HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-08-22, Page 5Thntxsday, ; 1 6t 12E4, 'Ivo INO AM . . VANCE-'ru The New Electro -Dynamic SCREEN GRID RADIO IS HERE Enormous new power under complete control! New mastery of distance!' New needle -point separations of ;stn- dons New unmarred beauty of tone! Electro-Dynamic—of course! Screen Grid Tubes 31/z times ,greater sensitivety ! And all these refinements with no increase in price.' See and 'hear them at "THE RADIO SHOP" STATION 10 B.P. .01109111. ESTERN FAIR LONDON — ONTARIO SEPT. 9th 14th, inclusive, 1929 This year's Western Fair promises to exceed any previous. Greatly improved exhibiting facilities in every department. Modern buildings throughout.. Large entry list assured, Ptazes 'and attrac- tions exceed $40,000.00! Poultry Show, Dog Show, Agriculture, Live Stock, Pure Food, Manufacturers' Displays, resurfaced race -track, new popular. Midway, and all the other great attractions. Send for Prize List and Entry Forms NOW. Exhibit at the Western Fair for pleasure and profit! SPECIAL LIGHT HORSE SHOW—Sept. 9 to 12, in the New Arena Entries Close August 29th. For further information, write: J. H. SAUNDERS, President. W. D. JACKSON, Secretary. London, Ontario. your EU LIDI NClik/77/ ERRE ARID WEATHER Put it on with PRESTON LSD -HED NAILS (shown above) Specially adapted for use in putting on metal roofing. The lead on the head positively seals the nail hole — making it weather- tight and water -proof: No washers; no more 'threading".22cperlb. Free sample on re- quest. Prevent Spontaneous Cotnbostiot it and have a Well Ventilated Barin' Warm moist air in an improperly ventilated barn produces conditaona conducive to spontaneous ignition Freston Vonti• latore for thereof, adjustable. aide.wall windows and spacious doors protect the barn from fire dangers by keeping the air in constant circulation. ThoY aro built to keep the elements out. Write for fullparticulars. Ribaoll Galva»i7ed roofing shields property from lightning and fire. Wooden roofs' are easy prey. In 1927 in Ontario atone, $1,814,700 worth of property was destroyed by fire caused by spontaneous combustion and by embers fall- ing on inflammable roofs. Rib -Roll is. abso- lutely fire -proof and water -tight. It protects your crops from dampness that is conducive to spontaneous ignition. Handsome; perman- ent; easy to lay on any roof. Has seven ribs to nail; others give less security. Take steps now to protect your livestock, crops and buildings. Write for a free sample of Rib - Roll. Bairn Door Tracks and Hanger Preston hot•galvanized four-wheel:Iiangers and birdproof Barn Door Track are the best hardware made for heavy barn doors The Planger is adjustable up and down, and in and out. This makes erection so easy that hundreds of builders will use no other typo. PRESTON STEEL TRUSS BARNS —the strongest barn on the market,' There are more Preston Barna in the Province than all other metal barns combined. Fireproof, roomy, wo11• ventilated,handssome. To our knowledge, noI reaton Steel Trues Barn has ever been destroyed by lightning or spontaneous combustion. Write today tor ourbigBarn Book. Over 1,000 in Onter;allot one tostthrotrgh lightning Eastern; TORONTO Dminets Mire+d, XX* Guelph Street 1 ABSToN, ONTARIO MON tliuAL TIM GETS HIS, TEETH X-RAYED the Fditur aye all thi'ni Wingbam. Paypers, Deer Sur:— Wan day lasht wake me oc1d back wus thrubblin me yvurse than usual, an I 'atulden't foind me sbkunk shlcin bilt, fer I tink the missus musht hev burned it, so I taught I mebby had bather go an consult wid a dochtor. Afther askin me a few quistions about ine' gineral health, which wus all roight, ani about me habits, which wus none av his,„bizness, the dochtor asked me to let" him look in me mouth, loike as if I wus a harse, an, jie wanted to see how ould I wus. Whin he had taken a `good look he said he tought Tr had . shpoirea. 1 tould 'him I didn't take much slitock in flowers mesilf, but that the nissus. had •sotne'ilegant: shpoireas, big tall wans wid blue flowers on thim, the besht ,in town. Thin. the doc laffed an said, "Ye mishundhershtood nie Tim," sez he, "'tis poirareea I tink mebby ye hev.'' "Shure 'tis the thrue wurrud ye shpoke fer wance !n. yer laife,": sez I, ."fer, no wan loikes poi anny 'bet- ther than mesilf, :an, faith, if ye had av been down to the supper in the Arena on Toosday noight, ye wud hev tought ivirybody in town had poi areera, an bad cases that, fer the pois disappeared loike •shnow in a Jinnywary thaw.. Av coorse theeer wus always more coniin, an we didn't hev to wait long ayther,-no more than we hev to wait long fes more shnow in Jannywary:" "I am afraid ye arc 'in z bad way, Tim," sez the doc, "an I tink ye shud hev an X-ray taken av yer teeth wid- out delay," sez he. He 'ixplained to me all about it, an I asked him if it. intrted much to hev it done, an how inru h'it wud cosht an a. few other tings, an thin I wint home an tould the whole shtory to the missus as near as I•cud remimber what the doc said. Whin I got done she shtarted to laff an said "Indade, that musht be a woise dochtor ye consulted," sez she. "'Tis mesilf that 'knows that ye hev had poi area fer the pasht fifty years, an more av it than anny other man I ivir heerd av", she sez. "Shure annybody cud till ye had a poi face widout takin a fotygraff av it" sez she. "An 'tis yersilf, darlint, that has been makin the iligent pois intairely, all these years," sez I, "0, go away wid yer blarney," sez she. "'Tis no blarney", -sez I, "Shure didn't ye always set the besht table in the nayberhood at trashins an bar - run raisins, an at picnics an tay mat- ins wussen't ivirybody askin fer Mrs. Hay's crame an Hinman pois?" Thin she came an put her arm ar- round me nick an said :1 had betther go an do as the dochtor tould me, an foind out if theer wus annyting sayriously wrong wid me, fer she said she wanted to kape on bakin pois fer her ould man fer a few y ears long- er yit. Theer is no way ye kin plaize a wumman so well as be praisin her cookin an house kaypin, barrin, mebby be tellin her she is p.urty, an lookin younger iviry day. I heven't had. the X ray taken yit, but mebby whin I do, I will tell ye me ixpayriences. Yours fer a bigger an betther Canada, Timothy Hay. WRONG POLICE METHODS MAKE DREAMS COME TRUE! The methods of the Toronto police in preventing a Communist demon- stration in Queen's Park have elicited stormy protests from citizens who have no synipathyfor red propa- 'ganda, In the first place, the lied Mian - ger is .exaggerated. Canada, with its vast resources and .opportunities, is not a fertile soil for a movement which had its origin in the poverty', and discontent of older countries. 13nt :if the matter is serious, it ought to be dealt with seriously and with due regard for the law, not by giving the po'iiceauthorities power to make any law they please and enforce it in the manner which created sub a spec- tacle of violence as was seen in Queen's Park, Policemen are entitled, to the sup- port upport of the public: in enforcing the laws of the land. 13ut they are not infallible: judges as to what should be said and heard in public places,'' That is a matter for the citizen to decide for himself, If the words spoken•are_ seditious or otherwise violations of law, they should be noted and made the basis for prosecution,. Respect for the law and for out institutions is what we should seek to impress on the newcomer. He should be taught that 'he must obey the law and that the law will protect him, The impression conveyed by the action of the police in 'Toronto was of the opposite kind, It was a demonstration of mete physical force, not of the maje!y of law: It de- feated the end in view, for it gave the It is you who are the architect of your own future and fortune. No edifice is raised without a foundation—no success is won without a plan. The Investors Syndicate plan uncondi- tionally guarantee to you a fortune of $1,500, $2,000, $5,000 or more in only 120 months. All you do is to invest $9.45 or more cash monthly at com- pound interest. There is full information about our plan in our illustrated booklet. Send in the coupon TODAY and' you shall have the booklet and our current Financial Statement which shows cap- ital and resources of more than $25,- 00,000. CLIP THIS COUPON Name Address Investors Syndicate Established 1894 A. G. SMITH District Manager Enquiries at this office will receive prompt attention. Hardware Specials for Erie and Sat. 6 -Qt. Cans HOUSE PAINT Color Green, Per Qt., 59c 6 Cans "Fresco -Lith" Water Paint, Colors, Brick Red,. Brown, Blue, Reg. $1.00, can 59c 5 -STRING BROOMS ..-...,_,. 29c 5 Doz. CLOTHES PINS I4c Spring MOP STICKS 15c JOHNSTON FLOORWAX "Extra Special." 1 ]b. 2. lb, 4 lb. 67c $1.30 $2.50 Hot Galvanized PAILS ..... 23c Vacuum WASHERS 63c Tin Daisy Tea Kettles 19c Large Preserving Kettles 79c Lawn Hose - 50 ft. Length Sale Price $4.35 Lawn Mower Reg. $8.50 Sale Price $5.95 YOUR COWS WILL DO BETTER IF SPRAYED WITH "FLY SKOOT", Per Quart 45c Second Hand Stoves Buchanan Hardware Communists fax more publicity and sympathy than they would have ob- tained if they had been allowed to talk and others to listen and to judge for themselves. Canadians are quite competent to db that;, and there is little danger of any wholesale con - vend on to Ceimniunisiu. BLYTH WROXETER Mr, Thomas Ritchie and Miss Jean- ette . Ritchie arc visiting friends in Galt at Present. Mr, Thomas Bird, who has been ailing for some time passed away at the home of his sister, Mrs, Thomas Jacklin, on Monday morning. The funeral was on Wednesday, inter- ment being mac in Brussels Cem- etery, conducted by Rev, F. V, Schaff - ter, of 'Wingham. After motoring toWindsor and vis- iting friends in Detroit for afew clays Mrs. R. C, Burkinshaw and son' Bobbie, of Toronto, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kitchen, leaving Friday for Port Col- borne, Mr. Neil White received a tele- phone message ` from Peterborough Sunday morning that his son Cliff, had been. hurt in an auto accident. Mrs. White and son, Clarence left, on Sunday morning for Peterborough.. Mr, Milton Sellers has purchased the property in the village of the late Leonard Brown; he also gets the ex- press and snail carrying. .Mr. William: Patterson and :daugh- ter, Mabel, are spending a week in London. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ross and three children of Chicago are visiting at the home of R. J. Rann,. The August meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. D. W. Rae. The sub- ject, Canada, Her Natural Resources and Developments" will be taken by Mrs. Stutt. Mrs. Smythe will sing. There will also be a discussion; on canning, led by Miss Ellen MacEwen. Roll Call, Summer Drinks. Blyth Horticultural Society will hold their annual Flower Show Tues- day, August 27th, in Memorial Hall. "1'ea served from five to eight p.m. Mr, James Watt attended the fun- eral of the late Mr. R. H, .Stewart, at Hamilton, on Wednesday. i11rs. ,Toseph Strothers is in Hamil- ton Hospital. On Tuesday she will uetdergo a surgical operation for goi- tre., Mts.. McNeil,. Alberta and Jona accompanied their mother to Hamil- ton. Mr. and ; Mrs, 'William :Mills and Miss Alice Gillespie spent Wednesday with friends` at. Dungannon. Mr. Wallace Potter's new resi- dence at the south end of the village is being ,rapidly pushed ahead, Mrs, lien Quinn and son visited friends in this vicinity, rettirning to their home in V'Vinriipeg, Man, on Tuesday, Mrs: 'Leslie and family visited. with friends in Preelton and Toronto dur- ing the week, Two' rinks of local bowlers attend cd the tournament at "Clinton last:. Wednesday. Mr, G. M. Chambers was in Iin- car"ii in.e on busitiess during the week. BLUEVALE Mrs. Chas. Enright, of Toronto, is holidaying- with relatives this week: Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Mathers spent Sundays at the home of Mr. Robt. Hoover, at Brussels. Mr., Harry Hopper, of Wingham, took charge of the services in the United Church here Sunday morning_ and gave a fine sermon. There will be no service next Sunday, as the pastor, Rev. Mr. Mann, is on his holi- days. Mr. and Mrs. Win.' Balfour, Miss Louie Patton, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hall; Mr. and Mrs Jas. Masters spent Sun- day at Kincardine. Mr. Robt. Shaw took barge of ser -i vice at the United Church at Brussels nn 'Sin day. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Proctor, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Proctor spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Jos. Curtis. Mr. and Mrs, John Hall spent .the week -end with relatives at Cop•etown and Hamilton. Mrs. Donaldson and Mrs. Sander- son have returned to Toronto after spending the past few weeks here. Black and Johnston shipped a car of hogs and cattle to Toronto on Saturday John Thynne was home from Tor- onto for .a few days. Mr, and Mrs. Joe Smith, of Morris, spent Sunday at the home of h1r. and Mrs. Jim :Kerney. Nervous Woman Nearly Drives Husband Away ".1 was very nervous and so cross with my husband I nearly drove hint away, Vinol has changed this and we are happy again."—Mrs. V. Duesa. Doctors hare long known the value of mineral elements iron, calcium. with ,cod liver peptone, as .contained in \riraral. Nervous, -easily tined pet).- -pip are surprised how Vinol gives new strength, sound sleep and a l3IG appetite. Gives you more PEP' to enjoy .life! Vino] tastes delicious. MIcKibb.on s Drug Store. • HOW ABOUT A TRIP TO THE WEST THIS SUMMER A region which tan offer the finest in natural beauty is the one which makes a direct appeal to the vacation- ist. If that region has good hotel ac- cornniodation .and every facility for vacation enjoyment, the greater the appeal. For the person taking an August or. September vacation no better choice could be made than Banff and Lake 1:ouise in tlie heart of the Canadian Rockies, There you can enjoy the finest of golf, tennis, horseback rid- ing, •lnotliitain cliirrbing; and after- wards a dip in the warns pools. Banff Springs 1 -Intel or Chateau Louise are well, equipped to make your ,topcvcr there most enjoyable. Special Summer Tourist faros are: available until Sept. 30, final returns limit October 3ist, Nearest :.anadian Pacific agent will be glad to furnish literature and full itiforrnation, 3,D. McEWEN LICENSED AUCTIONEER Phone 602r14. Sales of Farm Stock and Imple- tnents, Real Estate, etc., conducted with satisfaction and at moderate charges. rirHE smooth, powerful, Chevrolet six -cylinder -11- engine is . designed and built to deliver its sparkling, effortless performance long after an normal expectations. Chevrolet's beautiful Bodies by Fisher are steel - built upon a solid framework of hardwood; as staunch as they are luxurious. Chevrolet's frame is of super -strength, having four rigid cross -members. Its steering mechanism moves on ball -bearings. Its clutch, of the depend- able dry -disc type . . its massive, non-locking, four-wheel brakes . . its extra -strong rear -axle and transmission . . all are constructed for long life and trouble-free operation. cI7.8 as AT LOW FICE Ask about the GMAC Deferred Payment Plan sst ;rig ET PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED A. M. CRAWFORD, DEALER, WINGHAM, ONTARIO IT'S BETTER BECAUSE IT'S CANADIAN' UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO Students receive personal attention in all Faculties and Departments. Men and women interested in under- graduate or post -graduate, resident or non-resident courses should write to the Registrar. What career? More than half of the university graduates of this continent go into business. This University gives a special course in Commerce for the purpose of preparing promis- ing young men for business careers. The University helps to piace those who are worthy. For additional in- formation write — g. P. R. NEVILLE, Ph.D., Registrar, London, Canada .'0 TOWN HALL, WINGHAM WEDNESDAY NIGHT AUG. FRANK COSGROVE. P,-, ti Rao fisfiedi NEW CARTOON COMEDY G er kiig&tecess ;aubbiepg aver' rag merr traent oz igirtaC4 , isvr>elt'z, i and eii" .4LL NEW nos IME 251/2 Jolly COMEDIANS, SINGERS, 251/2 Dancers and Pretty SHOW GIRLS I Admission 50c and 15c, Plus Tax. Seats 'selling at Mol ibbon's Store. THE WORLD'S GREATEST AND MOST POPULAR CARTOON MUSICAL COMEDY WITH A CONGRESS OF INIMITABLE COMEDIANS AND THE FAMOUS MUTT & JEFF BEAUTY CHORUS THE GREATEST LAUGHI33G SHOW ON EARTH IT'S ALL NEW YOU'LL LIFE IT