HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-10-17, Page 5Thursday, October 17th, 1929 WINQ1-IAM ADVA.NCk:-TI1 E$ ai PERSPIRATION ? PAIN IN INSTEP? 'UNIONS OR `a'_WQLIA ' a u; ti ii f! 1 CROOKED OI;, CQ 'S? ovtaLaptiorots? AR UNDER. FLATFOOT? OUSES? Foot Comfort Expert from Toronto will be here SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19th To 'dive Free Demo stration ' On theabove date we -will have at our store, through the courtesy of Dr. Wm. M. Scholl, famous foot authority, a Foot Comfort Expert from his own staff, sent here for the benefit of our patrons. We urge every foot sufferer to make the most ofthis unusual opportunity. Over your stockinged feet, this Expert will make Pedo-graph prints, which will show the exact nature of your foot ailment. He will then demonstrate how the scientific.app:i3uaces perfected by D. ,Scholl -instantly relieve your 'iaiufal feet W. J. GREER The Good Shoe Store TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTH HURON In this, the ; second letter to the people of North Huron, I only wish to discuss a few of the outstanding issues of the day. • As the campaign advances it is be- coming apparent that Government Control is going to be the all-im- portant subject of controversy and I again -wish to state emphatically where I stand. In 1926 we were told that $5,000,000 worth of liquor was soldthrough the dispensaries, besides an estimated sale of $15,000,000 by the bootleggers. The bootlegger was going to disappear and the sales would be decreased. What is the result? In the last and only full year's report $49,000,000 worth had been sold by the' Gov't and the next report,, which is due the day after the election, will undoubtedlyshow increased sales and increased profits, That means increased profits to the Gov't but disaster for the Province. $7,500,000 revenue in 1 year from the sale of liquor alone. With this new found revenue Mr, Ferguson was go- ing to lessee the cost of education, build roads and use it for the gen- eral good of all. He, was going to.- make them a sober industrious peo- ple, by curtailing the consumption of liquor, The consumption of liquor has increased 10 fold and the 'revenue derived from ,it has barely enabled this extravagant Gov't to emerge with 'a surplus of "$228,000,00. Mr..' Ferguson scoffed at anyone pledg- ing himself to oppose the liquor traffic and it is quite natural for him to do so, when the sole aim of the 'Gov't is sales not conrtol. I wish to state that T am opposed to the liquor traffic in any Form and will support any measure for its prohib- ition, no natter by whom introduced, 1 will not support any measure or party that favors the manufacture and sale of liquor for beverage purposes. Mr. Ferguson in 1925 introduced his Township Stlaool Board Bill, and in every year since, it has been be- fore the House fouconsideration and would have been a part of our Pub- lic School system by now, had it not been for vigorous opposition from all quarters, In his 1928 report, just issued the 1st .October he says this; "The Bill to . provide Township School Boards has been brought be- fore the Legislature • on several oc- casions and will be again laid before that body in order that every phase of opinion, for and against, may be consulted," At London in the 'early part of the year he made the state- ment that two years of High School work would have to be taught in all Public Schools and one year of Uni- versity work in High Schools with, of course, the municipalities paying the bill. Bowever, as election ap- proaches, that is modified and he says it will he optional with Public MEISMIIMMENIENIERIMMIIIIMMINIEBIRSENEMINI MEM Maitland Creamery 1 es Cream. Eggs and Poultry al THE ■ • ■ _ssirssmss CALL US FOR PRICES. UNITED FARMERS' CO.OPERATIVE COMPANY, LIMITED. Wingham, - Ontario. Phone 271 ERIE RIM El31 21316 r. Schools, but if they desire to teach Nigh School work an additional grant will be given, We get nothing' but suggestions and' confusion from the Minister of Education because he has neither the urban, nor rural view paint. One thing is certain, it all means increased taxation to the mun- icipality without corresponding bene - fir, As an obscure politician Mr, Ferguson introduced Regulation 17 to prove his loyalty. Now with a large percentage of French Canad- ians in Ontario who have votes, reg- ulation 17 is scrapped by hien as Min- ister of Education, which only prov- es he is a politician instead of a statesman. What we need in Ontar- io is a Minister. of Education who will study the ` school situation and give the problem his whole time, and one who understands rural as well as urban conditions, one who is free from party politics and with a desire to secure for every child a thorough education no matter what party or creed. Other matters will be discussed as the campaign advances, C A. ROBERTSON. ST. HELENS The Anniversary services held in Calvin United Church, St. Helens, on Sunday, October 13th, were a de- cided success, being greatly enjoyed by large congregations. Rev. A. G. Donald, M,C,, of Shelbourne, Ont., gave two very practical and impress- ive sermons on "Supreme Test of Christianity" and "The responsibility of Christian people." In the morn- ing service he made a plea for the realization of a greater sense of one- ness in Jesus Christ, emphasizing the importance of mutual helpfulness, sympathy and love for the underpri- vileged in the home land and abroad, At the evening service he pointed out that the attitude of silence and inactivity on the part of the Christ- ian people was in reality consenting to and endorsing the conduct of those whose actions and purposes were hostile to Christianity, and stressed the need of assertion and aggressive- ness on the part of the Chritsian peo- ple if theideal of the Kingdom were We Want Yon To Hear This No. 641 Screen Grid Stro er§- rison Hours of the most delightful radio enjoy- ment await you, for in this new Stromberg- Carlson you will find the most faithful interpretation of tone ever known. In the No. 641 Strom - berg -Carlson, three totally shielded Screen Grid Tubes make possi- ble the use of "Linear" Power Detection, the new kind of detection essential for clear tone from the 100% modulat- ed broadcasting. Price, '' b'it tubes $199 No. 25 Electro -Dynamic Speaker combines a new degree of tonal range and volume with an ex- terior of unusual beauty. Uses UX -280 Rectifier Tube within Speaker. cabinet. ADIO SHOP You may. buy any of these sets on time. 25% down and balance in I2 equal:; monthly payments. Next Brunswick Hotel Phones 158 or 234. to be realized. The congregation were asked for a special freewill of- fering and $400 was received. The floral decorations were delightful and the service of the choir in their spec- ial selection and in their leadership of the singing was very commend- able and highly appreciated. i.r •Y t � 11 It Y � i � V I p 4a1+ ,41•''auY .s, 1 i I eL k ti %t1 'Ip 44g enf 'ri 1}yar Th i 74A" o-' az VGA ul: ! fi 551F+�� !• u 1ifrct.' i+_c311014% atlG6kt , h ci OUR BUIL ANG HAS BEEN S' `i11) AN Drastic Cut Prices in Men9s and Boys' Overcoats 60 Men's and Young Men's Navy Overcoats, reg. $40.00 value $23.95 Also $32.50 line for ........ $19.50 Men's plain Navy and Oxford Grey OVERCOATS. in sizes 35 to 46, sold as high as $35,00, on sale to clear at $23.95 BOYS' WINTER OVERCOATS Blue Chinchillas, Blanket Cloths and 'fancy tweeds, worth up to $12, out they go at $7.95 MEN'S SUIT BARGAINS 65 Men's Suits in fancy tweeds and worsteds, our regular pric- es $27.50 to $30.00, all this ran- ge for one price .$19.95 Boys' Spring and >•{ all OVERCOATS BARGAIN 10 only up-to-date tweeds, worth $10.00, sale price ...$5.75 100 BOYS' SUITS MUST BE SOLD Mixed Tweeds in light and dark shades, regular $12.00 to $15.00 lines, grouped at one price :Eor- a gigantic clearance at... . , .. .... . $8.95 I Mon's Mackinaw and Sheep -Lined Coats Reduced in our clearing sale for... Y .... $5.95 and $10.50 UR ENTIRE STOCK MUST Cl a.} °ing Pric T s in en's and oys' 1U derwear Men's Stanfield Red label, all wool Shirts and Drawers, reg. 2,50, sale $2.19 Men's Underwear, heavy all wool rib, 2 piece, $1.50 for $1.19 Men's Fleece lined Underwear, 2 piece for 79c lomminaimaseem Men's No. 71 Penman's Underwear. 2 piece, sale price each 89c Penman's No. 95 Underwear, 2 pie- ce, sale price, each $2.19 Boys' Stanfield's Shirts and Drawers, heavy all wool rib, sale price, each ..99c Boys' Combinations, all wool rib, regu- lar $3.00, sale $1.95 Boys' 2 piece Fleece Lined Underwear on sale at 39c and 59c .Boys' Fleece Combinations $1.19 rri�F� n l.x • 1:ttI• OVERALL BARGAIN Carhartt's best Overalls & Smocks out they go in clearing sale. ,$2.19 Kitchen, -Work Shirts, Navys, Khaki, Greys and Blue Chambray, reg. $1.65 and $1.75, sale ....................$L19 Work Shirts, Ar -.my Slue, Navys, Kha- ki, $1.25 and $1.50, sale .75c Men's Odd Pants, worth up to $4.50 sale price .$2,95 uy Xmas Gift I; N mew's Fine 5 Nets Table No. 1, assorted Men's Shirts in latest weaves, worth up to $3, sale 2.19 Men's Shirts, Table No. 2, shirts worth up to $2.25, sale $1.14 and $1.19 MEN'S PYJAMAS Suggestive Xmas Gift in latest no- velty weaves, worth 2.25, 2.50, 3.00 and 3.50, sale $1.89 and $2.39 s 3v Men's Wool Scarfs, marked at sale pric- es, also clearing in Silk Scarfs at.. $1.95 Men's Slickers, in Black and Sand, reg- ular 8.00 and 9.00, sale $5.75 MEN'S FINE SOX See Table Display in fine imported wools and silk mixtures, worth up to $1,00, sale 69c Also display worth 75c to 95c, 59c Men's Braces, 50c and 75c lines ....39c Heavy Wool Work Sox, regular 60c line on sale at • 39c Men's Pure Liners Handkerchiefs, hem- stitched, sale ... ........ 3 for $1.00 Men's Golf Trousers, sale . $3.95 I3ows Ties, regular- 50c values ... , .3$c Hatchway Athletic Underwear, regular' 51.50 line, sale . .. , . $1.1.9 Make you selection of Xmas Gifts during this Big Clearing Out Sale ANNA ty CO., LIMITED Evry lite aA aearl arg Whoopee Hats, Blues and Reds,... 49c Boys' Stockings, double knee, all wool iib, sale 59c and 69c, rib cotton ....39c Boys' Winter Caps, sold as high as 1.00 sale price to -clear at 25c Men's Fine Sweater Coats, regular 5.00 value for , . $3.45 Boys' and Youths' Golf Hose, in pure wools, lines that sold at high as $1.50, on sale at 69c 3,.3,".38,$I!t L41 IIA BOYS' TWEED BLOOMERS In large sizes, worth $3.00, our sale price is 89c X3,3 it:tit,, I >- He t ,"4.2,•1 Men's Neckwear, reduced..39c, 79c 1.19 Small Boys' Khaki Overalls, sale. ..25c Boys' Colored Overalls, sale 83c Men's Gloves, assorted lines, all reduced in clearing sale. Men's Fall and Winter Hats, the better Hats, worth 55.00 and 6.00 for 3.45, 3.98 Men's Wool Mitts, trouble knit pure Scotch yarns, reg. 1.00, sale 69c Pirmatimi •.r 131. MEN'S DRESS CAPS Very latest style weaves, worth to 3.00, for . Mon's Caps, lines worth S2.25 , on sale ,t .... • ...$1.29 $i , •,;r $1.89 .. +133;: WINOlAM, ONT.