HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-03-13, Page 3IT; _IS EASY' TO SAVE AT DOIVIINION,$TO ES AVE witlrotit sacrificing.. 'Save to -morrow as well as to -day, 'Mate'consistent ►•^,a" saving -da its and out. : o ,. a5'r Y .day y ur lr�bby as do the xnilla�n and more customers .� week at the 300DOMINION STORES.: RAISINS SEEDED OR ,SEEDLESS, i. -'oz. packet COFFEE RI CHM ELLO 1 lb. o 65c RICHMELC1. L ' %2 ib; _ - 33C ' NEW CHEESE (Save the Coupons) Ib. - - OLD CITY CURRANTS, 1O -oz. packet ivy., -� D.S.L. BAKING POWDER, .' • 1 -Ib. tin-gC SHELLED WALNUTS. cis (Pieces), lb. -LC • CLARK'S PORK and BEANS, No. 2 -1C HORSESHOE, CLOVER LEAF or MAPLE LEAF SALMON; 22c 1-1b. tin - - - - -4 OC BRUNSWICK SARDINES, 3 this for - 1.c PURE LARD _� No. 3 pail BLUE ROSE1 RICE,; 3 lbs., for -2 ® C TIGER or EAGLE SALMON (Cohoe), L'/ -lb. tin CROSSED FISH SAR- DINES (in olive oil or tomato sauce), tin AL I C BURN A NAVEL ORANGES 33c nd 45 . SUNDAY AFTE NO';i N Blest the man who fears Jehovah, Walking ever in His ways; Thou' shalt eat of thy hands' .labor, ,A.d be. happy, all thy days. (Thou shalt see Jerusalem prosper, Long as thou on earth shalt dwell; Thou shalt see thy children's children And the peace of Israel. blessing; that; from Thee alone com- eth every good and: 'perfect gift. Perfect in" us Thy grace that we may wait patiently the fulfilling of Thy will: for us. In. Jesus' name we ask it. Amen. S. 8. LESSON FOR MAR. 16th, 1924 Lesson Title—The Reign of David. Lesson Passage -2 Sana. 7:18-26; Golden Text—Psalm 4.os8. David, and his. predeceasor Saul, PRAYER ' came from the farm. His father Bowing before the throne of The Jesse, traditiontells us, lived in Beth Eternal may we praise and magnify lehexn and wove sacred carpets, but His holy'' name, We would praise farmed land in the neighborhood as Thee for all Thy loving kindness and well. He pastured numerous flocks. tender mercy shown to us thus far in of sheep on the slopes and hills and life. May we rest in the assurance the tending of these was given over that Thou art the scource of all our to the youngest son of the family, the 07.1r0 KM .via.:, a,, V. ,„,ru ta,p; others being engaged in military pur- suits. This work was good training for his future career. .The hardy life in the open air developed him physi- cally, and constant watching against wild animals made him . courageous. and expert in the use of the bow and string, and thesolitariness of the life contributed to thoughtfulness, so that in after years there game from his pen such expressions as: - When I consider • Thy 'heavens, the, work of Thy fingers, The moon and the stars which Thou hast ordained; What is man, -that Thou are mindful of him? And son of man that Thou visitest him? - When about fifteen years,of age leis quiet, uneventful life was broken in upon by a summons to leave his,. eau rr: vu. ci. esseremaxemeinsommemase remaxe 6111td spe;1itsable ,ulllistes&' Awother whole -hearted endorsement comes from Mr. A, W. Vlialliams, Cetera' Manager of the Berle Ewart Ice Company Limited, Toronto, who. says: "We have been No " tag cord trucks for than 1ast•elght'years And find bthere isidispensable its our 714AylbrdProdnininates Egulq se Fleet virmters In almost every business where fast and economical delivery service is a factor, Ford trucks have established an enviable reputation. The experience of Robert Simpson OompanyLimited,isa-typical example. The Robert Simpson Company operates one of thelargest truck fleets` in Toronto, 55 Fords, This fleet has proved so satisfactory that it is being constantly enlarged: so practical and economical in oper- ation that during the past five years not a single car or truck has been traded in.. The, prompt and efficient delivery. systextrurhich is an inseparable part of this store's service to the public is laige- ly due to the flexibility and staunch endurance of this Forel delivery fleet, The Ford has the col 1idence of its users. That's why there are so many Ford users. See Any Aiathorhi*ed Pord Dealer Nh WJN'GHAM A i TA CE`Tines clocks and return to Bethlehem, the great prophet Samuel had app ed in their midst to °offer sacrifice had inquired particularly for Da He e had in reality been sent by .Lord to anoint one of Jesse's son the successor of Saul, whose diso ience and self-will had lost him throne, Many years were to ala before David would assume the k• ship of Israel, but in God's wise P videnee, the future monarch was t early designated, though the fact not disclosed, to Saul. Indeed, the significance' of the ceremony w took place in, the presence of his o family was not made known to but David, upon whom "the spirit the Lord came mightily from t day forward." He continued to feed his fath flocks, but, whenever he could sparest, he attended the School of Prophets taught by Samuel at Ra and there he grew mentally and s itually, quietly awaiting God's 16 ing, He was sent by his father. see how his -brothers'; fared in the fare against the Philistines and th he slew Goliath of Gath, He rete ed to his occupation, but after a ti he was summoned to"the court play sweet music to appease the of frenzy into which King�*Saul peatedly fell. These new surrou ings and experiences gradually fit him for the positiorl'.to, which he designated. Quick :promotion folio ed until he was accepted in the 'si of all the people as their leader. his return from a great victory o the Philistines, when they were pelled from the country, the, wom went out to meet the victors with sic and dancing. The refrain of th song was: Saul hath slain his thousands And David his ten thousands. This reaching the ears of Saul s red in hurl a bitter jealousy, whi after prolonged conflicts ended in, D vid's having to flee- the court and b come an outlaw. This, too, was training caned for hardship. and s fering and the trial of his patien factor in his life's preparation; t He took -up his quarters in the Ca of Adullani, and many dissatisfi with Saul's government joined : hi there, These he formed into an ar and with. great skill and labor th emerged, after many months, a we disciplined body of'men. With th army of 600 men he marched again and repelled ,en invasion by the Ph istines,. but, on hearing that Saul w searching for him, he marched ba to the. hills of Judea. The Pliilistin again invaded the land,. inflicting. severe defeat on Saul's army, which time Saul met his deat Then David returned and took up h residence at Hebron, where the elde of the tribe of Judah gathered roun and elected him' to be their kin Abner, the leader of Saul's force espoused the' cause of his r•emainin son, Ishbosheth, and for five years state of hostility existed between th rival forces,. but "David waxed stron er and stronger and the house of Sa waxed' weaker and weaker," so th onr:the murder of Ishbosheth, the el ers of Israel and a very large follow ing went to Hebron and offered Da -id the throne of Israel, The Phil stines, seeing David's power increas 'ng, made a sudden and unexpecte ttack and caused him to retire fro Hebron. This was only. a temporary setbacic, for, .. acting on the word ' of he Lord given him through the high priest, he proceeded against them and won such a signal victory that ...-the Philistines gave up the hope of con- quering the Israelites at that time. 'David went on, and grew great, and he `Lord God of hosts was with Min" 5,th). He ri.ow turned his' attention o the internal affairs'of"'the country, rid seeing the -need of capital more entral than Hebron he set about the rduotis task of conquering the city f Jerusalem,. an important fortress hen in the laud' of the Jesusites. his he succeeded in doing in such a ay as to call forth: congratulations ons foreign nations, chief among Mean being Hiram, King of Tyre, who ffered aid towards the erecting of avid's palace and other government uildings in the new capital. When avid finished the setting up of the at of temporal power in Jerusalem. e turned his t :,anghts to the proper raising of the ark still at Kinjath- arim., He made great preparations ✓ its home -bringing and at length was placed in a tabernacle near to e palace with great joy and feast - g, In the course of - time "it came pass when the king sat in his Ouse` and the Lord had given him st round about from all his enemies at the .King said unto Nathan the ophet. See now, I dwell in an house cedar; but the ark of God dweileth thin curtains. And Nathan said the king, Go do all that ie in, thine art; ,for the Lord is with thee," ut that night the word of the Lord me -to Nathan in a dream that Da- t should not build the house for the k but that his son should after he s dead:--"I-le shall build an house r my name; and I will stablish the one of his kingdom for ever" erses xe-r6).. The message brought Nathan was .full of compensation the disappointment in not being owed to perform the desire of his art. His heart was filled with joy, that he hastened to the sanctuary ere the ark was and poured out his gra in a ;prayer of thanksgiving; d petition. rses x8-26:—David's: Prayer. h fpr the enemies of his country, firmly es- ear- tabiiishing the Hebrew monarchy and raising it to a =place of 'influence, a - mon Oriental nations. In the promise which David receiv- ed from God by the mouth of Nathan. the high priest, that the kingdom should be, an everlasting leingdoin'was foreshadowed the coming of great David's greater Son ---Jesus Christ, WORLD MISSIONS MacKay of 1�'orniosa (By Rev: J. Lovell Murray, D. D,) "My grandfather fought et Water- loo; his martial soul went into any blood; and when once I owned the Saviour King, the command. "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gos- pel to every creature," grade me a sol- dier of the Cross. To be .a mission- ary,: became the passion of my life." In those words George Leslie Mac- kay tells how he entered on his great careen He was the first foreign mis- sionary to' be sent out by the Western division of the Canadian Presbyterian rhureh. Dr. Mackay's death occurred in igoo. This was his last message to the Canadian church: "Will For- mosa be won for Christ? " No matter what may come in the way, the final. victory is as sure as the existence of. God," and vist. the as bed - the pse apg- ro- hus was full larch wn any of hat er's be the Rai p}r- ad- to war- erC rn- ine to fits re- nd- ted was w- ght On ver ex - en m eir tir- ch a- e - a tif- ce he ve. ed m my ey 11 - is ' st %1- as ck es a at h. is rs d g. s, g a e g cul at d- a a fr t se It ie fo it th in to h re th pr of wi to he ca vi t ar wa fo thr by for all t he •so wh gr an David spoke very humbly of . him- self, of the family from which he had sprung and of his attainments (ver- ses 18.2o). He spolte very highly of God's favors to him in the past and of his promises for the future, He ascribed it all to God's free grace (v. 8.15: -Israel's Triumph. From the peaceful oecupations of good government and rcligous obsei'- atices we turn in the eighth chapter to a tecital of wars with all their at- tendant horrors, The Philistines, who had been defeated in the earliest years of David's reign, returned with. renewed force and besides other ene- mies threatened the kingdom. At the close of these wars we find David at the height of . his glory, 'lio had completely destroyed the power of The spirit of the man lay in these words. His confidence in God was all --conquering. He was not surprised when impregnable: fortresses of 'hea- thenism became 'citadels of Christ- ianity. He would have been sur- prised had they remained what they were. It was for him to lift high the cross; it was -for Christ to draw rnen unto Himself, emu s Rude Rural Rhymes { a A. Rude Rural Dialogue The pitchfork parked within the mow, said, "I may Zest from labor now, and dream of pleasant summer fields where I was lord of . all the yields, when winrows thick or fertile land would rise and move at my com- mend,. Hay harvest now is snug in. barn, the ice is thick on brook and tarn. My work well done, I'm sit- ting pretty, with, time to sing this lit- tle ditty. Hay fragrance upward to me swells, and, though . it's mixed with other smells, from where my cousin dung fork dwells, this is the life, there's no use talking, for any tool that lives by forking." The dung fork answered, "Hey there, brother, let's speak,rightplain to one another, I hear your brags, but where'd you be if it were not for such as me. The dude may hold his "dainty nose, but from my , strength the porn crop grows, the sweetest fruit, the fairest rose; and green grass grows ,up all around where'er my frieght is spread on. ground.- Come join with me, a perfect match; for what I start you later catch. Since cattle first were pent in byres, we've served mankind, both sons and sires. In spite of load- ers and of tedders, in . spite of these new-fangled' spreaders, • you still in summer fields shall play and hist the heavy heaps of hay; and within the farmer's grip willsling my stuff with mighty flip. BOB ADAMS. KINLOSS February Report of S. S. No. x,, Kinloss. No. on register 44, average attendance 40.81, percentage of at- tendance exeee, The school was in session frill time, twenty-one days of which twenty-two scholars attended every da'y. The pupils are arranged in the order of merit, based upon their . daily lessons and weekly exam- inations. Honors in 4th class—Annie Moore, Jean Scobie, Nettie Lott, Wallace Conn, Edna Morrison,. Pass in 4th class—Scott : Paterson, David ' Henderson, Russel Gaunt, Laura Conn, Isabel Purdon, Clara Purdon, Dawson Craig. Failed in 4th class—Edward Wadel, Grace Richardson. Sr. 3rd. class --Gladys Garton, Chas, Henderson, Robt. Henderson, Russel Moore, Bruce Martin, Eliza Wade], Roy McGregor, Agnes Wilson, Clar- ence McClenaghan, Donald Ross. Jr. 3rd --John Garton, George Gar- ton, Athol Pardon, Fred Lott, George Ross, Ella. Wadel, James Richardson, 2nd -Millan Moore, Mildred Scobie, Ruth Moore, James Henderson, Edna Warfel, John Morrison. rst—Merle Gaunt, Lorna McClena- ghan. Primer --Stanley Moor ,e Norma Morrison, Jack Gilespie, Hector Purim don, James Wade', P. "Gowans, teacher. SPRING TIME AGAIN (Written for The Advance -Times); The winter is passing,, And with it the blessing That no other season's obtain, Its snow was a treasure, Its storms were a pleasure, But its nice to have springtime again, 'Tway .a short snappy season, And there is no reason For anyone now to complain, Still there is a feeling Comes over us stealing It is nice to have springtime again. The ico is now thawing, And children hurrahing As snow leaves the mountain an The plain, y. are tired. of skating, And now they are waiting The pleasures of springtime again. Soon we'll welcome again The Bluebird and Wien And the I3ob-olinlc's song in the lane Then the Swift and the Swallow Will quickly follow, It is nice to have springtime again. The bushes, the bowers And sweet scented flowers Are waiting to join the refrain, When the bird from the south With .a songin his mouth Sings, "heer tip its springtime again." T, A. Calhoun, London, Mort!) yE frond W., Sinclair Continued front last week tasks such are every bous-Tiw to t meLf-hnposed in her own bozo,. She was seldom lonely. She marveled et that, It Wass -outline iu her axreri- enae. All tier old dread of the pia, found silencer the pathless forests which infolded like a prison wall,.;dis- tances which seemed. imposelble of spam, bad vaeislted. Tia ltru place bad fallen over her an abiding , segs* of peace, of seeurlty: T1e. tasty ;storm winds whietltng about the eaten sang a restful ,lullaby, When the mrelves lifted their weird, mel aelioly pletnt to the cold, star -jeweled skiers, gbe lis- tened without the old shudder. 'T11esse things, which were wont to oppress her; to seed her Imagination reeling along morbid way, Seemed but a na- tural aspect of lite, of which she her- self was a part. Often, sitting before her glowing fireplace, watching a flame lrindled with her own hands with wood she herself carried from the pile outside; slie pondered this. It defied her pow- ers of self-analysls. She, could only accept it as a fa of and beglad. Gran - vine and all. that Grenville atood 'for lead withdrawn to a more or less re- mote background. She could look ever the frost -spangled forests and feel that she lacked nothing—nothing save her. mate. there was no impression of transient' .abiding; no chafing to bo elsewhere, to do otherwise. It was ,bome,_she reflected; perhaps that was why. A simple routine' served to fill her days. She kept her house shlnliig, she cooked her food, earned . in her fuel. txeept on days of forthright storm she put on her snowshoes, and with -I a little ride in the crook . of her arm prowled at random through the: woods —partly because it gave her pleasure to range sturdily afield, partly for the physical brace of exertion in the crisp :dr. Otherwise she curled comfortably ,„ t'fare the fireplace and sewed, or read .nn±ethtng' out of Bill's catholic as, ,,rlwent of b'vuk% ft. Prete $1*lit her, also, to learn the tree meahf+ of neighborliness, that IrintllliiesN ltd spirit vvhieh is stifled hay stress its tl a Crowded places, and atlra- Mated bi lllt{a stress. undd s;urrons::4- ings WheNi llte .is6 noncomplex, direct, where (tense and effect tread on each othe e heck. Eivery day, if she felled to drop into their cabin, came oner of bei' rtellihbara to see if all Frere well with bel. tdto as a matter of course 3'ake &teat Steadily replenished for bei a greet pilo of therwood. Or they would aerie, babies and all, bundied In furs of 39tlie'e trappieg, jinglins up of en evening behind the Frisky bje, Azad %lino thio Grays munched hay In Roar - ng 1?iill Wagstaff's stable, they would a luster about the open benrth, ptapplzt orn for the children, talking, always tpith cheerful opttnxt•sma. Bohl d I.,aue'e rand blue woo lurk-. d a mind that burrowed l eosantty the 'cots of things. He laud lived red worked and read, and, "pondering t sift, lie had summed up a few of the antics, "Life, It los gitfep ua, un6 ve inlet if it make der best ve can," he' sold nese to k'la;ael, fondling a hew books to had homing! gd to mad at home, Life hes Boot, gust der lldlnr, o:f Ude', it my v'e go not astray after dor 'o1. b dinPge--and if der self brosetrraUon truffle wars us not out so dot ce anot enjoy being [life. So many struggle and slave ,nacler terzdble nditions. Dud it Ism largely because ignorance,. Ve know net vet ve ean o ---and re shrink vrom dor unknown, ere Ise acres by der dousand vree der man vot can oft It make nee— d dousands vet lifts and dies and ffer Kase n home, Here iss goof, can air-und in der ehmoke and molls and dirty streets fes a ravage tuberculosis. Der balance les not ne. tend In der own vay der tach full off drouble—drunk mit +�cfte- nt, veary mit bleasures. Mb, der )ds and mountains and stretune, sty et/ food, and a kindly neighbor as not dot enough? Daly der .ab - rural vette more as dot, Dud I din* r droublo tss largely dot der modern, h-bressure etalirmation makes for der normal, vedeor a roan 1sss a million. o or vorks in der brewery, content- nt lee a .state off der mint---und if mind works mit logic it V•Ill content d in der simple dings." t sounded like a pronoauicement of l's. But Lauer did not often grow lone. Mostly he was ;jovially cheer - and his wifo 1ilr;e; Ise. The North d emancipated them, and they were al to' tho source of their deliver - 0. And Hazel understood, because herself had found the Md laud n efactor, kindly in its silence, rest- In est In its forested peace, n case for nese of soul. ice now tt had eued her from herself. ovsimber and Den went their ebited way --and still no wor] of If now and then her pIltovat was she straggled mtghtuy against do' salon. She was not lonely Its tite sfgettieranee of tbo wet d --hot 'ate ed :passionately for blue Arid held feat to her faith that he Id come, he last of the.old yew alas whom o abroad, ventured' iseidein boron Clearing. And' on arearr* eve r. e,..Lt uer'ss Zito rLerrl a e e to a t o. 0 1 0 8 is go Ise co off d to an ne Ed sh ,af ti tee Erse hie vo, n0 de hlg ab air nae der ,in 1 ail ser tut, tied oy IEnc she ben ful tick res 14 apt? Bill wet dire long she won s rl art _Lp, Wipe as re ,)ia, oil x'13+•te w,s rrak u aoarirTl. She 1bad ltt.eu cl >p iia Nfivertheleso snarl p¢ic, trtnor knew, 'tbet"ewe oleo wFlts In t,bo iioonl, l'ad 4Iis thio sirusF�i art alr1 upesdng, ial,941 Cli.teared t'btomgt hz r:asixts bei. rebs tta:sitstod an' las.tCu tbrot�tglr *''ear, hnr atuiiq tri th+ ireoa'ilGaii riving stege feet' load etter�y to r her; bet l►olpo had , lestpad poly to !lett gi'gke#iingly, shot alto half p�erossdted it tawrit, be a die Ilctlli th s bnpres loft lets sL gttl essxed.'', pi6' slipped oat of lead. Ph* hoax o tlU e ro • • s osd tJ lggbtly al�ax; k'i•tll atns�t.' 1bratore ttae Aropltseq, slu shaggyfur cap, 'aratled fax back an As bead, hie gauntlets' ming.'lag lege, til cord hl, e t Y,de neat, shoe had lett t toed of cadtls en ttae 19ut'd, j ttjt i ;loyr : pstsss r Ily est t4i fy ti ,. hed face. 13est `c11e rraarke of k!.it Nl''a✓1'MR f; bnal 1n 1. data >*g splX i r lr stsstlalty basad, the tion lidbe'lapre t14tFt etuatf red on fills a tie4yrf'ol i 1 •wbfl t traces of lreirdsldp " ,stl et 1 111 they were fox'gotteu Oho peer . ,. mxpreeelore tltat'everekadow'red bits Wonder and unbelief and leltelagi.lb all mirrored there. She teak at 14 ft' step forward to pee what riveted 0 gaze, And despite the choking Nene Ratio© in her throat aha smllsed• ' she bad taken off hex little, beadele moceasins and left them lying en the bearskin before etre lre, and.he ersdst staring down at theist like a man freak - wakened from a dream, unbeltevi P , • and bewildered. With that she opened the deer'act�l ran to him. He started, es 1f she bad been a ghost. Then he opened hie arm and drew her close to hlm . 'BIni, little wrist made you se loagr' she whispered. "I gneiss it served nig right, but it seemed a never-ending time:' "what made • sae so long?" he- echoed, bending his rough cheek down against the worm smoothness of hers. "Lord, I didn't know you wanted roe.. I ain't no telepathist, hon. You never Peeped one little word since l left. k ow long you been here?" "Since last :September;" She smiled up at .him. "Didn't Courvoiseur's: man deliver a message from me to the mine? Didn't you corse in answer to my note V' • "Great" Caesar's ghost ---since Sag- temher—atoned 'Ifou poor little girl he murmured,. "No, if you sent words to me through Cnurvolseur 1 never goo It. ' 1lfnyhe something happened his man. .1 felt the Klapp= with the, lira But elle had been forestened therre, learned ba the nezt breath. "Oh, bother nothiag," tire. Lamer de. dared. "Why, we'd be ashamed it We couldn't ,heIp a little. And far's OM load goes, you ought to see the tow heautitni horses your husband kei /eke have, You don't know how mu& Atka appreciates it, nor what a filA man he thinks your husband it. aeeded horses so t,ad, and didn't have the nAoney to buy. So ldr. Wagstrift met say a thing hut got the tearti f proveraents on your land, eon they could pull twiee the load moat of the way 'Mow. Quito a lot settlers, too, as much nio fifty or abrty allies out And we've got the finest gardoe :Feu ever saw. Vegetables:, enough to feed four families all wiz - ter. Oh, your old cities! I never want to live in one again: Never a day hars- the kiddies been sick. Suppmie it is bit out of the worldS Youhts all the more pleased when somebody defer, happen along. Polies is so different la a new corantry like this. There's plene ty for everybody—and everybody helps, like neighbOrs ought to." Latter came up after a time, and Hazel foetid herselt unequivocalle their hands. With the matter of trans- porting herself and euppliee thine solved, She set out to find 1T'ellx Cour- voiseur—who would know how to got word to Bill. He might come back to. the cabin in a month or so; be might not come back at all unless he heard from her. She was smitten With st great fear that he mieht give her uy as lest to him, and plunge deeper into athemezwildlad.erness in some mood of reck- lessness, And she Wanted hlon, longed for him, if °ale so that she ould maks) 't:tens,rhileagcoo.uld deliver a message to BBL Wagstaff; that is, he could send a man. Bill Wagstaff was in the Map -- word of Vero 'e go," Oeurvoiseur roes- isiutyrehdruhzzere,r4ar, ?nig, 1DIcaaill; 43reotselatuelel; eviler le madame eea come or weesh tor forward message, geet heetn to me goods In a weather-beaten old log, hfiuse Which sprawled a hundred feet hack from the street. Thirty yore, he told her, he bad kept that store Irk Fort Ocerge.. She gueesed that Bill Itrsee.ieeted hini because Ito WW1; ii, She sat down at his counter tued: v. -rote her triesPnge. Tust a few terse, hnes. And when she had delivered it to Courvolseur she Went haeh to tht. hotel. Thero was nothing nOW tp do' lee:welt. „And With th,n, message, un - ‘;',or ,wey she found herself impatient in reach the nigh, to'spend the watt. ing days where she had fleet fennel alt teed