HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-03-27, Page 2you will re li.ze the dreflCt.
between "Salacla" and lust ;tea."
len licarts Commalitd"
When hearts' commanol, •
Front, fniteis the sagest counsellinga depart,
,;•• , qrs.. • 'h.;••lk
, , •
CHAPTER XII. 1 or twice erorn the doorway. Because
The arrival of Carrie Egan caused of Hues indisposition Jean bad aer
a happy shudder throughout the Mi- Own meals upetairs. She rather en -
moss, Palace. Mrs. Egan was of the couraged Ilago to talse things easily,
stuff upon which hotel gossips feed dreading the moment of his first Pub -
and fatten. Colonel Derwent, the lie aPPearance. le gone ages, are getting weary from the
constant van -attune -ca,us.ed by the
roaring erafile that swirls all around
th,e etrecture, and the warelentingspull
of the Thames ueso,n lee foundations.
The sfouth transept bas begun Co
leaAn toward tae raver and the south-
west tower has dropped several inches
from the perpendicular. Some,thing
must ,he done ,s'oon, to preserve' this
crowning achievement of , Christo-
pher Wren. Mervyn MeCturtney, aec,hi-
tecturaa adviser the den, says a
large sum. of money will b
wiave to be
spent en the Cethed.ral befere very
log, and the Board of Commiesimiers
at preeent is, esansiderieg several pro-
posals for its prethea•vation. •
An American firm -which underriin.
I'm net father, I'm 'her Unele •
Jelin. Perhaps yoted better tell no •
whet you mean by coming into these
Poems? I've been very ill—a little
light-headed With I've al-
ready got a, docter. My ivife
that. I don't want anything to do
with you, s'erdeyne--ox With anybody
else from That I'lace,"
Hugo stopped from sheer lack of
breath and seek down into a chair, ex-
hausted and trembling.
(To be continued)
Londort Traffic Weakens
St. Paul's Cathedral.
t. Paul's Cathesltrel, waive, orsev-
,erall conturfee hale lorded it over all
Isona•ou frem the peak Ludgate
is, showing &lens of fatigue. Sts stones,'
blackened by the fog and eoot of by -
doyen of the English element, who W id h ver be able to brea
had been to some pains to search for him, ehe wondered, of babbling about
"Miajor Carney, deceased," in the 13roadxnoor?—or, as he called it,
"That Place." To her, he talked of
yieeLisSutcsli, apriedrsdoies,e°Tvo6elgeodetheeaatatilaenrde nothing else, recountiag over and over
his deduction that she was divorcee. again foolish and irritatieg exper-
The colonel's bowie friend, Count iences with his fellow -prisoners, their
Praga---the Anglo-Polieh banker-- various idiosyncrasies, their petty
No one earl be leeautiful or interest- sisted urton playing Cupid to the was caught cheating at cards, the bad
FOOD FOR 'PHE SICK, I be more than skin deep. who from altruistic motives had in- habits, the loathsomeness of one who
A. problem Which most housewives
of another, the tie
have to solee at some time or another mg who does not get sleep enough. whole hotel, ceased his mateh-xnaking table mariners
. .
is the lin•gpreparation
p and
ee Scientists have proved that the brain activities abruptly and became" both• pleasaut characteristics of tlaeir
food for those who are ill. In tery cells passess a vital element which is
exhausted during our waking hourseintrospective and retiring. Count guards and keepers. So it went on
Praga had rim into Mrs. Egan a for long hours while Jean forced her-
serious illness, the doctor usuallY Icouple of seasons ago at Pau, and he self to' listen Patiently, and the Pre -
states tery plainly what the patient and renewed during sleep.
cious holiday moved day by day' to that wherever she was there
wards its close.
The bram cells of an individual also was the home address of troubee.
But she comforted herself with the
may or may not have to eat, but often
killed, Or who dies after suffering The lehitting brigade clicked and
he orders a liquid diet, a siniple diet, u ance thatAlice was happy and
great fatigue or strain, are so lacking clattered, the English rather shocked ass r
or a soft -solid diet. • ••• th 't 1 I meet that they cannot t onventional country -
by heir unc • havin a ood tim e
g g e. She -would not
A liquid diet includes milk, cboco-
late milk, malted milk, beef tea, ex-
tract of beef, soups (both cleat. and
Creamy), grape-euice, albumenized
grape juice, albumenized orange juice
and orangeade.
A soft -solid diet includes crackers
and milk, pea or potato pierce, soft or
cream toast, rice, tapidea, custard,
ice crearnegruels, soft boiled egg and
grape juice, lemonade, orangeade and
egg -nogg.
A simple diet usually ordered for
convalescents includes only easily di-
gested foods, such as milk, clarn broth,
stewed oysters, eggs, toast, well ,cook-
ed vegetables, rice, tender meat, either
broiled or roasted.
The following menus are suggested
for persons showing symptome of hav-
ing taken cold: Breakfast, prune juice
and milk toast. Dinner, oyster stew
and crackers. Supper, hot rolled oats
gruel, buttered toast and tea.
These menus are suggested for the
convalescent stage: Breakfast, grape-
fruit, poached egg on toest, cocoa.
Dinner, lamb broth with rice, baited
potato, baked custard. Supper, cream -
tuna fish on toast, corn flakes with
cream, orangeade. •
Albumenized grape juice is made
with two tablespoonfuls of grape
juice, the white of one egg, one-half
teaspoonful of sugar and chopped. ice.
To the beaten egg white add the grape
juice and sugar and chopped ice.
Serve in a dainty glass. Have all in-
gredients chilled. before combining.
Albumenized orange juice is made in
the same way, using the juice of one
orange and sufficient sugar to
Egg -nogg requires one egg, one tea-
spoonful of sugar, a few grains of
salt, three-quarters of a cupful of
milk and a grating of nutmeg. Separ-
ate the egg. Beat yolk, add sugar and
salt, and beat until creamy. Add the
milk and fold in the white of egg,
beaten until foamy. Spriekle with
nutmeg. Serve immediately.
For rice gruel use one tablespoonful
ef rice, one cupful of milk, three table-
spoonfuls of water, a few grains of
salt. Scald the milk and water in a
double boiler, add the 'JACO gradually
and cook twenty minutes. Strain.
' lolled oats gruel can be made in the
sante way.
Floating islund, which always
pleases, requires one egg, one-half
tablespoonful of sugar, a few grains
of bait, three-quarters of a cupful of
mills. Scald the in a idouble
boiler. Seratate yolk and white of
egg and beat. separately. To the
beaten yolk add salt and sugar, and
thee gradually add the scalded milk.
Pold in two-thirds of beaten white.
'Return to double boiler and stir con-
stantly until the mixture coats the
spoon or looks creamy, then retrieve
from hot water. ritiavor, with vanilla
or orange extract. Serve in a glass
dish with the remainder of the egg
white, slightly sweetened, on the top.
Everyone ought to be intc-rested in
• let Alice come near "Uncle John" for
151 amused, and the Italians—as usual— fear of infection. Influenza was rag- ned some of New York's great sky -
be seined different colors readily by woman, the Frenchladies mi. y,
laboratory work; whereas, the brain
wholly unconcerned with anything ingethY°11gh the town and the doctor steraners ha a examined St Paul's and
said Hug?. was suffering from a mild recomanendted underpinning as a cure
cells of a rested and alert individual but .their own personal and family '6
form of it lean took risks herself, for ita architectural maladies, but the
will take on a bright stain or tt ,,,
i NrslIrs. Egan was scandalous it but she didn't intend that Alice should
readily. Students and other workers, -to lose any of those golden hours by be -
who fail to get sleep . enough are was merely. because she declined' '
short-sighted and stupid. They are run on the tree i;ails of strict conven- ing
laid up with "flu." .. '
trying to make bricks without straw tion, preferring --as it were—her Inthe natural course of things
or clay, and it cannot be done. 1 swift silver car and its • resounding Hugo grew better.
The individual wh,o is decidedly Klexon horn. She wore no liat—it Towards the end of the week he
s id she did not owe suck a thing was well enough eo sit up for his
rificed symmetry and beauty. Health sleeveless, and She went down to bathe afternoon while she and Alice went manta caused by the mavement of the
oommeseloners. are set against such
method, -
In the eighteenth. century iron s,traps,
were put antiund the eerniees, of the
eraneguts to hold the building together
and since then it -has been necessary
over -weight or under -weight has sac-,--a-nd most of her dresses -were naea s, an ea to make other eepairs to the mai:align-
is not at par, and effieiency and en- from the rockY Can Ampeglio, where down into the town to do a little Cathedral. Twente years ago -it was
shopping. discovered that the roof under the
joyment of life are both lowered. The there were neither huts no tents to •
will, will 'keep watch of his or her robed in her owe apartments and was given the run of their now ex -
ter every mei
end afire eaible
sweet elsd 55
henetlitt Ea 8
Onse *or
teeth, toreana
and digesttea,
Makes the
next elfiaw
taste bfatter.
'tend fog flat of Inventions wantid by Misnufacs
furors FOrtUalt3 IMP* been moan irons stint*
Wm*. "Patent Prorocrtin” bookletots rocnosst.
IliAtItttilLb C.' itHIPMAN CO:
WIFE iiriTgiNEYS' 814'11,,N2' CTLIggi
Ask Me to Show YOu How
to Make, Big -Money
Invest to big protho. If you have a small
amount to Invest in • high-class proposition vrith
large profit possibilities, unite me for free con-
fidential tnformatIon regisrding legitimate luose7-
zonidDR oPiortunities, you must positively tell
me how much you raliht be willing to invest.
providing I can prove to your entire satisfaction
that a ;' small investment might cern you, ex-
ceptional profits, 317 'guidance te irivestOre is
abvinti/7 free O. 8. Parker., Room Ono
western pediment had &opped £4, fiew
maiden, iestsia. Canada.
person, of' determination and strong minirnize publicity. Mrs. Egan gis_ The skiers all commumcaeing, Rego
weight and will use safe and logical drove down in the protection afforded tensive suite, and eventually found hise --
incites, and Within the pres nt de ad
by her Roman striped cloak. It b way to the sitting -room, which he had •thuel) "e'en necessary to e o
r P r two f
One important element of personal' 'ere— the fashion to stroll past the
not entered before. He was half- the piers,. It is expected, that repairs -
means to keep' it at nor 1
ma . ei.hd be -
eleven o'clock and see her dressed, with a faded. old bathrobe to the other six pierst, 'some
f the
attractiveness is what may be de -i
head bobbing against the waves half over his shirt and trousers, and badly masonry of which has rotted,, will re -
scribed as "ti•igness" in a woman, or a m , t stfoll casually bac , shave. A stubbly white haze quire 30 years, to cenunletes
mile out• o k needeA a
gr "
oom eg. again, wondering if she would returh disgraced his chin and he wore no m -
but eanwhile, the stream of busses, and
'carefulsome-motor lorries which flows past the
There are two sisters who are safelyb d la ' collar, He looked a weak
or e a,s ed to pieces against
twins, and naturally almost identicallthe rocks.
' ' what raffianli person as he ambled gee
ly alike in form and feature. One has She frightened and fascinated the about making himself acquainted with 'eeeiling hecurees larger and lamer
with consequent increase i th d l' '
stringy hair which always looks rag- entire hotel before-ehe had been there these new surroundings. teeing vibration. •
n ,e eves-
ged and poorly eared for, sanah. skih,ltwenty-four hours. Inside of a week The sitting -room, as usual, over -
a few daxing spirits among the flowed with the flowers which Hector ^
stubby nails, and collar awry. Her teaunt sent down regularly.
i younger, set were feebly emulating
clothing is of good quality' but in- end beiegi scolded for it. le Hugo looked them over with suspi-
alined to be mussy, and often to lack 1-1'alia rexcoammq'sere were. two small framed
psuerLoned gi reavhionrrible, cion. Th
brushing. Shoes and gloves show the' cases of tbrorusghg g off photographsof Alice, one on the man -
evidence of neglect. This wornan's their hats, and an Oxford undergrad_ tel and one on the writing -table, and
social position is an indifferent one uate---a swimming man—was nearly these he also inspected. Then he pick- ,
for peole clo not value her for what drowned by following Mrs. Egan's ,ed"up a a hebronze paper -cutter and play -
she really is, capricious course through the rocky 'fully jabbed le in the lace curtain
The other sister is eri from head
e, egf, coast sentinele. She wore a sort of th
'fishnet cap to confine her bushy hair again and drawing the curtain well
it, hurriedly putting it down
to foot. Herhair is shining and al- at tennis, and in consequence the i back so that the hole didnt' show.
clear, her eyes sparkhng, her hands Lenglen bandeau went into temporarylAfter this he went out on to the bat -
ways beautifully combed. Her skin is eclipse. Rope sandals became the !cony and, looking down, discerned the
and, nails in good condition, and her popular footwear for mountain cilmbs[heade of some people having tea- on
' beautifully although so far no one but Mrs. Egan the verandah far below him. One wo-
garments becoming andhad abandoned the respectable and man were a large hat bobbing with
• ellow. flowers What would happen
useful stocking. Two girls tried it , 7 • .
cared for. As a matter of fact, this
sister accomplishes twice as much as if he should fill his bath sponge with
surreptitiously while out by them- I
selves on a lonely trail, but the at !water and. let it suddenly rain on
ss one. Her social position
corresponds to her appearance, be- their legs la Ellscratched '
a y in e •
y fh theme
the carele
cause her mental processes keep step underbrush, and the. adventure was With -this amusing idea taking form
his mind, he stepped back ieto the
with her culture and painstaking na- not repeated. in
Who --everybody asked—is Mrs. r00111 jest as someone knocked at the
Egan? [
It was Colonel Derwent who sup -1 His heart began to beat fast. It had
plied the more technical items of in- always been like this at That Place --
formation. 'Mrs. Anthony Egan, said whenever he than -lit of anything real -
the colonel, was the widow of a wen, ly jolly, some intrusive person seemed
to-do broker had to read his mind and forestall One.
or "City man" who
been In fart, of late, he had almost given
shot byhis partner in a business
quarrel. Didn't they remember the up, practical joking on that account.
Smart° case, famius in,its day? Well, 'Come in," he said sullenly.
Mrs. Egan was the heroine of the [ The door opened and, to Hugo's ut-
ter amazement there entered a Irian
tura She is frequently described as
"a very beautiful woman."
Smarle case. The defence had at first,
tried.to peove that she had been preS..was more famHiliato clapped'
side with a .ipiece of suet is excellent
• d_ d is own ro er. e for any metal roasting pan, as the
grease, belps to keep the food from
burning onto the pan.—N. D. F.
AND Weldi
Concentrated beeegoodriess, easily
imparted to dozens of dishes making
them more tasty and nutritious.
In tins a 4,10, SO Ling 100
And -Was Occupying a Sleeper, Teo.
Reggie — "0h--aw-1 beg pardon,
Miss Sharpe—I didn't hear. rd gotten
into a train of thought, clontcher
Miss Sharpe (sweetly) ---"And you'd
settled down so -comfortably in a sleep-
er, hadn't you, Mr. Sapp?"
To save labor in'washingthe roast-
ing "pans, I grease themeejust as I
gi•ease sin earthen or blase baking dish
before putting in the food and placing
the pan in the oven. Rubbing the, in-
-0 Lfl�
enwhen her hus an wa
to his ferehead sand gave a faint cry.
knew a great deal more about the
matter than she adtuitted, but after -1 he back in That Plate?
wards with the Court's permission— The newcomer, clad in tennis Ilan -
to Hugo Smarle's plea of not guilty nels, stared at him with widening eyes
was added that of inseeity, and the edieldrolrued maw.
Hugo a '
jury had brought in a verdict ofSmarle bean to whimper.
Guilty, but Inseam. "I won't go back—you can't
rniallizte'l, it with the fat side of a bacon rind.
Some people did remember tshoe meaenet Itawkeenn'tiegob.aciThilfs is slatyalyi, won't
This will shine up any kind of leather.
1 C e, or professed to do
and were thrilled accordingly. But go."
was much more interesting to learn Milli) Ardeenie shut the door, then
afterthought—locked it.
"I'm not going to take you any -
that two years ago at Pau Mrs. Egan I ---as an
had driva young man of soineWhat he said. "But, of course, you
slexider intellect to suicide, and a little "where,"
later. on nearly got herself horse- 'an't stay in this room. How did you
whipped. by reason. of her flirtation get here? Does Your balcony adjoin
eedeely this one?"
When I want to make an old black
leather hand bag look like new I rub
With the young husband.of an
After Dishwashing!
is simply wonderful for keeping
the bands beautifully. white and
soft and smooth. Positively pre-
vents redness and chapping. Use
It at once after washing dishes
and note the improvement of
your hands. •
Keep a bottle handy by the kltohen sink
'Thursday, 21', 11124m
ittre ViCtOliat110.
In the early days ot Queen
reign .ceildren were eept etrietlein or -
dor, They were Moot, d,eclaree Lade
Desoley Nevill in her beets Tender rive
feeignst, eeeneralle'forberniea to do
tbeeg they perticularly eiked—sno,re, I
think, on general, principle than for ,
any suflacient reason,
„ "Their boo,10," elle further elates,
"were' of a •totally eifferent sort erosa
the of tceday; most eel:hem eo•ntaiii.,
ed poetry, or rather ver,sifleetion, in.
.attioating geed b'ehavier,, especially
with, regard' to that moderation 'watch ,
childhood usnaile, and peehaps not un-
na.turally eborainatest The highly
salutary preeepts enjoined in hoolts •
,sucli, as Mrs. Tereer's, Ca.utionarY
St,oeies were in great favor with par- --
en.te. Some of the •lines• in that ,iro,l-
ume with regard to gluttony are high-
oliara,eterietto of tufantale eencettion„,
as it wee understood in. the pest. For
"Mamma, why menet I When I dine
Eat ham and goose and drink ee
"And why inare't I, as well as you,
Eat pudding, soup and mutton tooS.
"Then conies the quiet dignity in reas
"Because, iny dear, it is% not right
To epee the youthful appetite.
"Tbe Life of a ehild then e
of a much ,strepler description than at" ,
present. • TJelitte young people of,
to -day, we stctod in awe et
their wishes were regarded itS Irrevnc- ' •
able decrees. ,
"My father Was an autocrat whOse
rale ever his family was absolutely un-
questioned. Well do I remember how.
at breakfast my mother would on cer-
taln. days catch any eye and significant-
ly look down at her plate where. her
loge and fork had been. carefully
erossed---as a sign' to the family that
its he'ad• was, In no mood for converse,
tion. My father, t'llough. a most good-
natured maxi, •was,,at times, roused te
temporary fury by ' anything that clash;
ed with his mood."
Mrs. Turner's book of edifying.
verses, for children was by n,o, means
the only -one, though it WaS. one of the .
best knovfn. .A. honk ,of the -same sort
bearing a British. lenprin,t Wile long in
nee in a New England fainily, and a
few of ins detache.d leaves are still to
be found in the sorap-book of one of
the daughters. Only one preserves',
the Popular dialogue forms and the .
child 'speaker a,esans a less materially, .
minded infant than the one who yearn-
ed ter go,ose and port wine:
flu with a trembling hand, point -
A. DAINTY "PARTY" DRESSi English' schoolmistress who objected
4596. Chiffon, batiste, net, dotted tion a really to the affair, arid made of her objec- room
of open doors.
delightful. scandal.i
1 The tiecL• looked and saw that the
st-yle, with lace or embroidery of a The ladies of the f Mmiostial. P
b te b
1 t sg1•11-11 nis.a enfoell wEtmel‘ nay's bedroone was open.
Swiss or silk could be used for this a aeee door on the other side of Mrs: Car-
a law n , "Oh," he said -"that's your room, is
--------------11 cis attractive simple picot edge for decoration. The the more aiscreet among ie Well, you'd better get beck. to it,
and pleasieg to others. Wby should outline may be straight or in • h 1 bl C t P • d
It is a personal' satisfaetion to know 1 •
houri from a distal -tee. I
I Idueo grinned feebly.
that we are rreakieg the most of our-
To 'radiate a truly beaetiful spirit
and to be sure o -f a sincere manner
awl challis of presence, we must be
kindly in our thoughts as well. as our
words. The beauty which lasts roust
°tin laga. an cid chap. The ladies' who occupy these
pointed t erese ves, note y
we presume to be a blot on a land- sealIops. . Colonel Derwent, walked softly ad rooms Might be alarmed if they cante
circumspectly, casting eyes ueori the
of hers.' ere, here.I'M
ficape of so much natural beauty? The Pattern is cut in 4 Sans; e, in and found a stranger here."
It became aPPareht quite soot that, ste_en,,eimererr'iyhew'sieati,,,ds. br`oil...,1Dthyaets'a' any
yenwtoalinnesn ciciarelletdiyones.olsotinstimaPnlye
a' o
terial. • .
reCitlireS 2 314 3rYaici; of 4°--ilYneeill rt'laz- Dr. Ardeyne was an old, hien
HoW euch things leak Mit? thee, you understand. my naves ,ien't, old, worn, faded thing new, even. if she
Of course rub afterwards with a
piece of cloth so that all fat will -be
reinoved.—K. W.
Dye or Tint Any Worn, Shah.
hy Garment or Drapery.
Each 15 -cent 'package of "I)iamoncl
Pattern mailed to any address on Nobody, unless it were Mrs, Egan's ,
receipt of 1' in silver, by the Wilson It • -th t th • Sn'iatie" You thoueht it "tht-14 iidn't
e. real A eSei SaW ege elh &Jetta'? tut that wee just an -
hes never dyed befere, Choose, any
pier at drug store.
Publishing Co., 78 West Adelaide St. nobody, except the concierge, knew r'Atitei. little mistake they made. at That t'' _nee neei
'i ADHESIVE, PLASTER, vasion of visitor e for the British Erre
Purchase a roll of adhesive plaster, pire Exhibition, - tom now begins at noon, will here.,
after begin at midnight like civil time.
some at hend. Its uees are mery and selearda Lment for Dandruff. , ed irom one o twenty-four, but navi-
ana you will never again be withaut As hitherto the hours will be number -
varied. Last Week I found it neeeis- _itheieh. gators say that " begiening the Arst
sary to send fifty cents ni born Scientists predict that the dominion, hour at midnight instead of at noon
Totontcs Allow t`Weiweeke for reeelPt that he hail filedle enclunles" eellheining Place. My name is John Baits., a.,td
of pattern, the. Meality of her rooms. Yet the , '
my -el e s name isn't rs. &taste at
e • -whole hotel breathed in the knowledge an.
' Order be
D2. --100e
T. EAT0t4Itlt,t.
''''—'1*OrtnaTO CANADA
A Good "B" Battery
EATON 221/4 -Volt Radio II,
'Battery with binding pont.
Onneetions, tapped at 18
and 22Se voite. Size 4-
2Xti ins. A welemede
bettery *hien give
ff0b1 80/1T140.
r name is re. Camay. She's
and. quite suddenly people—good- Che's my ,eister. And
looking, middle-aged women with a! ;
testa ear sioungisli a-tens—those who -
had beeta a little jeelote and resentful We Tea
ch High -Speed Short -
of Alice Carney, began to be sorry; ir .2
eor her. They predicted for Die Ar -1 nano by MAU.
deyne a swift fall; for his - rancoe, In from 3. to 4 naenths, under our guld-
unhappiness, time, by MAIL, you can learn to svelte
And ail the time, in the very centre, te fast as anyOne ean dictate to yoti,
of this bezzieg hive. lived Jean and , The wet, is low tad results cetteitt and
Hugo Sniarle, ea, stablime ignorance oe gearanteed. Otly a limited number
Mrs, Egan's presence here.earbel(litiou,S, this is yocur hanc,a to
*Tear/ had brought her hasband back make a start tar s sueeeeend arid gee,
in the heat of the day, when the hotel
eared to he deserted "My brother, fitahle career'
M., Baliee," was given e room next to 111fiebited Ciretilars and '-e'rM'S ORT3/1
here, aecl premetly llapsed into ins
tenfold: and ,nrivecv. It Wee a 'large
i•Oore and he, had his own belcony. He
had 'caught e cbi oti the betel, anti
he. -wee week Peel hervoue, ect eeer,
.Cft) r.0(1 a loeni (lector and eeirreitted
Anse en gee eginele ;Ceara' ettly
easerthaed le the e,teppingastone to
•beetnese apportutitiees
107 /View/1014 Ohervibet,a Toronto Opt
. -
1881.15 No. 1t—'24.
You Clie buyallthothato-
direct from the Montt.
tacturer ut log ottv. .
inylnonthetumber.mett. • •
1,tvtrgmoot. dhlin;c mom.
2 holromm‘ItItchtbath. 4
Other plortki, sumo m, h Ode,.
Irks, tlkino elcorm.‘trade
Mit ligrAigirh‘;PCtrallifiTe.
Th2 M Colonial wit% fun mg-
itt InoM. kit.thtn, Oyu boils
to. onto, bath, linen au. clothm
,ateethateatte.,eshit chtscnce.
Prico Sookidos t1i hnober ent to fit ; highwt
gra& lotorlor woodwork, siding, flooring, who,
.dowo. dooro. gizmo, *ninth, hOdwaro,
roofing. with compketo. -7010-notions ond draws
hog% Irrottrilt pold to rodr otiktion. rarotanolt
FloWness-NOT MUTABLY/ verse- stylla
choose f, -oto. Waite May $"• Iltuft mono.
illuddIrt Wolof WO. ASIS
Title Canadian ii,taddizt Co
Zuffears. Versmbio, Oasts
If 111 be neat and very good
And quite pollSely eat nay food
And hold my knife and fork aright,
And show no eager appetite
And leave no statteredlorust or crumb
And till I'm spoken to 'be dumb,
May at table eft to -day
And hark to -what the &rown folks say?
No, no, indeed, MAynlile pet;
You -have not learned the half as, yet.
Good Neese tenet teeth you ere you're
To with -your elders ,dine at table.
This inoment, ael Suppose a guest.
Viewed- where those naughty elbows
Your mailers salielly we/1,1d he blamed
And we, your parents, sadly shamed,'
Oh, no, ma,nrmial Oh, no! Oh, no!
1 would not shame nay parents sot
I asked what -children maytet expect
'Until theta- manners, are correct.
The Old Manse Speaks.
The children are coming home, home,
They're caning bome in the'springA
My latchee shall know the touch of
. their hands
And my walla—their whiepering.
My floors al.a.ai feel! the tread of their
My liearth ehall comfort their tears,
Oh, the,ohilcIren, the children are cern-
hag home
Across the dust y years.
Tlae children are coming home, home,
Ruffin and Bill and Pbse,
Bob 'and Dyer aiid Sade and Lel--
Some night when Aiwa Wow's'
Her first magnellialeeen winder
Through all my spacious rooms,
My root shall shelter their heerie
agalia ,
When flamlng ,April termite.
The chtalrenare °outing hoine, heine,
0 God, look clown on me! .
And make nee as sweet as 'Mary's
house '
That stood M
S omen -tin g more than mortar s (1
More than timber aed bricke!
Something akin i tileachildretee hearts
Page boys in one ol London's large To altar crucifix.!
hotels are now receiving lessons in
French, ready, for the expeeted in..
—Marilee Preemie Browtt,
The nautital day, which by old cu.s-
through the mail. I placed the mone3r
at the top of my sheet and held it in
place with a strip of the plaster.
Try it.
Itt EPping Ingest there are 114
erieket pitchee, 244 football grounda,
and 139 tennis courts far the tied of
the public. EpPing Fort is main-
tained by the City of London.
Golf it beeolning popular with the'
rank and Inc ef. the British A./ley.
Tho ,y are now allowed to wear eetigue
these when playing.
Minard'e isieheit Heel clutt.
of imp is on the wane, and that in / will do away with much confusiot 'and
time women will be the ruling 1 useless figuring.
Canada has now more then 100,000 Ogot er eteie (olio serving): six oyes
Yadio usere, and. the rnanufar.ture ef tere, one cupful, of' milk, oneelearter
Wirelese applianees is now beemeing of a teaspoonful oe fia1tL0lIft teespooris
quite a profitable industry, fel of betterisiek over, the oyetera
carefully removing any bits of 8110/4
with, 11515 oh tit !Mgt f
h t i throtigh
sedates. ust see eel ea_ it to o eg pc, n
treatment Ovor 00 yoore' ornsrtmte, awesome double eheese-elotb. Scald ' -hi
:use Ase Coandrolonol trcinblett by mall. %oltiot
mail oysters are 'Owen, end gine
ado hare tbst blemish place in e, Colander Arid •wash with
Water. • Reseree oyster liquor,
iterrnautntly removed IV cold
Ifleetrol.YatO, lahlell 10
ateured. trot all hOh.COrlfARIOtig filfin. Soot%
,dotibleboileio the oysters' mid ceole
.15" met tOhinattil.Oh fra Write givitigt particalaro,
lotho•r-t IVRY-01111, LITCb, GI ceeled Odd so i.qr and litrt)Ti'
Atf.. 'Tordratt
Servo itt, Once,