The Wingham Advance Times, 1929-09-19, Page 7'httraday, September 19th, 1929 WINGHAM ADV?i;NCE-FIMES .Play Safe `Choose a Huron & Erie true-. . tee debenture when investing .,.your savings. Mutual farmers insurance - :companies and executors invest in, Huron & Erie deben- tures because they are author-, iced by law for trust funds, 37 'per annum payable half -yearly Applications are accepted by ABNER COSENS •'Winghar — (Ontario FALL FAIR DATES Arthur Oct. 8-9 ,Ayton `' Oct, 4-5 :Blyth Sept. 26-27 Brussels Oct. 3-4 ChesleY Sept. 27-28 Drayton Sept. 24-25 Elmira Aug, 30-31, Sept. 2 :Fergus Sept. 26-27 tGoderich Sept. 30, Oct. 1-2 FGorrie Oct. 5 ' iRarriston Sept. 26-27 Kincardine Sept. 18-19 'Luck -now Sept 26-27 :Mildmay Sept, 24-25 3filverton Sept. 26-27 Mitchell Sept. 24-25 Mount Forest Sept. 18-19 Palmerston Oct. 3-4 -. Ripley Sept. 24-25 St. Marys ' Oct, 8-9 Seaforth Sept. 19-20 Teeswater Oct. 1-2 'iWINGHAM Oct, 9-10 J. D. McEWEN LICENSED AUCTIONEER Phone 602r14. Salesof Farm Stock and Imple- ments, Real Estate, etc., conducted with satisfaction and at moderate charges. Hints For Homebodies Written for The Advance=Times By Jessie Allen Brown Reduction. Reducing is certainly a live ques- 't'ion, judging by the questions I have been, asked, so to -day I will try and •answer some of them. In the first place there is no hard and fast rule ,of, weight. Two people of the same age, height and sex do not necessar- ily need to have the same weight. Heredity plays a part and the normal •weight of the one may be naturally :more'than that of the. other. If you. come of fat stock, it is not natural nor necessary to train down to the weight of the lean hard type. To do so may make you below par and keep you on edge. A conversation was over -heard on a dining -car between one of our Can- adian an-adia i doctors and a friend of his. The docfor• told his companion that ac- cording to the tables he was about 10 pounds overweight so he decided to reduce. He took off the surplus 10 pounds without much difficulty and .+ attention to his diet kept them off,'but to keep them off he had to fight constantly. He found that he was out of . temper frequently and, "nervy', and was snappy with his. family and so short in the grain with his patients that it . began to affect his practise. He thought the matter ;over carefully and decided it was riot \.tvortli it so he put on the 10 pounds .41and regained his normal disposition. So yott must remember that the .tab les are just a general guide. Medicines are Dangerous. Serious overweight is caused some - *times by a disturbance of the Thyroid Gland: The advertising of nostrums and quack medicines is directed at this. These medicines are dangerous Ito use and it cannot be stated too, 'emphatically that they should never +be taken except under a doctor's or- -6r. It would be wise for anyone wh, undertakes the heroic job of tak- ing off a great number of pounds to do it under a doctor's direction. Nev- er take patent medicines to reduce. When trying to reducer the amount Of protein and mineral salts necessary for maintaining health must be kept `up. The general idea is to keep, uP .the proteids and mineral matters and lessen the fats and starches until the fat stored in the body must be drawn on to replace' them. Bulky foods, should be eaten so that the stomach will not Have an uncomfortable ein- pty feeling. The average person in a sereotary occupation requires from 2400 to 2700 alaries a day. On a reducing diet from 1200 to 1500 calories a day are sufficient. Most people have no no- tion of the calories in their foods and it really is not very necessary that they •should. However lin .order to give some idea of the calories I ani going to give you some of the valets in every -clay foods, Kind of,.F4od Portion to give 100 Calories Apple . Apple -1 large. Asparagus -40 medium tips Baeon„..3 strips lean • 13eef (lean) --2% oz, uncoolced String Beans --2% cups White bread -1% oz, Whole wheat bread -11/s oz. Butter -1. tablespoon Buttermilk -1% cups Cabbage -5' cups shredded Cantaloupe -1 medium sized Carrots -3 to 4 medium' 1 Cauliflower—i/,e tneditini head Celery -4 cups cut i►t , inch pieces Chicken -2% :oz, cooked Cocoa -2 tablspoons; Codfish, --5 oz. uncooked Cottage Cheese -5 to 6 tablespoons Soda Crackers -5 to 6 Cucumbers -3 small Eggs -1 large Flour -3 tablespoons Grapes -1 bunch Halibut --small serving Lettuce -2 large heads Skim milk -13, cups Whole milk -%s cup Oatmeal nneaoked-4 taut Onions -3 mediuna Orange -•-1 lartoge Clysters -.12 to4 14 Peaches canned -2 larges halves and juice Peaches fresh -3 medium sized. Pineapple fresh—2 thick slices Potatoes raw -4 oz, POO ns Raisins -37 Raspberries—J.3' cups .Rhubarb -1 cud Spinach cooked -2% cups Round steak—li/. ox, Strawberries -1% cups Sugar --2 tablespoons Tomatoes -1 large Turnips raw -2 cups; W atez•nielon—1 Ib. If you .study that table and use a little mathematics it will not be dif- fieult to count your calories, aprox•- imately. Fruits and vegetables slrpuld, be used generously and than you will have calories left >vcr for other foods, Remember though t� count the but. ter and sugar you use on yotui' vegee- tables or fruits.` Eat eggs, lean meats skim milk, fruits and vegetables and keep away from the cakes, pastries, rich salad dressings and sauces: Use your CQnimnon sense and do not starve yourself. Advance Times "BUY AT= ONIE" Campaign COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE The Merchants and Business men represented below are co-operating in. an effort to r prove to the residents of the town and surrounding community that val- ues equal to any of the larger towns or cities may be procured in local stores. A series of educational "Buy -at -Home" editorial y s willbe reproduced weekly along with an individual write-up of each business. The benefit of Home Buying will be shown to the general advancement and l_ooTe a p � ss of the community. Read the editorials and take advantage of the weekly specials offered by the merchants, and BOOST THE TOWN YOU CALL HOME. BABY WEEK IS COMI G Watch For It. Wait For It. We Feature VANTA BABY GOODS WALKER STORES LIMITED Rae &Thomps4rn Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Coal, Iron, Etc. — Phone 27 — MARTIN-SENOUR PAINTS FL J. J OBB — Phone 46 — SPECIAL Boys Bloomer Suits $2.95 Two -Bloomer Suits $3.95 E CARTER Ideal Bakery Telephone 132 — WHOLESOME BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY THOS. KEW Harness and Repairs. Phone 176 Suit Cases, Bags, Trunks for Vacation Travel. McKAY'S The Following Industrial Manufacturers Heartily Endorse This " Buy - At ®Home " Campaign SUPPORT THE LOCAL MERCHANTS AND HELP OUR TOWN GROW The Western Foundry FRY & BLACKHALL Co., Limited Burk's Store Ladies' and Gents' Ready -to - Wear, Millinery, Boots and Shoes. New styles of Ladies' Hats are now being shown at Burk's at very moderate prices. Machan Bros. Plumbing and Tinsmithing. Household Necessities, Paints and Oils. — Phone 58 —= Call and See our Stoves, Heat- ers and Furnaces. ABELL'S, MUSIC STORE Everything in Music SPECIAL THIS WEEK Brunswick Records, regular at 75c, this week ..... .„-,....-_...._.... .49c Bargains in Used Pianos. Wetherall & Greenwood FORD SALES AND SERVICE — Telephone 62 ---- Tires, Tires, Tubes and Accessories. A. J. NORTROP Meat Market. Fresh and Cured Meats. — Phone 22 ----- SPECIAL THIS WEEK Picnic Ham, 27c ib. cash CONFECTIONERY AND ICE' CREAM PARLOURS -- Phone 77 — imassweeraligoow W. J. CLARK Plumbing, Heating and Tinsn>ithing. OIL BURNERS AND HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS Telephone 141j. Hanna & Coe Ltd. Exclusive Men's Furnishings Made -to -Measure Sults with ex- tra Trousers, guaranteed, Ilan- na's Special .......,. -.„w. - .... $25.50 FACTORY WORKERS ATTENTION We have a splendid wearing factory boot, with flexible soles in all sizes for $2,95 per pair. WILLIS' Shoe Store Royal , Service. Station British American Super -Power, Peerless and Ethyl Gasoline and Lubricating Oils. ' 4 Pumps. Goodrich Tires and Tubes. 3, E. Hornuth Phone 206: JOB PRINTING The Advance -Times can and does Job Printing not excelled for neatness and appearance by any city or town office, and at moderate charges. Would be pleased toconsult you regard- ing 1g any printing, The Gunn -Son -Ola Co., Limited Stewart Glove and Lea- ther Works Limited MacLeain Lumber & Coal Company Howson & Howson Flour Mills 1101199411666, reserve Your es urces The person who spends the money which he earns in his own town outside his community is helping to exhaust his own re- sources, in the same manner in which a man who indulges in dissipation exhausts his physical resources by expending his en- ergy faster than the body builds it up. When a dozen residents or more do their buying outside Wingham, they reduce the economic strength of the community to a noticeable extent, and when a hundred or more residents do so, the situation becomes alarming, and the ultimate collapse of the community is inevitable. Its merchants will be forced to retire from business through the losses they incur, public insti- tutions will fall into 'disrepair through lack of care, and soon the populat5on_will begin to fall off, as people move to a more pros- perous community. The ultimate end will be ruin for the com- munity and its residents. • Guard against this condition in Wingham. The failure cf one . merchant means little, but the success of the majority of the merchants spells progress for the community and its resi- dents. The merchant is the backbone of the community. Individ- ually, perhaps, there are a few who are riot boosters of Wingham but collectively they are the men upon whom you should depend and give your support. Be individual bankers. Build up your resources through community buying. ' ISARD'S BETTER VALUES Monarch Blend' of Teas 59c Baking Powder, ib. tin ...,20c Silk Bloomers and Vests 75c Spec: $1 and 1.25 Silk Hose89c $1.50 Supersilk Hose ..... House Dresses, now $1.29 Children's Fancy Sock... 39c Large can Red Salmon 35c Fancy Mixed Cakes .:...-.,........ .,15c Bottle Ket',chup 23c Certo „.....,„.........29c Kettle and 10 cakes Soap...$1.23 H. J. JOBB H. J. Jobb is one of the local boys who recently graduated from a clerkship to a store manager, and that in the place where he served many years. A few months ago he took over the J. A. Mills general Store, one of the oldest established in town, and since then has made not a few changes. Mr. Jobb specializes in staples and groceries, but also carries a very select stock of Ready- to -wear clothing for bothrisen and women. There is something of pleasing satisfaction. to learn of success of local boys, and with no less a degree when that progress occurrs right at home. Herb. has a full knowledge of the business in all its angles, and has many friends who will be pleased to learn of increased business at the old stands. THOMAS KEW Mr. Kew for many years has conducted a successful har- ness -making establishment in Wingham which despite the changed conditions in travel, still keeps him busy. in fact, the hand -made article still demonstrates its superiority over the factory product. Of course, he carries a splendid line of travelling requisites, bags of all kinds, suit] eases, and trunks—just the article you want whether for an over -night trip, or a journey to distant lands. ilemdisinendoemegraerasomerkeno Ao J WALKER Furniture Dealer and Funeral director. LAWN SEATS .w VERANDA.H CHAIRS. KING BROS. OPENING. DISPLAY Of Early Autumn Modes Coats, Dresses, Suits, Hats, Fur Scarfs. flatUita Gibson's Bakery — Phone 145 --- BUTTER BUTTER BAKED PASTRY Quality Bread Hovis Bread, Whole Wheat Bread Brant Muffins. LOOK 2 NORGE ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR With Rotary compression, quiet running, no wear. Wingham Utilities Cam. Phone 166. ydmte.i'. II+ ff 4i;ueis Co -'%Fes; -dive Co. Limited Ask your, grocer for MAITLAND CREAMERY BUTTER C. ondi Fruit Co. BONDI FRUIT SPECIAL We have this week all kinds of fresh fruits, California and local. Price cheap. Don't Forget the Fruit Store. osuessomieunewermonvetamommowisgeeneeammanomatutteeravtgaltosameemtwa McAOY'S Nyal Quality Drug Store. --- Phone 18 ---- SPECIAL THIS WEEK Dr. West's Tooth Brush and Tooth Paste 75c value for 50c We R. Hamilton Jeweler Optician SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK A a selection of new designs in Men's Orange Lodge Rings and Emblems for the 12th of July. See these. The Advance -Time The home paper which has a special concern for the town's progress, and which gives the news worth while. $2.00 per year. $2.50 to the United States.. GREER'S THE GOOD SHOE STORE SPECIAL Misses and Children's Sandals, 89c In Patent Leather at $1.00 SEE OUR BARGAIN TABLES The R di+r Sho Phone 158. HEAR ALL THE NEW VICTOR RECORDS THEY ARE HERE. E. S. GRAFI,. Groceries and Provisions — Phone 237 — NEW SHIPMENT OF CROCKS AND FLOWER POTS A. CURRIE Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director. Phone 155, Residence 51. WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE Lyceum Theatre Mon., & Tues., Sept. 23 and 24 MAY McAVOY — and — LIONEL BARRYMORE — In "The Lion and the Mouse” manne.rmatftetantesnuenesmanatrermaamesemannumerem G. M ,. son St S. ,n News and Book Store Fancy China, Stamped Linen, Novelties are always acceptable as 'gifts. oretalsamarneanaseramsammestavenettnouvu elver & Mitchell Quality Butchers. Equipped with Frigidaire System. --- Phone 126 - FRESH LAMB AND VEAL,. vinleuteremegotratimmentrobentsammavexerte John Galbraith Dry Goods and Groceries. - -�- Phone 83 -�- ON SALE $1.75 OVERALLS FOR L2