HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-09-26, Page 2w, n rt VYIC1401-I411r Arr ANCi -T!MI S 0 Special Showing Of BabyGoods All . This Week ToRzs, — Announcing Thtt*sdayi.Sept=ber 26th, 929: �. oo.... V=otarrrimr� Featuring Comfort.. able and Attractive Baby Toggery September 23rd to 28th, at Your Favorite Store We Specialize In Smart Baby Toggery FRENCH HANDMADE DRESSES For Baby Priced 1.00 to 2.25 Each Made from Dainty Materials, some are hand tucked, others with fine Lace trim, while other have that dainty Hand Ma- deira Embroidery Work. Sizes are 1 or 2 years. FRENCH MADEIRA SLIPS For Baby Priced 89 c to 1.25 Each The attractiveness of the Baby, is help- ed ; greatly when a Madeira Slip and Franch Hand Made Dress are used, and they are moderately priced within reach of all. ALL WOOL AND SILKIWOOL JACKETS For Baby Priced 69c to 2.25 Each Our present range is the smartest we have ever shown,,, in fact it is as attrac- tive as any city store will show, you most people consult us for Baby Jack- ets. COMFORTABLE BABY BONNETS Are Here Priced 65c to 2.00 Each Here again we can assure you that styles, quality and comfort have played their part in our selection of this ne- cessity. A complete new range has just arrived. VANTA Garments Are All Taped WICKER BASSINETTES $2:25, $2.50, $2.75 In stock in Three Sizes. BABY FEEDERS Priced 19 c Each White1Blue or WhitelPink ol=01=01===10=20=====10=1011=1 0 nneafs Baby's First Garment Vanta All Wool Binders . .60c To Go With the Binder Vanta Double Breasted Vests .. 50c to 1.15 To Replace the. Binder Vanta Teething Bands 60c The Sleeping Garment Vanta "Combed Cotton" Knities ... $1.15 The Petticoat Vanta All Wool Gertrudes $1.15 The Diaper Vanta Absorbent Diapers 50c Patterns Vanta Diaper Patterns Free Baby Book Vanta Instruction Books Free With. Purchase of 'any Vanta Garirlents. 0 0 Our Attractive Baby Range Is Now Complete BRITISH WOOL,Si1klWoo1 SHAWLS For Baby Priced 2.00 to 4.50 Each The quality of British made Honey-• comb Shawls is so well known, we need not'enlarge upon it, but must take'space to mention a new shipment! of new styl- es in plain and colors. PADDED SILK CARRIAGE COVERS For Baby Priced 1.65 to. 2.50 Each Warm, yet light as a feather, are these attractive Japanese Covers. Appearance suggests them to you. Keep them in mind when buying for your or some- one else's baby. IN DEMAND WOOL, SiIkIWool:BO.QTEES' For Baby Priced 25c to.S5c Pair No Baby outfit is complete without a good supply of this comfortable necess- ity. They come in Baby colors of plain White, ...Whit.elPink, ...WhitelSky,... Pink! White, SkyjWhite, attractively styled. FLANNELETTE CRIB or ROBE BLANKETS For. Baby• 1 q 0 Priced 75c to, 3.50 Each11 0 Baby's comfort is well considered when the crib, or carriage is surrounded with a good supply of Blankets. In Baby choice, design and colors, our range is considered smart.. CHOICE BABY BIBS !Oct°40c Keep Plenty on Hand. GRANITE BATH TUBS 1.98 to 3.50 VANTA Garments Have No Buttons For Baby's Daily Needs. CLOTHES HAMPERS $3.50 Each Every Home Needs One. Little Nell Silver Strand HOSIERY 35c to 85c Best Qualities for Baby. �',�.s tO=o 0=o oz o =101===0 .-. 0===o= Walker Stores, Limited nal Silk Qualities Kid Qualities BABY SHOES 45c td 85c In Attractive Colors GALVANIZED BABY BATHS Priced 69c r,ach A Very Low Priced Line. 0 0 11 0 drat Wingham===010=00 A GREAT MISTAKE 'Tt, the: Editur av all thin Wingham Paypers. Deer Sur: — I am afraid us Tories wus ashlape ,at the switch lasht wake, so to shpake, •whin we let thin U. F. O.'s, arr Pro- grissives, arr whatever they call thim- silves, hould theer maytin widout put tin up a matt. I wussen't prisint me- silf, an I don't suppose I wad hev been allowed to shapke if I had been theer, but mebby it wus all fer the 'betther. Annyway, the milder I" git the more pertickler 1 am about wheer go. Taut is sanies to me that inshtid av lettin thin lads from Colborne run the maytin, we shud hev had the Con- vinshun packed wid a lot av Tory Progrissives from Howick, who wud hev voted to put a man' in the field. 'Twas a bad oversight av our byes, so it wus, fer, Shure, it wud hey made it aisier fer us to bate Charlie Rob- ertson, but I tink we kin thrim him annyway, only it will mane more har- rud wnwrruk fer us. I ixpickt to hev thrubble wid some av thim could. wather Tories, loike the tnissus, fer inshtance. Some av thin w•tid rather hey theer appindixes cut out than vote Grit, an it vvud be loike takin hydro fobia fer thini to support Mishter Ferguson's polishy, so theer ye are. 'Tis a bad mix up, but it moight hev been avoided aisy enough i fwe had wurruked that Pro- grissive Convinshun roight. Wid tree min in the field we yvud hey had a walk over, so, to shpake, but I sup- pose it can't be hilped now, an we inusht do the besht we kin to defate the Grit, arr to rejuce his majority in anny case, which the noospaypers wud call a great moral victory. 'Tis a mishtake intoirely fer me (rind, Howard Ferguson, to tink that the 'boose 'quistion will cut no oice in this campaign, fer, indade, it be - often* alartj Increases Provide Incentive forhicoine1nsuirnce INVEST some of your salary to became independent by means of a Mutual .Endowment. In addition to providing protection, during intervening yeasts the Monthly Income Settlement may be used to add to your comfort throughout the, teats of leisure later on. Ask a Mutual representative to explain our Income Clause or write this of11ce, >A,T" 1R,Lso ONTARIO l' W. T. BOOTH, bistrkt Agent, Winghnm, Ont. WM. WRBSTER, Ag nt, R. R. 2, Locknaw, Cont, R. H. MARTIN, Atrent; Ripley, Ont. gins to look loike it moight be the big ishue. • 'Tis a bad polishy to despoise yer opposition, an; faith, yo kin nivir be afther tellin what thim could wather fanaticks may be doin sornetoimes. Sluire, wussen't it thim lads that Mis- hter Kipling calls Fuzzy Wuzzies, who bruk a British square out on, the disirt, a ting that had nivir been done befoor, an •thim. 'byes wus wather dhrinkers, iviry lasht Ivan av thin, an nioighty bad wather at that sortie- doiines, an not much av it. Yis, 'tis a harrud problim we hev ahead of us, but wid me ibpayrience droivin mules in Missouri, \whin the wurruld wus young wid ine, I fink we kin carry Nort ;Huron fer Misliter Ferguson afther all. Theer is only wan good ting I see in the whole' business, an that is that the U. F, O,'s will ixpickt the ,Grits' to shtep back whin the Dominion elicicshun comes on, an, av coorsel they won't do it, an thin we will hev tree min in the field agin, an Jarge Shpotton will be re-eliekted. As the auld proverb says—"Theer is nivir so great a loss but theer is always some shmall profit to be got out av it," an, shore, 'tis a thrue wttr- rud, fer if ye hev a baste dor ye kin always shkin it, an sell the hoide. Yours fer a bigger and betther Canada, Timothy Hay. TURNBERRY COUNCIL Minutes of Council meeting held in Rluevale on September 9th, 1929. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. 1 Moyed by P, S, McEwen and 3.~ E. Baird, that we maintain one light un- der Hydro Electric Power in Hamlet of. I3luevale at the estimate of the Power Commission..,... Carried, Moved by R. Wilton that no grant ilu be giventhe hamlet of 131nevale for Hydro Electric Power. The following accounts were paid: County of Huron, $3.66, light W. T. P.; R. Frost & Son, $4.00, Tile Al): raltam Drain; ' Wingham , Advance= Times, $80.65, account; Jno. Kelly, 94:00, Patrolman; J. T. Wylie, $38.85, Patrolman; A. Forgie, $34.24, Patrol:. man; G. Walker, $20.75, Patrolman; A. Moffatt, $23.65, Patrolman; 'R, Musgrove, $33.85, Patrolman; F. Hogg, $10.30, Patrolman; Jno. Mc- Kinnon, $100.60, Patrolman; 3, T. Wylie, $39.25, Supt.; J. T. Wylie, $2.- 25, Supt.; Wm, Breckenridge, $5.25, Patrolman; W. J. Campbell, $25.35, Patrolman; Jno. Potter, $16.14, Pat- rolman; Drury Construction Co. $4,000,00, Thompson- :Lam ont-Deyell Drain. Moved by P. S. McEwen and R. Wilton that we adjourn to meet 7th day of October, 1929, at Bluevale,- Carried. W. R. Cruikshank, • I. 5. Wright, Clerk. • Reeve. Walkertoti is cutting a 50 foot chan- nel through two lots and removing an island in the river bed, in order to get away from the bad spring floods. EAST WAWANOSH COUNCIL Council mets on September 10th, with all the members present. Min- utes of previous meeting ,'were read and approved. The Engineer's report on the Kit - lough drain was read and provision. - ally' adopted. A by -late was read and passed fix- ing the following rates of taxation for the present year as follo•wss County rate, 7 617:0 mills; Township rate, 5 Mills; general school rate, 4 2[10 mills on the County, rate 1 1110 mills and township rate 1 112 mills higher than last year; an adjustment has been made in the general school rate from 3 5110 mills asformerly to 4 2[10 mills. Three other by-laws -laws viz. one re- garding the Thompson -Lamont drain one confirming appointment of Coll- ector and one authorizing the borrow- ing of sufficient money to finance the Township along till the'taxes are for- thcoming, were also read and passed, The Collector presented his bond, the same being accepted as satisfact- ory. atisfact-ory. Orders, on the treasury. were drawn. for payment of the following ac- counts:—A. McGowan, services as. sanitary inspector, $3.00; The Ad- vance -Times office, advertising and printing voters' lists, $86.73; Geo. Walker, services as sheep valuator, $2.00; Fred Toll, repairing. Toll drain, $26.30 The Canadian Gen. Insurance, Co., premium on Insurance policy,. $100.00; J. M. Campbell, payments on, the Harrison drain, $593.00; Robt. Snell, assistant on the 'Snell drain,, $18.80; Geo. W. Snell, contract pn the Snell drain, $1,482.58, Council adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, October 8th. , A. Porterfield, Clerk. n.. iall11111®IIIaII1iosiffilnielliuIll�Il iIII1�Ili011i�Iuniurlmil�lon1111lll�lllilll�,,.., .„„au, ifi RIR WANTED.. 1 LIVE OR DRESSED e 1 i ■` Highest Market Prices for your Cream and Eggs. A large shipment of Potatoes just arrived, we will ii. deliver to any part of the town. Wellington Produce Co., Ltd. Phone 166 Winghar Branch. Branches- »Winghalm, Wiartoi , Tara Grand Valley "�— Head Office Harristo __,. ! 1iI+ 1 irim it■ilii INiuI111i111Mllli i llilii!I/Ilhluma IINMll is l is IlanI ill Il MOIMlll IliMiili Illi lli nisi