HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-03-20, Page 8Ii15111�111161111ii11Mlli�il�ulrrf�l�Il ipring Showing Visit our Ready -to -,Wear Dept. now showing the latest Coats, Suits and Dresses—Spring 1924. it Suitt—$25.00 • ME Coat --$25.O0 STORE W1NGHA,M ADVANCE -TIME TORY CORNERS. Mr. George Edward's sale held ori Tuesday last was a success. Mr. Norman l einbecker of Clifford has hired with R. A, Taylor for the year., We are pleased to know that Mrs. J no. Gamble is improving after her „serious illness Mr. and Mrs D. W. Dane and son Whitney also Misses Lillian and Nel- lie .spent Sunday at R. A. Taylor's, Mr. Jacob Siepes of 'Clifford but- chered two fine pip for Stewart Fin- lay last week. Some of our young men enjoyed • themselves at the Belmore ring ed- nesday night. •., Quite a number from our burg took in the dance at Wroxeter last Thurs- day evening. Mr. Stewart Finley has hired John Weaver for the summer. Mr. Charles Sinn -nom had a bad runaway last week. Mr .and Mrs. G, A. Dane attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Victor Foster of Fordwich Wednesday last Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Simmons at- tended a funeral at Molesworth last week, Mr. and Mrs, W H. Dane and Mrs. R. A. Taylor visited their uncle 'Mr. Thos. Trimble last week who has been in very poor health. Miss Edna Taylor has been assist- ing some of the neighbors with their spring sewing. Mr, and. Mrs. Levi Galbraith visit- ed friends at Wingham last week. • Mr. and Mrs. T. Nickel spent last Monday with the former's mother. ki h • Spring lines now complete—Suits, Coats, � Hats Shirts, Socks and Furnishings anna & Co. Ltd. ®II1101 O®I QI11II ®I1 lllil l fit l iEl l iZ111131111111111191111 ff111111 MAPLE GROVE CORNER. R Mr. Sidney Gardner who has been sick with pneumonia is recovering very slowly. Miss Ada Helm . of Crewe, visited over the week -end with her parents at Zion, Mrs, Fred Topp of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cook of Belfast,' spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs: C. E. McDonagh of Maple Grove. Mrs. W. M. Champion and Harry of .Fordyce spent a day last week with Mrs. M. Gardner of Maple Grove. Miss Beryl Gardner of Zion• re- turned home last week after a short visit with her cousin Mrs. Cook. of Belfast. Zion school children held. an Irish Concert on Monday afternoon, St. Patrick's Day, consisting of a debate, Irish Songs and etc. The Orange "At Home" last' Fri- -.7"a day was well attended by large and small, the evening was $pent playing tjp games . of every description, The Orange boys passed around a very sumptous lunch and lots of g and hot -' tea. The question was often. heard, I wonder will there soon be another one. (We nope' so). The Maple Grove. Dramatic Co. of Zion are presenting their play "Safe- ty First" in Zion Hall on Wednesday evening March 6th. Belfast orchestra will furnish music between the acts. Fit 1111111®1115111911111141111®111111112111lI01I IK I IAi I1 BELMORE It is our duty this week to chroni- •cle the death of Mrs. (Rev.) Gibson, ..of Gore Bay, formerly Miss Agnes Inglis of this place, which sad ..event took place at the General Hos- Ti:tal, Toronto, Friday March r4th, following an attack of .blood poison- ing. The funeral being held at the home of her brother-in-law Mr. Arn- old Stewart, Streetsville, deepest sym- pathy is felt for Mr. Gibson and son Mac, who have so suddenly being :bereft of a loving wife and mother. The Fordwich team of curlers; played with the home team Friday favor of afternoon, score 16 to -3 in Belmore. Rev: and Mrs. McKenzie will en- tertain the young people of Knox Church Friday evening. Mr. Gordon Mulvey and Miss Dor- othy Baird took charge of the Christ- iait Endeavor meeting Sunday even- ing. . The Misses Campbell and brother of Riversdale visited at George Herd's over Sunday. -. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Inglis are in Streetsville attending the funeral of Mrs. (Rev.) Gibson. 111111111111111 MEM ■ EMI E EEL NE ENE Ei A !TAU'S Aro Noted for their Little Prices No matter what artice a man requires, Armitage sells it from zo to 25 per cent. less. 250 Samples of Men's Spring Snits, tail- ored to your measure in any style, only $25 ■ ■ GLENANNAN . Y�or: Opportunity Broad Kmves 19c Wax Candles, per doz. 15c Clothes Pins, 5 dos:. ...10c Floor Wax, per tin •.••.59c (Coat Hangers 10c, :4 ...25c Cups and Saucers ..... ...19c Stove Polish .13c Steel Wool, per plg...15c "VACUUM" CLOTHES WASHER "Need in Every Hom&' & $1.25 PROMPT DELIVERY—Phone 30. Thompson -Buchanan HARDWARE iimitommisimisiemomminstiwim is ®_ • Huron Central Agri.- i icultural Society, ri !SPRINGSHOWI I. CLINTON The Literary Society will hold their March meeting in the school on Fri- day night, March 28th. A. program is being prepared. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Gamble also Mr. and Mrs. Eli, Bolt visited a day last week with Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Muir. Mr. and 'Mrs. Robt. Aitken spent an evening recently at the home of Mn and Mrs. Richard Wilton. The farmers in these partswho have been drawing logs to Wroxe- ter have about completed their haul- ing for this year. Mr. Peter Fraser of the West call- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Muir, on Saturday. Mr. Wm. Mundell of Bluevale spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Richard Gilkinson. Mr. and M'rs.i Wm. Marshall called. on friends near Zetland last Friday. Miss Mary Stokes is visiting with her sister IVirs, Thos. Appleby. Mrs. J. Smith spent the week -end "with friends near Belgrave. Mr, David Breen disposed of one of his fine horses to Mr. Lowry of Brussels. Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Weir, also Mr. and Mrs, Joe•Kermath visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jef- fray., Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stokes visited at Mr. and Mrs. John. Wray s 6th' line, Turnberry, one evening last. week. Mr, Alex, Baird of Flint, Michigan, has returned to his home here for sometime. MI ASHFIELD ■ Mrs. Fred 'Topp from Toronto, is ® spending a week visiting her sister, ■ Mrs. James Cook, of Belfast, and ■ brother, Mr. Charlie McDonagh, of ■ Zion. is IA sleigh. load of young people from ■ the roth con., were over on the bound- 'ary last Wednesday night enjoying a lx. ; leap year social at the 'Borne of Mr. • • Max Raynard, of Paramount. Mr. James Alton, received word ■ last week that his son Charlie, who ■ moved to Toronto a few months ago, ■ w; i seriously ill, bttt •latest reports, ■ he,is still a little better, "'" �I ( '`Rev, Mr, Osterhout of Lucknow, was at Haskett's Church Thursday night and gave an address ess o n the ■ manner and customs of the Japanese, with lantern slides, showing the many beautiful scenes and branches of our mission. station. —on— Thurs. April 3rd Write secretary for catalogue Pres., H. C. Gox,'Clinton.' • Sec'y,A..1. McMurray, Clinton d�llllgllltBlltI�III�IIIL�III�I11�1II�II)l�llll�llMII�III re— BABY CHICKS" -O. A. C. bred to lay S, C. White Leghorns and Barr- ed Rocks, orders booked now for April and May Price 15c each. Arrangements made to hatch cus- tomers ow.1 eggs if preferred. Mks, Geo. D. Fortune at Jno, W For- tunes, R. R'. No. 1, Wingham. Wroxeter phone No. 612 ring 8. BABY CHICKS -Order your baby chicks now for future delivery. We are prepared to • fill:. all orders this season. Our breeders are all puie bred Barred Plymouth Rocks, bred to lay strain. All selected stock; no culls. Chicks only twenty -cents each. Chicks from pedigreed stock thirty cents each. Hatching eggs thirteen "for. one dollar. Eggs from pedigreed stock thirteen for two dollars. John Kerr. Box 277, Phone .4 on 625. BLYTH A. meeting of the citizens was called on Friday night by the Council in Me- morial Hall to discuss the advisability of paving Queen and Dinsley streets, There was a good'attendance and all Present seemed to be interested in the matter, Reeve Milne gave figures and. statistics to show that if the paving was done Blyth would have something h ng' permanent at little more than at pre- sent. The figures he presented were coma' piled by the county engineer, and if anything, were higher than the actual cost would be. A number of others spoke on the matter and afterconsid- erable discussion it was decided to meet again in two weeks and get the opinion then, Most of the larger ra- tepayers are in favor of having the work done this year while hydro is being installed, i2 CON. HOWICK Mr. Dick Bennett arrived home with. his bride from New York. Congratu- lations. Miss Alma Cothern , of Drew sta- tion is visiting her aunt Mrs. Henry. Woods. , Mr, and Mrs. John Wright are visit,• ing in Harriston over the week -end. Mr. Nelson Gowdy delivered a fine bunch of cattle to Loane Gamble of Fordwich. Mrs. George Foster was' a visitor in the Burg_ Mrs. John Reid from near Lakelet. was in the Burg getting subscribers for the London Free Press, her horse. took fright and ran away and was. (aught down near Harriston. • MORRIS Mr. Charlie Coultes and . Mr. Vic- tor Haines attended the sessions of Prov. Grand Orange Lodge in Brant- ford last week. Mr. Henry Mathers and Mr. John Coultes held very successful auction sales last week. Don't forget Thomas Henderson's Auction Sale of farm stock .and im- plements on March 25th. Quite a number of the friends of Mr. 'and, Mrs. John C. Casemore spent a very enjoyable social even- ing at Mrs. Casernore's home on Fri- day evening last: Mrs. Thomas >Congram has return- ed Koine .after spending -a few days with friends in London. EAST WAWANO.SH Mr. and Mrs. John T. Currie and w Spring Hats Mr. and Mrs. Will Hunter and Just a °ri`ared can en We' cav( you exactly on a hat. lay you to want a block and Save a dollar i AR ITii0E8t 80 Tailors >ad elo`tlilers Photic: zlaf family, and Mr, and Mrs. Jake Hun- ter and Rena of Zion, spent Friday night with Mr, and Mrs, John Mullin Toth con. Mr. Sellar, student of I(nox Col- lege, preached in St Helens and East Aslifi.eld churches last Sunday in the absence ^ of Rev. Mr. Cummings, who we are sorry to say had gone to Tor- onto to consult a doctor, Mr, ]~'rank Johnson, out reeve, had is bee hauling out; his pressed hay to t.,ucknow last Thursday'. Mrs. Cyril Campbell, of `Lanes, .4 spent a' few days visiting her parents, Mr, find Mks.. ttottlst.ott of Olivet. ni Thursday, March oath., z024' fl FORDYCE Mr. Ambrose St. Marie is at pre- sent helping his brother James cut- ting wood. Sorry to hear that James St. Marie jr., is at present laid up with a bad cold, being confined to his bed, we hope he will soon be around again. Mr: ..Thomas Phillips and sons are at present. engaged drawing a big tree I from Wellington Dow's, the tree be -1 ing about 6 feet through. ' Mr. Daniel Martin is holding an clearing out sale on Friday, March 21, everything will be sold as he has. rented his farm. Mrs. Champion and son;' ; Harry, visited at Mr.,Harry Wood's on Sun day last. Mr. Smith from near London visit- ed at Mr. James Dow's recently in- specting Mr. Dow's dairy cows, they being pure bred, he kept account of the number of pounds of milk given daily.. • Harry. Champion and ' Mrs. Wm. Champion, visited at Mr. M, Gardner's one . day recently. Glad to hear that Mrs. St. Marie who has not been well of late is im- proving nicely. son Jim, . entertained a number of their friends on Monday evening of this week Miss McKenzie of 1' ineardine, tea cher of S. S. No. 8, is laid up with, a severe attack , of measles, Her school is closed during her illness. The pupils of Miss May Bone's school at Janetsville have the scarlet fever. Janes : H. Currie held a . very suc- cessful wood bee last, week and treat- ed the, young folk to a daneeon Mon- day night, George Jordan's hay press made a fl ' a III tri 1 t1 tli . last x2 CON. HOWICK Mr. . and Mrs: Ben Stafford, enter- tained, their friends and neighbors to' a dance Friday evening. All report a 'good 'tune. Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy were the guests of their son, Mr. Nelson Gow- dy oiie day last week. Mr. William Montgomery has rent- ed his brother-in-law's farm, Mr. William Ferguson near Lakelet, Mr. Arid Mrs. Joe Bennett were in Harriston on business Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Woods are laid up with a bad attack of la grippe. Mr. Gordon Vittie,. intends to start work with Mr. Welsiey Palmer - at the sawmill • in Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown spent. Sunday in Mildmay at the form er•'s mother. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Pritchard' spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, James Vittie. ,' : , Mr. John Fitch held a very. suc- cessful cessful:. stiction sale •Saturday last. Mrs. Henry Hardin_ g of Gorrie, has come to make her home with Mr, George Dane. Mr. Dick Bennett is buying logs and is starting a partible sawmill on his farm. • Mr. Russel McIntosh was a visitor in Salem. Sunday evening. Look out girls, INE ytng rip ong the 12 con week, " Miss Lylia Leaver spent the week- end with friends in Stratford. Cattle buyers are the order of the day these times, been a long time since so many were seen driving the. roads. BLUEVALE The Literary Society c,gntinues to be a drawing card, The last meeting met witha crowded house and the program. throughout was appreciated by all present. The, judges on the. debate decided' that "Women Spend More Time and Money on Pleasures Than. do Men." Friday evening, Mar. 21st., the liquor question will be de- bated on by Jas. McTavish and Robt. Shaw, Addison Fraser and Milvert. Sellars auad along with this there will be good musical program, LUCKNOW The litany friends of Mrs. Garf. Ostrander will • be pleased to know she is much improved and that her sight is giadnally returning. Nurse Verna McDonald. of Wingham, is in charge of the case. Mr. and Mrs. David Scobie, • who have lived in Whitechurch for the past year, have moved their house- hold effects to Lucknow. Mr. Scobie is engaged as an egg candler at Sil- verwood's Plant. - We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Scobie to our town. Mr. Scobie is a brother of the Rev. "Scobie; Two sleigh loads front here took in the dance at Dnngantion on Monday. night and reported a good time and good MUSIC, Mr, George. E. Boal( of -Windsor, who has been visiting -.at the home of his brother-in-law, Mr. Thos. Aitchi- son has returned horne, Mr. Thos. Aitchisonwho has been confined to the house for the last' three months is able to be out, We wish hire a speedy recovery, The regular meeting of the Women's Institute, took the form of Grand- mother's day and was held at the home of Mrs, Wm. Murdie, it was largely attended. There was a splen- did program, consisting of stories from the Grandmothers and older members of their childhood, and were all enjoyed. Those who took (fart were; Mrs. J Fisher, Mrs, Rev. Gol- Ian, Mrs. R. Thompson, Mrs. R. Phil- lips, Mrs T. Reid, Miss Fowler and Mrs, T. Aitchison, who was' the lucky "Grandmother" this year and took the prize. The meeting closed in the us- ual way after which a dainty lunch was served by Directors Mrs, F. Mc- Intosh and Mrs. J. Agnew assisted by four young ladies. Mr. Jas. Aitchison, who has been candling eggs at Silverwood's for the past. two . weeks was moved to the Dungannon 'Branch and Mr. A, Cur-. ruth, who has been in Dungannon comes back here, ' Mrs. 'Phil, Stewart is visiting friends in Toronto. I" Murch sympathy is; extended to Mrs. .opPY Weather Is due at Onpe And there is no kind of footwear that is so well adapted for wet and sloppy weather as "Rubber' Boots" We have a good variety of the very best makes of Rubber Boots" and Qur Prices are Most Reasonable Free delivery to all parts within the "20 mile 'knit" W. H. WIL-L1S The Leading Shoe Store of Huron County Phone 129. _ Winghalrn, tint. Wm. McKenzie hi the sudden death of her -father, . Mr. Patterson of B. C. the deceased was a pioneer of Huron Township. : Mr. E. Aitchison, made a business trip to Durham and that district in the interests ,of Silverwood's Ice Cream Dept. ' Miss Mae Davidson who has been BRUSSELS Elizabeth McKay; relict of the late Alex: Hunter, of Brussels, died at the home of her son»in-law,. l)r. James Moore", Listowel, ori Friday, and the remains were brought here on Mon- day for interment, service being held at the home of David Walker, De. ceased was its. her 77th year. Mr. Hunter ,who was a well known con- veyatteer and division court clerk here died about zo years ago. Two sons and two daughters survive. Mr. Hilton Hunter, for smite years fore- man of the Advance is a son. confined to the house for a few days, we are pleased to see her able to he out ;again: The funeral of the Iate Alex. Mo- Crea took place from the Kinloss Church on Monday, and was largely attended, the deceased died in Wing - ham Hospital, on Friday. .He was in. his 75th yea"r, 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111151111111100111111111111111.11111011111 NM We Invite You to Attend Our I Spring 1024 of Ladies and Misses' Suits, Coats, Dresses ^-- Now Showing ---- With Blouses, Gloves, Hos- iery, etc. `ger Neckwear, A delightful range of Wash Goods in Voiles, gf Gin�p«. hams, Ratiues , Duros All the new shades and patterns. Alsofull range of e s and o:.. s Furnishings 101111111111 0l 01100010110011101000