HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-08-22, Page 4WINGIA.NI FOLKS By Mc o Y�y' pR FOR SALE --10 Pigs, six weeks old. Apply to W, N. Austin, phone 632r3i, t _... . /\ f Nol, SPENT MY LAST 7 1 M �' trHMfat .P PY '1 EFaf2 me "TMErlo P cine NOV 1'(7 Ti?ticaT (.16 �Oi� THS N'� AFTER it 1 ltd ,,,• - '� u) ,..4 , fi X 1 , w_®.�'.; vi PERHAPS WE OD ,HT id CIvE orle OF 'l1-tl� cs�r Ori r l.(y't:•9aLA•Dla G7i"i THE �3�I A C1-IAHCE �'", .: °- „, �g, alu',u% (,1•. �/'°. 9` ' ° .✓ fl 1 .` !_.. tG/�f,2�-F`C'C F1 O M 9B%N RUG RE Rexall "Factory To You". Money Saving Sale. Now Going On Bargains in Stationery, Toilet Articles, Remedies, etc. All your every day deeds at Bargains Prices. McKIBBONS DRUG STORE The Rexall Store. Wingham, Ontario McK: PLEASES PARTICULAR P' EOPLE .�,,a,.. _. �.«....w.�..�.-....-... ro cents a word per nsertion. with fr minimturi charge of zgc. SC QA - Mlmritl,limlmrtmttttmttrl.soy rllitlmltml,lr trfiumltrlrrnlrurnl mitrtlttmmrtr., FOR SALE—Several Houses and several excellent: properties. Price and terms right. Apply T. Fells, , ROOMERS WANTED -Close to school. Miss Bengough, Victoria street, ' FARM FOR SALE Good 104 acre fa-rm, lot 4, con. 1, Culross, 48 acres seeded down this Spring and the land in first-class, con- dition; 4 acres bush; barn 40x60; straw shed 35x40, lean 14x25; cem- ent floors in stable; litter carrier; 35 single stalls, 2 box. stalls, room for 8 horses; water bowls for cattle and trough outside, water trough behind horses;, hog pen 23x33 with water in- side; cement silo 12534, windmill and Cement supply tank; log dwelling 23x33 sided outside; kitchen and woodshed 18x24, frame. Also 50 acresacross road, west ,. lot 4 in Turnberry twp,, seeded to grass, well watered; 6 acres good hardwood bush; frame dwelling, 18x 24. Apply to H. McGlynn, R. R. 1, Gl'enannan, Ont. HURON SPECIALTY FARMS rix burin the.monthJunew -e can o w a �' 1, Morris, about August 6th. Own - er is requested to prove property, pay expenses, and take it away. T. B. Moffatt, Wroxeter Phone, FOR SALE --10 Pigs, six weeks old. Apply to W, N. Austin, phone 632r3i, t _... . FOR SALE -20 year-old White Wy- andotte hens, also 3 White Rocks one-year Cockerels. Apply to Mrs. Walter W. Jeffrey, R. R. No. 4, Wingham, Phone 618r6. RLUSIC TEACHER—Teaches Violin, Cornet, all Brass and Stringed In- struments. Apply G. A. Schatte, Prof, of Music, corner Alfred and Shuter. ROOMERS WANTED — Students preferred. Apply to firs, Skelding, Francis street. WANTED—A couple of girl, roomers. Apply Miss R. Lewis, Edward st. AUCTION SALE I Of Attractive. supply you with baby chicks at $10; GARAGEBUSINESS per hundred. These are S. C. White: Leghorns, that world famous Barron' Excellent Location on County High strain, Big hens that lay large eggs , way at \\'inglianm, Ont, and plenty of them. �co pleteup_to ate equipment of The Walter Rose Poultry Farm, t small tools, air compressor, battery Brussels, Ontario, charger, brake liner, overhead 'track t with chain block,. and everything nee - We can ,supply you with Baby l essary for a going garage.< Chicks from blood tested stock, Bar- . lease on the property can be se- ron strain, at $12 per 100, June de- cured at a reasonable rental. livery, For all orders received This garage has alttay, three, -s ,. had a large wveels before the chicks are wanted laolene and oil business: These are big, strong, healthy chicks. Rare opportunity to one who un - we will give a discount of 5 per cent derstands' the business. Auction Sale, en block, at the pro- perty, MAIN STREET, WINGHAM, Ontario at 2.30 p.m. on SATURDAY, AUGUST 94th, ion Thomas Fells, Auctioneer. WILLIAMS OFFICIAL of C. N. R. WINGHAM WATCH for WATCHES .INSPECTOR WATCH, CLOCK and JEW- ELRY REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY Satisfaction guaranteed..: Opposite Queens Hotel. F. F. HOMUTH Phut. B. Opt. D., R. O. OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 Harriston, Ont "The test Equipped Optical Es- tablishment in this part of Ontarie, t - Toer the E Boys -cry ,1110SDAY" EVEN G emu" Arena t>,ey Dancing NOTICE Voters' List, 1929, Township of East Wawanosh, County of Huron, Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 7 of THE VOTERS' LIST ACT and that I have posted up at my office, lot 34, concession 9, East Wawanosh, on the 17th day of August, 1929, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at municipal elec- tions and that such list remains there for inspection, And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceeding to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for ap- peal being the 9th day of September, 1929. Dated, Clerk's Office, the 17th day of Au gust, 1929. Alex, Porterfield, Clerk Belgrave, Ontario, .NOTICE Voter's List, 1929. Township of Tu.rnberry, County of Httron. Notice is hereby given that I have ecttnphed with section 7 of THE 1 VOTERS' T..IST ACT and that I have posted air at: my office in Tum- PUBLIC NOTICE To all persons having registered claims, or claims of which no notice has been registered existing prior to June 1st, 1890, :against lands in any Registry Division in Ontario. Whereas "The Investigation of Tit- les Act, 1929" enacts .inter alis,- 3 (I) From and after the .coming into,force of this sub -section, no per- son in dealing with land shal'1 be re- quired to show that he is lawfully en- titled to such land as owner thereof through a good and sufficient chain of title, save and except during the period of forty years immediately pre- ceding the date of such dealing as aforesaid, and no claim which has been in existence longer than the said forty year' period shall affect such. land, 'unless such claim shall have been acknowledged or specifically re- ferred to or contained in an instru- ment registered against such land within the said forty year period or` unless a notice is registeredagainst such land as provided ire subsections 3, 4 and S hereof. 3 (2) Subsection I shall conte into force on the 1st clay of June, 1930. 3 (3) Upon the coming into force of this Act and within one year there- after, any person having a claim against any land, which claim has been in existence for forty years or more prior to the corning into force of this Act, but in respect to which claim no notice of its existence has been given, acknowledged, or specifi- cally referred to or contained in an instrument registered against such land within forty years prior to tate coining into force of this Act, or any person on his behalf may register in the proper registry office a notice in which 1te,shall set forth the claimant's full name and address and a descrip- tion of the land and a detailed state- ment of such claim, verified by the affidavit of the person registering such notice. 3 (ti) The registration of a notice as provided in subsections 3, 4 and 5 shall not in any way validate a calini which' has otherwise expired. THEREFORE TAKE NOT` ICE that any person having a claim against . any land as above set forth must reg - ,ter notice therof in the proper reg- istry office before June 1st, 193o. If this is not done, except under certain +landwhich is conditions, then any t subject to such claim so registered prior to June 1st, 189o, or any claim existing prior to June 1st, 1890, of. which no notice has been registered, shall be absolutely freed and released therefrom, DATED at Toronto this 16th day of .August, A. D. 1929. ATTORNEY GENERAL's DEPT. Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario. It loth da,r of Au ust, 1929, the list of all persons entitled fo vote in the said municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or nzttissions corrected ac- 1rordittg to law, the last day for ap 'ltea1 being the itttt day of September, aged, Clerk's Office, zoth day August, ton. W. R. Cruickshank, Clerk,: "Win.gbatrt, Ontario. WINGRAM ADVANCE -TIMES BELGRAVE Mr, and Mrs, ,j', T. Coultes and Al- bert Coitltes spent Sunday with rela- tives at Exeter. Mrs. McGee spent a few days in Wingham.. " •i McCauleyreturn, n. 'Miss Marion xLcL.a ley has re rn ed home after a holiday with friends at London and St. Marys, Misses Mary and Irene VanCamp, of Exeter, are visiting with Mr. and Irfr5 T. J, Coultes. Mrs, Cecil Mines, and baby daugh- ter, of Akron, Ohio, are visiting with Ivir. and Mrs. J. McQttire, Peter Scott is spending his vaca- tion with his parents,:Mr. and ,Mrs. J. S. Scott in Wawanosh. Miss Stella Nethery is here .from the West„ spending a holiday with her parents, Mr. and lvirs. John Neth- ery and other relatives. The rain which fell on Tuesday night, the first for weeks, was very welcome as the pastures and crops. were in bad need of it. Miss Stella Nethery, Sask,, is visit- ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.: Nethery. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Sask., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Geddes for a few days. and Mrs, Douglas and daughter o`U` icknoww, visited with Mrs._ Neth-- ery, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Griffith and Mrs. Phillips, of London, and Mrs. Sidge wick, of Buffalo, were week -end vis- itors.with Mr. and Mrs. David Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Tolman, Crystal City, Man., were guests of Mr. and .iitrs. John Stewart, for a coupleof days. Mr. and Mrs. A. Isbister and child- ren of Toronto visited .with Mr, and Mrs. Joe Miller last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Henry and Mrs., Fox, of Whitechurch, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brandon one day last week. Mrs. Chas, - Rintoul, of Brussels, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Percy Maclean, PALL FAIR, DATES 'Arthur ..... _-....-, ..... Oct, 8-9 Ayton M......-.. Oct. 4-5 Blyth Sept. 26-27 Brussels Oct,- 3-4 Chesiey Sept. 27-28 Drayton Sept. 24-25 Durham ..... Sept. 17-18 Elmira Aug. 30-31, Sept, 2 Exeter ...,.-...._.................... ............ Sept. 17-18 Fergus Sept. 26-27 Goderieb •...• ., Sept. 30, Oct. 1-2 Gorrie ... Oct.'5 Hanover .,.._.. _. Sept. 11-13 Harriston ... :... Sept. 26-27 J�,incardine Sept, 18-10 Listowel ....,........... ,,... ., Sept. 17=18 .London Sept. 7.-14 Lucknow Sept 26-27 Mildmay Sept, 24-25 Milverton Sept. 26-27 Mitchell Sept: 24-25 Mount Forest .... Sept. 18-19 Palmerston Oct. 3-4 Ripley ...,.w,.,,, .._ Sept. 24-25 St.' Marys ..... ,.. Oct, 8-9 Seaforth ,,..Y,.. .. .. Sept. 19-20 Stratford .......... ......:. Sept. 16-18 Teeswater Oct. 1-2 WINGHAM .. Oct. 9-10 Toronto , ., Aug. 28- Sept, 7 it THE GREAT DECISION Now is the time seriously minded young `people are making the great decision as to their life work in choosing an occupation we wish to present the great possibilities throu- gh a business ' education. Doing this we cannot' do better than ask am- bitious young people to write, us; we will send you the names of scores of graduates from your district who are filling leading positions in Canadian and American cities. Ask them, They )Snow., We will stand or fall on their testimony. Every graduate of the past year went direct to a good situation. The last lady graduate was placed at Twenty -Five Dollars per week (Thir- teen Hundred per year) with an ad- vance of One Dollar per week every three months. It is freely admitted that tto Com- mercial School in Canada can excel the success of Wingham Business College graduates. We can prove this from our records. To those who r citye commend tc=shtolvefnthet� o. our Canada Business College, popu- larly known as Toronto's Greatest School. of Business. - A position is positively guaranteed each graduate. The business world is calling loudly for well trained young men of character, You may learn' while you earn through the Spotton Correspondence Schools, 274 College Street, Toronto. Write to -day for particulars and list of graduates from your territory during the past thirty years to .Wing haat Business College, biTingham, On- tario, or Canada Business College, College and Spadina, Toronto. MARRIED. twes-McKenzie--•On Saturday, Au- gust loth, by Rev. C. 3t Macdonald, Lillian Annabel, daughter of the late Mr. M. C, McKenzie, and cf Mrs. McKenzie, Ashfield, to Mr, Earl Alexander Howes, of Whig- ham, youngest son of Nr: and Mrs. Alexander Howes, Monck, Ont. SEARCHING OF TITLES TO REAL ESTATE SIMPLIFIED Colonel the Honorable W, H, Price Attorney General for the Provnice of Ontario introduced at the last session of the legislature, important changes r in the Registry Laws of the Pro- vince, These changes will not only be welcomed by the general public, but also by solicitors and others who are engaged in the investigation of titles to real estate. A plan who is about to purchase a house or a piece of vacant land often asks this question: "Why should I be required to have the title searched back to the Crown grant, surely it has been -enquired into many times al- ready?" It is a reasonable question, but it is a fact also, that to be fully pro- tected inevery transaction for the purchase of .property, the title should be carefully investigated before the purchase moneys are paid, And so it has been the practice to search over and over again for just as many tunes as there has been dealing with prop- erty the title to such `property, .In many instances more than loo years of records are investigated. Now,. however, while the searching of tit- les wlil still be necessary, much of the labourinvolved therein is about to be abolished. After June 1st, 1930, a good title for 40 years will be all that the ven- dor of lands will be required to show. Under the provisions of 'The Inves- tigation of Titles Act" sponsored by the Honourable Attorney General, the vendor of land, - as previously set out, from and after the 1st of June 193o, will only be required to show, a good title to such land for a period of 40 years, The provisions of this Act release the land from claims existing prior to such 40 year period unless within the said 4o year period, such claim, is acknowledged or specifically refer- red to or contained in an.Instrument registered against such land, . or un- less Notice of such claim has been registered. The operation of the Act has been suspended for one year to enable any person who might have a claim which by the Act will expire if not noted on the Registrar's Ab- stract Books,to register his claim before the first day o! June 1930 when the Act will become operative. The public and solicitors are dir- ected to the Public Notice which is published in this paper, which Notice sets out the requirements in regard to the registering of claims. The ef- fect of this Statute will be that prac- tically loo years of the early part of every title in the Province will pass out of history so far as the necessity of investigating its correctness in ev- ery individual case is concerned. This is not the only reform in the Registry Laws inaugurated by the Attorney General. Colonel Price has gone much further in eliminating dead material from the Registry Of- fice records..amendment Bythe to the Registry Act all mortgages .(As- signments, Extensions, Postpone- ments, etc. of the same) in respect of which certificates purporting to be discharges thereof have been regist- ered for 10 years, together with dis- charges thereof which have been reg- istered will be ruled off the Abstract Index. Mechanic's Liens, discharges and certificates of Lis Pendens which have been 'vacated for two years or more will likewise be ruled off the Abstract Index Books. This operation extends back to the 1st day of January, 1890. Conse- quently there will remain upon the the Registrar's Index practically only the grants of land, mortgages, tits- charges for less than to years, undis- charged mortgages for to years, Lis FAR 1 FINANCE The business' of fatrning under present day conditions requires considerable knowledge of finan..' dial matters. Consult the manager of the neat'. est branch of The Dominion Bank, who is always willing to discuss your problems with your THE MIN EANK A. a Bishop, Branch 'Mgr,, Wittgham Thursday, August, z2rrd, z929 Doys' Stit .. Sale .. BOYS' SUITS $2.95 Tweeds, Worsteds Donegals and; Navy Ser- ges in Norfolk and Belted styles. These suits ranged in price from: $8.5o to $xzso, sizes. 3o to 36, one pair bloomers. Just the suit for school wear. Clean up sale Price $z,95. SUITS $3.95 Boys' Two Bloomer • Suits in Tweeds - and Worsteds, Neat Styles. Regular values to 13.50. Sizes 32 to 36. Sale Price $3.95 MEN'S SUITS Clearing out prices $5.95-13.95 Boys' Bloomers. Sizes 30 to 36, Sale Price $1.19 PREPARE THE ROY` NOW FOR. THE SCHOOL OPENING H. J. JOBB Phone 46. Fresh Groceries. Ingazo eieeeumm iniu etwaimlamtfitinsemmeme, 1 MAITLAND CREAMERY a to ss a a. ■ ■ at Buyers of Creamand fggs Our trucks will gladly give you service, or if you II; s THE UNITED FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE ®' COMPANY, LIMITED. VI/Ingham, - . - Ontario. Phone 271NIF-�' ▪ • MUMI$�'*�'� F! Vit,` ,n.• prefer to deliver we pay prompt cash. ISM i Wash :Day is easy New Particularly if you have a modern Connor Elec- tric Washer in your home. No tearing of clothes, no back -break- ing Work. Just fill the tub with hot water, drop in the clothes, tarn a switch and the work is done. Wirtghar Utilities Commission Crawford dock. Phone 1556. 1 Pendens and Mechanic's Liens vaeat- t ed and discharged as well as undis- charged for, less than two, years. The result will be that not more than ^5% of the documents which former- ly required investigation and which would show an Abstract of Title, will need to be examined by a solicitor or person searching a title when the new law becomes effective; - Other amendments call for the Re- gistration of Instruments and docu- rnents to make the chain of title which were not previously obligatory upon the owner, as well as the filing of declarations of celibacy and other like evidence, the absence of which has. frequently been the cause of much delay in closing real estate transac- tions. In general there has been a "tight- ening up" and simplicifation in con nection with the Registry Law of the Province which undoubtedly will re 'benefit to be of great lie a the contract- ing parties and solicitors and others who have been engaged in searching titles to complete deals, as it will relieve to a great extent, the search- ers from many obligations and much annoyance that accompanied the sear- ching of titles prior to these changes. The operation of these Acts only applies to titles recorded in the Reg- istry :. Office in the :Province and does not apply to land entered on the Reg- ister itt any Land Title Office. TORY CORNERS Mr, and Mrs. S. Finlay and fancily spent Sunday at Mr. Win, Boyd's, Mr. and Mrs, Rains and son, Geo., of Teeswater, and Mrs. Stewart, of - Calgary, called on R. A. Taylor's on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Earl, of Ethel, spent Sunday at the home of R. Clegg. Mfr. and Mrs. Geo, Dane and fain- ly spent Sunday with Ford pith friend. -- . - Mr, Wes. Palmer started out on Monday with his threshing machine; 1ve hope he will have a good season's threshing.