finalshy; "I with, I had money, dear," he said. "I't1 travel." Tnipulsively, she slipped her hand in- n y, pp l to hit': then; rising swiftly, site sped intro the house. A,gshttet, he looked eft his hand. Tu his palm lay a, nickel. afi""waim.0 pall lard with a broken Srg 1S Ci i�ior ik • work for their meals. Positively, do not feed chicks before they are 48. hours old. The yolk of the egg pro- vides food for at least that length 'of• time. 'Additional food is over -loading a small stomach and causes digestive troubles. To sum up the matter, the remedy for the great loss of chicks is "pre- vention." "Eternal vigilance" is ..the price which must be paid; . to reduoo the loss to a minimum. Careful feed and attention from the day the chicks are hatched, for remember,, these chicks. may ,eventually be • the breeders you are going to depend on, and must have every chance to mature into -well-developed, vigorous pullets 'and- cockerels. Biggest Concrete Bridge. What will be the biggest •ooncrete bridge in the world :is abdut to be con- structed by France, to connect Brest, with.Plougastel. It will be 800 meters hag (six ,miles),,00nsisting of arched spans of 180 meters each- Seven eighths of its length will cover that much of the estuary of the River Elora. This will be 'the second' concrete bridge since the war, the °t'helr •being that at St. Pierre du Vauvray, which was opened to traffic last year by President Millerand. Chapped Hands or Face Aired -by one application of MEDORA CREAM. Leaves skin smooth and vel- vety. Used exclusively in Toronto General Hospital: for ten years. Ask your druggist for 60c bottle and pre- serve year youthful complexion, or sent • postpaid on ,receipt' of '50c. J. A: ,MacDonald, Phm.B., 34 Hogarth Ave., Toronto. Takes Him Down. Mutt—"And your friend really mar- ried his ar-ried'his typist. How ddd'they get ;en?" Jeff --"Oh, same as ever! ' When he dictates' to her 'she takes him down." • Insense and Burnt .Offerings. Penelope -"They say she makes an idol of her.husband." Belinda—"Well, she 'frequently in- censes ltim, and she places burxot of- ferings before him every day." Economy makes happy homes and sound nations instill it deep. „For pailiculareo, p. er oasieet and packed tam day in airtight cans Brings otor ng Enjoyment to Ei)ery Canadian OW great the service done for the Cana - 1, cannot bo dian People estimated; How great the benefits ' it has brought to them is beyoizd human ability to reckon: It has provided them, at a cost unequalled in motordom, with a' means to speed up business, to increase wealth, to better health, to bring friends closer and to open up every part of the whole country to every Canadian.. The fine quality, strength, endurance and full equipment provided by Chevrolet "cannot be purchased for so little money anywhere else. Moreover, the owner of a Chevrolet finds a further satisfaction in the savings effected day by day as he drives his car. No other car built can be run or maintained as cheaply as Chevrolet. Chevroletcars are built in Canada by. Cana- dian workmen. Every dollar you pay not only buys a good-looking, comfortable • car, but helps build up a strong Canadian industry. „s -lie'. Ask About The G,M.A.C. Deferred Payment Platt icy 'lkate>spoirtatiorns, • Chevrolet Motor Company • of Canada, Limited Oshawa, Ontario '•. Dealers and Service Stations Everywhere. Deal Promptly With First • Offence. A certain municipal council was asked to favor a Juvenile Court to deal with youthful delinquents, and they opposed this on the ground that the Police',112agistrate was very len- ient:with boys and dismissed most of them :with, a warning. Had they known it the councillors were advanc- ing the very ,argument: that proved the need of a specialist in preventive social 'work. Magistrates who simply, say "go away and be a good boy," and then forget all about the ;lad until he comes up a second, third, and fourth time, are not helping to reform his character. The first offence is an in- dication of moral -disease and should receive prompt treatment, the patient being kept under observation until the disease,., is entirely eradicated.. It is the inefficient method of dealing with first offenders that encourages boys to continue In wrong doing until, they have passed -the stage where they can be influenced by moral considera- tions. In no. department' of social or business activity is it more important that there should be a specialist than in dealing with the youth when first starting out on 'a career of wrong doing.—J. J. Kelso. How Not to Eat. Table manners in the seventeenth century must have stood; in need • of considerable improvement, if we may take seriously the advice that Hannah Wooley gave'to.young ladies in 1675. It must be adniiltted that 'Miss Wogley "wield„ed'a trenchant pen." "Gentlewomen discover not by any ravenous gestureyour•angry appetite. nor fix your eyes too greedily on the meat before you,. as. if you woliiri de- vour more that way than your throat would swallow. In carving avoid elop- ing your fingers' in yews , mouth and licidng them. after you have burnt them. Close your Lipa when you eat and do not simack like a pig, Fill not your mouth so full that your cheeks shall swell like a pair of Scotch bag- pipes. It de very uncomely to drink so large a;dxlaught that your breath is al- mosst gone and you are forced to blow strongly to recover yourself." A brave man, were he seven times a king, is but a brave man's peer. If I were asked to name the three things which were retarding civiliza- tion most, I should 'say: ignorance, self-indulgence and selfishness. -0. S. Marden. I:P �r.e edllalu hh 1 tl6 of •.•en 114 rl