HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-09-19, Page 4tV 0 11#11334300.10110•91.,0140 .!4•0443W.114.310M.SRPS3401330114.•43.033..2.0336.0.,33, WINGHAM FOLKS r Ud HEN I MFh2Rt ,D You v411 `fOU DIDN'T lime. A f.14.Dr IN THE,' WORLD YO RE. 66Fi-r AGAIN tY PEPA fF VP HAP Stir ONE HE'D SToPPraD ME $EFQE Gar TO111' tA1+TER MOVE. !GLV eR ROVER/ By McIK.. "PORAL S W E E"6" EN' FAMILY LIFE. WITH A 13OX of FINM CAMPY' FROM ..am \IVINOHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Thu September 19th, 1929h MOYO- SCOTT 4 Loving Consideration leads many here. The desire to please her--- the er—the plan to please him brings folks to this family drug store. Things at pleasing prices to patch up a quarrel or an abrasion. Moirsi Sweetest Maid, Smiles 'n Chuckles Chocolates fresh every week. McKIBBONS DRUG STORE The : I; exall Store. Wingham, Ontario McK. PLEASES PARTICULAR PEOPLE e.ra..mo-ewassa.am.. 0.1mcw .oame®us 3.4341 rao®u® o mmerolumemnsw LOST-BetweenEdward street and Currie's corner,by way of Minnie. street, a side curtain for a Ford runabout. Finder will ;please leave at R. S. McGee's store. FOR RENT -Two or three semi or unfurnished rooms with use of bath room, central location. Apply to A. J. Ross. FOR SALE - Quebec cook stove, nearly new, coal heater, heater for either wood or coal, 2 burner Per- fection oil stove with oven. Brus- sels rug 2A yards square, some chairs. Apply 'to Mrs. Dave Ham- ilton, Minnie street, FOR SALE—Good piano, 36 inch ex- tension ladder, waterproof knee cover. Apply to Advance -Times. HOUSE FOR SALE—Seven rooms, modern conveniences, double lot, barn and two garages, low priced for quick sale. Apply Dr. McIn- nes. FOR SALE -Coal and Wood Range in good condition, cheap. Also Phonograph, console cabinet, with large number of records. Apply, Mrs. R. Beattie, phone 133. NOTICE All persons occupying premises. within the fire limits must keep all basements cleaned up and all defec- tive chimneys in use imist be repair- ed or taken down. The fire limits in- clude both sides of Josephine street. The Fire Chief has received instruc- tions to inspect all properties and the co-operation of citizens is requested. Thos. Fells, Mayor. FOR SALE—Six-roomed brick house on Frances Street. All modern conveniences. Apply to H. Bos - roan, R. 2, Bluevale, phone 618r12.. FOR SALE -1922 Ford Sedan in good condition for immediate sale. Apply at Advance -Times office. WANTED—hien to sell and apply caulking material. Must have car. For information Write to Ontario Roofing and Caulking Co., 19 King St., London, Ont. or phone Met. .3167. AUCTION SALE Auctioneer Thos. Gundry has been authorized to sell by Public Auction for Walter McGill, North Half Lot 40, Con. 3, East Wawanosh, commen- cing at 1 p.m. on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd his entire farm stock and implements. The farm, consisting of 100 acres will. also be offered for sale. EXECUTOR'S SALE At Public Auction of Village Lots, numbers 14, 15 and 16 on the West side of Queen. Street in the Village of Whitechurch in the County of Brace will be held at the premises on SATURDAY, the 28trh Day of SEP- TEMBER • n clock an. On tl. Inst at Oe o p xe 'TIMOTHY DOES NOT LIKE SLANG To the Editor av all thim Wingham Paypers. Deer Sur:— That bye av moine who wint-over- says carne back wid a lot av quare spaiches shtored up in his head, an iviry wancein a whoile he does be shpringin thim, an I hev to reproove pixie fer it, fer I don't belaive in shlang ntesilf. Wan day lasht wake he wus in town an I wus afther askin him about wan av our ould naybers who is sick. "I am afraid," sez the bye, "that yer ould frind is going to "drop his bun- dle," if he doesn't shtart on the up grade purty soon," rnainin av coorse that the sick man wussen't goin to git betther. I tould the bye that I didn't ap- prove av that manner av shpakin, at all, at all, but he only shmoiled. ' Since thin I her been tinkin the matther over, an mebby it wussen't so bad a spaicll afther all, fer share 'tis the way wid all of us. We wurruk, an skame an save to gather together a premises are erected a comfortable 1 few tings all our loives; mebby mon- 1arrmin' n :4 storey frame dwelling house in good ey, arr houses, arr land, o r condition and 'a stable. sittock, till some av •us foind the bun - sale, balance est November next. Sale 11 party heavy, an we whin it is toxnse TERMS -10 per cent. at time of die av thtake a subject to reserve bid. For particu- can't a.1- e it wid us w ' ELECTION ISSUES AS 'SEEN BY IVaIMBER FOR NORTH HURON lars:apply to fer us to pass out, so we drop our JOHN PTJRVIS, Auctioneer. bundle, an let thim who are lift be - ANDREW LAIDLAW, Belgrave, hoind pick it up an carry it. Poor JAMES LAIDLAW, Blyth, i ould King Tut down in Aigipt, troid NOTICE TO, CREDITORS xecu'ors. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pur- CIDER AND APPLE suant to Section 56, "Chap. 121, of the BUTTER .Revised` Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the es- tate of Robert Fulton White, late of the( -utility in the Village of GorrieY g ot Huron, Hotel Keeper, er deceased, who died on or about the twenty- fifth went -fifth day of March A. D. 1927, are required to send by ,'post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Winghant, n�tra- ini• fur Ontario, Solicitorl he Administra- trix, s to trix, on or before the seventh day of October, A. D. 1929, their names and addresses, . with full particulars in writing of their claims, and the nat- ure of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by a statutory de- claration. AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said seventh day of Oc- tober, A. D. 1929, the said Administra- trix will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the said estate among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of 'which she shall then have had notice, and the said Administratrix shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim she shall not then have received notice. DATED this fourteenth day of Sep- tember, A. D. 1929. R. VANSTONE, Win gham, Ontario. Solicitor' for the Adininistratrix. `WILLIAMS OF WINGHAM FOR WATCHES C. N. R, Watch Inspector. Official Phone 5. Opp. Queens Hotel. F. F. 0 r, 1 UT Phm. B., Opt. D., R. 0, OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 Harriston, nit. "The Best Equipped Optical Es- tablishment its thispart of Ontario", .....- George Glenn, assistant Dungan. l)ttngan• non bakery, fell from a box placed on the scat . of a rocking chair, and lancleci on the blunt projectionon the 'hack of ,the chair, Tiii, punctured his deft side, hist missing the luttg, I:ani making cider daily and applb- butter Tuesday and Friday. By my e 1 ire onebag process I r g a of good cooking apples to every fire bags of eider apples for apple butter. No batch less than six bags of apples can be cooked separately. Apple butter for sale. Apply to Joseph Olheiser, r Teeswater. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Andrew Long- ley who died September 17th, 1926. This life's a dream, an empty dream Bot that bright world to which I go Have joys . celestial and sublime When 1 Depart and call them mine. Andrew Longley. This verse was written by himself a few weeks before his death and pre- served by his daughter. Signed on behalf of the family, Fanny Longley. who Piro hilped to turn a sod at to take his bundle wid him, but thim laces who robbed his grave found he hadn't got far wid it, aven afther be - in dead fer tousands av years. It minds ane av what ane ould bro- ther Matt. tould ine av whin he wus thravellin in thin' furtin counthries, 1 Titttbuctoo arr- Kamchatka I d sre- n vtiinber Which,, but an ;way . h e tut: a lot av toime an thrubble gatherin to- gether a bundle av tings that wus considhered valuable theer, but whin he wanted to lave the counthry, share, he wussen't allowed to take thin wid him. Tink av the Say Pay Rai](,vay; fer inshtance, an ay. all thins lads who wurruked to put it troo, Ould Sir Jawn t'.. foightin wid thim Grits at. Ottawa, Donald A. Smith an Mishter C, A, Robertson, M.P,I'., Gives The Signal His Views on Provincial Matiters' I (Goderich Signal) Is there to be an election this fall? Almost daily the Toronto papers pub- lish rumors of ub-lish,rumors-of an impending Provin- cial general rovin-cial'general election, but so far Pre- tniei' Ferguson has made no 'anuoun- cernent. 'Politics, however, is it the air, and all three parties are holding conventions and placing candidates in the field. In North Huron the prey- `ent member, Charles A. Robertson, has been nominated by the Liberals for a second terra, but the Conserva- tives have not yet chosen their can- didate. In order to get the views of the pre- sent representative of North Huron as to the issues of the coining election, The Signal interviewed Mr. Robertson and asked hila what in his opinion would be the outstanding features of the campaign. The first thing men-. fioned was the matter' of liquor leg- islation, and to the question "Where do you stand?" Mr. Robertsbn replied "I stand just where I did at the last. election. I am opposed to Gov- ernment sale, and I ' would vote to bring back the former Ontario Tem- perance Act, or a -similar measure." "What about Mr. Sinclair's stand? . "Well," said Mr. Robertson, "there has been a good deal of talk its the pa- pers about Mr. Sinclair's statement, and: papers :opposed to Mr. Sinclair have tried to make it appear that he has turned ,over on this question. That.; is not true. The situation has changed since the last election, be- cause the 0. T. A. which was then in force, has been repealed, and has been replaced by the Liquor Control Act. Mr. Sinclair therefore issued his statement to, indicate how he would deal with this changed situation. So long as the present Act remains on the statute book he would enforce it, and enforce it more strictly than the present Government is doing; but he would give the people of the Province an early opportunity of expressing their views in a plebiscite or referen- dum on the question of prohibition, and would abide by the result of such a test. In,,a plebiscite the people of all shades of politics who favor pro- hibition 'can cast their votes without fe^,r of injuring their party, and in thin: way a better expression can be had thanin an election in which there are several issues and in which the fate of a party or a Government is at .stake. Mr. Sinclair's idea is that liquor and politics should be kept sep- arate. "That is all there is to Mr, Sin- clair's statement—but no platter what his stand may be," declared Mr. Rob- ertson, "1 ain in favor of and will support any measure to prohibit the manufacture and sale of liquor for be- verage purposes in Ontario." • • "What other matters• do you pro - na e to present to the electorsof North Huron?" "Well, there is the highways admin- istration. At present large stubs •are being collected from the 'people in gasoline tax, motor licenses, etc., but instead of spending this money on the roads, as is supposed to be done, the Government diverts a large part of the money to other channels and borrows money to meet road expenditure,, I believe all moneys collected from mo- tor licenses and gasoline tax should be used for road " construction and Stephen foindin the money, an Mish- , maintenance, largely on county and ter Van Horne an Mishter Shangh- I township systems, and should not be nessy doin the shpade wurruk, now used for other purposes, leaving a they her all dropped theer bundle, so to shpake, an a lot ay. other fellahs Miss Louise Hanna of Montreal, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Geo: Hanna.. Mr. Fred • Manuel of Detroit, is spending his holidays with his moth- er, Mrs. T. Manuel Mr. and Mrs. James A, Halliday and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Halliday and children from 13eltnore district, spent the week -end at Niagara Falls. . i Anniversary Servicesn St And- rew's rew's Church will be held on Sunday, October 20th, when Rev. 1)r. McNa- mara, Clerk•of General Assembly, will be the special speaker. MARRIED ',Mott—Davidson At the manse, Windham, on Monday, September 16th, by Rev. T), ferric, D.D., Mr. H, B. Elliott to Miss Elizabeth W. Davidson, both of Wingham. Man Can't Sleep, Gets Nervous, Hates People "7 could not sleep and got so nerv- ous I hated everybody. Since taking Vinol, I can sleep 10 hours and feel full of pep all day."—Julius Bender. For 30 years doctors have prescrib- ed Vinol because it contains import- ant mineral elements of iron, calcium and rod liver peptone. The very 1'"TRci'r bottle bring', sound sleep and a BTG 'appetite. Nervous, wornotit people, are surprised how QUICK Vi- no' gives new life and pep!` Tastes delicious. McI' ibbotl's Drug Store. all, l ' hra in dividends at all, c o bed try on the shtock. Thin Sir Wilfrid :Laurier, who was a good man .too, fer a Grit, shpint his .ioife worryin wid British prifir- ince, an Rayeiprocity, an GrandTrunk huge Provincial debt chargeable to our highway system, "Then there is the method of pays ing old -age pensions. The Federal Government •pays fifty per cent, of the cost. The other fifty per cent. should be paid from the Provincial Treasury. The Ferguson Governn en, proposes to'pay only thirty per cent;, leaving twenty per cent. to be paid by the municipalities, thus adding to the heavy burdens already borne by the Paycific Railways, an a lot av dick- municipal taxpayer's.. oraslluns from the Quane, but whin J "Rural. Ilydr o lines are bemused to t he got to the ind av the road he had one-half ricrahese costarof condstoncthe nratre to eIha•op his bundle too, an other 111111 paid by the nearest urban centre talc it up. 1 Thus both rural and urban commun- Yis 'tis a•,. quare wurruld, so it is, ities in this part of the Province .ire an we all. dobe sltpindin our clays an discriminated: against in: comparison years inakin up a bundle av some sort with t to municrpahties nearer Inc; i ,. source of power. There should • be' it may be 1 ao ine wurruks an good some method r hereby these outlying dades, arr it may be' only habits an Parts should obtain lower and an Pro - unpaid accounts, arr,'wid'tltc mosht ual:shar'e with other.'parts of the I?ro- av us, a mixture :lv all thin tings, Vince in the benefits.of Hydro power, "A natter in whieh''I ant interested but no matther what we iter in our is the proposed changes in the Public bundle we musht dhrop it whin we and T-ligh School Acts. I do not thinly raich the ind av our journey 11.00 this that Mr. Ferguson's proposals would tvturulcl, mean better educational facilities; but they certainly would mean additional yours fer a bigger an betther burdens upon the municipalities in or - Canada, der to relieve the Provincial Treas- 'Fintothy Hay. ur•y of a portion of the expense of maintaining the Universities' P.S. Lasht wake theer was a rnish- "What about the general financial take in itte, lctthcr,: but whether it record of the present Government?" wits inc own; arr the'.printer's, T do- Mr. Robertson was asked, rl't tntirtcd to say. It was Archie 13is11- The .Government has allowed ex- ylterlditures to grow at an alarming op who wits trite mitnber from Us- rate, so that, its spite of site huge ;sums borne, an not Archie Hislop, but an- received from the liquor traffic and nyway they wits both Grits, so it dus- from other sources, the Provincial sea's make much differ, debt is increasing year by year. I be... 'I. H. Neve it is high time for.the Mansura - T, of a period of strict economy, in order that, instead of increasing from year to year, the Provincial debt may be reduced, "These matters will of course be gone into .more folly during the tarn- AiliwiiesnsWirirnS Mr, A. G. Smith of Toronto, look- ed up old friends antown on Thurs- day and Friday, rx141m���.�wew.wN.x. Auth tic 11 OUR RANGE OF COATS AND DRES- SES FOR FALL ARE NOW READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION . al ESE:. S New models in. Misses Vel- vet Dresses, best colors, our special price .... $9.50 Bargain iii S i i k ' Crepe Dresses, new models, our price is $9.50 Pretty models in Georget- te and Velvet Dresses, our special at ... ... $19.50 Flat Crepe Satin and Geor- gette Dresses, fine range of shades, real values $22.50 COATS Presenting all the newest styles. Stylish models in Fur trimmed Black and Navy Beaver Cloth Coats See them at $25.00' to $37.50 Camel Hair Plush Coats, something new, stylishand serviceable, prices begin at ................. $27.50 Smart travel Coats of fancy tweed, special at $19.50 Girls' Coats in plain cloths and tweed effects, with fur collars ... . ...... $8.50 to $19.50 Isar ham s::41 iSts .111. 3111tSgs,'1.1sVIY's: paign preceding t11e election; but you have there in brief most 'of the points which I intend to bring to the atten- tion of the electors of North Huron." LOCAL AND PERSONAL The dental offices of Drs. A. J. and A. W. Irwin will be closed from Sept. 18th to October 2nd inclusive, Mr. Merchant, if you are needing any letter -heads, envelopes, state- ments,'etc., printed, we ask you to kindly- call The Advance -Times by phone and we will be only too glad to' call on you and take your order, NI Dr. and Mrs, H. Rathwell of St. it Petersburg, Florida, and Mrs. R. A. Waller of Toronto, were week -end 1 Visitors at the 'home of Mr. aril Mrs. in A. J. Walker. I . Miss Agnes Walker of Toronto, LI 'daughter of Mrs. James Walker, town underwent a rather serious operation on Monday for removal of a, piece of bone from her neck. Her condition is quite satisfactory. Rev,,,D. Marshall of British Guiana,. an acquaintance of Mr. A. E. Lloyd of Wnighanm, is to takeservices in' St. Andrew's church on Sunday 29th inst. and also address 'the Sabbath School at rally clay services in the afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Cowan of To- ronto, have been spending the past week With the, former's brother, Mr. Stewart Cowan and' family, Edward street, Mr, and Mrs. Ed. 'Krack and son, n Toronto,' spent the Raymond, of T o 0 0, Week, end at the home of Stewart Cowan. Mrs. Win.. Robinson and•Mrs, Chas. Gale 'of' Toronto, spent the week-encl 1 ; home: of h't .. Elliott Bitter le at t 1C eat C C c$ , a road`. 'Mr. Carl Gable of Guelph, and Miss Kathleen Kemp of Listowel, were week -enol visitors at the h,onte of Mr, and Mrs. R. A.'Currie. HighSchool t Sch l Field Mee; will be held on the campus on Friday, Sept. 20th, morning and afternoon. Parents ..and friends of the pupils are expected to be in attendance, and a cordial' in- vitation is, extended to the public, Mrs. T 'nechtel of New York, is vis- iting at J. W. McKibbon's. Miss Louise Thompson left for Stratford on Monday to enter Normal School. E. Buchanan of Toronto, is visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. Elmer Wilkinson, Carling Terraee, Nortli Huron Plowitten's Associa- tion will hold its annual plowing match on Oct. 23rd on Wm. I•Ironder- sori's farm, adjoining Wingham. < saga ,�•+,h r.,:; :, , rop k• Maitland Cr Rc!4 �ryB. CraM6'C 1 Egs6 M TE a ery rcvilry r b CALL US FOR PRICES. THE UNITED FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY, LIMITED. W nghanei, - - Ontario. Phone 271. MINSIMEME 1NR!YiEE29EI EMZiiii"W,771:111ulLtErtiN":'BEL'OY� s pos®gnomplis s ES Esy N Particularly if you have a modern Connor Elec- tric Washer in your home, No tearing of clothes, no back -break- ing work. Just fill the tub with hot water, drop in the clothes, turn a switch and the work is dobe. WiggMita Utilities Commission Crawford Mock. Phone 156. vs In