HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1929-07-18, Page 1'1777:77.77 ,,.i jyam " i', np4 ' Single Copies, Five Cents. With Which is Amalgaxnated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News. WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 18th, 1929 Subscriptions $z.oa per year. CANADIAN CHAUTAUQUAS COMING TO JULY.2 th 27th, 29th, 30 h, 3ls The Chautauqua to be held at Wingharn this year is a,Cana- � wholly -bran organization. The various en- tertainment and programs are pro- -duced by Canadian Cha tattquas Lint- 'ited; this Y g n comPahaving purchased ',the assets of the American company 'that formerly showed here. The material of the various pro- 'gramsis of the best. Towns at which these Chautauquas have been produc- ed state that they are unexcelled by :any-: ever shown or produced by any. •company operating on a professional', nor amatuer basis in those towns de - `spite the fact that the tickets have ibeen reduced from $2;75 to $2.20 for adult tickets; and from $1,25 to $1,00 f9r children's tickets, taxes paid, The S''eaforth and Listowel paper; are .most euloistic in their comments on the programs. There are two.laY, s a drama in P -iwhic1i Martin Erwin, famous Cana wdian producer will play the leading role, and a comedy also by his own ,company of players,. Dr, Teylii. Hsieh eminent chinese statesman will lec- Dr. R. C. Redmond and Dr, A. J. Ir- win Head Team in the Ticket Selling Campaign, tore on "The Awakening of China". Many other attractions will include Russian musical productions, Soucli- ern Jubilee Singers,' splendid concerts for grownups and gala performances for children. The 'individual admission for these attractions total seven dollars, exclus- ive of tax, so exceptional value is be- ing given at the new price of $2.20,. tali included, for an adult season's ticket. DrRedmond . 'Red and and Dr. Irwin head ticket selling campaign as captains of two .:competitive teams, representing those portions of the town and coun- try West and East of Main street respectively. Tlie teams are shade up as below, and all .members are an- xious to win a victory for their side. A house to house canvass is being made: and citizens everywhere are ere-- Mg lwing their hearty support to this splen- did enterprise. Reports ofteam cap- tains so far indicate a large sale of tickets; so eompetition between the two teams is bound to be keen. 1t. remains for every citizen to be loyal to the team representing his side of. the territory. We list herewith the captains with, their respective teams: Team authorized to sell East of the Main 'street -Dr. Irwin, chairman; F. Preston, Elmer Wilkinson, John Mc- Michael, Dr. Howson, Mrs. Beatt;e, W. J. Greer,' H, E. Isard, W. T. Booth C. P. Smith, W. M. Reid, A. Pother - gill, W. F. Bergman, J. M. Graharn, M. E. Fisher, Wm. Field, C. Kingan, A. C, Adams, W. B. Thompson, W. Ingham, cam, authorized to sell tickets on West side of Main street -Dr. Red- mond, captain; J. Hanna, W, L. Craig,. F. R. Howson, W. Wellwood, W. H. Haney, Margaret ' MacLean, E. S. Copeland,: J. Webster, Dr. R. L. Stew- art, H. L. Sherbondy,'Sydney Dodds, Bert Collar. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. W. H. Willis is spending a ifew days in Montreal. Mr- and Mrs. A. H. Wilford of Windsor, are visiting in town, Mr. Wm, Kew of Sault Ste. Marie, is spending his vacation at his hone ;lere. Mr. Smith Hutton of Toronto, is spending his holidays at his none l here. Mrs. W. G Tooke and family of Detroit, are visiting their aunt; Mrs. Ielps. Mrs. W. S. Galbraith of Lethbridge, Alta, is visiting at the home Miss M. Fisher. Dr, Stewart's .:Office will be closed ,;from Tuesday; July 23rd until Friday, 'August -16th, Miss Ada Phippen has returned -home after a two weeks visit with 'cousins' in Stratford. kIrs. S. Hare andfamily of Forest, :are visiting at the home of her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Roby, • Mr. Clark and Archie,.A.lbertlimut were Sunday visitors at the home of Mn and Mrs, John Davidson. Misses Mary and Agnes Delaney of St. Columbian; are visiting it lie ,home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Gibbons. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McMurchy 'of Collingwood, spent Sunday at .the Thome of Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson. Mr, Norman McMurchy of i;olling- wood,. spent Sunday with his greed - :parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Davidson. Mr. and Mrs.' Hyde and family of Stratford, visited at the home of Mr. :and Mrs. Cenclair Phippen on Sunday. Dr, H. R. Day end family of Roc- anville, Sask., have been visiting with the former's parents;.Mr. and Mrs. R. Day. r' Mr. and. Mrs, T. Henry and Mr. .and Mrs. Aitleteii of Stratford, visited .at Miss Sanderson's summer home at Biuevale. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hammond of South Bend, Indiana, ,are visiting at 'the borne of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Kerr. Mrs. Geo., T, Gregory and son of Windthorst,',-Sask., are spending the summer at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Mason. .Mr. and Mrs.,' Archie Baxter and Ivfiss Margaret of Walkerville, visit- . ed Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. George Tervitt, B line, Mr.' Edward Forgie has returned, to Detroit after spending his vacation at 'his home here: He was accompanied back to the city iiy his sister, Anna, Mr and Mr's. Geo, Mason with -daughters, Mrs. Beattie and Mrs. Gre- gory are : on a motor 'trip;' to Prince Edward County, Ottawa and other Eastern points. Mr.J. A. Dickinson of the Londjn� Technical' School staff and 'tis uncle, Mr, A. Dickinson of Meafoi•d, wet e visitors at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Galbraith over the week -end. Nine educational and entertaining programs, the individual admission to which total $7:00, but for which an adult season ticket may be purbhased for $2.20, are being produced at the Chautauqua this year -July 26-27.29- 30-31. esigns as Organist. Miss Bessie Abell, who for the last few years has been choir leader and organist in St, Paul's Anglican church. has resigned her position, her resig- nation taking effect in about Co weeks. Fowl Supper and Dance. In Wingham Arena 'Cuesday, Aug- ust 13th, under auspices of Sacred Heart congregation. Supper served from 5.30 to 8.30' o'clock. Adults 50c, children 25c. . Steeper•'s Serenaders in attendance; Everybody` welcome, Wingham Band at Blyth, Five Bands took part in the Tattoo at -Blyth last Wednesday night, con- sisting -of bands front Lucknow, Clin- ton, Dashwood, Blyth and Wingham., The local Band deserves much credit for the way in which they have pro- gressed since their re -organization and it is 'something Wingham may well be ,proud of: Clitnton Wins Tournament. At the Soft Ball Tournament, at Blyth, on Wednesday of last week, Clinton defeated Blyth in the first game, Belgrave won from Auburn in the second game, Wingham winning from Londesbor•o in the third game, Wingharn .drew a bye, Clinton won the semi-final from Belgrave, and in the final game defeated Wingham for first prize. Camping .Near Port Elgin'. The Ukanous group of the C,G,Z.T,' of the Wingharn United Church are holding; their annual camp at Miram- ichi Bay, 31 : miles front Port Elgin, froin July 18th to July 26th. The following 'girls will. attend: Margaret. Mitchell, Jean Mitchell, Wilma Dow, Nettie Dow, Norma Coutts, Marion Sinripson, Mary Robertson, Mildred Redmond, Velma Lennox, Muriel Campbell, Olive Tiffin, Margaret Fin- ley, Irma Finch, Jean Copeland, Ag - dies Louttit, Florence Smith, Hazel Wilson, Elnore McInnes, Vesta Fox., Louise Thompson, Edith Lott, Edith Zurbrigg, Betty Walker, Dell Walker, The campwill be in charge of Mrs. Griffin and Mrs, Davison HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE RESULTS Belgrave Centre Honors -Lily Howard, Margaret Irwin, Mary Robertson, Charles Scott Marie Vincent. Pass -Jessie Arbuckle, Mae Coal - ter, Thomas Garniss, Margaret Grov= ier, Anna Grasby, Gladys Gross, Glenn Kechnie; Corinne . McLean, Doris Scott, Irene Walsh. Dungannon .Centre HonorsA Jean Anderson, Mary Clare, Beatrice. Culbert, Dorothy Cur- ran, Keith Johnston, Jean Johnston. Pass -Frances Crozier, , Melbourne Culbert, Hilda. Finnigan, Margaret Johnston, Hugh .teddy, Marjorie Mc- Donald, Marjorie McWhinney, Claire Pentland, Anna Reed, Eileen Trelea- ven, Kathleen Williams, Reta Young. Kintail Centre. Honors-CorabelIe Dickson, Mar- garet Farrish, Isabel. MacLean. Pass -Cecilia Bowler, Fred Court- ney, Edna Crawford, Rita Foley, Jos eph Hackett,' Catherine Hogan, Thel- ma Johnston, George MacGregor, Grace MacGregor, Isabel MacKen drick; Jessie MacRae, Marcella 0' - Connor, Wilbert Robb. St. Helens Centre Honors -Clifford Menary, Verna Smith. Pass -;Tames. Gardner, Sydney Gar- dner, Alexander Neale, Mary Nichol- son, William Taylor, Neely Todd, Richard Weatherhead. o Take 'Charge of X -Ray. Dr. Gordon. Webb, who opened a practice in town this spring .in the Davis property on Centre street, has accepted a position in the Owen Sound Hospital, He will have charge of the X -Ray department.,etc Annual Institute Picnic. . The annual Picnic of the Women's Institute for their families and friends will be held atthe home of:Mrs. :Wm, Andreson, ,East Wawanosh, Wed- nesday afternoon, July 24th. This will also be the regular meeting- July eetiigJuly:A good attendance is request- ed, 1-IURON REGIMENT MAKES .VERY FINE SHOWING AT ANNUAL CAMP AT LONDON The Annual Militia Camp for Milit y District No. 1, was held at Car- ing Heights, London, from July 2nd 1" l 1000 leen all ranks, o u 1St i, ry, were present - Huron Regiment, Bruce Regiment, Middlesex Light In- fantry,Wellington Rifles, Highland L. I., of Canada, from Galt, Army Ser- vice Corps and 12th Battery Machine Gun Company, - Seventy-five per cent. of the caps and prizes were taken by the Huron Regiment, namely: Brig. -Gen. Arm- strong Challenge Cup, for cleanest. and most efficient lines, (Huron also won this cup last year); Softball. Cup, Championship of Camp; Grand Ag- gregate Cup, Highest nuinber of points scored in, field events; Chall- enge Cup,' for Relay 'Race; and 19 small cups for let and 2nd prizes in field events, including, firsts in 100 yds,, , 220 yds, relay' race, 440 yds., 2nd in shot put, pole vault, high jump, R. aNi{nd 100 yds., 200 yds., and broad jump. . Co'y, Huron Reg't,, from Wing- hammmand and vicinity, under command of Major A. E. Corbett, Fordwich, won the Col; Combe Cup for the most pro- ficient Company in the Reg't. This cup is on exhibition in the Advance - Tunes window. Special riientioh of the Huron Regt, Bugle Band was made by Brig. Gen. Armstrong on his annual Brigade in- spection, complimenting them on the smartness and general efficiency they had attained in their first year of organization, This is a purely local organization and has only attained it., present state of efficiency through the efforts of. the Members. of the band and the officers of the Company, despite considerable adverse criticism, by certain local business -hien, which however has been overcome by the co-operation of the Headquarters staff of M. D. No. 1, with the Band, • TAX RATE STRUCK AT SPECIAL MEETING A special meeting of Wingham Town Council was held on Thursday evening, July 11th, at 8 o'clock; all members present except Councillors Watson, Tipling and Dim n t. His Worship Mayor Fells'was in the. chair. Y The matter of striking the tax rate for the year 1929 was di scussed., It. was finally agreed that the rate be. 51 mills, an increase of 2 mills over last year. The increase being neces- sary by the Public School requiring 1 mill additional, the County .8 mills and the general rate .2 mills, The following are the estimates for tax rate for 1929. R eipts Balance from 1928239,02 $ Licenses 700.00 St. Watering 248.17 Cemetery 1800.00 Rents and Fines 700:00 Poll Tax 100 00 Sanitary Tax 800.00 Percentage on takes 100.00 Weigh Scale Fees 150;00 Dog Tax ' 190.00 Miscellaneous 2800.00 Tax levy 51 mills 57630.00 $ 65457.19 Expenditures Elections 80.00 Salaries 3500.00 Printing, Postage, etc. 800,00 Insurance, heat, light . 1700.00 Fire, water, st. lights .. . 6000.00 Law Costs 150.00 Streets 2500.00 Grants 1106.00 Public School Board 11300,00 Debentures 16827.17 Cemetery. Board of Health 160.00. Sanitary . 1425,00 1425,00 High School Board 5650.00 Public Library Board 950.00 County Rate 6235.95 Discount taxes 500.00 Clerk and Bailiff 60.00 Refund taxes - . 50.00 Interest; on loans 900.00 Miscellaneous 869.07 Fertilizer debt, 2 eniitls 2260.00 $ 65457.19 County rate, 5.5 -mills ...... ...$ 6235:95 High School rate, 5.0 mills 5650.00 Public School rate 10.0 mills 11300.00 General rate, 30.5 'tills....-34444.05 2440.00 Total rate, 51. mills $ 57630.00 A mill raises $1130. W.M.S. OF BRICK , UNITED CHURCH MEET The Women's Missionary Society of Brick 'United Church met at the church on. Wednesday, July 10, with 50 in attendance, the Auxiliary from Westfield being present. After the opening exercises, Mrs, Rev. Weir, of Blyth, led in prayer. The Devotional Leaflet, entitled "Thanksgiving Ann" was then read. Miss Jessie Weir gave a very interesting address. She pic- tured her evangelistic work in India. and she also told how the women of that country were taking such a de- finite stand in the uplifting of the wo- men there, Miss Janet Scobie and kiss Willa Reid both rendered solos. Mrs. Woods,' of Westfield, moved` a vote of thanks to the ladies of the. Brick church for their kind invitation, The meeting was closed bY prayer by by. Mrs, Robt, Coultes: Refreshments vie:re then served, • 1 -Rite Purchase Store. t he BullerStore, which was open- ed in Wingham about a year ago has been sold to the Sel-Rite Stores, who will take possession on August 3rd. Picnic at Bayfield. The A.Y.P,A. and choir of the An- glican church 'held their annual pic- nic its Jowett's Grave, Bayfield, on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Over one hundred of the young peo- ple of the church enjoyed the outing.. Mr. Victor'Caseniore, of Leaming- ton spent a few days at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Cast - Inc re. ase-nacre. r. and Mrs, Alec Coutts and fam- Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong and family and Mr, and. Mrs. las. E. Ro'b itison aitd .Frances, motored: to God- erich on Sunday. Chautauqua brings artists to our q g town who would otherwise not ap- pear in Wingham, and that night not he heard without a trip to the city including expense and inconvenience. 58 LODGES TAKE PART IN MONSTER TWELFTH OF JULY CELEBRATION HERE With the weather all that could be desired fully 15,000 people thronged the streets here commemorating the. 239th Anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne, and without doubt was the greatest Orange Celebration ever held in this County. 60 Lodges took part, - 14 of which were ladies' lodges, the largest turnout of ladies ever seen in these parts. Early in the morning the followers of King William kept pouring into town until practically every street was lined on both sides with cars, the lat- est arrivals having to go three or four. blocks from the centre of the town to find parking space, while at both din- ner and supper hundreds of picnic parties were having their meals on the lawns throughout the town. It was estimated that 2500 men and women participated in the parade. The route of parch was front the town park east to Francis street, a- long Francis street to Diagonal road, down Diagonal road to Victoria street to Josephine street, along Josphine street to the park, a total des as the last of the procession was leav- ing the park, the Bead of the proces- sion was practically back tothe park. Over 35 minutes was required to pass a given ` point. Four bands were in the procession, including .Wingham Citizen's Band, leading the parade; Clinton Pipe Band, with the Clinton lodge; Goderich Fife and Drum Band with the Goderich lodges and Sea - forth Pipe Band with the Varna lodge along with a fifer and drummer with practically every lodge. Four Counties were represented .in the procession, 45 Orange Lodges were present consisting of. Cargill 856, Paisley 734, Exeter 924, Hensall 733, Lucknow 428, Clinton 710, Kincardine 765, Varna 1035, Winthrop 813, Wal - About 2500 Members of the L.T.B., L.O.B.A. and L.O.L. Take Part In Monster> Street Parade. kerton 460, Bethel 1226, Goderich 182, Kingarf 170, Londesboro 863, Au- burn 932, Blyth 963, Newbridge 725, Ethel 631, Dungannon 824, Nile 1052, Bent -oilier 153, Walton 252, Belfast 499; Wroxeter 2511, Belgrave 462, Orange Hill 575, Bluevale 766, Ford- wich '642, Brussels 774, Gorrie 767, Bervie .498, 'Mitchell 908, Bayfield 24, Kinloss 892, Maple Grove 1044, Var- na1035, Garland' 856, Amberley 1328, Goderich 1034, Ripley 730; Lakelet 1090; Beddulph 493, Culross 978, Sea- forth 793, Wingharn 794, 13. L.O.B.A. or L.T.B. lodges were also present- Goderich "Princess Mary" 443, Kin- garf 1776, Blyth "`Harmony" 459, Walkerton 750, Dungannon, Belgrave 458, Orange Hill, Fordwich, Gorrie 810, . Kincardine, Clinton 377, Ethel "Eastern Star" 406, Walton "Victoria" 470. After the lodges had arrived at the park County Master Coultes took charge of the program and addresses were listened to :with keen interest frofn Rev. Bolingbroke, of Wroxeter, Canon R. J. Perkins of ~Chatham; Mr. Doig, of Port Hur•on; Past Grand Master of Michigan; Rev. Wm. Lowe, of London, Past Grand Chaplain of Ontario West; and Geo. Spotton, M, P. of Wingham. The prizes of the day were awarded as follows: Largest lodge in parade; Belgrave L.O.L. 462; largest' ladies' lodge, prize donated by Geo. Spot - ton, M.P., was won by Gorrie; lodge coaling greatest distance, Exeter L. 0,L. 924; best dressed L.O.L., New- bridge '775; best dressed L.O.B.A. or Vr.B., "Princess Mary" lodge, God - LOCAL AND PERSONAL: See the New Simplicity Patterns. Price 15; at Isard's. Miss Marie Livinstone is attending Sunnier School in London. Miss Agnes Scott spent a couple of days in Stratford last week. Mrs. W. Finch is spending a few days visiting friends in St. Marys, Mrs. M. K. Goggins, of Connecti- cut, is visiting lir, and Mrs. Geo. Fin - 1 Miss Edna Musgrove left on Mon - ay for a six week's visit at Jasper, Alberta. Mrs. J. Ross, of Ethel, spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 17. K. Livingstone. Mrs. Servine 'Winer, of Exeter spent Sunday at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. C. S, Blackhall. Canon. R. J. M. and 'Mrs, Perkins, of Chatham, .spent;' a few days last eek at W. J. Greer's. Miss T.iia Perrinlhas returned home a ter spending sone' time in Toronto: inuch improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. John Kemp and �ate dau- ghter Miss Mabel of New York, visiting ' Mrs, James. Fowler,' Edward aivs D on and children Mrs. , of Hanover, are visiting Mrs, Geo, Finley, her mother, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. F, L. Darling and children Donald and Nancy, of Bal- boa Hts., Canal zone; Panama, and Detroit, are visiting at the hone of H, E. Isard, John St.' erich, with orange ribbons and orange. umbrellas; best fife and drum band, Goderich best fifer and drumtncr•, Webster and Mutch,: Varna; oldest Orangeman in parade, 'Thos. Stevens,. Seaforth, aged 88, who was initiated into, the Orange on July 12th; 72, years Amusements of allkinds kept the crowd entertained throughout the day. In the morning the Wroxeter girls: defeated the Seaforth girls in a soft. ball game, while Clinton boys defeat- ed Moncrieff, and in the afternoon the Brucefield girls defeated Wroxeter. and Clinton won frost. Wingharn, Joyce Bros; Midway, with the ferris wheel, Merry-go-round, sideshows and concessions, provided pastime for thousands. Three dances were in pro- gress during the afternoon and even in4,' In the evening a concert of unusual merit was put on by Ye Olde Tyme Village Quartette, of Toronto and was assisted by Toin Hamilton, comedian. This was the quartette's third appearance in Wingham, and that alonespeaks well for their pop- ularity. Through -some misunder- standing a piano was not secured for the concert until 10 O'clock and al- though the audience Sad to wait two - hours very few complaints were heard. The Women's' Institute, and the Ladies Aid of the 'United Church, a- long with the cafes and hotels looked after the crowd who did not 'bring their lunch with them, and although they served between two and three thousand meals, no person was turn- ed away. There was without doubt the larg- est crowd ever seen in Wingham on that day, 900 cars by actual count were checked on the Belgrave road. alone between8 aan. and 2 p.nx. Engage New Teacher. • Miss Jean Keith, a teacher of six years' experience; three of which was spent on the Toronto 'staff, has been engaged by. the Wingham Business College. X Miss Keith has spent the past three years at. Queen's 'Univer- sity studying auditing, accounting, banking, finance, mathematics and pc.'itical science. , No Town Like Wingham. Mr. C. S. VanNorman has returned homy after spending some time. in Lanark County, Ottawa Valley. IVir. VanNornan says that the Ottawa ,Valley at this time of year is very beautiful, but with all the beauty of the towns in that district he has found no town that looks as good as Wing - ham with improvements on every hand. He says this town has not a bunch, of noisemakers, but a silent bunch of boosters. Summer School at Goderich. d` The Goderich. Summer School in connection with the United Church of Canada will be held at Goderich next week commencing on Monday, July 15, and concluding on Sunday, July 21. The school this year gives pro- mise of being the best yet held: Spec- ial care has been exercised by the committees in deciding the subjects for , study.well as in the selection as of the specialists who are to give leadership to the students. Special attention has been given to the even- ing meetings, which will be open to the public: EDWIN JARVIS IS FATALLY INJURED RETURN- ING HOME FROM THE ORANGE CELEBRATION Edwin Jarvis, aged 84, near Luck- now, West Wawanosh Township,, was fatally injured in a motor smash on the Luctnow-Wingharn highway near Whitechurch at 8,30 o'clock Friday evening. Mr, Jarvis, who was return- ing home after participating in the Oratige Celebration here, died at mid- night, three and a half hours after he had been admitted to Wingham Hos- pital. The car, driven by Samuel Reid, Mr. Jarvis' son-in-law, turned turtle in the ditch, after a tire had blown out causing the driver to lose con- trol. Reid suffered minor cuts and bruises, while four other occupants nescaped lit the machine unhurt. TheThedeath of Mr. Jarvis was caus- ed by severe internal injuries, be- sides` three broken ribs, He suffered also from shock, and this, combined with his injuries and advanced age, made recovery doubtful from the. first. Mr. Reid was not seriously hurt and was allowed to go to his home after receiving 'medical atten- tion at the hospital here. Dr. H. W. Colbotrrne, of Wingham, was called to the scene of the crash, and had the injured urottght Tiere in an ambulance, Mr. Jarvis, who had lived in this district many years, was born in Eng- land, coming here wren a young man. His wife predeceased Bim a iitnnber. of years ago. Surviving' are three daughters, hters Mrs. W. G. Sherwood. of g , , Wilkie, Sask., Mrs. Samuel Reid, of. Ashfield and Mrs: W. R. Ferrier, ,of West Wawanosh, WEDDINGS Johnson -Robertson A very pretty wedding was quiety solemnized at Ranleigh Avenue Un- ited Church on Saturday, July 13th, when Margaret Isobel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson, of Wingham, Ontario, became the bide of Sydney. Audley Johnson, of Tor- onto, only son of Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Johnson, Uxbridge,' England, The Rev,; A. E. Ea.rchrnan officiated, Im- mediately following the ceremony the young couple left on a 'motor drip, and on their return will reside in Toronto, Foundry Annual Picnic. The Western Foundry Co. will hold their annual Picnic for their employ- ees and their families at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, on Friday afterru on of this week Over one hundredcars are required to convey the ple:tcnre seekers to the lake. Bowlers at Goderich. Two rinks of local bowie -•s compos- ed of E. R. Harrison, O. Thompson, W. A. Miller and J. Mason, skip.; and A. Taylor, Dr. G. W. Howson, H .C. MacLean, and D. Rae,skip., were in Goderich last 'Wednesday attending the rink tournament. A. H. Coombes was unable to gather a rink here, but went to Goderich and picked up three other bowlers there; and with them won first prize. UNITED CHURCH WINGHAM Rev. Sidney Davison, Pastor Tel. -Church 140, Parsonage 183 Morning Service -- "The Will, Human and 1'Divilie Everting Service - 8 "Jticlas Iscariat"r nett.-'�'i,