HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-03-20, Page 5ThussdaY1 March a:0th,, 1924
umplossimMummumplinimus suuussisimusix001111
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Isard s N
, N
111 We have just passed into stock shipments of New N
Spring Goods as follows:
„ re
. •
El We' are showing a large
U range of the best makes and la. -
IM test models at very... Moderate
Prices: You are invited to visit
!our Ready to Wear Depart-
ment and inspect our stock arid
values •'• .
Ns New Prints, Ginghams, Voiles
•re. Chambray, Plain, and Fancy
a Crepes, Ratines
4 Ne'w Weaves in Silks andSilk
•1 Crepes in the leading shades
01 Dress, Goods, in Cashmeres,
dines '
Serges Wools. Cresre- Gabes-
Tricotine, Poiret Twills,
New Irish Linens, Shirtings,
Galiteas,• Cottons, Sheetings,
Towellingsa Table Linens; Nam-
• Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums and
Congoleums in Choice Patterns
and New Colorings. See our
large stock of Rugs, our prices NI
are down • IS
Just arrived New'Spring Suits
Spring Overcoats and Rain- mi
' coats, New Hats and Caps NI
"Budd Hats" choice patterns
in. Dress Shirts • and New Neck
Wear " •
Spring Styles in Men's and
Boys Boots and Shoes, in the
best" rnakes, "see `them
Isar 'o
Ladies' Home Journal Patterns always in Stock 111
inanonsuniallsonnossmunmossinumwan Essment'
Loving Tributes to Deceased
Froth the Regina Daily Post we
clip' ihe following kindly reference
to the funeral services of the late
• Harry Carson, who was beloved by
all „who knew him in the West as -he
was in his native city of London and
in Wingliani, where his -father reside.;
and where he has so often been heard
with pleasure,i
"Funeral services for the late Harry
Carson, whosedeath occurred on
Tuesday morning at the Grey Nuns• '
liospital, from pneumonia, were held
•from Wright's Funeral Home this
afternoon. Rev. H. W. Avison of the
Metropolitan Methodist Church, con-
#uted the services. The remains
sent to London for interinent,"
The Regina Leader. has tile follow-
• ing to say:
• "Many members of local musical
• circles are among those saddened by
the clealh this week of Harry Catson.
His 'baritone voice won him recogni-
• tion by the beauty of its quality and
the funeral service held. Wednesday
• at Speers' funeral home was at-
tended by 'many of the leading vo-
calists of the city, Mr, Carson had
• been much associated with the Met-
ropolitan •church choir, laving sung
with the others on several special
• occasions. In oratorio work his tal-
ents were rna-rked, Almost all the
•choir m.embdrs were at the service
The service was attended, too, by
Postmaster John Nicholl, Assistant
Posttnaster Leo Labelle and others
• of the staff with avhicli Mr. Carson
bad been connected."
• Postmaster John Nichol!, is a for -
resident of Wingham he having
been G. T. R. station agent here when
John Quirk was conductor,
• Anthony McDonald Injured
The series of accidents to Tees -
water " people during the past few
tvecka has.been alarming and the last
one of a serious nature happened on
Saturday morning at the lime plant
One of the driving belts had caus-
ed a little trouble at times and Mr,
Donald had gotte to that part of
the mill and was alone when the acc-
• ident happened. Mr. Robinson,
Days of Southern Slavery
• Mr. John Holmes writing from his
home in Presho, South Dakota to his
brother, Mr. Wm. Holmes of Turn-,
•berry, says times are very bad in his
part of the world. Banks and stores
have been closing in `South Dakota.
We belive that after all good old Ws -
ern Ontario is a little the best place
in the world to live in. Mr. Holmes
clipped the following from a copy of
the Prescho Herald. 'which brings
back recollections of slavery days in
the South: ' -
• 'Col, Hub Johnson, a veteran auc-
tioneer of this section, perhaps cried
mare sales and put in more years
it the; business than any other man
in this part of the country. He be-
gan when he was sixteen years old
and is now nearly ninety, years old
and is. living a retired life in Hubbell
Nebr. The bill of his first sale has
been dug up and was over seventy
years ago. It was held in Harrisburg,
Kentucky, and read as follows: a
will sell at public sale x mile west
and miles south. of Harrisburg,
Saturday, September s 26,
t850, the folloWing described Prop-
erty to -wit.: I nigger buck, 25 years
wt. 2/o pounds; 4 nigger winches,
18 to 24 yeats old; a nigger boys,
6 years old; /3 nigger hoes; fine
sled; 6 yoke of oxen, broke; so ox -
yokes with hickory bows; 2 OX -
Carts with 6 itch rubber tires; a
saddle pony, 5 years old; 3 double
Shovel plows, ro and 2 iliClieS; 25
gallOns whiskey in jugs; loci gallons
apple cider; 2 barrels food sorghum;
2 barrels soap, 2 barrels kraut;
extra good nigger whip; 2 tons to-
bacco, 2 years old; sale start 8 at so
sharp, Terms cash, In need of mon-
ey-. Col. II. Johnson, auctioneer.
—Bel -Sine, Kansas
Don't Wept to lVliss A Copy
To thetor of the A vance-Tunes
Dear Sir•:
We are having fine weather hear
now, and enough snow for sleighing,
just sugar making weather if we had
any trees to tap. 'VVell Mr. Smith
our Advance of Feb. 28th., went a-
., stray and as we dont like to miss one
; manager, noticing that part of the copy we would be ever so much ob-
i' ItashinerY had stopped went to as- lined to you if You could send us a
tertain the trouble and found Mr. f b 8th 5924 That is as
copy ° • c • 2 "
1• McDonald°11 the fl °°'• la a °elm" Tim says if, you have one left as
eonacious condition and the belt ott wottldn't want you to bother printing
the floor beide hint Medical aid anew one, We have nu F, 0,s up
•...was Summoned and on examinationherenew, it Those that aren't Tories
was found that the side of his head
went with Grits aocl are after the
had received a crushing blow and Wheat Fuel.
•front all appearanours till next time,
ces the end of the •t,,
ebot aoIL bi3Ok6 and loft the pulley x
Ed. Johnston, Rockhaven, Sask.
tad hit hirn. He was, removed to ,
the ilnetor's office and was later taken The New Muttielpal QUalificatiOna
id and every hope is eritertaine_d Office at—In dviii4gb* for tee -
lot his conaplecte recovery-. 110;4, 200; leaaehol ll,10O. In a
alight too ent at the 1 tue plant and leasehold, $80o, fa a town, for free.
had a piece taken out Of the index hold, $600; for leasehold, $t,ItSCh
611g0 Ork his right hand.--Teeswater a city, for freehold $1,000; for lease -
to h s hoirie. At present writing he s
isigrfigresalog as well a • s can be ex- The new quauficattous tor. iniunt-
Ott Mondlr Robit?Ort /net with township, • for freehold, $400; fOr
hold M2,4l)00,
• The Rev, Dr. A. J. Vining secretary
of the Armenian Relief Association
of Canada, gave his address in the
Presbyterian Church on Tharsday
evening, March the 13th,„under the
auspices of the ,
It is to be re-
gretted that o larger audience was not
present to listen to Dr. Vining tell of
the terrible ,suffering endured by the
Armenian Nation, all down through
the centuries at the hands of the un-
speakable Turk. This devoted Chris-
tian Nation endured torture and death
lather than give up their faith and be-
come converts to the Mohammedan
,religion. Not only • this but in the
gent War thousands of their finest
young men" were treacherously bixt-
chered because they refused to fight
on the si,de of the Turks against Bri-
tain and 'her Allies. Armenia as a
ration is almost wiped off' the face of
the map, but there are thousands of
little Armenian boys and girls living,
who witnessed their parents ,„ cruelly
butchered by the Turks. Its on bee
half of these children that Dr. Vin-
ing pleads. No one could listen to
the pitiful story without having their
heart touched and at the close of Dr.
Vining's address, a resolution was
moved by Mr. F. J. Hill and second-
ed by Mr. T. C. Zing that if the W. I.
would undertake to provide for one
little Armenian boy until he was edu-
cated or trained for some useful call-:
ing in life, whereby he could make an
honest living the citizens of Wingham
and surrounding country would stand
loyally by them and work in conjunc-
tion with them. This resolution was
carried unanimously. The cost of
maintaining one little boy until he is
eighteen years,' OS age is $moo.00.
This amount can be spread. over a
period of five years or paid at the
convenience of those undertaking the
responsibility any time insideof the
five years. This work is surely
worth while and we believe will have
the co-operation, of all the citizens of
Wingham and surrounding country.
It will llave the blessing of the Mas-
ter who said. "Inasmuch as ye did it
unto the least of these,, ye did it unto
Recently the Dr. held a meeting in
New Market and in a few minutes
$1,800 was subscribed. Every*here
the towns and churches and
dtials are responding most generous-
ly to the cause. The Armenian relief
is not a side issue, but an appeal to
• h-umanity and is nation-wide. The
amount suggested a year ago, $.5o
for each boy is inadequate. It will
cost $1,000 to bring an Armenian boy
here and keep hiin on the farm until
he is 18 years of age. There are 5o
boys on the farm at Georgetown -at
the present time and every one has
been financially adopted. 'rite Society
found it necessary to change the boys'
names and give them an English pro-
nounciation. One little fellow stead-
fastly refused. and said "I'll die first,"
but since his name has been twice
changed. One boy is George K. Mc-
Donald, a name greatly honored, and
ranks high in the British Empire to-
day:. It is hoped that George K. will
become a distinguished citizen some
day. It would- do us all good, said
Dr. Vining, to see the boys salute the
flag every morning abont 8 o'clock,
and -sing by mereai=y, stanza after
stanza of the National Anthem, The
first night the boys were at George-
town will long be remembered, he
said. As soon as the lights were out
an awful horror fell upon thein and
they saw re-enacted the terrible scenes
of massacre, and they were terrified
by ghosts. The' lights had to be put
on and have remained on at night
ever since, Ninety-five per cent. ai e
devoted to Agriculture and are taking.
the greatest interest in everything
around them. The other five per
cent, are follo-wing some professional
line. Three are training for the min-
istry. They are handsome, robust,
healthy and intellectually bright and
they are going to Make first-cliss
Canadians. Everybody who has seen
them is proud of, them.
Another Weekly Newspaper Gdir
Another of the old-time weekly pa-
pers has been forced. to cease publi-
cation. After forty-five years of ser-
vice to its town arid proince, the
Yarmouth Times announced its issue
of February .2 as the lass. for the pre-
sent, and added: ."No plans for the
future have been forniulated." Per-
haps in no other line of business has
there been a proportionately larger
death rate than that recorded in the
newspaper world in recent years.
New Seed Act
• Under the old Act it was permiss-
able for a farmer, provided the seed
was not taken off his farm, to sell -
clover and tirnothy without first hav-
ing these graded by the Seed Depart-
ment Now, all seeds of grasses and
clovers sold by fartners, even on their
own farms must be first graded be-
fore offering for sale, unless sold to
a seel merchant to be' re -cleaned.
Grade names defined under the Act
are registered'Extra No x, No. 1, N'o,
2, and No. 3. The first two mention-
ed grades are given 'only, for seed
whose -variety are given only for seed
whose variety name, through,' field
inspection of tie growing crop is
known. Seed that will not grade No,
3 is designated rejected and is pro-
hibited from sale in Canada.
Invited to Lethbridge
A Lethbridge correspentient says
of a well-known former resident nf
this locality:—The acceptance Of Rev.
"Bob" Pearson, M. L A. of the pas-
torate of Wesley Methodist cluirch,
Lethbridge, the largest church in the
city, is heartily welcomed by mem-
bers of the congregation, also by lead-
ing citizens of Lethbridge, who know
Mr, Pearson and his reeord. Leth-
bridge is giving Calgary a distinguish.
cd citizen zit the person of Rev. W,
t. MacNiven, -who goes to; the Metho-
dist Church, Calgary, in june, Rev,
Mr, Pearson succeeding him at Wes-
ley here, •"A fair.exehange with Cal-
gary iS nnite agreeable all around,
We are pleased, indeed to get the ser
vices of a inari of the calibre c•f Rev.
Captain Pearson, He will find a
eordial welcome in Lethbridge", said
an influential tier -titer of the congre-
Said Mrs, I3rown to Mrs. Gre'en;
"The Whites have had a spat;
Be threatened he would slap her face
Because she bought a hat;
And now, they're not on spealcieg
What do you think of that?"
"Hist, Mrs, Black!" said Mrs, Green,
"Didst you hear the latest news?"
The Whites have had an awful row
And she was much abused;
He slopped her face and blacked an
They fear her teeth she'll lose."
°Oh, Mrs, Jones, cried Mrs.
"Have you yet heard the tale—
How Mr. White beat Mrs. White
He broke her ribs and craked her
sTo pieces with a rail?
They've got him now in jail."
Then Mrs, Jones passed on the word
When 1Virs. Smith was met:
"Was it not awful of the Whites?
She is unconscious yeti
He used a shotgun and a knife;
• He'll -hang for this, I bet."
So flew the tale on the idle tongues
Throughout the little town,
Each adding on a spicy bit
• As it went its rounds.
The ilioral of this tale is plain:
• Don't be a Mrs. Brown.
St. Patrick's Hymn
Perhaps the finest expression that
we have to -clay of St. Patrick's splen-
did faith is found in his famous hymn
known as "The Breastplate" composed
at Tara on the eve of that memorable
interview with the heathen King,
which ended in the conversion of Ire-
land. The following verses,' literally
translated !from the closing passage
of this remarkable hymn, will help to
show- the faith by which St. Patrick
lived, and which he bequeathed to
"May Christ, 1 pray,
Protect: me to -day
Against poison and lire,
Against drowning and wounding;
That so, in His grace abounding,
I may earn the preacher's hirel
-"Christ, as 3 light,
Illumine and guide me!
Christ, as a shield. o'ershadow and
cover me,
Christ be beside me
On left hand and right;
Christ • be before me, behind me,
about me, '
Christ this day be within and with-
out me!
"Christ, the lowly and meek,
Christ, the All -Powerful, be
Itt the heart of each to whom I speak
In rhe mouth of each who speaks to
me, •
In all who draw near me
Or see me or hear me.
"At Tara to -day, in this awful hour,
I call on the Holy Trinity.
Glory to Him who reigneth in power,
The God of the elements—Father and
And Paroclete Spirit—which Three
are One,
1924 A',
Send your application
'form properly filled one ,
with required money
• order
This Morning and Have
Your License This
• Afternoon
This is our third year is-
suing licenses and we are
giving the public service,
Postage 100 extra. —
!smelt of Licenses
Ctitle, Sheep and
Hog Buyer
Member of Toronto Live Stook
Bank r eference: Bank of Commerce
Phone 203,, Wintham
We are Prepared to pay the
highest prices for any quality of
third Or Soft Wood Logs, de-
livered in our yards M
roper Clothes
or Men and Boys
. Sport Models
Young Men's Sport Models in the newest styles for
Spring and Surnmer wear, Herringbone, self stripes and
• Lovat shades in a wide range to select from. Prices from.
$zo.00 to $27.5o,
• Men's Suits
The season's newest materials and styles are shown
in our wide range of suits, greys, browns and .blues, the
dependable fabrics for wear and service. All sizein
c-• stock, 34 to 44. Ranging in price from, $x8.00 to 35.00.
o iViade4 iMeaisire Clothes
Good judgment dictates that you buy good clothes
• -;; and there is no 'more reliable guide to the prevailing and
advance fa.shiosf than the atyles we are showing. The
best of import materials combined with the finest tailoring
' makes real economy. Now is the time to inspect the new
fabrics while the selections are good. Prices from $25.00
to $6o.oe.
• . toy' Suits
New cloths of homespuns, Tweeds and Worsteds
in Boys' Suits just passed into stock. New styles at mod-
erate prices. Sizes 28 to 36. Prices $8.75 to $14,00.
1 EMENS211311131293113NROP
Redistribution Will Make .Big Differ-
ence in This District
The Redistribution Bill that is to
be brought down this, Session at Ot-
tawa, will no doubt provide for the
making of one riding of Bruce as
outlined in the belated bill of last ses-
sion. The municipalities that would
comprise the Bruce and' the. Bruce -
Huron ridings and the population of
each would be:—
Bruce Riding
St, Edmunds- . .. . .. .... ......... 343
Lindsay . 588
Eastnor •148
Lions Head
Hepworth 357!
Indian Reserve 881
Port Elgin
Bruce 18as
Elderslie ... . ..... . ......
Chesley ... . ...... 1708
Paisley ... . . ... 760
Greenock - 2229
Brant ..
Kincardine Twp.
Kincardine Town 2077That makes a very large riding so
far as area is concerned but it hard-
ly reaches the required unit numer-
The Bruce-Hurdn riding would be
composed of municipalities from the
south part of Bruce and north 'part
of Huron as follows:
• 425
— 545
Bruce -Huron Riding
Huron Township
Kinloss -
Culross .
Of G n rijji- :e
Eversharp er
$1.50 Pencils . . 75c $2.00 Pencils . . . .1.00
$2.50 Pencils . . . .1.25 $3.00 Pencils . .2.50
Gold and Silver Designs. Come early while stock is complete.
Let us 'take care of your order for daily 'newspapers and maga-
zines. We take subscriptions at current rates. a
Town Agency Canadian National Railways. Opposite Queen's Hotel
WHAT MAKES A TOWN? 1 Mrs. Murray, who recently moved
What makes a town. Is it the into Mr. Thos. Henderson's house,
Wealth evidenced by the homes and has purchased the home in which Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Mowbray are resid-
splendid store buildings? These may
of ing and, will move in shortly.
257.2 attest to, the stability and thrift
905 certain. people, but they offer no great Mr. Fred Clubb of St. Marys spent
the week -end with his parents here.
induceinents to commercial and moral
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phillips of
9pragress. Is it the spirit of good or-'
der and law observance? That is a the
visited one day last week zr
of Mr.. and. Mrs. W. R.
f8ntnt 'z.14 sleepiest old ham.: tne lwAle
Ashfield • aa4,6 lets that dot the country may have
-.• Miss Martha Clifton of Lucknow
. 2499
Morris . o
Ttirnberry • ,A, make a town—they only culture it
Blake Gatint is in a critical condition*
la') Is it the gecigraphical location, the .
ie spiritin ra . . .
the schools and churches? May their visited a few days last week with
'Miss Ida McQuoid.
number ever increase, but they don't
E. Wawanosh .- . 1339 , • •
W. Wawanosl! ... 1313
Wingham. - , 2492
Blyth , . • 656
Brussels „ ...... _ .... ...„ .... _.........,__ - 87o
Wroxeter ,f. - - - 337
"Oh, Tobe!" distressedly cried Mrs,
Sagg. "The baby has swallowed a
quarter!" "Aw, well," replied Tobe
Sagg, of Sandy Mush, pacifyingly,
dolt% reckon,
all things considered, it
will pay us to take him to the doctor
in town to get it took out."
Hurt by Palling Scaffold
Mr. John Kelioe, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Dan. Kehoe of town, and who
has been working at the carpenter
trade in Detroit for the past year
and a half, had a close call from be
ing blotted out of the book of the liv-
ing known as the voters' list, when
last week a scaffold fell from the high
Edison plant building, which is in
course of erection, at Detrain, and af-
ter gathering momentum in its gravi-
tation threatened to leave only a
greasy spot on that part of the map
where the Walkertonian and four of
his tompanions stood. „jael guessed
its purpose and warned his companions
what it was up to, and, all five made
a jump front its path. They fell over
each other, arid in the mix -tip all
were so badly hurt that they had to
be removed to the hospital in an am-
bulance, jack had a writ and ankle
sprained, but the rest of the quintette
suffered worse injuries, one man, who
didn't clear the falling planks being
mussed up so badly,,that doubts are
entertained as to his recovery. Con-
trasting what is with what might have
been, the Walkertoniart should shake
hands with himself for the successful
manner in which he dodged the grim
reaper.—Walkerton Telescope.
Ur, Dan. Kehoe of Walkerton is a
brother of Mr. Peter Kehoe of Wing -
character of the country surrounding,m . Josephs MospitaI, LoncL011
the natural advantages? None i,
of where he is under the care of a spec -
these are essential. Well, what is it ialist. His many friends hope to
that makes a town anyway? Just one hear of his recovery soon.
thing—unity of the people, ---the eit-j. Mr. Wm. Stein, who has bet n visit
of a common bond which mg friends and relatives'in these parta
causes business and social enemies to i left from Brussels on Monday for his
put aside all differences when it ;11 -"le in Simpson, Sask.
collies to boosting the town. No Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vatin:r and
town ever made real progress with- son Carl spent Sunday with lir, as,4
out the get-together spirit unani- Mrs; Jas Cornelius,
mously adopted. It has infused new1 Sorry to report that Teddy Mow
blood into the heart of commercialray, son of Mr. and Mrs. John mow -
life and made thriving cities out 01 bray, is ill in a critical condition ed Tedd dormant towns, Natural advantages Present. We hope to see T
count for much and prosperity can-
around again seen.
not be built apou shifting sand,
but 1 The many friends of Rev, and Mrs,
any town with half a chanccan be I Gordon Rintoul, will be interested td
'know that he preaches his farewell/
sermon on his Dungannon charge ori ,
the 3 tst of March and will then inoltd
to Thortda.le, near Barrie.
Mrs, Robert Purdon and children;
visited for a few days last week with ,
Otto day last week as W. E. Willis her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Archie
was starting the engine that runs his Anderson of St. Helens.
bread mixer his right hand received There have been quite a numbest
a had cut between the thumb and of parties and surprise parties n
first finger by coming in contact with these parts in the last week. At Mr„
the wire belt at the engine, Several and Mrs, Wm. Dawson's on Mond),ty,
stitches had to be put in to bind the night, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Kenuedy.
soon regain the full use of the dis- Mowbray's on Friday night and Ms.
abled member.—Brassels Post. and, Mrs. Alex, Coulter's on Monday
wound together. • We hope he will Thursday night, Mr. and Mrs. re
of this week
WI-/TTBCHURCH • Mr. Will week.
on Thursday brought
Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Purdon of St. home a fine team of horses that he
1-ielens visited with Mr. and Mrs. bad ptirchased from Mr. Psi Porten,
Win, Purdon on Thursday last. The young people of the community
Ur, and Mrs. Sam Reid of Ash. held a enthre party, in the Vorester'S
field spent Sunday with MT. and Mrs. Hall Oa WadilestlaY Idea.
W. Rt. aRnatir rime rt. s. John mitchen of in Tthhee depbractsebyatneclriasitocicaihntevochniit obeli!
wain of Vordwielx visited one day last Ur. and Mrs. Wm o Patted Sisited
Wingham and MA and Mrs. McIll- Patrick's were tinite S'Iten.
week with their sister, Mrs. Fred at the home of her trothe:IAu.
Davidson. drew Stein of Ashfield, for a few 'days
Mrs. David Stobie and son William last week. They also 'visited Oho
Spent the week -end with her husband relatives at Lanes.
in Lucknow. Mrs, Rimer Tiffin Mt laid up *Kt
lifiss Agnes Small and Ur. Carl PacnitIOnia at present,
Lott, of Kincardine, spent the week- Cattle buyers and fertillter sened
end at the latter's home here. are the order Of the tlo.
made to grow and expand and thrive
when its citizens join with one accord
in the boosting programme.—Barrie
Nasty Cut on Right Hand
• 1