HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-10-10, Page 7" turaday October 10th,, 1929 Is a wicked disease; sure death if you don't stamp it rout with ',rafts ROUP TABLETS Save the Flock Sold by all dealers Write for PrattsPoultry Book -.Free PRATT FOOD CO.. of Canada Ltd. 328 Cerlaw Ave., " Toronto 8. Ont. Play Safe Choose a Huron & Erie trus- tee debenture when investing your savings. Mutual farmers insurance companies and executors invest in Huron & Erie deben- tures because they are author- ized by law for trust funds. 5z per annum payable half -yearly Applications are accepted by ABNER COSENS `Wingham Ontario NEURITIS? Sciatica? Rheumatism? T-R-Csare wonderful for Neuritis. Mr. W. H. Davis of Grand Bend, Ont., }rid this so badly that his wife had to dress him. T -R -C's made him well. He says, "My wife also, used them for Arthritis. She wouldn't be alive but for hem." T -R -C's are equally goodfor Rheumatism Neuralgia, Sciatica and Lumbago. (wick. Safe. No harmful drugs. 50c and $1.00 at your druggist's. 115 T„R1C 9Q TEMPLETON'S s RHEUMATIC CAPSULES Hints For Homebodies Written for The Advance -Times By Jessie Allen Brown Patience Did you ever realize that patience is one of the attributes of a good ,cook? When you see anything that is well -cooked you may be sure that the person cooking it exercised pat- ience. Think back on your own failures in -cooking and see how many times lack of patience has been the cause of it. Who among us has not made a lumpy sauce because we have cooked it too 'quickly? We had not the patience to wait but had to hurry it up. Custards -and salad dressings are often not 'what they should be because we would not take sufficient time. The meat ',dries out in too hot an oven because we had not patience enough to do it in a. shower oven. The apples in the 'pie are not cooked through because Ave did not take time enough to lower the heat at the last and finish cook- ing them slowly. And so it goes! Patience is a virtue Catch -it while you can Seldom found in woman And never found in man. Celery This is the season of the year when rcelery is at its best and cheapest in price, so we should snake full use of it. All the time we are enjoying its delicious flavor we can have the com- forting knowledge, that we are eating something that is good for us. Celery comes under the class of foods called Protective Foods -Milk and Leafy Vegetables. The big idea being, that you can eat what you like so long as you add' the' Protective. Foods and then you are sore of hav- ing all that is necessary for a healthy diet. Celery fits in nicely, at two meals of the day as it may be used in so many ways. To use it in its. natural state is the best way of all. It is good for you before it even reaches your tummy. It is crisp and ,crunchy so you must chew it and that is good exercise for your teeth and jaws, Many people like to eat it at the end of a meal as it cleans up the mouth and teeth, Aside from its 'mechanical value its mineral contents .are good for the teeth too. Contains MV1ineral Salts and Vitamins Celery is. not a calorie giver as it .contains very little protein, carbohy ,drates or fats, so ,it is a good food for the many, who are trying to re - dime. However it one of the few Moods that contains considerable Vit. ,atnin S. As Vitamin 13 is very nee.-, essary for the nerves, there may be Some foundation for the old belief that celery was good for the nerves. It is a queer thing how so many of these old ideas ate 'borne out by scien- tific investigation. There..is quite a line-up of the nec- essary salts in celery. Calcium, Po- tassium, Iron, Magnesium and Man- ganese are all to be found in it. Cel- ery helps to neutralize the acids in the body formed from tq'o large a white bread, potatoes, meat, and su- gar diets, Many doctors find that it is good for their rheumatic patients. Preparation, The inner stalks of celery are very tender and the outer stalks are coarse 'WINGHAM ADVAI.1'CE4TJMES and tough. It is :a good plan to buy enough celery so that you need •to use only the tender stalks on the table. Not a stalk need be wasted as there are so many uses for it in. salads and soups. Celery improves almost any salad. Use it in the ev- ery -day potato, cabbage, and beet sal- ads. *Chopped celery may be the foundation of the salad and any oth- er vegetables, fruits, meat, or fish you happen to have tnay be added. Celery Curls You may have a permanent wave in your celry, Cut it in 2 inch pieces, Slice one end of these slices thin- ly, almost to the center, then 'turn the piece and slice the other end the same way. Put in cold water for a time and the ends will curl and meet in the centre; This makes an attrac- tive' garnish'as well as being a con- venient way to eat it. Celery curls are good with sandwiches. They may be passed an a separate dish or they may be put directly on the sandwich dish, providing that they are wiped thoroughly dry. WAFFLES 1% cups Flour 1 teaspoon Baking Powder 1 teaspoon Baking Soda t/• teaspoon. Salt 1 pint thick Sour Cream 2 well -beaten Fags. Put the Flour, Baking Powder, Baking Soda and Salt together and sift thoroughly, three tunes. After' sifting, • pttt the dry mixture, into a big bowl, part it with a spoon and pour in the Sour . Cream, stirring as you go, so that the sifted contents will' take up the whole pint asour crearn,; adding also the well -beaten eggs as the cream becomes absorbed. Stir a while so that the resulting bat- ter is mixed without lumps, Your iron must be .H'OT, a wart non excessively . ironisuse,a d an� yhot', one will burn your waffles, 'Fill the;: iron from the centre, closing the irons quickly,. This will spread the batter!-, It is bard t, tell hoiv long the hat- ter should cook. The best way to. find .out i5 to lift the top of the iron and you may thus observe the top of your waffle as to brownness, etc. Advance -Times "BUY=AT=HOME" Campaign COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE The Merchants and Business men represented below are co-operating in an effort to prove to the residents of the town and surrounding community that val- ues equal to any. of ,the larger towns or cities may be procured in local stores. A series of educational "Buy -at -Rothe" editorials will be reproduced weekly along with an individual write-up of each business. The benefit of Home Buying will be shown to the general advancement and progress of the community. Read the editorials and take advantage of,the weekly specials offered by the merchants, and BOOST THE TOWN YOU CALL HOME. 'Your Favorite Store Oven' All Day Wednesday SPECIAL BARGAINS EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON DURING OCTOBER WALKER STORES LIMITED Rae '& Thompson Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Coal, Iron, Etc. — Phone 27 — MARTIN-SENOUR PAINTS H.'J. JOB3 — Phone 46 — SPECIAL Boys Bloomer Suits $2.95 Two -Bloomer Suits $3.95 F. CARTER Ideal Bakery — Telephone 132 — WHOLESOME BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY THOS. KEW Harness and Repairs. Phone 176 Suit Cases,, Bags, Trunks for Vacation Travel. McKAY'S CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM PARLOURS --- Phone 77— Try our Ice Cream for dessert. okanaaaanwierawoise W. J. CLARK Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing. OIL .BURNERS AND HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS Telephone 141j. Hanna & Co. Ltd. Exclusive Men's Furnishings Made -to -Measure Suits with ex- tra Trousers, guaranteed, Han- na's Special ..,.....-, $25.50 The Following Industrial Manufacturers Heartily Endorse This " Buy - At - Home " Campaign SUPPORT THE LOCAL MERCHANTS AND HELP OUR TOWN GROW The Western Foundry FRY & BLACKHALL Co., Limited Limited Burk's Store Ladies' and Gents' Ready -to - Wear, Millinery, Boots and Shoes. New styles of Ladies' Hats are now being shown at Burk's at very moderate prices. Machan Bros. Plumbing, and Tinsmithing. Household Necessities, Paints and Oils. — Phone 58 — Call and See our Stoves, Heat- ers and Furnaces. ABELL'S MUSIC STORE Everything in Music SPECIAL THIS WEEK Brunswick .Records, regular at 75c, this week - 49c Bargains in Used Pianos. Wetherall & Greenwood FORD SALES AND SERVICE --- Telephone 62 Tires, Tubes and Accessories. A. J. NORTROP Meat Market. Fresh and Cured Meats. — Phone 22 ------ SPECIAL --SPECIAL THIS WEEK Picnic Hafn, 27c lb. cash SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK A very neat line of Women's Two tone Strap Shoes, a nice combination of light and dark- er tan, with spike heel, in prac- tically all sizes for $1.95 PER PAIR WILLIS' Shoe Store ImosrAmmonomemesaumemessammemolintmonnouswl Royal Service Station British American Super -Power, Peerless and Ethyl Gasoline and Lubricating Oils. 4 Pumps. Goodrich Tires and Tubes. J. E. H,omuth Phone 206. JOB PRINTING The Advance -Tithes can and does Job Printing not excelled for neatness and appearance by any city or town office, and at moderate charges. Would be pleased to consult yeu regard- ing any printing. The Gunn -Son -Ola Co., Limited Stewart Glove and Lea- , tiler Works MacLean Lumber & Coal Company Howson & Howson Flour Mills Community Love { Laziness, indolence, idleness and stupor are unnatural con- ditions to exist, in a community and are looked upon as repel- lant by all right-minded residents. Action is the staff of exist- ence, The respected individual is the one who is always going,; the one who is full of pep, the man who rises early and retires late. Notthiing is more contrary to right living than the sense of community inaction. Community love is the only right law of community activ- ity. Hatred, jealousy or lack of confidence in your neighbor destroys the good results of community endeavor and instead of making, for the advance of the town retires that progress. You cannot achieve where your community pride is lost. You must have faith in your town, confidence in your merchant and love for your neighbor. United endeavor is necessary to suc- cess. Faith is the foundation upon which the whole structure of your community is built, without it your achievements are of no avail. The man who Buys his goods outside Wingham has no com- munity love, if he 'does this buying knowing the damage he is doing. He texemplifies a distrust in the community and its mer- chants. He, lacks neighborly love. Show your faith by patroniz- ing 'your home merchants and your merchant will show his. faith in you by giving you tihe best service that he can. A SNAPPY NEW ARRAY OF FALL COATS AND DRESSES In ,a variety of the newest materials properly made, and moder- ately.:priced: Specials in Coats at.....$15.00, 18.00, 20.00, 22.50, 25.00 H. E. ISARD & CO. . WINGHAM, ONT. MACHAN BROS. Machan Bros. are comparatively new -comers to Wingham having taken over the plumbing business of the late W. J. Boyce, but they are practical men and are kept busy. They understand plumbing in all its branches, are thorough furnace and heating plant mechanics, and do general tinsmitihing. They think the present an opportune time to have heating plants overhauled, so as to be prepared for cold weather w!helri Jack Frost arrives. A. J WALKER Furniture Dea1ei and 1;111001 Dfr®'cter, SEE OM DISPLAY CV FANCY LAMPS KING BROS. NEW VELVETS FINE WOOLLENS FALL SCARFS Dress Oraments Kayser Gloves and Stockings. Gibson's Bakery — Phone 145 — BUTTER BAKED PASTRY Quality Bread Hovis Bread, Whole Wheat Bread Bran Muffins. LOOK NORGE ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR With Rotary compression, quiet running, no wear. Wingham Utilities Com. Phone 156. United Farmers Co -O erativ'e Co. Limited Ask your grocer for MAITLAND CREAMERY BUTTER C. Bondi Fruit Co. SPECIAL PRICE ON PEACHES In 11 Quart Baskets. Buy Tomatoes, Grapes and Peaches This Week. McAVOY'S Nyal Quality Drug Store. --- Phone 18 --- SPECIAL THIS WEEK Dr, West's Tooth Brush and Tooth Paste 75c value for 50c W. Re Hamilton 3eWeler - Optician SEE OUR SPECIAL $50.00 LIMOttE DINNER SET The Advanee .Ti nes 'the henna paper which has a special dontern for the town's preg•.ress; and which : gives the new worth while, $2.00' per year. $2.50' to the United' States, GREEK'S THE GOOD SHOE STORE SEE OUR NEW FALL SHOES New Styles -- - New Shades. OUR BARGAIN TABLES Will Interest You. The Radio Shop Phone 158. HEAR ALL THE NEW VICTOR RECORDS THEY ARE HERE, E. S. GRAHAM Groceries and Provisions — Phone 237 — HADDIE AND FILLET R. A. CURRIE Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director. Phone 155, Residence 51. WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE 1 Lyceum Theatre. Monday and Tuesday, October 14 and 15 EMIL JANNINGS —In— "THE PATRIQT" G. Mason & Son News and Book Store Fancy China, Stamped Linen, Novelties are always acceptable as gifts. Olver & Mitchell Quality Butchers. Equipped with Frigidaire. Systern. ---- Phone 126--- FRESH LAMB AND VEAL. John Galbraith Dry Goods and Groceries. Phone 83 — ON SALE $1:75 OVERALLS 'FOR $1.29