HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-11-07, Page 2Now, New and
Different China
Marked "Chinaware"
of the
A distinguished English physician
has told us that Health is found in
a way of life rather than in a bottle
'of medicine. In supporting this state-
ment, there is no reflection cast upon
the value of medicines. There are 'a
few drugs which we might say are
worth their weight in gold because
,of their value in treatment of certain
diseases. Their value depends, how-
ever, upon their proper use. They
must be taken atcertain times and
in quantites suitable to each case .
The . evil that exists and the evil
from which a great deal of actual
fiarm results is the taking of medi-
cine, self -ordered, with the idea that
,the bottle of medicine will cure dis=
.ease, when what is required is •a
=change in the manner of life. If the
-diet is faulty, if there is insufficient.
'exercise taken, if the body or mind
requires rest, these needs, without
which the sufferer feels a lack of
health, are not to be overcome by
his taking one or more bottles of
_medicine. .,
The fundamental problem of health
is to secure the proper nutrition of
the body. This means that the fol-
lowing must' receive attention—food,
fresh air, and sunlight, exercise and
rest, `' and cleanliness. No one of
these can be neglected if the health
,of the body is to be maintained. It
is practically useless to think of one
without the other. Neglect of any
one of them impairs the health of the
person who is careless. Neglect in
such cases means abuse, and, while
it is true that the human body will.
stand considerable strain, it will not
permit of abuse. Neglect of one or
more of . the laws of health means
lack of bodily harmony, or disease
of the body. Health or harmony.
cannot be restored by taking a bottle
of medicine, when it is the manner
of living which needs to be corrected.
Prevention lies in the removal of the
cause, which, in such cases, is neglect
of the body needs.
Question, concerning Hearth, ad-
dressed to the Canadian Medical As-
sociation, 184 College Street, Toron-
to, will be answered personally by
It must be a source of great satis-
faction to hundreds of thousands in
Canada and elsewhere to learn from
a recent decision of the Privy Coun-
cil that a woman is legally technical-
ly and every other way a `PERSON.'
She has been designated atvarious
ions time as an angel, a darling, a
sweetheart, a wife, mother, a help-
mate, a delightful nuisance and the
poets in their flights of imagery have
described her as everything from an
angel to a, "rag and a bone and a
hank of hair."
Now it is definitely settled by the
highest court in the land that she is
also a PERSON.
Wash Day
Is Easy
Particularly if you have
a modern Connor Elec-
tric Washer in your
home. No tearing of
clothes, no back -break-
ing work. Just fill the
tub with hot water, drop
in the clothes, turn a
switch and the work is
Wingham Utilities Commission
Crawford Block. Phone 156.
gone ■■glsommHull®■N1■®®®®®lEf®®Nl muma111
a IN■
■ •
Maitland Creamery ■
Cream, Eggs and Poultry A
1 ■
wAN. ,.‘i
m Winahaarn, Ontario.,
• Phone 271 , ■:
11611111 1111111111.11■■gN l■1Ri61ANIMI11ININ 111 I11111
y 1.N. .loss- , d.,
Mr, and Mrs, Dan O'Cali-
ahaln Honoured
Life long neighbors and friends,
congregated at the .home of Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Q'Callahan on Monday ev-
ening, October 14th, to show their
respect' fore this esteemed family and
to honour them before' they move'
away. Mr. John Gibbons, as master
of ceremonies, called on Mr. D. H.
Martin; who. read` the following ad-
dress. M. Win. Donnelly and Mr.
Ben Naylor made the presentation of
the silver tea service and tray'to Mr.
and Mr. O'Callahan and the perfume
atomizer to Miss Madeline, and ring
and tiepin to Frank. Very fittingly
Mr. O'Callahan thanked the large ga-
th rin • for or the kind thoughts 1
g oug is � zzd
helpfulness and sympathy which he
and his family had received from
this community, which as: . a resident
of seventy years, he could well testi-
fy. .
To Mr. and Mrs. D. O'Callahan,
Madeline and Frank.
Dear Friends:—
We e your friends and neighbors,
having learned with deep regret that
you are soon to depart from amongst.
us, have gathered this evening to ex-
press our appreciation of the service
you have rendered this community
during the long time that you have
resided here. Through the varying
experiences of life we have found you
ever ready to advance the •general
welfare of the community. In times
of sickness or bereavement you al-
ways -did what you could to help
those suffering or in sorrow. Your
home has ever been open for us to
come to and spend a social evening.
How often we have gone away cheer-
ed and helped by one evening spent
in this home with its Christian at-
mosphere. Be assured of this, that
the friendships formed here have
been abiding and will long be remem-
bered with pleasant recollections.
Your departure will be a decided loss
to us bui we trust that what will be
our loss will be others' gain.
We ask you, Mr. and Mrs, O'Cal-
lahan, to accept this tea service as
a slight effort on our part to express
in some tangible way our apprecia-
tion of your worth.
It is. our sincere wish that you both
be long spared to use them.
And Frank, please accept this ring
and tiepin, and Madeline, this per-
fume atomizer, as a slight token of
our esteem for you both, and may
you likewise long be blessed with
health .to use them.
Signed, Wm. Donnelly, D. H.
Martin, Jas. Martin.
Mr. John Webster then was called
on, and told of the old family neigh-
bors, and old well -remembered good
times in which the families had par-
ticipated and regretted the removal
of this esteemed family from our
The evening was spent in pleasant
chat and lunch was served.
Mr. O'Callahan is holding his sale
next Wednesday, after which he and
Mrs. O'CalIahan are going to Green-
ock for the winter. Mrs. Ed. Mon-
ahan and children of Detroit, were
at the old home this week.
Rev. Dr. Perrie, the. fifty-fifth oc-
cupant of the Moderator's Chair of
the General Assembly of the Presby-
terian Church in Canada, was a pas-
senger on the S.S. Ascania arriving
in Quebec Sunday. He was one of
four Commissioners appointed at the
General Assembly held in Ottawa in
June last, to convey greetings to the
General Assembly of the Church of
Scotland and the United Free Church
of Scotland on their re -union consu-
mated in Edinburgh, Scotland on the
second of October inst. ' A hearty
and cordial reception was accorded
the representatives of Canadian Pties-
byterianism at that great historic
gathering of over twelve thousand
ministers and elders, which was simp-
ly a coming together again of two
Churches holding the same Faith,
Doctrine, and Church Government,
but estranged for over three fourths
of a century on a few minor differ-
ences. '
The home corning of Dr. Perrie
was greatly saddened by news of the
of Mrs.. Petrie
which -
ed on Friday' last after a short ill-
ness, and which was sympathetically
conveyed to him on arrival by the
Rev. Dr. Love and, ' another friend.
.Reference was made to the sad event
by Rev. Dr, Gordon at the morning
service in St. Andrew's Church on
Sunday and sympathy expressed for
the bereaved, Dr, Petrie left at onee
for his home in Wingham, Ont.,
where he has ministered most suc-
cessfully to the sante congregation
for thirty-five years.—Quebec Tele-
STRAYED--..Froin-lot 1Z, concession
C, Turnberry, about the end of
Jttly, a yearling heifer, Pinder
' please notify ,Pdward Bennett,
Wroxeter Phone,
WINGHAM AD'V'ANCE -TIMES Thursday, NeiMr/Liaer 7th, 1[01.0
Membership of the flouzle of Com-
mons Carries Many Fivileges,
The British x ot..ze of Commpne Is
not only the centre of the Empire, it
is also one of the best. clubs in the
The "club" side of Parliament was
formerly open, throughout his life,
to anyone•who had once been a mens
ber. He .could dine in the House din-
ing -room without being the guest of
a member, use the library, and so on.
This was altered twenty -.three
years ago, when the general election
resulted in so many new members be-
ing returned, and so many old. ones
Rasing their seats, that it was feared
the place would become too congest-
ed if ex-M,P,'s were' allowed to retain
their old privileges.
Now, however, a number of former
members are agitating for the restor-
ation of the old rule. Perhaps the old
fear of congestion that prevailed in
1906 will defeat them; but against
this there Is the fact that a number
of ex -members would probably use
the privilege very little.
As a club, Parliament is the same
strange mixture. of ancient and mod-
ern as it is in its procedure. Quill
pens and wafers are still` supplied in
the library; and the Commons door-
keeper keeps an official snuffbox,
from which members may help them-
selves as they pass in and out of the
The kitchen, of course, is famous
wand it can supply the most simple
as well as the most elaborate repasts.
But perhaps the favorite Parliamen-
tary meal is tea on the Terrace,
where • members entertain their
friends during the summer months.
One interesting point about the
House 18 the fact that, although it
has a refreshment bar where drinks
are supplied, it has no license for the
sale of alcohol; it doesn't need one.
This is because the Houses of Par-
liament stand on the site of a former
royal residence, and the building is .
still the Royal Palace of Westmin-
ster. The licensing laws, which are
strictly enforced all over the country,
do not.apply to a royal palace.
Being a member of the British Par-
liament Is still an expensive business,
though members do get £400 a year.
This salary also has its roots in the
past. Though the present payment to
members is comparatively modern, in
the Middle Ages the constituencies
paid "wages" to their representa-
Carolina Grasses are Helping to Save
Coast of England.
Nearly sixty years ago, a new plant
began to grow in Southampton Wat-
er, and it was found to be a sea -grass
native of the coast of Carolina.
Unlike most of our unwanted im-
migrants, says an Old Country per-
eriodical, this grass has proved of im-
mense value in binding our muddy
foreshores. It is now found from
Poole Harbor to Chichester, and has
been brought to the Suffolk coast,
where it Is being planted to bind the
soft mud on the estuaries of the
Stour and the Blackwater.
Most of us have read of the dread-
ful destruction of Cullin on the Mo-
ray Firth by sand dunes. The whole
barony, including the Manor House
and the great pine woods, has been
completely .swamped by huge drifts
of blown sand. The cause, says a
chronicle of two hundred years ago,
was never a mystery, for "it was
mainly occasioned by the pulling up
of roots of bent, juniper and broom
bushes which did loosen and break
tiroNiels.surface and scroff of the sand
They were pulled, up for thatching,
and caused the utter loss of two thou-
sand acres of tette country.
Scottish law now protects these
plants, and the bylaws of some Eng-
lish coastal districts also protect.
rarram. Karram is the best of all
sand -binders, for the peculiar proper-
ty of this grass is that it will not
Sourish unless continually covered
with fresh sand.
All of which reveals that some peo-
ple are alive' to the necessity of sav-
ing England from the sea.
Bushes Replacing Walls on Dividing
Lines In England.
One of the many changes noted by
overseas visitors to the Old Country is
the growing beauty of English
A tour through residential districts
formerly revealed high walls, :un-
sightly fences, and tall .railings, be-
hind which were many beautiful gar-
dens that were hidden from the pub-
lic gaze.
Now in many of the new areas in
the suburbs front gardens are divided
by low hedges or ower borders, and
he lower fences and vanished walls
give the gardens the appearanceof
flowering boulevards.
New streets have the appearance of
an extensive garden landscape. Soule
gardens appear to be divided only by
borders of geraniums or other flower -
tug plants. This is certainly a re-
markable change compared with the
gardens Of thirty years ago.
Bathing vs. Hunting.
According to recent statistics, it is
more dangerous to take a bath time
to go hunting. A recent compilation
of statidties by a well-known insur-
ance company shows that damage er
claims were paid on :1,655 automobile for
accidents, 630 people fell downstairs,
31 fell in the bathtub, and 16 were Sly
Injured by firearms. Injury froom�,,8ie. :no
arias seems to be of rare oceurence, tis
at least to those tnsured. ca
Tim Reviews That
Awful Landsli
To the Editor av all thinz!
Wingham Paypers.
Deer' Sur;—
Since lasht Wendshday wus a w
1 hey harudly been able to hould
silf fer tinkin av the foine'thrimn
wus afther givin thin- Grits
U.F.O,'s. Av coorse Nort. Huron
Sout Bruce went bad, but thim' co
ties cud nivir be depinded on, fer
en away back in 1878, whin ould
Jawn A. shwept the counthry wid
Nashunal Polishy, they aich sint t
Grits to Ottawa. 'Tis only wa
in a whoile we do'. be able to eli
a good Tory in ayther county, b
that duzzint dt zzmt prevent our.lads fr
kaipin on throyin.
But isn't Mishter Ferguson t
broth av a bye fer shkatnin ting
Fursht he:brings in Regulation siv
teen to plaize the Orangies, an, wh
he has thim all solid, he abolishes
to plaize the. Frinchies, an gits thi
all votin fer him,'an be'rayson
it wins. half a dozen sates from t
Grits. Shure, we haven't had t
loike av him in the parthy since t
days av good ould Sir Jawn A., wh
Orangies an Frinchies wud all
roidin to the polls in the wan sleig
to vote fer hint. 'Twas a bad mis
take whin a. lot av tin cint Tories g
runnin the ould parthy, an shtarte
callin thing Frinchies, Bohunks, a
Garlick Afters, an shlackers, an ivir
ting ilse but gintlemin. ,Av coors
we won the Dominion Elickshun i
1917, but hey losht ivirywan since, b
rayson av Quebec votin purty near)
solid fer thin Grits. Mebby ting
will be diffrunt nixt. toime, at lais
we will hope so fer the good ay th
counthry. Anny housewife know
that honey arr molasses will catc
more fioies than vinegar will.
Thin theer wus .the booze polish
av the Ferguson Governmint tha
wus an isshue in the carnpain. Som
payple: say that it shudden't be a pol
lytickle matther at all, at all, but tha
is all nonsinse. How can it be ann.
ting ilse, wid the Grit Governmin
at Ottawa givin out charters fer ne
breweries an dishtilleries all th
toime, an wroitin homebrew loisense.
galore, an the Tory Government a
Toronto shtartin up new dishpinsh
aries iviry wake to sell the shtuff
in pollyticks all roight, an loike
ly to shtay theer as long as it is
good rivinue projucer. It'moinds m
av the farrunier who used to sell al
his hay an grain in the fall, an mad
money wance, an thin befoor shprin
he wud sell all the hoide .say the cat
tle that doh' fer want av the hay, a
grain, an make money twoice.
As I tould ye befoor I hey me tit
pirince principulls in me woife'
name, but 1 kape me property a
me pollyticks in me own, so I kin d
what 1 plaize wid thim. Sometoim
it is purty harrud to know what t
do, but 1 always belay e in playin saf
an votin Tory. 'Tis loike taldn chan
ces on the shtock exchange to lave
the ould parthy.
Av coorse it looks purty quare to
see Mishter Ferguson busy handin
out permits to buy booze, an thin'
abolishin Regulashun sivinteen, an
educatin the payple in two langwid-
ges not to use thim, an if a fellate
wussen't' a good consistent Tory he
moight not know how to vote.
Yours fer a bigger an betther
Tiinothy Hay.
in -
Using the Wrong Word
Rev.. John Graham writes to the
Owen Sound. Sun -Times that it is
using the word "temperance" when
quite clearly from the tenor of the
article it should use the word "pro-
hibition." "This is all the more re-
grettable," he says, "since there are
many around the country who do' not
understand 'the difference between
temperance and prohibition and who
think that the two words are synon-
ymous, Now I have always been, and'
I am today, a prohibitionist. 1 can
say that were all' the people in the
province like myself, then intoxicat-
ing liquor would not even be manu-
factured. Prohibition, however, is an
ideal, the condition that those whom
we ''think of as being ,the best, and
noblest amongst us would like to see
prevail, if
the Government n
t er
w e legis-
lating for me and for many like my-
self they would bring in a prohibi-
tion measure. But the present gov-
ernment, as any government in pow -
would have to do, must legislate
the Province, Were the Progres-
e or Liberal party in power to-
crow morning they could not give',
prohibition, nay, they dare not be -
use it would not work. The dif-
ferent Provincial Governmentsin
turn had to fall back on government
control because prohibition was ruin-
ing •the provinces, Let us get this
clear in our mind, that we :are not
'slating for an ideal Province, but
the Province of Ontario as it is
ay. .: This brings me to my last
nt, naively, that prohibition is a
moral question, and being so it is
Pew people who use the *word
"humbug" So glibly realize 'that it is
corruption of the name of a 'rell-
nevvii G.irinan port, But years ftgo,
wizen wars were eomnztn en AO eon-
tinent, so many false reports came ICg
Crain Hamburg that People need to for
.,ay sceptleally, "That is 111a iburgt" tod
so "Hamburg" beca'fte Corrupted iia- poi
to"hunxbug.;" :
The Good
Looks That
Bespeak Quality
FINEST leather —s finest
1j' materials = finest work
manship result in fine appear-
Furthermore, in Hurlbuts yop
are assured' of comfort and proper
fitting --"Room to grow for every
toe" is the Hurlbut watchword in the
creation of lasts and styles' of these'
famous shoes.
Sold and Recommended by
AAI�.�yy� r
primarily the taslc and work of the Bloomfield, daughter of a former
Wingham resident, and William T.
Pinkerton, from drowning at Stoney
Lake on May 31st last. The young
people were crossing the lake, about
two miles wide at this point, when
their canoe swamped in the heavy
sear Mrs. Burnham heard tire cries
of distress and, unaided, got a skiff
from the boat house and made for
the scene, some half mile or more
from her cottage. She found the
young man practically unconscious
and suffering from cramps, in the
canoe, where he had been pulled by
Babette, while the girl was just about
all in, clinging to the stern of the
canoe. Undoubtedly Babette's ability
as a paddler and swimmer, saved a
tragedy, but her acts in no way les-
sen the courage and resourcefulness
of Mrs. Burnham, who faced real dan-
ger in setting out single-handed to
the rescue.
Church. Instead of clergymen find-
ing fault with the government, as
the time goes by, they should be
gradually bringing their people to
that point where. the people of the
Province would say, we want ,prohi-
bition, and they would get it because
it would 'then be a success. Until
that day comes prohibition will not
work.' Therefore the sane and sensi-
ble thing to do, is to have a govern-
ment control act and like every othet
act to have it amended from time to
time to meet the desires of the people.
Mrs, George Burnham, of Toronto,
has been granted a parchment 'certi-
ficate by the Board' of Investigating
Governors of the Royal Canadian Hu-
mane Society for rescuing Babette.
'OMEN may soon "man"
the lifeboats now, if this
young lady's example is fol-
lowed. Miss Lilly Allinson,
stewardess on the Cunard liner
''Alaunia", is the first woman in
the 90) years of Cunard history
to pass . the British Board of
Trade examination and receive
a certificateasa "lifeboatman".
She is here seen receiving in-
structions from Third Officer
MacKellair on the ship.
11iI 1111SllllMhlIMIIIIlIGIiI llSll Illlllwli ISI I iSrrISII ISI I IMrl1�111I IMM ill r1Sul�lllleu Ieli sl1N(rlluwl1111i11el�il
Highest Market Prices for your Cream and Eggs.
A large shipment of Potatoes just arrived, we will
deliver to any part of the .toms.
lin ,c0 rod e
Phone 166 "' Wingham Branch.
E'anches—Wiiagharn, Marton, on, Tara Grand Valley
dead Office, Harriston.