HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-03-13, Page 641
1?itnleibeit: f€i
Wiens leant, Ontario
Every Thuredic; Morten() i o
A. G. SMITH, Eidieor and; Peeprietor,
H. B. Elliott, Associate Editor
Sabseripeion rates:-•-- One yewro
$2.00; six months, $1.00 in. advance.
£d 'e rtising raters op appiicetion.
&deertisements without sapeetfie) d.t
OttOtione will be inserted until tariii4
•find •charged accardingl7.
Cbaages for contract stiYertitter
talents bo in the oSies by noon. Y ,t)n•
Wellington Mutual Fire
Insurance Co.
lestablisla,ed 1840
Head Office, Guelph
Risks taken on all .classes ot insur-
ance at •reasonable rates.
ABNii)R Cs1SHINS. Agent.
J. W. I)OIil),
Of€ice to Chisholm Block
P.O. Box 366
Phone 198
ea1eetory and Other Bonds Bouelat and
Office—Mayor Block, Wtreghairn.
N ��
»A �S N
Money to Loan at Lowest Rates.
Wiinghann Ontario
R. G.
11. ROSS
s rael ate Royal College of Dental
graduate University of Toronto
Faculty of Dentistry
B.S .., M.D., C.M.
Special attention aid to diseases of
Women and Children, having taken,
1€3tgraduate werk in Surgery:
teriology and:; Scientiffo Medicine.
Olfice in the ,'Kerr Residence, between
the Queen's Hotel sAnd the Baptist
;.All bluffness given careful attention.
Phone 34. P.O. Bou 118
Dr. o.. C. R
1...R.C.P, (Lend).
(Dr. Chisholm's old stand)
!Graduate et (,adversity of Toronto,
Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate o° thee
Onterio college et Playa/alms and
' Gorgeous.
Once Entirance:
Dr. Margaret C. Calder
Genera( Practitioner
, Graduate University of Toronto,
Faculty of Medicine:
Ottice--Josephine St., two doors toaath
of Brunswick Hotel.
I elepkoaes. -Office 281, Residence 151
Osteophatic Physician
All Diseases Treated.
I, Office 'adjoining residence next
'ittnglican Church on Centee Street.
Open every clay except Monday and
� Wednesday afternoons,
Osteopathy Electricity
Phone 272
t .. iti GL1 as ?1 YSIC ANS
Dr » f» A_ FOX
Oftlee :Tours: 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.ni;
Wednesday y $.fternooins by appoint.
Anent only.
Te1epoie 191,
DR. D. » MciNNES
Qualified Graduate
Adjustments given for dissasee of
' iii kinds,•.speclalize In dealing with
atisdldrett, Lady atteadanL Night calls
1 iesisoiided to.
021ce oia Scott St,, , Winghata, Ont
cin InAt:te of the late 1a0 Wall(torl.
Fi. Phone 140.
Phnrtee, Clfh 160.
Trest1 ice,:,,224.
PU1t11 ,D13l,IsE.lt
P'CildliYilA% t)I%tTeCYVOII
'Or Egliipzinefnt
N't'.:l R I l')
Theurchases of new cars, are in -1
p r
frequent enough for:us to'forget the
experiences with -previous purchases.
It is inadvisable to be too certain of
the correctivenese of every detail of
the car, For sometimes the alignment
of the wheels is overlooked,, and . thie
detail is not brought out until the
costly reminder of ground -off treads
brings this forcibly to the owner's at-
Here is e. simple method the owner
can use to his own economical advert,.
tage to check the alignment. Drive
the car against the, side of a smooth,
straight curbing, not rapidly, but
rather glide the car to a stop with the•
right wheels resting closely and even-
ly in position. The wheels on this
side are then lined evenly, and for
purposes of testing con be disregard-
ed from further consideration.
Use a piece of heavy twine to check
the opposite wheels, by tying one end
to a rear wheel spoke, and pulling it
taut directly across the front wheel,
and find which surface comes in con-
tact with the tightly drawn string
first. It is permissible forthe front
of the tire to be one-eighth inch 'in-
side the rear edge. More than this
must be corrected,
Often a flivver engine will be hard
to start after a cold night. This
trouble is caused by congealed oil be-
tween the clutch disks,and the rem-
leave the e e in
is to ng�ln high ,
gear after it has been stopped for the'
night. This has a tendendy to force
the oil out from between the- disks.
Too heavy oil can also . cause this
Too much oil in a car will ca -use the
engine to smoke; it soots up the plugs,
making the engine miss explosions; it
accumulates in the head of the cylin-
ears, causing pre• -ignition and knock-
ing;' it makes the valves leak and lose
compression and power; and makes
the . engine overheat, which causes a
further loss of power. Excessive
bluish -white smoke from the exhaust
pipe la a symptom; of trouble tip-
preaching, slowly but inevitably.
From the felt of an old hat washers
may made for packing the stuffing
boxes of the water pump. These are
made, more effective if the felt has
been boiled in a mixture of tallow and
A cotter pin can be worked into a
hole much easier if one end of the
pin is shortened.
An old baking powder can and a
piece of three -sixteenths -inch ' cola
rolled steel or drill rod will make an
excellent knock detector. The device
is constructed by threading the rod
at one end for about one inch and
then -a hole to receive the rod is drilled
in thecentre of the bottom of the can.
Thread a nut onto the rod and then
place a washer against the hut, insert
the rod into the hole in the can and
fasten into position with another
washer and nut. Finally solder the
lid of the can innfosition and -the de-
vice Is completed... Holding the can
against the car and the rod against
the engie will permit loeating the
Watch for the little tread cuts in
tire casings. If thecuts are neglect -I
ed, the flexing actionof the tire will'
enlarge and dirt, •grime and: moisture,
will„'be forced through by the elastic
tread' rubber as the wheels revolve.
Foreign matter will deteriorate, chafe
and weaken the carcass.
IGokante Glacier Perk.
The scenic .beauty, of the mountain-
ous districts of Southern British Co-
lumbia has been known to the travel-
ler for many years, but until recently
no attempt had been made by either
the Provincial or Federal Government
to set aside land for the creation of a
park in that area. However, recogniz-
ecogniz-ing• the need of such a park, British
Columbia recently created the Koka-
nee Glacier Park, in the Kootenay Dis-
trict. No better location. could have.
been selected. The Park's rugged
landscape, its ,great ;areas of eternal
ice, its beautiful lakes and its magnifi-
cent waterfalls make the area one of
the scenic :gems• of Canada.
•The park contains an area of 100
square miles„ 50 square miles of which
are over- 7,000 feetin elevation and 85
square runes over 6, 009 feet. It is
literally studded with mountain peaks,;
the highest being', over 9,000 feet.
There are seven main :glaciers, the
largest of which is 8,square wiles in
area. In addition there are thirty
lakes about 6,500 feet in elevation, the
largest being: Kokanee Lake and Kaslo
Lake. There are nohigher mountains
for hundreds. of miles to the south,
east or west,.. while' to the north may
be seen the highpeaks of the Selkirk
Mountains and their hundreds of gla-
The accessibility of the Park will in
all probability result in a, large nnm-
ber of motoring touristst visiting the
area. The tourist can leave the City
of Nelsonand drive a distance of 20
miles, of which 12 males, are along the
beautiful north shore lake drive, to
the entrance of the Park at the Molly
Gibson Mine concentrator'on.Kokanee
Creek. It can also be entered from
Kaslo and Sloca.n Lake points, but "to
avoid delays and inconveniences it is.
preferable that one enter from Nelson.
Once in the Park, the motorist will
find excellent roads, as well as camp-
ing sites located at convenient points.
To the vacationist ' desiring to get'
but in the open and roughing it, Ifo-
lcanee Park is an ideal place. 1`t la as
fisherman's paradise. The lakes and
streams are teeming with ease, trout,
perch and other species. 'There is ex-
cellent 'Mountain climbing, both for
the novice and the expert, while the
hunter will Hind here splennndid sped-'
mens of big, ganre.
The opening of the Banff -Winder-
mere Highway last July already has
had a noticeable effect on the tourist
trate from the 'prairies and 'the
Unyited States to the Canadian Rockies.
Daring 1 2
t g 9 x 1-2� d, when the road was in-
complete, approximately 116,.000 peo-
ple visited the Rocky Mountain parks.
With the road completed and facilities.
for motorists' greatly improved, this
number, during the coming year,
should be ' greatly augmented, and as
Kokanee Park is only a Sew miles off.
the main highway, no doubt .it will be
visited by thousands of people from
the Prairies and "across the line.”
It is n1$ the mileage to and fro,
hither and yon, that entitles a nnan to
regard himself as a traveler. . If: he
goes, as Shakespeare would put it,
with his eyes openbuttheir sense
stay ;he might as well s ay at home
for all that he wilt • think and all that
he will truly see. "You must see not
merely with the eye but through the
eye," said a sage counsellor of young
Round and round the globe and over
and over the seven seas, trains, boats
and airships are transporting some
people who are little better than ani-
mate packages of merchandise so far.
as their reaction to their panoramic
environment is concerned. They tell
us they have been many times to this
place or that; but it does not appear
from what they say or from what
they seem to be that they were richly
educated or profoundly influenced in;
any way by the experience.
When you see how little some peo-
ple have done with . the Chances they
had, you feel what a pity it is that
others, who would have made much
of them, did not have those chances
instead. It is extraordinary how cer-
tain persons who stayed home and
studied know Europe and Asia to -day
better than certain others who yielded
to the wanderlust and roamed afar.
He who uses his faculties for all
theyare worth can make the tour of
the block and some back with the iia-
tenial out of which a genius like 0.
Henry could snake a short story. The
stone tillage were there for everybody
else who 'came along; but everybody
else passed unnoticed.
Coe of the most fruitful expiating
expeditions any raan can conduct is in
the devious bypaths and the hidden
fastnesses of -his own being.
1 MET t�+��: B,�ra.� 'rtj n A�
You tKNOW srtt. ‘4.A5 }ir lac; C7i t\
'flip. i^t -'W`.`,WO r liAcHANGE.
ul(iu�R ��Iu�edri
The Wind.
Of all the, phenomena of nature the
wind seems to be the one that iSmost
strikingly, endowed: with personality.
Sunlight, starlight,: moonlight, tliunder
i andn -
and lightning, rain s aw there is
no wide range of expressiveness in
any 'of thein. , But the wind has moods
and a many-sided ' character; indeed
there is no human 'emotion, no virtue
and no vice of -the human soul, that
does not find its representation or its
symbol in the blowing of the wind,
says: a'writer, in Youth's Companion.
The insane, destructive fury of man-
kind at war. has .its, oounterpart in the
tornado and the hurricane. Violent
gales, though less demoniac in temper,
show occasional outb'urs'ts of brutality
th e man be-
corxes+ponding to osthat hu
ings sometimes exhibit. Then there
are the mean-spirited, ill-natured gusts
atdo spiteful, malicious
that pi things and
play disagreeable practical jokes;-: ex-
periencing.them, we feel that the wind
is at heart a.vindictive 'bully. At other
times it Is better disposed, not yet
quite amiable—boisterously humorous,
usually at the expense of people who
dislike 'boisterous. humor.' But even
those people -will admit that now it has
got rid of its malice and 4s merely
Prankish and not above playing the
When the wind ceases to be aggres-
sive it becomes: gentle, confiding, sym-
pathetic, affectionate; it soothes and
caresses, it stimulates and refreshes,.
It seems then to have the most :agree-
able personality of ellthe forces in th`e
natural world, To the poet's imagine -
'flan it becoiin-es a lover murmuring en-
dearments, to hili l8.dy, ora mother
slnging,a lullaby to her babe, or an old
nurse crooning softly lb a,ehild.
The 'wind iet dike people; 'it 'cannot
always- be at its best.
And however much we may object
to it and denounce' it or long for and
weleome • it, of one ,fact we may be
sure: we can never do anything about
Novels in a Nutshell.
Much has been written in criticlsm
or English, French and Roseau novels,
but never have their essential natures
been so crisply described as in these
paragraphs of anonymous `origi II•.
An English novel 1& a book in which
two people want each other in the :,itrst
chapter, but do not get each other un-
til the last chapter,
A French novel is a book, in which
two people eget each other right in the
first chapter and from then on to the
last, chapter don't went each other' any
A Russian novel is one in which two
people neither want each other nor ,get
each other, and. round that fact four
hundred and fifty profoundly melan-
choly pages are written.
Ilnrdson Maxine, Dotedinvsator of the famous Maxim machine gun and
hi b. explosives, s still ver entice:. at the ae' of 71. It is said that he le
g la i Y a e g
working on a number of new inventions that will reVoleitioniee warfare.
4i FbC. -.Aft:► '1,"i4A`i" 1='eh\tZC"')'DEW LSNP
Cl'kNitr ih1 "tri oYi4r i=�
IhihdY VROt'r
Hat-tr.OVei-, l+ca tit 5'roPPe-0
eh :15, 1924.
le Salesroom an
When the Canadian National Insti-
tute for the Blind. was established
early in' 1928, it was faced withthe
tremendous problem. of not only locat-
ing civilian blind scattered throughout
Canada, but of laying the foundations
for industrial and other forms of
training and employment, It Was a
comparatively simple operation to se-
lect from among the blind those who
were capable of entering factories,
taking braining and reznaining for
employment. For those who could not
be employed in factories, however;
owing to, domestic or other reasons, it
was necessary to furnish training In
those occupations that might be car-
ried on in the homer The method of
furnishing this training through home
teachers has been explained in a pre-
vious article, The home teachers be-
gan their operations in the summer of
1918 and as a result of their efforts,
and the growing. 'skill of their pupils
It • was found necessary to establish
early in 1919 a supply department to
furnish raw materials and a sales de-
pfartnrent to receive and xcaarket their
finished products. Stroh a department
was organized in the spring of 1919
and termed "The Salesroom,”
For purposes of description and in
line with the nature sub -division of
the work of this 'department, we shall
consider it •under; the two headings:
lst, Raw Material Section, and 2nd,
Finished Products Sales Section.
This section was organized for the
purpose` of purchasing sift quantities
and therefore at wholesale prices,
those raw materials required by blind
home workers and selling to the indi-
vidual in the small quantities • desired
from -time to time without charging
for any administration: This : meant
that the individual could secure ,suit-
able qualities, convenient quantities,
and prompt attention to orders, no
matter how small, at prices which
were on, the average much lower than
those that.could be secured elsewhere.
This represented a great convenience
to the blind individual, - singe • he was
not of necessity held up through in-
ability to secure the raw materials de-
sired at any time nor was he kept in
uncertainty• as to the quality or price
of tha. materials desired; also he felt
that. even though he were located in
some scattered settlement in the far
north, east or west, h could secure
e o
his raw materials almost as, promptly
and certainly as 'cheaply as the indi-
vidual located closet to the centre of
distribution with the only extra
charge to hien showing in the larger
parcel _ post, express, or freight
charges; to his distant home. These
latter ;charges, however, were on the
average ;comparatively small and so
represented 'but . a' very small liana -
cap, .Further, it was the function of
this department ;to stock, or be ready
to secure at short notice, all materials
required from time to time by the
blind home worker and: to keep a
check on the prices and quality of
materials that might be available or
appear on the market from time to
time in order that every possible' ad-
vantage might be secured for the
home worker and thus assist him to
overcome to some extent his handicap
in meeting the competition of More
fortunate sighted producers.
It was found that many home .work-
ers could dispose of their products
locally and without difficulty while
others 'found but snralldemand in
their particular loeality for' the art-
icles that they were able' to produce,
It was therefore necessary to organ-
ize a eentral•agency which, could pur-
chase from home workers those pro-
ducts for which there was not suffi-
cient local demand, From this initial
start, the sales agency developed
along advisory lines as well since they
were hi a position to ascertain just
what they public wanted and to keep:'
the home 'workers informed as to the
articles which were most in demand
and therefore could be disposed of
most readily at advantageous prices
for the worker. The functions• of this
branch gradually rtniltiplied until fin-
ally it has become a toot important
factor in the work -a -day lives of home
workers, It secures orders of vary-
ing sizes from AVM, organizations
and individuals, distributes these ord-
Ars to blind . people in their hhrneee
who are thee enabled to produce con-
tinuously and in .wholesale gtatntities.
The blind home worker ships pnxt ions
or Completed orders to the Salesroofn
for which,: following close Inspectionn
its Activititts
of workmanship; e c„ he receiees cash,
The iS.'alesroom then applies the neves,
nary' finish in the way'„ of enamel,
paint, stain, varnish, antidisposes di..
rectly or takes into stock for future
disposal, :In this way the quality of•
workmanship, etc., appearing. - in
artilees` produced by the blind home
worker is kept up to standard and
the finish which may be required by
the trade possesses an excellence
which cannot he surpassed on the con-
tinent. The, demand for these pro-
ducts is constantly growing as the
public become ,educated'• to the: fact
that blind People can produce excel-
lent products of a utilitarian 'char-
acter and that these artieles possess
the necessary splendid and durable
finish. In its service to the blind, this
branch felt that to build - up .perman-
permanent connection and demand, it was
necessary to lend every effort toward
the securer of attractive finish,
This 'section, from its ,smell 'begin-
ning in 1919, has now developed to a
point where its monthly sales of raw
materials amount to nearly twelve .
hundred dollars. On the average over
one hundred and twenty-five : blind
,people purchase raw materials direct-
ly and steadily through this source.
From the small beginning in 1919
with but a few sizes of reed' for bas-
ketry, yarns for knitting, and cordage
for string bag making, we have now
reached a , point where aver„ thirty
Iines of materials and articles are
stocked, including reeds, willows, rat-
tans, yarns, cordage, thread, self-
threading needles, needle threaders
for machine work bases for trays and
baskets,etc:, basket models, etc, Be-
sides this, we have also secured stocks
of. Braille watches .for men and • WO -
Men, typewriters especially adapted, `-
Braille ;writing machines, tools and
other appliances necessary to blind
people in their every day life.
This branch, from its' early start in -
1919, with a few consignors, has;; now
reached a most important stage. Dur-
ing the year ending March 31st, 1920,
products to the approximate value of
four hundred dollaars were received
from home 'workers. ,For the year
er.dingMarch 31st
• 31st, 1921, these had
reached a value of eight thousand dol-
& s'
1 r by,.
March 8 1 st, 1922, seventeen
thousand dollars, and for the Year
ending -March 81st, 1923; thirty-three
thousandrticle -
a s were received with
a 'value of twenty-ei ht
y 8' ...thousand, six
hundred dollars. Tor the present year
• the 'value 'ofthese • articles will, it
estimated reach -the
re -
Can anyone gainsay
this evidence ofcord mark of forty thousand dollars,
•tile necessity for our sales provision
• or the :unqualified co-operation and
industry of •blind -people ?
Our nett article will deal with the
hone worker and his viewpoint, also
the larger opportunities he has been
enabled to grasp through the medium
of the Salesroom and its connections
as -operated by the G,anadian National,
Institute for the Blind, 62-64 Baldwin.
St., • Toronto. Branch Salesroom-acti-
t lesroom: acti-
vities are now being developed at
Halifax for the Maritirne Division' of
the Institute, at 'Winnipeg for the
Central Western Division of the In-
stitute, and' at Vancouver, for the
Provinces of British Columbia and
Alberta, in order to provide larger
'connection with the trade and relieve
shipping expense for blind individuals,
The Perfect Gentleman,
Johnny, having reached his teens,
wee invited out to dinner >witlion t hi
i s
parents. M'otlnor was at first doubtful
whether or no she should anew her
son to go. 'She was afraid that, with -
oat the influence of the .maternal eye,
he,. might disgrace himself.
"Now, be vary careful," she said,
having, at last given. way to his en-
treaties. "Mind your .manners, and
say how nice everything is,"
Seatet et dinner Johnny was served
with"soup. Having tasted it he re-
marked, intending
e-marl ed,'intending to -be gallant;
"This le pretty good soup, whet
there Is of 4t." -
HIe was greatly disconcerted to •se
a' dark frown on the face of his hostesw
and he ;hestemed to remedy his blues -10h
by rennarklpg; -
"And there's plenty or it, suh as it
Cultured Pearls.
The Ohineets produced "cultured'
pearls years ago by inserting email
or mother of pearl into shah
freshwater mussels
which they kept,
a -" IS IS TI-te.. Cat''i`id‘1ds
e 1,M1 t L, xii �r Vo Me- WOMAN `
1, " ani 5Ac, ii a.l.4.
Ilia` .N SPrY�i t1-1&_. --" v�1 E.- :.
I GUE,5 I'LL tc0EP PT,/ ,