HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1924-03-06, Page 4Ittt./ 11[10)147t2nttl' t 2'4 itt 2 t tyhtfil tift ',,f1;';';',VrtlArfr411),","t"m"s"'"7""ITKMITT,7,147„"fl' IlattiOet4liqvarlem..,,earterriteetrieraterlereeeerer...g..tr--,-neeer.r° 8,3%1 ellio114.4f:r1 1,%y thQ MAtitA10,1 SizIltutqt„IrKly, " Nlale Quuttet of the Retipealt Cbeti- Weduesdoy, Mereh ath tamoia bureau; Oreorion Will be an-, Silent eight. tiortneed by eadiophone. Thoreday, Atarch 6th • p, tun e signale; taso p, mo-Dioner ileasie by Ronia weather foreeast, *to's ()tette:sty:4 New li,'euniore• Hotel Thorerla, March 6th, Alleairee N. Y. , ,„ 6.15 ta tole -Diener e.Q11„t;ert say .o -lee. o„as p„ io.--Prograin by Anaane KA. leittle Symphony Ocelieetra; Vice Ceutral Y. NI, a"„ A, of Albaile N. al". tor Setetete eonduetor, %tee tem eteleeee„-., with New Bookee relk,1,4ilt‘t1 iihr 'Sir Henry tee isa d re les period, nem nob. librarian Genera • ".• • GAM ADVANCE -TIMES . Tburedn.Y, March 6th, t924. ,-o,--tmeeteta-areateeee=rae-tee-------. CONSIGNMENT SALE YOUR WEEKLY NEWSPAPER A Splendid Entertainment THE SALVATION ARMY Brought Mealy Buyers From. • It is not the , e publishers inteuteon to a Distance give ally lengthy annourieenieut in re- gard to the anielgaruation of The Ad- . , The ft -earth aimual consignment aale vance and The Times, of purebred cattle held moler the aus- Moet of our readers are fully aware • picee a the Huron County Breederethat there is net room in a town the ; Aseociation and the Oritaffo Depart,- size of \Viugliam for two oewspaper meat of Arice ltere at Wgh inauoacat 01.0CeS. SInCe e011iing to Wingham 1 Thuredaf afternorno, Feb, e8th, was a itiee year e the management of a splendid sees. The weather Wn aS ewspaper office has been no easy literetee to ineugortate the latest 0.‘,$‘,' 7,45 kutau*nd Eleetrie Compauv; male chonas ail that could be desired forthis time matter.• Paper, inio type, presses, f'°v `2\in havt' br°224'."3"1.1"1-t. tomer AlIZITht,q reporte, , "Gohd Roule,4 Albany ...aesocoz 6t.'1°911't,TIte0, by Olt' t a"atba" 1\a" p, in,-Cameert by IODKA. Lit- Glee Club, corxtet soio, "tioutheri tiotosi Railways at ewe \Tule et !mei- tie e?,/noione- orchestra, eoeducted Coate," 1rQdrt4-1; k, ttno. treatia their briee. EreaY omP4.ra'ee by \ ictor Santleit: assisted by Mabel solo, "a), Sileut Night," William A bo, m5ti,,,13,, itt the eurehaee ot a shoal), Kam orno ti laaldeldeee foe,. vadio rdOeivee Mul ,tt hetet once t ‹,ontrnito; \\Imam wt Friday March uist. rrograiw Orchestra selections,., 6 p. in.-Prot/nee and, stock market etttea 4.tt \v"' "''"1""a"." -"."' overture, 'Toet and Peat" Suppe; quotations; news bulletins. ' dill:estate, to, the. employees. Ile no ee,00de,e, et,rause btdiet nuiste ossop. ui.-Chiklren's plt)gram, 0/tes tot Ou/h1 Ul) tit° Int-n"ttle °f eencert Walle, "Tales from the Vita- e,es p, *en ha' this., method rind his plan will „Taut,t•, .auntd; eeeehe name, statt. depar'1,---mgetaokfithi:aliktilNm YOrk 'Vet;:telNi? 1,viu,eitovs,411-1 01.111-,.$20/1:;stot• .7,4e,o,ni,-leadio drama, ;`If I 'Were *tare e Nr1 I • ahlkterte$ {prom, %,tueens, Lai,e ;aeon," by Tustin Huntley McCarthy, ew stalknt$ 142.4 N‘evk% Heindleerehie ," Strenee; soprano so- t. d NVGY playera. preeen e y ,x,i2k44741.411,TttkA, 1:1144iartist;:tli; eScartt"eksMe mso p(,.liona._sTEpPeeRialGviRoAill.allt) of mo.. ArtnntUt, Wid, "a'8,1A;V's ‘11'" \)ti.n,"1- "This Morn I Saw a Lotus ..B.ttAV- and addresses. 'e$ to be lAse0 ft't" 'toe 11""."‘' 2.e$s"" "Peas:hes. v"..1$e$ in Blue Vases.: Saturday, March 8' ,ertitux interitl•rowe ta io reeei d „,'" "White ohelle on SCande of Brown. p.e, 0 p. an. -.Deuce music by Ra- tt,S. b.)" qi.cr'itXti,Vk trans,form,'„,z4;nu• contr;ilto solos, Negro s?irtral, "Go plano's Orchestra, New Kenmore Ho- ica(3° Ic'n's Tell the Mow:it:tins," and "A Fat Lit- , tel, Albany, N.. Y. in. the ema• ller towns are vereo tie Feliese eve, eeee eeem„„es ieesee, fortuitate in this ieepeet, lo the kraal tyalTd.s-e-lare'eatidouTdaC) Station KYW-5.36 Meters thee the ititeerferestee is often very ,,,,rwik,,,ht;.;: ,(11,) 0.A leaselap„,. Hair is Westinghouse Electric tietehleeotne, The street ears ore the 'Beek <4. Sttn;`• te) oReeeke..., Chicago Ill. weret offeitdere toter,e- time a troll- ,eeoe in. --Arlington time signals Wednesday, March s PO,lei",,s,trikes,ta johttltheres ,i: weather foreeast. or..30 p. no --News, financial and final M.--SPeciai lake evening markets' furnished by the Union"rrust ▪ ak Ii the L*te.Company, Chicago "Journal of Com- tt W0104. be e. very diffieult task in- -Man Mare u mere, and. United States depart- ,&ftv, torvinst the fooare of radio,. •ats iin-Oreetan recite' Lueile .sai.ent Agrie.oltore, '01'.91, such hz-ls been- Hale trout the Onineo Motion Pie- en ;Id d 1,114,ktk tWOr short years. Even the 7-50 P. m ----a- -retie ..e-tisne story t e.t s Pitch rd Pa. •daily vi.pers hove bowed to the niter- raddelue Begimutig of the P"bm-' radk2 f`"12r Monarehy," the Sundae- eeltool lesson 111:""'It tht 1:"IT`tur221'. the for Marolt pre.eented by Dr. R. L. httpal hie:noleastere. When radio ',winkle. tiMt Vatic': attention 740 ;, et --The ehildren'a period. there woe a great rush on the part of - ) 11.1,--:"VvatiOntli St0%;:kluan the doily oewepopers to run radio -coo' pa:rmer.. market report;$„, amine. etc..., hot this dwirolled down Ira- aLeoRadio, Boo seam meetioe. iii a yeor itIts:Ite$Z began to grow m,e.aneeet2 ex., the nmers_ t of the year and the pure.bred cattle- everything that we were compelled to eon o t re are from near root far. Mr. ;Am: in, QUI' business has raised in price • Stothere and his assietain were on the in most cases Ica per cent., and there 1 job for two or three clays, an judging seems to be no signs of it coming on the member of cattle catologned, back to, normal. It bas been a con - vie se, they inuat have spent consider- tentirtint to make ends meet, and of - able time getting them consigned and ten on a Saturday eveoiug, instead of having their pedigreee printed. •having a dollar or two to ourselves • Fula:awing is the result of the sale: as the employees, we would be a few "Nleadew Brook joe; a ,;ne,eale short- dollars on Lite wrong side of the bal- . horn, consigned by Oliver lurnbuil & mice.. This has been -aeneral in most o Sons of Brussels, • sold to Williain weekly newspaper offices and during Woods of _1L11.04110w ior ..too, "Nieed- the period, since the beginning of the owbrook Beth, a female shorthorn, war, many newspapers have been from the same breeders sold to Denzil compelled to close their doors, The a:t'tatters a Holyrood for Sios. '"Mea- only wey poseible to continue was to dowbrook Jess,' Onother of the Tura- amalgamate the two effices that is thei bull cattle sold to A,. McKague of Cul- reason for the step we have taken. ross, for a6.5. The only way we eau make a sue - "Veronica J."„ a female shorthorn, cess of The Advalace-.--Tirnes is • to consigned by Arnoe "Smitb & Son of have the co-operation of all our read- • Listowel; sold to T. Pierce, ot Brusa. ers and friends. In the, anticipation eel's, for Sp, another of their herd, of this we will put forth our best efe 'Ando& oath' female, sold to J, M. forts to give yon a newsy weekly pa - Knight of Brussels for $112, , _per. Mr. Elliott, late of The Time.s Kerr Bros- of HeuftTre sold three will act in the capacity of associate' shoran:erns. "Cypress Beauty" went to editor of the new amalgamated paper, T. P. McDonald of Teeswater, for a90; Very few weekly papers touch On ' "Cypress Maid and" to 3. M. Knight polities at this time, and the politics • of Brussels for $75; and a male "CY- a the Advance---Thnes will be strict - press Diamond atla" to H. Hethering- ly iodeperident Now that rin-al mail too of Morris, for See.so. makee- it possible for everyone to read N. J. Lel3eau, of Clinton sold a male a daily paper d is -better that they and a female, 'Noimariet Sorte' to have the political field to thernselve.s. Arthur Culbert of Asbfield, for $125, Our object will be to give all the and '"Lady Lyndhurst Stlf to j. M. news in the community that is worth Knight for axles. reading, and to boost for all that Jas. Hill of Stafro, sold three cattle tends to the happiness and prosperity "Galena." to Rold. Arnos of Listowei, of the eommunity, • th'.1V , t',11kVe 11.,410, artiales in , e- s- r d, 5 to base p. no -Danner conc.ert fur- nished by the Congress Hotel; (5 to &to p. raj, joska. DeBabary and his orcheetra playing hi the Louis 'XVI room (Soo to Saio pan.), Clyde Doerr oral his orchestra playing in the Pom- peii:on room; Mee) to Seic, p. tn.), jos- kte DeBabary and his orchestra play- ing m the Louis 'OAT room. for $57; "Leila May" to a', M. Knight We are told through an excellent 9 to ees5 p.. ne-afesirot program; for Seo; and "Re:seal Edward" to R. T. authority that this is the twenty-eigh- Amos of Moffat for _Soo tk amaig-amatioo of weekly newspapers "Roan BeatitY , temale shorthorto liktern Ontario since Jan. 1st., ,of. 11,•Z+St'. every ,uemspaper, lOurtng tile ,• courtesy ot the Sherwood Music leaet veer a toiratber of senollett beoatd•d. ""tlic'" time $'4"t'is; School, direction of Arthur 'Wildman; th„,‘,„,rn, aaja *if artIst..-e and program will be an- consigned by Jas R. Plumsteel 19t6. Here are a few of the cities • 1,01,)1/4.E ovt thv olas prte. ,t000 p. Ine-s reksaeoeisette Inetitate non:nava hY radioahone- Clinton,. sold to W. S. Briens of Ford- ,and towns raze have now only one that there will he fewc.n,- Akt- ‘)f 'illettug' ar°24cast • O paper where there were formerly two p. m...-''Gooa Road Report,' fur- -wick for $135; loOtIts. olteratiog futuri., buit the 41,wd. frm Noe‘w„\-...leeoria eieetoo eee.. oisbed by the Chicago 11.1CitOr Clab. 5„ Campbell 4.1/4.1 Son of Painters- or three: Guelph, Brantford, Inger- , , mill 13e. eeeseee*, ee.arcie eoet by the Tri4411,soz.e.t cevm.paart,t,:s7. program lay liadon -ton, eonsietned seven purebred short- soli St. Maxys Stratford, Mitchell, horns; a boil calf sold to Russel Chalaarn, 'Weietitstocke beaides many 3;01.0. • inkne desirable er ct`tlyter city estingbouso Band. la:ate-11e, zoos p. ne-Book, reviews, by Lie's\-- Knietait of B3russels for %.-.`e ea; 'Sweet other smaller towns. ' elec. tis for $ge; "'Flora Inuratese sold to mention of the raereer, made kindly o. Brioning the. World to, , • tbe pr,",rarrre. A iminber, ‘. mr to--a‘ta ne me -Program tnraushod hY Oliver Cantpbell of Mortis for $27.3o; remarks as to onr.Rbilit' yasa-publisher ite anbectriptione from listeners in or -,1/4='1)41''..t e ytt joaes, literary editor of Chicaao Lind" female to Chas. Coultas of Mor- •Oar brother editors who in their der that the very best talent ina),- be 'st P, 11.1* - The childreti's Pe6.°4-` "Evening Post." ,„ oT ,,r,,tim,,m. .,,....tatitmts irave, . TC,M,CAN n74,25,A,r.t. ,1: teur or ., the Federal health bureau, "Red Wortaf..-r" niatee sold to L. Roach Irave our than/a% hut eve think it , irorteaseel thato- power. ea:Tea:fa of; , '...' ./..?' 111„.1 a4')._,N•e'...shIstq 1-1`.sit\--',' Ix /val. tO :"Z P. m.-Midtagha revue; . a Turoberry, for ...ago '`Gay Lady' would be uncealled for of as to pass yorti;,. clips. 11.4s ;1m:teased ies reeve:Z.1 t-., L'''atset, .f.adlo I'lFtleer 'of the artists and prOp:ratn. Will be announc- female shorthorn, said to a statters them on to our readers through The e, leVeetirigliezise leileetrie O. Manufaetor- ed be- oadeeleboetes, ' ee frori -oi,'$) esavite output to - reg oerapauer. KYW The Narorld Criea-" Neill of the same herd sof to Jas. Handl- Judge for yourselves. One eztr.hange , wattle,' et teit threes. a otationPoo- eze F. eleeas. eeeite ati, ,rothe.,..$ ;•,o. tia,,,,, ,kktzitter 0 .t.;ila, Itt _,e,--- eadure- . ibmadeast the latest news of the ton of Mildneey„ for da.; "Perfect- says ha iiart 'AV -Ingham like many hotise atnaa, Te ,,f. astme. doudttatOn' Thursday Moral 6 of Wawanosh for e`:•"teo.so. e toe .- , ... served by one paper, and no doubt - oi' variety ‘0,Oofferizies. , -.34- P. rr1.---‘-'011;Cr kr t,t. ‘.eStkillF, o-erld every half -hone during the ea, ien Here /oth' sold to Evrart Taylor other laroee towas can be just as well e 1 '. rta:'tta"onus i$ *Attr''''''. .atanaard Mlle- -7;o:az'on'tM"diste ..-,:r4d 1-et‘trarti W- Seigel, Wetted by the Coogresee Hotel; (S' to ,-Lndo- Sosan" o female shorthorn in comae the aznalett-oniafiore If o -e are Another good entertainmeot has re- . ceived the ecild shoulder at Wiugharn. Lieut, 33unton-Office.r in charge. Sunday it a. ni.--HpIloca$ meetine. The Grossjean Co., a Chautauqua en- i?orotasoinionneutf,031pdlaay7ediligtion aarlyrthyesirnocaali ,tlittiraY 3 P. nt."'"SurldaY Seh°°1' men who guaranteed Had $180.00 YSuoilud.aaYre7copilliarlYSianiVer inectilig* are out of pocket. • Had they brought Major Byers of Stratford, will con. some jazz or coon show to town they duct sve4a1 meeting this week - would in all probability have packed MAPLE GROVE CORNERS the bouse. The Company however In nee, et. mg o sin tleserve a certain amount of criticism Richard Gardner, Zion's busy cattle TI ,t' t " , the "National dealer left'for Toronto, Saturdaylast. Anthem" at the close of their splendid with a load of at cattle, and found a tntertainment. . ready market for the choice load ot seven and Earle Tuesday e iniMlIcritigjaccokw,Tuirlsttefrreslhosetneda onedayMOrninor between last week, for which he had. been of - stock, Howick Barn Burned eight o'clock, the fine barn fcree over the hundred melee. belonging, to Air. Robt. Hamilton, Ker. ieobert Webster bee disposed ;end con., was totally destroyed by of his 100 acre farm on the e3.th con. irre- Mr- 'Hamilton was doing his of Ashfield to Mr. Wesley Ritchie of chores by the light of a lantern and ziare while on his way down the barn torn. The lantern exploded and al- ,teehrtMearrisrideaadi371aeMefeeiwn.si.nogCf:le.iri\ 1.1 leer.41°111219a°g711$ leanS -t stairs, stumbled and fell to the bot - most inunedia.tely the fire was beyond control. The entire stock was con- Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Irwin of Bel - sullied with the exception of one fast gave an old time dance to their burned that it was necessary to shoot friends last Friday evening. Mr. James Alton of Belfast made a horse which, however, was so badly him. An insurance of $2,900 was mbusiness trip around St, Helens last onday, carried on the barn and contents by the Howick Mutual. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gardner of Zion Methodist Church Notes • spent the week -end with W. M. Cham- pion's of Fordyce. • Mr. John Champion of Fordyce Rev, C. E. Cragg, 33.D., Pastor, called on his sister Mrs, M. Gardner • Sunday, March 9th., e924. of Zion before leaving for Toronto to to a. no -Prayer and Praise Servece, attend the Hemphill College. 21.7302.pra. In, a.Lndsti,npciamy.-sePhuobolicsewssoiros3.111.i.p. L, 0. L. 1044 intend holding their The Rev. j. W..1-libbert of Kings- Friday, March 14th. The Zion com- ville, who has spent four delightful munity friends are especially invited pyre:sresnatsapndasptorreaocfh tbhoethchmurocrhninwgillanbde xptieraarystitnetgnimdeev.wenitth Orangemen, in this Kilpatrick's of Mafeking on Friday evening last and reported a very and Margaret Webster of Zion attend - Mr. Fred Anderson and Miss- Ada ed. the birthday party at Mrs. Sam. on Zion friends last Saturday. Mr. Bert Treleaven of Crewe called' • TORY CORNERS • annual "At I-Ionie" in Zion Hall, on ° evening. He will address the Sunday .School session in the afternoon. Let us all try to make the services on Sunday, seasons of great biassing, by being in the spirit of prayer and ex- pectation, • • . Mrs. Roy Callaway Dead Mr. and Mrs. William Chandler and fondly have the sympathy of a large ch-cle of friends, who learned of the sudden death of their daughter, Edna Elizabeth, who was married on the t3th of October t920, to Mr. Roy Callaway. She has resided in Elora ever since and besides a loving hus- band she is survived by two little boys, Billy and Roy Edwin, an infant one week old: Deceased lady was highly esteemed by all who knew her, she was in her 35th year and spent most of her life in Turnberry. Six of Hole -rood. for $eo; jnother calf Atarance-Times, and we will let you s •, NOTE -AU time indicated :in these laeoee„ ooprano: Arthur _Browne re to easel). ano...toinne,r canoed fee- Honey Jooenn oe Beemme, sold the merehesees of veingham .wem .sveie , o Weatinglioneee EIelocle, band.: esoaretdro ,Iyeratug',4X,‘Ion drrall orchestra ph:eying in the Laois -NVI bluevale for ;aisle The Advanc...---Times will receive one the Elora. Cemetery on Fridaar after - •Wednesday. Zt2farch, set. ' raz.)ilhitte,„" 11.3v1;tenv,...azd; -it-aiian err and his oreheetra olaying, in the oniveals. A aloe month male vital Ommito it they give, -.Andy Smith the Chas. _taitlee Harveet Neirgarth, Thos. &ale le re -vete,. eeeteete Gnwitwatal. terztevzo, room; Moo to ts..so re. tree), pers applied for to Stanley Seal of ioyal co-eperation wailc_h tieserves,""-Callaway, and John Gamihie. reeeleargh .Oahletie tkeetetwiation, cove '1,i „1.°1!"--•,C... etra-tee e Toska De:Bribery- and orchestra Otaaltare eaesan peoeeeese ta, °Rear 4 rta,,k, yoze, Bro. Davies aud we will try ' esorto -Seatteadeeestratneter.•.4 do, t e,•,,,lras tte Lome XVI room. Campbell of lenerris, for te.o.a.,sor. 'Mare/to prove worthy o'f yoor Idnd words, TN - • Station KUKA.-tatnea Meteas.) "1.'"."1" att`'"Jdz)'"' t't" kaaet nt,), Iosore. DeBabaxo- mai lus eteen coriditAon to Chao. Bosnian • or not badly earstaken the readers. or isters also survive viz: Mrs. Chas. Aitken, of Listowel, Mrs. James Mc- kueriey of Turnberry, Mrs. Harvey laelrgarth, of Kitchener, Mrs. Clifford Jenkins, of Turnberry, Miss Ethel of Toroutct and 'Miss Mary who resides with her parents at home. The reraaans were laid to rest in :sue Feeesebeedee /see Neght. teraeau a a on a room; f,S..to aa.), Clyde Do- N. ot Liszowel„ sold four of the best wOekly riapers Western noon., The pallbearers were: Msesrs. ' • • n r y h. 11 ;OA ra'IL'''. A'''' tt.'' '''''''''''s.r ,,,---tn--;i 9 tooP. ra.,---"Twent:%" Minutes of 'rgold A.:. tp Fred- Seaman, B'elo2Orel it Will, however, take a iew weeks ,e -a tree loaesiere ialay, ereetoted in'. tec;:dse-1 samtione ''''`c;41t„ id D'...rce.„--e-rt.,3 ;Good Readiag,'" by Rev- C.I- Perlin, toe Sadoeeter; "Soashiete'" to Geo. Lane 6..\-ae to .get rightly oreamized. ane-oreeee---1..rote-v ' -ba i- e.'41'nee. '.'14i= 7nlIz'Jc'lks?,A3e,''',(S. J.. head of depar.-traent of En, alt, of AIL. -4. -cotter, Publictri is a new,....-zsaner's stock in , .., ,... • th•2122, ‘ -.-• . , ,I , ,,,, t4 `, ty,,, 510, ..,.... 11,•• 1, 411....1 ,,.N't...,.... r.01;.;,,4 i 'A.,./t3+2'.r 15',...,*....an.,../' ...'uos-s,7-S, At Dawntlina"'(3,..oveoTaireten'ter.. 41:-..-eseal Princess etlet- ated '"Pritteet*T,-u-rade and it is, to tato individuol's in- •', _eel. 1 tt- Al- tele-a'Netieetal Steck-a:ad areal-es.`da'*""' ' ' ''''-;". '10 '-;,•;•,." i 5.1-20 tO r',...ez •;•,,A, nt.-Itus-:,oal pro- of F,R,s tort to,..h e:f1+,:. by T., Pier,ce, teres, luso as mach as to the rete.rest 1 , 1 ri.ear, iro,"..F.' ,c,-.,"rn tr'z'e'..,1r4.T.,;• _;.?:t'!,,,....,-r.aarz: ...N.terae Boyd:W., Itolzer,4 .......-oprano et- 13,02,,,,,..eirs, s.,01.1 to 5.„ ....,_NA .F..--,,ke, Ertis-i of the nevr-spaper to see that it- is ad, Faratler". 1:1,Ark,zt reeeree. p. ni,--,Mdress '.`,,,:!..- ',1)r. Con'. Reeri/Snr:441't ''-'• .4.°tr ae--za. °°°"'n'-!:-.---;Sartetea Mitchell, *baritone; Frans Bol- seis ior $To, and to Oxon Ressel bi-equatetr reeemper.e.ed, far pbSeity, ' 1044L14.4V-, rl'Os.- t'll;:,' rentriz.'44-'.Waltc i-'-'zIZI..$••• .'":-.111°4•• . . , qilizlky„ 'iii,eizistz Sandy Iletzs, tenor; Brasses, zer aaos.ori re,o,e-ceef-ally..- ix:Dotter, becoose if a neweeeestier, is pro- ' nta 'College for liVornen. '':, ';',:z7' -t:'.?"•''."--Ar,-'n. 1','-'1 ''Vta's41;.r..-ottateEs• of NV. C. Stenger. Program: William 11/4.1c..h..eno of Tee-swater,17miav ..,-,-qpgarted it is aye to vender, ,.., .,,, 71 i Eu...,„,,w,i,,s;,:-..- toret., ,r -,...r... tt t.,,.. rt ----. z2,tatie ...-.,,,a,kwaN,--$ o , -, '''.:Kir„z..,--.-sn'er lalztes," frz..rsi flit:telt= sold -Mina Ringleador" to W. S. King i'.:7;roae.er sereize to Inc tomenneity. t toot tarea 'Vac:it- Seeneleo,"" Cloirlato too ti Sanfl'en, VMY--aSo Meters ,,River," Iterrile Boyd mitc-,11 wadi& See Toreneery, for :$6,e...oze and' Free pot -diary' etinaldr,oraore he ex - toe ei •,,,,,..,,..." , 1,...........hP4-,:„.., .,...,;:”..- ,1 Ci4attral. Elecari4 CO:Olpany :r.174Me-.*, litlitehettl- 'Drink to Me 0o7iy," 'Matteileso Boy" to N,'citerazi Walsdee,peacted 4'-o--- a eaotoosee- °Iola .gree Ie- , -... of BraoselLe :Re azoolaeo. p MI eg/liii: fr'0.7.2 'a >a -Wye, free fentedo , . , ChT =0.41",n;•."'"'"="`"X".......'""-rtr.t...""*.,-.=.^"0M-- ;,. .-,,,,....a , p :e,":,C. adeeee ;realm 3hys'ir.:747; ave. ore,: I Tees-farays vi--/"R:lac,, to tz.,-o more than half the Sal," AVINO EA rzt. a tat:v-4es at:quit-ea at amy oite j t1.3„,0 MITEN101.44 .$TORZS,- eat halt. el'I'et 'hvar oari Wang riZsr=„tazse of the Tatice-$ &tstbetvir. Daall.NIONT STORE • TEA ILS. -4 Blez4, :IN, • V*" itt12.414.4, 1'4141 - zitmz 11101M7 Mint "S;e4ZrI ' tfgetiCZ eiN2WCIII0 •4 .4 wootxttoN Inr.KEVIZ4 `4q• ,Akttl'a 24tErM•, . 4 ri, rUotart ttrallOr tt1011114%4 ,or N.'444 tt.V.,40iXtettlit i.,11741.1S3.%, V.A.00N, tto WV.111S, SAVntil PASTRY 4,1 btg to'ry Tn.12,:zsz„, zryx.ki, ,et tzm VrzoirzsoNs .,lwaszwa, no. $71,z4MARD .017ZAVerielr • 011tkeroUdzat 0400 Cezsl water. for5A • , a?scar Klatitat tloe ratioadueer arotteit Bedeee clo6o,ree os once again 'oZeraiele, sell 'oDavateder Meartlea ,-:-..a, •,,,..-,...$1,..re .0=7 readers thst eee, will great-, 1:.iO 'Oratt Pi -r1:1 ;0: Btl"..--,Se:.1,i:ZP.I.t tater.ad.O, le- areeetaate. it if ye= will tell tis of .1 A. NV. Etheringetto sedol sin ar-iMansLar IrirSiter.S. -.7472., have cc of arry news ,:izes ionovos:: '1.fazrzr Laver-A:a:" la, W. ',,, trazt -,c-oT.,, kata:Ar Of. T,6-7:nk of The 1,.H.ArnnstrO:--g, Brasses, far ',..k,'&:: Aiarazoe-T,'=nes as Y-01.713. paper. No 1 ' n.11isa Ranesdfro et4;. Spenegelean'e tdet;lennerso et:os:her ean get an the news - Pre d azeoraae of 71)-m-r,l.',,,:-...e,,.:.f,, izri•-trics:ess he T22..ae 1..1r4 assistanee of every, 41.7-11seete Ceiell :etteth" no N. lioeVeate et..-;:' --e... coloaeo. kr WN; .11.,,,,,,-...,..--7,,,i., . atiasillo- I Let oararittedsleip. be =rano/. ' vier" to S. '..C.,',. Stot71:,ers., !tr. $.„,-,o; "May -1 , . 4,1, „..e.7_17,re.zp,...;e1..rerzis1.2a_5;...,,,..e,a_Cat rerea„so.,....Ree,1:=7::,..e.......:,:ef: i ,,,,, v 4-, 4.7. -,,,,. 7.-.t.tr7.er.,,,. to ',1.7,f -to.. ..,Cca.,...,4.,,, 4 Z44 a r - oteara ,.. nese, :co owee '. :teIfela;e,Ift ..1„7tifte.,..o----stop,r.zeotfe,, , ono.: ooze- o- ""oe -to-a e et- eaztaaeto t a.- oe, .e , to. W.Rtr,r,-c:z..74,- of 4:74-=4,,r.vd. for ,,It7..,,,,-42, , -11,:. pr,,,,,,,i pa:4;e ef WitgzsT„ former- t ."""o -z-'=-'-' &•Z a c:''..ly• ;;L'i iVireseehr=„ ana lire S.,kinner his ,h.o'al ',BM Seeezeree to ja Ji.. Keee oil .,,,,,eeeee„ etease aeedead 1.2,1,,m fvz;z Etvg- „,,T„:Z4.,,tft „.,.„,.h.tt ,,,,,,,,,,„ ,.., ,p.„'I ',..1.-4, o, „..n._,_a&s..., ..7.1,-eirlia.111 a pleaitezl admese4 - - ea -es” - --e .oseet tor'eat -entoe vakeeten le . , Ilarea,...er to Naireee ere... e in toe ,cja a „eel The 7e1alm r', littD:e"...e4 ;73,174ZWear',. f'or• 4411a:..4,3,., b ta-w--„,. rza.41e, ,es,n the s',:zer.,zaer, Anton- li 4 G' -o. Peazaaaaton, '''...2.-11 Br-z.-z.Sala 'It.' -a- 1..;:.n., -f-, Awong the edar.mo ot iaterest . e,atei5L s...rt4a. z,L,r,,,3,' Itz, 171.-=e-1 sw•tezz, ziicez-14-el were the ez.ti e=oaltiefa. a'adve ' :azzed,:tent.,1,,.2.6,,,r.er,,,•!....eeci.„-O.,,,,,a,r..a„, r.:r.o.dazzaz.,,,ct,:kire...t:: i,....„.6,_,..,,i` tea. ,eeeeeei,e,.,.:Le.tee. fee Feetee see .. o.„... ....o, • ...„.. .._ e„ tlw a 2., , *2•• .4 i L.,zztjz,,vir Vra$ µ,,,,,Z,...,„ 1 ••1 Ali pl.',,,Z4.,,,,,g,,....111,...,,,3 :-.-,-"2„,-...‘,711-=rt '4' At-----"' rm. t'- crgerS• z ' , .17-,1z :4,-,J,7-;•,-tizIn .k.'",g7;-:$ 'Wag „Telt SLhy7..?;: :24". 7r-oill'aze. who was Weeare sorry to report that Mrs. J. Garribleehas been under the Dr's.. Eare,, for the last week. Mo and Mrs. Bert Wright ando daughter of the loth, of Howlett visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Tay- lor on Sunday. Mrs. Lenard of Fordwich called on, friends around Tory Corners last week. : • We are glad to see Mr. George Wy- lie around again. Mrs. McIntosh from Saskatoon was calling on Mrs. Galbraith anti R. A. Taylor last week, - • Mr. Wilbert Gallaway gave n fare- well dance to their friends and neigh- bors on Thursday night. • BORN Mandy -On Feb. 28th., Igoe. in the Wingham General Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore F. Mundy (nee Bertha Blackball)) a son, A. marketing organization, owned, controlled and operated en- tirely by farmers. Use it to your own advantage in disposing of your produce. V you are getting more cream call in here and geta larger can. he United Farmers Co -Op. Co. Ltd. Wingharn r Itch Po; lymtemosniatermansmanammussw000mosmmnerminornomajkourcomemoomatmeRmap. EMI e, alliMINEELIDISV 7. ,:a„•Ite.2..p.i..1.,„,,,t0Himrmstea uereeeeee toe coe,,,seobeie V, Gee, • LA. -on o Ite.,-..,--s,trater.,„ liereate,,,w, aced tattoo ; 21k, rezzircattl., • tra;sc,:itt„..z,..,::4,=.4.,..,t,-tt 2,74, tz) .114-11-4zteillett--vnt47,-,,T$xt vos7.142:4•IsoillateTeve,:: :CUL atottititto t =1_.2. ....^:t.•11.1 1,1„. 112N,Atz.t, """' DOI AS 'FAI sot; eetzvealittietz.!..; "4E' ' " HU EATRE Wednesday mtti Tharsday • ICA HUTCH itn. Hutch Stirs /Ern .Up "IDEA' S" nth • ALSO (a-1mm comuny—BE youRsEt, Pridv and Sa,turday enezeoe ototereed toit tozeotot • 1,tteti4o ot r*,e, '17,e Eotettr,le Fartetens..' llantoel Fore : • , ' tL:LEntili • 1,e 1. Grre.ztt, hsemsi • 7f.""-,ett'; t'tit...., 74 i�e Presideooef... , S2Ni, Q;;L*1'. 7 ttPt. ;Iti74.2 enatetereer etreezetted he toheate, ene oe,e, , t -eve ,teer,ntniy4 . 4'Zr"4 7 +.:t •••aittat ' 4 1141.1.414,11611...1 j''.1414;i1,1 thhig, • • IZZ,711* 7.A '1,71th%, • ' 4,101,11 astit*, Au Ztr.:Stttlait en. Oensooret tee at , - 121° IlSztt11"1"41.3 244 142664,' , c';',.1"ZJV hit-tetd -fru bginc* litta Natik anatereettat, "„ 11.htett '.r.X4t1; 71-4,''-'44";*9 r1:14' Veete. A,?laiioaratibe fat ...clic* !at • ' : . ett '411- • "THF NUT" Faiithanks at his best a.ird blot platute• A.1.4 LLOYD ILLUSILIVN 14.18X1r0.4, SWaVi REX BEACH'S Romance . IR Al)Y" reandieta OA :his bawls nvott uTho Net° Ottrettat Betty UltottteitttIRON.,xt .174Ott 1%44 4iva 41,4110,1:4, not et lattie dat tattiellitat Po: vmt,' trt,4 of tilt tkotiotiv, • .141iv0At5nt1ikAID 00141tant 10.V•41114.4k • 011. 0010001**MWOMIONakilittglitiatiStaM*010106 eee ' .r/ ',;;;