HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-11-21, Page 5-'•-•••‘ " ' ' ''" ' Thursday, Roveinher 21st, 1929 WINGHAM ADVANCF,-TIMES ----,----i-ieiriaentesixerielbeeeeeiieree.7"'ir7- • ., ,,,• , eceplioti electivity 1118111111MIAMIWAWNINEW that!? the plume annalansamis v. rice lower $250 Including Tubes Other 10 -Tube models, complete $265 and $285 Combination Phonograph and Lyric Radio $37$. PAID! "?he Cifir 41,12`*fierit eception . . . . selectivity . Volume. . Price .... those are the qualities 'most desired and you will find them in LYRIC Radi o, "The Challenger", with its 10 TUBES, and every other feature that makes for QUIET radio reception. Come in to -day, see it, hear it, and judge for yourself. ABELL'S MUSIC STORE JOSEPHINE STREET NORTH. WINGHAM e , \ - -,..• (I Stop falling plaster; end s- k, unsightly cracked ceil- ings. Easy to put up ma quickly and once up they stay. No dust or litter. •rwcr:L. • it : p a= iji ,,,I ij ,,, ..,,,z:r Easy to clean or paint. filece-e-s... ifildaaak:u; . 9,1- \ 1, -15,7 - ' GALVANIZED GALVANIZED SHINGLES for The Roof \ Handsome, inexpensive, fireproof; easy tolay over old roofs —permanent. Get the facts. Ask your tinsmith or carpenter. 4 'Nt;i1") : aaoaa You will the purchase Sheet Steel • X5' v•r, :::i. . calato never regret of a Ceiling. SIDING for Outside Wats Three attractive pat - terns. With building paper are , warmdry, windproof. Easy to put onandpaint. GET TH E BEAU'ITFUL— . . FIRE-PROO FACTS „ SheetSteelCeilingslook well, resist fire effect- - • ively. Add brightness to—M ' halls stores churches i scho, kit'ehens ana AND. SAVE lsA •' bathrooms. Do nothing YOUR MONEY t th S EEYF ..-.OUR ' ' ...• ' ' LOCAL ', TI NS 'TH 'I - 0 R,. • ' CARPENTER, . .. . • RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS NOW FOR THE ADVANCE -TIMES -77Ve.ap • • Why you should ANSWER PROMPTLY Y the time this woman finishes her hand of bridge and reaches the telephone the arty calling will have given up, The tardy bridge - player will le told "Sorry — there's no one on the line now, Madam'. Both of them will be annoyed—the person calling and the person called. Both ofjthem have wasted titne. Remember—it takes three to complete a calI— There aro over one' million local calls in Ontario and Quebec every day which fail to get through. These uncompleted calls mean two million min- utes a day wasted—congestion of traffic—cosistarit irritation—a handicap to business, Some of them are unavoidable and some of them are our own errors. But many of them are mis- takes made the persoti calling or the person called. It takes three people to complete a call. We are constantly striving to reduce our own errors. We are now pointing out some of the common errors in telephone :usage because our Min is to provide the best possible telephone ser- vice* and in telephone service, co-operation is essential. .Answer promptly when your telephone rings. If it is not conveniently located, in your home, con- sult us about it, And when yon make a calf„wait a reasonable time before ving up and causing "No one on the line now. *Extensive nolo oototruo. tion and r eptaeentents of both tooal atd �,tg the. tested telephone ptatt tvilZ moan op, outlay to 190f more than $2,006,000. A Captivating.Carnival With A Capital See It SEEMS that our New Athletic, Association MEANS business. HaV ing tenderly probed its 'delicate, in-' wardest interior;—a difficult objec- tive,—but a sure source of reliable information, I find this new Organi- zation extremely' unfriendly to the word SEEMS. It will not brook it as a familiar, indeed. like Hamlet, it knows not SEEMS. Most positively, moreover, and be- yond peradventure the Wingharn Ath- letic Association means business, reale genuine, busy -to -the -bone business. It has started business in a business like way, and is going to.carry on in a like manner.— Of that there is no shadow of doubt, No possible, probable shadow of doubt, No possible doubt whatever. As an earnest of its most serious intentions, it projects staging, as its first "great venture," a "Carnival of Sport." This Carnival will be held in he Wingham Arena on the night of Noveniber the 29th. Looking at the atrociously attrac- tive Programme of Events prepared for this occasion, I feel absolutely safe in predicting that no Radio in Wingham will be listened in to beI tween the hours of eight and eleven fon that.. auspecious, ever memorable, never to be forgotten evening', the 29th inst. All the usual and unusual listening in Radio fans will be at the Arena, listening, perhaps a little, but look- ing more, absorbed in the giddy go- ings-on, giving .their eyes a stupen— dous treat, and their ears a much needed rest. If you have not yet got a program of events, secure one at once. Look at it, rejoice in it. This Programme offers such an opportunity of im- bibing innocent merriment, of secur- ing rational enjoyinent, of obtaining splendid entertainment as never be- fore come within mortal reach. This Programme comprises Events to tit- tivate every conceivable palette; ev- ery human interest and penchant is catered to. Oh, what a night it will be, what a wonderful, memorable, de- lightful night. What a night to look back upon five, ten, ,fifteen years from! now, The Children are looking wistfully forward to it. The boys and girls in the High School are in ecstacies over it. Factory, and Shopmen will talk of nothing else. It will be a Community gathering. Teachers, Doctors, Lawyers, Cler- gymen; all have given it their bless- ing. Farmer's '4,vives, for miles around their dependent descendents, and in- ctunbrances will be there. One anxious rural woman, mother of seven, with a somewhat phlegmat- ic help-rnate was greatly concerned to know how soon she would have to be at the Arena to get a seat, "1 must see the Tugs of War," she said (she spoke of these as she used to speak of Dreadnoughts, and. Destroy- ers). I assured her the Tugs of War would be great sights. I knew she and her mate had tugged just as much as they had hugged since link- ing up, and 1 sospicioned she wanted to see the Tugs of War, and if poss- ible glean from them how best to get the vantage hand, and hold it. I have no doubt she will get her re- ward, and after the 29th will be able to pull her husband any old way. (Any other farmer's wife desiring a likes ascendancy, please note.). One High School girl asked me what a 50 yard dash was, she said she could ash fellows at a consid- erably less distance. I forgave her ignorance, and enlightened her, with the result that she is going in for the dash, and expects every other dashing High School girl to do like- wise, A little boy of my acquaintance asked me if he could eat Pie at the Arena; I assured him he could, he certainly can at home. Well, he said "I am going to save up for it, and as I ain't going to eat no pie till then, I guess I can eat a whole lot that night, mor'n most any boy I know." The interest in the Carnival is general and profound. A bumper attendance is assured. The Association will get the funds they need to carry bn, Alt's anyway all's well that ends The Carnival will and well, though it will not be ALL, but merely a foretaste of what the Association is going to, give use-:-hless it. Sas. G. Webster.' Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, Nov- ember 20-28. Guelph Winter Pair — December Oth to 12th. " Ottawa Winter Fair — December 2itd to 6th. Ontario Beekeepers' Association, Toronto—Nov, 26, 27 and 28 , Ontario Crearneryrnen's Conven- tion, Toronto—Nov. 2Z 28. HIGH SCHOOL LITERARY SOCIETY The third regular, meeting of the High School Literary Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the school on Friday afternoon, Novem- ber 15th. The President, Mr. Gor- don Stonehouse, occupied the chair, with Miss Kate King as secretary. The meeting opened by the school joining in the singing of the Maple Leaf Forever, after which the minutes' of the piyevious meeting were read and adopted as read. Two choruses, Alonette and The Swanee River, were then sung by the students, Next came the most interesting part of the meeting—the debate between second and third forms ---"Resolved that Can- ada's natural resources are greater than those of United States." The affirmative was upheld by Miss Bet- ty Walker and Mr. Charles Coulter of third form. Miss Moir and Mr. David Fortune represented second' form on the negative side of the de- bate. Following the debate Miss Rita Hastie gave a delightful piano solo which was enjoyed by all. Then the Journal, by the editor, Mr. Ken- neth McLeod, was given. After the reading of the Journal Mr. Sperling was called upon to give the judges' decision. After la few witty remarks he said although both sides had done well, third form was successful. Mr. Phillips, critic for the meeting, then gave a few helpful suggestions. Two more choruses were sung heartily' by the school. The meeting closed by the singing of the National Anthem. FARM HELP , George Spotton wishes the Ad vance-Times to advise the farmers of North Huron, that he is in a posi- tion to put them in touch with sup- erior English and Scotch boys, six- teen to eighteen years of age. These are young men of excellent ,,,habits, eager to learn farming and come from good homes. During the next two months there will be a number available at ten dollars per month for the first year. It is almost impos- sible to get boys of this type in the spring. Now. would be a good 'time to get them accustomed to the work before the spring rush. Mineral Salts Give Her Tired Hubby New Pep "My husband took 2 bottles of Vinol. Now he has good appetiee and imore strength, pep and vigor than he ever had."—Mrs. Ralph Starkey, Doctors have long known the value of mineral elements iron, calcium with cod liver peptone, as contained in Vinol. Nervous, easily tired peo- ple are surprised how Vinol gives new strength, sound sleep and a BIG appetite. Gives you more PEP to enjoy- life! Vinol • tastes delicious. McKibbon's Drug Store. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements The undersigned has received instruc- tions from. Andrew Ferguson, lot 41, Con. 10, East Wawattbsh, to sell by Public Auction at 1 p.m. on. THIMSDAY, NOVEMBER 28th the following farm stock and imple- ments:— Heavy Horse, 14 years old; Heavy Mare 6 years old; Registered Stand- ard bred mare by Kentucky Todd. Pure bred shorthorn cow due to freshen March lst; cow due to fresh- en March 3rd, cow due to freshen June 10th; pure bred shorthorn heif- er rising 2 years old; 2 grade heifers rising 2 years old; steer rising 3 yrs. old; 8 steers rising 2 years old; 16 sheep; brood sow due Jan. lst. 100 White Leghorn hens 1 year old; a number of White Leghorn cockerels, Hollywood and 'British Columbia strains; 65 White Wyan- dotte Pullets. Massey -Harris Binder, . 7 -ft. cut, '(nearly new); Massey -Harris Side - rake; • Massey -Harris Dump rake; Massey -Harris Seed drill; Massey - Harris cultivator; McCormick -Deer- ing Hay Loader (nearly new); Mc- Cormick Mower; Cockshutt riding plow; Two -furrow Gang -plow; Socl Walking Plow; 2 set harrows; Land roller; Wagon; Set Bob -Sleighs; Hay rack; Green -bone Cutter; Manure spreader; ball-bearing Buggy; Saxon Six Motor; Set double Harness; pair Horse -nets. TERMS:—Fowl and all sums of $10 and under—Cash; over that amount, ten Months' credit on .approved joint notes, property owners. 5 per cent. discount straight for cash, Everything must be sold without reserve, as the proprietor has leased his farin. Andrew Ferguson, JAM es Taylor, Proprietor. Auctioneer, Farmers Not Immune Working outdoors in the fros1i stir, as they do, you would hardly expect to see e. farrnet in the condition of Fred! Rowever, farmers overwork themselves, too, especially when they are young and ambitious and have families to support. Vred got the 'flu, not only once but several times; couldn't shake It on, and finally the trouble settled In his lungs. "it Waga lucky da Y sox me," said Tired, "when the dootor got me into the Muskoka Rospital for Cor,surnp- for I was going down hill fast!" So be was, but now with expert aa:.eli - cal care rest and proper food, he is fighting'hIs way bit,ok to health and borne. 'Phut does the Muskoka lio5niis,3 bring relief and hope to the victims of corisumpuoti, but handicapped by lack of means—it Must appeal to you for aid. Will you please send to contribu'Uon to *W. A. Chariton and A, E. Arnea, 228 college Street, Toronto 2. News And Information • For The Busy Farmer (Furnisheelley the Ontario De- 'apartment of Agriculture) Substitute Feeds Certain by-products and rniscellan- . eous .feeds are now receiving increas- ing attention in reducing the cost of milk production. Pumpkins afford a good supplement for fall and early winter feeding but their nutritive val- be is not nearly as high as corn sil- age. It is a safe practice to feed cull potatoes to cows providing they are not fed too heavily. Apple wrnace silage, the by-product of cider and vinegar manufacture, is now being safely and profitably used by many dairymen. • Here and There Some interesting extracts from the last reports of the agricultural rep-e- sentatives in the different countries are presented herewith: Wellington—A total of $20,000 in cash was paid for geese at the Ar- thur Thanksgiving Fair.' The price ranged from 21 to 25 cents per pound. We expect about 150 tons of chicken in fine crate -fed condition for the Christmas market. Some of this should bring 35c a pound. Manitoulin—The subject of turkeys is now everywhere discussed. Where as we used to think 16.and 17 pounds good weight for young gobblers, they now run 20 and 25, pounds. Local stores are offering 40c per pound for dressed turkey, The bulk of the crop however, will be shipped alive. Algoma — Good 2 -year-old steers netted the farmers from $66 to;$70 per head according to size. Lainbs from $9 to $10.50 per head. Brant—Small quantities of red clo- ver being marketed at $8 per bushel cleaned. Dufferin—Digging of turnips has been completed. The crop is below average in yield and quality. Dundas—A great deal of ditching has been done and is being done. The dry weather this fall has been partic- ularly adaptable for drainage work. Durham—Some of our larger pool - try farms are getting 60c and better per dozen for their eggs. Kent—A decided drop in the num- ber of cattle to be fed appears prob- able. Hay was a splendid crop, but barley and oats were light and the general feeling seems to be that it is rather speculative to feed cattle with present high prices of grain. Lambton—Sugar beets are of a lar- ge size and more free from disease than they have been for the past two years. Dr. Christie, president of 0. A. C., states that a total of 1985 students, including those in the short courses, will have attended the college during the current year. School Fair Climax As a cliniax to all School Fair work in Renfrew County, champion- ship public speaking, singing and har- monica contests were held recently. Winners in these contests from each of the school fairs were eligible to compete. Silver trophies were awar- ded to the winners and medals to each of the contestants, The compe- tition proved very keen and the pro- gram was heard by an audience of 400. British Apple Maxket Fruit growers will be pleased to learn from the report of Andrew Ful- ton, overseas representative of the Ontario Fruit Growers' Association, that the British market for Canadian apples has been most satisfactory during October, due chiefly to a light offering of transatlantic apples. "On- tario apples have been of exceedingly high quality with correspondingly satisfactory prices," remarks Mr. Ful- ton. Ontario red apples were well competed for and some excellent Mc- Intosh Reds sold at good prices. How ever, in a cable on Nov. 9th, Mr, Ful- ton announced that Ontario apple pri- ces were falling off somewhat on the English market. The cause was at- tributed to a large number of off -con - clition apples from all sources, while British apples were plentiful. It is expected that the demand for red apples will be very high before Christ mas and shippers are warned to gia easy on Greenings and Sta-ks beeore • that time. Ontario apple growers should, give closer attention to packing, especially in securing a tight pack for the Brit- ish market, Recent arrivals ovei seas have sliown an excessive quantity of ' slacks amounting in some cases to over fifty per cent. of the shipment. Ontario beekeepers should appre- elate the fact that the finest and most 1' complete equipped ,bepartment of AP- iculture in America is at their dis- posal at the O. A, C. .,„ Warne Water a Benefit Good •feeders have long recognized the valete of liberal quantities of wat- er to all classes of live stock, Hogs do better and are more thrifty and • Turn Your state into INC I ME Cite"' es RELIEVE your dependents of financial responsibilities by providing a defi- nite, fixed MONTHLY INCOME which will be absolutely sure. To a reasonable degree, leave your estate in the form of monthly INCOME insurance. It pro- vides protection that will permit your dependents to CARRY ON exactly as you would wish and eliminates the danger of your plans miscarrying through "unfortunate investments" curtailing in- come. Speak to a Mutual Life agent about the INCOME plan. It's worth while. A Waterloo II Ontario W. T. 'Booth, District Agent, Wingham, Ont. Wm. Webster, Agent, R. 2, Lucknow R. H. Martyn, Agent, Ripley, Ont. .2201:292=2=SC., BILLIMEMZE, 1 ----- cows undoubtedly give more milk when they are watered freely. Ex- perimental station tests have estab- lished beyond a doubt the value of. warni water for stock during winter weather. In an actual test with fall pigs, the use of automatic heated wa- terers saved $1' per pig in feed costs. A cow producing five gallons of milk a day will drink 20 gallons of water. If she is compelled to drink that much ice water, her energy is requir- ed. to heat it to body temperature and her production suffers. lee Maitl ncr Creamery Cream Eg CALL US FOR PRICES. THE UNITED FA w MERS' CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY, LIMITED. Wingham, Phone 271 111 DIi MI • 91 0 • *. 0 0. "WHERE QUALITY COUNTS" The Plum Pudding and Christmas Cake Season Is et hand and the capable housewife, who prides hersell on being pmpared, is already stocking her shelves with the in- gredients for these two famous Christmas dIsitea Dominion Storm has Jost received o large shipment of flue quality Australian currants and raisins, which are on sale this week at an extremely low mice. BE PREPARED! CHOICE AUSTRALIAN "I• '• ultana Raisins 2,1bee New Re-CReaned Curr Australia:1 tS lb" Claolee Golden C Dontino No.2 Sae" Tin Tine FOR YOUR HEALTH Wheaten . Pkg. 29c THE QUICII MINX Reindeer Coffee ....Large Tin 29c MLR YELLOW Corn Meal lb. 5c KELLOGG'S Pep Bran 2 Pkgs. 25c LARGE PKT, " Quaker Ones 29c wermragmeormstemenmaitnarmanomormennanneemyme DELMONTE SEEDED Raisins ...... Pkg. 17c CHOICE THOMPSON Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. 27c EARAVAN STONELESS Dates 2 Pkgs. 35c NEW MILK Hallowi Dates 2 lbs. 23c CHOICE QUALITY Evaporated Peaches lb. 29c Me FafITROINS 5(00 Mgr Li't.4ne Brown Label Pa,. 350 69e ItZ„k3so eTaa ASSORTED rawoas Jello 4 Pkgs. 25c SEA RING Lobster ...1/2.1b. Tin 37c AMERICAN tawny Shrimps. Tin 21c Comfort Soap . , 10 Bars 48e GILLETTE Razor Blades Pkg, 39c Crogged Pith MINT 3ENITMA Buckwheat Flour Pkg. 22c CALIFORNIA DIAMOND Budded Walnuts.........11,. 35e nevsme Fruits for Salad 2 Tim 27e tinny ort DELMONTE Sliced Pineapple—No. 2 Size Tin Flamer VALENCIA Shelled Almonds 1/ Ib. 30c • ' 1 *.1 Tina jit AuP"""LATHER0 "4" 2 SOAP Nutritious Ungetstest 11 MET RICE Pkg. !toJg. 1"leg, •