HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-12-12, Page 4Aj WI OIIAM ADVANCE -TIMES SUITABLE IFTS FOR ALL AT MODE ATE PRICES SPECIAL HALF PRICE SALE Our complete stock of Genuine French Ivory is on sale at / PRICE=Brushes, Mirrors, Toilet Articles of all kinds. Every article stamped. 50c articles on sale at 25c; $1.00 articles on sale at 50c, etc. etc. ' A Drug Store, Winghatn NIMIIIIIIIIIIMEMERNIRMIegenssammummangssogomaNIMMOIIIIIIIIV Gift Suggestions. What is more appropriate than a Box of Delicious Candies Everybody likes them. We have a very large assort- ment to choose from at a wide range of prices. We also cater to Schools and Sunday Schools for Bulk Candi-, Nuts, Novelties, Etc. See Our Windows JOHN Ce McN B Succ. to J. M. McKay Phone 77. Wingham, Ont. lomtiogatEmonsommmanua 1111111®111111iN11:1011111{1T3111121i2IliZii'Ci1112I11111i131I1EIESIIIBIIIBdIIIMIIISIIiIIIIIIE11I®III11III®111EIL Better Makes of Quebec Coo ve .. a eaters On Display at Our Store "McClary Furnacettte" WANTED—A girl wants house work in town or country. Call Henry Johann at BeImore. FOR SALE—One coal -oil heater a pair of shoes and skates, size 5. Ap- ply ,Mrs. Jas. A. Edgar, Victoria street, HEATING and PLUMBING—Have this important work done by a com- petent man at right prices. Alex. Harvey, Phone 362. STRAYED—On the farm of Wm. Lynett, Lot 5, con. 12, Turnberry, 2 head cattle. Owner may have same by proving property and pay- ing for advertisement. CAULKING—Save 15% of your fuel yearly, by having those drafty doors and windows caulked and weather-stripped by A. R. Headon, Victoria St., Wingham. FOR SALE—Heifer and 9 chunks pigs. Apply to Chas. Potter. FOR SALE—Tolman Sweets and Spie apples; also dry hardwood. Apply to Wm., Field, phone 160. WHITECHURCH Mr, Duncan McGregor of T•eeswa- ter and Mr. Jack Henderson. of Luej<- now visited one day last week at• the the home of Mr, Mac Ross.' Mrs. George Robertson,. 'who has been in London hospital, is now vis- iting with her cousin, Mrs. Powell, of •Stratford and is improving nicely. Mrs. Ross and babe of Huron tp. were visiting for a few days last week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, David Farrier. " "Gipsy," the beloved old horse of Mr. George Cottle, passed away last week after a long life of usefulness. The S. S, children of both Chal- mer's church and the United church are busy practising for their Xmas concerts. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Simpson of Teeswater spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Will Conn. Many old friends will be pleased to welcome home Mr. Wm. Miller, who, when a boy, lived here with ,his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston. Mr. Miller arrived home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Tiffin of Wis- consin have been visiting with their brothers and their families; Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Tiffin, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tiffin of Kinloss. Mr.. Leslie Taylor, who has been in the West for a couple of years is now visiting with his brother, Mr. Wendell Taylor. The play "Tourists Accommodat- ed" was given in the Institute Hall on Monday evening last and was en- joyed by a full house. The Young People of the 4th con. of Kinloss have been preparing a play "Red -Acre Farm," which they will present on Friday, December 13, in the hall here. Mies Olive Terriff is visiting in Lucknow this week with Mrs. Allen Turner. We congratulate Mr. Walter For- ester, who was 'one of the 500 farm boys who enjoyed the Royal Winter Fair as the government's guest. Mrs. Alec Reed spent .a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Balfour of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs° W. J. Currie' spent a day last week at the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Jacques. They were accompanied by their daughter and her husband, Mr, and Mrs. McElroy of Lansing, Mich. Mrs. Eli Jacques received word from Winnipeg that Charles Taylor, aged 63 years, a native of Langside, died after a short illness. 'He is-sur- FOR SALE—Duplex Auto Knitter, good as new. Will sell cheap for _quick sale. Apply to 'Miss Nellie Cruickshank, .Scott Street. EXECUTOR'S SALE Of Valuable Town Property Take notice that Thos. Fells, has received instructions from the Exec- utor of the estate of the late Eliza- beth ,r__, _n, to sell by Public Auc- DLLJEVALE The Ladies' Aid and W1 M. S. of Kndx Presbyterian Church held their regular monthly, ^meeting on Thurs- day, hursday, December 5th, at the home of Mrs. R. F. Garniss, with a good at- tendance, /lie financial statement for• the Ladies' Aid showed a balance: on hand of over $270. The officers for 1929 were returned by acclama- tion. The W. M. S. gave a splendid re- port for the year, having held twelve regular meetings which were full of interest besides special "Prayer meet- ings, The allocation of $110 was rais- ed by free-will offerings. This year a "Home -Keepers" branch was or- ganized which gave a good report. Officers for 1930—President, Mrs. Peter S. McEwen, 1st vice -President, Mrs. Peter D. King, 2nd Vice-Presi- dent—Mrs. C. Adams; Secretary, Mrs. Eldrid -Nichol, Assist. Sec., Mrs. Jas. Nichol; Treasurer, Mrs. D. J. Falcon- er; Glad Tidings Sec'y, Miss Hazel Mundell; Home Helpers' Sec'y, Mrs. Jas. Elliott, Welcome and Welfare, Mrs. D. J. Falconer, Mrs. A. H. Coombs; Supply Sec'y, Mrs. John Mundell; Press Sec'y, Miss Olive, Scott; Organist, Miss Margaret Gar- niss, The S. School of the Ebenezer Un- ited 'Church (Broyentown), . will hold their annual. Xmas Tree and. enter- tainnient on Friday evening, Decem- ber 20th. A mixed program is being prepared including a short play en- titled "Mix Well and Stir,b' Admis- sion 25c and 15c. A three -act play entitled "Two Days to Marry" will be given in the Foresters' Hall, Bluevale, on Friday, December 13th, at 8 o'clock, present- ed by the Lucknow Junior Farmers. Admission 15c and 35c. Everybody come and enjoy a real night's fizn. Dance after the Play. rj Thursday, Uecember.12tb, 1929 • tion subject to a reserved .bid, on vived by his daughter, Mrs. G, K. Cas - !9 SATURDAY DECEMBER 21, .1929 1 well, Vancouver, Mrs. G. S. Robison, and one brother, Arthur, Winnipeg,- at 3 o'clock in the afternoon at theis- Brunswick Hotel, in the Town of of Chidago. Mrs. George Taylor of Wingham, the following property: Lower Wingham is an. aunt, All and singular that certain parcel A small Furnace Built Heater, encas- � or tract of land and premises situate ed in beautiful Walnut Enamel finish, = lying and being in the Town of Wing - six room heating capacity. - Danz in the County of Huron in the p0 Province of Ontario, being Lot No. 3 on the East aide of Josephine street d Statutes of Ontario that all "McClary Three -Way Beater" NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the Re- in Jane Sadler's Third Survey 'of the Re- v ersons having claims against the Es - 1 said Town of Wingham, containing 1/5 acre of land more -or less. On the said premises are said to be a white brick house with cement cellar 22 ft. x 30 ft; white brick kit - _ tate of William Clendenning, late of. The Best in Quebec Heater, takes• cold air off the floor. Hct: Air Pipe Me can be attached. Easy on fuel. McClary Cub Cook Stove the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who Ng died on or about the seventh day of October, A.D. 1929, are required to chen adjoining 20 ft. x 22 ft., both on send by post, prepaid, or to deliver A stone foundation, containing in all 7 to ,12, Vanstone, Wingham, Ontario, Compact, neat little cook with 4 lids is - and revolving grates $20.00. 6 IT Second Hand Stoves and Heaters, Hand Made Pipes, Elbows, Sifters. if – day of December, A.D. 1929, AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER WEEK END SPECIAL LIST t, J. W. BUSHFIELD, Executor. that after the said twenty-fourth day �1 DIED McNaughton—In Turnberry, on Dec- ember 5th, Duncan ,McNaughton, aged '70 years and 7 months. Robertson—In Morris on Sunday, December 8th, William Robertson,. in his 60th year. Funeral took place ,,on Tuesday to l3russels Cern- etery. GREER'S "THE GOOD SHOE STORE" Is Ready with a Full Display of 'Footwear Gifts GIVE FOOTWEAR For Service --For Beauty — For Economy. Women's Bedroom Slippers, big Special 90c selection, specially priced at 90c. HE WOULD APPRECIATE • Astoria Shoes Zippers Overshoes Cosy Slippers Spats. Shoe Packs Hockey' Shoes Skates Club Bag Moccasins SHE WOULD LIKE Fancy Slippers Satin Slippers Silk Hose Zippers Gaytees Bedroom Slippers Boston Bag Skates Skating Shoes Moccasins If. your Shoes or Rubbers need repairing bring them here and have them done right. Phone 23. TRY THE W. j. GREER Wingham, Ont.' ADVANCE-TIMES WITH YOUR NEXT ORDER OF JOB PRINTING ot to rooms; a frame wood shed 14 ft. x Solicitor for the Executors, 'on or be - 16 ft. and a frame barn 14 ft, x 16 ft. fore the twenty-fourth day of Dec There is -a good well beside house ember, A.D. 1929, their names and and the soft water is in the house. addresses, with frill particulars in TERMS -10% of purchase money writing of their claims, and the na- on day of sale and balance within 30 ture of the securities (if any) held days thereafter. by them duly verified by a'statutory DATED at Wingham, Ont., this tenth declaration. 39c– Washers .69c F5 Fruit Presses Vac. as erS of December, 1929, the said Execut- i ` AUCTION SALE I ors will proceed to distribute the as - Victor tiifters 25c Copper Boilers , ...$3.29 sets of the said estate, among the h vin regard only to the claims of which. they shall the Of Stock and Implements parties entitled thereof , a g g 1 Can Johnston Floor 'ax 99c 1 Can Sa11i-Flush, Both for .... — rhe undersigned has been instruct -then have had notice, and said Can , ® ed by Walter J. Simmonds, Lower Executors shall not be liable for the Shell 1111eS '0131 1 , _ id assets or any part thereof to any rson of whose claim they shall not l oval,I'urple 1,a}- Alash, Zenolel1111, "Black Leaf =1.0": 1 SATURDAY DECEMBER 14th ' then have received notice. DATED at Wingham this thirtieth = Celo-( class Fpsom Salts, Sulphur, Saltpetre. ® The g day of November, 19 9. Cross -cut Saws, Axes, Handles, Coleman L,amps,l I. th calf at foot; calf, two months Solicitor for the Executors. Iiresh stock on hand --Oyster Sl ll L t Grit ®1Vingham, to sell by Public Auction said : at two o'clock on pe followin articles:— y A.D.D 2 Cow in about two months; Heifer R. VANSTONE, Wingham, Ont., }.., . `, - wi g n Aladdin .!,amps, 'Hockey Skates, Sticks, Sleighs. old; general purpose mare rising 8 if limn Har = years; Single horse plow; scuffier, set NOTICE TO CREDITORS NI harrows, pulper, cutter, light spring wagon, hay rake, 1 -horse heavy wag - NOTICE is her Al ill — g , Fe row.vised Statutes of Ontario, that all TERMS—Crash. Thos. Fells persons having claims against the Es- *II lglA{�Ifl°.1113RI111III 11121111$11181,11E11112111/5111116911591111l�Ih fllllill6111151111111211I1CRIIl�5l11g!'s111,111 . tate of 'Margaret Hislop; -late of the ;r : NI Auctioneer. �„. - .......�..�.��� •���m�--�� Township of:Turnberry in. the Coun- -,cw,amm,..aaaam.aas.......mntimenor.o.w®nam.b.e,ram.+wmewmm.n..t........m.an►omoa®o.moo+0^°mo40.. s, ty of Huron, Spinster, deceased,. who PLAN TO ATTEND toves on, potato sprayer, `Viking separator, hereby given, pursuant �1r+e`d is set single harness new; -t MEM BIM ®■®■so®■�E®■IIIe�MINEUR®E®ERMENE®eIIIIsaIIIIIIMME NsSII®I r 111 E orth While as Gif s This year we feature more than ever before Useful Xmas Gifts for shoppers from HANNA'S MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOP Xmas Gift Suggestions ® A new Suit or •Overcoat - A new Hat A N enc Sweater -- A new Umbrella — New Underwear. wear. au1I1$I:IIII■* Z to whe.elbar- to .Section 56, Chap 121 of the Re- 2 -Day Sheep Marketing Course To he held 111 the TOWN HALL, GORRIE, ONT. DECEMBER 18th & 19th, 1929 !Discussions by Jas. Telfer and I . j. Wilson, Dom- inion Live Stock Branch, Sheep Division. These men are specialists in this work,. Courses held under the direction of Department of Agriculture, Huron County Ontario p .� t Bianchi, Clinton, Ontario. )rStevensonwill s eak on Parasite Control on Wednesday fore- noon, myon, December 18th. a.1 .1 IA. ,aa,tian*Mneae EARN $6 to $10 PER DAY Ambitious, reliable men wanted at once. Part time pay while train- ing for Aviation Mechanics, Gar- age Work, Driving, Battery, Elec- tric Acetelyne Welding House Wiring, Industrial Electricity, Ma- chinist,Bricklaying, Plastering, Drafting, Barbering and I•Iairdres- sing, Act quick, get your applica- tion in now. Write or cal] for in- formation, Dominion Trade Schools Ltd. Eastern Headquarters, 163 King St., W., Toronto, - Employment service coast to coast died on or about the sixth day of December, A.D. 1928, are required to send by post, prepaid or to deliver to' R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator, or.•r before the twenty-fourth tray of Dec- to ember, A.D. 1929, their names and l Wi I d I addresses, with full particulars' in writing of their claims, and the nature M of the securities (if " any) held by 11111 them duly verified by a statutory de- 0 claration, 0 AND,TAK1; NOTICE. FURTHER NI that after the said twenty-fourth day 0 of December, 1929, the said Adtnin- ■ istrator will proceed to distribute the ' l® assets of the said estate, among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only lo the claims of which he shall then have had notice, and'the said Li Administrator 8110 not be liable for' �K the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim he shall not then have received notice. DATtD at Winghai . this thin„ ieth day of november, A. 1929, R VANSTONE, Winglranr, Ont,, �AA11a11, Solicitor for the Administrator. CARD OF TEAM'S The family of the late Gertrude Stafford of Gorrie, wish to thank many friends for their sympathy and kindness received in their recent be- reavement in the loss of a dear mo- ther. 0 a ■ 0 SCARFS New patterns, silk Scarfs would make a choice gift. Our large as- sortment of newest checks, stripes and plaids. $1.75 to $3.50 Dressing Gowns TIES Xmas Neckwear is now ready, all neatly boxed in imported silks in stripes, new Paisleys and plain shades, Boxed ties 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 GLOVES English heavy warm Gowns in gay designs, with silk cords $7 50. Silk Gowns in paisley, good weight, shawl collars, silk cords $16.50 Interwoven Sox for men, in fine silk, silk and wool and cashmere; individually boxed at 75c, $1.00, $1.25 Wood's fine Botany checks and heather mixtures, individually box- ed at 75t pair 1 Gift. Accessories Garters, Belts, Initialled Handk'chiefs, Braces, Spats. 0 wf� 0 I�. 0 0 ®. O NO ®. 0. O 1111 on 111 O 0 ■ ■ 0 0 0 An 'deal gift are Gloves. rhe 0 popular gloves' this year are deer L skin and genuine buck -skin, with dome or pullover wrists at, 82.50, $3.50 and $4.50 SHIRTS If Dad needs a new ,shirt of For- syth or Arrow quality, buy it in woven stripes or fancy silk vier- cerizcd shirtings, 2 collars. ...These new lines are boxed individually for Xmas, sires 141/ to 18, Prices $2.25 to $3.50 anna i�y r� e�yy /gA1Ali� bawl*W11lAflI�I 1� t�11����IA�A1� •`♦ir4tam isi gni• ▪ Imasegaommoomm "� 3'1,,r i T-oUoMT MSgf3C POP D WANT' (�1t A COPY o 0 of= IT ` 1 '%--► ,1 'ArSoi, hl : \C ~' • I o / �1 .� MC KI BBON' Tri pi o° STORE � i FORS Xr^r�.S 61F 15 t--�� YOOLI 1 VE IN SANTA .CLAUS-- 1:101q-1- '`UOt�,,)111 1�oN' i` FO11(7E. ' lb 5E 10 IT ,, 0 iltE ' WHY, JiM,WHAT'S 'Tl-lE' IDEA �:,+r�� OF Two ,- -- " y -. 51)leh 1 t M r r,`,yk : 1 'nei` ti Y,. / NORTH, POI -E 1 , SANTA% ollllo1 G CLAUS J: LE.TTE1253 , " v ,,,,,z R3.,, 1'.Il l tify klsa .... . `NOW ' ` �.� WON 90p: ,,,t.... ,�,i• e �� �ry �r �p` / :., /�,ii� ((0g ., ra,\ ` II �r o %,' ''1,\\ /III /%/ n.. SUITABLE IFTS FOR ALL AT MODE ATE PRICES SPECIAL HALF PRICE SALE Our complete stock of Genuine French Ivory is on sale at / PRICE=Brushes, Mirrors, Toilet Articles of all kinds. Every article stamped. 50c articles on sale at 25c; $1.00 articles on sale at 50c, etc. etc. ' A Drug Store, Winghatn NIMIIIIIIIIIIMEMERNIRMIegenssammummangssogomaNIMMOIIIIIIIIV Gift Suggestions. What is more appropriate than a Box of Delicious Candies Everybody likes them. We have a very large assort- ment to choose from at a wide range of prices. We also cater to Schools and Sunday Schools for Bulk Candi-, Nuts, Novelties, Etc. See Our Windows JOHN Ce McN B Succ. to J. M. McKay Phone 77. Wingham, Ont. lomtiogatEmonsommmanua 1111111®111111iN11:1011111{1T3111121i2IliZii'Ci1112I11111i131I1EIESIIIBIIIBdIIIMIIISIIiIIIIIIE11I®III11III®111EIL Better Makes of Quebec Coo ve .. a eaters On Display at Our Store "McClary Furnacettte" WANTED—A girl wants house work in town or country. Call Henry Johann at BeImore. FOR SALE—One coal -oil heater a pair of shoes and skates, size 5. Ap- ply ,Mrs. Jas. A. Edgar, Victoria street, HEATING and PLUMBING—Have this important work done by a com- petent man at right prices. Alex. Harvey, Phone 362. STRAYED—On the farm of Wm. Lynett, Lot 5, con. 12, Turnberry, 2 head cattle. Owner may have same by proving property and pay- ing for advertisement. CAULKING—Save 15% of your fuel yearly, by having those drafty doors and windows caulked and weather-stripped by A. R. Headon, Victoria St., Wingham. FOR SALE—Heifer and 9 chunks pigs. Apply to Chas. Potter. FOR SALE—Tolman Sweets and Spie apples; also dry hardwood. Apply to Wm., Field, phone 160. WHITECHURCH Mr, Duncan McGregor of T•eeswa- ter and Mr. Jack Henderson. of Luej<- now visited one day last week at• the the home of Mr, Mac Ross.' Mrs. George Robertson,. 'who has been in London hospital, is now vis- iting with her cousin, Mrs. Powell, of •Stratford and is improving nicely. Mrs. Ross and babe of Huron tp. were visiting for a few days last week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, David Farrier. " "Gipsy," the beloved old horse of Mr. George Cottle, passed away last week after a long life of usefulness. The S. S, children of both Chal- mer's church and the United church are busy practising for their Xmas concerts. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Simpson of Teeswater spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Will Conn. Many old friends will be pleased to welcome home Mr. Wm. Miller, who, when a boy, lived here with ,his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston. Mr. Miller arrived home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Tiffin of Wis- consin have been visiting with their brothers and their families; Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Tiffin, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tiffin of Kinloss. Mr.. Leslie Taylor, who has been in the West for a couple of years is now visiting with his brother, Mr. Wendell Taylor. The play "Tourists Accommodat- ed" was given in the Institute Hall on Monday evening last and was en- joyed by a full house. The Young People of the 4th con. of Kinloss have been preparing a play "Red -Acre Farm," which they will present on Friday, December 13, in the hall here. Mies Olive Terriff is visiting in Lucknow this week with Mrs. Allen Turner. We congratulate Mr. Walter For- ester, who was 'one of the 500 farm boys who enjoyed the Royal Winter Fair as the government's guest. Mrs. Alec Reed spent .a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Balfour of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs° W. J. Currie' spent a day last week at the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Jacques. They were accompanied by their daughter and her husband, Mr, and Mrs. McElroy of Lansing, Mich. Mrs. Eli Jacques received word from Winnipeg that Charles Taylor, aged 63 years, a native of Langside, died after a short illness. 'He is-sur- FOR SALE—Duplex Auto Knitter, good as new. Will sell cheap for _quick sale. Apply to 'Miss Nellie Cruickshank, .Scott Street. EXECUTOR'S SALE Of Valuable Town Property Take notice that Thos. Fells, has received instructions from the Exec- utor of the estate of the late Eliza- beth ,r__, _n, to sell by Public Auc- DLLJEVALE The Ladies' Aid and W1 M. S. of Kndx Presbyterian Church held their regular monthly, ^meeting on Thurs- day, hursday, December 5th, at the home of Mrs. R. F. Garniss, with a good at- tendance, /lie financial statement for• the Ladies' Aid showed a balance: on hand of over $270. The officers for 1929 were returned by acclama- tion. The W. M. S. gave a splendid re- port for the year, having held twelve regular meetings which were full of interest besides special "Prayer meet- ings, The allocation of $110 was rais- ed by free-will offerings. This year a "Home -Keepers" branch was or- ganized which gave a good report. Officers for 1930—President, Mrs. Peter S. McEwen, 1st vice -President, Mrs. Peter D. King, 2nd Vice-Presi- dent—Mrs. C. Adams; Secretary, Mrs. Eldrid -Nichol, Assist. Sec., Mrs. Jas. Nichol; Treasurer, Mrs. D. J. Falcon- er; Glad Tidings Sec'y, Miss Hazel Mundell; Home Helpers' Sec'y, Mrs. Jas. Elliott, Welcome and Welfare, Mrs. D. J. Falconer, Mrs. A. H. Coombs; Supply Sec'y, Mrs. John Mundell; Press Sec'y, Miss Olive, Scott; Organist, Miss Margaret Gar- niss, The S. School of the Ebenezer Un- ited 'Church (Broyentown), . will hold their annual. Xmas Tree and. enter- tainnient on Friday evening, Decem- ber 20th. A mixed program is being prepared including a short play en- titled "Mix Well and Stir,b' Admis- sion 25c and 15c. A three -act play entitled "Two Days to Marry" will be given in the Foresters' Hall, Bluevale, on Friday, December 13th, at 8 o'clock, present- ed by the Lucknow Junior Farmers. Admission 15c and 35c. Everybody come and enjoy a real night's fizn. Dance after the Play. rj Thursday, Uecember.12tb, 1929 • tion subject to a reserved .bid, on vived by his daughter, Mrs. G, K. Cas - !9 SATURDAY DECEMBER 21, .1929 1 well, Vancouver, Mrs. G. S. Robison, and one brother, Arthur, Winnipeg,- at 3 o'clock in the afternoon at theis- Brunswick Hotel, in the Town of of Chidago. Mrs. George Taylor of Wingham, the following property: Lower Wingham is an. aunt, All and singular that certain parcel A small Furnace Built Heater, encas- � or tract of land and premises situate ed in beautiful Walnut Enamel finish, = lying and being in the Town of Wing - six room heating capacity. - Danz in the County of Huron in the p0 Province of Ontario, being Lot No. 3 on the East aide of Josephine street d Statutes of Ontario that all "McClary Three -Way Beater" NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the Re- in Jane Sadler's Third Survey 'of the Re- v ersons having claims against the Es - 1 said Town of Wingham, containing 1/5 acre of land more -or less. On the said premises are said to be a white brick house with cement cellar 22 ft. x 30 ft; white brick kit - _ tate of William Clendenning, late of. The Best in Quebec Heater, takes• cold air off the floor. Hct: Air Pipe Me can be attached. Easy on fuel. McClary Cub Cook Stove the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who Ng died on or about the seventh day of October, A.D. 1929, are required to chen adjoining 20 ft. x 22 ft., both on send by post, prepaid, or to deliver A stone foundation, containing in all 7 to ,12, Vanstone, Wingham, Ontario, Compact, neat little cook with 4 lids is - and revolving grates $20.00. 6 IT Second Hand Stoves and Heaters, Hand Made Pipes, Elbows, Sifters. if – day of December, A.D. 1929, AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER WEEK END SPECIAL LIST t, J. W. BUSHFIELD, Executor. that after the said twenty-fourth day �1 DIED McNaughton—In Turnberry, on Dec- ember 5th, Duncan ,McNaughton, aged '70 years and 7 months. Robertson—In Morris on Sunday, December 8th, William Robertson,. in his 60th year. Funeral took place ,,on Tuesday to l3russels Cern- etery. GREER'S "THE GOOD SHOE STORE" Is Ready with a Full Display of 'Footwear Gifts GIVE FOOTWEAR For Service --For Beauty — For Economy. Women's Bedroom Slippers, big Special 90c selection, specially priced at 90c. HE WOULD APPRECIATE • Astoria Shoes Zippers Overshoes Cosy Slippers Spats. Shoe Packs Hockey' Shoes Skates Club Bag Moccasins SHE WOULD LIKE Fancy Slippers Satin Slippers Silk Hose Zippers Gaytees Bedroom Slippers Boston Bag Skates Skating Shoes Moccasins If. your Shoes or Rubbers need repairing bring them here and have them done right. Phone 23. TRY THE W. j. GREER Wingham, Ont.' ADVANCE-TIMES WITH YOUR NEXT ORDER OF JOB PRINTING ot to rooms; a frame wood shed 14 ft. x Solicitor for the Executors, 'on or be - 16 ft. and a frame barn 14 ft, x 16 ft. fore the twenty-fourth day of Dec There is -a good well beside house ember, A.D. 1929, their names and and the soft water is in the house. addresses, with frill particulars in TERMS -10% of purchase money writing of their claims, and the na- on day of sale and balance within 30 ture of the securities (if any) held days thereafter. by them duly verified by a'statutory DATED at Wingham, Ont., this tenth declaration. 39c– Washers .69c F5 Fruit Presses Vac. as erS of December, 1929, the said Execut- i ` AUCTION SALE I ors will proceed to distribute the as - Victor tiifters 25c Copper Boilers , ...$3.29 sets of the said estate, among the h vin regard only to the claims of which. they shall the Of Stock and Implements parties entitled thereof , a g g 1 Can Johnston Floor 'ax 99c 1 Can Sa11i-Flush, Both for .... — rhe undersigned has been instruct -then have had notice, and said Can , ® ed by Walter J. Simmonds, Lower Executors shall not be liable for the Shell 1111eS '0131 1 , _ id assets or any part thereof to any rson of whose claim they shall not l oval,I'urple 1,a}- Alash, Zenolel1111, "Black Leaf =1.0": 1 SATURDAY DECEMBER 14th ' then have received notice. DATED at Wingham this thirtieth = Celo-( class Fpsom Salts, Sulphur, Saltpetre. ® The g day of November, 19 9. Cross -cut Saws, Axes, Handles, Coleman L,amps,l I. th calf at foot; calf, two months Solicitor for the Executors. Iiresh stock on hand --Oyster Sl ll L t Grit ®1Vingham, to sell by Public Auction said : at two o'clock on pe followin articles:— y A.D.D 2 Cow in about two months; Heifer R. VANSTONE, Wingham, Ont., }.., . `, - wi g n Aladdin .!,amps, 'Hockey Skates, Sticks, Sleighs. old; general purpose mare rising 8 if limn Har = years; Single horse plow; scuffier, set NOTICE TO CREDITORS NI harrows, pulper, cutter, light spring wagon, hay rake, 1 -horse heavy wag - NOTICE is her Al ill — g , Fe row.vised Statutes of Ontario, that all TERMS—Crash. Thos. Fells persons having claims against the Es- *II lglA{�Ifl°.1113RI111III 11121111$11181,11E11112111/5111116911591111l�Ih fllllill6111151111111211I1CRIIl�5l11g!'s111,111 . tate of 'Margaret Hislop; -late of the ;r : NI Auctioneer. �„. - .......�..�.��� •���m�--�� Township of:Turnberry in. the Coun- -,cw,amm,..aaaam.aas.......mntimenor.o.w®nam.b.e,ram.+wmewmm.n..t........m.an►omoa®o.moo+0^°mo40.. s, ty of Huron, Spinster, deceased,. who PLAN TO ATTEND toves on, potato sprayer, `Viking separator, hereby given, pursuant �1r+e`d is set single harness new; -t MEM BIM ®■®■so®■�E®■IIIe�MINEUR®E®ERMENE®eIIIIsaIIIIIIMME NsSII®I r 111 E orth While as Gif s This year we feature more than ever before Useful Xmas Gifts for shoppers from HANNA'S MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOP Xmas Gift Suggestions ® A new Suit or •Overcoat - A new Hat A N enc Sweater -- A new Umbrella — New Underwear. wear. au1I1$I:IIII■* Z to whe.elbar- to .Section 56, Chap 121 of the Re- 2 -Day Sheep Marketing Course To he held 111 the TOWN HALL, GORRIE, ONT. DECEMBER 18th & 19th, 1929 !Discussions by Jas. Telfer and I . j. Wilson, Dom- inion Live Stock Branch, Sheep Division. These men are specialists in this work,. Courses held under the direction of Department of Agriculture, Huron County Ontario p .� t Bianchi, Clinton, Ontario. )rStevensonwill s eak on Parasite Control on Wednesday fore- noon, myon, December 18th. a.1 .1 IA. ,aa,tian*Mneae EARN $6 to $10 PER DAY Ambitious, reliable men wanted at once. Part time pay while train- ing for Aviation Mechanics, Gar- age Work, Driving, Battery, Elec- tric Acetelyne Welding House Wiring, Industrial Electricity, Ma- chinist,Bricklaying, Plastering, Drafting, Barbering and I•Iairdres- sing, Act quick, get your applica- tion in now. Write or cal] for in- formation, Dominion Trade Schools Ltd. Eastern Headquarters, 163 King St., W., Toronto, - Employment service coast to coast died on or about the sixth day of December, A.D. 1928, are required to send by post, prepaid or to deliver to' R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator, or.•r before the twenty-fourth tray of Dec- to ember, A.D. 1929, their names and l Wi I d I addresses, with full particulars' in writing of their claims, and the nature M of the securities (if " any) held by 11111 them duly verified by a statutory de- 0 claration, 0 AND,TAK1; NOTICE. FURTHER NI that after the said twenty-fourth day 0 of December, 1929, the said Adtnin- ■ istrator will proceed to distribute the ' l® assets of the said estate, among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only lo the claims of which he shall then have had notice, and'the said Li Administrator 8110 not be liable for' �K the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim he shall not then have received notice. DATtD at Winghai . this thin„ ieth day of november, A. 1929, R VANSTONE, Winglranr, Ont,, �AA11a11, Solicitor for the Administrator. CARD OF TEAM'S The family of the late Gertrude Stafford of Gorrie, wish to thank many friends for their sympathy and kindness received in their recent be- reavement in the loss of a dear mo- ther. 0 a ■ 0 SCARFS New patterns, silk Scarfs would make a choice gift. Our large as- sortment of newest checks, stripes and plaids. $1.75 to $3.50 Dressing Gowns TIES Xmas Neckwear is now ready, all neatly boxed in imported silks in stripes, new Paisleys and plain shades, Boxed ties 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 GLOVES English heavy warm Gowns in gay designs, with silk cords $7 50. Silk Gowns in paisley, good weight, shawl collars, silk cords $16.50 Interwoven Sox for men, in fine silk, silk and wool and cashmere; individually boxed at 75c, $1.00, $1.25 Wood's fine Botany checks and heather mixtures, individually box- ed at 75t pair 1 Gift. Accessories Garters, Belts, Initialled Handk'chiefs, Braces, Spats. 0 wf� 0 I�. 0 0 ®. O NO ®. 0. O 1111 on 111 O 0 ■ ■ 0 0 0 An 'deal gift are Gloves. rhe 0 popular gloves' this year are deer L skin and genuine buck -skin, with dome or pullover wrists at, 82.50, $3.50 and $4.50 SHIRTS If Dad needs a new ,shirt of For- syth or Arrow quality, buy it in woven stripes or fancy silk vier- cerizcd shirtings, 2 collars. ...These new lines are boxed individually for Xmas, sires 141/ to 18, Prices $2.25 to $3.50 anna i�y r� e�yy /gA1Ali� bawl*W11lAflI�I 1� t�11����IA�A1� •`♦ir4tam isi gni• ▪ Imasegaommoomm "� 3'1,,r