HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-12-26, Page 4rcr
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PE flew YEAR
E Witalel YOU
PleoSPI RouS
1 r wthll ung all t attI, liappittrss ant
J rn i1 nit bluing Or
X. r fart ':Il , Mkt, h•p•f
FOR SALE=Brunswick phonograph,
2 reproducers, also a number of
records.' Apply Mrs. John Moir,
R. R. 2, Wingham. Phone 623r23.
FOR SALE -Duplex Auto Knitter.
good as new. Will sell cheap for
quick sale. Apply to Miss Nellie
Cruickshank, Scott Street.
LOST -On December 18th, between
the Bank of Commerce and Walk-
er's Furniture Store, a parcel con-
taining three articles of wearing ap-
parel. Finder please leave at Ad-
vance -Times Office.
An adjourned tax sale will be held
at my office, Town Hall, Wingham,.
on Friday, the 27th clay of December,
1929, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon in!
the matter of the :following property: 1
-Marion Johnston, McIntosh S lots
12, 13, 20, 21,' 22. Arrears -$109.32. i
And further take notice that if no
satisfactory offers are received at the
above mentioned sale, the property
'will be purchased by the Corporation
of Wingham.
Wingham., December 12, 1929.
Mrs. Charles J, Rintoul
On morning of December 14th,
there passed away at the home of
Mrs, James Kerr, Morris Township,
Mary Elizabeth Stein, widow of the
late Charles J. Rintoul. Mrs. Rin-
toul was born in Whitby in 1859.
Later she came with her parents to
Fordyce where she was married in the
year 1881. Of this marriage there
survive to mourn her loss, William
John, of Morris twp:; Charles, of Sar-
nia; Mrs. Percy D. McLean of Bel -
grave; Rev. A. G. of Sudbury; Mrs.
James Kerr, of Morris Twp.; Ches-
ter W. of Morris Twp. Mrs. Rintoul
was a member of the Presbyterian
Church and was a devoted mother
and highly respected by a wide cir-
cle of friends. The funeral service
was held at the home of Mrs. Kerr,
Morris, on Monday afternoon with
Rev. F, G. Fowler, 13.D., of Melville
Presbyterian Church, in, charge of the
service at the house assisted at the
graveside by Rev. Dr. Perrie, of
Wingham. Interment was made in
W. A. Galbraith,C l.ih.the family
plot Wingham cemetery.
•`.' Mr. E. Henderson, of Detroit, is
spending his holidays with his par- . SarahrRichmond, beloved wife of
(Wm. m. Richmond, 569 Broadview Ave.,
anis; Mr. and Mrs, R. Henderson. Toronto, died on Monday, Dec. 9t11,
Rev. L. V. Pocock of Toronto has`1929. The funeral was held on Wed-
• been 'appointed by His Grace Arch- r nesday,• December 11-th. Mrs, Rich -
bishop Williams to the parishes of mond had not been well for smite
' Blyth, Auburn and Belgrave, effect - l considerable time, and her death was
ive January 1st. r not entirely unexpected. Mrs. Rich-
/mond was the daughter of the late
'NOTICE TO CREDITORS Gee,, and Janet McGowan, of East t
i Wawanosh and the wife of Wm. Rich- 1
NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant mond, formerly of Morris Township.
to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the Re - ,This family moved from Myth in 18- a
vise& Statutes of Ontario, that all •
persons having claims against the Es-' 98, when Mr. Richmond joined the
tate of. William Clendenning, late of , firm of Wortman & Ward, of Lon- a
the Town of Wingham in the County I don, and Winnipeg. During the war i
of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who period Mrs. Richmond endured the
died on or about the seventh day of, N
October, A.D. 1929, are required to anxiety of having her son serving ov- M
send by post, prepaid, or to deliver , erseas and she tirelessly worked for
to R. Vnstone; Wingham, Ontario, his comfort and others of the boys b
Solicitor for the Executors, on or be -whom she knew and. loved so much,
fore the twenty-fourth day of Dec i i
ember, A.T7: 1929, their names and Besides her husband, one son sur- i,
addresses, with full particulars in `t ivies, also a sister, Miss Janet, and b
writing of their claims, and the na- brothers, Alex. and Wm. McGowan.
tune of the securities (if any) held In Winnipeg she was a member of
debclaratioduly verified by a statutory St. Paul's Presbyterian Church work- s
AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER `ing hard for the different organize- 4
that after the said twenty-fourth clay ,tions in it, In 1923, the family mov- cl
of December; 1929, the said Execut-led to Toronto.. Mrs. Richmond was
ors will proceed to'distribute the as- I buried in the Necropolis. a
sets of the Said -estate, among the. r
parties entitled...thereof ,having regard th
Only to the claims of which thet shall ; Mrs. M. •M. Bennett
then have had notice, and the said' The death of Mary Catherine Coop -
:Executors shall Y pabt thereof for
the ICt% wife of Rev. M. M. Bennett, oc-
said assets or an y•
Mrs. William Richmond,
was active in the Women's Mission-
ary Society, being president of the
Saskatchewan Provincial Society, and
a member of the Dominion Board.
She was also active in the work of
the National Council of Women. In
London. she was recording secreta
of the London W.M.S. until the tim
of her illness about a year ago.
Surviving besides her husband •a
two sons, Wesley, of Detroit, an
Emerson, of London, and one clang]
ter, Kathleen, a teacher at Toront
University. There are also two br
thers, Fred G. Cooper, of Ednionto
and Dr. Emerson Cooper, of Roc
wood, Mich,, and one sister, Mrs. Ad
Naftzker, of Adrian, Mich,
The funeral will be held to -morrow
at 2 p.rn. at the Gordon Ferguson fun-
eral home, corner of King and Wil-
liam streets. Rev. Bruce Hunter, of
Metropolitan United Church, Rev. G.
N. Hazen, of Centennial Church, and
Rev. J. W. Hibbert, of 'Wellington
Street United Church, will conduct
the services. Interment will be made
in Melbourne Cemetery. --Free Press.
Mrs. William Nethery
The death of another old and es-
teemed resident of East Wawanosh
in the person of Mrs. Wm. Nethery,
occurred at the residence 'of her dau-
ghter, Mrs. Jas. McGill, on Con. 5,
on December 17th. Deceased was
born in .1,852 in Haldimand County
and carne to Huron County in 1855
N her parents, the late Alexander
Henderson and Isabella Quinn, both
of Tyrone; Ireland. She was the
granddaughter of George and Mar-
tha Quinn, who came to Canada in
837. Mr. Quinn tools part in the
McKenzie rebellion and was sent with
11 expidition to capture Wm. Lyon
McKenzie at Navy Island and was
fterward enrolled in the 3rd Battal-
on of Incorporated Militia. Mrs.
Nethery received her education at
McGowan school, No. 10, East Wa-'
wanosh, and had the distinction of.
eing present as a pupil at the open -
ng in 1860. In 1872 she was united
i holy rieatrim r 1 1
and by the Rev. Wm. Murphy at
1Vinghain, the first Anglican pastor
tationed in that charge and after-
wards settled on their • farm on lot
0, con. 6, East Wawanosh, then a
ense forest. Here they hewed out
home for themselves where they
esided for forty-three years, In 1915 i
ey moved to Belgrave, where four
ears later she was bereft of her life
artner. Mrs. Nethery was a woman
f sterling quality, a staunch Angli-
an and a faithful worker in Trinity
htu•ch at Belgrave. She is survived
y one sister, Mrs, John Nethery, of
elgrave, and a brother, Mr. Wm,
endersun, of Vancouver, and •four
ens: A. H. Nethery of Sarnia, L.
ethery of Bruce Mines, W. C. Ncth-
y of Wawanosh and G. A. Nethery
Hamilton, and one daughter,'Mrs,,
Hies McGill of East Wawanosil,
ne daughter, Mrs. H. Craig prede-
eased heti in 1,908, The, funeral was
on December 19th from the
0me of lblr, Tames ,McGill, the ser-.
cc; being' conducted by the Rev.
r. Rickard of Brussels. Interment
ok place in Blyth Union Cemetery.
he pall -bearers were:' A. IT. Nethery,
T. Nethery, W, C. Nethery, G. J
ethery, H. A. Nethery, and Jas. Me-
June, 1853, With her husband, John.
Gibson, and ,one child, she crossed
thesea in 1857 on the sailing vessel
"St. Patrick", being five weeks an the
way, They came to Wroxeter, then
a mere clearing in the bush ,and join-
ed forces with Mr, Gibson's brothers,
Thomas and Robert, who had built a
sawmill and gristmill at the water
power provided by the River Mait-
land. Alexander Gibson and George
Gibson followed in 1859 and 1862 res-
pectively. Old residenters will recog-
nize these names as those of hien'
who left their impress upon the ris-
ing community, Thomas being mem-
ber of the Legislature for North (af-
terwards East) Huron from 1871 to
1898, while Alexander, after being
Deputy Reeve and Reeve, ryas elect-
ed warden of :the county. All broth-
ers were good singers, and until his
death in 1868, John was precentor of
the Presbyterian Church in Wroxet-
er, which it was one of the first cares
of the Scottish and Irish settlers to
erect. Left a widow. 61 years ago,
Mrs. Gibson brought up a large fam-
ily, all of whom were of a type .fitted
for the building up of a young coun-
try, but all of whoni, save the eldest,
have predeceased hers There are
many grandchildren, mostly in On-
tario, Manitoba and British Colum-
Mrs, Gibson will be remembered
by those who knew her as a kindly,
gentle woman, who met the hardships
and fulfilled the duties of life with a
Old, King Storm ruled with undis-
puted possession during the latter
part of the week, and after a rest on
Sunday, renewed its fury with unab-
ated strength on Monday. Thursday
a strong wind with heavy snow evade
travelling exceedingly heavy, tempor-
arily blocking the trains, and then
the next day a fierce storm from the
south completely finished the job. A
C.P.R. plow became stuck this side
o Teeswater, tying up traffic for
hours, while evening C. N. R. trains
ran hours late. Coining at this par-
tieular, time it .completely demoraliz-
ed Clu-isimas shopping, for the rural
roads are impassable in sections, and
very heavy in more favored parts.
Sunday's ,
v. respite t . fur ,
i c m lud bet •
to con-
ditions for the but two days before
Christmas, but around two o'clock a.
m. a heavy wind sprung up, driving
the snow in blinding clouds. The sit-
uation is a bad one for all classes of
business, but more particularly for
those Merchants who stocked heavily
in anticipation of an increased holi-
day trade,
Mr. Frank Field, of Chicago, is
spending the holiday, with his par-
ents in town.
7'hc annual meeting and election.
of officers of the W. M. S. of Knox.
Presbyterian Church, Belgrave, was
held recently with Mrs, Alex Cloak-
ey presiding. The officers for the
ensuing years are as follows: Presi-
dent, Mrs. A. Cloakcy, Vice -Presi-
dents, Mrs. Porterfield and Mrs. Jas.
Scott; Secretary, Mrs. T. A. Gear;
iTreas., Mrs. 0, G. Anderson; Organ-
ist, birs, Scandrett; Press Secretary,
Mrs, Porterfield. The Auxiliary has
had another successful year, the mem-
bership has increased slightly and the
the attendance and interest in the
meetings have been sustained. As
usual a bale was sent to the West and
a box of supplies to Miss Ratti, in
Toronto. The allocation was met,
and a balance left with which to start
the new year, In April the sum of
twenty-five dollars was donated to
the Auxiliary for the purpose of rnak-
ing'Mrs. 'Porterfielcl a Life Member
of the W. M. S. ;