HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-08-22, Page 3Gorri.e YIck.»1te an Thrusday, August 22nd, 1929 Here's Stomach -joy For You. Light, Flavory, Easily Digested With all the Iran of the whole wheat When fussy appetites are hard to please, these _crisp, oven. baked, flavory shreds of whole wheat give zest to the meal and energy for work or play. Delicious with whole milk and fruits. ,i i,�asf.l1a.Q;«ajdr e µ t-� ` `1 tkc GYPROC M .kes Old Homes Young f' ¶) By nailing the smooth, rigid, fireproof Gyproc sheets right over the faded walls and ceilings and then decorating, you 'can snake the oldest home look new and handsome. 220 Fireproof Wallboard For Sale By Rae & Thompson - Wingham, Ont. Buchanan Hdwe. Company, Wingham, Ont. R.. J. Hueston - Gorpie, Ont. THE TOWN DOCTOR ;The Doctor of Towns) Says NEIGHBORLINESS IS THE BASIS OF COMMUNITY LIFE 'Those factors •that, of recent years, have robbed us 'of our neighbors have struck a hard blow at real community unity. While the automobile has enabled us to, go places and, see things, while it has enlarged our little personal world atiid shoved the horizon of everyday life further and further away, it has at the wine time, made strangers of our neighbors. In the next few weeks throughout the length and breadth of theland there will be thousands of celebrations in the forum affairs, hone comings and festivals. Such are Canadian institutions—they are good for the community, good for the people in the community, and good for those -who attend them from other communities. Shuld the proressive business ,and professional risen and wo- men of your town plan for you a celebration this year, show your appreciation and manifest your good judgment by doing everything Within yourpower to help them snake it a big sucess. If you can't do anything else, here is one thing you can do: stay at home that day anal meet your friends and neighbors, letter acquaintance with theinwill increase yotir interest in thein and theirs in you, and a better understanding of -each other's problems will help much in the work you may do' together. for all your neighbors. But above all what a splendid time it is to invite visitor's on those clays, what an influx of visitors your town would have! The new friends that ,will be made will be :an asset all the rest of your life. The money they will spend in your town will adcljust that much to the capital in circulation in your town, and before the end f the next week every individual in town will have bteefited by the money thus left. behind. The cimnrntuntity gains by becoming more neighborly, by in - troducing visitors to the: charms of the town yoe call "yotir gown," by the stoney spent by therm while there, and finally, by e greater reater community spirit developed by everybody joining in the performance of a worthy, common task, When your home town opens its doors to its people and their friends, be community minded and take advantageof the±!opportunity. Copyright, r920, A. I). Stone T eprtmdttction prohibited in whole or in part. This Town Doctor article is published by the :Advatee-Times , in co-operation with the Lions Club. y:J1A1A111i1et1Yrtl1'N11e1,ThA1u YIp,111117,(,ti,"nullirh,i101010u,f:Y,Y„Y"n, III 1,0111111Milk lr,+„Y"„WYY,(Tal.nrluTut„mYh,rn1041110iNglitt'.; THE, SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON LESSON VIII.—August 25 Rebuilding the Temple. --Ezra 3: 1-6; Psalm 84: 1-12, Golden Text.—I was glad •. When they said unto me, Let us go unto the House of Jehovah.—Ps. 122: 1. THE LESSON IN ITS'SETTIN Time, - Second. ternple four (Beecher),, B.C. 537. 'Hagai a Zechariah prophesy, and spur `t Jewish authorities 'to begin again t building of the temple, 13.C.'520. S and temple finished; B.C. 516. Place.—Jerusalem. THE FOUNDATION LAID. "And Zen the builders had la the foundation of .the temple of J hovah,"-By the "builders” is inea probably, the workmen the old commentators consider it to 'me Zerubabbel and Jeshua, the directo of the work. "Tfiey set the pries in their apparel with trumpets," The priests' garments were " the ri apparel, designed 'for glory and. f beauty;' which the law .required an which the people had recently pr v i ed. d"And the Levites the . sons os Asaph with cymbals."—Asaph w one of the three Levites who sounde cymbals during the removal of th ark from the house of Obededorn t Jerusalem. "To praise Jehovah,' a ter, the order of David, king of,gI rael."—David's musical arraneinen for the tabernacle included psalterie and harps, wli+ch are not mentione here, though they may have bee present in the choir. "And they sang one to another i praising and giving thanks unto J hovab"—The Hebrew word transla ed "praising" appears in "hallelujah, "praise God" (Jab), "Saying, For H is good, for His loving kindness en dureth forever toward Israel."—Thi is the refrain that was sung by on of the choirs, or a portion of a choi "And all the people shouted with great shout, when they praised Jeho vah, because the foundation of th house•of Jehovah was laird."—Amon all' people shouting is common i popular and informal assemblies, b it is not common in religious gathe ings. "But many of the priests and Le vites and heads of fathers' houses." For "heads of fathers' houses" se on Ezra 1: 5, in the last lesson, "Th old men that had seen their firs house."—There would be many o these since the first temple was des troyed only fifty years before. "Whet the foundation of this house was lai before their eyes, wept with a lothd voice." -Only the foundations wer being laid, and the general plan wa on a larger scale than that of Solo neon's temple. Disappointment at th small Scale of the beginning ma3 have taken possession of some. "And many shouted aloud for joy."—These were the younger people, with their greater buoyancy,' their springing' hopes, their delight in action. "So that the people could not dis- cern the noise of the shout of joy from the noise of the weeping of the people."—Our Lord rebuked this wail- ing in the house of Jairus when He went to raise his daughter from the dead, I\Iark 5: 38-40. "`Fur the peo- ple shouted with a loud shout, and the noise was heard afar off."—Let us learn . to rejoice with them that dorejoice, auci weep with them that weep; and ourselves to rejoice as though we rejoiced not,. and weep as though we wept not."' THE TEMPLE FINISHED. "Anel the elders of the Jeans build - ed and prospered." --The elders Were the ` firstborn heads of "fathers' houses," tribal families or clans, or tribes. T ttanucnehr Ztt h aia've ?f tribes. In the nature of things, they would usually be sten, of mature age, elders'in reality, "Through the prophesying of. Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of 1ddtm,"—Thi< would indicate that these two: spirit - nal leaders were the real heads of the enterprise in its final stages; Zernbabbel the governor and Jeshna the high priest had .:fallen short of. their great opportunity: ""And'they. builded and finished it, according to rn the conutndnient of the God of Is- rael, and according to the decree, of Cyrus, and Darius, and Artar.crxcs,' king of Persia." --Artaxerxes was king of :Persia long ,after Darius nsv the reign of Xces inter-' vening, and long after, the contplct- ion of the temple; but he was a benne- factor ,of• the Jews, and for that rea- son' his name iso included iters with the names of the. other Persian kings who were favorable to the Jews. "And this hoose was finished ors the G. sled nd lie he ec- id e- nt er:. an rs is ch• or d 0- of as d e 0 f- 5- ts s d 0 nn e- t- If ns e r. a g n ut r e e n d e S e Wank - End Specials Friday and Saturday. 3 Pkgs. Corn Flakes .... 2 cans Peas 25c 2 cans Tomatoes 25c 2 lbs. Macaroni......,.......,........:23c 7 cakes Castile Soap .....,- 23e 2 lbs. Bulk Dates, fresh .....„ :23c 4 lbs. Graham Flour ....25c 7 .bars Pearl Soap, for 29c Plain White Cups, each 10c' Overalls, good back, pair2.19 Men's Work Pants,' pair.......,1.89 Metes Work Boots, pair 2.98 Summer Underwear at Reduced Prices. HIGHEST PRICES PAID - FOR YOUR EGGS DAVEY'S STORE WROXETER. ER. third day of the month Adar."—Adar was the twelfth month of the Jewish year, extending •from about Febru- ary 20 to March 20. "Which was in the sixth year of the reign of Darius die king."—As Haggai 1: ,5 states that the work ''vas started up after its intermission an the twenty-fourth day of the sixth month in the second year of 'Darius, this final effort to finish it had lasted nearly four and a half years. The foundations had been laid twenty years before, "And the children of Israel."—Note the ancient name for the undivided nation, which for centuries was ap- plied to the Northern Kingdom; but the people are now renunited. "The priests and the: Levites, and the rest of the children of the captivity."— "The children of the captivity" would include all the returned exiles, wheth- er of the' tribes of Judah and Benja- min or of other tribes, "Kept the dedication of this house of God with joy." "How amiable are thy tabernacles, O Jehovah of hosts!"—"Jehovah of hosts" is the Lord of all the armies of heaven; it is perhaps the most ma- jestic of all the titles of the God- head. "My soul longeth, yea, even faint- eth for the courts of Jehovah." -The temple courts, surrounding the cen- tral sanctuary. "My heart and my flesh cry out (margin, "sing for joy") unto ,the living God."—Soul, heart, flesh—reason and will, the emotions the body throngh which these act, all that makes up the psalmist's being, cry out—not to the temple, but to the God Who dwells in the temple and gives it all its significance, ""Yea, the sparrow hath found her a Nouse, and The swallow a nest for herself,' where she may lay her young."—The. writer shoma;s his near intimacy with the courts of Jehovah, by one of those touches of memory Which only a resident in the temple chambers would have had at his com- mand. 12th LINE HOWICK Mr. Richard Clegg spent Sunday With his wife and family here. Mr. James Underwood was a Kit- chener visitor this week. Sterling and Mrs, .Finlay visited With friends at Silver Lake. Mrs, John Watters visited with friends on this line Sunday last. Mr. John Finlay is an Orangehill,' boy this week. Mrs. Underwood spent the week- end with Gorrie friends. BELMORE The August meeting of the Wo-- nmcn"s (institute was held Wednesday afternoon at the lunate of Mrs. Clark Renwick Melm:tish, This nmecting was supposed to be in the forms of a picnic but rain preventing, it was held indoors, Mrs. Mulvey presiding. The meeting ' opened with singing. The programme consisted of eopm7' unity singing, month oragn selections, tccitations Miss Edna Lincoln gave a report of the convention at Guelph, Needless to say all enjoyed the Splen- did luncheon prepared by a number of theladies.'• Miss -Trcrte Mundell and irrar'garct, Mrs. Curl and children, of 'Toronto; lelert llutlterfo:rd and Minnie Jeff- rey, motored to I31uevale Tuesday and spcirt the day at john Mundell's. roxeter... IiJth LINE HOWICK Mr. and Mrs. S. Zurbrigg spent Sat- urday at Port Elgin. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Horsburgh, and family visited Sunday with rela- tives near Dronlore; Misses Eva and Irene are remaining for a week. Miss Ida and Mr. Raymond Aruth- urs, of PikeLake were Sunday visi- tors at T. Strong's. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hughes, Miss Gertie Marshall and Mr. Thomas, all of Toronto, spent 'the week -end at Wm. Craig's. Mr. and Wesley Miller and three children of Mount Forest visited Sun- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. T. Strong. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weir visited Sunday iwth Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jacg1les and child of near Lakelet, were Sunday visitors at Wm, Craig's. SALEM Mr.. and Mrs. Wallace Clark and children from South of Gerrie, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thom- as McMichael, , Mr; and Mrs. George Edgar and h' c rldr n from rom near I3luevaie .called on Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Palmer last Sunday. Mrs Baker from Teeswater visited Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Weir and other friends here last week. Miss Eve Mciltichael has Yawned from Quebec where she has been tak- ing a course in French. Mrs. Cecil Mines and babe, of Ak- ron, Ohio, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mines, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weir and children of Owen Sound, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weir. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. King and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Merkley motored to Kincardine to visit friends last Sun- day. Dr, and Mrs. Wilfred Weir and son Malcolm, of Toronto, who have been visiting friends around here, left for Kincardine last week. They were accompanied by the foriner's mother, Mrs. Wn1. Weir. Miss Alma Fitch has returned to Toronto after spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John. Fitch. Miss Gowdy, of Wingham, spent a few days at the home of her brother, Mr. John Gowdy. Mrs. Edwin Bennett has gone' on an extended visit to the West. We wish her a safe return. Mr. Thomas McGlynn is at present suffering from a severe attack of pneumonia. We hope he has a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vogan and son, Ross, from near Mildmay, called on Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy last Sunday evening. TORY CORNERS Mrs. Baker, of Teeswater is the guest of her. neice,• Mrs. W. H. Dane. Mr. and Mrs. S. Finlay and family spent Sunday at Mr. Wm. Boyd's. Mr. and Mrs, Hains and son, Geo„ of Teeswater, and Mrs. Stewart, of Calgary, called on R.1, Taylor's on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Earl, of Ethel, spent Sunday at the home of R, Clegg. Mr, and Mrs,. Geo. Dane and fam- ily spent Sunday with Fordwich friends. Mr. Wes. Palmer started: out on Monday with his threshing machine; we hope he will have a •good season's threshing. WROXE`TER Mr, Wm. Patterson and daughter, Mabel, are spending. a few days in London visiting relatives. Mr. Mac Allan of the ?lark cmf Montreal, Tillsonburg, visited with ,his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, ?plan for a couple of weeks. Mise Gertie Push is a 'Toronto vis- itor this week. Mr. if, Sellers has purchased the business of the late Leonard Brown Absolutely NO HAY FEVER or. Summer Asthma, this year., if you'll start taking .RAZ -MAR CAPSULES before your attack is due. Relief guaranteed front one $1 boar or money back. No smokes, sprays, snuff or serums. NO'harm- ful or habit-forming drugs. RAZ- MAII has stopped Ilay Fever where people had it 20 years. DON'T t„�T 7'HA"[" 1H AY PEVER ,START«.«««.« SIE 159 I; 1 r f, d :, •;; :: : ; 2411111,.?..r gigs 1' ii t, , ' t 1 aqui 1 ! iS''33is 3'+ '44,014VAIV ea, w5 �: Pahr r) Friday Friday A st 23r; to Sa to relay Se torn &:? 7th CGLOSSAL beyond comparison . . . irr prressive— Empire Year, the fifty-first consecutive Canadian National Exhibition. Fourteen days of new wonders ... of novel, variegated interests ---an unforgettable spectacle of education, pageantry, agricul- ture, industry, sport, music, art and science. Here Are a Few . per " Ter :FeG.;.t fres Opening of the sew $1,000,000 Automotive Budding Carnival of the Clouds and National Aircraft Show 4�h C.N.E.-Wrigley Marathon Swim in two events—Friday, August 23 omen) and Wednesday, August 28 (open; for $50,000 purse and world: championship. inspiring daily concerts by the Goldman and other famous bands. Four concerts by the e,000-volce E,zhibition Chorus—August 2.4 and 29, September y and 7 Stupendous military and naval grand stand spectacle, "Britannia's Muster" $125,000 Agricultural Prize List. Trotting and Paring Races and $5,000 Futurities. International sport program on trier and water, featuring r'n+rada's oldest track meet, .L,I".R.4. regatta, and outboard motorboat races. ,..; "m.. or Reservations for Exhibition dar Chorus, Coliseum, and Evening Spectacle fn Front of the Grand Stand, Should be' Made Now RAND STAND SPECTACLE •— EXHIBITION CHORUS, COL, - metal Admission, 25e; Reserved SHUN—General Admission 25c • .4eats 1.0« « « � (D, Boxes, $1.50. 1Gr©rend. livor, 75e• Box Seats, fSI. Aloorle l's, 47 King St. W., Toronto, or Canadian, National Exhibition. REDUCED RAILROAD, STEAMSHIP, COACH LINES AND AIRWAYS RATE T1I01VIAS BRADSHAW, R.... S General President eneral I tlfanager IIIIMIMIniummumansuggoonlitEgniti e t I ' ,y:,fit Ot'l'i WE SELL PURE RASPBERRY Jam 370 POST BRAN FLAKES 2 for 25c P. & G. SOAP 4 bars. roc QUEEN'S FAVOR- ITE BAKING POW- DER Quart jar 310 SUPERIOR COFFEE Special, half lb....,.„., ,3oc THE BEST FOR LESS READY CUT MACARONI a lb. 2xc HALLOWI DATES 2 Ib pkg. 24.0 LUX TOILET SOAP 2 for a5c RUBBER JAR RINGS, 2 for . i5c CHICB EN'HADDIE" 230 JUTLAND SARDINES 3 tins a5c SHERIFF JELLY POWDER 4 : 250 SUPERIOR TEA, Special half lb 33c Vinegar, Spirit or blended, and high - Fresh Fresh Fruit arriving daily. est grade spices, .6i RO, WROXETER, Phone .4.