HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-12-12, Page 8WXWGRAM AI,?,VANCE»TIMES WILLIAMS' Guessing messinCompetition jack: "Say Bill, I want to get a , do you know where 1 can get one?"' Bill: "I'll say so, you try 'WILLIAMS the JEWEL- ER, he has some real good ones, not expensive either." „ The Missing Words represent something that we sell The first person who guesses the missing words wires Four Dollars in cash, if ' no one is' successful, one dollar each week will be added until the prize is won. The winner's name wide be published in this paper. $20.00 Purchase is .the ;limit. One Guess to Each Person Each Week Write your name, address, and your guess, and hand it into the store. The missing words are in a sealed'envelope held by Dominion Bank,.Wingham. XMAS SUGGESTION • DIAMOND RINGS CHINA - FANCY GOODS STRAP OR WRIST WATCHES SILVER NECKLETS WILLIAMS, the JEWELER Watch Repairs our Specialty.. Opp,. Queens Hotel. 1111111111111111,1,1111.111,1 tri t T•PLu "WA'fl^IW QUAIWY CoW'I S,, sV. sals DRIED FRUITS LAMS, WASHED Brazils gamy. Filberts TARRAGONA Almonds 16.25c lb. 21e lb. 27c c•inimunima DELMONTE SEEDED Raisins WY- 17c AUSTRALIAN SULTANA Raisins lb. 15c •. • RECLEANED Currants ib. 18c • Razor Blades 39c -C • Charm Pkg. 9c Pa• GILLETTE'S SA A CL SII ili SoonBe Hem-etl with ail the accompany -lite feasting and fesUrities—Pl® Pudding, Mine Pie, Not,, Winn and all the rest of the trlmmiags Are you ready? Our stores am fully stocked 'ariih' all Dia seasonable mer- chandise to ensure you a real Merry Christman. PRG. PURE LARD 2 -LII. PAIL 264. PAIL 510 $3J.9 FOR BETTER RESULTS—COOK'S FRIEND Baking Powder lib. Tim 29 CHOICE, LARGE—SANTA CLARA Prunes mon ROUSE Stuffed. Olives BLENDED BT li refers Ib.15c 8.oz. Jar 27c "Richmello" Coffee lb. 59e A DF LICIOus BLEND "Richmello" Tea Ib. 75e CHRIASrT��M•AS FNDIVTDUAAL CAMS EACH APPrar. and 89a in aur Dos Bovril CROSSE A BLACKWELL'S CHRISTMAS PUDDINGS OLD ENGLISH ET'rtE EACH Sweet Pickles 2 1.a In an Earthen• wars Bowel 2.oz. Bottle 37e C �t 2910,e DAXCR'S jLUal COCOA X V2 -lb. Tett 2,2e 22e 3 nor 2 W7t '�e es iimmie®• • 8 i (Continued from page Six) She peered in; saw only three old women. No one could be in hiding, none approach without being seen, Palmyra• entered, advanced toward the central posts,glanced interestedly. Suddenly, something 'dropped past her eyes, and the three old women hurled themselves at her, So unexpected the attack'froin such as these, in an open shed such as this, at almost the settlement's busi- est and most public spot, that the girl was caught unready, And before she could move a muscle, cry out,. her throat was cbmpresscd-a terr- ible choking pressure. Shefought for breath. `-1"hen, her antis pinioned; came relief and a fierce warning: "No 'peakey, no 'peakey!" At the moment of the - onfall her guide, still behind her, had dropped round her throat a fibre loop, a brutal tourniquet with which she could, instantly, be stran- gled into silence—or death. The women, fearing Van might soon arrive, prepared to take their prisoner immediately away. At first Palmyra thought this im- possible. But now she made a discovery. Though the thatch was so notorious- ly to the forefront as to seem above suspicion, the high wall of the police compound ended directly opposite, and turned inland, leaving between it and the blank wall of the trader's a three-foot lane. This path, she re- collected being told, ran back for a half a mile, a mere,•passageway be- tween the wall and the mangrove swamp upon wh'ieh she had looked . down from her mission window, And the month of that hidden path was no more than twenty feet dis- tant. 3,: IINIZSSEDIABISIISSIDRICOIREDASTE LYCE THEATRE Friday and Saturday, December 13th and 14th Reginald Denny in-- "Red Hot Speed" Monday and iTuesday, December. 16th and lith Laura LaPlante In "Horne' James" Wednesday and Thursday; December l8th & 19th- • Marion 9.th- Marion Nixon Ih- eraldir!e A Both "I°arltzla to story �` Until an• alarm had been given the people would be unsuspicious. The French trader across the way had locked up his place and gone out to breakfa"st. The native passersby were comingin detached groups. Palmy ra's captors need only wait until no one was near, Then, closing round her, they could ' whisk her across, screening her with one or two of the ,ever-present umbrellas, raised either against a shower or the equa- torial sun, But almost at the moment of the sortie there canie an interruption. One of the old women, stooping down to glance out, discovered the girl's father and mother and Con- stance Crawford approaching — al- ready close. Panic ensued. If her captors had not been dangerous be- fore, they certainly were now. The prisoner would have screamed. Unconsciously, she extended her lungs to take in the necessary air. But, on the second, that fibre cord cut deep into her flesh. Gasping, she was thrust under the mosquito net; thrown flat, head on bamboo pillow. Two of the hags fol- lowed her into the netting, sat press- ed against her' on either side. These snatched off her hat and veil, threw over her a covering. Meanwhile the crone who had lur- ed her here had taken a machete and seated herself on the patch of grass before the house. Within the house, Palmyra's two guardians had begun a low -voiced singing. She perceived herself as a sick woman. These two kindly old souls sat inside the net to comfort her, while, before the hut, a third waited ready to answer solicitous in- quiry. And any commotion of strug- gle which might catch the transient eye would be taken for a round of that massage which is the native's cure-all. Her captors had taken impish ad- vantage of that trait in human nature which causes ratan never really to look at a thing in plain sight. She was intensely alert. At the slightest opportunity she meant to scream, to fight. Since her escape from Burke she herself had carried a small' automatic pistol. At the first chance she'd use it. Now, however, she saw Van Buren Rutger approaching, and sank back. again. The others had not known. Van did know. But just as the trio had strolled away and the newcomer alinost, reached the house, here, unexpected- ly, was' the mean Martin. He : ran up to Van, Excitedly he spoke. "Say, mister. . . Your lady friend, That red-headed girl," Van drew back stiffly. "Miss Tree is in this house," he said. Martin was vehement. No, that she wasn't! Outlaw natives had her, Hurrying her away. Van stared, incredulous, yet alarm- ed, "1 got it straight," cried Martin, "There's twenty of 'em or snore—all with guns. And -they'rerunning her for the Ptieliko Rocks," • The Rocks, were a noticeable fbr-; !nation, not far inland. , fie",. All Van's suspicions of tete: brown ratan burstforth in the one cry "Oliver y Palmyra,, seeing, hearing, burned with contempt, The stranger now took tine initia- Thursday, December 12th, 1929 tive. "I'll warn the Japs _ lie said. '. �� �M / NIU i� �� �� ®� � 1♦ � ��1�A7♦�� ��� ��A��A... "You run,vfor the mission. Remern- e ber—the Puelik9 Rocks." , Y111 A� f I w i A /'! �f" a"L r f A g f t1 A f rt f1 T ■ fi f �I e i 1" T ri ■ ■ ■ ■ Yr, , • ■ • ■ • ■• ■ ■ • • • • ■ to ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ .••, ■ KING • IaIRIM■■■■i■eaaa.aIaaaa.auIIIIIu�■®a2I i.ii*iIIIIIII1■.iU But at this moment here came Johit Thurston. .fdje. was jumping 'up to the wharf from a boat. At sight of him Min's face lighted vi,th,Nrelief , Inst4ttly, Thurston began to ,thi dw yd a off his`:iwhite coat. • ' , "Olive? Nonsense!" "I tell you;" Van affirmed shrilly, 'she's in Love with the damned kali aka and he, he's got her." (Continued next week) HEALTH SERVICE Of The CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOC- IATION WHAT DOES YOUR DOCTOR KNOW? When an individual decides to be- come a doctor, he or she faces a long course of preparation. The principal requirement is education in subjects embracing the sciences upon which much of medicine is•based.- Because of the rapid development of all science during the past years, and in order to improve the training of those to whom human life is to be entrust- ed, the period of training has been considerably. lengthened. When the medical graduate is given a license to practise, he or she is qualified to render certain definite services be- cause of the knowledge acquired. Your doctor knows the structure of the human body and how it functions when it is normal or in a state of health. Those who think of their d • octor as one to call when there is illness in the home, forget that he knows about the well person. It is because of his knowledge of the nor- mal body, and how it can be kept normal, that he is able to provide a Metter. service to humanity in keeping peo-'' ple well. It is for this reason that the periodic health examination of ap- Oi• i1' ■'l • •'5�i/4U ■ • Certainly ' y yet. shown is here to be , the fin.est•�arla we have admired ,and bought; Pea .letfiatl far and riea°l' :6.re,,deli;ghted with' ■ our vast shoWng of Christmas Goods. • ■ .,•; ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ f i • ■ ■ ■ • ■; • ■ ,11•r ■ ■ ■ ■ i ■ ■ SOMETHING FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY Women's & Misses' Section GAY SCARFS FRIVOLOUS NEGLIGEES . 7 ENGLISH PURSES AND HAND BAGS • ,, NEW PARASOLS KID AND SUEDE GLOVES THE FINEST HANDKERCHIEFS SILK VELVET. DRESS LENGTHS Dressing Gowns - Breakfast Coats PYJAMA SUITS •Lingerie Sets - Fancy Pillows MADEIRA LINENS OLD BLEACH LINENS Bridge Sets - Luncheon 'Sets' COLORED LINENS., ENGLISH BATH TOWELS ART SILK BED. SPREADS Scotch Blankets, Coverlets' DOWN COMFORTERS and scores of other Christmas Novelties. For The Men HOUSE COATS WOOL BATH ROBES A FUR COAT THE SMARTEST SCARFS AN OVERCOAT CHRISTMAS NECKWEAR ENGLISH SOCKS SWEATER SETS WOOL PULLOVERS SUSPENDER SETS Fine Shirts in Christmas Boxes GOOD PYJAMAS WARM UNDERWEAR • SILK UNDERWEAR ' Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs SCOTCH GLOVES DRIVING GLOVES A CAR ROBE FORSYTH SHIRTS BELTS, GARTERS, ARM BANDS Many other acceptable Gifts. Stores open evenings beginning Monday, December 46th. WINGHAM EROS., dressed to the Canadian Medical As -I sociation, 184 College Street, Toron- ' to, will be answered: personally by pal ei tly well, persons by the family physician is • of great value. It is through such ,examinations that the .doctor is able to give •Co his health clients,the benefits of what he knows concerning the maintenance of health and the prevention of disease, conse- quently, the securing of more years of health. You doctor knows the early signs or symptoms of disease just as he knows' what occurs in acute disease. He knows how to treat disease early in order to prevent the development of more serious conditions. He knows what the man or woman with weakened organs• should and should not do. He knows all this, but un- less he is given the chance to use his knowledge in the early stages of dis- ease, he cannot help you. • Because of what your doctor knows you should make full use Of his knowledge to . help you in keeping well, in the early care of illness as much, if not more, as in its serious consequences. Questions, concerning Health, ad - DONNYBROOK The children of Donnybrook Sun- day School have begun practicing for a Christmas entertainment. Mrs. Joseph Chamney returned last week from, a visit with het dau- ghter, Mrs. McLaughlin, at Detroit.,; Miss Laura Johnston spent the week -end at her home in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell and son, were Sunday visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. John - Ston. The teacher and pupils of Donny- brook school are preparing for a concert to be held in the school 'on Monday evening, December 28rd. Mr. Harry Chamney, who has been under the doctor's care for the past six weeks, is not improving as fast as his many friends could wish. Nurse Robinson is taking care of him. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thomson of Auburn visited last. Sunday with their' daughter, Mrs. Mark Armstrong. Mrs. Joseph Chamney and Clarence visited on Sunday at the home of her., daughter, Mrs. Raymond Finnigan., at Crewe. ' THIS institution has found in its long experience that •ilii / e most people are WILLING to put aside part of their - earnings every month_ —but that the `Tack of a DEFINITE PLAN, has prevented many from turning, their wishes into ac- tualities. Mail coupon for booklet of Investors Syndicate Plan by which $9.45 invested monthly unconditionally guarantees 51,500 in 120 months with the same proportionate growth on larger amounts. Also ask for our finaneial statement showing our resources of over $22,000;000. rithnetic intcf wt'c r&.l��icarricy'-t a r n"it . • stinza't c ,GCCbrj -h �l7titzvt�L�' --Fi/scOfasiuoao i20 //_ Name:. .... Address....... NT -12 A. G. SMITH, District Representative, 280 Eglington Toronto !IIzmir num Iesums lo llsitiSlllsltltl.ilsllllllisllloillsllir!i intilslusllollNina Homan nitImaat mul■• pl lsiill/IiISInsuis!Ilslilsilam. lIlli rIIsll. 4 2 i 10 w 4 #_ 4 2 2 2 4 2 u fI Only Sixteen(16) Buying Days Until Christmas } t E f s 2 s.. Now is the Time to Buy your Christmas =_ Gifts when our stock is at its best Our store is literallyfilled to overflowing with Christmas Suggestions' and We invite an inspection' "the Enna Shoe Sho e:, WINORAM '.i•r y ' 4 2 2 M ilnnSlli InlSAimimit i ilnlrslli�lllls soniwllhlllIillsnlwi�lrMmimiili;I ilyol�u lmalmlan;�lll(SuiSlll� I I>lwi I ISIIISI I ISI! ISI I INIII ISl(It�IIiSI I IiNI I Itl�l IISI IISI I IMLIiIlI IISIIIMIt a