HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-08-08, Page 3+rtYX•'Nu fr'+!:din
SALADA quality never Changes
while cheap brands constantly
vary with market prices
'Fresh from the gardens
"Man of Good HeartHonoured �i o reel by Statue
Father Albert: Lacombe, of 'the'
Missionary Order of the Order of
Mary Immaculate, ; whose fame is
part of the history of Western Can-
ada, so impressed his Indian friends.
by his devotion, his sincerity and his
zeal that they called him The Man
of the Good Heart." Father Lacombe
' left Montreal in 1849 and set out for
Red River and thus began a career;
of 67 years service .in his chosen.
eal/ing. In ,1861 Father Lacombe'
founded Saint Albert, a community
nine miles from Edmonton on the
Athabaska branch of the Canadian i
acational =Railways. There he died
almost a nonogenarian and there his
body rests. Now the Old Timers
Association. of Alberta have' obtained.
the funds .for a statue to this won-
:derful !pioneer and it will soon be
formalby . unveiled. The structure
shown above: is the first chapel built
by Father Lacombe in 1861 and it
afterwa-ids • became the first cathe-
dral aelf "Mgr. Grandin, first Bishop
of St. Albert. This modest cathedral
is being taken over . by the Historic
Monuments Commission and will 'be-
tcome :a Aanemoriala of the early west
!The Doctor of Towns)
To one who doesn't know, the little •.things%:lane or left undone
do not make any difference, but there are, alamuaysr.tho.se who do know,
and they are usually the ones who :coaannt most.
It belittles a business, a •town,, ,or :a ,peatson,to.overlook the lit -
le things.
Overlooking the'little thing
makes a small town small.
It is the little things that often melee ,.tbecilliffevence'between
profit and loss in business, especially in dull fitues: \With::'tniindivid-
ual, it is refinement courtesy, cleanlineie; v" i h;:a ,Store, :it :is stock .
arrangement, pleasing, efficient, salespeople, ta8truess ;antl;atrnosl
with a town, it is clean streets, well ]sept lawn.s, •;traffic aegulittions
and progressiveness of the citiznes.
A. party of tourists once stopped in lion iI,:.if some 'three
' thousand population and inquired' of a pedestrian, "Where busi-
ness district?" The pedestrian was highly ilasudted .and :x.elilied,
".Straight aheada mile and a half. He was insulted be,cituse'be •was
in front of his own store, which, he advertised as "The Centre of
Things."' A good joke on the tourists thought many who ta',etue told
of it. But when the tourists got -a mile and a'lialf further on, :they,
found nothing but country. It now develops theittourist was ;trust a ,
wee bit more, than a mere traveller. The man' and his fainily''he'll
decided to locate in a town in that section. '1od;aerrathat urarn tivit'.h •a •
family of six has built a $16,000 home on a hatf;block purchased firoamt
"the previous owner., n '
he most successful nmetchanclisin ° cot •corns sin thecountr.
8 a y
have built their business oat ;courtesy, service and little things. Your
town is a business, and courtesy' 'acid service :extended by you to
your neighbor and the potential customer of your cotnmanity'business
will also build. Be funny,, .make wise crack's, fail to sell your. com-
munity when you have the chance, and you will tear dciwn, •
When a merchant, an organisation,:or ,your inewspaper'does
anything for your community, tell therm about it, write them a letter,
call themon the phone, or stop in and see them and express your:
appreciation, You get as much good "out of anything they do for
tlie conernunity as they do. No one cat`' do anything,, for the town
but that you won't benefit. Tf you don't or woni.t do;anything your-
self, the least you can do is to thank those Who,are.doing soimaeiiui,,
through which you will benefit,
It as a.11ittle thing to do, but it will pay you, a profit.
o•s 'azn,e,ealteeltme.engin factors that
Copyright, :I,929, A. M). Stone.. teprocltiction ,prohibited iii
whole or in par#.
-This Town Doctor article is published 1%y ,lite •Aavence-Tiiiie
itm co-operation with time Lions Club:
41rWOOViii,plI1,I4f„ Am,i1,I,Yy,1 YarA,i,4A,MA10,000111 i1ifi,YnU".NY,11111O tint r filfwplN14P*i ;1114!•nrsNa,4lt!M4i,atA:4
'Itursday,, Augtr t :fi 17 4929
!]Daniel Among the Lions.--Darsiel,
'Golden 'Teat—The angel of "jeliOnal
encampetia, round about 'them. tat
fear him, i, and deliverreth them—
Ps. 34:7.
Time.—Perhaps B.C. •58S (I3eeeher)
Place. -Babylon,
"Asad when Daniel knew 'tthat .t
evritiag was signnii1L"—•News'wbtild
brought'to Iiiinais , -:speedily by ' 9rc7
friends, who saw at once tire' needle:a
meet in which the:aged prophet nn
placed. `"He went into his heals.
(mow his \wintnilows wen amen. in1l7
cha'nlber toevaitd .ffesrnsafrmu),"�yc$1lh
window were :laittaees, .and as 1th
room vas :inTipper •on'tt on the mos
of the house,. tfhe<atperiirgg ofi'tlse eiws
down enralnked •eve�rytilits, done icn till
apartne :aft to :be seen,tnim
of prayer "t.oward 'Jerusalem' :its a
knowl.edgad ;to 'have :arisen is Bailee
Pan during The seapfi,tinity."' i`�?ttrd '
kneeled : upon 'his knees three 'time
a day.''=_aVirg a regular :'isle a
plaice for ;payer adds greatly 'to r
fidelity iii';tlris most ',important 'ma
tea. "'A•rrd :pi i ycd ;end gave thartk
h.efore his God, .as :he did aforetime;
Damsel Simply 'held quietly to id.
ordinary sdiredtiie iin a sdlienc spew
mg, ;modest way..
"hiri :these :amen asscntkkilled.togctlfh
ea, aiadl found Jasiidl nak'ing• petitio
and saipplication :before hits G.od.
They ,expected that Darkis anrozil
fly ante •a 'rage .against Daniel, an
inde.ad idleik ng was"`sore,disPicusecj;
but with ;the authors of the -plot
which was rte plain co 'liin.„ :arfd
perhaps also twit]. thine -self :feu-
far Lalling
so easily into ;their ws=iciz+d sdheme.
"'Then the Acing •consnmarnderl1 " —
Really he was himself ,ceian'de ll
for his ;officers had aoutgeneralled
amid 3mad -peeved therniselenes:mot
Masterful than •was, "And
brought 1Danie'l;:and',cast him mit;o.;filo:
den of lions:"
"The liararts'' dem had few terrors to
him; Fl ie would ;refiner be he atilt.
lions' den with God, than osnt of 'i
without hiiim:". '"Now the king spoke
and said unto Davi•el, 'Thy God Whorl
thou serves± continually, he wi14 +de=
liver thee."— li[eathen as be was, le
knew little of the distinction between
Jehovah and false gods. But he•cezild.
see the difference between Damns]
and other men."°
"And a stone was brought, and laid
upon the mouth of the den,"-
"Through this door was Daniel cast,
and when he had been so cast in a
stone was rolled up to The aperture
and sealed." 'And the king sealed.
it with his own signet, and with the
signet of his lords." Signets were fa
common use alike among the Assyr-
ians, Babylonians, and. Persians. "Thai
nothing might be changed concerning.
Daniel."—Tire king's seal: remaining
unbroken would render it certain that'
the royal officers had not broken in
to murder er D
elle] if the ]tuns spared'
liint,,and the unbroken seals of the
officers would assume them that the
king had not sought to rescue his fav-
orite counsellor.
"Then' thelcing went to his palace,
and passed the night fasting•,'—He
was ashamed and repentant, and his
heart was full of anxiety and -..sorrow;'
"Neither' were instruments of musicc
brought before hire."— Nothing was
set before him that by reason of its'
attendant pleasures could entice hiS
thoughts' away from Daniel, "And
his sleek fled from hisn."—Tnvain= did
the remorseful artonarch pursue Sleep,
seeking a little respite from his tartar•-
ting 'fears,
"Then the king arose very early in
the nmo:rning, and went in haste unto
the .den of lions." --The weak king
did not dare face his officers with
less than' •o•nc night in the lions' den
given Daniel as. punishment;but he
hastened to the dean oft the. first glim-
mer of dawn,
"Anti when lie came near' unto the
den to Daniel,'lte cried with a la-
mentable voiee.' his ' outcry Was
hardly more than a wail of despair',
""The king spak'e and said to T)anicl,
Q Daniel, servant of the living God."
=-A remarkable e'cpression to conte
from. Ibe lips of ash idolatrous kingi
""servant of the living God," Mle
know not how, but in sone way Thr-
ills had learned that the God Whom
Daniel served was alive, and, prob-
ably also, that the gods whom he
hi mself served Were dead. "xs 'thy
God, whew thou.. servest contittltall�,,
he '(
able to d s!as er .gee :from the lions?"
'r—Whatever f'ait'h in God the kin,,
possessed!, .:this tquestion shows that
1 it was very ronuile and weal:, the feeble
beginninaes:cif faith And yet do not
' many of res nctiii••tc• t\lbet.eis virtually eke
same question when we oi•'our dear
' ones are placed .in extreme ,prat]?
j How ns
:anytcif'•tits:vest confideir,tly ;alai]
peacefully on ;the omnipotence sof •oau-
i God- as Etaiiitil (did?' t
"Therm said Daniel unto the king,,'
O kinL" Ewe for ..ever." ----Any anal ds,i
of course,, :caaning:iron the den would'
prove to the :king that Daniel was
still•alive; le.nt Daniel was a courtier,
and kneww iftitvorably the k'iti'ng;
was inclined .towar.'d him, so, that his ii
first woa-ds were :er4n assurance of kis
continued a,oya.1•ty_,
"My God ;bath:>»sent his angel"—
When Daniel's ,thrtee friends were cast
into the fieryirnace because they .
would not n o:rship'. Nebuchadnezzar's
golden image, aloud] was seen walk-
ing with thele through the fire, "and ,
the aspect of the fourth (was) like a
son of the gods?' "And bath shut the
lions' mouths and.':they have not hurt
me."- "Suppose the 'lions had killed:
Man. What thenad He still had won.
'They never fail a,vho. die in a great'
cause.' " "Pores:moth as before him
innocency was .found in inc."---The
good man is aware of his faults and
sins, but he has a right to he sure
also of God's forgiveness and favor.
"And also before thee, tJ king, have
I done no hurt." --Though I disobeyed
thy decree, it was not dnnc out of
contumacy or stubbornness, but pure-
ly to preserve a good conscience,
which is the only true principle of
loyalty and obedience.
"Then was the king exceeding glad,
and commanded that they should take
;Daniel up out of the diel':"—The Jaw
was sfi•ati f
s ed for it
had• m
that whoever broke it should be cast
into the lions' den, heat did not say
how long he .should ;remain there.
"So Daniel was taken up out of the
den, and no ''manner .of ±hurt was
found upon him, because he had
trusted: in his God. Daniel's deliver-
ance was effected by an tene:dl•
":'Dare to be a Daniel,: dare to
stand alone,' are the words of the
old hymn. It requires com etge ,to be
the kind of .rimen and women God
leant us to be."
For Men
New OW attractive lutes ,bit
Straw Fats, Bow Ties, Fancy
Shirts,. fancy 'S'ox, Balbrs; gan
Underwear .and. B. V. Vs..,
visible suspenders in '2 and 4
point;; Arm Iflands and (Cuff i
L'aai s. fa& to measure `Suits
.by Canada% leading tailors.
.Th a,e•areuS. few of the fines Acto
,carry ,for' WelI dressed uteen. e
iha've the best lines for the
'wworking'rman in. Sex, Overalls,
SrnoCks,''Work Shirts a ).Fants.
Our Boots and Shoes aeekfrorn
title dye* makers aural ]bought to
sell at reasonable planes, iileet,
Foot Canvas Shoes in 'all sizes
this is the sestsnii err tt se.
ltf'yott have not leonbbuying
:your Groceries, ecuit,tetc. from
Its it will pag yon to .13o' so. Our
''special primes save zeon money.
Sugar at present :prices is the
ccbeapest fear yeas. We' pay you
r the highest 1pr'itres'ftrr ;your eggs,
'Rev. B. A. 'Knider, a formner te'caor
of St. 1'attl's parish, called on some
of lits former parishioners Sunday.
Mr. J, R. Wendt was in Mildmay
one day last: week attending the fun -
oral .of his mother,
Mr. and Mrs. T. W, Hendry and'
family, of Dundalk, spent a few days
last week renewing acquaintances.
and•Mrs. S. Smyth and family
are .holidaying down near Lake Eric.
Mr, Rcynolds'is manager o fthe 13ank
in Mr, Smyth`s absence.
Mr, i,autie and Miss .Hazel Van
Vrsor, of Oshawa, spent the week-
end at the horse .of their Parents,:
Mr, and Mrs. Waltzer Hays and fam-
ily, of Peterborough, motored up to
spend the holiday with Mrs. Hays.
Mr. and Mrs. Merton Howe and.
family.,. of Toronto, are spending a
few days With the former's sisters:
The Sharpin family with relatives
shad friends titnnbering about fifty;
nett at Formosa Park, Sunday, and
enjoyed a Re-TJ'niot't,
I,e+ . Or, i-iarkneas, forli'aerly pastel,'
of 'this piece Inn mors ' Cornwall,
will have charge of tilnt' sevices in
the United Church nexit Sunday,
'r. and Mrs, Ga lila Davidson, of
Oshawa, spent the week -end with
'friends in town,
Mr. and Mrs +Os'borne. Howell, of
l?r.eston, ware pests of Mr, and Mrs:
Wm. R. Gallaher on Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Kitchen spent
Sunday with friiends in Listowel,.
Mr. Joseph Stony and son of the
Sault, also Jan and Thomas of God-
erich, sa'lled'o' friends here on 'bMon-
Mr. !lies. McGrath, of . ?oY••omn'o;
spent the week -end at the 1rromnt of
his fattiher, Mr. R. McGrath,
1lifrr. 'and Mrs. Saunders, also Mt.
and..lers. Hoigre and Miss Marjorie
Helga, of Toronto, visited 'over he
the k -rend at Mir. R. H. Stephen's,
Mars. Jas. Flower, of .M.a'n"moll, Man.,
who has spent the past two 'months
vftiks friends here, retatrne& to her
home on Saturday:
Mr. and liras. 'T. T.O. ;;ple,aston, ,also
Req. and Mrs. :Stanley Jciheiston, Who
'haste been at their •cott:age •a.t Bruce
Peach for a ,couple el weeks, 'hax,e
i'nto'ned home.
Mrs. Jas. Eaton and Miss Francis,
If Paisley, were in the Village o:le;day.
nest week.
Mr. and Mrs. jas. 'Wyl:ie have re
'turned tin, their 'home ill "1'oronto, of
'tel- speeding the past '1noot'h .at the
'home of Me -s.) 'Wylie,
Miss Alma Fitch, of Toronto, is
spending• iirr vacafien with 'her par-.
ents,ilr und Mrs. t'riirn Fitch.
Miss Lila feathers is visiting :her
grandmother, Mrs. tEails, smith -of
Mr. :and ]VT's: Jdhn'Fortune of 'the
Sault, urre wisi`G-ung Mr. 'and Mrs. ''W.
A. Wanes.
A number from 'here :attended,'the
Re -Union nit'Teeswater
The fhrasifing machines have cone-
nience,8.•another season's work.
Superior Stores
2 packages ,,.19c
2 packages , ... ..19c
3 cakes 19c
2lbs. .for 23c
2 doz. for 35c
KEENS 18/H./START), k lb, tin ......,27c
Clarks' Pork and Bean, rrted.;2 for 25c
Special Ginger Snaps; 2 lbs. 25c
FLY COILS, 4 for 10c
PAROWAX, 2 pkgs. for 25c
Princess SOAP FLAKES : ................23e
PREMIUM TEA, Special ...:............::69c
A Cup and Saucer Free.
Vinegar, Spirit or blended; and high-
Fresh Fruit arriving daily.
est grade spices.
Phone 56
Ships that Pass by Day
The a929 St. Lawrence river shipping season is now on in full swing:
'The .Anchor -Donaldson
]bleu tlthenia led off by bringing more settlers to Canada,
than any other ship to date this year: Her companion ship, the Cunarder Ascania
arrived simultaneously with. almost as many immigrants.
If ;you had . • atience -enough to camp atopthe famous Quebec bridge,
this in what'you alight some day see: the Atheninbound, havng just landed
•hopefuliimmigrants at 'Quebec, passing a Cunard liner outbound from Montreal
cvrith iprogrperous:Canadians who till visit their former homes in Great Britain
Moor mar Drivers
THE-h Traffic Act requires that
person operating a motor vehicle shall secure
an p ,.l' er,a is or chauffeur license cense and shall at
while driving carry same..A.• penalt
r+ video for failure r
,� axlure t �o produce such licenses
when demanded by an officer.
It is necess a to the nu
'� g tuber of motor
ists who persist in driving -without licenses,
that theolice be instructed to require 're
�`' the
fiction of these licenses
�! from time to time.
This law has been passed assed in
the interests of
safe ori
ving and to prevent incompetent persons
from operatingmotor vehicles. The production
of a lice
nye is the onlyproof of ownership of one.
yours at all times and avoid inconvenience
and prosecution.
Ontario Department..
The Hon, Geo. S. Henry, Minister.