HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-09-26, Page 4WING•>~IA,M ADVANCE -TIMES Thursday, September 26th,'2920: WINGI-IAM FOLKS r'C1p 113VT YOU ]-IAAF CeRowr UP SINE 1, LAST Saw . You 13Err 1 - Yui" UNCLE 130[ WHY, i REMEMBER WHEN You WERE A 515 NoPKIP4S7 MAKIh4G FACE+ AT THE BOYS 0 By McK. SUT FIRST t.iaS BEAUTY AIDS FROM 'cKIBBONS DR,uG STORE Many young ladies and their mothers come here for aids to person- al charm They've found them pure and dependable like our standard drugs. — sold at fair prices. TRY DUSKA BEAUTY AIDS Face Powders, Creams, Lotions, Rouges, Etc. McKIBBOWS DRUG STORE Wingham, Ontario The Rexall Store. McK. PLEASES PARTICULAR PEOPLE LOST—A sorrel driving mare. Find- er will please. ring 608-13, Wing - ham. PRIVATESALE 0 P re 1 00111610.11600.0.0.. 00110N002.0001=.0.111101111111 New ,perfection cook stove,. new FOR SALE—Bally Carriage. Apply at Massey -Harris Agency, Wing- . ham. TRUCKING DONE at Reasonable Rates. .Phone Archie Montgomery, 629r3. WANTED -Girl for general house- work. Apply to Mrs, John Helm, Patrick Street. FOR SALE—Good piano, 36 -foot ex- tension ; ladder„ waterproof knee cover. Apply to William Gannett. WE WISH to annuonce that oar Cider Mill will commence on Mon- day, October 7th. Z'lrroxeter Cider Mill. WANTED AT ONCE -An exper- ienced en xper-ienceden aid for general housework. Apply Mrs. E. E. Barr, John St., phone 358. FOR SALE, -1 2 -year-old Gelding Clyde; 1 3 -year-old Gelding, Per- cberon, Apply to Joseph Kermath, Belgrave. FOR SALE—Span of general pur- pose colts rising 3 and 4 years. Ap- ply to A. J. Robinson, Massey-Har- ris assey Har- ris dealer, Wingham. FOR SALE—Seven-roomed house with all modern conveniences, gar- age and good sized lot. Apply to Mrs. A. Skelding, Francis Street. perfection heater; two rugs,, two con- golettin rugs, brass bed, springs and mattress, 8 pillows, Two iron beds, Two tables, Four rocking chairs, Kitchen . chairs, Two : electric table lamps, Three brass jardiniers, -couch hammock, Pictures, . ect. For Reut— Furnished rooms or boarders. A. J. Ross, house corner John and. Minnie streets. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a Cotirt of Revision will be held at the For- esters' Hall, Belgrave; Ont., on Thur- sday, October 10, 1929, at Two o'clock in the afternoon by His Hon- our Judge Lewis, for 'the revision of Parts I and II of the Voters' List, pursuant to the Voters' Lists Act. Dated at Belgrave this 24th day of September,' 1929, Alex. Porterfield, Clerk. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision will be held at the Town Hall, . Wingham, Ont., on Wednes- day, October 2, 1929 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon by His Honour Judge Lewis, for the revision of Parts 1 and lI of, the Voters' List, pursuant to the Voters' Lists Act. Dated at Wingham tips 20th day of September, 1929. W. A. Galbraith, Clerk. EXECUTOR'S SALE FOR SALE—A number of household articles, tables; chairs, bedsteads, a bedroom. suite, cook stove, etc. Miss G. M. Lockhart, Edward and Victoria St's. WANTED—A smart girl for general house work in small modern Home in Toronto. 'For particulars write to Mrs. D. D. Schoales, 2 Rose- mount Ave. FOR SALE -One brick cottage, cheap, for quick sale tei close estate, Also eight roomed house, every convenience. Will sell this proper- ty at a bargain. Apply T. Fells. FOR SALE—A fine farm . and ideal home, in choice location, one mile from school First-class buildings, land clean, well drained and fenced. One hunderd- and fifty acres that cannot be beaten in the country. Will sell right for cash, Abner Cosens, Insurance and Real Estate, Wingham, Ont. FOR SALE—Stone and brick six - room house. Large cellar on ,level with living room. Hard and soft wa- ter in house. Grand open view. Barn and stone stable under. Garage, Large work shop. Four and a half acres with all kinds of fruit, two trout streams join the place. Mail at gate. Just out of Wingham. Ap- ply to owner, J. E. Taverner, R. R. No. 2, Wingham, Ont. FOR SALE -1922 Ford Sedan in good condition for immediate sale: Apply at Advance -Times office. ROUSE FOR SALE—Seven rooms, modern conveniences, double lot, barn and two garages, low priced for quick sale. Apply Dr. McIn- nes. s. WANTED—Men to sell and apply caulking material. Must have car. For information write to Ontario Roofing and Caulking Co, 19 King St., London, Ont. or phone Met. 3'167. WILLIAMS OF WTNGHAM FOR WATCHES C. N. R. Watch Inspector•. official Phone 5. Opp Queens Hotel; iftneurmeetnimutomermoterimervatostantmentmaneeimemomeomminn • HOMUTH Phan, B., Opt. a, R. o. pPTOMETRIST Phone 1118 Harriston, Ont. "Th.e I'aest :'quipped Optical Ss- tabltslunetat in: this pari of Ontario". At Public Auction of Village Lots, numbers 14, 15 and 16 on the West side of Queen Street in the Village. of Whitechurch in the County of Bruce will be held at the premises on SATURDAY, the 28611. Day of SEP- TEMBER inst., at One o'clock pan. On : the premises are erected a comfortable 1 ' storey frame dwelling house in good condition and a stable. TERMS -10 per cent. at time of sale, balance lst November next. Sale subject to reserve bid. For particu- lars apply to JOHN PURVIS, Auctioneer. ANDREW LAIDLAW, Belgrave,' JAMES LAIDLAW, Blyth, Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARY BOS- MAN, late of the 'Town of Wingham in the county of Huron, Widow, De- ceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the revised •statutes of Ontario in that respect, that all per- sons having' claims against the Es- tate of Mary Bosman, who died on or about .t.he seventh day of August, A. D. 1929, at the Town of Wingham, are reqiured to send by post, prepaid or deliver to Henry Bosman, Esquire, R. R. 2, Bluevale, Ontario, the execu- tor of the above estate; or to the undersigned, on or before the twelfth day of October, A. D. 1929, their names and addresses with full partic- ulars of their claims inwriting, ver- ified by statutory declaration, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after: the said twelfth day of Oc- tober, A. D., 1929, the assets of the said estate will be distributed by the said e, ecutor among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which he shall then have notice and the estate will not be lia- ble for any claim not filed at the time of the said distribution. DATED at Wingham this twenty- third day of September, A. D. 1929. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pur- suant to Section 56, Chap. 121, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the es- tate of Robert Fulton White, late of the Village of Gorrie in the County of Huron, . Hotel Keeper, deceased, who died on or about the twenty- , fifth day of March A. D. 1927, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R, Vanstone, .Wingham, ` Ontario, Solicitor for the Administra- trix, on or before the seventh day of,, October, -A. D. 1929, their names; and addresses, with full particulars in writing of their claims, and the nat- ure of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by a statutory de- claration. AND ' TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said seventh day of Oc- tober, A. D. 1929, the said Administra- trx will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the said estate among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice, and the said Adininistratrix shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim she shall not then have received notice. DATED this fourteenth day of Sep- tember, A. D. 1929. R. VANSTONE, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Aclministratrix. FOR SALE—Six-roomed brick house on Frances Street. All modern conveniences. Apply to H. Bos- man, R. 2, Bluevale, phone 618r12. THE ELECTIONS ( The Farmer's Sun) Everyone assumes now that there will be a provincial election this fall. Mr. Ferguson is apparently persuaded that Mr. King may go to the coun- try next summer, and he would avoid being, run down by the Dominion cavi a]cade. Mr. Lethbridge announces that his Progressives will stand out on issuesprohibition theof and ex- travagance. The Prohibitionists, who. split in the last election, a large el- ement following Canon Cody and Sir Joseph Flavelle, are said to be re- uniting and prompting Mr. Leth- bridge, because of the generaI;adhe- sion of the farmers to prohibition. Upon his extravagance alone Mr. Fer- guson might, it seems, be effectively assailed in a province which realized the financial state to which it has been brought, He is still unrepentant or, if repentant, he fears defeat and bids desperately for support. His last bid was to the farmers of Perth to whom he promised, as he well might, cheap- er Hydro service and improvement of the local- roads, the plan of trunk or through roads, he said, having, been completed. A more reckless and tor- rupting suggestion than that of im- proving the local roads could hardly be. made. . Mr, ,Sinclair battles brave- ly but, ,o ;fan•, e has failed to sound note n a the Liberals to -unit- ed ed action. He halts at assailing ex- travagance and he neglects the Pro- hibitionists. It seems that he will be obliged to withdraw from strife with Mr. Lethbridge and to avoid three - cornered contests. It is still wise, to say that the farmers of Ontario 'ought to keep their representatives in the Legislature, because in Parliament and the Legislature, the fruits of their political effort have been good. Th e Vagabond Kings W111 play in the Wingham Arena on the evening of THURS., SEPT. 26th This orchestra has Just complet- ed a niost successful season at Pert]' Elgin, Kincardine and Godetich. Admission 10e. jitney Dancing. Mineral Salts' Give Her Tired Hubby New Pep "My husband took 2 bottles of Vinol, Now he has good appetite and more strength, pep and vigor than he ever had." ---Mrs. Ralph Starkey. Doctors have long known the value of .mineral elements iron, calcium with Cod liver peptone, as contained in Vine/. Nervous, easily tired :peo- ple are surprised how Vinol gives new strength, sound sleep and a BIG appetite. Gives you snore PEP to enjoy life! Vinol tastes delicious. McKibbon's Drug Store, DRUGLESS PRACTITION•. ERS CONVENTION At an enthusiastic meeting of the Board of Directors of the Drugless Practitioners Association of Ontario, held in Hamilton last week, it, was decided to hold the annual fi',onven- tion in London, Wednesday, October 23rd, Dr. H. E, Vedder, President of the Lincoln College of Chiropractic, will address the afternoon session, and give a very popular public lecture in the evening, In regard to the coring convention Dr. Fox believes it is• going .to be the best in the history of Ontario. The safety of Natural Healing and its wonderful possibilities for health are. becoming mare widely appreciated 'ev- ery clay, 'according to Dr. Fox, and the cause of Drugless Therapy is more thriving than ever before. Dr• J. A. Fox is a chartermember of this Association and has been a Director since 1915. Mr, and Mrs, Ross 'Boos and Miss. Marie, of Chesley, visited with Mr. and, Mrs..' eek McKay on. Wednesday of last week, uw BLUEVALE Mr. and Mrs, Lucie Farrow and daughter, Jean, of Goderich, . Miss Gladys Brooks, of Fergus, spent Sun- day with. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Mus- grove, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coultess and daughter, Grace, of Listowel, spent Sunday with Mrs. Snell and Mrs. Coultess here. Miss Ala rthaJohnston, of incar- dine, spent a few days with her sis- ter, Mrs, Earl Mathers. George Peacock and Gordon Mun- dell have gone to Stratford to attend Normal. Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. King re- turned home from New York- City where they have spent several months owing to the illness of Mrs. King's sister, Miss Blanche Jamieson, who. isconsiderably improved in health. Miss McDonald and Miss Campbell motored from Toronto and spent the week -end with Miss -McDonald's nep- hew, Master Eldon Kirton, and Mrs. Jas. Kirton, Turnberry, BORN Pocock—In East Wawanosh on Wed- nesday, -September llth, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pocock, a son. DEATHS Johnston—In Wingham, on Septem- ber 21st, Mary. A. Mines, beloved wife of Thomas Johnston, in her 66th year Tim Gets a Touch.. of Shillahh To the Editur of thim' four Paypers combined at Wingham My Deear Sur:— I wus sure plased and oie was al- so foightin mad,so of was, whin I seen Tim's letter about the fore toirne we had at no. twilve school opinin. Ole will till you about nage mad spill fourst and whin oie git it off mye molnd ole tink oie will be in better shape to tell you how plased oie was. Well, I tink it was a mane silfish trick of Tim's, to claim our Billie Rintoul for, a Wingham Citizen, Why Billie Rintoul is one of our very own byes, was he not born and educated might here, Why . Harry McDonald carried the brick up to Jack Adams on the viry stairway that _Billie used to go upstairs on to bid, so he did, in the old log house where he was born. We claim Billie, we shtand by e him and so do all who have any sinse. You can not always say that of mim bers of Parliament, can you Tim? Thin Tim would not give Wawa- nosh credit for even a member of Parliament as a citizen. Will, oie don't worry much over that at all, at all, but I will foight for my rights no matter how small, and oie claim John Joynt as one of our oven citi- zens. Why he was raised from boy- hood here and wint to school in old number twilve. Can Tim claim as much for Wingham mimbers. While on the nrimber of parliainint nuestin, it is amusing to hear the two old Parties talk and foight over Pol- icy and Platform which makes a good man foolish to get his name mixed up with it. The Grits have the same policy as the Pregressives, but in South 13ruce the Grits thought the Tories had better music and went ov- er and -danced on their.platform, and both the old parties chuckled. The same in North Huron, when they wiped Shelly off the slate, so we do- n't cross honors on' that line, Tim. Will, now oi've got control of my: Limper and would like to say that I was plaised to say that I was plaised that Tim enjoyed himself. We did all we could to give a pleasant and edifying entertainment to all and we have to sincerely thank all who help- ed us with programme or with their presence, here. I also wish to say how pleased I was to be at school that night and by either Algebra or Geometry I don't know which to de- duct who Timothy Hay was, but mum's the word, Tim. Bush Whacker. ////■IIMIRRI■/0/I///////////■//I///s/ss/I iIli ■ THE • Rush Millinery e � O 0 •• d • R Wish to announce their ® ■ Fall ■ in m • • Millinery_Opening•• ■• ■ We are also adding a new department of m i • LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR • itm of SPECIAL DISPLAY • am • ▪ FRIDAY and SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 28 IN 0 Ifi, la See our New York Sample Dresses. 1: m ■ Nmanamassammasaii I® Isard's Men's Wear Store FALL CLOTHING BIG VALUES IN MEN'S, YOUNG MEN'S AND BOYS' FALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS.. Boys' Fancy Tweed Suits, new models, with two P pants, p ants, P Special at'. :. .$11.00 Boys' Bloomer Suits, fancy patterns, strong ` wear- ing suits, 2 pairs bloomers, Bargain at . $9.00 Boys'All Wool, Navy Blue Suits, sizes 2 to �' Jersey 5 years, at .. .................. $1.50 Boys'.NavyAll Wool Reefers .. . $3.50 Boys' Long Pantsin strong tweed, our price .$2.50 Men's New Fall Suits, high h class tailoring, new pat- terns in fancy worsteds and plain cloths, see our values at ..... $19.50, $22.50 and $25.00 Stylish Models in Men's New call and Winter Ov- ercoats correct styles and best worknzanshi same Y p� are plush fined, our prices $18.50, 20.00, 22.50, 25.00 Men's All Wool Sweaters, special at ...... , .$3.95 Men's Heavy Snag Proof Overalls, $2.25 for $1.95 Men's Strong Work Shirts, Bargain .........98c Men's All Wool Work•Socks, 2 pairs for 45c Special in Men's Fine Socks, 300 pairs first quality, all wool'and silk and. wool 49c Strong wearing Sweaters for men, our price , Men'sStrong Wearing Boots ... , .. . , $3.98- H. E. ISARJ & CO. OPENININEENINI ICEINESEMUNI/®®B®/@NIMENEN////I X ®1121®318312 ■ lismuna//////////®■/a �■//////■NMERI ENEEME®S/gas/■///sw//m■I I IN A Mass Meeting s• •■ • • Of the Electors of South Bruce, North Bruce and 1 • North Huron will l e held in a le am RIPLEY ARENA ® 1 m a at 2 p.m., on • I Monday, Sep. 30 • to hear the questions of the day discussed by N The Honourable ■ G HOWARD INE4GUSON ■ • Everbody cone. Ladies specially invited. •A m ■■t. ▪ W. D. Cargill, Pres. Men. NaW. H. Logan, Sec'y-Treas. Ass'ii. Ilii NI lssnsmsssmlm ■ Premier of Ontario • Maitland Creamery Cream, Eggs and Poultry WANTED CALL US FOR PRICES. THE UNITED FARMERS' COMPANY, LINT Wingham, - - Phone 271 CO-OPERATIVE iTED. Ontario. iaesh////ssi112■/51111■®111MiXO1131 OM EN 111 Wash Day. Is Easy Now Particularly if you have ,a modern Connpr Mec- tric Washer in your home. No tearing ; of clothes, no back -break- ing work. Just fill the tub with hot water, drop in the clothes, turn a .. switch and the work is done. ti a w � � ,l Wingh >l, i t � Crawford Block. n1SS1M Phone 156, 1