HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-03-06, Page 5ii
Thursday, 'Mar olx 6th, > _ 1t3a4.
7 Deler, Six '
vs Shure,
ay the Aclvaw e-'Toirnes.
Shure, 'tisquare thugs that do be
happenin;. in this; ould wurruld, sit
quarer ivn•y day we 'live, Who wud
hey ivir fought twisty years ago, yis,
arr aven tin years 'ago, that the toime
wud coxae whin theer wud be only
is wan noospaper in Wingham? Meb-
Cal by 'tis awl fer the 'betther, ..but, av
coorse, 1 undershtand, that ye will he
pollyticically tonguetoied, so to
shpalce, but inebby ye will be able to
lint us Tories a hand at .e.lickshuns,
1 an if ye -do itdussent make so much
® differ how iridepindint ye are betwane
JIB tonnes, I ixpict the nixt ting we
hall, hearwillbe that I-Iughie Clark
ant Jawn Hunter will' be tro'win theer
Nil duds together, as . me ould grand -
NI mother used to say, in her broad
Scotch whin two, young payple got
married. • (Theer I hey Iet the cat out
ay. the bag at lasht. Shure, I nivir
intindid anny wan to know that I
wuss€nt pure Irish, but I lieu seen
some good Scotchmin in me toime,
ispishally at Tory Convinsliuns, so `'a
simian shtrake. ay. Scotch in me won't
hurrut much. Whin 'I " wus in the
Southern Shtates some ay. the foinest
lookin min an wimmin ye wud mate
wus what the payple called octoroons,
the same bein whoites wid only a
few drags ay naggur blood in thim°
Foine min - an wimmin intoircly they
Nil wus, an, indade, manny av thim was
m far betther than the full bred whoites,
We have just passed inta•:stockshipments
Spring Goods as - follows:
Weare showing a Large
IS range of the best makes and la-
test models at very... Moderate
l races. You are invited to visit
our Ready ' to Wear Depart-
ment and inspect our stock and;
New Prints, Ginghams, Voiles
Chambray, Plain and Fancy
si Crepes, Ratine's •
New Weaves in Silks and. Silk
lCrepes in the leading shades
Dress Goods, in Cashmeres,
Serges, Wool,. Crepes_ Gaber-
dines Tricotine, Poiret , Twills,
New Irish Linens, Shirtings,
Galiteas, Cottons, Sheetings, ®,
Towellings, Table Linens, Nain-
of New
but they had to roide in .the coon cars
just. the game, 'Tisa the ivirlashtin
consait•• ay mosht payple that makes
thim tink thirnsilves betther , than
somebody ilse. Fer mesilf I belave
wan man is jist as good as` -another,
an nrebby betther, so longas Ire
haves himsilf, an pays his debts, (an
votes Tory.)
'Tis wandherin away from me.sub-
ject I ani, loike some av thim ould
fellahs whin they do be tellin a shtory
® 1 shtarted to say a few wurruds
about the tindincy. av the toimes fer
what ye moight call amalgannasltun.
We hear a lot about Church Union.
these days, an, the union av the Grit
an U. F, 0. parthies, an the jinnin• up
av noospapers awl over the counthry.
(A man tould me the other day that
the U. F:. 0.. parthy is loike the ap-
pindix in a man's insoides, nobody
knows what use it is, ixcipt to make
thrubble, ,an is betther to be cut out.
Av coorse, he wus mebby talkin. woild
so T won't minshun anny names, but
if the Grits sWally the U. F. 0.'s arr
the U. F. O,'s.swally the Grits it will
mane a bad case ay indigistshiln^ in
ayther case,):<.
Shure; 1 do be gettin away from me
subject agin. .Indade the•xnissus •is
not shiow to tell me that 'tis a habit
I'm afther gettin into. She sez that
if I grow much wurse that soon the
only tings 1 will be able to shtick -to
will be me- poipe an the Tory.parthy.
I. notice that thim Grits down at
Ottawa hey been afther takin a lafe
out av Mishter Ferguson's economy
book. Shure,- 'tis .awlways the way
��id thim lads. They let the Tories
invint someting good, loike the' ould
National Polishy, an thin shtale it an
call jt theer own. Ye. can't be up wid
M thin. Tis the same ting wid thin Na-
tional railways, so it is, Mishter Mei-w
ghen. saw it wud be a good shpeck to
take thim over Whin they 1111.1S a dead
harse on the hands ay the ould coun-
thry stock houlders,.an now that they
will soon be on a good footin an pay -
in theer way, the Grits will be afther
takin awl the credit to.thimsi1ves,
What wad .ye tink av that now? I
wuddent put it pasht thim to troy to
make the. payple belave that the big.
whate crap in Alberta wus awl owin
to thim:
As I sed at the slitart quare tings
do be happenin viry: day ay our loives.
Yours till. nixt wake,
Timothy' Hay.
Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums and ®;
Congoleums in Choice Patterns is
and New Colorings: See our mi
large stock of Rugs, our prices
ares down '
just arrived New Spring Suits
Spring Overcoats and Rain-
coats, New. Hats and. Caps NI
"Budd Hats" choice patterns
in Dress Shirts and New Neck
Spring Styles in Men's and Bp
Boy's Mots and Shoes, in the
etc. - ' _ best makes, . see them '
Ladies' Home Journal Patterns always in Stock
'(rWe h
ve decide,,i, to i!IsC0IAti ,:ue the Wall
Paper part of our bust, ess and mush
slaughter our large stock -'uf
in order,t e, ciea-a It :M, IA at once.
. Sale Start
20 to 50 Per (Cent.
Off 111 Pa
I, Oil
$2:50,0.0.0 orth.,of, 1924Sprit)
413°'Gi;o'ds at Bige
'ertilos—Strietly Cash with order.
consequence of the rush we cannot .trim
any paper.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Thos. Inglis visited a
clay last -week with friends- at Tees
v, ater. -
Mr. Arthur Moore- is busy hauling
wood to Lucknow,where he has a con-
tract to supply 5o cord for the town
The play. The Spinsters' Conven-
tion" which was held last Friday ev-
ening was a decided success. The
proceeds amounted to $34.5o. A very
interesting feature of the play was that
Mr. Hector. MacKay had four daught-
ers and three granddaughters taking
part and he himself also pleased the
crowd with two songs which were very
much enjoyed.
Miss Dorothy Wraith' of Langside,
spent the week -end with her grand-
mother, Mrs: Eaglestone.
Mr, andMrs . Grain and son of near.
Wingham, visited on Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs. Eli Jacques:
Mr. and -Mrs. Frank Henry left;, on
Monday for their home in the West,
The Guild meeting on Sunday night
was taken by Mr. jack Clubb. The
leaderfor next Sunday is Miss Jean
Kennedy, .
Wound It But Once
The clock of life is wound but once,
And no man has the power
To tell just when the hands will stop
At late or early hour.
Now is the only. time you own,'
Live, love; toil with a will;
Place no faith in the morrow, for
The clock may then be still.
In fond and loving memory of Mrs.
George M. Robertson, who died one
year ago the 7th,, March.
We who loved you, sadly miss you
As it dawns another year,
Thoughts of you are always near.
In our lonely hours of thinking
Niece and Nephew,
Mr, and Mrs. Jas, V. Breen.
Robertson• --In loving memory of La-
titia 1teid, beloved wife of Geo, M,
Robertson, who departed' this life
March 7th,, 023,
With heart both crushed and sore,
Beside her grave X Often. stand '
But in the gloom the sweet voice
Not dead, but gone before.
� t1sband,
Report of Wingham Public School.
for 'February.
Sr, IV
Total 450-1... Cragg 399; E, Lott
363; M. Robertson. 355; E. Dolan. 349;
Ia, Thompson 346; B. ;Edgar 342; V,
Foa. 337; H. Brawley 33x E. Bennett
322; M. Weir 316°, K. Williams 3i3;
F. Angus 31x; G. tMacDonald 3o2; A.
Shelding'298; L. Bennett ego; N. Carr
257; R. Rae 255; H. Mitchell 276; F.
Fells 273; J' MacLean 267; H. Field
?58.; J, Sturdy 241; M., Carr, 238; R.
Hopper 216;H. Brown 215; K. Reid,
214; R. Armstrong 195; L., Peterman
T90; W Seddon. 181; W. Colgate 168.
J'tuiior Fourth
Total 535, honors 400-K,. King 481 ;
V. Lennox 470; E. McKay 461; N.
Taylor 460; M. Mitchell 438; B. Mc-
Gee 436; M. Redmond 4.28;. G. Snell
421; L. Hopper 412; C, Deans 411;,It;.•
Lepard 409;;, L, Smith 406;M. -Mit-'
chell 40o; E. Ross 398; K. Somers 393;
C. Pilon 380; 0. Hotnuth 379; W.
Gurney 374; C. Coutts 368; F. Carter
356; R. Copeland 35o; T. Gibson 331;
G. Allen 330; R. Sutton 326; P. Han-
nah,222; B. Armstrong 217.
Marks 500, honors '.,375. '
Class A—I, Smith 468; N. Coutts
447; W. Angus • 435; J. Tiffin 430; J.
Dinsley 417; B.Fox 417; M. King 413;
A. Snell 396; E. Blue 382; M. Mc-
Blain 381; H. Barrett 366; M. Currie
365; J. McKibbon 361; C, Phair 36o;
J. E+llacott 35o; E. Cloakley 315; V.
Miller, 265; R. McDonald 241; A.
Coutts 22o; K. Smith 205; M. Coutts
Class B-L.Broome 375; H. Dick-
son 375; V. Pilon 372; P, McCracken
353 J. Carr 344; J. . Beattie 319; G.
Welwood 318.; J. Lepard 317; L. Hay-
den' 302;'D: W. Miller 302; C. Blatch-
ford 302; M. Campbell 300; F. Skeld-
ing 290; J. Angus 262; H. Browne
258; N. Rintoul 254; G. Young 223;
M. Templeman 102.
Jr. III -.
Total 400,' honors 300, . pass 240—
Isobel Nortrop 333; Evelyn Reid Reid 323;
Nettie Dow 309; Agnes Louttit .302;
Betty Walker 300; Elnora McInnes
290;; Wilma Dow 286; „Stanley Camp-
bell 28o; Jean Copeland. 274; Olive
Tiffin 2i4; Ella Rae 273; Eva Ho -
math 271; •Edith, Zurbrigg.263; Park-
er Campbell 258; Arthur Stokes 256;
Alvin Hammond 252; Esselford Hen-
derson 251; • Maurice McIntyre 248;
Forbes Colgate 240; Sarah Roberson
234; Mildred Bisbee 223; Jack Brack-
enbury 221; Frank Hopper 216; Bert
Mitchell 213; Gordon Davidson 213;.
Reta Hastie 208; Marguerite Ludwig
207; Joe Moir 194; Catherine Fry 189;
Harvey Burgess 184; Irene Sutton
,81; Margaret Mason 170; Jean Mit-
chell 165; Margaret Clarke 148; Scott
Mitchell 139; Charlie Finlay 138; Ross
Harrison 126; Mary Hingston 87;
Willie Broome 86; Nellie Hayles 6o.
r: II
Possible 615, honors 462, pass 370-
Billie Cruikshank 554; John Cruick-
shanks 539; Rae Thompson Sob; Gor-
don Smith 484; Robert Chittleburgh
SFl= • LTi 8
Cattle, S t.
lig B
eep a,.,: d
Member of Toronto Live Stock
Bank reference: Bank of Commerce
Phone 203, Wingh,,
GINGHAMS--Fine import Scotch FL � �, PES $3®00 -- Special
and English Gingham in a splendid.
range of patterns and colors, 33 b.
wide at ... , 35c yd,
RATIINES French R a tines in
plain and overcheck patterns, all
M the /new and leading shades, 40 in.
wide at 75c, 90c and L25 yd,
IN SILKS -- Heavy Black Duchess, a
lel wonderful wearing quality, sure to
give satisfaction, fast color, $6 in.
wide at .. . . 2.95 yd.
m Our Goods Are the ,; est.
® MILLS Phone 89
••••••••••• lommmmmmmnmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
value ice this splendid quality crepe,
40 in, wide, Sand, Grey, Cocoa, He-
nna, Navy, Black, Brown ....3.00 yd.
VOLS ---A wide range of import
and Canadian Voiles in spot checks
and floral patterns ....50c to 1.50 yd.
PRiNTS -- Crum's best English
Prints in light and dark colorings
suitable for all users, ,
HOSIERY —Venus and Monarch
Knit Hosiery in silk, lisle and cotton;
in all the new and wanted shades.
Our Prices Flight.
4'74; Mary Dobie 460; Harvey Groves
459; Shirley MacCracken 457; Earl
Gray 452; Helen Beattie 439; Murray
Rae 429; Albert Rintoul 402;•Andrew
Scott 400; Kenneth Lott 373 Dell
Walker 372; George Beattie 363; Mer-
rill Cantelon 361; Beverley Small 345
Leiria Wild 324; Violet Mellor 321
Laverne" Williams, 305; Catharine'
Vansickle 295; Edna Stoakley 279;
Harry Fry 258; Jim Cloakey 256; Mil-
dred Fitt 242; Willie Lediet 239; Do-
nelda Fixter 214; Lavinia Durnin.204;
Harry Templeman 185;' Percy. Clarke.
x5o Bruce Campbell 131.
First Book
Total 200, honors 150, pass 120.
Class A—Mildred Reid 196; Mildred
Field 196; Jack McCall 194; Carl Mc-
Kay 192; Marian Fry 192; Constance
Colgate i85; George King 184; Frank
Cragg 18x; Lyle. Ludwig 18o; Laura
Groves 179; Velma Carter 177; Reg-
gie Broome 195; Rollie Hutton 172;
George Brackenbury ,71; Rex McIn-
nes x71; 'Ralph. Saint x6g; Stewart
Scott 163; Anna Chittick 156; Bernice
Cloakey 150.
Class B—Percy Deyell 144; Marie
Elliott 142; Vivian Cantelon 139; Gor-
don Lediett 139; Marian Mason ;39;
Arthur Stone 139; Ruby Fitt 137;
Stewart Carter i37; Lorene Haller
135; Dorothy Forsyth x3x; Margaret
Aldington x27; Mae Gibson 126; Nor-
ma McEvers 126; Norman Lediet
123; Bobby McBlain. x17; Preston
Lediet zoo; Robert Scattergood 83;
Harry Shapiro 77; Leonard Bok 44.
Class A. Total 325, honors 243—
Harold Finley 274; Frank Collar 266;
George Bisbee 259; Frances Scatter-
good 244; Dorothy Hutchison .234;
Chester Stewart 223; Lancelot
Browne 21o; May Wilson 2,0; Patsy
Williams 197; , Beryl Mundy 178;
Stewart Ritchie 173; Marvin Smith
15r; Albert Campbell rot; Winnifred
Carr 80. --'
Class B, total 325, honors 243
Vera McInnes 302; George Robertson
279; 'Prances Currie 273; Elgin Coutts
259; Alvin Smith 249! Catherine Nor -
We have a complete line of the well known Parker
Duofold. Fountain Pens as well as the regular
Parker Foantain Pens,ranging in price
from 532.75 and up.
Our stock of Books and Sta-
tionery is always complete at
popular prices.
We take subscriptions for.
magizines and daily newspapers.
at current rates.
• Town Agency Canadian National Railways. Opposite Queen's Hotel
trop 243; Clare Pilon 144; George
Mason 142; Peter Moir 133.
Class C, total 325, honors 243—
Tena Reid 251; Evelyn Patterson 233;
Raymond Carter 15o; Jean MacDon-
acDonald 142; Helen Burgess 135; Doris
Buchanan 114; ' Louise Deyell 106;
John Preston 74; Barbara Colgate 36.
r Class D, total 21o, honors '157_--
I Winnifred Small 162; Beatrice For-
syth 115; Ralph Hammond 114; Ali-
cia Wilson 107; Stanley Henderson
too; Morrie Shapiro 81; Norma Grov-
es 52; Frank Angus 26; Audrey. Pat-
erson 20; Alvin Lediet 12; Harry Ross
We are prepared to pay the
highest prices for anyquality of
Hard or Soft Wood Logs, de-
livered in our yards at Wing -
Miss Margaret Campbell and Mrs.
G. H. Coulter visited with their sis-
ter Mrs; W. J. McCutcheon•of the 6th
one day last week,
Mrs. W. J. Scott and little daugh-
ter, Levina are visiting with friends in
Miss Edna Campbell has returned
home from spending several weeks
with her sister Mrs. -"R. Johnston of
Blyth. '
Miss Vera Edger is at present visit-
ing friends in Wroxeter and vicinity..
number of people from these
parts enjoyed the old time dance and
progressive Euchre in Wingham
Tuesday night, '
x2 CON. 1[ OWXCK
There was a number from the burg
attended the dance at Wilbert Gallo-
way's last week.
Mr. Thomas Vittie delivered a fine
bunch of one year Ohl cattle to Nel-
son Coady, on Monday. -
Mrs. Lorne Laird is a visitor in
Wingham this week at Mr. Robert
Mr. John Wright was in Hanover
last Mr,
on business,
Mrs Russell' McIntosh is in Wing -
ham . this week visitin friends,' ."
Mr Eddie Bennett bast fine cow
Thursday last,
The other day • we installed a telephone in the •
house of a resident on Alice Street.
Does anyone ask where Alice Street is ?
It is that short thoroughfare in the far northern
section of the town, running between Charles Street
and Maitland River.
Well, what about it, you ask; what is so wonderful about that?
Nothing wonderful, perhaps, but we call attention to the way the
town is growing—always reaching out farther and farther as newcorn
ers settle within our borders, ,and new citizens grow up and begin keep-
ing house,
Take W ingham's 'telephone development as an index! Five years
ago, on January, 1st, 1919, we had in service at the Wingham exchange
683 telephones, Since then new cables have been laid, new poles erec-
ted, new vwires.strung, new switchboard and central office equipment
installed until today we have 763 instruments in service here. ,e,
And each of our 8 operators is glad to give you pt'oinpt connection
with any one of these 763 users of our service, perhaps a little more
promptly, due to- constantly itnpt'oving operating methods, than was
possible even short years ago.
And so the value to you of telephone service is growing day by day
as the number of people youmay talk to grows. And each of our 11
employees in Wine , m is x"
�;lxa anxious to help you in getting the most out of
your telephone service.
11 NUJ
1 IN