HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-03-13, Page 1-711F151V1...
Single Copies, Five Cents.
' AUCTION SALE -0f Stock, Imple-
ments, etc., at Lot 28, Con, 12, East
Wawanosh, 011 Friday, IVIarch 21st,
No reserve, see bills. D El, Mart-'
in Prop., John Purvis, Auct,
AUCTION SALE—Valuable Horses,
registered and grade Shorthorns
and Yorkshire Hogs, at Lot 4, Con.
3, Morris, at x o'clock on Friday,
March e4th. As the proprietor has
given up farming, all this Stock
must be sold. Jobe Coultes, Prop.,
-a John Purvis, Auct.
AUCTION SALE -- Farm Stock at
. Lot 33, con. 3, Kinloss, On Monday',
March 24t1i. William A, Ta.ylor,
Prop., John Purvis, Auct.
APPLICATIONS -- The municipal
council of the Township of East
Wawanosh are asking- for applica-
tions for the office of tax. collector
for the present year at $75,, Appli-
cations will be received up till the
next meeting of the council on
March •a5th. A. Porterfield, clerk.
BABY CHICKS—O. A. C. bred to
, Jay S. C. -White Leghorns and Barr-
ed Rocks, orders booked now for
April and May Price, 15c. each.
, 'Arrangements made to hatch cus-
tomers ow a eggs if preferred. Mrs.
• .'e°. U. nortune at ,Ino. W For-
tunes, R. R. No. a Wingham.
Wroxeter phone No, 612 ring '3.
Sale ---Immediate possession, house
, barn and three lot's, best location in
village, suitable for gardener. Terms
to suit buyer. Address 39 Cliff
Ave, Hamilton - Ons •
, ,••
"BABY CHICKS—Order your baby
chicks now for future delivery. We
are prepared to fill all orders this
season. Our breeders are •all pure
•bred Barred Plymouth Rocks, bred
, to lay strain. All selected stock,
no culls. Chicks only twenty -cents
, -each. Chicks from pedigreed
stock thirty cents each. Hatching
eggs thirteen for one dollar. Eggs
' from pedigreed sto6k • thirteen for
two dollars. John Keen Box 277,
' Phone 4 on 625. -
FARM FOR SALE -5a acres, The
property of the late J. I. Kennedy
^situate about three milesfrom the
: Village of Whitechurch. For. Pal--
ticulars apply to R. Vanstone, Wing!.
•the United Farmers Co. -Operative
- Creamery.
DOG LOST—On Thursday, March
6th., bitch hound, black and white,
with some tan. Finder will be
„rewarded. A. Patteson, Winghani.
FORSALE—,Amberola Edison Phon-
ograph in first class condition,
about fifty records. For quick sale
$55.0o will buy, Apnly at The Ad-
FOR SALE2-New Range Cook Stove
slightly used guaranteed,. New Kit-
chen Table and Chairs, Bed ROE=
'Suite, Mahogany, Rug and other
• -articles. • Reasonable for quick sale.
. Apply Mrs. A. W. Lawlor, MinIiie
FOR SALE—About 150 bus. of bar-
ley, also about 400 bus of Ontario
.Oats. Apply to A. Fox, White
church. •
FOR SALE -- Second Hand Steel
Range with reservoir and high clo-
set .in good condition, also •three
grained doors with locks and hin-
ges. Thos. Kew, Frances St.
HOUSE FOR SALE — Two storey
• brick, eight rooins and. pantry, three
• piece bath, hard and soft watet, hy-
dro, ,furnace, large lot. Apply to
Miss IVIcCracken, Frances St,
HOUSE TO RENT—On corner Ed-
ward and. Victoria', Sts. All ' con-
veniences. Apply to Alex. Cason.
NOTICE-4 have been making and
tr•inuning Men's Suits for $15.00
and although trimanings have ad-
vanced in price, I will make • and
trim for $15,00 until further notice.
A. VT. Webster, up stairs over the
Advatce Office.
PIANO TUNER—Piaims awl Or-
gans timed and repaired, Orders
left at jerome's Jeiteelry Store. N.
Yost, Heintztnan & Co., Represent-
• ative. ,.. .
TO RENT—Furnished house, on Vic-
toria St. Apply to Alex,. Carson:
TIONEY—Pure Clover Honey at 14c
,.. per lb. in 5 and so lb, pails. Ask
for special rates oft 300 4b. orders
• or over. We pay gpecial, attention
to all Western orders and guarantee
shipment. • For further particulars
,apply to Thos. Kew, Wirigham, or
The Cottle Apiaries, Whitechurehe
SCREENINGS—A car of re-eleand
Screenings has just arrived, come
aad see these before buying. They
• are good, Our Shorts are 28 per
too. Secure yom. suppl Howson
. & 1-Iowson.
1tAW. FURS WANTED -4 will pay
highest cash price for raw furs, 0.
Gallaway, Edward St„ Wingham.
TENDERS -The torporation of the
•Towaehip of TtIrtlbOtrY, will receive
tenders for a man 0,nd thtee suit -
„able horses for each of two light
• graders to commence work- at the
- call Of the reeve. Lowest er any
tender not necessarily aceepted.
Tenders Must be hi the hands of the
,Ondeteigried not later than April 1.
ket is Crilikeheetk. Clerk.
eSS- :es
” Miss L. Lyons of Lucknow, has ac-
cepted a position as saleslady with
Hanna & Co.
The Wingham Farmers Club have
unloaded 7,200 bushel • of oats since
last October arid we understand they
have another ear on the road,
Owing to weather Conditions Mr.
Stevenson has found it impossible to
go ahead with. the masquerade carni-
val advertised for Wednesday night,
Sympathy is extended to Mr. Lorne
.Aitcheson whose little one year old
daughter, Nora, died at their home in
Norwich on Friday night. Mr,
Aitcheson is a son of Mrs. E.- Aifehe-
son, Shuter St, •,
Friends will be pleased to learn that
Mrs. A. M. Hanna is getting around
again nicely since her 'serious opera-
tion in Winglia:rn General Hospital.
Mr. Hanna is brakeman on the Lon-
don Huron & 13'ruce.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw, ' of
Bluevale, announce the engagement of
their daughter Wilma, to Mr.,,Leonard
Gates, son of Mr. and Mrs, 'Geo.
Gates, of Pickering. The marriage to
take place this Montle
Mr. Peter F. Doig, Fordwich, wish-
es to announce the engagement of his
only daughter, Lillie Ilene, to George
A. second • son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Ashton, Gorrie, Ont., the
marriage to take place quietly in
Mr. and Mrs. William R, Elliott of
Centralia,Ont., announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Mabel Ena, to
esseesenennetteseseenteteese-stesseessetessa.nselessestresise '' ie.,
. Subseriptioris $e.ote per Year.
. ,
swim ii1111111111611111111*10 rshe'
ere*titsetsi AYzbi''. Afi ''''''
Mr, T. j... McLean is on a business -111!
trip to Toronto. N
The lightning on Tuesday night of into a trunk and set fire to the cloth- withfrien ds in Toronto. - N' a,
0 • Miss Doris Fells spent the week -end el MIXED
last week played havock at the home ing i
g a it, and Passed on to a num- Mr. j, W. Smith, cattle buyer, was Fe_
of Mr. John Elliott, of East Wawa- ber of books which were burned to a a business visitor in Toronto, '1 •RI •-•
nosh. lair, Elliott and his son Will, crisp. Going down through the floor •
were absent" from home at the time taking plaster and stove pipes in its Miss..Nora Gracen of Loudon'. is ill
I For Me Ladles For the Men w
and Mrs, Elliott and Miss Elliott had mad course.
retired for the night when the light- • Mrs, Elliott put out the fire avail. Ring, _., ill 1. 41 value for 50o.
1, $1 liable for50u. #
• iv,iiting with her sister Mrs. T. C, --= .-
ning- struck their home, little difficulty,. but the rooms visited biliss Lettie Fox of the Beek of = ., ..
The •
lightning struck the chininesr by the, ball of fire will have to be plas.. Commerce spent the week -end with NB- soc Jonteel Combination Creani. $1.00 Brier Pipee"• D pi() i se
and shattered it, entering the home it tered and papered.papered.Had the ladies Miss Grenaehe at Teeswater. F4-7-' Sue Jontea Cold Cream Face ,rzy, $1 Pipe in the storec
bored a hole through three partitions been asleep m iron beds they would Mr. Jas, Irving of Lucknow, spent ,S Po-wder
knocking plaster off. It tore its way very likely have been electroented. a few days thie week at the home of Al The two for a50e
s" ....
.. 01
At a special !fleeting of the Winge . • The Presbytery of Maitland met,on
ham ,town council, held on Tuesday Tuesday in St. Andrew's Church
evening, Mr. Robert 'Deyell wee re- Wingham.. In considering the remits
appointed as caretaker of the Wing- sent down from the general assembly
ham cemetery at his previous salary the presbytery approved the report
of $1400. The cemetery committee of the special committee on the status
will purchase a lining and covering of deaconesses, but disapproved the
for graves, to be used while interment overture of the Presbytery of Saska-
is being made.- • toon on .the ordinary of women to the
• The fire commiftee decided to pine ministry.
chase several Fire Damp Fire Extin- The convener of the home mission
guishers for use of the firemen"in cas- committee reported that tve previously
es where water is'not needed. Mr. argumented charge was asking for a
W. C. Lessard has been engaged to grant this year from the home mission
,draw fire apparatus to fires. He will fund.
put his truck in shape with necessary The following ministers and elders
books, etc. and it will always be Tea- were appointed to represent the pres-
dy fbr service, at 'least during Nvheeldbytery at tha meeting of the general
ing eveathet. Handles are to be put assinbly to be held in Owen Sound in
on the rope attached to the hose reel June: Dr, R.. Harkness, Riply; C,
and a few lengths of extra hose and a Tate, of Bluevale; R. MeCallum, of
Lucknow, and G. Gomm, of Pine Riv-
er, ministers, and J. H. Smith, of
Bluevale; j. H. Stutt, of Wroxeter; D.
S. McDonald, of Ripley, and f. S.
Scott, of Belgrave, elders. C. Cum-
ming, of St. Helens, and R. D. Camer-
on, of Lucknow, were appointed to
serve on the synod's ommittee on
bills and overtures. Dr. Robert
Harkness of Ripley, was nominated
to setve on the assembly's. committee
on bills and overtures.
C. Cumming, in the absence of j. S.
Herrin, convener, read the report of
the general interests committee; which
was approved and forwarded to the
convener of the synod's committee.
Rev. A. H. Scott, D.D.of Perth, was
nominated far moderator of the gen-
eral essernbly and -Rev. Robert Mar-
tin, D,D, of Stratford, for'moderator
of the synod. , •
C. A. Ferg-eson, of VVroIeter, re -
Signed his charge of Knox Church,
Wroxeter, on account of the complete
loss oehis voice. The resignation was
regretfully accepted to take effect on
the last Sabbath of May, when Mr.
Ferguson will have completed 24
years in the ininisery. Application
will be made by the presbytery to the
aged and infirm ministers' fund for a
retiring allowance fbr Mr. Ferguson.
Mr. McLeod reported that so far he
had been unable t'make rearrange-
ment with the vacant charges of
Molesworth, Craribrook and Ethel,
and permission was given the two lat-
ter to call a minister at a salary of
$1,500 in the expectation that an ad-
vance would be made to Sa800 in the
near future.
The presbytery passed the following
resolution re the -Ontario Temperance
"Whereas the time has not been
sufficient for the Ontario, Temperance
Act to have hilly proved its efficiency
in preventing the sale of intoxicating
The young geneleman referred to as liquor, arid
a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. John. Hal- "Whereas the conditions in other
penny of Wingham. They received provinCes, where Government sale of
word of his death and left on Mon- liquor,he.s been introducede are infin-
day to be present at the funeral, itel* worse than those in Ontario, and
'Whereas a stricter enforcement of
High School Literary
the at would do much to rernedy'its
1 he regular meeting of the Wing- apparent weakness, and -
hereas the ben.efit of the act to
ham. High School • Literary Society
nosel and key will be placed in 'the
Mr. Arley K. Copeland of •Wingham, basement of the town hall, for enter
Ont., son of Mrs. Copeland of Wing- gency use if the fire hose building
ham,,,and, the late William Copeland. were to catch4fire and for extra fire
The marriage Niill take place this
month, protection. The two large fire ex-,
tinguishers which have been empty in
Woodstock and Ligtowel played- a the fire hall for some time will be re-
tie hockey game ia Listoesel en Mon- fifled and one placed on the stage in
day, This was a final game in the N. the opera house and the other on the
H. L. and must have proven interest- wall in the council chamber. '
ing, the score was I0-1.0. Johnston, Mr. Crandall -resigned as chief of
leseowers.goal tender was a sick man the fire department and Mr. J. A. Cur-
befote the -game and had to .be re- rie was appointed to succeed him. He
moved to the hospital'at the end of to he allowed $xoo per year.
the game, The•heckey club held a dance in the
council- chamber one evening recently
in order to make money to clear up
their indebtedness, but owing to the
lights being off for some time it was
not successful and they were still in
the hole. The council refund.ed them
the $ro.
• Good news came from the High
School Board that they could get al-
ong with one mill less this year than
Mr. Johnston when he seeks his for- la5t
The property cornmittee will have
ventilating pipes put is the public lav-
atories and, it will be a bad job for
the person who is caught destroying-
ehe doors or writing On walls % Loit-
erers in these lavatories will also be
We note in the Cpilingwood. paper
an account of al presentation of an
address and a. wrist watch to M'es R.
G. Johnston of Clarksburg, who after
teaching in the Collingwood Business
College for the past year leaves for
Cleveland. , Mr. Johnston taught in
the Wingharn Business College before
midsummer last year. • Many friends
in Wingham extend best wishes tie
tittle in Uncle Sam's domains. '
Mr. and Men: E. 5. lylitchell, enter-
tained the choir of „St. Andrew's
Church at their home on 'Friday ev-
ening. A. very pleasant- time ,was
spent- in games, musi% ,addresses,
pantomine etc. Some.' of the im-
promptu addresses Must have been in,
teresting, especially the gentleman.
Killed by Palling Tree
who .has rlo children whose subject 'Mr. Clifford Halpenny Of Trow -
was the bringing .up of children. One bridge, married man, aged twenty-.
four years is unconscious at the
Listowel Memorial hospital and in a
critical condition, as the result Of an
accident on Monday, when he was
struqk on the head by the branch of
of his reinedies was to put them to
bed at seven with a spank. Another
gentleman was asked- to tell how to
get rich cream from the milk of a
black cow which ate greet grass.
a tree which he was helping a neigh -
Help These Orphan Boys - bor, Mr. Edward Medd, to cut down.
• alhe unfortunate man is a son of
The Rev. A. J. Vining of Toronto, •
and Mrs. Ed. Ha'penny well
will give e.n address in the Presby- Mr.
known of Trowbridge. He has been
teriart Church, on Thursday, Mar.
ietn, at 8 p. me on behalf of the married hot a short time and has one
Armenian Relief Association of Can- child six. week, old, ---Listowel Banner.
ada. This Association has purchased
a' farm c,if one hundred and thirty-five
acres near Georgetown, Ont. On
this farm live fifty little orphan boYs.
They are orphans because the Turks
in savage cruelty murdered their fa-
thers, who fought with Britain and
who for centuries have .- uPheld the
Christian Faith. The Relief Associ-
ation appeals to you to help care for
these boys. • We trust that e large
congregation will be present to hear
Dr. Vining's address. e
sick folks, for children, for anyone
desiring the, very best, Also fat
chickens dressed, for table . use,
Market prices, We deliver, John
Kerr, Box 277, Phone 4 on 625.
FARM FOR SALE—S1 Lots 58, 59
and 6o, Con. sa Morris, Barn 40x60,
with sound foundation and steel
roof and pig pen, horse stable and
cattle stable underneath, cement si-
lo and hen, house 12x48, frame
• house x.i• storeys,.8 rooms, good
cellar, drilled Well at house and, wa-
ter piped to barn, good orchard, all
• sSecled down except s5 acres and 5
of this in fall evlreat, all balahce
fall plowed,„12 acres timber, spring
creek, 8 miles from Brussels, 5
miles from Wroxeter, 5 miles from
• Bluevale, x mile from echool, soil
• a'good clay loam, V, R. VanNor-
man,. Real Estate Dealer.
FOR SALE --That ver i desirable pro-
perty consisting of 52 acres just in-
side the town limits suitable for
market gardening and poeiltry rais-
ing, a fine 'Patch of 2000 strawberry
'plants, bed o2asparagus and a lar-
ge quantity of choice rheebarb of
• the early varieties also a good sized
patch of raspberries all ready for
this spring and early saintlier her -
took place in the Assembly Hall,
FridaY, March 7, With the President
Harold Mitchell in. the chair. After
the reading and,adoption of the min-
utes Mr. Brackenbury spoke a few
words in regard ta the publication of
the H. S,' Oracle. The following pro-
gramme was then submitted:
Piano Solo—Ada Corbett.
Debate—"Resolved that Lloyd
George. is a geeater statesman that
Gladstone." The affirmative was sup-
ported by Form II and upheld by
Theodore Robertson and M. Gibson
and the,negative taken by Form I was
upheld by Yvonne McPherson and
Allan McKenzie.
Duet --,Misses D. Snell and M.
Johnston. •
• Reading—Miss Mildred Framan.
• Presentation to 'Mr, Hill „by W.
Robinson in recognition of splendid
sCrvices in assisting the Glee Club.
Journal—D, Snell •
• judges decision in favour of the af-
firmative by the Mr, Brackenbury,
Critic's Remarks—Mr. 'French.
"God' Save the King,"
the home, to industry and to soeial
life has been so apparent,
"Therefore the Presbytery of Mait-
land„ representing, a constituency of
eo,000 people, does emphatically re-
cord its protest against the submis-
sion of the suggested plebescite, and
doei respectively ask 'the members of
the local Legislature to give the On-
tario Temperance Act sufficient time
for it to justify its usefulaess,"
The following resolution was passed
re church union;
"Whereas the Presbyterian Church
Association has declered its intention
to bring pressure to bear upon the
Federal Parliament, as well as the
proviacial legislatures, if possible to
hinder the passing of the United
church of Canada Act, agreed to ,by
the general assembly, and
"Whereas such a procedure imperils
the spiritual independence of all Pro-
testant denominationsbut particular-
ly Presbyterians, arid'
-"'Whereas such a procedure is con-
trary to the teaching aod blessed ex-
ample of the Lord Jesus, the only
St. Pauls vs. Fordwich Xing and Head of the Church, and
Olt' Friday evening last, St, Paul's "Whereas such a procedure is mak-
Athletic Club, hockey team journey- Mg the Presbyterian church an object
ed to Fierdevieli and were defeated by of ridicule te the unbeliever and has
it Score 6f four to three by a team jeopardized the message of the Chris: -
hone' that village. The local team de- tion mit-tister.
serves a great' deal of credit for hold- "Therefore be it resolved that this
iag the score down as they did, as Presbytery of Maitland with no de -
"Sam' McGee, the invincible and ef- sire to condemn or to -commend the
fielent goal tendet for .the S,P.A.C. anion movement, expresses its disap-
was unable to p10, and Ford.wich had prove' of the deelated intention and
twee senior players on thar team. policy of the `tPresbyteriati Church
The line up;—Witighani, G. Rohm.- Association, and we further declere it
on, goal; Geo. Lediett, left defence; to be our coriviction that nortresist-
I, Field, right defence; E. C. Williams mice will ultimately be for the. greater
centre; B, Browne, left wing; 12 glory of God."
Browne, right wing; J. Powlene N. The committee' of rearrangement
sube, Fordwieh, Breese, was given preSbytenal powers te dea,1
goal; 12. Rogers, • left defence; W, with,the situation in the Belgrave and
Rogers, right defence; IslaeLachlan, Calvin charge, where negotiations are
ccritte; Sternal, left wing; Dorrah, now being carried on for a union with
Bari Donny of Fordwich ably referred the dethodist churches of these Pla-
COS, The next meeting of the court
will be held in Walton 4)n the third
v'est. A cosy x?., storey frame house
corea,ining 6 rooms with all modern s
conveniences, good cellar is all ee-
mented, good stable that will tie 4
head of,cattle besides rooiri enough
Lor a quantity of feed, tip -to -date
henhouse in good condition; and tO
make quick sale, the owner will in-
clude all the tools, to uteri( the farM
Fot further particulars of this
• farm and many other hue proper-
ties applyto W. T. Miller, real es-
ate and iiSuranee agent.
right wing; Deriity,C. Gibson, subs.
the. game to the satisfaction of botb
tean/s,. l'tiesday, of May, • Lonclota front Regina this rnortlittir.
his daughter, Mrs. A, G. Smith. Fr • -
2. 70c ttlueloa 49c'
spent the week -end at the home of se= son box of fine linen Stationery 35c 1:'alm°13've Shaving Cream I
Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Deyell,
Mr. Richard Park, Dungannon, il
ee, 24 Envelopes 29 .
2. 50c Value for 29e. -
25c Palmolive Shay Tal.
La /1
Shohne il
li11 '
.. miss E. W. Castle, public Health el 24 eets of PaPer for xoc Palmolive Soap for '-zcii,.0 it. A
Nurse, who has been visiting Miss 'lei
Suttaby, has returned to Toronto. .
0 0 0 FOR THE FAMILY . .
Dr, R. F. Parker of Listowel, spent E
the week -end with his brother, Dr. F. ix- 350 lb' Halifax Mixture for..19c i roe Pahrsolive Soap 4 for a5c
A. Parker. -
Is (A pure Candy) ;-- , _ e
Mr, Hugh Halliday of Listowel, sae: sec lb Willards Chocola.tes esc, L50 Harmony Bath Ta44-affeotrs 250 i I
was in town this week and visited E-.,.'• se Chocolate.' Bars (sweetest el
with his sister Mrs. H, F. McGee, itt Mai lj . - .se for 25c Ise Hard water Soap. -,e for 250 , esel
Frances St. i
771, Our Every bay Cut Prices Save You Money- -
Ma E. Zurbrigg spent the week-
end at Fordwich, visiting his parents,,
his father having been very ill during
the past two months.
Miss Nellie England who for the
past week has been visiting her aunt,
Mrs. Robt. Deyell, has returned tr,
her home in Lucknow. '
Mrs. J. S. Gee, returned to het
horne in Toronto after spending a
few weeks with her daughter, Mrs.
F. A. Parker.
• Mr. R. E. McKinney of the C. N. R.
spent the week -end in Toronto, while
there he witnessed the world's Cham-
pion's Hockey Team playing, "The
" Mr, Reg. S. Williams of.the"Wing-
ham Branch of the Canadian. Bank of
Commerce is relieving as Manager at
Lucknow, while Mr. Giennie takes
several weeks rest.
Rev, H. W. Snell, Mr. W. j. Camp-
bell of Culross and Mr, J. V. Haines
of Morris, are in attendance at the
Provincial Grand Orange Lodge of
Ontario 1Kestein session at Brantford.
Rev. J. Hibbert leaves on Thurs-
day morning for Brantford.
Rev. 5. W. Hibbert
Not only Methodists but people of
all creeds welcome this kindly minis-
ter back to Winghane for a few days.
He is assisting Rev. C. E. Gregg with
evangelistic services in WinghamMe-
Harry Carsen Dead
Deepest sympathy is extended to
Mr. Harry Carson, Shuter St., Wing -
ham, whose son, Harry, well known
vocalist of London, who was trails-
ferred to the postal department at Re-
gina, Sask., four months ago died of
pneumonia, following a brief illness,
He was well known and highly est-
eemed in Whighand has swag in
St. Paul's church here on several oc-
Deceased was born in London, in
5887. He entered the employ of the
postal department many years ago
and occupied the position of clerk in
the London. office until his transfer
to Regina. He bad been in ill -health
for a long time and he was sent to
Regina in the hope that the change in
atmosphere would prove beneficial to
his health,
He was a veteran of the Great War,
baying served overseas for three years
with the No, x Univehsity Stationary
Hespital Corps, under 'command of Dr,
E. Seaborn, of London. He was mar-
ried while overseas. The marriage was
the cultnination of an interesting war
He was a member of St. Paul's Ca-
thedral choir for many years. He
joined the choir as a boy and many
witi remember his beantiful voice, and
whith made 'a, reputation for him lie
Ontaiio, The Very Rev, Dean Tuck-
er, speaking of Mr. Carson, said: "I
remembet Harry when he entered the
choir when but a lad. He had one of
the most beautiful voices that 1 have
ever heard in the choir of the church
and I watched evith interest his grow-
ing -tip until he became the leading ba-
ritone soloist of the church," Mr. Car-
son appeared before the public many
times in concerts.
He is survived by his widow and
young daughter, his father, of Wing -
ham, and. one brother, Ralph, of Chi?
cago. The body was forwarded to
Winelsam. Cho.
bon's Drug Store
nun RstEd Store
angialispi iiimmill1811=11M11111itratZlilif111111111111N111
Pllotte 53
BroVre Her Hip ,
A serious accident occurred: at the
home of Mrs. Alex. Forsyth, Leopold
St., lie a rather mysterious fashion.
Mrs. Forsyth is not ,rust certain, how
it occurred; but apparently she was as-
leep and fell out of bed breaking her
hip. Dr. Stewart was. called in, and
took her to the Wingharn Hospital.
$icioo Reward'
A rumor has been circulated that
L. F. Binkley, formerly, of Wing-harn,
had been shot in Hamilton by a wo-
'Man. The London Advertiser, says,
"He has: not /been shot but is alive
and welt and a very angry ex -politic-
ian". Binkley announcea that he will
give $xoeta for information leading to
the uncovering of the source • from
which came the rumor. were brought to Wingharo •and the
funeral held from his late residence,
No Unions at Belgrave
• Josephine St., North, on Tuesday
School Board' Nleets
At the Ilet regular meeting-' of the
Wingham Public School Board it was
decided to refuse all collectors, agents
or any other person the privilege of
addressing the scholars in any room,
without written consent of the chair-
man of the school board. This cus-
tom a traneifers asking permission to
address the classes has become a nui-
sance and disorganized the 'work of • •
the teacher.
Died in Hamilton
Robert Leggett, an aged resident of
Wingham, died at the home of his
son, Andrew, in Hamilton, on Satur-
day, March 8th, after suffering for
some time with cancer. The remains
At a meeting of the Bergrave Meth- ternoon to Whigharn cemetery, De-
odists awl Presbyterians held M Bel- ceased was over 8o years of age and ,
grave on Tuesday, church union re- ,was active until recentlg Another ,
ceived a stunning blow. While the son Samuel, resides in Collingwo6d, '
M.ethodists were perfectly willing to and', a daughter, Mrs. Peter Hastings, a
unite in closing their churches at Bel- resides
• grave and BPresby- also survive, church, the riviv e, uvrinzb:Samuel
aobrothersnaGilbert •
terians did not -wish to grant all their of Collingwood. ' .
regnests by way of equal representa-
tion on their board, etc. A inistmder- Program at Lodge
standing arose and it is now imposs-
. ibie to, unite and the churches will At the regular meeting of the Eas-
continue as heretofore. • •
tern Star Lodge held in the Mills' Me- '
morial Hall on Tuesday evening, the
IVIethodist Church Notes following program was given and very
The Rev. Newton )'ones of Eng- muck enjoyed: piano duMisses Msses Ves-
land, wilf preach in the Methodist ta Fox and Louisa Thompson; read -
Church, on. Sunday next, March reth, ing, Mr. Herb. Jobb; solo, Mrs. D.
at both services. r. Jones is one of Rae; piano solo, Miss Marjory Gib -
the leaders of the young people's work son; Dialogue, "The Gum Town Wo -
work of the old country. Of him, the men's Association". Characters, Miss
forward: with ee.pectations to our ser- Mrs. Spotton; Annie Seaton, Mrs. -'
' '.• ;
Rev. je D; Jones, DD., ex -chairman Jane Jalap, Mrs, Miller, Pres.; Miss
of the Congrega.tional Union of Great Sally Slim, Miss M. Pattison, Miss
Britain, says "Mr. Jones is the most Polly Plum, Mrs. Shane, Ancient
successfulmissioner to young people Maidens; Mrs. Betsy Bounce, Mrs.
that I have known". We are looking Fox, a widow; Mrs. Lucinda Lobbs.
vices of Sunday next Mr. Jones will 0. Thompson, Gus Wellirigton, an. ex-,
assist the pastor from Sunday e6th, quisite and a recent convert to the
to 'Thursday evening. March 2etle women movement, Ed. Nash; John
The public most cordially invited to Lobb,, a hen pecked. husband, Wm.
any or all of these services, Boyce, Scene, an apartment.
We keep full lines of all stTles
Many of the Rubber Boots on
the market are absolutely worths
We sell no Rubber Boots that
are not standard make—or Boots
we cannot
We have Short Boots, Medi -
urn and High Boots.
Prices $4.50, 5.00 to 6.,QI
If you buy a pair of Rubber Boots here and anything goeswrong, ,
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