HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-10-17, Page 7Thursday, October 17th, 18S • vg... 24Ways to make Bread in the famous Purity Flour Cook Book.. Nave one in your kitchen. Sent for 30c. Wertern CanaOr Flour Mille co. X.imited Toronto,-` Ont. 91 Play Safe Choose a Huron & Erie trus- tee debenture when investing. your savings. Mutual farmers insurance »companies and executors invest in Huron & Erie deben- tures because they are author- ized by law for trust funds. 5z per annum payable half -yearly Applications are accepted by AENER. COSENS Wingham — Ontario removed. Peas, beans and lentils are seeds and they too contain Vitamin B. Nuts are fairly rich with it and so are the root vegetables. Vitamin B is found in egg -yolk but not in the white, Milk has it and so has yeast. If you count cod-liver oilas a food you will find that it contains it in consider- able quantities. There is no Vitamin Bin fats, whether vegetable or an- imal nor in the anusele meats but it SCHOOL REPORT U.S.S. No. 14, East and West Wawa- nosh, for September. Tested in spelling, History, Geog- raphy and Composition. V Class—Laura Martin 78%., Sr. IV—Kenneth Laidlaw 68%, El- roy Laidlaw 65%. Jr. IV—Clifford Purdon 81%, Rcd- •dy Inglis 54%. Sr. III—Russell Farrier*; Rosella Guest*. Jr. III—Olive Purdon 88%; Jack' Jngii&'. Sr. II—Doreen Purdon 67%, Mary -Guest 65%, Dick Guest*. Jr. II—Muriel Purdon 48%. I—Good—Bertha Guest, Rellison Falconer; Fair—Ernest Beecroft. Sr. Pr. -Donald Martin, Pauline Inglis, 'Bill Martin. Jr. Pr.—Good-Florence Beecroft, 'Verna Purdon (tied). *-absent for one or more tests. No: on roll -21. Average atter ance-15. Lena I. Hackett, Teacher. Hints For Homebodies Written for The Advance -Times By Jessie Allen Brown Vitamin B This generation seems to blame -everything that has changed on the War. The increasing wide -spread in- terest in Food and Health in the last decade, certainly can be traced to that source and is one of the few 'benefits arising from the War. When so many men, the world over, were found to be physically unfit, •-loctors were forced to realize that there was something wrong. Every one eats, so it was only logical to starting their investigations with Foods. Foods Modern Clothes and Furniture has "gone modern" so why not Foods! The elusive Vitamins are part of the new knowledge of Foods. All our lives I' we have been eating them "unbe- knownst" but not always all the var- ieties it sufficient quantities. So now the pesky little things have been run to earth, it is up to 'tis to see that they are included in our diet. Vitamin B was the first one that was discovered and it is a very im- portant one, Everyone knows that this age is a nervous one. The wo- men are' so many of them restless and nervous and so are the men, to, say nothing of the children. Un- doubtedly nervousness in its differ- ent forms and manifestations is a serious condition, Vitamin B is a real friend to the jaded nerves. If you or your child- ren or even friend husband are in- clined to have nerve trouble, the remedy is largely in your hands. See that their food has suffiicent quan- tity of Vitamin B, as it is very apt to be short. Foods Coattaiitting Vitamin B. Vitamin !B is ; to be found chiefly in the seeds. Cereals contain it, pro- viding that you eat the whole grain. Wholewheat Bread has it and so has wholewheat or oatmeal porridge made of the whole grain, That,, of course does not mean to make porgy .. ridge of grain that is whole, but crushedor rolled grain with nothing is in the organs; such as liver, kid- ney, heart etc, To sum: up, if you eat eggs, milk, wholewheat bread and porridge made from whole grain, and potatoes, yott are sure of sufficient Vitamin B. One of the. famous English spec- ialists experimented with the effect of diet an Arthritis. He worked on it during the war, when there were se many cases of it among the sol- diers and he found that in many of I`, r .i7,. �.A.4 .kC`:4tyd �Pbi.�=k api ra1:,�'.: a. WINGHAM ADVANCE-TDVI1 g it's various forms, food rich in .Vita- min B made a decided improvement. After the war he followed this up in his private practise with the same results, If you suffer from Arthri- tis it is worth concentrating on the Vitamin B foods to see .if it 'helps your .particular case. " . Breakfast seems to be a good spot to stock up with Vitamin B. Your cereal may be porridge or it may be one of the prepared cereals and ,meaiem1•••=1•1•1•11mw 170112.111 there are several of these that con- tain the entire grain. If you eat this with milli you :are off to a good start, Unless you are trying to gain in weight, milk on your cereal is bet- ter than cream. Follow your cereal with an egg and wholewheat toast and you certainly have done your ditty. by Vitamin B. • Raisin Brown Bread 3 cups graham flour 1 cup' white flour 1 teaspoon salt cup molasses 2 teaspoons soda 1 cup raisins 21 cups sour 'milk Mix dry ingredients and raisins. Stir in milk and molasses. Beat thor- oughly. Bake in moderate oven, Spiced Grapes. 3 lbs, black grapes 1i lbs, sugar 1 oz. cinnamon COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AN USINESS GUIDE a cup vinegar 3, •oz. cloves Wash grapes before removing from stenis, Squeeze pulp intoo a sauce pan and 'pttt skins into anoth- er, , ,Tie spices in a bag and drop in with skins. Add sugar and vinegar and boil gently, stirring frequently. Boilp ulp until seeds arc loosened. then strain into the skin mixture. Al- low 30 to 40 minutes for cooking of skins before bottling. The Merchantsrepresentedresidents of the town and surrounding community that val- ues s in an series of educational editorials will be reproduced weekly along with a ual to` any of the larger towns or cities ma be procured in local stores. A Y below' are co-operating n individual write --up of ech business. The benefit f Home Buying' will be shown to the general advancement and progress of the community. Read the editorials a p and take advantage of the weekly specials offered by the merchants, and BOOST THE TOWN YOU CALL HOME. COME EARLY FOR THIS LINE 100 Only CUCKOO STYLE CLOCKS 69c Each WALKER STORES LIMITED Rae &Thomps n Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Coal, Iron, Etc. ' — Phone 27 — MARTIN-SENOUR PAINTS H., J. JOBB -- Phone 46 SPECIAL Boys Bloomer Suits ........-. $2.95 Two -Bloomer Suits ...... $3.95 F. CART,ER Ideal Bakery — Telephone 132 — WHOLESOME BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY THOS. KEW Harness and Repairs. Phone 176 Suit Cases, Bags, Trunks for , Vacation Travel. McKAY'S CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM PARLOURS. Phone 77 Try our Ice Cream for dessert. W. J. CLARK Plumbing, Heating and Tinsrnithing. OIL BURNERS AND HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS Telephone 141j. Hanna & Co. Ltd. Exclusive Men's Furnishings MadeAto-Measure Suits with ex- tra Trousers, guaranteed, Han- na's Special -.... $25.50 The Following Industrial Manufacturers He 0 rtily End rse This " Buy - At - Home " Campaign SUPPORT THE LOCAL Burk's Store Ladies' and Gents' Ready -to - Wear, Millinery, Boots and Shoes. New styles of Ladies' Hats are now being shown at Burk's at very moderate prices. Machan Bros. Plumbing and Tinsmithing. Household Necessities, Paints , and Oils. — Phone 5S — Call and See our Stoves, Heat- ers and Furnaces. LABELL'S ilSIO STORE Everything in Music SPECIAL THIS WEEK Brunswick Records, regular at 75c, this week ..- 49c Bargains in Used Pianos Wetherall Greenwood FORD SALES AND SERVICE — Telephone 62 — Tires, Tulles and Accessories. A. J. NORTROP Meat Market. Fresh and Cured Meats. — Phone 22 -- SPECIAL SPECIAL THIS WEEK Picnic Ham, 27c lb. cash SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK A very neat line of Women's Two tone Strap Shoes, a nice combination of light and dark- er tan, with spike heel, in prac- tically all sizes for $1.95 PER PAIR WILLIS' Shoe Store Royal Service Station British American Super -Power, Peerless and Ethyl Gasoline and Lubricating Oils. 4 Pumps. Goodrich Tires andiTubes. J. E. Homuth Phone 206. 0,10113 'PRINTING The Advance -'Manes can and does Job printing not excelled for neatness and appearance by any 'city or town office, and •at 'moderato charges. Would be pleased toconsult you regard- ing any printing. AND E ELP OUR TOWN GROW The Western Foundry Co., Limited The Gunn -Son -Ola Co., Limited Stewart Glove and Lea- ther Works The CHANTS FRY & BLACKHALL Limited MacLean Lumber & Coal Company Howson & Howson Flour Mills Seat riv fi'.r We all know of the nuisance who guides the destiny of the automobile from the rear seat, the person who always thinks he could handle the machine much more capably than the driver. He is like the man who stands on the sidelines of the game of life criticizing the actions of those who are doing things, but who fails to get into the battle himself. Every office has one bttt the boss gets tired and chucks him out. �,. „e, ;/- a; , There are people like this -in every 'community. You know well the man who complains about conditions, who is always opposed' to everything, who does not work because he says there is no work to do and the community is going to the dogs. He stands out in contrast to the person who gets into the fight, makes the best of every situation and when he is not satisfied with conditions makes an honest -to -goodness effort to improve them instead of standing around and whining. No man can be happy if he is always running away from the problems of life. What can you do to enliven activities in Wingham and make it a better community in which to livc? Start anywhere but do something. Don't leave the work to some- one else. Get that community spirit and fight. Every sincere effort at community betterment on your part makes you so much bigger. Boost your community that you may be able to boast it. Have no sympathy for the habitual knocker. Buy your good's in Wingham. This will mean the success of your merchant and a bigger and better Wingham'. SPECIALS IN MEN'S WEAR Men's Overcoats $19.50 Youth's O'coats $12.50, $15.00 Boys' Overcoats $6.50 and $8.50 Men's Sweaters, all wool $3.95 Boys' Windbreakers $2.75 Men's Shirts & Drawers $1.25 Boys' Sweaters, wool $1.95 Men's Fancy SilkiWool Sox 49c H. E. ISARD & CO. WINGHAM, ONT. JACK IVIcKAY Mr. McKay is a comparative new -comer to Wingham, be- ing in business about a year. He is a practical candymaker, which perhaps accounts for a large increase in this particular branch of his business. Last summer he completely renovated his ice cream parlour, increasing the space, and decorating it in a very at*rac- tive manner. It is one of the popular resorts after the show or rink for refreshments, Where courteous service and delicious menus are offered. This place is one of the essentials of any live community, and Mr. McKay has that genial personality that gives it a cheery comfortable atmosphere. C. H. McAVOY Mr. McAvoy; during his three years' residence in Wingham, has made "The Nyal Drug Store" a more than popular place. Nyal productions cover a wide range, are nationally known and have a large sale. This store also carries a very select stock of all toilet requisites, and the choicest chocolates. Wall Paper is an ever -needed article in most houses, and an up. to.date stock is always to be found here. Here will be found papers for the modest cottage or pretentious home, in a variety of qtlalities and patterns. As J. WALKER .Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director. SEE OUR DISPLAY, OP FANCY LAMPS KING BROS. NEW VELVETS FINE WOOLLENS FALL SCARFS Dress Oraments Kayser Gloves and Stockings. Gibson's akery — Phone 145 — BUTTER BAKED PASTRY Quality Bread Hovis Bread, -- Whole "fWhole Wheat Bread Bran Muffins. LV% NORGE ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR With Rotary compression, quiet running, nb wear. Winghain Utilities Corm Phone 156. United Fanners Ca, -O erative Co. Lifted Ask your grocer for MAITLAND CREAMERY BUTTER C. Bondi Fruit Co. SPECIAL PRICE ON PEACHES In 11 Quart Baskets. Buy Tomatoes, Grapes and Peaches This Week. morconstoonoosomorammetemmeanantIn IVIcAVOY'S Nyal Quality Drug Store. -- Phone 18 --- SPECIAL SPECIAL THIS WEEK. Dr. West's Tooth :Brush and Tooth Paste 75c value for 50c W. R. Hamilton Jeweler Optician SEE OUR SPECIAL $50.00 LIMOGE DINNER SET The Advance ifr les The home paper which has a special concern for the town's progress, and which gives the news worth while. 0,G0 per year. $1.50 to the United States. G < EE 'S THE GOOD SHOE STORE SEE OUR NEW FALL SHOES New Styles -- - -- New Shades. OUR BARGAIN TABLES Will Interest You. The Radio Shop Phone 158. HEAR ALL THE NEW VICTOR RECORDS THEY ARE HERE, E. S. GRANA Groceries and Provisions — Phone 237 — HADDIE AND FILLET R. A. CURRIE Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director. Phone 155, Residence 51. WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE Lyceum Theatre Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, October 21, 22, 23 BEN LYON and ANTONIO MORENO —In— "THE AIR LEGION" G. , `'; ason & Son News and Book Store Fancy China, Stamped Linen, Novelties are always acceptable as gifts. mmitemearnestseanadanasponoraleamosesosnatevestruarear Iver 8z Mitchell Quality Butchers, Equipped with Frigidaire System. -- Phone 12G ---- FRESH LAMB AND VEAL. John Galbraith Dry Goods .,and Groceries. -----' Phone 83 --- $1.25 MEN'S 14EAV't RIBBED UNDERWEAR For 8c