HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-07-18, Page 4ui
lob'. Loom IwDact
H ft7 GivC v '
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o, ,:,, "110,41,-S(
T `1'O 1 QWN "t Ry
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Wel DE1 9T0Ot?
Rt oNT
£3o rr i -e/ r(
���"w,,,,s■s 111WP^rieteAl
We have in stock a thousand and one things you need in your
home. Fresh standard merchandise, household remedies, candies
and cigars. Fresh goods, fair prices. .The drug store you'll learn
to depend on.
The Rex 11 Store. Wingham,! (i t t
tc 4ra
INC «x
t•$ cents a word pet inseztion. with fz minimum charge of 25c.
11,.tt,,t 11 ,n111,tlitt to ilt 11,11111ttltiiiiii
Of Valuable Farm Property
Under and by virtue of the • powers
contained in a certain mortgage
which will be produced at'time of.
sale, there will be offered for sale by
Public Auction on Saturday, the third
day of August, A.D., 1929, at the hour
of L30 o'clock in the afternoon on
Lot number Thirty in the Third Con-
cession of the Township of Cuirass
in: the County of Bruce, by Thomas
Fells, Auctioneer, the following pro-
perty, namely:. Lot Number' Thirty in
the Third Concession of .the Town-
ship • of Culross in 'the County of
Bruce, containing by admeasurement
One hundred acres of land More or
am.: less, less one acre of the said prem-
ises heretofore sold to School Sec
m bank
the following buildings: Frame
t. xft. withstone foun-
dation and with lean adjoining 20 ft.
x 40 ft., frame drive -shed a t,
S. S. NO. 10. EAST WA-
Since even before Confederation the
three R's have been taught in a little
school house in S. S. No. 10; East
Wawanosh. The first school, built
of logs in 1860 or thereabouts, was
repined In 1874 by the little Frame
structurethat still stands to -day. It
has been a seat of elementary loam-
ing during these past fifty-five years
or more, and hundreds of pupils who
have come and gone from the school
in years past are to -day scattered
throughout the length and breadth of
'Canada and. the United States.
In the interesting annals of the his-
tory of the school Wednesday stood
out monientotlsly, when hundreds of
ex -pupils and ex -teachers of years
gone by met again in the little school
yard in East Wawanosh to celebrate
the diamond jubilee of S. S. No; 10.
Old boys and old girls, who sat to-
gether in school as many as fifty
years ago, were reunited Wednesday,
many of then for the first time since
they left school. • The day itself was
beautiful for the *monster reunion and
celebration. It was entirely in keep-
ing with festive and joyous spirit •that
bubbled and overflowed throughout
the afternoon and evening. On the
gentle slope east of the school some
500 ex -teachers, ex -pupils and friends
of the school met under the most
pleasant auspices. Here they re -told
long -past and well-nigh forgotten inci-
dents, brought back memories still
cherished, and perhaps visioned an-
other such happy gathering in the
near future.
Perhaps the`rost interesting •event
centered .around_ a class of former
Pupils, taught by Edwin Bloody, now
of Toronto, who taught in S. S. No.
10, way back in 1877. Members of
the class were George Gibson, of Re-
gina; George Brown; of Greenville,
Mich,; 'lass Ada. Brown, of Detroit;
William ' Kechnie, of Blyth; ,William
'Vender, of Badaxe, Mich.; R. C. Mc-
Gowan, Will McGowan, Alex Mc-
Gowan Mr- and firs, Dan McGowan,
+4111{u' •,
Thursday, July 18th, 192$''
To the Editur a'yiall thim
Winghafit Iraypers
Deer Sur:
, iligant
it the tvlil£tlt.
av July intoirely we had lasht wake,
wid nivir a dhrop av rain troo the
whole blissid day" I don't belting co
the ordher inesilf, an I will tell ye
the rayson, ntebby befoor I close this
letther, but all the same T wus plaized
to see so manny payple hevin'a good
toinle. I don't know whin I ivir saw
so big a crowd in Wingham, ati' nrb-
by nivir shall agin, fer I do be getti:l
to be an Quid man.
The shtores wits crowded, an the
shtrates wus jammed wid payple; the
park wus wan mass av foifers an
dbrnunmers, and banners, no orange
ribbons and party giruis in w`:oite
dhresses. Down en /the 'midway the
fellahs wus rakin in the money in
fisht-fulls from lads who wanted to
throy theer luck throwin rings, arr
shtroikin heavy blows wid the sledge
hammer. All over town whereivie ye
wint, ye cud see byes buyin ice cisme
cones fer them- besht girruls, an that
moinds she that 1 prawmised t + tell
ye whoy I nivir jined up wid the Or-
ange ordher inesilf.
Manny' years ago, away back in the
lasht cintury, whin the wurruld wus
young wid me, an befoor I mei the
missus, I had another girrul, an, faith
I tonight she wus the croute av the
whate. She wus purty as a pickter,
an fist as.shmart as she wus purty. t1�.
\Vhoy, sur, that; girrul used to • milk
six cows iviry marnin an noight av
her loife, kape house fer her father
an brothers, an . wait on a sick mr-
ther, taich in Sunday School, sing .1
the Church choir, be the lasht wall
to go down at the shpelllin bees, take
the lade at all the picknick's, an barrun,
raisins an tay matins in the nayDe
hood, kap.e up wid six.:arr sivin con-
tinued slit:ories in the poospay 'cis,
an always had a shmoile an a keind
wurrud fer ivirybody:
Fer mosttt ay *van whither an a� .
English Prints in summer' shades, neat
patterns and fast colored,' 36 in. w ,
reg, 45c, special 39c
36 in, fine... quality... English Dress
Prints, lovely summer patterns, fast
colored, reg, 35c, special ...29c
Fugi Silk in a wide range of summer
shades, heavy quality, reg. 75o value,
special 59c
House Dresses at greatly reduced pri-
ces 69c, 98c, $1.19
Ginghams, neat•patterns in checks and
plain, 32 in, wide, reg. 30c value, spe-
cial at 22c
33 izi. Rayons in colored checks and
stripes, reg. i 50c special 29c
Silk Underwear, Vests..,.. 95c, $1.19
Bloomers ...,,._„-:. $1.29 and $L49
Towel's, colored Turkish Towels, lar-
ge sizes, pair 49c and 59c
Straw Sailors 79c
Work Shirts ,..„,.. - .,_.,,.. 95c and $L39
New Ties, reg, $1.00 for` 59c
Work Socks 25c and 29c
Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers 59c
Black Cotton Sox, 2 pairs for 25c
Fine Dress Sox ........ ... ....:.. 49c and 59c
Phone 46.
Fresh Groceries. •
!■m■■s■anima■minna■■ meamms■ss>,i�ssssa
■ Ili
■ 'at
■. Buyers of ■;
11tal. SALE—Young ■
v George Tervit,
clover hon-lexaiider 60 t
FORSALE—Good pure 'of ames A Baru 40 f
In the Estate J
he n sc• Cream
and Deceased. IIE
10c per 'b.McMaster, Dec ed _ and Eggs
Pring your own ;sail ,to Edward d ' 1 d 0 f 20 G
colt, Apply to IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF lion.
t, I`hone 63°r3, THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE UPON the said property is situate. 1 ■■
Tuesday, _ an ' McGowan, ail: of whom are ac a summer I wus, a party sh-iddy ■c
frame granary 15 ft, x 20 ft, sib room- fellate wid her, 'arr at laps'** I totight
FOR EENT d. ronin ell, three
stable, y lic;\Ias• 1 34 ft. x 18 ft, telt'' still residents o£ the district. , ■ OUr trucks' Will gladly give you ,
Ld frame rouse service or if you ■
la acres land. Will sell, tlu ee Ixun- \\of th s owta t Colhug i d in i 4 t r 12 ft. and woodshed_ 1 truss but cbaite the f�vilfth av ) ui = ■.
3 1t mortgage. rt the Totwn ut Co'ltngtioo kitchen 1� f . the old teacher, who ap
dre,d down, at G per cent, g � f `�xmeon. dyed on of a nS ft � 12 ft\bout eight} ac e, het y y
Lewis 13 T zne T day the `ind day of July, 1929. ft.,trazne sheep pen. 24 ft < 1a ft, d R B
e, ter c , , acres of Among tint to the sill bra shun wid a •
prefer to deliver we pay prompt cos
the County o , ,� eighty leafed on the *rounds "Wednesday
extracted clover bout the 18th day r Flood here s an�asi:e � �
Coll- ii• • cies of num- addition to l\t . y, 46
floss quality testate 'caring lfatilda Snvtlt, eorchard and about three a �' Vireeham who an that wus the ind av It so far as ■
i of iti wood Ontario, sister; Florence ed .bush; is well drained; .has two 7)r A. j 'Irwin, 1 t \■
1, gr
1lyntty for sale, first
at 12c per pound, at the spa ry + »ells and is close to cehool
Milo C asemor e phone 627x8, also Bunting, Collntgwood, Ontario,sae,- taught for three
1 f
of May, 19 9, zti Ms property is seeded. here is an lad all fixed up wid ribbon
the years in the late 90'x. I 'wus concerned. I vowed thee that
1 -
'McMaster, Colhngwoot , TERMS:—Ten per cent. of hpur- c • ; 1 wud nivir be Orangeman as tong
on sale at A. C. Adams' Feed store, ter; Cortinadown t h (She was formerly miss 'Marion \\ at
per lb. if container is supplied, Ontario, mother; Marshall McMaster, chase money
to be paid a # e son' Mrs. Ira lLerrill tree .. _
1xe }1 b
OR RENT—House, Garage. Unfur- ludo �Lellaster, wife, formerly to ` within thirty ay., .i, i .• .."LI .
niched rooms" Central. location. • Town c f Collingwood, into has been For further particulars apply to the to 1917; Mrs E Nichol (nee :hiss War' ting I am glad to knob, lot
lice lme as dhrunts bate an foifes shqualed, an
Toronto Ontario, brother, and Luc time of sale and the balance
to c ' j I hey leaped me tvurr�ud ivir since;. {
k fu i£ f 1 of the paid I• tt t days. itle l •) v taught from 1913
Apply at Advance -Times, absent from the said Town over sev- undersigned,
L Holmes )of Blueyale, who tau- me fursht love got a good, koind
years and has not been heard of Dated at Wingham this tivelftlp. day tYl # ii 1911 miss Parker, of I3lyth claire man fer a husband. They hens
, aura
HO E —I have graded my lir>rte_ . during that length L f i d h July, a D 1929 t r
' mauled an with to the Wesht,
t11 • v > +• l time and whose of
, - a ' - , 'r•Jnt.
White Clover No. 1 12.- o 2 Clov h t unknown. J Bl'SHFII:Lm who taught in 1920, and one or two
1.+ �'' ”
Present whereabouts
er, light amber 11c,
L'1u s i4 1311 - o ,
No. 8 D d l ,\ d vitereas 1Mattlda tintitli of• � e 1 •.ollritor fo t e \i ?, � other, the cloimate wus too severe fer •hz'
an e- n .t tli r h M ort gagee.
lion '8c, in your tins; less if you ; Town of Collin;tvoiod in the' County
kmmng the hundreds of 'ex -pupils poor.girrul, an she has been shlapin
R. - ex -teachers, and visitors at the re- fer 3nanny years, beneath the fl w, ria
Casetueare, R. R. 4, \Vtngllatxt, 1 1 said deceased. is one of the .per OVER 3 000 ATTEND
2 1 ! sons entitled in distribution of the
12th •arch. ,:rn 1
silver chanter collar off a bag lupe
r\nd whereas the said Lucinda Over 8,000 persons attended the
leave at Advattre-Tisties. !Master was formerly Lucinda Griew- Stine's- School reunion held' in school
r es *widow, of the ToWn of Wingham 7 near
TENDERS 111 aR \V i1 i- pa)-t'p to July section no. 1,: Grey Township,
1 for interior painting of S. 5,? in the 'County of Huron. `, ` ., The reunion
.4t1 }Brussels, last Tuesday, z1 rr(work anly • For i 1. It is ordered that the said Lu- >
No. rt 2, Turnberry , within ten days boot nht together pupils, teachers and
further information apply to Ray- i dada licDMaster do tt y �.
_ fitter the second publication of a copy ole' Grey Township resident; in the
mond Elliott„ sec'y, R. R. 1, Blue •s Order in a local newspaper
'vale, of thisbiggest event in the history of the
+ at Wingham, enter an appearance in
WANTED—Help for haying. Wages the Office of the Registrar of this district.
guaranteed, Mrs. Win. Corbett, Court at the Town of Barrie in the Following a parade, which was led
'gr ve Ont: ("aunty of Sincoe and accept or re-" by the Mount Forest pipe band, splen-
1'e ;.a
fuse letters of Administration of the did soeeches reminiscent of early
WARNING testate of the said James Alexander s r were heard.Among the
°McMaster, deceased, or show cause :school days, teeg
r why Letters 'o£ Adaninistration should 'speakers were John Grant, ex -reeve
To the Residents and Land Owners not begranted to the said liatildi `of 'Gray Townshipand one of the rzld-
of 'Turnberry Twp, vain
Smith, {,est pioneers present; W. B. Dixon, `If
2- And. it is ordered that in default , 1
Dickson,ixiorth Dakota,one of the
Under the Provisions t*t the. Weed ', o f ti„ said Lucinda licllaster so ap- a
Wednesday, the fo tw g
July, a estate of the said
•av the 'peraries.
llo nn
d James Alexander flames were among the earliest rem • Tis a' quare wurruld, so it
• � Finder please
i r d
a washer, .
—like1 c-
Control Act every-erccu}aant �of had „ peariiig and accepting or extracting ;earliest teachers . at States School;
•f unoccupied kind "Administration within m r' a -1
and every *.tonere 1 said ,I.ette.rs of ill; In McFadden, Ir.C,, a former p p -hof the Ontario Dairies, Limited, who
ell Harrill- Gowan, Calgary; Belle B
t ” , "reds ,sad ii
l; ga_,,
destroy tt �.tati, weeds mentioned, the
'e tllrtd to l i At1e71t1•nP'
is ro,
t� b
ease ? a Letters o • mrnxs ra IL
J, S. C, C. :e:-M.P, for East Huron; George .
1 ercock .Hensait• Mr. and Mrs. George Company to dispose of . some stock.
If any one s'tan'd have information l,"-- ..attain resent li.l'. for North idur- : 1 g
s r where Mfrs J. A. Lucinda) ale -•"p pin the village and township, to enable
a, to twl formerly
r J (Lucinda) - a o s Li' ral lM- TrowhiIi, of Gtrelpla;ars. L. W. Lau- w
1 * Lucinda of , n and Thomas licMullan, be r
istered: A. H. Nethery, Sarnia; B. F. rings harrudly ivir turn out as ve
Quinn, Winnipeg, Man.; Thomas ixpickt,' an.lasht Froiday whin I saw
hundreds a chiller aitin oice crame
Auld, Santis; William Vender,:- Bad- i u
axe, Mich.;'R. W. McGowan, Cleve -cones widout,a'care on Cheer tytoinds,
I cudden't hilp wondherin what thrnb
land; Mrs. C. loupes, Belgrace; Jas.
A. 'McGowan Toronto; Mrs. Edgar bles naoileht be in shtore fer thing be-
f o theymit troo loife.
rattisoll, \Tv'itighant; Ruth Buffett, oarYours git
George A. Gibson,: Indian
Yours fer a bigger an bctther;
Head, Sask.; Wesley Quinn, 1i+'inni Canada, ,
Timothy Hay.
peg, Man.; Mrs. George Kellerman
and: Fred Jackson, Dashwood; Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Lamont, Brussels;
Mrs. Annie E. r"Iosford (nee Annie
McGowan), of Guelph Mrs, ` James
Crerar and Lila Crerar, of Shake-
speare; J. H. Rouse and. Mabel Rouse,
of Muskegon, Mich.; Luella and Wil-
liam Gaw of Bright; Ont:, Janet .11c
Last week's Mildmay.Gazette had
the following;
"Mr. L. S. Beninger and . Lt. -Col.
E. Pettigrew, of Wingham, officials
art ante
L txe i x
l ez \it hon
David Perrie, 1
uI D. Darr -
�butter far
gopenab t
• Mrs,
r . ir_
i ton; • Ed ward Floo"ri " To onto
n tc, n Edward ,
'' , ripen. d o c ,
)r" their seeds may proceed cee
• cfi L c t Ix n a
1) ,. z3 zt
Matilda p
s n-
iii e
Presbyterian ,a G
x rr
-� to 1t said 1 ur elf aecerrd ,•, the a
I stern ' t ation 1 a l f \d "
' MLtdera.tur of the
\\� 1-1 C bell Westfield R b t tory at Mildmay, met in conference
; oer
~ig _ ' etaI Asseinbl r and a former district
,r�zz4d} T. Ii Powell, 'estate. yr V Coates, Detroit' llrs. amen Do- with .a nutnber,af local business men
Weed Inspector. (Mgd.E Donald Ross, ,re idents Archibald Hislop; Liberal
lrerty Donnevbrook• i�irs. 3v. Sound on Tuesday. It is the purpose of the
then' to properly finance the concern
' lists 19'x', t'L}wn elf \\"inY 'faster, harmer ti . ghltn, Paris, C7itt•; W. ,j- Cttrtts, De•
Baht, t eniilty e)i Huron. i \Winwhaxn, the wife of the satd deyeas P. for South Huron.
Notice is hereby given that I have `; ed, can be located, please rilianttlini- 9,. The afternoon was spent in sports
omp'ied with section 7 of THE a cote with (.. W. Morley, Barrister, 'of all kinds. Races, softball games
VOTERS' LISTS ACT and that I ;Coning -Wood, Ontario. 'and horseshoe pitching contests were
have posted np at my office' .at 1ne l
' n ' on the 15th ;enjoyed. Following a delicious sup -
1' t ► Hall, \1 in .hat
day %if July, 1929, the list of all per-
sons •tntitled to vote in the said :nti 1
cipality at municipal elections ani
that such list remains there for in-
:And 1 hereby eall upon :i17 t l+tc
take i,t)ined :rte proeeedings to have
Sant errors or 4rniSSi,,l/Z. corrected sae
e.iordi s to law, tin last dtlY for ala-
r. '1 ' day t. t August. 1929,
meal 1 rr t tl ,
Dated t ]erk s office, 9 ia•r, 1531:
July, 1929
\V .\, t;tabraith, .1rrk,
\\ it ;hart'.; Ontario.
'31i tt'vii,t7:�_ 17c'tcls
tri a t 1). t1! ar-el
persc tt twill ai Li ll to b n';lr ti
n,'xilL, Iq tr ':.est+il,. ,i'1, b ' rire'.l
and. yrttf tri Lt;t riot wt"ls and a+• ;
tlxar 4ed t i, ti : v+wuer r'5 pr,lp •rte
�' „r.
1it.'th �ii1,}?ztc$.rr,
At, ti8via444: at l N. S ark's, It?iti -
1,; xn Itit 1�r, day, ,silt 26th, at 1.80 o' -
-cltrt +).1 sal stood horses, *liar e a tond
geldinee.:ages roti* and ' flee years,
broken to ' hart ltd in {„u s eI a ai-
xiitioit, 1400 lbs. in, twtio.111.: t 'sari --
fiort 1 to 3 ineint'ss er dit en moose-'
t loxxit tunes, basil interest .settled
Steeiteer, tohn °i Yil`r
pe etoie ' „Alte1i ft:leer. i
To the
Blue \Tater Boys
In Wingliam Arena
Jitney Dancing
ON JULY 12th
Dancing in the afternoon and
troit; Mrs. Effie Curtis Kennedy,
Windsor; Mrs. \\'. J. Curtis, Detroit;
Ada Brown, Detroit; Mrs. Catharine
Curtis Irwin, Flint, Mich,; Elizabeth
7e- Chicago; Jo3 Ross, Toronto;
.per the Jessie McGregor Concert
\nti,Jo'n G. wade, wace
Company, of Torontt, presented a Mrs. NV. C. Clarke,Listowel; Mrs.
fine program of music and short skits, ,
night. Denting, brought the i eun_ 1te,e Brown, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.
Robe.rt Loney, and Mrs. Roy Loney,
ion to a happy ending.
a S
, B., Opt. D., R. O.
Photte 113 I iat rtston, Ont.
"The That E ui, era O tical Es-
q P
tablishtnent in, this part of
First Class Watch and Jewelry
Satisfaction Guaranteed,.
Opposite Queens HoteI
Cut GT
• - - Ontario. i
■ • Phone 271 0
®f■®■■■■nammE IMINENNISEEMEI■■■■■■■E■■■■11
gree, our appreciation of your stay
with u...
It is with regret that we. have learn-
ed of your departure from our
We trust you will always remember
your girls in Bluevale, and some day
in the near future, ..we will have the
privilege of welcoming you back.
No doubt you will benefit by mov-
ing to a larger place, but we feel sor-
ry to part with a teacher, who has
been so helpful in everything that was
for the betterment of our lives. You
have also won our ; respect , and love
by being ready to assist in every good
cause in church work, and in many
other ways. Your place will be hard
to fill. \Ve also wish to remind y u
in a very sincere manner that you
have not lived and worked in vain in
We feel that oius
our community. \Ve t t 7
was no grudging service, but' rather
x enthusiastically,and
h •e ei tered
you have
spiritof co-operation and
with such a
interest' in the work; Tat we deo ap-
preciate the years you have spent,: in.
our midst. 'We rejoice too, that we
have had some part in this service;
and we follow you with our best
and as soon as sufficient capital is
wishes in the years to come,' which
i1 t =
]d h
we hope will be many, and filled. t
the same spirit you: have given our
As a slight token of appreciation:
and of our affection for you, we ask_
you to accept this gift from your S.
S. class in the hope than you may
sometimes be reminded of, the friend-
ships which you have made' here.
Sincerely wishing you and yeeirs. `
health, prosperity and • happiness ' in
the new : home you :have chosen, we'
will ` not say good-bye.at this time,.
but au revoir, till we meet again.
Signed by "The Stars of Promise"
Mrs. Walden made a very -touch-
ing reply, assuring her girls what a,.
pleasure her labor of love had been,
and thanking them heartilyfor the -
surprise they had given' her, ended by.
malting this appeal to thein: If there
be anything lovely, if there be any-
thing' pure, if there be anything of
good report, think on these things."
The evening was brought to a lose
by singing "God be with you till we
meet again,"
secured, the business will be opened issimmumm
up here.. Carrick', it is said, is one 1
of the best cream producing munici-
palities in Western Ontario,. and it
an s • natter to
s thereforebe ea i
should y
make the proposition, a success.
f Wiarton; Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert DEATHS
I,ucl:ine?tw; Ebner Siegler, 01 Watson—In \Vingltant, on Wednes-
Guelph; F. MtGgwan, Oshawa; Mr, day, Ju34 17th, 1929, David Wats"' ofVarna, n
and :lira. Fred Ried, ar a, Ont.; ' -aged ag years.
1 � W. Marian Robertson, of \Vin hairs.
A thoroughly interesting program
of vocal and instrumental music, read- MRS. WALDEN HONOURED
lugs. music by Myth Band, and ad-
dresses took up the afternoon and in On Tuesday evening' 2nd, the
the evening the Westfield ;Male Quer- sntettibr•rs of firs- Walden's S. S. class
c:tte, ',eltirave Girls,Quartette, Tenn met at" the home of Miss lfargarc:
Gifts Curtis'
}trtor tto the
departure of their Glass Bros. Orchestra and local talent were
heard with pleasure.
- teacher, to her new home near t'ha-
John \Maiden an �,, rear old Au thane, and a very pleasant evening
L' ng -
for .
, amu_`
•barn boy, stepped off a An eiy ji wee spent After the names and si
"ing a dainty h}ncb, consisting of
• old times' sake, just to prrye he does strawberries and cake was served by
Sdat ca?
not believe in the Osler theory.
1.-R',C*s arecc+fsnder,'ulforNeuritis, the hostess, and following this Miss t
Mr, W. It Davis of Grind Bend, Ont., Margaret Curtis read the following
this so badlythat his wife had address, and Miss Muriel Thornton
tw, iya #
ttbriti_4Sbewouldin''sbealive •butfor Carrie—in East. \'Vawanosli, on �.:t-
." T-R•Va tett equally god fer ttrday, July 13th, to Mr. an lilts.
frtttglttis Seaattc. tend Geo. Currie,a daughter.
tel:. s�.fe. No haarii>ii'tti
•� •� � � at n
ix , --- � 1vi i batt 1 -los t
st� iii• ce I to
. {s
your g l5
. Yt1
100 thug
gist's �
15 5uttdayr July 14th, to ,lir. ani llrs
5 e Athol 73ruce,' of East Wawartoslt;
lisstil. s tiaugbter.,,
=Is made
' , wife also need them for pres exited Mrs. Walden with a beau-
tiful sherbet set.
Dnor Teacher
and Feliow
r, t, your class and Co-workers
in the Sunday School to which y=ai
have given sueh faithful service have
;atlrered Isere to show,, itt a slight de: -
Wash Day.
Is Easy
Particularly if you have
a modern Connor Elec-
tric Washer in your
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