The Wingham Advance Times, 1929-12-19, Page 5',l tarsday, becernber 19th; , 9
/sart6's For UsefuI Xmas
s in Great Varie
Our Men's and Women's Wear stores are heavily stocked with Useful and Practical Gifts for allmembers of
the family and others. Gift Shoppers will find it easy to make a selection from our large stock
and Excellent Christmas Values....
Handkerchiefs, Scarves, Belts, Silk
Hose, Silk and Wool Hose, Fancy Silk
Garters, Kid Gloves, Suede Gloves, Silk
doves, Silk Parasols, 'Shopping Bags, Pur-
ses, Fancy Beads, Silk Bloomers, Vests,
Pyjama Suits, Slips and Gowrie, Fancy
Cushion Tops, Runners, Silk Bed Spreads
and Linens, Wilton and Velvet Rugs and
Mats, Fancy Slippers.
Women's and Misses' Ready -to -
Wear Specials
See our large range of Sweattrs and
Pullovers, special values at $2.90, $3.50,
$3.90 and $4.50, Kimonas at $3.75.
Christmas Bargain in Women's
and Misses' Dresses
Latest models in satin, silk crepeand
georgette, - sale prices are $9.50, $11.50,
$14.50 and $16.50.
. All our Winter Coats
Women's, Misses' and Children's on
sale at 20 per cent. discount.
Buy Your Fur Coat Now
At a Big Saving, every coat must
be sold, all coats are guaranteed.
You save on all lines of Men's and Boys'
Wear at this store. A Big Assortment in
all wearables for Christmas Gifts.
Special Prices' on Silk Ties at
39c, 50; 69c and $1.00
Socks in Silk and Silk and Wool 49; 69c
Mufflers in Silk and Fine Wool at
$1.00, $L19, $L50, $2,00, $2.50
Sweaters and Pullovers
At special cut prices for Xmas. See
them at $2.50, $2.95, $3.50, $3.95, $4.75.
Men's and Boys' Caps, new patterns,
tweeds, Handkerchiefs, plain, Linen and
Initialled, Fancy Silk and Pretty Bordered
Braces, Armbands and Sets of Ties and
Handkerchiefs in Fancy Boxes, New pat-
tern Silk and Broadcloth Shirts, Men's and
Boys' Suits and Overcoats at reduced pric-
es, Bath Robes.
For the Children
Teddy Bear Coats, Bonnets and Caps,
Mitts, Gloves, Bootees, Scarves, Bibs, Wool
Coats, Sweaters and Pullovers.
He E
WARDEN ADDRESSES lafternoon for the .December meeting.
COUNTY COUNCIL AT The 'members gathered under the
OPENING OF SESSION shadow of the death 'of Reeve Chas.
B. Snell of Exeter, which occurred
suddenly and unexpectedly on Mon -
The county council Met in session clay morning. Appropriate reference
at the court house, Goderich, last to the passing of their colleague was
week, having convened on Tuesday made in a resolution adopted by the
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council, and it was resolved to send
a letter of condolence to Mrs. Snell
and a wreath for the funeral. The
council also decided to adjourn over
Wednesday afternoon in order to at-
tend the funeral..
When the -roll' was called all the
seats were filled with the exception
of that of the member from, Exeter.
Warden Inglis in addressing the
council spoke feelingly with reference
to the sudden passing of Reeve Snell.
He said that their late colleague had
by his quiet and unassuming, but gen-
ial, manner and his diligent attention
to business made friends of the whole
council, and his work on the council
board .tivas such as to reflect credit
on the municipality ,which be repres-
Continuing his address, the Warden
said that'since the June meeting the
county had gathered a ood harvest:
Taking one year with another•i. Hur-,
on had been favored with. good wea-
ther conditions and its people had
been favored with much to be' thank-'
ful for in, this regard, for conditions
Prevailing in many''parts of the 'West
were causing much hardship.
The old -age pensions scheme had
been introduced through the commit-
tee appointed for that purpose at the
June session, and had been thorough-
ly and efficiently carried out. Some
criticism had been indulged in regard-.
ing the .cost, but considering the work
necessary and actually performed by
the committee he thought such crit-
icism was not in order. He believed
the committee had been very diligent,
had spent much time, and had been
very faithful and thorough in the dis-
charge of their duties, and the re-
port to be presented would show that
the working out of the scheme in-
volved much more trouble and ex-
penditure of time than people ima-
Referring to the financial condition
of the county, the Warden pointed
out that expenditures had grown very
materially during the last seven. years, II
and the increase had -been due chiefly
to two causes, the cost of secondary
education, and the cost of Provincial i
highways. These expenditures were I
entirely beyond the control of the
county council, but had to be met by
cbu.nty levy. The council,had been
trying to meet these increased ex-
penditures and at the same time pay
off the wartime debentures on a six-
mill levy, but had found this to be
absolutely impossible; hence the in-
crease of the county levy from six
to seven mills. •The Warden believed
the general opinion was factorable to
the pay -as -we -go system, by which
the county wouldavoid the further
issue of debentures, and .the council
was encouraged in pursuing this
course by the Hon. G. S. Henry, Pro-
vincial Minister of Highways, and
others high in the highway financing
problem. At the last convention of
the Ontario Good Roads Association
it was held on high authority that
the pay -as -we -go system was to be
preferred for three main reasons:
1. There is less tendency to extra-
2. At least forty per cent, more
money is required to 'build the same
mileage under the long payment sys-
uive SE
$1,00 to $3.00
Felt, Velvet or Kid, soft, comfort-
able and good looking: Real values.
90c to $2.25
Felt, satin, leather with wood Cu-
ban heels, all shades and sizes.
Full fashioned, thread silk, in new
shades, regular $1.50 per pair.
Special, 3 pairs in a box . , ..$4.00
Also lines from ... $1.00 to $1.95
The Ideal Gift
Phone 23.
Wingham, Ont.
3. The roads will be fully paid for
when finished and will not have to
be rebuilt before payment is complet-
ed, as is often the case in conncetion
with the debenture system of pay-
ment. .
This council, of course, the Warden
remarked, would not be called upon
to make schemes for the incoming
council, but whatever arrangemets
were made he hoped the council
would be able to adopt some method
without introducing long term pay-
ments to burden the future genera-
tion, which would have its own prob-
lems of financing. •
Another matter calling for the at-
tention of the council was that relat-
ing to hospital payments for indigent
patients. The Warden considered
that with four well-equipped hospi-
tals in the county these patients sure-
ly could be provided for within the
county, and though this might not
materially lessen the cost, the money
raised in our own county taxes would
be paid to our own county instititu-
tions. The Warden said he would
strongly recommend an improvement
in the Act whereby these cases would
be under the control of the county
The Warden concluded an admir-
able address by expressing a wish for
hearty co-operation and faithful con-
sideration by the members of the
council of all matters submitted
The merriest morning of all the year — The morning they will appreciate the most — Gifts for every
member of the family. — Our stock is complete and our prices will please you.
Silver Tea Services
Dozens of pretty, useful numbers.
Tea Services $12.00 to $40.00;; Cake
Plates, Creams and Sugars, Well and
Tiee Platters, Gravy Boats & Stands,
Cups for the baby.
Men's Wrist Watches
Oh boy! We ,have the berries! Say
those 'Bulova's are a knockout, such
a collection to select from, We can
offer you a good watch from .$10.00
up to $37.50, others as low as $2.75.
Pocket watches $1.00 to $45.00.
W1.i . 11
If you are looking for colored Toil-
et Sets, Rose, Pearl, Natural Blue,
etc., our stock is complete. Sets 8.00
to $30.00 and Hamilton's engrave
them Free. Only our own goods en-
graved in December. ...Open evenings,:
A gift such as this could not fail to
solve the Christmas Gift, and the re-
cipient however reluctant she may
have been to express herself before
Xmas will not fail of joyful enthus-
iasm on Xmas morning. Our settings
are the newest and most artistic.
Prices range front $15.00, $25.00,
$35,00, $42.50, $50.00, $65.00, $75.00,
$8.5.00, $100,00 to $200,00. ' Select
yours to -day. Open evenings.
Dozens and dozens of new pretty
links 50c up to $10.00. What better
gift for him. Engraved 'free, Please
order early,
Cups a d Saucers
Dozens of them 45c to $5.00, and
for the little tot see our 15c special.
Ladies' Wrist Watches
White or Green Gold, rectangular,
15 jewel, at $12.50, $15.00, $20.00
$22.50 to $37.50, guaranteed.
Other Ladies' Wrist Watches $7.50 up
Pen and Pencil Sets
What more useful gift for ladies or
gents, $4.50 and up, also desk sets,
Tamban shapes and two tone strike
$1.0.00, $12.00, $16.00, $18.00, West-
minster four quarter chimes $45.00.
Dutch Kitchen Clocks, 8 day, (We do
not stock troublesome 1 Days) $2,95
and up.
SELECT NOW A Small Deposit and we put your Gifts ;away until', Christmas-- Visit the store of a Thousand Gilts
AMILTON Open Evenings
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