HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-12-05, Page 7Thursday, December 5th, 1929 VIMMHAM,ADVAI CETIMES ALMOST FRANTIC WITH T H HEA DACH E Kidney Trouble rod Weakness e Relieved b "Fruit -a, -til " Y nes Mrs. TESSIER 9 was very weak because of Kidney - Trouble. and suffered with terrible Headaches," says Mr, •• Romulus 'Tessier, St. Jean de Matha, P.Q. "I was treated for a longtime and was Just about discouraged when I learned of `Fruit -actives.' Improvement came with the first few doses, and in six s>donths the kidney trouble, weakness :and headaches were gone." "Fruit -a -tines" regulates the bowels, kidneys and skin—purifies the blood—, brings sound, vigourous health. •a Try this wonderful medicine made of fruit juices combined with the finest :rnedieinal ingredients. 25c. and 50e. .a box --at dealers everywhere. .....000001201000 .000010000100,10.1 GEORGE WILLIAMS Official C. N. R. Watch Inspector Repairing Our Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 5. Opp. Queens Hotel. ',FAVORITE HMYNS When came . Word, -The heedless world slept on, .And only simple shepherds heard 'That God had sent His son. in flesh th' Incarnate ''When conies:the Saviour at the last, From west •to east shall shine 'The awful pomp, and earth aghast . :Shall tremble at the sign. 'Then shall the pure in heart be blest; !As mild He comes to them, As when upon the Virgin's breast •€He lay at Bethlehem; .As mild to .meek -eyed love and faith; 'Only more strong to save; , :Strengthened, by having bowed to death .13y having burst the grave. Lord, who could dare see Thee des- cend In state, unless we knew -Thou art the sorrowing sinner's Friend, 'The gracious, and the true? Dwell in our hearts, 0 Saviour blest, :So shall thine advent dawn 'Twixt us and Thee, our bosom -Guest, 'Be. but the veil withdrawn. —Joseph Anstice, 1836. The lime draws near when, prepar- ntions for celebrating the advent of our Blessed Lord on earth brings the reminder of His second advent, in -power and great glory, to end and to judge the race of men upon earth Some of our finest hymns are con- nected with this season, notably, "Lo, I3e Comes With Clouds Descending" '"Great God, What Do I See and Hear," " On Jordan's Banks the Bap- tist's Cry," "Hark, the Glad Sound," -familiar to Christians from their ear- ly childhood. The hymn reproduced herewith is well worthy of a place with such *Id favorite hymns. It answers all the requirements of the ancient defin- ition of a hymn. It is also a source of pious thought and meditation, an inspiration to holier living and faith- ful dying, a lifting up • of the heart to the sinner's friend who never fails to; help and succorthose who come 'unto God through Him. The same halo of peace, faith, and hope from about the soul of a dying Pian which has irtade Mr. Lyte's "A- bide With Me, Fast )ails the Even- tide," the most universally popular • hypm in Christendom surrounds this hymn also, Like the other it was born in the very valley of the shad- ow hadow of death, for. Joseph Anstice lived only a short- time after composing it, and he knew well that God had marked him for the grave. Son of a Shropshire (Eng.) gentle- ` man, Jbseph Anstice was born at Madeley in 1808, and attracting at- tention by his remarkable ab'stity, Was enabled at alt early age to enter tWhrist Church College, Oxford, \there he graduated with double -first. honors, and also gained two impor- tant prises. Be "became a tutor at ottee'but when only twenty-two years of age was invited to become Profes- sor of Classical Literature at Kings College, London, • He was admirably fitted for . that position 1 ton scholastically as was shown by his translations of "Choice Poetry of the Greek Dramatic Authors," and his prize essay on "The influence of the Roman Conquest upon. Literature and the Arts in Rome." He had al- ready published his Oxford prize poem on "Richard Coeur de Lion," and had become recognized as one of the most. promising young inert ' of his age. He was married to a clever and devoted wife, and his future must have appeared to be bright and pros- pero:us: Then in the mysterious providence of God sickness of a wasting char- acter declared itself; For a year or two "lie continued his lectures, adored by his students, admired by all for. his, finished scholarship. He afterwards removed to the mild climate of Torquay, in Cornwall, but continued his teaching until death robbed hint of life and strength to go on. His wife said, writing after his death in the third person to one seek- ing. permission to use some of Ur. Ansticc's,hymns in a hymnal then be- ing compiled: "'.Che hymns were all dictated to his wife during the last few weeks of his life, and were com- posed just at the period of the day (the afternoon) when he felt the op- pression of fids illness—all his bright- er mmorning hours being given topup- ils up to the very day of his death." He left fifty-two hymns as a price- less legacy to his age, but because corrections and preparations for the press he would have given them, con- ly a very limited edition of them was printed,and that for prorate circula- tion among friends only. Among them 'were: "O Lord How Happy Should We Be," "Lord of the Har- vest Once Again," "Father by Thy r Love and Power,,"When Came. in Flesh," and several others which were after a time introduced into church hymnals, Professor Anstice died in 1836, ag- ed twenty-eight, greatly lamented. Five years later Mrs, Charlotte Yonge the well known authoress, made use of some twenty-five of his hymns in Iher "Child's Christian `Year," and it was from this boot, that they passed into some of the hymnbooks, Thegrand old.tune i t Lntvc7sii " to, Yr {.1sung, ur�z our Hymn may be 'encs written at least a hundred and fifty or sixty years ago, has been attribut- ed to a musician and organist named J. Randall, who died in 1790 and left us' . several sound tunes including Lewes sometimes sung to "Lead Us,' Heavenly Father, Lead -Us•" Advance -Times "BUY.= AT = HOME" Campaigp COMMUNITY BUYING. DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE The Merchants and Business men represented below are co-operating in an effort to prove to the residents of the town and community surrounding b un ty that. vat- ues equal to any of the larger towns or cities may be procured in local stores. A series of educational "Buy -at -Horne" editorials will Y be reproduced weekly along with an individual write-up of each business. The benefit of Home Buying will be shown to the general advancement and comm nit and take advantage of the weekly specials offered by the merchants, and BOOST THE TOWN YOU CALL HOMl progress of the community. Read the editorials SALE TOY S ODD LOTS Worth Up to 49c Clearing 1 9C Each This Week -End At WALKER STORES LIMITED The Following Industrial Manufacturers Heartily Endorse This Buy - At - Home " Campaign SUPPORT THE LOCAL MERCHANTS AND HELP OUR TOWN GROW BURK'S OUR CHRISTMAS GOODS ARE NOW IN CALL IN. AND SEE THEM Rae & Thompson Shelf and -Heavy Hardware, Coal, Iron, Etc. — Phone 27 -- MARTIN-SENOUR PAINTS Machan Bros. The Western Foundry Co., Limited The Gunn -Son -Ola Co., Limited Stewart Glove and Lea- ther Works FRY & BLACKHALL Limited MacLean Lumber & Coal Company Howson & Howson Flour Mills KING BROS. SPECIAL DISPLAY Men's and Young Men's New Overcoats, Suits, Scarfs, Gloves, Neckwear. Plumbing and Tinsmithing. I-Iousehold Necessities, Paints and Oils. — Phone 58 — Call and See our Stoves, Heat- ers and Furnaces. .010110000100. Gibs n's Bakery Town and Country — Phone 145 — BUTTER BAKED PASTRY Quality Bread Hovis Bread, Whole Wheat Bread Bran Muffins. ,0001MMI•100010M•0o H. J. JOBB — Phone 46 — SPECIALS Luncheon Cloths ,all pure linen Rose borders, 52 insquare Each $1.29 42 in. Wobasso Pillow Cotton, Extra fine quality, yd. 49c F. CARTER Ideal Bakery — Telephone 132 — WHOLESOME BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY THOS: KEW Harness and Repairs. Phone 176 Suit Cases, Bags, Trunks for Vacation Travel. McKAY'S CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM PARLOURS -- Phone 77 Try our "Ice Cream for dessert. W J. CLARK Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing: OIL. BTrRNERS AND HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS Telephone 141j. Hanna & Co. Ltd. Exclusive Men's Purnishings Made -to -Measure Suits with 'cx. tra Trousers, guarantied, Hart. pars Special' ..- $25.50 ABELL'S MUSIC STORE Everything in Music SPECIAL THIS WEEK Brunswick Records, regular at 75c, this week ...._ 49c Bargains in Used Pianos. Wetherall & Son Prices Reduced on All Models. A. J. NORTROP Meat Market. Fresh and Cured Meats. Phbne 22 --- SPECIAL SPECIAL THIS WEEK Picnic Ham, 27c lb, cash RUBBERS Women's Rubbers in all sizes and in several heels, sizes 3 to 8, for 65c Men's Rubbers, in all sizes 95c IWILLIS' Shoe Store Royal Service Station British American Super.Power, Peerless and Ethyl Gasoline and Lubricating Oils. 4 Pumps.. Goodrich Tires and Tubes. J. E, gomuth Phone 206.. JOR PRINTING The Advance -Times can and does. Job Printing not excelled for neatnessand' appearance by any city or town office, and at moderate charges. Would be }pleased to consult you0 regard. big any printing, The folly of the tug-of-war between town and country is about as plain -as it ever will be. The time has come for rural and urban residents to pull together. Advertise your community in such a manner so as to attract the rural trade to you. Do this through your newspaper. Its columns are always open for com- munity boosting. Your community today is composed of farm- ers, bankers, merchants and mechanics. The periphery of every town includes the remotest farm, whose occupants look to your community for the business of buying and selling. A fact too easily forgotten is that we are alt partners in each other's business and affairs. Good -will, co-operation and the square deal make for successful partnership. You as residents in your community must adopt the spirit of co-ordination, as well as team work. Make a concentrated effort to bring to your community the cut - lying, trade and by doing :this you will build slowly but surely .or a bigger and better business. ,The merchants can bring about vastly increased ,sales; by increasing their advertising and using their local paper in sending out the merits of their community, as well as their wares. Try it, and watch results. LOOK NORGE ELECTRIC , REFRIGERATOR With Rotary compression, quiet running, no wear. iJnited i arnsers Co +rerative Co. Limited SAVE ON GROCERIES Choice Red Salmon Seedles Raisins, 2 lbs Fresh Peas, per can Choice Blend Tea 59c 35c Jelly Powders, 3 for 19c 25c Heinz Tomato Soup 10c 10c 10 Cakes Laundry Soap ......;39c Old Cheese 28c Pkge. Lux 1Oc H. E. ISAI@D & CO. 40001000010000 WINGHAM, ONT. THE WALKER STORES, LIMITED Just about four years ago The Walker Stores, Limited, took over Ate 'dry goods department of Hanna & Co., Wingham, plac- ing Mr, E. Barr in charge. Mr. Barr has had every eperience in the mercantile business: messenger boy, clerk, traveller and man- ager, and with characteristic energy and ability brought many changes to accustomed business routine. Walker Stores, Limited, are on the cash principle, and money back if the goods are not satisfactory, an accepted practice in every big commercial enter- prise of this kind. It has proven its success here, The local store specializes in ladies' wear, coats, dresses, gloves, hosiery and lingerie, while in the basement is found a very complete range of granite and tinwear, etc., and on the top floor a house -furnish- ing department offers) exceptional range of choice in rugs, car- pets, linoleum, curtains and window shades. Mr, Barr is a strong Believer in publicity to `let the people know what is offered and at what price—to hold the confidence of the buying public—and to give them quality goodls at reasonable prices. Profit can be taken ` by reading Walker Stores, Ltd., adv'bs. in the Advance - Times every week, and the special circulars sent out monthly. A. WALKER Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director, SEE OUR DISPLAY of FANCY LAIVIPS aR; 0 AI Ask your grocer for MAITLAND CREAMERY BUTTER C. Bondi Fruit C SPECIAL PRICES On Oranges, Celery, California Tomatoes and other Fruit. Don't Miss the Fruit Store. McAV' Y'S Nyal Quality Drug Store. --- 'Phone 18 ---- SPECIAL THIS WEEK Dr. West's Tooth Brush and Tooth Paste 75c value for 50c W. R. Hamilton Jeweler Optician SEE OUR SPECIAL $50,00 LIMOGE DINNER SET The Advance-Tinies The home paper which has a special concern for the toWi's progress, and which gives the news worth while. $2,00 per year, $2.50 to the United States. ERS ! We have Rubbers in all the new styles to fit LADIES, GENTS, BOYS, MISSE'S and CHILDREN'S SHOES CORRECTLY Prices 6Oc t° Q$1.25 GREER'S THE GOOD SHOE STORE The Radio Sh Phone 158. p HEAR ALL THE NEW VICTOR RECORDS THEY ARE HERE. E.S. RAHAM Groceries and Provisions — Phone 237 ----- FRESH SALMON AND HADDIES R. A. CURRIE Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director. Phone 155, Residence 51. WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE Lyceum Theatre Thursday, Friday, Saturday -- Special -- "KING OF KINGS" • Two Shows each Night, at 7.30 and 9.30, Matince Saturday at 3.30. La ason & So News and Book Store ncy China, Stamped Linen, ve1ties are always acceptable as gifts, .60....000000•15:0•0.0.10 Olver & Mitchell Quality Butchers. Equipped with Frigidaire System. --- Phone 126 SHANKLESS PIC -NIC HAMS 25c lb, John Galbraith Dry Goods and Groceries. -- Phone 83 $1.00 LADIES' SILK BLOOMERS FOR c