HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-03-27, Page 411, roi:f innovation in radio eitcles ars this week, this time from sta- GY at Schenectady. On Fri- 4ay at 7-45, the play "The erelittet ot Venice" -will be broad - ease This will be the first attempt to $end aut Shakesperean dream, by redo. Tide should provide an ex:cell-- cut (evening's entertainment, Details o; the cast appear in the pro,granis. Wendell Hall, "The Red Headed l'desie Maker of "WDAP", *Chicago, lets become so populanevith his songs avd, ekelele aecompaaiment, that he abided to make a tour of all the prie- seipel broadcasters and present his songs to a larger cirele.of radio list - ere. He is the author of the conuc' song, "it Ain't Gain to Rain No Nero.' By tuning in on the 8.3o pro' gram WWJ at Detroit arty evening this week, Mr. Hall will be beard. For those listeners who like good shining, the tI p. in, program Qf WLW at Cincinnati next Th day evening, should make a strong ap- peal, The trairious parts of the sacred oyeaerio, "The Holy City," by Gaul, ifl be sung by a groap ef artists. Many radio listeners -ha -ye enjoyed the music of the "Missouri State Pri- son Baud" as broedettet front station Horne Sweet Home). o,,55 p. m.—terlingtort time signals. Weat he r for e cae i.30 p. ne-eCoacert. Friday, March 28 6.15 le m,—Organ recital by Lucile Hale, from the Cameo Alotiou Picture Theater, Pittsburgh, Pa, 7.1e p. m.--"Frorn Abraham to Sol- omon," the Sunday School lesson for March 30,-peesented by Dr. R. L. Lan- eing. 7,30 p. ie.—Feature. 7-40 p. ne.--"Netional Stockman and Fanner" merket reports, „ p. ne---Ractio Boy Scout meeting. 8.30 p. re. ---Conceit y quartet of the St. Andrews: Lutheean Church Phtsburgh, and instrumental trio con luano's orcbettra, Ne Iernnoe Ho tei, Albany N 1". • .745 p. /le—Musical ,program fee, nisheti through the eourtesy of the jean Lyman* Cooper Sehool,•Troy, Y. A Few Moments 'With New Books, L. L. Hopkins, assistant librarian of the General Electrie Company, Con- tralto 'solos (a) "Spring tide", (b) Love You Truly," Jean Lyman Coop- er. Soprano solo, "Thou Brillian Bird" Marie C. Fahreekoft, Mezzo-soprano solo. "The 'Gypsy Maiden," Rose Burger. Contralto eolo, "Dear Little You," Hallie Bryce. Soprano selos, (a) "Si Ales Vers Avez des Aisles" (b) "Si j'etais jardinier," Mrs. G. Des - ADVA fli era l interest, ,,,asxot...25 a. m. --"Official weather fore - 11,53 a. ne—Arlington time relayed by the Westeru Union. /2 000eatesetward. 13arnes, baritone; IseRoy De Turk, tenor, 3 ie. m. --The Detroit News Or - 3.30 p.rn,—Officil rnerpeaotrhtez forcast. p. m.—Market Station WLW-3o9 Adeters The Crosley Radio Corporation Cincinnati, Ohio • Wednesday March 26 • no ers Baritone solo Give a Alen a 9 p. me—Special program given un- ' Horse He Can Ride,"'Elton Warren; der the auspices of E. Kahn's Sons by Cooney. Violin, solo, "La Casterna," Orchestra, A. E, Mittendorf, inter- ' Soprano selo. , Afabelle the Lyric Minstrels and the Esberger ,ent Edward tHinkleman. Stuart Swart, locutor; Howard Evans, musical di- aceompanist SoPinno solo, "The Lass rector; ends, Will Evans, Doc Miller, si.sting of Mrs, Howard Noble, violin; Chrisiine Adams, cello; Mrs, Lucile • h'h F iton piano Members of quartet: Ada Carey Aufhammer, so pram); ;Eleanor Olive Edstrom, cod 1 rah(); Robert Reed, tenor; Fred, Wal lis, baritone; Lucile Gregg Fulton, di rector and accompams Gregg, piano. Program: "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes," quartet; "Carry Me Back -to Virginny," quartet; "0 For a Closer Walk With God," Geibel, quartet; "Father Keep Us in. Thy Care," Hoitges-Sellinan, quartet; "All Through the Night" Old Welsh, quartet; "The Mariners," Ran- degga, soprano, tenor, baritone; con- tralto solos, "Song of the Chimes," Worrell; "Thine Only," Bohm; "Where My Caravan Has Rested," Lobe, tenor and bass; "When the Ro- ses Bloom," Reichert; "Belive Me If Harry Snodgrass, het- All Thc,se Endearing Young, Charms les" is also a frequent entertainer Moore, tenor; "Last Night,' ICjerulf, ter knotvn tis `"l'he King of the Ivor - from this station. These musicians snPranci and ioned Town," contralto; "An Old Fasts - ere all inmates of the State Penitenti- Squires; "I Fear No aey and they have organized, a very. concert .arranged for piano, four Foe, Squires, baritone solos; organ fine musical body. Their efforts were, hones, Hamlet, appreciated so much by the radio pub- 9.55 p. ne—Arlington time signals. Weather forecast, Saturday, March 29 , lie that au one week over 7000 letters of appreciation were received Many attempts have been made by kind - nearted radio listeners to het freedom e 6.15 p, in.—Dinner concert by the for some of these players but the par- Westinghouse Band, T. j. Vastine, tole hoard has always refused. conductor. Program: tiara, "The Man Among Men," Fillmore; Meal - NOTE --All time shown is Eastern can Serenade, "Mi-Rosirene" (to Ir- ene) Barehouse; excerpts front "A Summer Evening in Hawaii, Wheel- er, waltz, "Bad'ner Aledslin" (Girls of Baden), K.orrizah; Fantasia, "Delecta" (for clarinet) Rollinson; "Morceau- Mita" (Wild Flower), Lasey; Inter- mezzo, "Hearts String," Casto; A De- sert Episode, "The Whirling Dervish- ers," Rillinson; "The Chapel in the Moentains," Wilson; "Parade of the Dolls,' Gruenwlad. 7.15 p. m.—Feature. 7.30 p. na—Story by Dr. - David Lang, pastor of the Shady Avenue Presbytelian Church. Home,' L. O. Marsterlar, radio en- gineer of the 'Westinghouse Electric teachers of Bible classes, by Carman 7-4-5 P. me -Last Alniute Helps to St Manufacturing Co. Cover Tohnson, professor of history, 8.15 p, m.—"The Ships That Shan- Westinghouse High school. _ glinessy. Built," by Charles Latus. 8 p. in.—Address by Charlie Moran. 8.30 p. 311,—Concert, courtesy of the e ens p. at —Feature. Rosenbaum. Company, arranged by 8.30 p. ne—Concert by the Westing - Chat -meal,' Parsons, including classical house -Band, T. J. Vastine, conductor semi -classical and popular eelections. Alice Christine King, soprano, and 9.55 p. m. ---Arlington time signals, , Louise Dices, violin. Program of band Weather forecast. selections: "The King of the Dwarfsv Thursday March a7 , ' Adams; Caprice. 'In a Woodland , ne., e Holmes; serenade, "An' Alt - 6.15 p. xn.—Dinrier cohcert by the `-'4".e"" ICDICA Little Symphony orchestra, Ituniu Romance," King; descriptive piece, "Incense," Holmes; "Priere a emu:tutted by Victor Saudeke La Madone" (Prayer to the Virgin), 7,30 p. m,—Feature. 7.40 p. ethehNeteenet stockmen and Dareau; dance "Ori the Plaza," Rol- linson; waltz serenade, "Lesoro Mio," Farmer" market reports, 8 Ix nt,.....Farra program. Beccicci; "King of Spain Reviewing 8-30 P.nit—Concert of Spanish music His Troop," Fauria.. termite -ea especially for reception in 9,55 p, In.—Arlington time signals. Mexico and other Spanish speaking Weather reports. countries by the KDKA Little Sean-, Station WGY-38o Meters phony Orehestrat and assisting artists. Greetitige by Vice Consul of Spain 1 General Electric Company L. Corriola, Orchestra selections; Schenectady, N. Y. „ Royal Mareh. of Spain," overture," II Wednesday. Maeda a6 Guertin:" Comezt La Media Noche,' . . ' Silent Night. Amilest "Tango" Albenez- "In OH, , Standard Time Station KDKA--326 Meters Westinghouse Electric East Pittsburgh, Pa. Wednesday, March 26 6i p. an.--Dinaer concert by the Pittshergla Athletic Association Or- ehestra, Gregorio Scalzo, director. 7.15 p, in.—Feature. . .„..„ 7.30 p. me—Feature. 740 p. al.—"National Stockman and -Farmer" market reports. ' 8 p —"Broadcastieg Front Your Madrid," "La Paloroa," Yra'eller; Span- 2 Thursday, March 27 i'Sla waltz, "Espana,' e Wahlteufei; 6 p. ne—Prodace and stock market 'Toreador and Andaluse," Ruben-'iquotations; news bulletins. stehn "La Golondrina" (Mexican . 6.3o p. m.—Dinner music by Ro- ,, amomorammommolommorai• ays use ARTIN w-SENOUR NiANBLE -ITE FLOOR. FINISH hrotlzin;# like if for Hardwood Floors „ftwears like Iron Write to Head Office, Modretel for Fres POOkiet HOME PAINTING MAZE EASY SOW, BY RAE & THOMPSON Wingbarn ▪ 1111141111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111 7DRO SHOP REPAIR irons, Toasters, Heaters, Cleaners, Fans, Portables, c. 11/ Absolutely without any labo charges '1y for the actual these re 1111111101111111111111 'With the Delicate Air," Mary Walsh.Gay Anderson, Harry Nutting; first Mezzo-soprano solo, "Southern Hush tenor, Howard Hafford, Fred Evans, Song," Ann Mealy. Alex Bradford, Arthur Steinbrecher; Friday, March alt second tenor, Edwin Meyer, Fenton 6.30 p. mt—Children's program, Pugh, John *Kurlernan, Norman 7,35 p, xn.—Health talk, New York Meyer; first bass, Edwin Weidinger, state, department of health. Harold Evans, Herbert Schatz, Allen e.45 p. m.—"The Merchant of Ven- Roudebush; second bass, 'oho. Dodd, ice, presented by the WG'S. Players. Ed. Christina, Frank Reif, Robert Instrumental selection. "Shepherds Sommers, Play," WGY orchestra., Comedy, "The (Baldwin, piano) • Merchant of Venice," a comedy in five Thursday, March 27 acts, by Shakespeare, Cast: Duke zx pem.—"The Holy City", by A. R. of Venice, Maurice G. Randall; Shy- Geul. Directed by George ICarnpe. lock, Edward H., Smith; Antonioe Frank Oliver; Bassanio, Edward Soloists: Mrs, Fred Hollineyer, . mezzo soprano; Mrs. Norma Brink - St. Louis; Gratiano. Carl Jester; to- ineyer, alto; Mrs. George Graf, so - S. , Harold, Sunde; Salanio, Charles prano; Mrs. George Melding; alto; Mr S. Baumest Salarino, Barrington Ha - Charles Klusemeyer, baritone; Mr. yens; Old Gobbo, Horace Roberts; George Hernpfling, bass. Part e --"No Latincelot Gobbe, John Loftus; Tubal Shado-ws Yonder," chores' and so - William Bond' Poria, Helen Carrip-_, prano solo, Mrs. Graf; "My Soni Is hell; Jeasita, 'Rose Cohn; Nerissa, Athirst for God" soprano solo, Mrs. Margaret V. Smith. Act ---Scene z, a G street in Venice; scene 2, Portia's George Graf; "At Eventide it Shall house at Belmont; scene 3, a street in BeLight," trio; "They that Soy inpeers , rchorus': "Eye Hath Not e Venice. Instrumental selection, "Ga- votte," Orchestra. Act II—Scene 1, a street in Venice; scene 2, before Shy - lock's House. Instrumenal selection, "Alenuetto," Orchestra. Act III— Scene z, a street in Venice; scene 2, Portia's house; scene 3, a street in Venice; scene 4, Portia's house. In- strumental selection, "Mock Morris," Orchestra. Act IV -t --Scene z, court or justice, Venice. Instrumental selec- tion, "Merrie England," Orchestra. Act V—Portia's garden. instrumental selection, "Pastorale," Orchestra. 10.30 ta. in.—Musical program: In- strumental selection, "Pierrot March" WGY orchestra: -Contralto solos: (a) "Charity," (b) "Bird of the Wilder- ness," Rose Mountain. Instrumental selections, "Ciribiribin Waltzes," Or- chestra. Contralto solos, (a) "Baby," (b) "Twilight," (c) "Homeweed Bound," Rose Mountain. Trio. selec- tion, "Valse Intermezzo," Anierica.n Trio. Clarinet solo, "Bird Songs," Peter Schmidt. Instrumental selection, "Serenade," Orchestra, contralto solos, (a) "Recompense," (b) "Coon Song", Rose Mountain, Instrumental selec- tion, "La Lisontera," Orchestra. Station WW3-517 Meters The Detroit News Detroit, Mich. Wednesday, March 26 8 a. na—Setting-up exercises by R. j. Horton, physical director of the Detroit Y. M. C. A. 9.30 a. m.—"Tonight's Dinner" and a special talk by the -woman's editor. 945 m.—Public health service bulletins and talks on subjects of gen- eral intereet 10.25 a. m.—Official weather fore- cast 11.55 a. m.—Arlington time -relayed hy the Western Union. -12 noon—Music by Jean Goldkette's Orchestra broadcast from the Gray - stone ballroom. .- 3 p. m.—The Detroit "News" Or- chestra. 3.30 p.m.—Official weather forecast 3,35 p. en.—Market reports. 8.3o p. m.—Selections from "Iolan- the" by Detroit Eastern High School pupils; Wendell Hall, tenor; Lenten speaker_ Thursday, March ay 8 a. al.—Setting-up exercises by R. J. Horton, physical director of the Detroit Y. M. C. A. . 9.3o a. ne--"Tonight's Dinner" and a special talk by the Woman's Editor. 9.45 a. m.—Public Health Service bulletins and talks on subjects of gen- eral interest. so.25a. m.—Official weather fore- cast. 11.55 a. m.—Arlington time relayed by the Western Union. 1200 noon—Edward Barnes, bari- tone; LeRoy De Turk, tenor. 3.00, p. nt.—The Detroit News Or- chestra, 3-30 Pen.—Officiai weather forecast. 3.35 p. art—Market reports, 7.00 p. m.—The Detroit News Or- chestra; Wendell Hall, tenor; Betty Garrett, contralto; Lenten speaker. moo p. m.—Darice music by Jean Gollikette's Orchestra, broadcast front the Graystone Ballroom. e 00 p . N .m.—The Detroit ewe Or- Bath," "D°117t Waste Your Tearse „ Chestra. er Me," "Home in Pasadeta, She's My Girl From My Own Home Town" "Sunshine of Mine," "Solehin' Blue," "Govered Wagon Days," "Afamma Love e Papa," "Sloop," "You're in Love With Everyone But the One Whose in Love With You," "Song qf. Love," "Ta Blue Eyes," "Ain't You Ashanit ed," "Sugar Baby ofhMine," "When it's Nighttime le Italy, It's Wednes- day Over Mere," "You're in Kentucky as Sure as You're Btorn," "Do You, Don't You, Will You, Won't You," "The One I Love Belongs to Some- body Else," "So This Is Veniee," or- chestra. ALL KINDS OF FAR1VIERS To the Editur ay the Advance-Toimes Dear Sur,— A lot ay payple do be grumblin about harrud toimes the same as they hey always done fer the lasht fifty years arr moore. I don't inane iviry body ler some min kape eoight on dain theer wurruk an savin a little whin_ they kin, an the fursht ting ye know they do be litin an aisy shtrate, so far as money is consarned, but that koind ay min moshtly kape on wurrulcin awl theer lonres an mebby• doie in the harness, so to shpake, loike an mild harse. I cud minshun the names av a dozen min in Wing - ham who shtarted wid nothin and are now inclepindint, ainnot the shmartest min, ayther. Wan rayson fer theer success is that they undhershtood min, an that goes a long way in ether tinge besides harse thradin polly- ticks. Me ould frind, Sandy Banks, whin he wussent rayclin the Globe used to be slitudyipe the poethry ay Misliter Burns, art thud awlways be sayin some, ay his pieces to me. I reinimber wan. that goes someting loike this "Conceal yersel as weel's ye can, frae critical 'dissection. But keels: through, iviry Wier mon, wi' shairpened sly inspection,' which Seen," mezzo soprano, Mrs. Fred Hollmeyer; "Fcir Thee, Oh Dear, Deal- t manes in plain English that ye =slit Country,' chorus; "Thine Is the I rade what is in the mther fellah's mmed, but not let him foind out what m ye are tinkabout. Whin ye km doe that ye kin make raoney come to ye, if it is money ye are afther in this wurruld, though 1 hey known a lot Kingdom," chorus. Part 2—"A New Heaven and a New Earth," solo, Charles Khisemeyer; "Holy, Holy, Holy" chorus; solo, Mr. George Hampfling; "To that Lord Our God," soprano, George Graf; "Come, yei ay good men, aven Sandy I3anks hmi- Blessed of My Father," alto, Mrs. silf, who didn't tink gittin money eyes Norma Brinkrneyer; "The Fining Pot Is foreSilver," chorus; "These Are They Which Came Out of tGreat Trib- ulation," soprano, Mrs. George Graf; "They Shall Hunger No More," duet, Mrs. George Graf, soprano; Mr. Fred Hollineyer, mezzo soprano; "Listl The Cherubic Host," quartet; Mrs. Graf, first soprano; Mrs, Hollmeyer, second sopratie; Mrs. Mehling, first alto; Mrs. Brinkmeyer, second alto. "And I Heard the Voice of Harpers," Mr. Charles,* Istlusemeyer;' "Great an' Marvelous Are Thy Work Lord God," chorus. 12 p. m.---Populae dance progrem by Doherty's Melody "Boys, R A. Pen- dergast, piano; Ridge Bludin, trum- pet; Leo Bludin, saxophone; Blake Holthaus, drums; Harry Kennedy, trombone; j. L. Doherty, banjo, and manager, playing: "Hoodoo," "Nine O'Clock Sal," ."Dream Daddy," "Bright Lights," and others released by the National Association of Broad- casters, and other features to be an- nounced. (Baldwin, piano) , FridaY, March a Silent Night. • Station WJAX-390 Meters The Union Trust Co., Cleveland, Ohio Thafsday, March 27 8 p. m.—Ieran Francisco and his Ho- tel Cleveland orchestra will open the program with a series of delightful nunibers, as follows: "The Blue Ma- zur" ("Die Blaue Mazoint operetta by Meditation, from "Theist" sym- phonic dance No.. 4, Andante, selec- the whole tang in this loife„ • The thrubble wid the nrurruld, err mane wid h lot ay pa.yple who are in the wurruld, isethat av wur- rukin fer the besht pay they kin git, an savin theer money, they do as lit- tle as they can awl wake an thin go joyroidin on Sunday. Whin they foind nothin itt theer pockets barrin holes in the bottoms av thixn wid ra.kin an schrapin afther the laslit chat thin they want bigger wages, arr hoighei' proices fer what they sell, arr lower proices fer what they buy, an they blame the Governmint, arr theer boss, arr the Chtirches, arr the O.T.A. arr theer Whives if they hey wan, an iyiryting an iyirybody but tinr" nsilyes. I kin rade mine .loike a book, but wimmia are harruder to undershtand. Mebby they hey lamed silf corithrol anlaow to hoide what they do be tilde - in about, be rayson av the fact that fer tousands e.y years min wus th, bosses in lift wimmin to do awl the wurruk an raise the ander besoides. 'Tis diffrunt now. Ye kill shtudy min in anny, place, but nowheer so well as in the cowl- thry. Ye kin Moshtly tell be the looks ay a man's farrum, what koind an a fellah he is, ixcipt that ye can't tell whether he is .a Tory arr a Grit arr. a U. F. 0. fet, shure,•theer are good farrumers an shiftless wens in awl parthies. Theer is the rippin tearin farrunier wid moore land than he kin wurriek an moore shtoek than he kin fade properly. He is endways, the furst man on the fields in the shpringt boggin his liirses plungia thine the much he has to turn his cat- tle out on the fursht AV May whether theer is anny grass arr not, be ray - ton from Blossom. Time, Prelude son ay the fact that Ins hay au shtraw to "Le Deluge," "Dance of the Hours" are awl done. We had two arrtree from "Gloconde," Hotel Cleveland or- rein loike that in our nayberhood an chestra, ivan. Francisci, director. Fol- bein as I knew whin the intrust on lowing this, the Cleveland Federation theer Mortgages had to be paid I wed of Women's Chtbs will present Mrs, shrip around to see thim an mebby Whiting Williams, Who will Play two be able to pick up sohne shtock- at me -violin selections included in the music cayn proice. Another koind ay a ariemory contest which is ,,en annual farrumer is the slow fellah wjeo nivir event held imder the auspices of the gits shtarted seedin till his naybers Cleveland orchestra. The numbers to, are half trot). an is awlways lasht wid be played are; "Ifolly on the Shore*: his hayin an harvest. He is so shlow "Soloiees Song," Mrs. Whiting WO - at makin up his^ moind -that he often Bums, violin. The program will be misses a good proice fer what he has concluded with a series of dance num- to set', I nitrir trold to do bizness hers by Everette-Tryords Melody wid that koind av a man. Loife is Lane- dance orchestra, including schne too short to sit on the fince half a vocal selections by Mr. Seaford Smith day banterin fer a dollar arr two on and Mr.. Everette Tryon, leader of the a hunch ay- hogs, err a pair av shteers orchestra. Here is the Pragrarn they arr a harse. The begat ferrule -1s are will play: "Oh, 'You Little. SuneUv-er- the mejuim fellahs, neither too fasht Gun," "Arcady," "Linger Awhile," "teT nor too shlow, min who put some Love You,' "Lovely, Come Back, brains into 'Hater wurruk. Befoor "Somebody Stole My Gal,' "Dream nhpring comes they hey theer harness Daddy," "Wonderful One," "When an imptemints awl in ordhes fer a Lights Are Low," "Arizona Stars," shtart,.an as soon as the and is ready "Mickey Donahue," -"Sweetheart, I Want You,' Everette Tryon, vocal; 'It's Not the First Time You Left Me, But It's the Last Time You'll Come Friday, Marcel 28 8' a. m,—Setting-up eterdses by R. tf. Horton, physleal director of the Detroit Y. M. C. A. 9.30 a. re..—"Toilightts Dinner" and special talk by the woman's editor. 9.45a. m.—Pnblic health service bulletins and talks on subjeets of gen- eral interest ' 10.23 a. ire—Official weather fore - 11,55 a. OL—Arlington time relayed by the Western Ilmon. la noon—Dame 111USIC by Jean Goldkette's Orchestra broadcast froru the Graystone ballroom. 3 p. rate—The Detroit "News Chestra. , 3.30 p. M.—Offitial weather forecast 3.35 pe na—Market • reports. 8.30 p. na.—The• Detroit "News" Or eesteat Anne Campbell, Detroit News poet; M. E. White, baritone Wendall ffafl, tenor; Lenten speake • Saturday, March 2,4 na.-Setting-up exercises by N't - j. aortoti, physicg director ef th Detroit IL M. C. A. 0,30, AL-Tronight's Dinner teal talk by theonvotnates a. AL -Public health se 1 5 aria PAS' aubjectS Thorsday, Mora, 07the 1924 eehrt_ ___eseesettesees—e==serse,;. i111000IIPMWMOMIMPM11011/MOMOMOMMMOMOOWNWiMOMMMOMIIOMMIMMII M gssses • 1110.4'. 111r., About me to get the Or Car Out Z.' and Have it Painted or R finished YOU CAN tiA• VE YOUR CAR MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW 7 AT THE sas • e Wingham Auto PairttIng Works :I* lit ROBERTSON'S GARAGE BY THOS. R. GARRETT Our Motto is: "A right good job and„satisfac = guarantee, nothing but the best materials used. 111 TIMIIIMUMIMEMMAIMMWEMEMMM M ilimmeam ion". This we 11a11111111111101119111111111111111111111111P, we are sorry is not imProying as fast as we would like tq see him. tivAelsr.. and Mrs. Ray Alton and child- dren, spent last Thursday in Port Albert and Sheppardton, visiting rela- Mrs. D. K. Alton of Lanes, return- ed home on Tuesday after spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Percy Graham of Sheppardton. Mr. Will Lane, of Lanes, is having an Auction Sale on March 3I5t. Mrs. Wm. Strother, of Mafeking, is visiting with her sons, Messrs. J. C. and Marmen of Toronto. Miss Maggie Shackleton, of Matadi, who has been sick for some time, is slewly improving. Mr. Wm. Love, of Marnock, spent Thursday with relatives on re, con, Miss Mary Vint, returned after spending a few weeks over at Marn- ock and Belgrave, Mrs. Isaiah Congram of Paramount who has been -very poorly for some time, out to Lucknow Tuesday a Mrs, Gilbert Vint and Mrs. John Mullin visited -with Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Cummings, St Helens Monday after- noon. xa CON. HOWICK Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clegg spent a couple of days with their daughter Mrs. Les. Earl of Ethel. $ A number gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bennett and gave them a kitchen shower. All report a • " Mr. Henry 'Woods had a very sue- Cessful wood bee last Saturday. t Mr. Russell McIntosh visited with Alie Charlie Finlay of the a line Ho- -wide Making maple synap will soon he the order of the day now. Mr. Ruseell McIntosh and Mrs. Lorne Laird visited at the home oft Mr. Bert Launghy Saturday last. ' HURON COUNTY Londesboro has a barber shop. Broom ball is on 'the program at - Ripley. John Gibbings, Clinton, celebrate& hie 85th t birthday. • C. P. Sills has been appointed Post- master at Seaforth. - Goderich Women's Institute donat- ed $too to the hospital. Mariners attended Knox church le:str Sunday evening in a body. A snake 32 inches Yong was killed -hi Leopard Wenzel, 1-lowick township. Community Association of Ford-, wich village have' leased room over Steurnoll's butcher shop and will, con- vert it into a Community,1-1all, to be - used by the different organizations of - the village. A very enthusiastic Baseball meet- ing was held at Teeswater Friday to, re -organize for the season. It was decided to enter the Bruce League again, as good satisfactiou was receiv- ed from it last season, and this year a number of new teams are desirous: of joining. H. C. Thompson and J. Hendry were appointed auditors. Other officers are: Secretary -Treasur- er N. E. ePatterson; Presideet, G. H. Linklater; Hon. President, S. It Brill; Vice President, Rey. it j. Flavahen; grounds committee, S. Blair and M. Donahue; property committee, H. King and j. Hendry; trariSpOrtatiollr, committee, L. A. Brink and A. Kit- chen; Manager, M. A. Donahue: A. motion was passed that the President arid Secretary attend the League. Meeting to be held in Paisley shortly, - SPEW Market at Home - wherey ou get the highest prices. MAITLAND CREAMERY Wingham, Ontario Owned and operated by The United Farmers Co -Op. Co. Ltd. Head Office, Toronto, Ontario .41102=111111116i12,1102111,1MXIIIMIIIIC04. MENIENSIENNIENE mum 111111511Elit ri LYCEUM THEATRE they are on it, an no grass grows un- Wed. and Thurs, Mar. 26 and 27 der timer fate till iviry field is sown. es Thin awl the finces are put in ordher an the root land prepared an sown it liefoor it is tonne fer the euttie aer fl the wades an shtartin hayin. They am kape roighl up teid theer wurruk awl CORINNE GRIFFITH "ISLAND WIVES"' seasi the tonne so that if a eircus comes to a town they kin let the byes he v a boll- is happmess had vanished a touch of the Smith Seas. She longed for. riches aad when she obtained them she fotattd Wedding Rings, Diamond day. The cl. hte. the wurruk a ie _ y role theern Rings and marriagezi. nivir let theer wiurult droiye thim, at ALSO BIG V COMEDY 1 • -e nivir hear thim lads grumblin. If ii cence Information he weather is foine they rejoice be- fa e done an whin the rain comes they are Fri, and Set. SPECIAL Mar 28 and 29 — caws they kin git a lot ay wurruk 1 a.........__ W. R. Hamilton's, Jeweler ready fer it an are glad te see the FAMat TO RENT The McNair farm art Wawato acret, thirty acres plowed wo ROA SALE• brick residence, Wing, wzneettiences. LILLIAN HALL-DAVIS raps growin. — IN — Yours till nixt wake. Timothy Hay, "THE SPORTING EARL" ASHFIELD The pie 8ocia1 that was held in I-lac- ketee Church last Tuesday night was good success. The Belfast L. 0. L. intend balding t"At 1-forne", Tuesday night. Mn and Mrs. Thomas Fergusoa tyf s visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. itchie, of Zion, Inst Thursday after - Vitt. Irwin, of Lucknow, spen t -week with Mr. and Mrs. a kts, wibon irwis Belfast ouple of do's visiting in 'Mil - Sidney Gardner, of Zi, rhe Itan been sick ithpueuruonit, AS relatives. AitEngaging Turf IVielodrarna, Wonderful Races ALSO 13X0 V COMUDY Prices rsc and 35e. Mom uttd Tues, Matt 31, Apr. x 'The Nth Commandment ' A Superb Paramount Cosmopolitan Pictere by the ereators of HumoresqueCast includes Colleen Moore, lanes Morrison, Ed- die Phillip% Geo. Cooper, and others. A picture you will want to set again A picture true to every day life ALSO ntax couttm • peke% xs4 arta 35e. „:"„„•,oss.,,