HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-09-05, Page 7i Thursday,September ro'th, 190 W[NP; AM , nANCE-TXMES. PlaySaf C 'Choose a Huron & Erie trus- ;tee debenture when investing :your savings.. ;Mutual.' farmers ,insurance companies and executor s Fi vest ro n xn j -Yu n .& Erie .deben- tures because they are author- ized by law fortrust funds. 5Z 'per annum payable half-yea'tly Applications are accepted by ABNER COSENS Vingham , -- Ontario FALL FAIR DATES p Arthur .Ayton !Blyth :Brussels " 1Chesley Drayton Durham Elmira Aug. 30-31, Sept. 2 Exeter Sept, 17-18 Fergus .Sept. 26-27 Goderich Sept. 30, Oct. 1-2 • °Gorrie Oct. 5 Hanover Sept. 11-13 Barris ton Sept. 26-27 :Kincardine Sept. 18-19 Listowel Sept, 17-18 London Sept. 7-14 • 'Lucknow Sept 26-27. Mildmay Sept. 24-25 Milverton Sept, 26-27 Mitchell Sept, 24-25 Mount Forest Sept. 18-19 Palmerston Oct. 3-4 Ripley Sept. y24-25 St,: Marys Oct. 8-9 Seaforth Sept. 19-20 Stratford, ;,' Sept. 16-18 Teeswater Oct. 1-2 WINGHAM Oct. 9-10 Toronto Aug. 23- Sept, 7 Oct. 8-9 Oct. 4-5 Sept. 26-27 Oct. 3-4 Sept. 27-28 Sept. 24-25 Sept. 17-18 Nervous Woman Nearly Drives Husband Away "I was very nervous and so cross • with 'my husband 1 nearly drove him away. Vinol has changed this and we are happy again; IVIrs, V. Duesa. Doctors have long known the value of - mineral elements 'iron, • calcium' with cod liver peptone, as contained sn Vinol. .Nervous, easily tired peo- ,ple are surprised how Vinol gives new strength, sound ,sleep and a BIG appetite. Gives you more, PEP to enjoy life! Vinol tastes delicious. Mchibbon's Drug Store. J. D. McEWEN LICENSED AUCTIONEER Phone 602r14. Sales of Farm Stock and Imple- ments, Real Estate, etc., conducted with satisfaction and at moderate •charges. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON LESSON X.—September 8. Nehemiah Rebuilding the Wall of Jerusalem.e Nehemiah 2: 1-7:4. Golden' Text.—The people had a 'mind to work.—Neh. 4:6. "THE LESSON IN ITS SEETING. Time.—Nehemiah hears from j•eru- salen�., B,C. 445. Nehemiah journeys to Jerusalem, B.C. 444; the wall com- pleted the same year. °Place, -Shushan (Susa). Jerusa- lem'. NEHEMIAH THE EXECUTIVE..' "So we built, th'e wall; and all the wall' was joined together unto half the'height thereof,"—Any shirking on the part of, any one, still more on the Part 'of ally class, .would have gone thrdtigh the entire army of, toilers, Int they were united in zeal and pin• pose;'„and so the wall shot skyward, "For the people' had a mind to work.” --Nehemiah modestly gives the peo- ,ple alt the credit, "And, it came to pass, when our •enensies heard that it was known un- to us."—They had planned'a 'surprise .attlaek and they .learned, ddubtless from spies in . Jerusalem, that Nehe- miah .was on his guard against such an onslaught. "And God had brought their counsel to nought."—Once more, riot Nehetniali's humility. It was not 'his own foresight and wisdom that had frustrated the coalition against him and the plans of Sanballat, but it was the providence of God, "That we returned; all of tis to the wall, ev- ery one unto •his work." Nehemiah learned in some way that the enemy *ere discouraged on learning of his precautions, and abandoned thein' plans' for an °attack; : so, the work of wall -building could proceed, though Still with prudent' watchfulness, ','And it' came to pass: from that .e- tim e forth."—That is � �untll the com- pletion >letion of the' wall.. ',,,Chat . 1half of m`. servants wrought in, twork,"— These or. ' Y V �' to the k, --,. These 'tsery n s e ei '' , a t were N h blah s own ball •u r' '.a d •< �t t n YS a d n •zt t= dams, a large company :brought with him from Babylon: "And Half of them held the spears,"—The first half could wear their • spears while le wor1dn but not the more' cumbersome w ea z ii io,s. "The shields," -These were xound bucklers, for the wall, itself would protection. Rr fur- zn nish the aa" • r . ,end the bows, add the coats of mail;: --The latter wererobabl of leather, ather p Y to �gh e ,, reinforced with thin plates of metal added the most in i xorta t places. "And the rulerswere behind all the house of Jtd h —hsc chieftains stood behind the workers to direct and encourage them, and to take the lead of the defence in case of aat- tack, ,1 "That they builded the wall and they that bare burdens laded them- selves," --The first ulass had lwo man- age the -enormous • stones, moving them et z with the aid of robe's and 1>ul- t e ys, rollers and levers. The burden bearers carried off, in baskets on theirbak,•`t i en z c s, the zmt,a se mass of ac- cumulated rubbish, "Every one with. one of his hands 'wrought in the work, and with the other held his weapon.—"We have a picture of ner- vous' haste, extreme tension, every`' one alert. Was even another', great work, accomplished under such, gnat 9' stress? '"And•1 the builders, every n buzde , v y o e had his sword girded by his side, and so builded:"—Those that handled t,he' lock . i blocks of ,,stone Would need both hands free,' "And lie that sounded the trumpet was by me," --In ease of attack the trumpet would' give the alarmto all at once, The trumpeter went with Nehemiah as the gover- norm v o ed, fraen pofttt, to point over, the entire wakb, the i'nstvliration of all the operations "And < said'oxztd the nobles, and to the rulers and to the rest' of the peo- ple."—,The ,•The nobles were the heads of cans the rulers were thei offic- ials, city Y of fiexc zals,' "The work is great and large,. and we, are separated upon the wall, one far from another," --No, .large body of workers could.be accommo- dated in any one place, for they would.' Yet in nanother's €, oc' "Inh - Pl' 0 ar' .' T..iw at.!act. .xe1'er ye hear the, '- sbund of the :trumpet, "aresort ye thitiv. er unto us. 'Sharp watch would of course, be kepi, in all: points, -and at the first indication of an attack word would be passed tJ' circuit � fi a round �e z earl:; of the wall till' it reached' Nehemiah, r gene.'r who would order , rat alarm sounded. "Our God will fight for us' --These six words might well fie tak- en as the motto of Nehemiah. dvance-Times "BUY A1ME" Campaign COMMUNITY .BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE The Merchants and Business men represented below are eco -operating in an effort to prove to the residents of the town and surrounding community that val- ues equal to any of the larger towns or cities may be procured in local stores. A series of educational "Buy -at -Home" editorials will be reproduced weekly along with an individual write-up of each business. The benefit of Home Buying will be shown to the general advancement and progress of the community. Read the editorials and take advantage of the weekly Specials offered by the merchants, and BOOST THE TOWN YOU GALL HOME. See These Special's. AT r WALKER STORES Limited Wood's Bloomers1.39. Serge Bloomers , 1.39 Naincheck Bloomers.. 3 ,for 1.00 Crepe Bloomers 2 for 1.00 Cotton Bloomers 3 for 1.00 ON SALE 'DOLLAR DAYS YOUR FAVORITE STORE WALKER STORES LIMITED Rae &Thompson'. Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Coal, Iron, Etc. —”Phone 27 — MARTIN-SENOUR PAINTS H.=J: JOBB — Phone 46 — SPECIAL Boys Bloomer Suits .,,...:.`$2.95 Two -Bloomer Suits $3.95 F. CARTER Ideal Bakery --- Telephone 132 WHOLESOME BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY THOS. KEW Harness and Repairs. Phone 176 Suit Cases, Bags, Trunks for Vacation Travel. McKAY'S CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM PARLOURS — Phone 77 Try our Ice Cream for dessert. -W. J. CLARK Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing. OILBURNIRS AND : HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS Telephone,141j. Hanna & Co. Ltd. Exclusive Men's Furnishings Made -to -Measure suits, with ex- tra Trousers, guaranteed, Han- na's Speoial ... $25.50 • The " Following Industrial Manufacturers Heartily Endorse This "Buy - At - Home" Campaign SUPPORT THE LOCAL MERCHANTS AND HELP OUR TOWN GROW .i Burk's Store Ladies' and Gents' Ready -to - Wear, Millinery, Beots and Shoes. New styles of Ladies' Hats are now being shown at Burk's at very moderate prices:.. Machan Bros. Plumbing and Tinsmithing. Household Necessities, Paints • and Oils. -- Phone 58— "New Perfection Oil Stoves and Ovens." ABELL'S MUSIC STORE Everything in Music SPECIAL THIS WEEK Brunswick Records, regular at 75c, .this week 49c Bargains in Used Pianos Wetherall & Greenwood FORD SALES' AND SERVICE — Telephone 62 — Tires, Tubes and Accessories. A. J. NORTROP Meat Market, Fresh and Ctired Meats. ---- Phone 22 -- SPECIAL THIS WEEK Picnic Ham, 27c lb. cash A big improvement can be made in the wear of ,• School Shoes for no extra charge. Read our ad. on page eight. WILLIS' Shoe Store Royal Service Station British American Super -Power, Peerless and Ethyl Gasoline and Lubricating Oils. 4 Pumps: Goodrich Tires and Tubes. J. E. I omuth Phone 206, JOB PRINTING The Advance -Tithes .can and does .rob Printing not excelled for neatness and appearance by any city or town office, and at moderate charges. Would be pleased to consult you regard- ing any printing.• The Western Foundry FRY & BLACKHALL Co., Limited Limited The Gunn -Son -Ola Co., Limited Stewart Glove and Lea- ther Works MacLean Lumber & Coal Company Howson & Howson Flour Mills Your Merchant Would you live in a town where there were no stores and you had to travel several miles every time you wished to buy some article? Certainly not. The expense of living in such a place would be too great. It would cost you too much to get to your source of supply, aside from the prices which you might be obliged to pay in another city. Besides, merchants in these other cites would not know you, trust you and place confidence in you. The merchant is necessary in the community. He is your servant. He is a community leader. He supports your schools, churches and civic institutions and gives you the advantage of a market at your very door. For all this your merchant is entitled to your support. If he is necessary to the community he is necessary to you, and it is your duty 10 buy his goods and enable him to continue business. In supporting your merchant you are also supporting your- self. Every dollar you spend in Wingham adds to the progress of your town and every dollar you spend somewhere else re- tards the success of Wingham. People of this town want to live in a prosperous community. They have a 'sensation of pride when someone refers to it as a "live i(own." It is a "live town" only because of the support of its residents. If everyone were to suddenly decide to buy nothing here, the town would not last a year. People would move away. As long as the residents con- tinue 'to support local merchants, the town will prosper. You are .a resident. Will you be found lacking? H. E. ISARD & CO; STYLE AND VALUE IN COATS AND DRESSES FOR FALL Featuring Dresses in Satins, Cantons, Georgettes and Vel- vets. New Range of Fall and Winter ao,ats, supreme in Style, Quality, Fit and Value. See them. MANNA & CO., LIMITED 1 r It is not the good fortune of many towns the size of Wing - ham, or even considerably larger, to have a Gents' Furnishing Store so modern and with such an exclusive and high-class stock, as that of Hanna & Co", Limited. Mr, J. W. Hanna is a son of the .chief business founder of Wingham, has spent; a life -time giv- ing the public" exceptional service, and has acquired a lot of ex- perience. "What's new, is alt Hanna's," just about expresses the general situation, for the stock there is just about a season in advance of the ordinary gene's furnisher. Here you will find the latest in suits, overcoats, top -coats, shirts, ties and socks,—in fact everything the carefully dressed young man of to -day requires. Mr. Hanna is one of the best-known, public-spirited and most affable men in town, one who has given liberally of his time to the benefit of the town and community, A. J. WALKER Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director. LAWN SEATS VERANDAH CHAIRS KING BROS. AUGUST CLEARANCE OF ALL SUMMER GOODS Summer Dresses, Dress Mater- ials, broken lines of Corsets. Buy Hosiery, Gloves and Un- derwear for late summer. G.ibson's Bakery — Phone 145 — BUTTER BAKED PASTRY Quality Bread Hovis Bread, • Whole Wheat Bread Bran ,Muffins. LOOK NORGE ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR With Rotary, compression, quiet running, no wear. Wingham Utilities Com. Phone 156. United Farmers Co -Or er ative Co. Limited Ask your grocer for MAITLAND CREAMERY . BUTTER C. Bondi Fruit Co. BONDI FRUIT SPECIAL We have this week all kinds of fresh fruits, California and local. Price cheap. Don't Forget the Fruit Store. McAVOY'S Nyal Quality Drug Store. — Phone 18 — SPECIAL THIS WEEK Dr. West',s. Tooth Brush and Tooth Paste 75c value for 50c W. R. Hamilton Jeweler Optician SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK A selection of new designs in Men's Orange Lodge Rings and Emblems for the 12th of July. See these, The Advance . Tdines The home paper which has a special concern for the town's progress, and which gives the news worth while. x$2.00 per year. $2.50 to the United States, GREER'S THE GOOD SHOE STORE SPECIAL Misses and Children's Sandals, 89c In Patent Leather at $LOO SEE OUR BARGAIN TABLES, The Radio Shop Phone 158. HEAR ALL THE NEW VICTOR RECORDS THEY ARE HERE. E. S. GRAHAM Groceries and Provisions — Phone 237 NEW SHIPMENT OF CROCKS AND FLOWER POTS R. A. CURRIE Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director. Phone 155, Residence 51. WALNUT, DINING ROOM SUITE Lyceum Theatre Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 12, 13, 14 —SPECIAL— "ABBIE'S IRISH ROSE." G. Mason & Son News and Book Store Fancy China, Stamped Linen, Novelties are always acceptable as gifts. Olver& Mitchell Q uality Butchers; : Equipped with Frigidaire System. --- Phone 126 -- FRESH LAMB AND VEAL. John Galbraith Dry Goods acid Groceries,. �-�- Phone 83 - ON SALE $1.00 Silk Vests and Bloomers at 56c