HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-09-19, Page 80;1 '..;,;"?,'117.777,747.777711/7111r771*.P' 4. •'...,;,1,•f \°. Sell yott elf vro,,;,;.et grVIEVEOLET owners sell themselves on Chevrolet. They learn, behind the wheel of the New Chevrolet, just what it means to drive a real six . . a six with a high -compression valve -in - head engine, with staunch and stylish Body by Fisher . yet a Six at the price of a four. They taste the joys of six -cylinder power and smoothness . . six -cylinder snap and acceleration. They experience Chevrolet's marvelous comfort and handling ease. They discover that this amazing new Chevrolet gives them every modern conven- ience feature . . such as twin -beam, foot -controlled headlights; finely upholstered, deep luxurious cushions; high-speed window regulators; Ternstedt •quality hardware; completely equipped, indirectly lighted instrument panel, including electric temper- ature indicator and theft -proof Electrolock. When you are considering the purchase of a cai sell yourself on the car you want. Get behind the 'wheel of the New Chevrolet and make your own tests. Then decide on Chevrolet only after you have proved to yourself that it offers you more for your money than any other car in the low - :priced field. ' C-I4-s-aSc Ask about the GMAC Deferred Payment Plaq TRODucT OF GENERAL ilolOTORS OrCAN ADA, Mani) A. M. CRAWFORD liVingham, Ont. IT'S BETTER BECAUSE IT'S CANADIAN 1•Meammilemosomo, STRIDER SHOES FOR MEN The est Good Shoe Fine calf upper stock—colored calf lining—oak tan soles and insoles—leather box toes—in fact they are strictly high grade in every particular and the price is lower than manyhigh grade shoes, Namely SS.50 Per Pair Willis Shoe Store '129 --- hone winghaln The Leading Shoe Store of Huron County. LYCEUM THEATRE Fiiday and Saturday, September 20th and 21st TOM MIX 1"keg " OUTLAWED " Monday and Tuesday, September 23rd and 24th May McAvoy and Lionel Barrymore —in— tin "The Lion and The Mouse" Wednesday and Thursday, September 25th, 26th Antonio Moreno and Helene Costello WINQL&MADVACz-TINIES WHITECHURP1-1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patton, of Lucan visited on Sunday with Mrs. A. Fox. Misses Isabel and Lettie Fox return- ed with them and will visit in Toronto before Miss Lettie leaves on a six month's visit with relatives in Sas- katchewan. We wish her a pleasant holiday and safe return, Mr, Thos. Henderson is in Cale- donia, working in a gyproc factory, Mrs. Wm. Walker, of Guelph, is visiting with Mrs. MacGregor. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Ross, of Wing - ham, visited one day last week with Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Ross. Mr. and Mrs, Cox, of Godericb, have been visiting with i\[r. and Mrs. Clarence Cox, Mr. Cox has been do- ing extensive repair work in the mill and is installing a new Fairbanks - Morse oil engine in it. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Moore and children, of Toronto, are spending this -e eek with his uncles, Messrs, Thos. and Arthur Moore. Holyrood School Fair was well re- presented from here on Monday and we hope the children will carry home a goodly number of prizes. Miss C, Laidlaw and Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Falconer and Charlie attended Anniversary services in Belgrave on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Nicholson and son, Eddie, r)f Auburn, visited'on Sunday with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sutherland. Mr, John Simpson has had a new roof put on his house and has the wood -work of the house painted. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw and Luella have moved into the Kew Block. Miss Ruth Moore has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jas.*Moore, of Luck - now. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reed and fam- ily, of Ashfield, visited. on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier, Among those who attended Lon- don Fair last week were Mr. James and Miss Lila Emerson; Mrs. Victor Emerson, Mr. Fred Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Beecroft and Ernest and Florence; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Leg- gatt and Mr. and Mrs. Albert 'Vice Quillan. Anniversary Services were held is Donnybrook United Church on Sun- day last.' Mrs. Thos. Cassels Arid Mn. Md. Mrs. Mark Cassels, of Ltteknaw, speht Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. If elate Mc-. Gee, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Cornelius aiid Mr. and Mrs. Antos. Cornelius spent Sanday with the latter's sister, Mrs. Sam Westlake, of Bayfield. Miss Mary Boyle and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft were in Blyth on Wed- nesday last attending the funeral of their cousin, Mr. Joe GiSbas, of De- troit. Mrs. Chas. Martin held a Mission- ary Tea at her home on 'Wednesday last. 'Mrs. Geo. Cottle of Kincardine, spent the week-dnd with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sparling. Mrs. C. Wightnian is visiting with her daughter, Mrs, Jas. Brigham, of Blyth. Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Gillespie and Jack and Agnes spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Rintoul of Mor- ris. 11,1r. and Mrs. Robt. McClenaghan and Clarence visited' on Sunday with Mr. Harry McClenaghan, of Belgrave, Mr. John McMillan shipped two car load's of fat cattle from here on Saturday, Mr: and. Mrs. Robt. Ross and. fern- iTy and Miss Catharine Ross visited with Ur. and Mrs. Robert Ross, of Delmore, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mac R'oss and Frank spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mr, Richard Grainger of Wroxeter. Mr, Grainger has been practically an invalid for the past twenty-five years, the last five of which he has been On Friday, September lath, the regular monthly meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Robt. Ross, when about 40 ladies were present and the program was fn charge of the grandmothers. Mrs. F. Henry gave a reading, "Our Neighbors"; Mrs. John Gillespie read "Johney's Opinion of Granchnothers", Mrs, Mac Ross gave a paper on "The Gayeties of Grandmothers" and Mrs. Wm. Beecroft gave a reading "My Old Scotch Gratnie," and they sang three nutnbers. They then had a con- test on "Things Out Grandmothers Missed The Grandmothers were dressed in toggery of fifty years ago, Mrs, Harry Godkin, Mrs. Jas, God - kin and Mts, Andrew Wilson were the judges for the best costume and Mrs Mac Ross received first prize, Mrs. Frank Henry second, being pre- sented with a pair of towels, ATter the program the grandmothers served lunch Arid a social half hour was spent. Ur. Geo. Cottle and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sparling made a business triP to London ort Wednesday last. Miss tarrigey of Gorric, is visiting this week with Mrs. David Chartutey. Mr, and Mrs, Raymond TInnigan and ehildren of Ashfield spent Sun - 4 11) Dancing DALT DAVIDSON'S CANADIAN CLEF DWELLERS Formerly IVIelross Orchestra. Have played to capacity houses in Hamilton, The Per, Brant- ford, Guelph, Grand Bend and many other places. WINGHAM ARENA THURSDAY, SEPT. 19th Admission 15c, Jitney Dancing. ALFRED W. ANDERTON — Teacher of — Piano, Singing, Ogan, Theory. 55 successful entries for Toronto Con- servatory Examinations last year over 60% scoring honors and first class honors. Tuitions resumed Wednesday, Sept. 4 A few vacancies for pupils. Studio, Mrs. R. Beattie, Phone 133. Get her back to work. Moulting hens don't lay eggs. Put Pratts Poultry Regulator in the feed and hens get the vitality to hurry up the moult, and quick- ly get back to laying eggs. It pays to use -- Poultry Re4Ulator sou by Dealers at Canada Write ArY.Rarrs POULTRY BOOK FREE PRATT FOOD co. of CANADA limited 328 Carlaw Ave.:Torort60.8 • HEAD and AsTHmABRONCHIAL COLDS o Smoko—No Sprays—No Snuff Just Swallow a RAZ -MAN citssuiii Restores normal breathing. Quickly etops all choking, gasping and mucus gatherings in bronchial tubes. Gives long nights of restful sleep. Contains no injurious or habit-formimg um pea triut or geneVtoyes, Send 5c, fous pletons, A Z H GUARANTEED RELIEF R.2.3 day with her mother, Mrs, Joe Cham- ney, of E. Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. Garbutt and daughter Gladys, and Mr. Dow of Mitchell, were callere on Monday at the home of Mr. Jas. Dow and Mrs. Jas. Suth- erland and Miss Sarah Garbutt. . GLENANNAN Quite a number from around here attended the London Fair last week, Mr. and Mrs. William Wallace, of South Carolina, are spencfing their holidays at the home of theformer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Wallace. Mr. John Beecroft, Messrs. Melville and Gilbert Beecroft and Miss Bea- trice Beecroft, of East Wawanosh, spent one day recently visiting with friends on the tenth. Miss Annie McBurney, of Wing - ham, spent last week visiting at the Tine of Mrs. Robert Muir. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Stokes and family spent Sunday with friends in Fergus. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Marshall and sett Alex spent Sunday at the home 31r. and Mrs. Wesley Jermyn. Mn Andrew Wallace, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mra. David Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stewart, also Mrs. Stewart Sr,, of Howiek, spent Friday at the home of Mrs. Forgie. BELIEVE IT OR NOT (Harriston Review) Believe it or not, but we know this to be a fact, On Friday last during the baseball match between Harriston and Clifford at the local diamond a young lady from North Dakota, who is visiting some friends at Clifford lost a diamond ring valued at several hundreds of dollars and also valued beyond that mantimes as a prec- ious gift, She had only missed the ring a few minutes 'bat diligent search that night and the next day failed to reveal its whereabouts. Naturally, she came to the Review Office to ad- vertise her loss and offered a hand- some reward for its return. How- ever some one advised her to go to a clarevoyaet at Myth and consult her. She immediately told the young lady to return to the diamond and look tinder the third base sack and ahe would find the sparkler. This was done mid there was the ring in plain sight as soon as the bag was lifted, How the ring got under the bag is a mystery and how the lady at Myth, over forty miles away knew .where to send the young lady to look for it is a tuystery that will be hard COLUMN Local Station 10 BP., 250 meters, 22 watts, programme for coming week, Thursday night 9.80 to 10,30 p.m.: dance music by Dalt Davison's Clef Dvvellers, froin Arena. Sunday, 11 to 12.10 a.m.: United Church services. Tuesday, 12.30 to 1 noon: Recorded programme from studio, courtesy of Weatherall & Greenwood. When a 'station's wave length is listed in kilocycles, the method to change to meters is to divide the kilo- cycles into 300,000, for instance, take KDKA on 980 kilocycles,' divide 980 into 300,000 to find the wave length in meters. When using a radio set using the uew Screen -grid UY224 tubes, it is very hnportant to be careful to rune the set to the centre of the wave. If you fail to tune to the centre you lose the fine deep tone that comes with the new system of 100% modulation which most of our high class stations are now using, Next week in this column we are going to tell you in plain language just what 100% modulation in broad- casting means to the radio fan. GRAND BEND HOUSE DESTROYED BY FIRE C. M. Walker Also Loses Barns And Garage Fire late last Tuesday afternoon, September 10th, destroyed the resi- dence of C. M. Walker, owner of the Grand Bend golf course. The fire, discovered about 5.30 o'- clock, it believed to have started from a defective chimney and despite the efforts of neighbors and. tourists, burned the structures to the ground. At one time it was feared that the 'village itself was endangered, but the fire was finally confined to the house and barns. A heavy wind was blow- ing and had it been from another dir- ection the chance of saving other vil- lage buildings would have been small. The loss is estimated at about $6,- 000, mostly covered by insurance, The club -house on Mr. Walker's golf course was not damaged. BLUEVALE The regular meeting ol the Worn - en's Institute was held Thursday af- ternoen at the hotne of Mrs. John Mundell. There was a good atten- dance, 23 ladies being present. After the regular business Miss Olive Scott gave a paper, "Decorative arrange- ment of Flowers in the home”, and as illustrations she had pictures show- ing the proper arrangement of flow - erg for different occasions and in dif- ferent places. The roll call was an- swered by "Desserts and Methods of Making." There were several methods pre - scut, who' entered into the discussion. Miss Jeffrey. of Belmore, favored the ladies with a hurnoraus reading. The hostess assisted by Mrs. Roy. Barrett and Miss Pearl Mather served refresh- ments. 1 Mr, and Mrs. Peter McEwen of Parry Sound, and James Aitcheson-of Port Colborne, are visiting 'friends in Bluevale and Wroxetea Misses Cora Jewitt, Nellie IVIcICin- ney and Ella Barnard spent Sunday at the home of Miss .Beatrice Thorn- ton. Mr. and Mrs, Will Abram and son Ross, of Morris, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Whit, Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Coombs spent the week -end at Beamsville. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Elliott spent last week visiting friends at Detroit, Kingsville and London. Mrs. William Robinson, of Toron- to, spent the 'week -end at the liome of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elliott. Mrs. C. Hetherington was a visitor last Friday at the home of Mrs. Leon- ard Elliott. Miss Ethel Mathers, of Brussels, spent the .vtagek-end at her home here, Mr, and Mrs. Will Spiers, of Mae. ris, were visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Oke. Mr. and Joe Smith and baby of Morris, were visitort' last week at the home of the latter's parcuts, .and Mrs. James Kerney. AN ALL-ROUND ATHLETE Mr, Cecil Mooney, son of Mr. and. Mrs. G, H. Mooney, of this village, is proving himself to be att all-roUnd athlete. 'We have known him since he was a young chap going to school here, and have watched his progress it the field of sports. We all know his record in hockey and baseball. At home, then at Winghatn, and later at Woodstock he has developed wonder- ful speed and accuracy ie. playing. His latest venture is in soccer football, where as a member of the LaPrattee Flushes he scored two of the three goals necessary to shut out Tavis- Thursday, September 19th, 1929 a NINO' NNININNNSINNININIUMINNINNINIMINNINISMINal September. ,Sale of Dresses 1. ! an • a 1 Canton C repe ii Crepe Satins IN IN . , ..1,4 ,k. 1 ,g . fi, „ * P al 111 N N ; • II 111 IIII IIII 1111 III . III IN Gloria Crepes IN lO N NI 11 Flat Crepes IM 1111 Tafettas IIN NI Ml IN a 4101 1 ''' NI • NI 1 al ▪ ' rL 4124: I Women's and Misses'sizes 15 to 42 at a big sacri- • 1111 sacri- fice for Friday and Saturday only. Regular values to $35.00, Your choice each $15.00 a • • • • • ING BR • .11111Eb "SPRUCING TJP" THE FARM HOUSE Awards have been announced in a little contest held among some farm- ers around St. Johns which might well be extended all through the coun- try. Prizes were given for distribu- tion among farmers whose properties fronted on two provincial highways, to go to the men who made the great- est improvements in the appearance of their dwellings and their surround- ings dtkring the past summer season It is unfortunate but none the less true that very many country dwellers in Canada have never paid the atten- tion they might to the appearance Of their houses, the creation Of lawns, the planting of trees, shrubs and flow- grs around them—above all, to the painting of ,even whitewashing of the tiouses, barns or out -buildings. Fat too often the Canadian farm house and its immediate surroundings ton. stitute an eyesore rather than an at. 21211 tractive feature of the rural land scape. Our American neighbors as a rule set us an example in this respect that we might well follow. To -day, at least in the older sections of their country, farm houses are neat, attrac- tive, with well -kept lawns, bright flowers, healthy and well-placed trees, The motorist who crosses the border. can, too commonly, tell that he has done so if by nothing else than the Change from the trim, progressive - looking country homes south of the line to the nwn-at-the-heel, shabby and generaly neglected appearance of leortees.nurztb,euersiLocof Canadian lan It would be a fine thing if the perim t that has just been concluded so successfully around St. Johns would attract wide attention and imi- tation. The cost and labor involved would be very slight in cornparisori with the results to be obtained. THE knowing hostess takes advantage of every oppor- tunity to. give individuality to her table. She always makes her own salad dressings. She prefers to create her own deaserts. And she makes her own mus- tard pickles. In this way she can develop her own combination of veg- etable i'ngredients--and be sure they are firm and fresh. She can use the purest of vinegars, peppers and spices. And, 11101ilt important of an, she can give her pickles that superlative, indispemsable tang of flavour imparted only by a read old Englial Mustard like KEEN'S! • Plegl.itO SRAM Stoke is goattsor s stook of toads*. 4greela Nmiso, throw dont" bat* a bottle of ' water, esobi 1 totsigtosno. loll oat soset boil 2$ ottaritiis. Wiese gloms &robs Lis oolssisdare. Li stood votidll (OM, sitt bektojosi. Spviloklo dy with. osmosis*. Ms* Isimito of 'Leto/No alkiii•rd, • talatopoplatid amp, P•2 basso tient& amid oseitot the obit. *kb Obi** Alit obitedpio. FREE — Send for eopy of ear honk fisting sonny reeves* rerdly teenderfisl *net and relishes. iSpEN S mvstervado t.0 oxpialt. tock Exprog,s, Celblititilt4terit Likaistbeitio 1090 khayikettat Stiy fiffoutirtal ,411S,•'•I'w, • • • -;,