HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-11-07, Page 7• t t f a t: p e J 0 w 1 a th sls in pi at th Ja an wi us gr kn w T co er fa Vi In. •col 'dr Bu ,Cat th Amo Ay nii ing bones, will help 'to make sound teeth, will feed the snerves and the body generally, It is almost as good' for the grown-ups as for the child- ren. The chilli under three should 'be sure to get it to .prevent 1'aickets. When they advertise tcod-liver oil .as Bottled Sunshine, they are not far astray. Children do not :find it hard to take, especially if they have start• ed to' take, it wltenr :they si°u a few" 1110 Thursday, November th, 1929 .WING IAM ,Loi DVANcJ -TIME$ t,paa17" ;rte+ jj,.r ii , 1 , object suggested Flo Canada's o hen ct y� ROUP Is a wicked disease; sure death if you don't stamp it out with lit ROUP TABLETS Save the Flock Sold by all dealers Write forPratt*Poultry Book—Free PRATT FOOD CO., of Canada Ltd. 328 Carlow Ave., Toronto 8, Ont. Rubbers! Rubbers!! All Styles and 'sizes, 60c to $1.00, at Greer's Shoe Store. Play Safe Choose a Huron & Erie trus- ,tee debenture when investing :your savings. 'Mutual farmers insurance •companies and executors 'invest in Huron & Erie deben- tures because they are author- taized by law' for trust funds. . ._ 5z• per annum payable half yearly ' Applications are accepted by ABNER COSENS Wingham -- Ontario Hints For Homebodies Written for The Advance -Times By Jessie Allen Brown A Canadian Flag There has been a recent revival of nterest in the question of a distinc- ive Canadian Flag. The members of Ile Canadian Weekly Newspaper As- sociation started it at their annual ;onvention. An article in MacLean's )y Hugh Savage fanned the flame. 1 cannot see how any person can to a Canadian Flag. if it were to give up the Union Jack, hat would be a very different ques- ion, for none of us would want to that. At the present time we are using ,n land The Canadian Ensign which s Canada's Flag for her merchant farine, and apparently it is not good .0 ours to use a sea -flag on land. Can - da •should have her flag which tells hat she is part of the 73ritish Em- ire, but also shows which part of it he is. There was never any objection to ur Canadian soldiers designating 'hich part of the Empire they claim - d as home, by the use of the Maple ,eaf just as well as her soldiers. The suggestion has been made that new flag have the Union tck with a green Maple Leaf on a hite field, That undoubtedly would ake an attractive looking flag. The my objection might be the house- ifely one, that it would be difficult have the white field looking clean id fresh and not bedraggled. Canada has become a force among e nations of the world, and as such .ould have her flag to identify her her own place in the British Ent- re, There could be no more suit - le combination for Canada's flag an the, Maple Leaf with the Union ak, The Melancholy Days The melancholy days have come, d our good friend, the sun, appears tit less frequency. Scientists tell that the +rays 'of the sun are .a eat help in preventing disease. We ow this to be the case, because Fall comes so do the sniffles, Le children are forever catching Id and there is more sickness gen- Illy. -Partof this is due to the that we get "less sun. The sun is 'one of the sources of Lamin D and so is cod-liver oil. tead of dosing your children with igh medicine after they have.. ight cold, try giving them a few )ps of cod-liver oil as a preventive, ild them up so 'that they will not ch cold, instead of 'trying to cure' in, when they once have it, Sounds' re sensible doesn't it'? Incidental-; the cod-liver Oil -will help supply months old, You will find that they will 'remind their mother to give it to them, fI you find it hard to take yourself, try a few grains of salt af- ter, to cut the oily taste. Do not take emulsions or mixtures but plain cod-liver oil. When setting the table it is a good plan to put the bottle of cod-liver oil on too,• as a reminder. Do be careful though as it makes an 'abom- inable brown stain after it is wash - ed, If it is looked after at once it may be taken out by applying car- bon tetrachloride freely and then thoroughly washed in warm soapy water, But it must be done while fresh, It is a good plan to give it to a baby when in the bath, as yott cannot stain it's birthday suit. Thanksgiving Dinner Thanksgiving Day is approaching, so I am going to give some recipes that will be suitable for Thanksgiving Dinner, This time the last shall be first, so we will start with the des.- sert, Canned Pumpkin Pie 1 can pumpkin 2 cups brown sugar 2 teaspoons cinnamon 2 cups milk 1 teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoon salt 2 eggs Mix ingredients in orde given. Baken ' i hot0. ri e h Y V Leie e heat due and bake till custard sets, Carmel Squares ti• cup butter 1i cups flour 1 egg 1 teaspoon Baking powder 1 cup sugar Cream the butter and sugar; Add beaten egg. Stir in sifted flour and baking powder. Put this in bottom of pan and spread with following mix- ture, 1 egg white beaten stiff' cup chopped walnuts 1 cup brown sugar teaspoon vanilla ' Bake in slow oven. Cut in sq These capes keep well. A pan 8x11 inches makes a good size Date Pudding 3 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons lard 1 cup molasses cares. about 1 cup milk" 1 teaspoon soda 81% ,cups flour * teaspoon salt * teaspoon cloves. * teaspoon allspice >i teaspoon nutmeg 1 lb. dates Melt shortening, add molasses, milk, egg well beaten, sift dry ingred- ients. Steam in buttered mould from. two to three hours. Advance -Times COMMtJNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE The Merchants and Business men represented below are co-operating• in an effort to prove to the residents of the town and surrounding community that val- ues equal to any of the larger towns or cities may be procured in local stores. A series of educational "Buy -at -Home" editorials will be reproduced weekly along with an individual write-up of each business. The benefit of Home. Buying will be shown to the general advancement and progress of the community. Read the editorials and take advantage of the weekly specials offered by the merchants; and BOOST THE TOWN YOU CALL HOME. MEN! We invite you to visit our NEW MEN'S AND BOYS' Department At the Front of the store. Try us for your needs. WALKER STORES LIMITED Rae &Thompson Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Coal, Iron, Etc. — Phone 27 — MARTIN-SENOUR PAINTS H. J. JOBB — Phone 46 — SPECIALS Luncheon Cloths ,all pure linen Rose borders, 52 in. square Each $1.29 42 in. Wobasso Pillow Cotton, Extra fine quality, yd. 49c F. CARTER Ideal, Bakery — Telephone 132 --- WHOLESOME WHOLESOME BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY THOS. KEW Harness and Repairs. Phone 176 Suit Cases, Bags, Trunks for Vacation Travel. McKAY'S CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM PARLOURS Phone 77 -- Try our Ice Cream for dessert. W. J. CLARK Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing. OIL BURNERS AND HOUSEHOLD , UTENSILS Telephone 1413. Hanna & Co. Ltd. Exclusive Men's Furnishings lvlade-to-i!iiea$ttre SSttit0 with ex- tra Trousers, guaranteed Hatt' rias Special ..,.W-- $7150 The Following Industrial Manufacturers Heartily Endorse This " Buy - At - Home Campaign SUPPORT THE LOCAL MERCHANTS AND HELP OUR TOWN GROW ' BURK'S THIRD YEAR IN WING - HAM Big Values in our Anniversary Sale Commencing Thursday, October 31st. Machan Bros. Plumbing and Tinsmithing. Household Necessities, Paints and Oils. — Phone 58 -- Call and See our Stoves, Heat- ers and Furnaces. ABELL'S MUSIC STORE Everything in Music SPECIAL THIS WEEK Brunswick Records, regular at 75c, ,this week ................. _...._....-..... 49c Bargains in Used Pianos, Wetherall & Son Prices Reduced on All Models. • A. J. NORTROP Meat Market. Fresh and Cured Meats. — Phone 22 — SPECIAL THIS WEEK Picnic Ham, 27c 113. cash RUBBERS Women's Rubbers in all sizes and in several heels, sizes 3 to 8, for 65c Men's Rubbers, in all sizes 95c WILLIS' Shoe Store Royal Service Station British American Super -Power, Peerless and Ethyl Gasoline and Lubricating Oils. 4 Pumps, Goodrich Tires and Tubes. J. E, Idomuth Phone 206. JOB PRINTING The Advance -Times can and ,does Job Printing not duelled for neatness and appearance by any city or tower dffir?e, aitd at moderate charges. Wottitld be pleased' to consult yon r'egard• .fngr any priding. The Western Foundry Co., Limited The Gunn -Son -Ola Co., Limited Stewart Glove and Lea- ther Works FRY & BLACKHALL Limited MacLean Lumber & Coal Company Howson & Howson Flour Mills Community Confidence Essential , Your confidence in your community is based solely upon its prosperity. First you judge the community in which. it is your desire to become a resident from the standpoint of its churches, schools and its business interests, what protection the community offers you in its fire as well as police systems. You are the judge of /Plat community. Should it prove to you to be loose or inefficient in any manner, naturally you look elsewhere and you are justified in so doing. If you locate in any commun- ity it is done solely on the basis of the confidence you have in that community and the protection itl affords you along with its proven prosperity. Therefore you decide that anything worth having is worth protecting. If the chance for a man to invest to good advantage, or earn a good living, or establish himself at a moderate expense where his family desires all the advantages of a well run civic government, he is assured of one thing --Pro- tection. Deriving all these benefitt• it is up to you to protect your merchants and all business interests. Buy from them. Gvie them an opportunity to serve you. Keep your dollars in your own community. They make you more prosperous. These same dollars come back to you. They minimize your taxes. They in- crease the value of your personal investtments. Your merchants are willing to help you. It is up to you to help them, ISARD'S CLOTHING VALUES Men's Heavy Overcoats at Cut Prices $15.00, 18.00, 22.50 Boys' O'coats 10.00, 11.50, 15.00 Boys' Suits $6.50, 7.50, 9.50 Men's Heavy Underwear $1.19 Men's Fine Sweaters $2.50 H. E. ISARD & CO. WINGHAM, ONT. THE RADIO SHOP No greater change in tihe ways of the world can be imagin- ed than that made possible by the Radio. Those waves that pass through the air are mysteriously caught up by the modern radio, and reproduced in natural tone and expression. Distance is no barrier, for tlhe whole continent is at our ears. The Radio Shop is the only exclusive place in town dealing in these instruments, and offer a wide range in designs and makes. Stromberg-Carl- son and Atwater -Kent radios are preeminent hi values to -day, and are not surpassed by any other make. There is one feature about Radios tlhat must not be overlooked,—service. Proper installa- tion and ability and willingness to give service afterwards is a big factor in the popularity of the Radio Shop. Future worries are largely discounted by dealing at the Radio Shop. The Radio Shop also conducts the Broadoaat Staatibft 16A,P. which is on the air Tuesday noon, Thursday evening and ox Sun. day morning,: A. J. WALKER . urnitGi.ue Dealer and Funeral Diie t' i . tfit DISPLAY 1~''AN� l LA1VtI'S KING BROS. NEW VELVETS FINE WOOLLENS FALL SCARFS Dress Orarnents Kayser Gloves and Stockings. Gibson's Bakery — Phone 145 — BUTTER BAKED PASTRY Quality Bread BUBBERS 1 We have Rubbers in all the new styles to fit LADIES, GENTS, BOYS, MISSE'S and CHILDREN'S SHOES CORRECTLY Prices 60c t° $1.25 GREER'S THE GOOD SHOE STORE The Radio Shop Phone 158. HEAR ALL THE NEW Hovis Bread, VICTOR RECORDS Whole Wheat Bread THEY ARE HERE. Bran Muffins. I LOOK ! NORGE ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR With Rotary compression, quiet running, no wear. Wingham Utilities Com. Phone 156. .3071. United Farmers Co -Operative Co. Limited Ask your grocer for MAITLAND CREAMERY BUTTER C. Bondi Fruit Co. SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL KIND OF FRUIT. Don't Miss the Fruit Store. PRICES LOW. McAVOY'S Nyal Quality Drug Store. --- Phone 18 — SPECIAL THIS WEEK Dr. West's Tooth Brush and Tooth Paste 75c value for 50c W. R. Hamilton Jeweler Optician mot 611A SPECIAL $50,00 LIIQ GGE DINNER SET the Advance 'Times The hoMe paper which has a special doneern for the town's progreslr and wlaicla gives the neWg& *beth while. $7:00 per year. 0.50 to the United 'States. E. S. GRAHAM Groceries and Provisions — Phone 237 — HADDIE AND FILLET R. A. CURRIE Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director. Phone 155, Residence 51. WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE Lyceum Theatre Mon. Tues. Wed, Nov. 11, 12, 13 RALPH FORBES — and — DOROTHY MacKAIL —In— "THE WHIP" G. Mason & So News and Book Store Fancy China, Stamped Linen, Novelties are always acceptable as gifts. Oler& Mitchell Quality Butchers. Etjelipped with Frigidaire System, Phone 126 ,--. SHANKLESS PIC -NIC .HAMS 25c lb. John Galbraith Dry Goods and Groceries: --- Phone 83,---» $1.25 MEN'S HEAVY antra UNDERWEAR .. For -.., 9 I�C