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The Wingham Advance Times, 1929-10-10, Page 4
WINGRAM ADVANCE -TIMES., Thursday, October Oth, 1929, gc.T.PB.E R SPECIALS — Save Money --- HOT WATER BOTTLE, 2 year 6uarantee..98c 50c lavender Shaving Cream 35c Lavender Talc, both for . 50c 27c I•,inen Finish Pad L. Package Envelopes to match, both for. 29c 35c Wedgewood Stationery for , .29c Wash Cloth aid 3 cakes Tiny Tot Soap for, ..29c McKibbon's rug Store 'ffie �+�'� Sfare .......w..o.10o40..+4a.woo.i.-u.o4.0o.....o.a.w4....w4...+.0..m...r -.._._..._.M The Kw iking Gift Shop And Tea Room — Opening — Tuesday Afternoon, October 15th Home -Made Baking will also be sold. — Telephone 380 Mi s s G. Greer Above Miss Rush's Millinery. .00 AUCTION SALE— Used bridge plank at south half lot 4, conces- sion 1, , Morris, on Friday, Octo- ber 11th, at 4 o'clock. Thos. Fells, Auctioneer. WANTED—Roomers or boarders. .Apply to Mrs, Roy McGee, phone 345. APPLES --Twelve trees of Northern varieties Spy; fifteentrees of other including Russets, Baldwins 'and. Tatman Sweets, are for sale on trees at lot 26, con. 3, Culross. J. Falconer, Teeswater. Phone 606 r24, Wingham, FOR RENT -6 -Room house with lights, toilet and. garage. Apply to Alex Harvey, phone 362, Wing- ham. WANTED Cook for Wingham General Hospital. Apply to Sup- erintendant of Hospital. FOR SALE—New Shelving and made up shelves, suitable for stor- es. Apply to Mr. Cosens and W. Booth. TO RENT—Garage accommodation for one car. F. S, Phillips, Shat er street. FOR SALE—Crean. Separator, 1? gasoline engine, corn cutter, hen house, 14x18 ft,whitewash spray- er, ray- er, extension table, 1927 Chevrolet coach. Apply . R. Kicks. FOR SALE --A 1927 Chevrolet road- ster, in good condition. Apply to Frank N. Callaghan, Whitechurch. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R.S.O. 1927, chapter 150, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Agnes Sidal,. late of East Wawanosh Township in Huron County and Province of On- tario, ;widow, who died ori or about the 24th day of June A,D. 1929, are required .to send on or before the 30th day of October A.D. 1929 to the undersigned solicitor for the ad- minlstratrix of the said deceased, their names and addresses, full par- ticulars of their claims and the na- tore of the securities if any, held by thein. AND further: take notice that after such last mentioned day the saidadrninistratrix will proceed to said t o the s d • the assets s ses f de- ceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard to the claims of whichshe shall then have had no- tice, i will ill id the said ad mnusti•arr note ai be Liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim she shall not have had notice at the time of distribution. Dated at Wingham, Ont., the 3rd day of October A.D. 1929, Catharine M. Maclay, Adinini- tratrix, by J. A. Morton, Wingham, Ont,,. her solicitor herein, AUCTION SALE, Of Furniture The undersigned has been instruc- ted by Mrs. Agnes Maxwell, Francis Street, Winglian, to sell by Public Auction at two o'clock on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12th The following: Dinging -room table, chairs, side- board, rockers, 3 bedroom suites, kit- chen chairs, cupboard, stove, coal. scuttle, pails, dishes,` lamps, : coal oft. Beater, linoleum, lawn mower, gar- den tools, sealers, clothes bars, small tables, cooking kettles, pacts and Many other articles. Terms of sale, Cash, No reserve, The property will be offered for sale at the same time on terrfis to be made known at sale. THOMAS t EI -:LS, Auctioneer, AUCTION SALE The undersigned has been instruct- ed by D. O'Callaghan & Son, Lot 27, Con. 12; West Wawanosh, to sell by Public Auction at one o'clock on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16th The following: Agricultural brood mare, 12 years old; Agricultural brood mare, 9 years old; horse, 11 years old; Driving horse; Percheron mare, 5 years old, 1500 lbs.; Yearling colt, by Commo- dore Prince 2 Spring colts, by Com- modore Prince. 2 cows, freshened in August; 2 cal- ves, 2 months old; Cow, "due Novem- ber 1st; 2 yearling calves; 8 steers, rising 2 years; 4 heifers, rising 2 yrs. About 20 tons of hay, Timothy, and mixed 'Timothy and alfalfa; 10 tons sweet clover and timothy mix- ed; 400 bushels oats; 250 bushels of barley; a quantity of wood; a quan- tity of grass seed, mixed. 2 brood sows, due at time of sale; 3 chunks; about 50 young hens; 7 geese; a number of bred -to -lay rock chickens. 2 sideboards, extension table, kit- chen table, fall -leaf table; couch, kit- chen lounge, 6 kitchen chairs, 6 din- ing -room chairs, armchair, 4 rocking chairs, 2 upholstered chairs, Doherty organ, 2 bureaus, White sewing ma- chine, nearly new; 2 cupboards, iron bedstead; 6 wooden bedsteads; 4 sets bed springs, 2 new; 4 mattresses, 2 new; 2 small tables; 2 dressers; Su- preme range; heating stove; number of stove pipes; 2 congoleum rugs; clothes press; kitchen linoleum, 18 x 24, new; washing machine and wring- er. Massey -Harris binder, 7 -foot cut; Massey -Harris ,mower, 6 -foot cut; Massey -Harris Disc Drill, 11 hoe; Massey -Harris Hay rake; hay loader; Land roller; set 4 -section iron har- rows, Peter Hamilton cultivator; Bis- sel disc harrow; turnip scuffler; 2 - furrow walking plow; 3 single walk- ing plows, one almost new; Cock- shutt riding plow, set 1000-1b scales; wagon and box; hay •rack,new; set sleighs; wood rack; buggy; chicken crate; 2 cutters; number of screen doors, 1927 Chevrolet roadster, fan- ning mill; hay fork, car andrope, new; De Laval cream separator, harness; set al- most new; 2 sets team a n , plow ,harness; set driving harness; pair team lines; 4 horse collars; crosscut saw; 2 axes; water tank; doubletrees; whiffletrees, etc.; hoes, forks, shovels, chains and other ar- ticles. TERMS:—Hay, Grain, fowl, wood and sums of $10 and under, cash; on other amounts 7 or 12 months credit on approved joint notes,; landowners' security, at 6 per •cent. interest, will be allowed. Everything will be sold without reserve as the proprietors are giving up farming. On account of the large number of articles to be sold the sale will start at One o'clock p.rn. sharp'.. JOHN PURVIS, Auctioneer. Children Almost Hate Cross, Nervous Mother "My children almost hated ine, I was so cross. Thanks to Vinol, niy nervousness is all gone and we are happy again,"—Mrs. T. Johnstone. For 30 years doctors have prescrib- ed. Vivol because it contains impor- tant mineral elements of iron, cal- cium and cod liver peptone. The very FIRST bottle brings sound sleep and a BIG appetite. Nervous, wornotit people are surprised how QUICK Vinol gives new life and pepl Tastes delicious. McKibbon's Drug Store. BIRTHS McDougall—In Morris, :ori Monday; October 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Les- lie McDougall, a son. Finley—On October 2nd, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. David H, Finley, a SOIL DIED Cl'endenning—In Wingham, on Octo- ber 7th, William Clendenning, . in his 77th year. Mr. Roy McLeod, of Sudbury, is visiting at the home of his aunt and uncle, hfr, and Mrs. Alex Reid, Mr. Bert McElroy, of Royal Oak, Mich., who is a travelling' salesman for the Battle Creek Pure Foods Co,, and is at ptescnt acting in that cap- acity in On ario,, called cm his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. T. C. McElroy, over the week,cmit. Politicians Are Quick Mind Changers To the Editur av all thiin Wingham Paypers Deer Sur:- Well, the byes had a foine, come all ye, tohne lasht Tursday wake whin we Writ in the Town. Hall an nominated Dochtor Whiteley to win Nort, Huron from thine Grits, I taught av runnin-mesilf, but. thin] Goderich lads samed to want the doc- htor fer a candydate, so I shtood back fer this tointe, an, shure, nieb- by 'tis betther so, as I can't depind on me ould back ,these days, an I wudden't loike to be shtruck wid an attack av lumbago roight in the mid- dle av a pollyticl:le campaign, so :1 wudden't. m Thin the issus didn't want ine to shtand, fer she said she wussen't go - in to shtay at home all whither an shtruggle wid the furnace, an ime down in • Toronto, livin on the fat av the land, an attindin dinners wid Cab- inet Minishter an theer wolves. "But darlint," -sez I, "now that I am jist afther givin me wurrud to a lot av the byes, it wudden't be day cint to change me moind at the lasht niinnit," 1 sez. "Faith, ye are as afraid av chang- in yer moind as ye areav changin yer collar," sez she, "an it wudden't be hurtin ye to change both av thim a Iittle ofthener than ye hev been in the habit av doin 'it, Wud ye moind tellin me now, what' differ it wud. make to the wurruld in gineral, if ye wus to change yer moind? Shure, wudden't it only prove that ye hey. more sinse to -day than ye had yes- terday?" Mebby the missus was roight to some ixtint, annyway I wus afther lettin her hev her own -way, in or- dher to kape paice in the family, so to shpake. All that .I am afraid av is that the dochtor may not be shtrong enough to redanie Nort Hu- ron, an thin the byes will blame me fer not shtickin to me guns, as me bye who wus oversays wid say. Av coorse, whin I come to tink av it, a lot av good min change theer moinds at toimes, accordin to cir- cumshtances. Mebby ye are a far- runner, an intind to shtart cuttin yer hay av a Monday marnin, but whin ye git up ye don't loike the look av the clouds, an decoide not to do it; arr mebby ye are a young fellah wid a shwateheart that ye tink is the besht in the wurruld, but ye git mad at her fer goin to the circus, arr the fall show,, wid another fellah, an thin fer shpoite ye shtart goin ar- round wid another girrul, an foind out purty soon that ye loike her bet- ther than the fursht wan, Aven Mishter Howard Ferguson has changed his moind two arr tree toimes already on the booze quistion, an says he will do it agin if nicissary. There's a man fer ye! He knows that bein laider , av the Tory - parthy manes that we ixpickt him to defate thim Grits an U.F.O.'s an Progres- sives, an what differ does it make to the rist av the .passengers_ what thrain he takes? Yours till the lasht vote is polled, Timothy Hay. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE ESTATE OF MARY BOS- MAN, late of the Town of Wingham in the county of Huron, Widow, De- ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the revised statutes of Ontario in that respect, that all per- sons having claims against the Es- tate of Mary Bosman, who died on or about the seventh day of August, A. D. 1929, at the Town of Wingham; are reqiured to send by post, prepaid or deliver to Henry Bosman, Esquire, R. R. 2, :Bluevale, Ontario, the execu- tor of the above estate, or to the undersigned, on or before the twelfth day of October, A. D. 1929, their names and addresses with full partic- ulars of their claims in writing, ver- ified by statutory declaration, and the natuie of the securities, if any, held by them, AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the said twelfth day. of Oc- tober, A, D., 1929, the assets of the said estate will be distributed by the. said executor among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims. of which he. shall then have notice' and the estate will not be lia- ble for any claim not filed at the time of the said distribution. DATED at Wingham this twenty- third day of September, A. D. 1929.. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingharn, Ontario, Solicitor for the Execrator. WANTED --By Couple (no children) Furnished house or rooms for win- ter months, Communicate Box 32, Bluevale, F. Fa HOMUTH Phm. B., Opt. D., R. 0. OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 larriston, "The Best Equipped Optical Es- tablishment izt this part of Ontario". GEORGE WILLIAMS Official C. N; R. Watch Inspector Repairing Our .Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 5. Opp. Queens Hotel. The Vagabond Kings Will play in the Wingham Arena on the evening of THURSDAY, OCT. 10 This orchestra has just complet- ed a , most successful season at Port Elgin, Kincardine and Goderich. • Admission. 10c, Jitney Dancing. mimaimmmloinmemn George Williams 1 Watchmaker - Jeweler WINGHAM, ONT. DIAMONDS, WATCHES CLOCKS and JEWELERY Cut Glass, Cbina; French Ivory, Gifts, Etc. A Complete Line of Silverware TWO THINGS That you are sure of in Our Store FAIR VALUE and ' COURTEOUS SERVICE Opposite Queens Hotel. 1 TANDING VALUES In Men's and Young Men's Overcoats OUR SPECIAL VALUES WILL SAVE YOU MONEY, Smart Models Made of the Newest Cloths Such as Fancy Tweeds, Chinchillas, Barrymores and Whitney Cloths and Plain Beaver. Some are lined with velvet and will give excellent wear. High class tailoring. SEE OUR VALUES AT $15.00,_18.00, 20.00, 25.00 H. E. Isard & Co:, Wingham THE SIXTH ANNUAL PLOWING MATCH Of Huron County Plowman's Association Will I c n the Farms of W. Henderson, Gordon Hastie be ,. ld c J and Mr. Fields, on the Bhievale Road; just South and East of .Wingham, Wednesday, October 23rd $350.00 IN CASH PRIZES (Each Class in charge of Two Directors) CLASS 1—With high cut plows, in sod, Free-for-all. Sandy McKercher and David Sanderson, Wroxeter. CLASS 2 -General Purpose, wooden handled plows, in sod. Free-for-all. Skimmers barred. Cut allowed. ' Peter Doig, Wroxeter, and Thos. Lovell, Gorrie. CLASS 3—An open class with wide bottom plows in sod with skimmers" straight practical plowing. No handling allowed. Jim Moffatt, Biuevale, and Chas. McQuarrie, Brussels. CLASS 4-13oys, 16 and under 19 years, in sod. Skimmers al- lowed N. H. Cardiff, Ethel, and Joe Lovell,' Biuevale, CLASS 5—Boys, under 16 years, in stubble, with Skimmers. Robt. Michie and Jack Kelly, Brussels. CLASS 6 -Single Riding Plows in 'Stubble. Free-for-all. Skim- mers allowed. Robt. Shortreed and Ed. Pollard, Walton. CLASS 7 -Tractors, open to men owning Tractors in the County. Gordon McGavin. and Wilford Dennis, Walton. CLASS 8 -Heavy Tractors, with 3 furrow plows, 12 inch bot- tom in: sod. Jack McGavin, Walton, and Geo. McCartney, Seaforth. SPECIAL PRIZES A very attractive Special List will be published later. RULES AND REGULATIONS , Competition open to Ontario. Amount of land to plow, left for Corntniiitee to decide. Teams to be on grounds at 9 a.m. to start plowing. at 9.30 Fin- ish to be made at. 4 p.m. inishtobemadeat4p.m. Average depth of furrow 6 inches, No shaping of furrow af- ter 2 rounds on crown. Judges' decision to be final, No shifting of stakes aftier start is made. Each plowman allowed One helper only. All crowns to be finished before lunch:. Finish to be made by 4.30, or plowing will not be considered. Plowmen to Gee 6 rounds on crown. Prizes to be paid on grounds before leaving. Entrance fee, $1.00, except in Class 5. Directors to be on grounls at 9 a.m., wearing official badges, All General Purpose Plows must have plane irons, no cut, eith. er Coulter or shier. Excepa in Class 2. RULES WILL BE STRICTLY OBSERVED PRIZES—There will be 4 prizes in each class, vizi—$15.00, $12.00, ,$10.00 and $8.00 --either cash or its value. Tractor Class --Prizes, $30,00; $18.00; $15.00 and $10.00. Entries must be in hands of Secretary by October' 15th, Mr. W J. Henderson, will be in charge of Booth where'triieals may be had at 50c; also refreshments of all kinds. Cordial invitation R tended aro Alit` For Frirt{her Particulars write ---L. E. CA12Dxl'lj, Secrretary- Treasttrer, Brussels, Ontario, WM, SPIER, A. ADAMS, JACK McGAV'IN, L. E: CAI DI1' Pressizlent, Hon. President. Vice -President, 'See.-Treas. FOR SALE—Apple butter 9c per lb. Sweet cider 10c gal. Give us your order. Clifford Cider Mill, C. L. Zigler, phone 68w. FOR SALE—Orae Yorkshire Boar fit for service. Apply to AndyGem mil, R. R. No. 1, Wingham. rox- eter phone. FOR SALE—A fine farm and ideal home, in choice location, one Wile from school. First-class buildings, land clean, well drained and fenced. One hunderd and fifty acres that cannot be beaten in the ,country. Will sell right for cash; Abner Cosens,;Insurance and Real Estate, Wingham, Ont. FOR SALE —1 2 -year-old Filly Clyde;' 1 3 -year-old Filly, Perch eron, Apply to Joseph Kermath,. Belgrave. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision will be held at the Town Hall, Wingham, Ontario, on Wednes- day, 'October •16th, 1929, at 10.80, o'clock in the forenoon by His Hon- or Judge Lewis, for the Revision of Parts I and II of the Voters' List pursuant to the Voters' Lists Act. Dated' at Wingham 30th day' of September; 1929. W. R. Cruikshank, Clerk. gil 31®o■spa■11111.111■11111EMM■II■®II©sIMINI MINIERNI ■ .. . i i Maitland Creameryse ■ ® ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I Ca4re �� E s end Pa ■ ii■ isj WANTED • it l■i CALL US FOR. PRICES. ■' al NI II • ]d ■ ® THE UNITED . FARMERS' CO -OPERA. IVE •, e®i ILT ■' ■ COMPANY, LIMITED. ■ ■•: m Wingham, - Gitano. i Phone 271 i. 181 ■ 1 Wash Day Is Easy Now Particularly if yott have a modern Connor Elec- tric Washer • ill ynur home. No tearing clothes, no back -break- ing work. Just fill the tub with hot water, Opp in the clothes, turn'} Ya switch and the wor16s done. Wingham Crawford Block. ORMAAMAA kr 111 ins on Phone 156. 1 •. 6:;�'e:uiid;