HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-09-26, Page 8*IN'GI AM ADVANCTIM S Thursday, September 200h 1929, Meet Your Friends at WINGHAM FALL FAIR FAIR BUILDINGS OPEN FIRST NIGHT COME ADMISSION 10 Cents, OVER $1ZOO.00 IN PRIZES Four Silver Cups Two Gold Medals Cabinet Silver Given as Special Prizes along with Fifty other Specials. BE SURE TO SEE THE Horse Shoe Pitching Potato Race — Hurdle Races School Children's Parade — Oratory Competition --- Government Display and the JIMMY FAX FUN COMPANY AT FAIR NIGHT CONCERT WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9th and 10th WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Casemore and Ernest spent last week -end in Wiar- ton with'Mr. Casemore's brother, Mr. ,Wm. Casemore. - Mrs. Toynbee Lamb and daughter, visited on Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy. Mr. Russel Gaunt motored to Wi- arton on Sunday and spent the day with his sister, Mrs. Norman Wilkins. The. Women's Institute are holding a Bazaar' in November and are hav- ing a shower of aprons and- towels at V. for the bazaar. nextmeeting their k a The W. M. S. of the United church are holding :Missionary Teas at the. homes of: Mrs. Herb. :Pettapiece and Mrs.,Wm. Barbour on Tuesday, Oc- tober 1st: Mr. and. Mrs: Jas. Wilson and fam- :. riveIt... and your outer experience sell you O one who has sat behind the wheel of the Ne Chevrolet Six could ever be contented with less than the quality less than the performance that this outstanding SIX provides. For Chevrolet is the lowest priced six in theworldwith this remarkable combination of fine car features:—. Body by Fisher, with clasp, richly -upholstered cushions, Fisher 'VV Windshield, Ternstedt Fittings, fashionable Duco colorings, smartly beautiful design. Six -cylinder valve -in -head engine, of high -compres- sion non -detonating type, with the extra efficiency of "direct firing" and swifter pick-up due to automatic accelerating pump. New design, ball-bearing steering gear, giving mar- velous handling ease. Efficient braking system of non-locking four-wheel brakes and independent emergency brakes. Long semi -elliptic, shock -absorber springs, parallel with the frame. Modern Convenience Features, twin -beam headlights, foot -controlled; high-speed window regulators; in- directly -lighted instrument panel, including electric temperature gauge and theft -proof Electrolock. :And all these, plus the established economy and staunch endurance for which Chevrolet is fatuous, at the price of a four ! Drive it and let your own experience sell you on Chevrolet Six! o•st.s.sso Ask about the GMAC Deferred Payment Plan LEI PRODUCT OF G$NBRAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED IT'S A. M. CRAWFORD FORD Wingham, Ont. BE°r'TT3It BECAUSE IT'S CANADIAN STRIDER SHOES FOR MEN rhe Best Gadd Shoe Vine calf tapper stock --colored calf lining—oak tan soles ;and insoles -leather box, toes—in fact they are strictly high grade in every particular and the price is lower than many high grade. aliases, Namely $8.56 Per Pair Willis Shoe Store ?la* Whighara The teadiitg Shoe Store ni ' uron County. ily motored to* Stratford on Sunday to visit with their daughter, Miss Merle, who is in training in the hos pital there. Mrs. Herbert Pettapiece lace received word on Saturday of the death of her sister, Mrs. Moore, of Ottawa. Mrs. Moore,had taken a paralytic stroke. She was buried in Ottawa on Mon- day. Mr• Hawthorne, who has been vis- iting his sisters, Mrs. Kerr and Mrs. Jos. Holmes for the past two months, returned to his home in Brantford last week. Mr. and Mrs. Herd, of Toronto, were visitors atthe manse recently. Mr. Rhys and Miss Dorothy Pollock took them by motor to their home and spent the week -end in Toronto. When Mr. Mac Ross was return- ing home from Holyrood Fair last Monday a big car coming np behind him crowded his car off the road into a deep ditch and into a wire fence,. causing considerable damage to the car and breaking the wind -shield. Mr. Ross was unhurt, but Mrs. Ross had several ribs broken and Miss Catharine Ross had three fing- ers badly cut, and all were pretty well shaken up. Mr. Chas. Martin shipped three car 1 loads of pressed straw and hay on Saturday from the station here. The members of the Mission Band held a picnic at the home of Mrs. J. G. Gillespie on Saturday. All enjoy- ed a good time. Quite a number froth here attend- ed the School Fair at St. Helens on Wednesday last. Miss Gertrude Martin has taken a position . in Wingham Hospital this week. Mr .and Mrs. David Scobie and son of Lucknow, and Master Mitchell Scobie, of Belgrave, visited on Sun- day with Mrs. A. Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Westlake and daughter, of Bayfield, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Amos. Cornelius. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newman and babe, of Hamilton, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Naylor. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tiffin visited on Sunday with Mr• and Mrs, Elmer Al- ton, Ashfield. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purdon and family spent Sunday with lair. and Mrs. Wm. Humphrey, 'of St. Helens. On Sunday the family of Mrs. Jen- nie Currie held a re -union at her home, as her son, Mr. Spence Currie, with Mrs. Currie and son Bruce, bad motored from Fostoria, Ohio, to spend the week -end. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Lance. Grain and Orton; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Currie and family; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Currie and family; Mr. and Mrs. Burchill and family; Mr. and Mrs, McQuaig and family; and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Currie. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alton, of Ashfield, On Sunday when Mr. John Gillies was returning from Whitechurch to his horse, his car was thrown oyer on its side owing to a flat tire. The two wheels •and the glass in his Dur- ant Coupe, were broken but John for- tuneately was unhurt. Miss Susan Carrick returned on Saturday after a three -week's visit with her; sisters at Amherstburg and Detroit. Miss Ella MacIntosh of Vancouver has been visiting her sister, Mrs. A. McQuillan, • Mr. and Mrs. Richard McWhinney of Dungannon spent Sunday with Mr, Geo. and Miss Ida McQuoid. Mr. .and 'Mrs. Rickard motored from Wisconsin last week and visited with her aunt, Mrs. Eli Jacques. Mrs. Jas. Forester is very serious- ly ill in Wingham Hospital. We hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Maclntosh and family, of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Neil 'MacCallum. and 'family, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Maclntosh and babe, of Langside, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. McQuillan. Mrs. Eli Jacques left on Saturday to visit this week with her son, George, and his family, of Preston. Mr. George Falconer who has spent his holidays in Manitoba teaching and preaching returned home on Friday and left on Monday to continue his studies at tlie.'Theological College, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McInnis, of Teeswater visited on Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. John Falconer. The Y. P. S. of the United Church are holding a social evening on Thursday, September 26th. Every- body welcome. Mr. Melville. Beecroft leaves this week to attend Western University, London. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer and Ernest, of Bluevale, and Mr. George, Falconer visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer and family. Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Leggatt, Miss Ella.' Macintosh and Mr, and Mrs, A. McQuillan and Mrss Catharine Mow- bray motored to London on Friday last. Mr. Wilfred Robinson left on Mon - 'day to attend Medical College. nr. r�shs • 7%AAA s a tai, as .2 0.G 0 Inos. xy:w7' 5,Dm..dp Wielthe PosityAnoft ✓ i»'s La L cu.racas *hoes .— i . `Udr+esn IfIlLBVT shoes add to the well-dressed appearance of any children. The few extra cents you pay for bnta mean a better ioolthig shoe, scientifically constructed to hold its s sspe, and built of ;.leathers that give tonget wear and smart appearance. Sohl eiuii tdecouinadnil'et1' by ar.c.i W. J. Greer, Wingham Mr. and Mrs. John Mason and fam- ily spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Fisher•. of Benmiller. BELGRAVE Mr, and Mrs. Yule are ,,spending. their holidays in Toronto and' Chi- cago. Mr. Sandy Stewart is back to his home after spending a couple of months with his son, Tom, in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Johnston and sons, Wingham, and Mr, and Mrs. Sam Marshall, Be.lmore, visited with Joe Brandon on Sunday, Mr. Angus, relieving agent, is tak- ing Mr, Yule's place at the station. Mr. and Mrs. T. Fairservice. Lon- desboro, visited with Mrs. CanCamp on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Brock Brandon, of Hanover, and Mrs. Brandon and Haz- el, 'of Wingham, spent a day with Mr. and • Mrs. J. A. Brandon last week. Rev. Mills, of Goderich had charge of Harvest Home -Services in Angli- can Church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, C. B. Wilkinson are away on a motor trip this week. The September meeting of the Bel - grave 'Branch of the Women's insti- tute was held at the home of Mrs. W. H. Armstrong, Morris, and was well attended. This meeting was honoring •the Grandmothers of the community and a varied program was carried out, several grandmothers tak- ing part in the program. The Presi- dent, Mrs. Carl Procter, was in charge of the meeting which was op- ened in the usual manner. After the business of the meeting was conclud- ed, the following program was en- joyed. Reading by Mrs. Michie, a Paper by Mrs, J. VanCamp, a talk on Pioneer Life in the early days, was given by Mrs, Geo. Procter, an in- strumental number on the piano by Mr's. Jas. Taylor, a vocal solo by Mrs. Jas. Anderson, accompanied by Mrs. Jas. Taylor at the piano, a read- ing by Mrs. J. Taylor. Several old time choruses were also sung• The roll call was answered by a humor- ous joke, and this part of the meet- ing was quite interesting. The meet- ing was brnught to a close by the singing of the National Anthem. The hostess assisted by Mrs. Joe Clegg and Mrs. J. Anderson served lunch and a social time spent. The Octo- ber meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Carl Procter. Miss Annie McDowell is attending Business College in Clinton, Very successful anniversary ser- vices were held in Knox United chui- ch .ori September 15th. The church was nicebr decorated with flowers and foliage of the season, and was filled by very large congregations both at the `.morning and evening services. Rev. J. A. Agnew, of 'Kingsville, pres- ident of the London Conference, wase the special minister, for these services and gave two splendid sermons that. were listened to with close attention. In the morning the choir sang two appropriate anthems and a quartette, Norman Keating, Mary Wightrnan, Cela Coultes and John Coultes, also have a number. The male choir of the church -was in charge of the music for the evening services and gave two special anthems and also a sel- ection by a quartette, Carl Procter, Nbrntian Keating, John Coultes and Herb, Wheeler. ammomminmsmamm m mmingssun mmumm 1! ■ ■ ■ 1111 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I COATS • `,,.; ■ ti`��1 DRESSES �° ._ 'HATS' AWVIIeo :'. y ■ KNIT SUITS ��t ,:. m in i i ■ Com_ a in and see the `.. ■ ., ■ C Smart Styles., ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i S.e111coni■ III. ummu ■IU■■n■■■s mmuommumIinia . • New ARRIVALS LYCEUM THEATRE Friday and Saturday, September '27th : and 2$.thh Wallace. Beery and Chester Conklin In " STAIRS OF SAND By ZANE GREY Monday, Tuesday; Wednesday, Sept. 30, Oct. 1, '2 BEBE DANIELS . - In TAKE ME HOME" Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 3, 4 and 5 SPECIAL DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS In " THE IRON MASK " BORN Armitage—In Wingham, on Septem- ber 13th, to Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Armitage, a son -John' Martin.. DIED Logan—xis 'West Wawanaash, on Sep- tember 1Gth, Evelyn Mary, daugh- ter of Mt', and Mrs, F. 5. Logan, in 'hex .19th year. A Message of Thanks _•,,� -oto- Ontario Housewives The management of this organization wish to thank the thousands of Ontario housewives who made our 10th Anniversary Sale the greatest sale'in the history of the Company. These specials are a slight token of the appre- ciation for the splendid support accorded us. LUX 3 • Pkts. Fairy Soap Ivory Soap Flakes Comfort or Gold' Soap Corn Syrup Crown or Beehive Quaker Cake Flour. Shirriff's Jelly Powders 4 Cakes 2k - 2 Pkts, 17c 19 Cakes 49c 2-1b. Tin 16c pkt..23c 3 Pith. '23c WAWA A AAL16111711L tacit ilAPPli PAU Durham Corn Starch - rkt.10c Kellogg's Rice Krispies 2 pts. 25c King's Piate Salmon Fancy Cbltoe'i « 5Ic FRAY 13E10MS CORNED BEEF t: CREAM o BARLEY Pktb BAY91DE IattAN <f EAS In Light S 11$ 2 Thi 271E DOMINION STORES iIZTEi ihi erattae "Atilt Abbas#lti! is 5veRrWlitr e, tai ssOntte