HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-03-20, Page 7Tlitiradity,' March 29, 1024 ,
1 slielley's '‘OzY-01' andias of
IC le one et the greatest English Mere-
ri"be: name of Percy Bysshe Shelley
titre. His finest work e are "Tho Qeh"
ci" caul "Prometheus T,Inboaeci," but
N. the best-knewa are his "Ode to a TA
British Empire Exhibit
Openg May at Wembley
WW Attract Thousands -
of Tourists.
TniNTC4t441-:K APIIANOV''e2.114)3SM
Mirror Maom.
The prizni.tive man, igeitifig
own reflection in a• Still peel beheld
sA y
phenonleacei he epald not ,explain.
If it had pot been for Tauls41 Would still be a sick, dis.,
aheller was (1'1nailed while
N lade' and "Ode to the West Wytartedh.",t'illg • couraged ,,wornail, for, .o. ofhiner eis,o seemed to do me
in the Gulf of Spezia. His body was anygood," says Mrs. EdWardl Gibbs.
jj waehed aellore' a fortnight later, and, '
in accordance with the quarantine All the advert/slag in the 'world and prove from ,the very arst, gained 29
aze to -day am feeling fine."
0. u. meere, Kansas city, Ivie.; "My
stomach seemed, to pain me eanstant-
IY, food seemed to do me DO good,
would bloat up with gas., lost MY'
strength, and could- not sleep or rest.
I was on the down -grade all the time.
Tallies corrected my troubles and put
me in excellent shape."
Thomas Lucas, Peterborta Ontario:
"Well, sir, buying TANLAC was thi.
best investment I ever made, for it
built up my health and etrength to
where I haven't a coraplaiat in the
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Kaake, De-
troit, "For naore than a Year
PUT three children., age 2, 4 and 6, had
been so peaked and lifeless thtet wn
were worried about them,. Their
stomachs were upset, appetites poor,
the calor had left their cheeks, their
nights were restless and during the
day they would just mope around, tak-
ing no interest in play or anything
else. They began to arnprove with the
first dose of TANLAC,. and to -day
there are no mare healthy children in
DetroTanil.'e' is f or sale b7 all good drug.
Atlantic steamship lines are an
patiag an important incase in o
seas travel during the spring and s
um- I met a traveller from an. antique land then ever bef•are. -
Presence ot Byron, Leigh Hunt, and
laws ot Italy, ,Inirrit on a pyre in the all the eales efforts combined -could
not have made the great euecess for
Trelawny. ' PANDA° that hs a been attained, un -
Tho following is IMO of the finest eees this ee9eastructive tonic possess-
Soianets in the language, and to -day bas ea me.rit of the greatest degree. Over
peculiar interest: 40 Million Bottles of Tanlac have been
sold arta the deemed to -day is g-reater
neer months as a result of the Bri
Empire Exhibition at Wembley, n
Loadoe, which will be open fro.na
e 1st of May to the end, of October.
This attra•ction is ex.pected to bring
thouganels of people of British stock
from all quarters of the world to the
' mother counter. Many will visit their
friends and relations in various, parts
of the United Kingdom in addition to
seeing the exhibition.
13ring Colonies Closer.
tieh Who said.: "Two vtist and tee_ eakless ; That TANLAC posses:ses 'merit and
ear leg's of stone has brought relief to hundreds of
the Stand in the desert. Near them on the thousands of persons is attested by the
The British Empire Exhibition,
which will represent an expenditure of
almost $50,000,000, fs intended to bring
. the dominions into closer touch and to
develop trade aanong the -cone.tituent
countries of 'the emPire. Every con-
tinent, important island and group of
islands included in the British Empire
will be represeated with everyaspect
of life, civilized and uncivilized. All
the British colonies, have taken keen
intereet in the enterprise.
The exhibition:grounds! at Wembley
have an area of over 216 acres. An
effort has been made to embody the
climatic or historic aspects of the vari-
ous British colonies in their respec-
tive buildings; The exhibits from In-
, for instance, will be installed in
a reproduction of the "Tit -Mahal' at
Agra, a masterpiece of Oriental archi-
tecture. East Africa will' he represent-
ed by a typical rajah's palace. Several
acres will be 'devoted to West African
villages, surrounded by reproductions
of barbaric rand walls. Complete cern-
. munitiee of natives will be housed in
these 'villages. The Ceylon pavilion
will -be a copy of the Sacred Tooth
Tenaple at'Kandi and will adjoin a
Cingalese tea garden: Hongkong will
be nepresented by a street giving an
idea of that distant colony, with native
shops and a typical Ghineee restaar-
ant. Canada, Australia, New Zealand,
South Africa, Benmula, th,e Wee.tIn-
Malays and other colonies will
be repreeented by buildings of equally
attractive. designs.
Kipling Writes Pageant.
Other features of the exhibition will
include palaces of engineering, indus-
try and art, also a stadium seating
„..,4(125,000, where a number of athletic
conteetS Will take Place. In the stad-
ium will be staged the "Pageant ot
Empire," the libretto of which is being
written by Rudyard Kipling. A large
auditorium for public meetinga has
been erected, and here will be held the
International Adereetising Cony-ention.
There Will also be a mammoth repre-
sentation of a coal mine and an exact
reproduction of Tut-an.khanten's tomb
at Luxor, constructed under the dime -
tam of a dis.tiaguished Egyptologist.
Much Space- will be devoted to a
mammoth amusement park with a
tiaousand side shows. In .a huge eon. -
cart hall a series of concerts: will take
place.with more than 10,000 veices,
companied by an., orchestra of 500 M-
s.trumente. Daily concerts by the' best
Britieh and oolonial, bands will be
given. ,
Trees ,as Water Tanks.
...->r/ There are nmay ways of etoriag
water, but the natural cistern of the
natives of Darfur west of the Soudan)
seems to be the most wonderful.
But for the tebeldy tree Darfurites
would perish from drought. These
great trees grow in.hallowic In which
the rain collects during the wet sea-
son, which lasts all through July- and
The enormous trunks are hollow. As
8000 as the rain, begies the natives
gather up the water in leather bags.
An expert climber goes up the tree
with a rope to which iff a,ttached the
precious bag; he haula -fa up with care,
and empties the water Into the hollow
trunk. The hollOwnese le trot the re-
.sult of ago or disease, and the sur-
rounding' wood ,a absolutely water-
tight. .
Lla.ch little group of "tultls" (huts)
Tiaoseesses its own tree. And oix their
eontentS the people liVe threughtelt
the ten dry montlite
Tire tebeldy tree is a fruitful source
of tratible, Many tribal fights are
waged solely because a man from one
village 10 believed to have been seen
elimbing the trees of another. The
trees belonging to village Of group
of "tittle" are not public property for
the dwellers in that group, The Sheik
awl his family have t.he fireelahn on
thewater, and their shale Is claimed
to a decimal point. Another man maar
haVe a family claim, going limit
through seeonal generations, to a cer-
Cain propertioll,
Cot to Work.
'An' ,elett's your job armiud here,
i"oling feller?" asked the farmer of an
official in a big oity railroad. station.
"I'm the train taller," ansWered thet
"Weli, eon. Me one, there I'm in a
, Scarlet Sileoe. dee ta,tho proSoriCo
itvia' Ian and • very thin ."0/Oraul, recently
dll et Ite1n104 At#046114.
.......a„ ; „
sand, .
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies,
Whose frown
A.nd twinkled lip and sneer of 'cold
Toll that its sculptor well those pas-;
sloes read
Which yet survive, stamped on these
The hand that mocked them and the
h.eart that fed.
And on the p.edes.tal these words ap-
"My tame is Ozymandias, king of
Look on nay works, ye mighty, and des-
Nothing- beside remains. Round the
decay ,
Of that eolossal wreck, boundless and
rille lone and level sands stretch far
great number of testimonialthat have
been received by the 'company from
people in every state of the Unian and
every province of Canada. There are
over 100,000 such statements on file
with the company, all ringing with sin-
ee.re praise for „TANLAC an what it
has acco fh
Here are ,excerpts from a few of the
100,000 statements on file: -
Mrs. Edward Gibbs, Lancaster, Pa.—
"For 2 years indigestion deprived me
of nearly all the pleasure of living. If
It had not been for TANL,AC 't would
still be a sick and,discouraged wania.n,
for nothing elee s.eemed to do me any
M.S. Mary A. Benson, Seattle, Wash.:
"Following' an operation my stomach
and -nerves seemed to give Way and I
became almost helpless. As a last re-
sort I tried TANLAC. I began to lm -
By Enriching Their Blood With
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
RheuxnatisM attaCks. people .W13.est
the blood Is clogged With impurities,
thus setting up an inflammation of the
muscles and joints. Gold or wet
weather xnay start the tortures of
rheumatism, but it is not the.caus.e, as
was once suppoeed. The cause, is thin
or impure .bloed. Rubbing with lini-
ments or applying hot applieations
may give relief, but that IS all; the
palms are soon back again. You nnzet
treat the trouble through the blood to
get rid Of it. The value of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills in cases of this kind
Is proved by the following statement,
Mise Margaret M. Callen, writing on
behalf of her grandmother, Mrs. A.
McEtfen, Orin.stciwist, Que., saye:—"My
grandmoth.er, )30w 85 years of age, was,
sonae years ego, a great sufferer from
rheumatism. She tried many reme-
dies, but found none that clid her any
good until she began using Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pillas These. she used'for
some manths until every trace of
rheumatism clfs.appeared. Since then
she has taken the pills it Intervals,
and they have kept her in the best of
health. It is marvellous how well and
active my grantina,oth.er is. She cgoked
the dinner for the pare/Eaters last fall,
and she gives the credit far her good
health to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She
Is anxious that her experience with
this splendid medicine be given for
the benefit of others." ,
If you are suffering from any trou-
Ile due to poor or watery blood Dr.
Williains' Pink pills wiS help you.
Sold by medicine dealers everywhere,
or sent by mail at 50 -cents a box by
writing The Dr. Willianis' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont. •
No Man's Island.
A house,. consisting of one roam,
which stands in two !fastest three coun-
ties, and_ four towns at one and the
same time is the proud possess4On of
a dance -hall proprietor in the U.S.A.
This unique buildeng stands on a tiny
feland on, the borders of 'Vermont and
New Hampshire.
Although the building was once used
asa dwelling -house, it is now given up
entirely to dancing. Staruding i the
middle of the dance floor, the visitor
find's hims•elf in nine different places.
at once. Beneath his feet is the 'Meet-
ing point of the boundaries of the two
eta.tes., of the collates of Grafton, Cale-
donia and Orange., and of four towns,
11yeg2ute, Newbury, Bath, and Haver -
Locally the place is known as "No
Man's Laud," and la vetry popular as a
stammer dancing pavilion 13out the
river is slowly eating its way into the
centre ot the little island, and it aeems
likely that before long it will, bore a
way right through both islet and
house, IVIeantime, the proprietor
&malts hie Picky eters that only ono
of the towns, lIaverbill, sends along
the tax coBector.
Small minds are captivated by
Every man's face is the ledger of
his gond and of his evil a.cootints.
of Me tkin and scalp is 11111 raft
then that Ire hoe been catedoset
treating 10, 1011 aled la our Officio
here tor era SO Yeent,' If afflicted, writs us ex.,
Your fume fulf.v., We slo treat at home
Pimples, Zietelses, Mae/Meads and ether now.
Contagious Ain troubleit, Stmeriluess.
to Obrmattentiv eradieated 10'
Sic OIW rnethott-nlectrolysit.
Write for Sookldt
,Instituto LixitittO.
otrt Collage at, Toi.ost4
gists, Over 40 raillion bottles fdOld.
Accept no substitute.
Take Tanlac Vegetable Pills.
Surnames and Their Origin
Variations—BaIrd, Beard, Bird.
Racial Origin—English.
Source—A nickname.
Here is a family name derived from
an adjective which to -day Is applied
almost exolusevely ..to horses, but
which in the Middle Ages wasin rath-
er wide usage; denoting a color.
To -day yoe'd hardly refer to a "bay"
dress or a "bay" complexion, though
you would 'speak. of a "bay" horse.
Fifty years from now the word may
die completely, unless the horse finds
'a, new excuse for existence and avoids
the doom with which the automobile is
threatening him. •
The medieval English for "bay" was
"bayard." „
A man might -have been called
"Roger le Bayard'i or "Udo le Bayard"
either from the color -of his hair, the
general impression of his complexion,
or perhaps froin the color of the cloth-
ing which he uscally were.
Baird is a fairay usual contraction
of Bayard, though tire family name of
Baird does not in all Instances trace
back to the other.. Likewise Beard
and Bird are often logical develop-
ments, though, particularly in 'the case
of -Bird, it does not foleow that Bayard
is always . the original form of the
Racial Origin—English.
Source—An occupation. -
There Is a wealth of knowledge to
be gained through a study of nomen-
olature of the industrial as well as of
the 'social conditions in England dur-
ing the 1Vl1ddle Ages.
• Virtually every occupation of any
importance in that period has been
PaeserVed to usin' one or more family
names, and if you find an occupation
or profeestoo which has not so been
commemorated', it is only becau,f3e the
occupation did not exist at the period
of family name formation, or because
It is known to -day by a comparatively
modern term. Thus we have no fam-
ily names "Doctor" or "Physician,"
though we do have "Leech." We have
no family name "Autemanufactwer,"
though we haee "Cartwright."
Tanning and leathe.rmaking, how-
ever, were among the most important
industries of Medieval England, like
the various branches of the -textile in-
dustry, particularly those handling
Woollen fabrics.
"Le Skynnere" ("the skinner") was
quite naturally the surname most. o2 -
ten conferred by his, neighbors on the
man who made his living by stripping
skins from the carcasses of animals.
A Po�r Husband.
Hubert—"I am wedded to my art."
Shubert—"You • wife seems to be a
great sufferer."
To guard the baby against cold
nothing Can equal Debra, Own Tablets.
The 'Tablets are a mild laxative that
wall keep the little one's stema,ele and
bowels Working regularly, It is a re.,
cognized fact that where the etornach
aed bowels are in good order that
colds will not exist; that .the ,health
of the little one will be good and that
he will thrive and be happy. The new
'sales tax will not increase the price of
Baby's Own Tablets, as the company
pays the tak. You can still ,obtaln. the
„Tablets throeigh any medicinedealer
at 25 emits a box, or by mail, post
paid, 'from The Dr. Williams' l‘ledlcine
Go., Brockville, Ont.
Money Left to Monarchs.
Net maILvimen have chosen to leave
their fortunes to members of the
Royal 'Faintly in, the matter, of the late
Lord 'Eareithar, 'Under the ternee of.
his will, Prince George receives, gee
000 axed Priteess Maud or 1...ord Car-
negie $260,000, while 0 Is royea hene-
ficiaries are the ICing afld.Qu.eett,
Queen Alexandra, the Peincess
ttad Prinetette Arthert of. 'Connaught.
The largest gift .ever willed by a
subject to a Brwsh eavereiga woe that
of $2,500,000, which fell to Qases.
toria on the deatbiof one John Camden
Nelid, who died In 1852,
The oon of a Londee goltisartith,
Neild sucCeeded to $1,260,00 on hie
father's death', but being Of 4 miserly
disposition, he lived' in poverty. After
his death he WWI found to have lett
the whole of lila property, with the (W -
.0t 11 foW legacies, to "Her.
Gracious MaJeSty, Oilcan Vitoria, beg-
ging Hot • Majeatee mut graol9o41
ceptince of the same for her dole use
and' benefit"
Another man who remembered the
sovereign in his will was Sir Ernest.
Camel, who, on his death in 1921, left
property to the value of thirty • n3.11-
aion dollars. tie London reeitclence,
Brook House, Park Lane, may one day
beCome' a hanie of the Heyal
Lor SirErne,st directed that in the
event of the death Without issue of his
daughter, the house and its contetuts
should be offeredeas a gift to the then
redgning sovereign. •.
Payment for articles advertised in
this column should be made with Do-
minion Express Money Orders—a safe
way of sending motley by mail.
Plui'riberelso Harvest, •
Teacher—"Now, Bobbie, tellus
when is the 'harvest season?" '
Bobbie --- "Pram November to
March." • , • ,
Teacher ---"Why, Bobbie, I am sur-
prised that you should name such bar-
ren months. Who told you they wore
the harvest season?" , • •
Bobble—"Pa, He's a pluniber..
Keep IVIInard'e Linimeet In the house.
He that parleys has half surrend-
The best prophet of the future ia
the past.
35 -Cent "Danderine°' Does
Wonders for Lifeless,
Neglected AL/air.
'of AgxlueITIh
:t maall3r
-.full of gloss, lute
tre and life short
InYef°tioll>nsivrIga 11111011;
(1, negleeted scalps
3 ' With dePendablo
e "Danor
Palling hair ,
itching scalp end
the dandruE is
corrected immediately, Thin, dry,
wispy ,61' fading' hair Is quickly invig-
crated, takir4 011. neW strength, color
and youthful beauty. "Danderine" Is
delightful on the hair; a retroShleg,
oda:mating tattle not etioity or
geoort Aot draostoto
He saw something which Was Ziot,
self, hut which muet ao clesely re-
lated to himself that these Was no Joke
la it,
What is known as Bympathetth
magic always reearded a clpee comma -
tion as existing between person and.
his "eoUnterteit presentment." We
kuow better now, bat whe there who
can see a looking glase, aeCidentally
broken without experiencing a secret
feeling of uneas.inees?
The smaehing of the rairror deetroys
the reflected image—has counteefeit
self Or aa surface 'which bast borne it,
as it has also bern.e •the imagee of
other members •of hi F) Penally. There-
fore he himself, or 50018, meanber of
his family, whisp,ars the lingering
voice of despised, forgotten, but in-
herited belief, in sympathetic magic,
is in danger. .All of which accounts
for the superstition that if you break a
looking -glass there will be a death in
the family wittlain the year.
God's Little Thin.s.
love the little things of God— -
The loamy scent of fresh -turned sod,
The fleecy white clouds in the sky,
The passing of the south winds by,
The -darting flash, of bluebird's. wing,
And all the sights and sounds of
I love the da-ys when summer fades,
The scarlet tinge in forest 'glades, ,
The wild grapes, purple on the vine,1
The criSee air, heady es, 'old wine,
The hint of snow in graying sky,
. To warn us. that .old winter's. nigh.
—Hate( Blair.
Mother! Give Sick Baby
"California Fig Syrup"
Harmless Laxative to Clean Liver
end Bowels of Baby or Child.
Even constipat-
ed, bilious, fever-
er sick, colic
Babies and Child-
ren love to take c)
genuine "Califor- .4-00
nia Fig Syrup."
No other laxative
regulates the ten-
der little bowels
so nicely. Itd /4,4
sweetens the stomach and starts the
liver and bowels acting without grip-
ing. Contains no narcotics or sooth-
ing drugs. Kay "California" to your
druggist and avoid counterfeits: In-
sist upon genuine "California, Fig
Syrup" which contains directions.
Youngsters -to Match. .
Mistress --"Maggie, I think I'll take
one of the 'children to church this
morning." '
Maggie—"Yes, ma'am."
Mistreffs--"Which one do you think
would go best with my dress?"
Infantile mortality has gone down
from 160 per 1,000 at the beginning
of the century to 80 per 1,000 to -day.
Elderly eq. le
Need More
Ironinthe ilood
To Give Addled
Strength, Vitality,
and Greater Pow.
er of Resistance
Against Disease.
IRON is constantly
leaving the body,
especially toward the period of middle
age and you roust make up for this
iron deficiency if you want tb escape
disease and be strong and well. When
the iron in your blood runs low, sign.s
of old age' creep into your system.
If there is not enough iron eirculating
the blood -stream beeomes thin, pale
and wate.ry, the body vveak and run-
always fresh
Nearly Educated.
itt was Kenneth's filet day at achool
and when all the pupils were seated he
raised his hand and said:
"I can .spell cat and count 'ap to
r seven and. write ray owe. name, so you
' won't have te bother to teach me
Ask for Minard'e and take no other.
A Drawback to Matrimony.
A little gha in Ayrshire had been
punished for not being able te recite
her geography lessen. Her mother
went to the Lady teacher to. reprimand
"Wee it you who punished our wee
Jeanie for her geography?" she de-
manded. '
"Yea, I punished her," wee the reply.
"Weel," amenued the neater an-
grily, "her Auntie Leezte had lane geo-
graphy, an' she got a man. I had nee
geography, an' I got a man; an' there'v
you wi' a' your geography, an' you
Lavelle got a man yeti 1 don't Want
my lassie to get geograPhYl"
Beware of Imitations!
IToo Shy to Say "No."
, on earth did young Robin get
married?" asked the fee woman. "Wie373
I always thought he was so terribly
"He Is," said the aced -faced woman.
"He was probally tob sh,y" to say `No' ".
, 41
1117. OOLGR 0 WE RS ---00 TTS AND
Rejects accepted for limited
time only. Apply Georgetown Woollen
Mills, Georgetown, Ontario,
' Charges batteries in 10 aninutea
Gallon free to Agents. Radialite Co.,
St, Paul, Minn.
11RiNEIrou uarliras
nyw,elineeacirghy; amdla:
yESTao Marine Eye Remedy
Write for Free EyNilidleCt:enrdBM000knfing."
Beep your EyesCieen„ Clear caul Health.%
Marta a8saedyCo,.8158s1 01Ia0tsta. CtEce.es
Apply M inardal to throat and
chest. Also Inhale.
Minard's gives quick relief.
down. In such cases ordinary iron.
containing foods seldom supply a sufficient
quantity of this important element to make up
for tho wrufto so that many physicians now
prescribe a concentrated form of organio iron—
Nusated Iron—which contains iron like tho
Iron in your blood.
Actual blood tests show that a tremendously
large number of people who aro weak and ill
lack Iron in, their blood, II you are not sure of
your own condition, 50 +0 your doctor and have
him take your blood -count and see where you
stand or oleo =alto the following test yoursolft
See how long you oars work or howler you can •
walk without booming tired; next take two
five -grain tablets of Nuxaled Iron three times
per day after meals for two -'weak,. Than test
your strength again ululate how Much you have
gained, By enriching the blood and °rooting
new red blood calls Nuxatecl Iron strengthens
the nerves, rebuilds the weakened tissues and ;
helps to instill renewed onergY and power.into •
the whole system.
Unlike the older inorganic Iron produta,
Nusated Iron is easily assimilated, does not
injure the teeth, make them black no upset the
Stomach. The tranufgoturere guarantee see -
coastal and entirely satisatotory treats to eery
parohnoev or theV will refund.your money. It
is dispensed by till gookttiruggiets.
DO 40
Unless yob see the name "Bayer
Cre.ss" on package or on tablets you
are not getting the genuine Bayer As-
pirin proved safe by millions and pre.
'scribed by physiciana over twenty-
three years for
Colds Headache
Toothache Lumbago
Neuritis Rheumatism
Neuralgia Pain, Pain
Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
only. Each unbroken package con-
tains proven directiona. Handy boxes
of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug-
gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100.
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
In Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid.
While it is well known that Aspirin
Means Bayer Manufacture, to assist
the public against imitations, the Tab- I
lets of Bayer Contpa.ny will be sterol). I
ed with their general trade mark, the
"Bayer Cross."
Unny have hodsurprir,ing relict from
entatrhel Deafness Ileac] Noise -a
Ranging in the Bars and klev.d Colds
by using ,
Leonard Ear OR
011 that lo
very efrective, Just it back of
theento and insert In nostrils
For sale nverewbers 41.4
Irthtresetirsa tfo$cripiotv
foidrx sent upon roqoesf
70 BUJ Asa,liy. Tee'
For Lasting. Fragramee
Use Cuticura Takiiin
There is nothing better than
1 Caticura Talcum for powder-
ing and perfuming the skin, It
I nppeals to the bloat fastidious
1 because or its I tine, smooth teli:.. tire end delicste fravancc,.
sowst. Meisel 2S eitISISt. T,IttAzgr. s, -,id
-throughOUtn, D::1,C:11idtilitualoo4,
t9unarm$44 Se Peal IN:,
A druggist says: "For nearly
thirty years I have recommended
the Extract of Roots, known as
Mother Selgel's Curative Syrup,
for arresting end permanently
relieving constipation and !mil-
gestIon. It Is an old reliable
remedy that never falls to do the
work. SO drops thrice daily.
Get the genuine at your druggist.
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Mrs. Hohnberg Tells How
Lydia E.PinkhanapsVegetabic
Compound Helped Her
Vildng,,Aita.— From the time I Wm*
I16. years old I would get Snell sick feel-
ings in the lower part of my abdomen,
followed by cramps and vomiting. Thia
kept me from my work (I help ner gar-
ents on the farm) as I usually had to,
go to bed for the rest of the day. Or at
times I would have to walk the floor. I
suffered in this way until a friend ine
chiced me to try Lydia E, Pinkhana's
Vegetable Compound. I have had very
satisfactory results 80 far and ani reo.
ommending the, Vegetable Compound to,
my friends. 1 surely an glad I tried
it for I feel like a differentperson now
that I don '4 have these troubles."--.
0/310.,TA HOLNitEli,G,BoX 93tViking, Alta.'
Letters like tido establish the raerite
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound. They tell of the relief from such.
pains and ailments after taking it, ..,
Lydia 111. rinkham'o Vegetable Com.
'Pound, made from nativerootsioattherbs‘
contains no narcotic or harmful drugs,
and today holds the record of beng the
most successful remedy for female
In this country, and thousands of vol.
untary teatimeniala prove this f'set.
If you tioul)t thatLydia E. Pinkhain,s
Vegetable Compound, will help yral.,
Wrltd to he E. k ham .Als{b-v
eine Co,, CObestsra, Otststilis., for Mrb,
l'litkhtLSii'S private tOgicb0014 And leara
more about it • 4.
No, 11..124,,