HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-07-18, Page 7'Thursday, July 18t1,, 1.9 29 .y ,a K_re7M .; THESUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON LE$soN III. -JULY 21 ' :Ezekiel's Vision of ope,-E a,ek?,e47 l 7, 1-1.2. Golden Text.—Of the .;increase of hisgovernment and of peace there ,*hall be ;no end.--.-Isa. 9:7, Tinge. -Beecher assigns the, closing chapters of Ezekiel to 13.C. 573. Place.—With the exiles in Babylon-, >.ia.. THE DEEPENING RIVER. 'And he brought nre back unto the,,, 'doer of the house."—We are at the closing section of the last division, of the Book of Ezekiel,. chapters 40-' •48,which is a religious constitution' -~for the restored people, as the pro= •:phet sees is back once more in its,; ,own land. "And, behold, waters is - .Sued out from under the threshold. -of the house eastward (for the fore=' .front of the house was toward the 'east). —What the prophet saw was o course an ideal stream, but a still - ,existing pool and, a channel cut in. ?the rocky surface of the temple hill. :suggest that once a small stream did' flow within the temple enclosure, ser - wing to drain off the' blood frons: the great altar of the temple court. "And: the waters carne down from under, from the right side of the house, on. the south of the altar." "Then he brought me out by the way of the gate northward."—Jeho- vah bad entered the temple by way :of the eastern gate, therefore that gate was sacred to 'the Lord and was ,closed so that men might not defile it. -"And led me round by the way without unto the outer gate, by the way of THE GATE that looketh .to- ( -wa'rd the east." -Ezekiel followed the t, 'wall of the temple court to the right .and around the northeast corner, thus 'coming to the eastern gate. —"And, behold, there ran out waters on the :right side."—This would be the s'outh- ,ern side, the waters issuing rapidly 'through the gate continuing the •stream which crossed the court with- dn. c> the river." -Some understand this as implyingthat the ,ro het had beet p n made to test' the depth of the river p � - nbeing by trying to ford'.itd and .. on?c. led to swim,and thus' to struggle pel hack the bank. c to c b "Now when I had returned, behold, uponthe bank of the river were yer}s many trees on the one side and on! the other." -Verse 12g ives a fullers account of these trees. Ezekiel only dimly glimpsed that great truth, if} at all, indeed he :saw it ,r ' These Then said unto me,.bese waters issue forth toward the eastern regign, and she lldown into the Arabah." go e —TiArabah , now; called the'(cher, .Cl is the deepest gash in the earth's now occupied surface It is by the Sea of Galilee, The River Jordan, and the Dead, Sea. "And they shall go toward rd the sea, Into 'the sea .shall the waters go whieh were made to issue forth; and the waters shall, be healed,o-. te sea _ is so salty that bathers cannot sink in it, much taore u o salty than the ocean; 100' po ndso f ocean water contain six pounds of salt, but 100 pertrnds of Dead Sea wat- er contains frons 20 to 27.8 pounds of salt. ., l come to pass, that - And it shah m every living creature which swarm- eth.."--The reference is not to fish, which are mentioned later, but . to the smaller aquatic animals which swarm in fresh waters. In ev'er'y place whither tlie. rivers conte, shall live."—The literal Hebrew is, the two rivers." Some have thought that this strange expression indicates that i theriver prophet saw- his dream . rr flowing into the .Dead Sea alongside the Jordan. "And there shall be a rnu it e of fish."—"Or- ganic very great It ud ,"-"Or- h ganic life scarcely exists in the wax- ers of the Dead Sea; neither shell- fish nor corals are found, "For these waters ars; come hither, and (bee use of their corning) the waters of the sea shall be healed, and eve thi n 8` shall live' withersoever the river co*n- " 1 eth. ---.Chi' practical and thoughtful p , nature of Ezekiel is made inanifest by the exception he makes to the sweetening river; h work of. the e e.. t marshes and pools along the shore of the Dead Sea are to be left., salt v, 11),_that Judea might have a sup- ply of that necessary substance, enaen=Qi ger Me 7 gingeri a e etn.pn . r ale � b 'add- ing :t d-ing the lemon .syrup to . ginger ale. you will 'find that Lemon is the best r ii almost t. l r l of p� Mixers s and t n Provos a ti � a� ,y drin1c, Orange EggNog Beat an e?8wita (lover beater.. add the juice of an orange altd sugar `. to taste. ' Pour into a' glass and fill: up with ice water; "When the man, }vent forth east- ward with the line iii his hand."—Thin was the linen cord mentioned with. she first mention of the prophet's guide. "He measured a thousand cubits, We are not .told where the angel began measuring: perhaps at the eastern gateway, perhaps at the temple porch. "And he caused me to pass through the waters, waters that were to the ankles." -The angel'sk‘.. measuring reed • was for the purpose of measuring verticals, but the more picturesque method is that, chosen, to measure them against the- height of a man. Again he measured a thousand, and caused me to pass through the wat- ers, waters that were to the knees."— There were no tributaries, so that the ;stream is imagined as growing deeper by a supernatural increase of the waters as they flow, which is nut true of natural rivers, but is exactly ' true of the spiritual forces which this. river of . Ezekiel's vision symbolizes. "Again he measured a thousand, and caused me to pass through the wat- ers, waters that were to the loins."— When Jerusalem was entered by the British troops in December, 1917, the population of 50,000 subsisted for its water supply for the most part on rain -water cisterns, one of which, it was found, had not been emptied for :nineteen years. The Royal. Engineers started work on a group of spring heads on the hills at some distance from the city, which would supply - 14,000 gallons per hour. The water 'was' lifted to ,the ton of a hill and -then conveyed to reservoirs on the •outskirts of Jerusalem. It was then made available for each householder ,on application. "Afterward. he ,measured a thous - :and; and it was a river that I could not pass throtigh."-- This increase in ,depth has been very rapid, being ac- gcomplished in 4,000 cubits, or Jess• than a mile and a half. "For the Waters were risen, waters to swim its,. '•a' river that could not be passed lthrough. -The waters risen to the ,,ankles' may. coincide with 'the' step •gained in 'r the baptism of r Cornelius, Acts 10, and, the opening, of the ..cht'!reh, of the Gentiles, THE HEALING. RIVER. Thus far the mere size of the river las been brought to the :prophet's at- tention; no* he :is to see what the river accomplishes, 'tl nd he said unto mc, Son of man; hast thou seen' this?"—It is of no value merely to see a sight unless we tee also the hidden meaning of the sight, the: message which God wottld convey to our °souls through the sight. '''Then he brought me, ..and caused the to return' to the bank of, ��mr• Am. .110111111011molliok dvance -Times "B U'Y = AT = I� 01V� �'' ICQIVIMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORS AND BUSINESS GB z z • - � _...slit that vat-. fired. below are. co-o'"ei'atin ' in ail effort to rove to the residents of the town and surrijil iding`cOrri nu y at The Merchants and Buslne�s mess represe P, cities may be procured in soca stores. A series of educational "Buy -at -Home" editorials will be reproduced weekly along with ues equal to any of the larger towns or y an individual write-upof each business. The benefit of Home Buyin will, be shown to the general advancement and progress of the community. Read the editorials and take ad�'antage• the weekly specials offered by the .merchants, a d BOOST THE TOWN YOU CALL , HOME. You Will Enjoy Shopping at The Walker Store A Favorite Shopping Centre WHERE LOWER PRICES PREVAIL' Featuring this Week along wwith otir July "Sale" REMNANTS Hundreds and'hundreds of yds. of Cotton Goods, Wool Goods, Linens, Silks etc specially priced WALKER STORES LIMITED Rae &Thompson Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Coal, 'Iron, Etc. - Phone 27— MARTIN-SENOUR PAINTS H. J. JOBB — Phone 46 — SPECIAL Ladies' Silk Hose, ,new light shades, reg. $1.25 for ...::..98c Kiddies' Sox at 39c F. CARTER Ideal Bakery 1-- Telephone 132 — WHOLESOME BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY THOS. KEW Harness and Repairs. Phone 176 ;Suit Cases, Bags, Trunks for Vacation Travel. McKAY'S Confectionery -and Ice Cream Parlours. Phone 77 --- STRAWBERRIES FOR PRESERVING The Last Call. W. J. CLARK Plumbing, Heating and Tinsniithing. OIL BURNERS AND, HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS Telephone 141j. anna &Co. Ltd.. Exclusive Men's 'Furnishings Made-to-MVYeasure Suits with eat tra Trousers, guaranteed, Han - rig's Special .,.•..,, .._ $25.50 The Following Industril Manufacturers Heartily Endorse This. Buy ° t - Home Campaign SUPPORT T E LOCAL MERCHANTS AND ELP OUR TOWN GROW M. BURK Ladies' and Gents' Ready -to - Wear, Boots and Shoes. SPECIAL THIS WEEK Ladies' Rachine Silk Dresses for $2.95 Machan : Bros. Plumbing and Tinsmithing. Household Necessities, Paints and Oils. -- Phone 58 ----- "New "New Perfection Oil Stoves and Ovens." • ABEII'S .MUSIC STORE Everything in Music SPECIAL THIS WEEK Brunswick Records, regular at 75c, this week 49c, Bargains in Used Pianos Wetherall & Greenwood FORD SALES AND SERVICE Telephone 62 Tires, Tubes and Accessdries. A. J NORTROP Meat Market. Fresh and Cured Meats. -- Phone 22 --- SPECIAL SPECIAL THIS WEEK Cottage Rolls 32c ib. Cash Mid -Season Clean Up l "Following our usual custom we offer at this time about 400 pair Shoes, comprising the odds and ends, discontinued lines, etc., at approximately Half Price. WILLIS' Shoe Store Phone 129 Wingharn Royal Service Station Now is the time to change your Oil to a heavier grade for Sunirner Driving. Cars Greased • thoroughly from the rear end to front wheels. JOB PRINTING The Advance -Times ,can and does Job Printing not excelled for neatness and appearance by any city or town -office, and at moderate charges. Would be pleased to consult you regard- ing any 'Printing. The Western oundry Co., Limi d FRY & BLACKHALL Limited The Gunn -S • -(Jia IMacLealn Lumber & Co., Limit d Coal Company Stewart Glove a tl Lea- Howson & Howson ther Wor '. Flour Mills The C t of Outside uying The story is told of t woman bargain" hunter who spent 15c street car fare and lost t .o hours to buy a dress advertised at a sale for $3.98 and who r•urned home to find that her neighbor had bought a similar dr -s the day before for $4.00. Bargain hunters are like that. Th- do not get anything for nothing. What does it cost you t your shopping trips to oth save money. Did you eve you returned from these t buy outside Wingham? Undoubtedly cities are prompted by the desire to top and figure out your saving when s. Figure your lost time. -t your ,street car fare, gasoline cost, and other incidentals and the figure out how much you are ahead. Perhaps you bought an artione dollar cheaper than you would have paid for it here. Ho ver, when you were in the shop in the other city, more likely an not you were convinced, to buy something else. How much d you pay for that article, and what. would it have cost you in gham? Support Wingham 'merch. b. They have their standard of prices, determined on an hon.t and fair basis. They do not sell one article cheap that they in overcharge for another. BUY AT HOME—and you will be th 'nner and your town will benefit by your loyalty. H. E. ISA D & CO. ISARD'S MEN July Sale of Men's and B ishings, Hats, BIG SAVINGS WEAR STORE s' Clothing, Men's Furn- ots and Shoes. ALL LINES. C. BONDI ' UIT CO. Which has won for its manage Huron," and just about fits the bill he name of "Banana King of Mr. Bondi imports from three to four cars of fruit weekly, suppl rg the district within a radius of 30 miles or' more, in a 'wholesa way. In addition he has an attractive retail store in Wingharn, here all the year round, sea- sonable fruits and vegetables are • ilable. It is an acconintoda- tion welt received, for not only i -he stipply fresh and varied, but Mr. Bondi endeavors to keep t price as low as the market ' warrants. This week raspberries be about their best. F. CARTER'S IDE BAKERY Is one of the indispensible busin where wholesome bread and tasty p ter has been a resident. of Wingham has made a decided success in his growing, es in Wingharn, the place y is made daily. Mr. Car- r about twenty years, and ness, which is continually. KING BROS. SPECIAL DISPLAY OF SUMMER DRESSES $4,75, $7.50, $9.75. to $20.00., Gibson's Bakery — Phone 145 -- BUTTER BAKED BREAD Hovis Bread, Whole Wheat Bread Bran Muffins. LOOK ! NORGE ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR With Rotary compression, quiet running, no .wear. Wingham Utilities Com. Phone 156. United Farmers Co -Operative Co. Limited Ask your grocer for. MAITLAND CREAMERY BUTTER C. Bondi Fruit Co. Fresh Cherries arriving daily this week. Buy your cherries while they are fresh. Prices are right. This is preserving week. Don't Miss the Fruit Store. McAVOY'S Nyal Quality Drug Store. -- Phone 18 --•- SPECIAL THIS WEEK Dr. West's Tooth Brush and Tooth Paste 75c value for 50c W. R. Hamilton Jeweler - Optician SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK A selection of new designs in Men's Orange Lodge Rings and Emblems for the 12th of July. See these. GREER'S THE GOOD SHOE STORE SPECIAL Misses' and Children's Sandals,. 89c In Patent Leather at SEE OUR BARGAIN TABLES The Radio Shop Phone 158. See and hear the new "Screen GRID" Atwater Kent radio us- ing dynamic speaker, our sum- mer prices are lower. E. S. GRAHAM Groceries and Provisions Phone 237 — SPECIAL THIS WEEK Large cans Tomatoes 15c Small size 12c. R. A. CURRIE Furniture. Dealer and Funeral Director. Phone 155, Residence 51. WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE Lyceum Theatre Thurs., Fri., Sat., July 18, 19, 20 Thomas Meighan, Rene Adoree and Evelyn Brent "THE MATING CALL" G. Mason & Son News and Book Store Fancy China, Stamped Linen, Novelties are always acceptable as gifts. Olver & Mitchell Quality Butchers. Equipped with Frigidaire Systent. Phone 126---- FRESH LAMB AND VEAL A. J. W e KER Furniture Dealer and F eral Director. LAWN SEATS - V 3ANDAH CHAIRS The Advance `Tithes The home paper which has special concern for the town's progress, and which gives the crews worth while. $2.00 per year. , $2.50 to the United States, John Galbraith Dry Goods and Groceries. ry — Phone 80 -,— MEN'S SILK SOCKS 25c, 29c and 35e.