HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-03-13, Page 8c1,4,4,4
'1"4"'"'"""1,111111' "14'''' '"'1' '1"‘" • ...:11.71Tt '1'" '" " "''" ,111.7"1"^/ 4/47,4.44, 1744.; 444'444 .4 '744',4 44z.+47,"'
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• 4 „
Suit ---$25.00
Coat --$25.00
are now showing the latest
Fashions for Sprit. -.g
Coat --$16.50
Mr ,
Arthur Haines of Wingliam
tqlio nas beefi visiting at his brothers,
E. J, Haineshas returned home,
Mr. Sohn '•Champion is at present
on a trip to Toronto,
Jr. and Mrs. Mark Gardner visit-
ed at. Fordyce one day recently.
Mrs, Harry Wood a and son, Harold
visited at W If Champion's onMon-
ayas last.
Foxes are getting quite nuinerous
on the 9th., concession and quite
tame for if reports are true Mr. Har-
ry Woods, killed, one recently with
the axe, while working in the bush.
Mr. Harry Champion is at present
visiting relatives at Zion for a couple
of days.
Mr. Robert Pardon, and Mr. Charles
Leaver visited at •Mr, Alton's at Bel-
fast one day.recently.
Mr. John Martin who has been in
Toronto for a couple of weeks has re-
turned home again, somwhal improv-
The congregation of Knox Church,
recognized the services: of William
Little, who for 40 years has been con-
nected with the Sunday school work
of the congregation, 25 years of which
he has been superintendent, by pre-
senting him with a chesterfield chair,
and Mrs. Little with a floor lamp J. J.
Reid, the present superintendent, read
an address, and .Mr. Andrew McKa-
gue, assistant superintendent, made
the presentation.
Mr. Little, replied iri. a happy vein
that was a reminisco,et nature, re-
counting many of the incidents in his
experience as a teacher, Mr. Little,
while retiring from the seperintend-
ency, is still continuing as a teacher in
the Sunday school. Several members
of the congregation paid tribute to
the character and work of Mr. Little
and his excellent wife .as workers in
the church and in the community.
After a good program was gone
through a dainty lunch was served to
all present by the ladies of the con-
gregation, ' •
;7. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Leggatt spent
14 /
o. Ltd
Mr. and Mrs. George Walker and
,son and Miss Lila Humphrey spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Humphrey of St. Helens.
Mrs. Jas. 13orte, is visiting at the
•home of 'Mrs. Allen oil the B. Line
"Turnberry over the week -end.
Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Love entertain -
,ed. a number of their friends and
leeighbors, on Friday night last. All
report a good time,
Mr, and Mrs. Stuart McBurney and
Lavina spent Sunday with her par-
•ents, Mr. and Mrs. Kling of Turn -
A meeting of the members of the
Methodist Church of Belgrave circuit
toolc, place at Belgrave, on Tnesday,
President of the Conference also Rev.
Hibbert and Rev. dr. Cragg
• were present and discussed the gen-
eral question of Church Union, as the
Presbyterian and Methodist Churches
of the Belgrave circuits are looking
forward to having united" congrega-
tions in the near future.
The Literary Society of the Red
School held a social evening on Fri-
day at the home of the President Mr,
Harry Perdue,
Mrs. Thos, Robinson, also her son
Charles of Lucknow, 'visited with her
brother Mr. Beadle of Auburn, on
Sorry to. report that Mr; Jas. Me -
Gee is not improving frotn his long
— At the St. Am-
brose church, Brussels on March
3rd, by Rev. Father McHugh, Kath-
leen, daughter of Samuel and the
late Mrs'. Wilton, tO J. L. Callahan
of Belleville,
of Belmore v c.n ty canto t
Sunday with friends at Belgrave.
Mr. Win, Duff who has been seri-
ously ill is improying nicely, we are
pleased to say.
Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon Hall spent
Sunday with relatives at Molesworth
Mr. Geo, Churchill of Cochrane
,is home for a few weeks holidays.
Mr. John McLaren, spent Sunday
with Mr. Geo. Yeo.
Mr. Robe Shaw was at Dungannon
and Port Albert on Sunday taking
charge 'of that circuit for Rev: Gor-
don Rintoul.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Masters, spent
Sunday with relatives at Wroxeter.
Mrs.aLeonard Ruttan is on the sick
list we wish her a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs, John Fells of Wing -
ham, spent Sunday•. at the home of
Mr. 'Wm. Thornton..
Mr. Cleadon Yeo met with a very
nasty accident one day recently while
cutting wood in his father's bush,
when felling a tree a loose limb fell
and struck him on the face and
shoulder. He was unconscious for a
couple of hours and it took eight stit-
ches to close the wound in his face,
At present he is doing as well as can
be expected.
Mr, Ashton Morrison spent the
week -end. at his home here.
Mr. Mills Hazlewood of Grimsby,
visited his brother in town last week.,
After spending a couple of weeks
here, Mrs, Job. King returned to her
horne-in Grey twp. last Tuesday.
Rev. Mr. McKelvie of. TeeSwater,
will occupy the pulpit in the Metho-
dist Church, next Sunday.
Th111'selalr,'MarCia'..I3th!, 1944 ,
Congkatulatious are due the editor Miss Edna Canipbell has returned
on his accession to the Positron of to her home after spending the last
editor of the combined papers. 'We three or fOur weeks with her sister,
are always glad to see.a man foringMrs. Robert Johnston of Blyth,'
to the frorit in his chosen profession The trustees of S. S. No. 7, Morris
and we lope Mr, Smith's efforts will have purchased a new gasoline lamp
be crowned with sticee'ss, for the school. Now if the youngpeo-
WoodstOele eliniinated Lueknow ple of the commenity wish to form a
Flocke.y team from the Northern Lea,- Literary Society or •a Debating Club
gue last Thursday and Friday nights, they will be assured of a good light -
Thursday night in Lucknqw by a ing system in the "school, Why not
score • of 7,6 and Friday night in niake use of the new lamp?
Woodstock by .a score .of 7-2, The Mrs. Murray Johnston and Kenneth
,game here on Thersday night was a .and'George of London, are visitora at
good exhibition of hockey, of course
the rink was not what the Woodstock
boys were accuStoined to and.conse-
quetitly they could not • show their
best wares here. Cruickshank • turn -
the home of Henry Johnston, Sth line.
Wrn. Little was buy installing a
'telephone int the Township Hall, No-
thing like being up to 'the times.
. Wm. Miller, 5th line, had a light
ed a good game for the home team. stroke of paralysis we are sorry to
The Oddfellows held an "At Home" hear, He is improving nicely we are
in their lodge rooms on Friday night glad to state,
when a most enjoyable evening was Miss Lillian McArter has gone .to
spent. Progressive garnes were play- Stratford Normal to finishher course,
ed until xx o'clock, then a short pro- which had to be discontinued last year
gram consisting of instrumental mu- on account of an, operation for appen-
sic songs, and speeches, after which dicitis. We wish her success.
lunch was served at the conclusion of
which. dancing was indulged in until
nearl3r morning. The prize winners
for the evening were, euchre, Mrs. 'L.
Horne and Mr. Jas. Glennie, Domin-
oes, Miss Gertie Treleaven and Mr. A.
Thompson. These "At Homes" are
becoming very popular, larger crowds
turning out each evening and each one
better than the last. '
Word was received here yesterday
of the sudden death of Mrs. W. Tre-
leaven at her home in. Toronto, dea.th
being caused by acute • indigestion. Robert Newcomb, a 'well known res -
Arthur and Mrs. -Hull left last week
for Essex County where Mr. Hull has
secured a position. Mrs. Hull is a
daughter of A. H. and Mrs. McNeil,
5th line. We wish them success in
their new, home,
The Ioo acre farm belonging to the
C011on estate, sth line has been leas-
ed to Chas. Workman, Seaforth, for
a 5 year Cerra. g-ets-posseesion at
once. Mr. and Mrs. VV,orkmen wel.e
former residents, the latter being a
daughter of the late Mrs, Conon,
She was a former resident of Luck -
now, having moved to Toronto a few
years ago. Her husband who operat-
ed the flour mills here for a time, died
some years ago. Theo late Mrs. Tre-
leaven was Miss Estella Bowers be-
fore her marriage and is in her 63rd.
year. She is'servived by a grown up
family. The funeral will ' be held'
from the home' of' her brother-in-law,
Mr. W. E. Treleaven on Monday on
the arrival of the noon train from
Mr. Jas. Aitcheson of Wawanosh,
ident of Morris township, may be
short of, many birthdays, as he was
born on February 29th, but he has a
good time over these celebrations jud-
ging by his x5th last Friday.
Minutes of Council Meeting heldin,
the township hall, on Monday, Feb.
i8, 1924. •
Members all present. Minutes of
last meeting read and approved.
• The Belgrave Sale Co., asked for
and received permission to- do road
work on the property leading to the
sca es.
has taken a position with Silverwood's Amending By -Law, No. 6, 1924,
Creamery here. providing for funds to complete, the
Mr. R J. Moore, who has been stlf-* Blyth Creek Ex. Drain, was passed as
fering from a severe attack of pneu- read. It was decided to install a tele -
again, also phone in the Hall.
tnonia is able to be out
Mr. Nick Hedley who some time ago
suffered, a fractured knee ,cap is able
to, be around on crutches.
Reeve Robt. Johnstodshas been ap-
pointed Director of the e' Ontario
Good Roads Association to succeed
the late ex -warden, Wm. &Own" of
The Library board meet last week
and elected the following officers:—
Pres. Jno. C. Murdock; Sec, .Mr, A. D.
McKenzie; ,Treas, Mr. W. Ailderson.
Last Ttfesday was a sample of what
we may expect any time now as
spring draws nearer. The thunder
The Auditor's report was presented,
examined and adopted. 1
By -Law, No. 5, 1924, authorizing the
Reeve and Treasurer to borrow mon- ,
ey for current expenses was adopted '
as read,
The time for returning the. Collec-
tor's Roll was extended till March
x7th. A refund of the extra Draiff shovelling $71.2i; Wm. Skelton, gra- Ramsay, refund Mather's Drain tale;
And there is no kind of footwear that is so well
adapted for wet and sloppy weather as
"Rubber Boots
We have a good vaiiety of the very best„rnakes of
"Rubber Boots" and our -
Prices ,are Most, Reasonable
Free delivery to all parts within the "20 mile limit"
The Leading Shoe Store-ot Bluron County
Phone 129. ' • Wingharn, Ont.
tax, paid by David Ramsay, en the yel $8 W. f. Shortreed, refund $101.3i; Peter McNala, /3.0.11., $3.00;
Mather's Drain was made.
Following accounts were paid:—
Municipal World Supplies, $21,6o;
Club Bay, $7.5o; Stationery, J. Mason
$3.25; „John McArthur, int. on 'deben-
road work, $1.2.00; Alex Murray, re-
fund road work, $4.50; R. Richmond,
dragging $9.0o; J.. Richmond, dragging
450; Duncan Campbell, repairing
catch basin, $1.50; Hullett Boundary
storm ,at night was especially severe hire
and a.gct. $129.73; R. Johnston and Peter
ijiiCockerline gravel'
$1.8o'• Wm. Anderson, gravelling • .
for a winter thunder storm and lm
mediately following such a long spell ' •McNab, auditors, each $12.00, D.
of cold weather, Lightning struck
pletely demolishing a chitlmey,
Mr, Peter Watson's residence, coin- anssmonomminsminnommennion-ammennunsonenimeminsommuessonin
A. MacEwen, B,.0.11„ $3.0o; R. H.
Shortreed,, 11.0.14, $3.00; Dr:•:$tewart,,.-
M.H.Q, part salary, $25.00: .
The next meeting'will be'. held,- at .„,
the Township Hall, on Monday, - Mar:, „,, • :"
17th., - •
A, MacEwen,' Clerk:
. .
Afr. John Hildred has returned to a
Toronto, after spending some time El
here as the guest of Mr. D. C. Taylor. mi
Mr. A. E. Bennett. of Chicago, spe-nt to
a week here with his sister, Mrs. Geo,
Some time,ao a,•Young Indian lad, 15,1,1 ,:
Miller, h , f 'g dash NI 3 ". - ' ' -61
wliohaderbeeenoiweorkaingchefocL andMrcash
a , al
ed it at one of the stores and left a ' Days wa -.
r '
Kings' eekly Store News *
Onl y Onl y
. "
Merchandise advertised here on Sale Thursday, Friday and Sat.
• urday Oftly—(Shop early as some 01 the lines listed
the quantities are liamited)
town. He was apprehended a few ffi
days ago and brought back to Luck- MI
now where he was tried on Friday, ral
receiving a sentence of fout. months
in jail. Magistrate IvIcNab of Walk-
erton, Presided. '
Mr. Bruce has moved into the (free)
house which he recently purchased.
We are glad to report Mrs. G.
Ostander is improving, she has been
suffering frorn neurites and lost the
Train your daughter as you will in sight of both eyes. ,
the hope that she will turn out right
an&then in a traffic jam she will turn
On Wednesday evening of last
week, a social was held in the base-
One of many happy gatherings
took place Tuesday evening, when
about 40 friends and neighbors of Mr,
and Mrs. Joseph Hall, invaded their
home, to bid them farewell before
their departure for Teeswater. The
evening was most pleasantly, spent in
songs, recitations and speech making.
Mr. Herd making a capable ehairrnan,
Every one doing their part to make
the evening one to be remembered,
A duet "The Little :Brown Church. in
the Vale" by Mr. and Mrs. Will Ir-
win being worthy of comment.
Mr. and. Mrs. Hall were then called
forward and presented with. a purse
and the following address, read by
merit of Eaclies Church, quite a num- M
her of the congregation gathered to- N
gether and spent a very enjoyable
evening. There was a program which 1.1
consisted of community singing, read-
ing and recitations, afterwards con-
tests and games, At the conclusion
of the meeting, lurmh was served by
the ladies and the social was brought
to„ a close by all singing "God Save
the King."
Miss Gertie Anderson of Wingham
was a week -end visitor with her friend
Miss Irene Mundell.
Mr, Robert Breen 6th line Turn -
berry spent Sunday with his brother mi
Mr, David Breen.
Miss Edna Lincoln is spending .a 111A
IVIrs. Thomas .Abrani presentation by few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs, Metcalf. Clarke Renwick, Howick,
To Mr. and,...Mi-s. Joseph Hall, Mr. and Mrs. 'John Mundell. of
Den -d • Binevale spent a day .last week at Mr.
We your friends and neighbors
occasion of your departure from a-
inong us to pass vvithout in some lit -
MMMMMMM..I ticway, showing our appreciation of
• 4, 4 •
and Mrs. Wm. H. Mundell's.
Mrs. R. J, Scott of Wawanosh,called at the home of Mr, and, Mrs.
Robt. Aitken one day last week,
Miss Mary Eadie has been visiting
, what both of you have done, for the with her sister Mrs, Charlie Cathers,
▪ welfare of our conimunity you have I-Iowick, •
anada's Favorite p.ractically lived your life amoung tis,
pg side of righteousness. The St, Augustine Branch of the
is lives that have abgays been on the &r. AUGUSTINE
NI •
X ,
NVasher is ,the si In every 'question that eatne tip re.
▪ tn.ent of ellr community 111"e. Vste Jas. Craig, on. March stli, Fifteen Ns
rommrompoolomovnwommanseso..../140-01.so mol,bas/ommoro
NewWash Dress
''' Materials
•Ginghams, Chambrays,
Percales, Ratines, Voiles,
Women's Institute held their regular
lating to the Kell being, arid improve- monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. m
knew on what side,' you. Would take members veare preset,
Or ni yo
so only say, that both of 'you ha,ve given, were given,' the first by Miss letsy
After u iness fairs two papers
MI might be a better place hi which to the second by \i/iss Annie Robinson
Pavorite because it is easy to work
and 'washes the .cloths thoroughly
without any hariri to the finest fabri.
It is ,specialy constructed of pelec.
ted Tub material that will not decay
with Yeat'S Of itage,
81d Witigha.111, by"
ur stand, and looking haelc We Can A bs f
▪ of your best that the neighborhood McAllister ori "inancitig the rarm,'
vc • ori "1\laking the Best of What we
I d bye 6 want to as- e These weie 0 owe y
saying goow av
NI sure you, that you will be sorely miss- selection on the Victrola, Mrs. George
▪ ed and lire feel that no greater com. Naylor then gave a demonstration
Ml pliment could be paid to anyone in Footing Cashmere Stckins, In
• leaving a neightoorhood, where a life April Miss Selina, Foran will demon- 1111
ticric has been livd. strate Oft "Salads" and Miss Annie mu
...I We ask you to accept this gift as a Robinson ou "Bandaging",
Inj slight token of our affection. and CS- Mrs. Nader kindly offered beef:ionic
1.1 teem and pray that in your riew Horne for the next meeting. The ineetitig
eajoY niatlY yeatS Of Well was then brought to a 00,4e Ivy sing -
III earned rest and find ftletds loyal ing God Savo ihe Xing, lainch was
Prices 24C 35e 50e to
Curtains and
Madras, Nets. Chintz
arid fancy Curtattungs
Prices 25c, soc, 75c to
$a.o yd.
Fully Bleached Circular
Pillow Cotton, all widths
44c yd
New Silk Gloves
Perrin Kayser Silk -Glo-
ves in the latest shades
and styles
Prices $x oo to $ so pe
. .
Natural Pongee
Special quality Potigee
Silk 78e yd.
Fine Naineheck
Suitable for Underwear,
Lingerie, etc,, no yd.
' aogrixtmeibiki,ilmwaktilt,441giciiekien4W041010144,111,.
at Less than Mann-
factu.reks' Prices
„ „
$175.00, Muskrat Coat for oo
$oo.00 Hudson Seal Coat
with Alaska Sable Collar and
Cuffs for' $365.00 • a
$475,01 Persian Lamb Coat
with Alagka Sable Collar and
Cuffs for $345aoo
(At IVIoney Saving Prices)
Extra quality brooms.....4c
Best blk or japan tea 68c
Clover Leaf Sal. S.-x8c
Raisina seeded per pkg :too
Lennox Soap
Palrricilivw'oap 4 for 250
Toilet Paper 7 rolls...._a5c
Choice Prunes
Choice Apricots, lb -20
Choice Dried Peaches
a lb.-
Men's Fine Ne
ligee Shirts
Sizes 14 to x71
Broken lines and sam-
ples, rtfg. $2.00 to $3.50
values $1.69
Young Men's
Brown and Blue with
neat stripe patterns, all
sizes $17.7s
Men's All Vliool,
Socks 418e pr.
Extra quality all wool
Boys' Two Pant
For agei 6 to x6 year,
Navy 'All Woril Snits
lion Underwear
W'atson's ilmsbrinkable
Underwear in Medium
weiht, $2'..69 Suit
New Lanky 8111
VanOy Itnitted° Ties in
narrow shape for young
tgeni 640 each
as and true as W6 WOuld ish to be. then served and a social half hour IN na ity and Service at Lowest PriceS
in gnd on ehalf of the oirirriumty i,)ent. ,
sttitable reply, wheti ,all Joined in sing.' De:1.4 zxst, i923,, in 8, S, yi taat
anan inarle v:ery '111.0 roteet-1-8 i1:0111 the coneert held
" lly Good "
irig CS a 0 Vv hysra1108 1 6 1180 8 0 0 8, C.
Wiling MU:1140. it ItOWAL'ItO DtAbil/ChtM"' 7...1.111h WAShen tserved bY the ladles Oi orga11. $3.00i 3 Pitav00
' and a "pleasant chat btattght the ay.' elialto $4.00" So„so; a Oill,011111110ifillig0110111110110101010111111*Illiilli110111102110111111*
Phorie 71.
0101:1101100,01/0/0111000010110/111100*10100010101101111 611111K GO eloSe, total * $ .5 .
, I
11' 414;441 1'1 ':''14 1 1 4 ' 14 1, ' 11 r 4 ',
• M „