HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-11-07, Page 1Single Copies, Five Cents.
With Which is Amalgamated The Gerrie Vidette and Wrmeter News.
As he was trying to get a refund on
'two railway tickets for Calgary at the
ticket office in Galt on Monday, Cal-
vin Cruickshanks, aged 24 of Wing -
ham, was arrested by Chief Constable
Boyd of Galt, on a charge.. of theft
•of, $1,500 from Mrs. Noreul Fleich-
.a.rner, a widow of Milverton, Ont.
Ctuikshanks, a married man, with
:a wife and family at Atwood,, was
employed as a hired man' on the farm
-of • the complaint. For the past
year, Cruickshanks looked after the
:farm, and, according to the police, de-
voted his evenings to telling the wi-
,dow' of how . they could leave the
farm, go to San Francisco and. be-
•come wealthy. His rosy pictures of
life in the Golden West and its won,
•derful opportunities attracted the wo-
Mrs, Fleichamer had $1,800 cash in
the bank ,from an -insurance policy
left by her husband. Last week she
,•drew the money from the bank and
-purchased two tickets to San Fran -
.cisco. The farm 'was left in charge
of her brother. When the couple
•reached- the United States border at
Detroit, immigration authorities re-
fused to admit them, and they came
ibacle to Toronto.
Cruickshanks hadthe railway tick-
ets changed for tickets to Calgary
last Thursday. The couple register-
ed in a downtown hotel. During the
-night, while the woman slept, Crnick-
•shanks is alleged to have entered her
room and, taking her purse from be-
neath the pillow, removed $1,500 of
-the $1,800 and departed.
The woman was taken by the hotel
proprietor to the detective' office,
where a warrant was sworn out for
Crtiickshank's :arrest. --Globe.
The fifth annual convention of the
Huron County Association of Trust-
ees and Ratepayers was held on Sat-
urday, November 2nd in the Council
Chamber• of the Town Hall, Wing-
ham, with the hall comfortably filled,
the presence of a goodly number of
ladies being an encouraging feature.
William Archibald, president of the
Association, occupied the chair.
The minutes of the meeting of a
year ago were read by the secretary,
Mrs. R. Davidson, and adopted as
read on motion of E. C. Beacom, I.
P.S.; for West Huron,., aiid Mr. E.
The president, in his address, said
that it is a question of vital interest
to provide education suitable; for the
boys and girls who intend to make
farming their life work, While he
thought itwise .to leave the road open
for those who wished to attend col-
lege, he believed the road to college
was rade almost too attractive as it
is not ui thebest interests of:. the
country to have so many of the,
youth ; of the land leave the farrns
to make their life work along profes-
sional lines. He thought the situa-
tion was almost tragic. With up'-
wards of $70,000" being spent in the
county, annually, for secondary edu-
cation, the rural people have little
voice in saying how this money
should be spent, which is entirely
contrary to the principles of democ-
racy. It should be the chief object
of the people to provide suitable sub-
jects of study on the curriculum in
secondary schools for the rural child..
He paid fitting tribute to the pio-
neers, who endured much hardship
in hewing out homes for themselves
and their families, front the wilder-
ness of forest once crowning our
fair land, only to have these same
homes and farms deserted today ow-
The Annual Church Parade, in
memory of comrades who fell in the
'great war, will be held in St. Paul's
Church, Sunday morning, November
10th at 11.00 a.m. Parade at armour-
ies at 10.30. o'clock. Winghans Band
will accompany parade to and from
'Church. A Parade will also be
held in Clinton at 3 p.m. the same
day, to which all veterans are cord-
ially invited.
Children's Rubbers ---the' kind that
wear, 60c to 70c. Greer's Shoe store,
The most economical place to buy
footwear is at Isards Give Up Sale
of all kinds of shoes and rubbers.
courses, in which two years of high
school work would be taken in the
public schools and two years of work
now taken in University would be
taken in the Collegiates, the idea be-
ing to bring edtication closer to the
homes. In the sparsely settled dis-
tricts, the idea has been evolved of
bringing travelling schools to the.
children. The more closely we can.
get in touch with education, the
greater benefit will be derived.
He spoke of the present situation
when boys and girls leave home so'
early,in life to goto cities and towns
for secondary education, and believ-
ed that the home environment would
be preserved by the new proposal of
bringing high school work and uni-
versity work nearer home. As to
how it would be arranged; he was not
prepared to say. Perhaps, instead of
introducing the system into all col-
legiate institutes, certain central
schools in counties would be selected.
and these endowed with facilities for
additional courses. What now costs
from $450 to $500 per pupil in the
university •could be done in; colleg-
iates for from $135 to $150 Per pupil.
If the two years' course now taught
in: Collegiates reverted to public
schools there would be a reduction
in cost to probably not more than
$40 per pupil. It would necessitate
two -room schools in most cases, as
he knew from experience that, in a
school with one teacher, the fifth
class took the lion's share of the tea-
cher's time to the neglect of the jun-
ior classes of the school.
There would be difficulties in the
way, but the principle is good, and
difficulties could be surmounted, and
the greater number of pupils taking
the courses would make it worth
while. A larger unit of administra-
tion might provide dental clinics,
A 'tightwad is not generally a pop-
ular chap, although he may have
many attractive qualifications, but the
Tightwad portrayed in the play in
tithe town hall on Friday evening; ley
the A. Y. P. A. of, St. George's chur-
ch, Goderich, was altogether of an-
other nature. This young group made
a splendid presentation, and two or
three of the cast deserve all the fav-
.orable criticisms. Mrs. Fred. Sturdy
•on three hours notice, took the part
of Mrs. John Taylor, owing to the
illness of Miss Gladys Ginn, and gave
a good interpretation of a tired and
-tactful mother. Major Fred Sturdy
as the tightwad, carried off some
trying situations with a natural, ease;
readily accepted dinner: invitations
and cigars from his prospective' fath-
er-in-law, but showed ,a real human
streak when he trade good with Ms
Will Sturdy, knew many of the
brusk abruptness of a tired book-
keeper, and the father of two hope-
' Mess present day children, whose main.
ambitions were clothes and a good.
time. Miss Ruth Cormier captivated
the hearts of the audience by a real.
naturalness in her acting,' and of her
persuasive manner not only with her
boy friend, who sacrificed much, but
with her father, who naturally con
eluded her ways were best. Mrs. R.
C. Hayes ,proved a common type of
pleasure seeking and money -hunting
girl, whose interests ended when ad-
versity came, and showed it with erne
phasic, Lionel Dunsdon, her friend,
made a good impression as did A. B.
'A fair crowd attended considering
the most unfavorable night.
Wnigham town council dealt with
a number of rather insignificant mat-
ters on Monday night that occupied
considerable time. Mrs. Rapp of
Walkerton, suggested that the town
should provide for her during the en-
forced absence of her husband in Go-
derich.. Council declined with thanks
and the County town of Bruce will be
given the honour.
Women's Hospital Auxiliary were
granted a rebate of hall rent for eu-
chre and dance held last month, but
not without expression of general
feeling by council,that some new sys:
tem ought to prevail next year. Coun-
cil while •sympathetic to many worthy
institutions and organizations, feel
that recognition should be made in a
certain definite way, and that hall
rents are a matter of strict business.
Mayor Fells reported that an am-
iable agreement is being made with
Turnberry.Township for tile draining
the B. Line from the end of the pave-
ment to the railray crossing, the
town to supply thm tile and the town-
ship doing the wo,k, It will cost the
town about $720;5 but will ensure a
good road and afford drainage to a
number of houses;
ing to the fact that so few remain school nurses, domestic science cour-
on the farms. ses and other measures that would be
Mr. Spotton, M.P., followed with practicable. As yet there has been
an address in which he • thanked the no solution to ,the, problem, but he
Association for holding "its annual believed in maintaining for children
meeting this year in Wingham, On in the country such educational facil-
behalf of the mayor, who was out of ities as would give them mindsof
town, he extended 'a hearty welcome such culture that they could enjoy
to all. The older he grew, the great- to the full life on the farm, which he
er importance was laid by him on the believed to be the best place possible
work of school boards. for them.
"Of our total population, 24 per E. C. Beacom, LP.S., for West
cent are attending school. When a Huron, was next introduced. After
man or woman accepts the position expressing his pleasure at being pres-
of trustee, he or she should feel that eht, he spoke of the privilege it
it is. a grave responsibility, as he is should be for trustees to meet to -
thus placed in the position of guard gethei; and should like to have seen
tan of the interests of the young. more present. He was heartily in
Trustees should be men and women accord with the various phases of
of visionand know the child. His proposed education as outlined in
work consists not alone in paying- out
the monies of the section he repre-
sents, but he should take an intelli-
gent interest in the welfare of the
Canada today is spending :millions
of dollars annually for research, and
he wished to impress upon the sec-
retaries and trustees his willingness
to co-operate with them in supply-
ing them with material along this
line which would be of educative val-
ue in the schools. He touched upon
the splendid work of school fairs,
and stated that there is a new gen-
eration arising. Public opinion must
necessarily be moulded to coincide
With . changed conditions., Education
must be practical in this age, he said,.
Rev: H. W. Snell, who is president
of the Ontario Educational Associa-
tion of Trustees and Ratepayers, and
who is now principal of the Mohawk
Institute at Brantford, was the next
speaker. He found it difficult to
choose a subject for his address, as
at the present time, so many ideas are
being put forward for the promotion
and betterment of education. The
Department of -Education is inviting
criticism rather than destructive criti-
receiving a good deal of constructive
criticsm rather ,than destrt'ietive crib-.
cisco as formerly. The searchlight of
criticism' has been turned upon the
educational system, with the result'
that more suitable plans are being
evolved for the promotion of educa-
tional work throughout the Provinee.
The Township School Bard Bill,al-
though not meeting with general ap-
proval seemed to be the solution of
the difficulty. County School boards
also had been suggested, and now
comes a later proposal by. the Min-
ister of Education which he proceed-
ed to explain, although not as yet
convinced of the best way of carry-
ing out the idea.
He spoke of the mini'ster's propo-
sal to have a re -arrangement of
The public are warned that the fire
siren will be blown every Saturday
morning 'hereafter at 10 o'clock. This
is for test purposes only,
Mr: Snell's address. He told of the
instruction in agriculture whichhad
been introduced into Goderich ,Col-
legiate this year for the first time.
He believed in giving the training
that would fit the child for .farming.
At present, owing to the lack of co-
operation between school boards no
special instructions could be given.
He spoke of the increasing inter-
est being taken in the country for
musical instruction in the schools,
citing several centres where, with
tate surrounding group of schools, it
is being carried out with much suc-
cess, He outlined the generous
grants given by the Department of
Education both in music and agri-
culture, as wellas for household sci-
ence, school lunches, libraries, etc.
He advocated snaking, the school and
its surroundings the beauty spot of
the 'community, and deplored the fact
that school grounds and buildings are
often so unattractive.
The` treasurer's report was read
and adopted, and the election of of=-
ficers took place, which resulted in
the former officers of the association
being re-elected. They are: Presi-
dent, William Archibald, Seaforth;
first' vice-president, E. Fulton, �Brus-
sels; 2nd vice-president, Mr, McKel-
lar, Seaforth; secretary -treasurer,
Mrs. R. Davidson, Dungannon.' The
place of meeting for the convention
next year was discussed, and the
question was left in the hands of the
executive to decide. Heretofore the
meetings were held in Clinton, which
is a more central place, and it is be
toted that a larger representaiton
would be present at that centre, The
president asked for the support of alt
in making the convention of next
year a success. Mr. Fulton was ap-
pointed as a delegate to attend the
district convention to be held at
Guelph on Saturday, November 9th.
Mr. Fanner, principal of the Sea -
forth Collegiate Institute, followed
Work of repairing the dam through
damage by the spring flood is about
complete at an 'estimated cost of
$5500. Considerable filling and some
cement work is still to be done.
The Executive were instructed to
place insurance r bn the Fertilizer
By-law was passed providing for
holding official nomination on Mon-
day,,Nov. 25th, and polling if neces-
sary on December 2nd, with the same
officials as in last election, and for
borrowing $3500 if required to pro-
vide for expenses connected with re-
pairs to dam.
Chief of Police Allen was granted
three days absence this week -end.
The Mayor, according to custom,
will place a wreath on the war mem-
orial on Armistice Day, a tribute on
behalf of the corporation .
Class A
Total 173, Honors 125, Pass 100,
Bill. Harris 161, Mabel Campbell
158, Florence Finley 134, Bill Seddon
129, John Wilson 129, Dorothy Mel-
lor 124, Louise Thompson 116, Reg-
gie Collar 115, Helen Patterson- 98,
Carl Varner 72, Bill Smith 68.
Crass B
Total 83, Honors, 65, Pass 45.
Marguerite Ingham 81, Helen
Hammond 80, Kenneth Crawford 79,
Agnes Seli 78, Norman Fry 77, Har-
ry Montgomery 76, Junior Nivins 76,
George Johnson '76, • Frances Robin-
son 75, Laura Collar 75, Betty Grov-
roves 74, Velma Ohm. 73, Betty Thomp-
son 72, Ronald Lee 71, Elmer Deyell
71, Louise Lloyd 69, Wallace Smith
69, Jack Gorbutt 69, Donald Fitt 67,
Jack Carter 63, Frances Durnin 60,
Eva Lediet 54, Billy McNevin 49,
Carroll Casemore 49, Margaret Fin
ley 45, Harold Hutton 42.
A. Williamson, Teacher.
First Book
Total 420, Honors 315, Pass 168.
Margaret Homuth 415, Noreen
Benedict 411, Hilda Brown 386, Ken-
neth Jackson 385, Bill Burgman 384,
Frances Lockridge 382, John Lee 381,
Noel Stevenson 379, Virginia Currie
374, Jeanne VanNorman 371, Bill 262.
Sturdy 364, Donald Adams 360, Mac E. Hetherington, Teacher,
Habkirk 360, Marion Templeman 360, Senior,IIt
James Schaffter 359, Jean Lee 358, Total 600, Honors 450.
Brock C. Brandon
Brock C. Brandon, former Hanov-
er merchant, died on .Sunday night at
the home of his brother, N. L. Bran-
don, St. Marys. Two months ago
he underwent a serious operation. at
Boston, Mass., for the removal of a
tumor from the brain. Apparently
he was making a good recovery. On
Sunday he had a sudden relapse and
passed away within a few hours. De-
ceased was born in Morris Town-
ship, near Wingham, 44 /years ago,
but for the past 16 years has resided
in Hanover. His widow, who sur -
rey Hattersley 566, Jean Cruickshank
561, Hazel Lediet 554, Isabel " Lamb
537; Bobby Rae 531, Irene Chittick
531, Clarence Cantelon 525, Alice
Dore 511, Lillian Fuller 510, Jimmie
Lee 504, Marie Hopper 499,' Lloyd
Dark 492, Jean Mellor 481, Irene
Fitt 473, 'rime, Harrison 472, Mar-
jorie Forsyth 470, Evelyn Campbell
445, Evelyn Carter 409, Joe Nawash
394, Edward Finley 393, Harold. Par-
ker 300, Bert Vansickle 291, .Harry
Ross 275, Herman Kennedy 268.
M, Robertson, Teacher.
Junior, III
Total 500, Honors 375, Pass 300.
Lloyd Ellacott 449, Lorraine. Car-
arter 487, Velma Stoakley 481, Emma
Krohn. 428, Irene Mellor 422, Zora
Cameron, 419, Winnifred McNevin
413, Billie Lepard 410, Raymond Car-
ter 407, Thora ,Davison 403, Laura
Campbell 398, Hazel Hawkins 396,
George. Carr 393, John Lamb 385, Al-
bert Campbell 385, Marvin Smith 382,
Luetta Bok 373, Billie Davidson 373,
Helen Groves 872, Edith Campbell
368; Alicia Wilson 363, John Currie
360, Stanley Henderson 360; Beatrice
Forsyth 359, Stewart Forsyth 354,
Betty Collar 340, Jaynes Durnin, Ir-
ene' Clarke 330, James Broome 328,
Norma Groves 304, John Bunn 289,
Wilson `Brown 285, Wornold Finley
vives, is an only daughter of the late
Dr. Taylor, who was mayor of Han-
over for many years. His mother,.
Mrs. T. S. Brandon of Wingham, al-
so survives, and there are two sis-
ters, Mrs. Reid and Miss Hazel Bran-
don, of Wingham, and one brother,
N. L. Brandon, St.. Marys,
There will be a Euchre and Dance
in the R. C. Parish Hall on the ev-
ening of Thursday, November 14th,
under the auspices of the Catholic
Women's League. Admission 50c.
Music by Kenn. Carter's Vagabonds.
Old and new dances. Lunch served.
Harold Cantelon 358, Bill Forsyth
350, Betty Lloyd 346, Louise Dore
336, Kenneth Johnson 333, Bertha
Casemore 332, Nora Finley 330, Ar-
nold Stoakley 318, Betty Saint 317,
Jack Fraser 314, Helen Smith 311,
Gertrude Finley '309, Chester Camp-
bell 286, Lyda Brown 286, Fenton
Barnes 259, Roy Dark 250,' Donalda
Henderson 238.
P. Johns, Teacher. /dr
Junior II .47
Total 520, Honors 390, Pass 312.
Patricia Parker 508, Scott Reid 471,
Charlie Krohn 470, Lillian Howard
466, Mary Thompson 453, Ruth. Hanl-
ilton 448, Margaret Marsh 442, Char-
lie Wellwood 429, Doris Pitt 426,
Betty Rae 424, Mary E. McKibbon
418, Lloyd Hutton 404, Charlie Bask'
erville 398, Evelyn Edgar 394, Russel
Zurbrigg 394, Adelene Vansickle 892,
George Boyle 392, Jean Thompson
884,' Eilene Curtis 380, Edythe Camp-
bell 376, Harold Stephenson 376,
Mabel Fothergill 356, Allen Small
347, _Robert Casemore 341, Kathryn
Patterson 336, Harold Ross 318, Bil-
lie Kennedy 287, Charlie Ross 287,
Billie Groves 281, Jimmie Mortimer
273, Kathleen Saint 259, Alvin Lediet
254, Carl Bondi 239, Frank Angus
201, Rena Elliott 183, Joe Wilson 179,
Gordon. Helm, 173, Jimmie Kennedy
B. Joynt, Teacher.
Senior II
Total 700, Honors 525, Pass 420.
Mary Preston 637, Evelyn Gamble
627, Verne Walker 605, Edith Mundy
592, Muriel Williams 587, Doris Arm-
itage 579, Harry Posliff 576, Geoff -
with a most inspiring address upon
education, in which he traced its his-
tory frosty, the earliest times, through
the different ages: At the present
tune he believed education to be in
a period of transition, from which it
would, emerge with wonderfully im-
proved facilities. The economic sit-
uation of the province is changing,
The scientific study of soils and fartn
machinery, together with intensive
cultivation is bringing people back to
the farms. The time is fast approach-
ing when agriculture will be taught
in: all schools. He thought that the
choosing of a vocation is a very ins -
ti believed portant matter and be l`i ve that pub -
tic school teachers should' be trained
fes giving intsruction in vocational
He believed that the public > school
system should be related more def.
mately to the life work of the pupils,
While he thought that education was
progressing by means of improved
curriculums, yet the Crest had not yet
The'. singing of the National Art -
them brought the cotrvcnt oe to a
Subscriptions $i.co per year.
•a:rt. Paul's rectory, Stratford, was
the scene of a quiet autumn wedding
on Saturday afternoon,' October nine-
teenth, when Rev, Mr, Wallace unit-
ed in marriage Avis Louise, youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Laundy, of Blyth, and Morris Swan-
son, only son of Mr, and Mrs. Char-
les Swanson, of Wingham The
bride and bridegroom were attended
by Mr. and Mrs; Arthur Ney, of Se-
bringville, Immediately after the
ceremony the happy young couple
motored to the home of the bride's
sister, Mrs. Arthus• Nay, where a
wedding dinner was served,
Mr: and Mrs. Swanson will reside
in Wingham. Kr
A very happy event took place arL
Wednesday evening, October 23rd,,
last, when, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Camp-
bell celebrated their golden wedding
at 'their own home on the 5th con-
cession of East Wawanosh. Fifty
yearsago on that date Mr, and Mrs.
Campbell, who was Miss Fanny M_
Harrison, daughter of the late W. A,.
Harrison, were married by the Rev.
Robert Davey, ,of Dungannon, just
across the road from their present
home in the house now occupied. by
Mr: Bert Taylor, Mr. Campbell was
in the teaching profession at the time
but following his marriage he gave
up teaching for farming. ]3orn in
Whitby township he had moved up,
with his parents into East Wawanosh
to the farm on which he andhis son
Albert now -live. Here Mr. and Mrs.
Campbell have lived ever since. Three
children came to bless their home, all
of whom are living and all of whore
are in Huron County. They are;
Mrs. Wm. Crozier, of Ashfield; Mr,
Colin Campbell, of West Wawanosh;
and Albert Ceintahell On the Wok.
farm in East Wawanosh.
During all these years, Mr. and
Mrs. Campbell have been faithful and
devoted members of Donnybrook
Methodist, now United Church. 14x
R. Mitchell 532, I, Habkirk 513, W.
Carr 510, J. Zurbrigg 500, R. How-
son 482, E. Schaffter 480, B. Hamil-
ton 479, M. Wilson 477, G. King 476,
N. Blatchford 475, D. Parker 473, C.
Chittick 469, E. Field 466, E. Webb
465, B. Brown 455, N. Miller 452,
R. Hammond 451, B. Mundy 450, G.
Brackenbury 444, C, Wellwood .434,
D. Rich 423, W, Small 417, H. Bur-
gess 382, M, Cruieleshenk 360, E, Fin,
ley 356, J, McDonald 808, S. Carter
288, , s
C. J: Farquharson,. Teacher
Junior IV
Can'ipbelI -Week all 5ctiye part j'ii the
`total 625, Honors 468. lwork of the •Sunday 'Scho6l, lacing
C. Nortrop 547, D. Buchanan 546, superintendent and teacher of the bi:
F. Currie 541, IF. Reid. 526, E. Coutts bie class at various times,. He is still
524, E. Patterson 516, E. Fothergill the teacher of the bible class. Mr.
and Mrs. Campbell are honored and
respected citizens of East Wawaftaah.
'They have always taken an active
and interested part in all that made
for the betterment of the community..
N. McEvers 415, V. Carter 409, A. Whatever there is of good in Huron
Stone 396, M. Fraser 395, M. Brown County, and there is much to be
887, L. Bok 371, L. Clark 361, H. proud of, is due in no small measure
507, D. Forsyth, 503, G. Robertson
496, L,, Deyell 494, B. Mundy 478,
C. Mason 478, F. Collar 477, D. Hut-
chison 477, C. Stewart 469, J. Preston
464 L. Brown 426, P. Deyell 416,
Finley 299.
B. H. Reynolds, Teacher .
Senior IV
Total 850, Honors 638, Pass 510.
J. Buchanan 751, R. Hutton 745,
M. Reid. 694, ' A. Chittick 694, M.
Field 693, L. Hawkins 621, M, Mit-
chell 615, C. McKay 608, G. Brack
enbury 579, A. Reid 571, V. Cante-
lon 486, M. Fry 478, G. King 443,
L. Haller 484, M. Elliott 425, L, Lud-
wig 425, E. Stephenson 323, H. Skeld.
ing 367, S. Scott 323, H. Brawley
307, W. Henderson 297, M. Mason
264, R. Saint 237.
Huron Curling Club organized at
an enthusiastic meeting on Mpnday
evening with the following officers
chosen for next year: -
Hon, President -Geo. Spotton, M.P
President -A. J, Wilson.
Vice -Pres. -Fred Davidson.
Sec'y-Treas.-T, H. Gibson.
Executive -D. J. Rae, J. A. Currie,
W. S. Mitchel,,"
Bonspiel and ,Jitney -John Mason,
Jaynes Murray, Charles Elliott, O.
Thompson, Dr. Arthur Irwin.
Entertainment --Wm. Gray, 'C, E.
Armitage, T. Felts, W. L. Craig, H.
Diluent, Wilfred McKague, J. A.
Currie, J.. Fry, L. Lott, E. Small,
Membership -W. Gray, H. Dhnent,
T. Fells, J. A. MacGillivray, E, J.
Fees were set at $10,00, and $8.00
for rural members, $5.00 for associate
members, and $8,00 for junior mem-
Wingham Curling Club, Limited* at
its annual meeting "received a very
satisfactory financial report, with a
sufficient surplus on hand to warrant
a 5% dividend, and: providing for a
sinking fund. The following direc-
tors were etected, H, Dintont,
Rae, Wm, Gray, Chas. Elliott,. W. S,
Mitchell and T. H. Gibson. Mr. Di-
tnent is again president, and T. H.
Gibson, secretary -treasurer,
Last Sunday will long be remem-
bered by the large congregations in
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
through the eloquent and impressive
message brought by Rev. Mr. Bar-
clay of Hamilton at the anniversary
services. In the morning he spoke
on the development of Christian life
or character. 'This does not come
spasmodically. nor at once, but by
gradual development, a persistent
faithful following of the example set
by the San of God. As the Bible
says: "Precept upon precept, deed
upon deed; here a little and there
a little." His message in the even-
ing was one of great inspiration to
the true believer.
Floral decorations around the pul-
pit suggested a kindly interest by
lovers of the chard -to while the choir
rendered special anthems that lent
much to• the pleasure of the services.
A free-will offering amounted to
The pleasing success of the services
in every way is a matter of great sat-
isfaction, especially as the pastor,
Rev, D. Petrie, is away in the West,
on an official visit.
R b e h rete
Mat quality t rs for t e, sa
price at Greer's Shoe Store as you
pay elsewhere for seconds,
to men and women of the type of
Mr, and Mrs. Campbell,
The regular monthly meeting of St.
Andrew's Presbyterian Church will
be held in the church on Wednesday,
November 13th, at 3 o'clock. Topic,
South China Manchuria, will be tak-
en by Mrs. H. McGee. Also a pap-
er will be given by Mrs. A. Carr, top-
ic, Footprints in Formosa, Scripture
Reading Mark 10: 46-52. Note the
change in date, Wednesday instead
of Tuesday.
8.36 -Holy Communion.
11 a,nt.-Memorial Service.
7 p.m. -National Thanksgiv-
11 a.m. Rev, J., W, Johnstioi;
7 pan. Rev. Dr. Smillie tee-
turned missionary from. India.
COM and hear Dr. Lillie' in..,
s airing message.
"ottng :People's Society on
1VIOnday at 8 p.tit.
Prayer Service on Wednes-
day at 8 p.m.